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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I doubt that the devs will risk liquidating all the "sacred cows".

Although, they can give a choice whom to leave alive - Lana or Theron (choice between the Republic and the Empire).

Hu... Bye bye Theron...

I hope that we can at least have a choice inbetween. I have decided to be nice and let Theron rot in a cell...

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Resurrecting this thread a bit today.


4 days and we will finally know all about the treator. Still hoping that we can take Arcann with us on Nathema on top of Lana (yeah yeah, I know, not happening..).


Happy Friday, people! What are you up to?

Well watched Avengers Infinity War on wednesday, and waiting for that new FP since then ^^

I too hope that we can take Arcann with us too. Well, maybe that'll be like Iokath, where you could take any companion, I did it with Arcann actually and he was just replaced by Theron for cutscenes.


And heading to your new chapter right now :3

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Another chapter... This one with a little special something for Vaylin (hint for Paul)


From Ashes we will Rise - A Song For Vaylin

Well, that was nice, and sweet, and a bit sad too. I liked it ^^


Not bad but I look forward to the chapter that takes Senya and Arcann through the darkest path into the deepest hell to save Vaylin. ;)

Can you take Ashara and Jaesa instead of Arcann and Senya for that ritual ?

I'll gladly provide both of them, and even let you keep Vaylin if you want more than one ;)

Edited by Goreshaga
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Can you take Ashara and Jaesa instead of Arcann and Senya for that ritual ?

I'll gladly provide both of them, and even let you keep Vaylin if you want more than one ;)


By this forum logic, one companion can get screen-time only by devouring another companion resources. So... Senya, Arcann and Ashara are not a good sacrifice considering that they already joined the silent ranks of crafting pets ;). Jaessa on the other hand... I heard she is DS only, so I will send her your way, Paul!

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Another chapter... This one with a little special something for Vaylin (hint for Paul)


From Ashes we will Rise - A Song For Vaylin

I like how you describe the relationship of the characters.

Not bad but I look forward to the chapter that takes Senya and Arcann through the darkest path into the deepest hell to save Vaylin. ;)

I'm afraid this chapter will appear only if you write it yourself.:D

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Not bad but I look forward to the chapter that takes Senya and Arcann through the darkest path into the deepest hell to save Vaylin. ;)


Oh my... “Misery” by Steven King, anyone? :p


NOT happening!


Is it even possible to do seriously? My willing suspension of disbelief is pretty flexible (considering the thread I am in), but Vaylin... Ok, we do have a time travel via Rebels cannon, but divergences is a big “no”, right? And even if your evil Sith Lord will screw the rules, how would they stay alive around Vaylin for any respectable period of time? By being more powerful (if it is even possible)? She will hate them for caging her and pounce at the first opportunity. And she will need a very serious motivation to even consider allying herself with anyone. And this will have to be some longterm goal, so killing Senya do not count (or it will be a very short story). A common enemy strong enough to give Vaylin pause? Riiiigth :p.


If you will go “only mostly dead” way (SI did pull that off with Thanaton after all), she will still need a reason to not break PC neck.


I can see Vaylin as a restless Force Ghost haunting the Spire (or PC head, even if SI will probably be more annoyed then exited).


Don't get me wrong, I think Vaylin had so much potential... And her death was rushed. She deserved better (as all other characters in explanations). But it have to be an awesome writing to make her return good and I am not sure devs have the spark, desire and resources for that. I am not sure that a "Pet Cemetry" version of her will do her any justice.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Oh my... “Misery” by Steven King, anyone? :p

This time I do not see the link, sorry...

Is it even possible to do seriously? My willing suspension of disbelief is pretty flexible (considering the thread I am in), but Vaylin... Ok, we do have a time travel via Rebels cannon, but divergences is a big “no”, right? And even if your evil Sith Lord will screw the rules, how would they stay alive around Vaylin for any respectable period of time? By being more powerful (if it is even possible)? She will hate them for caging her and pounce at the first opportunity. And she will need a very serious motivation to even consider allying herself with anyone. And this will have to be some longterm goal, so killing Senya do not count (or it will be a very short story). A common enemy strong enough to give Vaylin pause? Riiiigth :p.


If you will go “only mostly dead” way (SI did pull that off with Thanaton after all), she will still need a reason to not break PC neck.


I can see Vaylin as a restless Force Ghost haunting the Spire (or PC head, even if SI will probably be more annoyed then exited).


