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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Hello Doctor Iheaca ... back from your skiing trip already? can I tell you how wonderful Zildrog is?


Sadly no more snow on Alderaan... Go on, Paul, we are all listening. People? Let's listen to what Paul has to say today.

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Sadly no more snow on Alderaan... Go on, Paul, we are all listening. People? Let's listen to what Paul has to say today.


"At midnight, when suddenly you hear

an invisible procession going by

with exquisite music, voices,

don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now,

work gone wrong, your plans

all proving deceptive—don’t mourn them uselessly:

as one long prepared, and full of courage,

say goodbye to her, to Zildrog who is leaving.

Above all, don’t fool yourself, don’t say

it was a dream, your ears deceived you:

don’t degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.

As one long prepared, and full of courage,

as is right for you who were given this kind of city,

go firmly to the window

and listen with deep emotion,

but not with the whining, the pleas of a coward:

listen—your final pleasure—to the voices,

to the exquisite music of that strange procession,

to say goodbye to her, to the Zildrog you are losing."

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"At midnight, when suddenly you hear

an invisible procession going by

with exquisite music, voices,

don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now,

work gone wrong, your plans

all proving deceptive—don’t mourn them uselessly:

as one long prepared, and full of courage,

say goodbye to her, to Zildrog who is leaving.

Above all, don’t fool yourself, don’t say

it was a dream, your ears deceived you:

don’t degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.

As one long prepared, and full of courage,

as is right for you who were given this kind of city,

go firmly to the window

and listen with deep emotion,

but not with the whining, the pleas of a coward:

listen—your final pleasure—to the voices,

to the exquisite music of that strange procession,

to say goodbye to her, to the Zildrog you are losing."


deep...so...deep !

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OK, my take.


Carbonite poisoning might still be impacting us. But I think that they are mostly more powerful than us because they know how to use both sides of the Force. Marr and Shan tell us so. They say that we will need more than one side of the Force to defeat Arcann and Valkorion.

And the lightsaber wound doesn't work for me because my PC did not get it. She used Valky's power against her will because she had used it in the past (once? to save Lana) and could not prevent it (yep, that was a "oh sh*t moment with hundreds of deads...").

Arcann and Vaylin both have a big flaw, though. They do not know how to control themselves. Arcann is a trained fighter, so he is still someone who is hard to defeat. He has some control that his sister does not have (and I looove to see his moves in the cinematics :p) but he is easily distracted by his hatred towards his father. That is what allows us to win.

Vaylin is different. Valky says that she is the most powerful of his children and she is, but she is no good fighter and again, he hatred is so strong that it makes her do mistakes...


As per our own power, I wonder if Valkorion is not weakening us bit by bit by trying to take hold on us...


Marr and PC? Skytroopers have those strange pods that crash into the ship, making opening for them to enter. Perhaps a specific commando was instructed to try and catch us alive and left just before the explosion.


Yeah, the wound isn't as you said for everyone but I guess the carbonite poisoning might have affected the outlander. Although that was quite a fast recovery - the PC gets the injection and is fine to fight along Lana. But I liked that they showed at least a little bit weakness from the outlander in some cutscenes during the escape. I do like if they impact the gameplay a little bit too - like when you get the wound from Arcann.


I really would like to know what was planned when they still thought they had more time to flesh everything out. Because the chapter with Satele and Marr isn't enough for me to explain that *now* because of this experience the PC is finally strong enough to beat Arcann and Vaylin.


I didn't get the impression that Arcann was that much stronger during the fight on Asylum. Just the PC being stupid. The first time the PC is distracted and HK is sacrificing himself, the second time the PC is distracted by Valkorion (if the powers are not taken) and Arcann uses this moment.


And while Vaylin was so much stronger and wiping the floor with the PC during the fight on the gravestone, after her being free of control she seems far much weaker in my opinion. And there was just Iokath and Nathema happening in between - nothing that would indicate that the PC is getting stronger. And during the end of the fight on Odessen when she is trying to destruct everything - I get that they want to make it dramatically looking but to be honest - I am just wondering why my Agent has to step forward to shoot Vaylin and not just shoot her from where she is standing (not that far away anyway and Vaylin isn't even moving). And any light saber user could just throw the light saber I guess?


It does not really look like the right moment for some Lana stuff... But well, chapter 2.


From Ashes We Will Rise - A danger that creeps


Oh more fan fiction, thank you so much! Looking forward to see more of it and I really like how you describe the reactions of the other alliance members. This is what is really missing in the game. And I am curious to see how Arcann can win her heart over :) poor Theron though....

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And while Vaylin was so much stronger and wiping the floor with the PC during the fight on the gravestone, after her being free of control she seems far much weaker in my opinion. And there was just Iokath and Nathema happening in between - nothing that would indicate that the PC is getting stronger. And during the end of the fight on Odessen when she is trying to destruct everything - I get that they want to make it dramatically looking but to be honest - I am just wondering why my Agent has to step forward to shoot Vaylin and not just shoot her from where she is standing (not that far away anyway and Vaylin isn't even moving). And any light saber user could just throw the light saber I guess?


