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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Who is this Jadus? That same Lord of the Sith from the agent's story line? Honestly, he did not impress me.

A typical Sith's mob, nothing interesting.


Yes, a typical Dark Councilor, second only to Vitiate in power... At least thats what the game says. :rolleyes:


If your Agent written it in a report after dealing with Jadus no wounder he got a free tour to that Castellian facility. :D


I think it is a good old power creep and gameplay and story segregation. All bosses in class stories are a joke now and if BW would dare to let Jadus (or any of the other bosses) be as strong as he is supposed to be, some players would complain. A lot.


Yep, very sexy voice :rolleyes:


I would call English version swoonworthy if not for the voice acting and dialog which gave me chills. It is so... creepy, calm and evil somehow. "Why do I feel like I am about to die?"

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Yes, a typical Dark Councilor, second only to Vitiate in power... At least thats what the game says. :rolleyes:


If your Agent written it in a report after dealing with Jadus no wounder he got a free tour to that Castellian facility. :D

The second man after the Emperor - and so ordinary? There is no comparison with the same Darth Marr or Malgus.


My agent did not pay much attention to him - he looked like an ordinary Sith in cheap clothes.

I think, in the report, my agent did not even mention his.:o

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Hello Hive,


What would you say? How long between the following events?


- Chapter 9 - The Eternal Throne

- The Battle of Iokath

- Crisis on Umbara

- A Traitor among the Chiss


i'm really hoping we get a close answer to that when the fp drops. that's one thing i'm waiting/hoping for anyway.

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Hello Hive,


What would you say? How long between the following events?


- Chapter 9 - The Eternal Throne

- The Battle of Iokath

- Crisis on Umbara

- A Traitor among the Chiss


No idea, I don't think any time gaps are mentioned between any of those ... they could all be within the same week? :confused: Maybe a month total? with various days or weeks between each?

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Hu, the galaxy never sleeps!


And there are even at least two huge parties between chapter 9 and Iokath as well... Plus the former LI coming back if I remember well.


It is still a very short time to have reasons for a romance to start, even if that one starts after Copero.


Wookiepedia tends to say each time that each even starts "immediately after" the other.

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Hu, the galaxy never sleeps!


And there are even at least two huge parties between chapter 9 and Iokath as well... Plus the former LI coming back if I remember well.


It is still a very short time to have reasons for a romance to start, even if that one starts after Copero.


Wookiepedia tends to say each time that each even starts "immediately after" the other.


or just soon after each other, the expansions were original rule of thumb a year apart. But that changed with KotFE + as the events were closer together and only 6-8 months between the expansions. I'm assuming Iokath was not long, maybe a couple of weeks, after Ch9 Kotet. No idea about the flashpoints.


On romance if you mean like Arcann, I'm guessing for his case he falls for the Commander during the time right from recruitment, maybe thinking a bit while waiting for Vaylin's party to crash. For the Commander's side.. up to the player when that starts *shrugs*

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or just soon after each other, the expansions were original rule of thumb a year apart. But that changed with KotFE + as the events were closer together and only 6-8 months between the expansions. I'm assuming Iokath was not long, maybe a couple of weeks, after Ch9 Kotet. No idea about the flashpoints.

All timelines I have seen so far say seven years from the beginning of KOTFE to the end of KOTET. Which would basically mean as well that the Alliance and the base on Odessen took at least one year to be built. Then everything happens during the same year.


On romance if you mean like Arcann, I'm guessing for his case he falls for the Commander during the time right from recruitment, maybe thinking a bit while waiting for Vaylin's party to crash. For the Commander's side.. up to the player when that starts *shrugs*

I'll keep handling it my way in my writing. Falling for the Commander within two weeks seems maybe a bit too "teenager-like", even though he might have the maturity of a teen relationship-wise. :p Especially as PC would be away half of the time. Anyway... I'll find a way to squeeze everything I want to squeeze there (incl. break up with Theron BEFORE Umbara!). Just have to find the right place for each theme.

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Oh, and what is this "Assault on Denova" I have found on Wookiepedia and is supposed to have happened between Eternal Throne and Iokath ? It doesn't ring a bell at all...


Republic Loyalists seize Denova, Eternal Alliance then moves in to secure the planet. It's one of the Uprisings.

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Chapter 1 of KOTFE to Corpero is six years and something days if Temple is to be believed.
Which could still work in terms of dates. I am basing myself on this timeline.