Don't get me wrong, I think Vaylin had so much potential... And her death was rushed. She deserved better (as all other characters in explanations). But it have to be an awesome writing to make her return good and I am not sure devs have the spark, desire and resources for that. I am not sure that a "Pet Cemetry" version of her will do her any justice.

I don't like stories of "you thought (s)he was dead but no. (s)he'lle be back!" OK, it works sometimes but it is essentially boring. And zombie Valyin, seeeeeeriously? :eek:

Vaylin as a Force Ghost or stuck in the mind of someone? Might be interesting, why not. But then her behavious would have to change a bit, at least the rage/violence part. Her way of dealing with people or taking care of them (she loooooooooooves her big brother, right?) is quite funny though. But she would be a terrible disturbance. PC already had to suffer Valky. I think that if the sister comes back and haunts the base, the Commander might well want to tell the Tiralls to go *beep*. But as I intend to keep Arcann around in the story, NOT happening!

Oh oh, I know, Vaylin's mind put into the IA of a mouse droid. That would do. :D

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Is it even possible to do seriously? My willing suspension of disbelief is pretty flexible (considering the thread I am in), but Vaylin... Ok, we do have a time travel via Rebels cannon, but divergences is a big “no”, right? And even if your evil Sith Lord will screw the rules, how would they stay alive around Vaylin for any respectable period of time? By being more powerful (if it is even possible)? She will hate them for caging her and pounce at the first opportunity. And she will need a very serious motivation to even consider allying herself with anyone. And this will have to be some longterm goal, so killing Senya do not count (or it will be a very short story). A common enemy strong enough to give Vaylin pause? Riiiigth :p.


Yes. Just have her do a Revan, except maybe this time she threw out her dark side? ... or tell Senya about the Belsavis Mother Machine ... boom problem solved.


You fool! We'll keep her entertained with mass murder! I have a lot of enemies, I won't be running out of enemies anytime soon. (Especially if they won't let me kill Ashara) If all else fails ... I'll let her kill her mother and brother.


If you will go “only mostly dead” way (SI did pull that off with Thanaton after all), she will still need a reason to not break PC neck.


Maybe the PC brought her back? Maybe she had a sudden 4th quarter conversion to the LS? Maybe she thinks I'm awesome and wants to have some fun murdering my ... our enemies!


I can see Vaylin as a restless Force Ghost haunting the Spire (or PC head, even if SI will probably be more annoyed then exited).




Don't get me wrong, I think Vaylin had so much potential... And her death was rushed. She deserved better (as all other characters in explanations). But it have to be an awesome writing to make her return good and I am not sure devs have the spark, desire and resources for that. I am not sure that a "Pet Cemetry" version of her will do her any justice.


Oh KOTET screwed over everyone ... but ... devs ... CM Companion? Not the ideal option ... but my wallet is telling me this would be acceptable.


As for her returning ... I'm fine with a simple plot ... maybe Senya did it while we've been hunting Theron? Yes I'm sure Lana will moan ... but I'll get Senya a keyboard so she can spacebar Lana's dialog.


I must now say something Arcann related so I do not accused of derailing ... Let's see ...


When Arcann lost his arm attacking Korriban ... do you think he could have lost another vital ... 'part' ? :rak_02:

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I must now say something Arcann related so I do not accused of derailing ... Let's see ...


When Arcann lost his arm attacking Korriban ... do you think he could have lost another vital ... 'part' ? :rak_02:

You are beyond hope...


Oh you mean like... a lung? :D

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I think he's fine beyond the neck/face scarring, maybe some on his side, and a missing arm. up to fan-fic writers to do anything more. lol, as they always do xD

Been listening to Impossible among other songs on repeat all day QQ

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One of the following:


a) Male physiology is even more complicated and weird then I thought. Arm is vital, there is an additional sensory body part AKA "antenna" somewhere... :confused:


b) Zakuulans are a very distant offshot of humans. :eek:


c) Paul needs to refresh his biology. Like in that old dirty joke: “And I was using it to crack walnuts!” ;)


I'm totally innocent :o


I am probably not :o.


Edit. Oh. Another update delay? *sign

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Oh oh, I know, Vaylin's mind put into the IA of a mouse droid. That would do. :D

Vaylin, stuck in a mouse droid! That's such a companion I would definitely like! It's even better than porg-tank!

One of the following:


a) Male physiology is even more complicated and weird then I thought. Arm is vital, there is an additional sensory body part AKA "antenna" somewhere... :confused:

Antenna? I wonder what signals this antenna receives.:rolleyes:

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