Commander in carbonite is 3637 BBY

All from Arcann's redemption to Copero is 3630 BBY

(BBY numbers go backwards)

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Republic Loyalists seize Denova, Eternal Alliance then moves in to secure the planet. It's one of the Uprisings.

Ah, not done. Another thing that should be squeezed in-between, then.


I just watched the introduction to Iokath again. More and more worlds signing in, Zakuul contacting for help again. I guess that considering a bigger gap between Zakuul and Iokath might be more credible, then. A few months? Then next steps could be faster.

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Ah, not done. Another thing that should be squeezed in-between, then.


I just watched the introduction to Iokath again. More and more worlds signing in, Zakuul contacting for help again. I guess that considering a bigger gap between Zakuul and Iokath might be more credible, then. A few months? Then next steps could be faster.


Well hey had just been bombed, so it could be a case of the help provided wasn't enough? :confused:

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Well hey had just been bombed, so it could be a case of the help provided wasn't enough? :confused:

Possible too, yes. So far, I'm just trying not to go against any timeline strictily indicated IG. So I guess that in this specific part time can be potentially stretched a bit.

Which makes me think as well that the base has to be partially rebuilt after sweet Vaylin's bombings and ground fights. And the new coordination room created.

Knowing that we do not have any god at hand anymore, that might take some time.

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Given how those cracks in the wall are still there, I'm going to assume we never bothered to rebuild whatever damage was caused.


As for the room, it's on top of the mushroom shaped structure? I'd argue it was there from the start, but vacant up until that point. Maybe a week or two putting the tech in there? :confused:

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Given how those cracks in the wall are still there, I'm going to assume we never bothered to rebuild whatever damage was caused.

Not all, at least, it's true. Now that wall is not the only thing that suffered.

As for the room, it's on top of the mushroom shaped structure? I'd argue it was there from the start, but vacant up until that point. Maybe a week or two putting the tech in there? :confused:

It is hard to locate. The access is at cantina's level. I do not remember if you go up or down from there... Up then I guess?

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Chapter 1 of KOTFE to Corpero is six years and something days if Temple is to be believed.


Interesting since Quinn says it's 6 years and 8 months and like 12 days between ch 1 KotFE and Iokath. guessing it's a very short timeframe for my lass to have squashed multiple Zakuul riots over her taking Empress title, and done Iokath, and gotten betrayed.

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Interesting since Quinn says it's 6 years and 8 months and like 12 days between ch 1 KotFE and Iokath. guessing it's a very short timeframe for my lass to have squashed multiple Zakuul riots over her taking Empress title, and done Iokath, and gotten betrayed.

He is that precise? Wow. Yes, timeline isn't really realistic sometimes... It is not even considering time for travelling neither. OK, jumping to lightspeed can make distances short, but still...

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He is that precise? Wow. Yes, timeline isn't really realistic sometimes... It is not even considering time for travelling neither. OK, jumping to lightspeed can make distances short, but still...


It still takes enough hours to have a nap when you need to get from point A to B through hyperspace, close enough. depending on the amount of jumps I guess.

What we know from in-game (I'm likely missing a bit, but on average)

- 6 years 8 months between KotFE ch 1 end, and Iokath start (soon after KotET ch 9).

minus 5 years in carbonite and minus 6-8 months between the end of KotFE (finishing last chapter) to the start of KotET ch1

leaves us with only about a year that the actual chapters of KotFE and KotET to cover.

Makes me think that the flashpoints themselves may only cover approximately 1-2 month's time, maybe a little more, in total, from first one to the 3rd one. Though whether we get an answer to the timeframe or not, I'm currently in fic working with a few months (around 4) to get to fp #3 . We just don't know yet lol.


I'm not too bothered with a relationship starting in only a few days, my real life one was like that. Sometimes it just clicks. With Arcann the pc has known him for over a year, just with different viewpoints. So once his rage and hate went away he realized some underlying feelings that replaced them (imo) as he works with the Alliance and for the Commander he gets a new view of him/her.

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It is strange that the developers throughout the KOTFE / KOTET did not give a PC a single flirtation with Arcann, although flirting with Senya is possible. This suggests that he was originally considered as a common villain-antagonist, for whom romance was not intended.


My smuggler flirted even with Skavak, but Arсann did not have a single flirting option at all.:eek:

Therefore, his romanticism looks so "sudden."

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