I was patrolling the forums and smelt a Vaylin comment.


Maybe the Outlander thought the saber or blaster would be deflected by that shield she had up?


She may have tired herself when she destroyed that facility on Nathema from the bridge of her ship ... or from the procedure she undertook? It may have weakened her connection to the force?

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I was patrolling the forums and smelt a Vaylin comment.


Sharp as ever, Paul!


I still blame Valky for that finale, but also I guess the PC had to get as close as possible to get through Valyin's outrage power explosion overload.

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I was patrolling the forums and smelt a Vaylin comment.


Maybe the Outlander thought the saber or blaster would be deflected by that shield she had up?


She may have tired herself when she destroyed that facility on Nathema from the bridge of her ship ... or from the procedure she undertook? It may have weakened her connection to the force?


Yes I think you are right - I watched it again and she really has that shield/bubble around her and the agent moves forward until the pistol reaches within the shield so I guess this is really the reason for it.


Maybe she was weakend or they failed to make the gameplay and cutscenes show how much stronger she is now - I mean they do show it just not during the fight on Odessen. They could have made the fight harder - similar to the end fight in chapter 9. You have two companions with you compared to chapter 9 where you might have Lord Dramath or no one (except the healing circles).

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I really would like to know what was planned when they still thought they had more time to flesh everything out. Because the chapter with Satele and Marr isn't enough for me to explain that *now* because of this experience the PC is finally strong enough to beat Arcann and Vaylin.

That chapter is a bit disappointing because it is really not giving much about what the training could be. But the whole idea is interesting and makes sense. As long as you consider the Force the be dark or light, you put limits to yourself. By considering the Force as a whole, there are no limits anymore. Let's say that the bucket in which zakuulian Force users were drawing their power was bigger than the one the Outlander was drawing from. And with Shan and Marr's training, it becomes even. But "for real", that would probably take months or years of training. The Outlander has disappeared for a while, but it does not feel that it has been that long (btw, why the hell does Theron look "unusually interrested" as is mentioned when PC comes back and explains what happened? Just saw that)...

I didn't get the impression that Arcann was that much stronger during the fight on Asylum. Just the PC being stupid. The first time the PC is distracted and HK is sacrificing himself, the second time the PC is distracted by Valkorion (if the powers are not taken) and Arcann uses this moment.

I have the impression he is. Brute force, though. However, Valkorion wants us to think that he is more powerful, which does not necessarily means he really is. Valky wants us to use the power. Arcann is in any case not massively better than the PC. Slightly, or not even. But he has a different use of the Force that could disadvantage us.


And while Vaylin was so much stronger and wiping the floor with the PC during the fight on the gravestone, after her being free of control she seems far much weaker in my opinion. And there was just Iokath and Nathema happening in between - nothing that would indicate that the PC is getting stronger. And during the end of the fight on Odessen when she is trying to destruct everything - I get that they want to make it dramatically looking but to be honest - I am just wondering why my Agent has to step forward to shoot Vaylin and not just shoot her from where she is standing (not that far away anyway and Vaylin isn't even moving). And any light saber user could just throw the light saber I guess?

I'd say that the PC is not getting better. But that being free does not deserve her. She's going wild, she does not control anything anymore. Keeping control is very important in combat (ask Sun Tzu, or martial arts masters). Vaylin desperately wants to break free, and while it represents a really bigger threat in theory because it does make her a stronger user of the Force, it actually weakens her, because she is not in control.


Oh more fan fiction, thank you so much! Looking forward to see more of it and I really like how you describe the reactions of the other alliance members. This is what is really missing in the game. And I am curious to see how Arcann can win her heart over :) poor Theron though....

Thanks! Looking forward to show more. :-)

Edited by Iheaca
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Hello Hive! How are we today?


Meh so/so ... but my day gets better as I admire ... Arcann's baby sister! ;)


Yes I think you are right - I watched it again and she really has that shield/bubble around her and the agent moves forward until the pistol reaches within the shield so I guess this is really the reason for it.


Maybe she was weakend or they failed to make the gameplay and cutscenes show how much stronger she is now - I mean they do show it just not during the fight on Odessen. They could have made the fight harder - similar to the end fight in chapter 9. You have two companions with you compared to chapter 9 where you might have Lord Dramath or no one (except the healing circles).


In some of the cut dialog that bubble of hers somehow was dragging ships down from orbit, that would have been cool to see.


If they wanted to make that fight harder, they should of had her knock out Arcann & Senya / Lana & Theron or given us an option to backstab Arcann and Senya / Blondie and Traitor. :)


Sharp as ever, Paul!


I have the senses of Izax and the attention span of Tyth!

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Hello Hive! How are we today?



I am well (considering its Monday) hope you are well too. :)


I was going to go planet hopping with Arcann and my Warrior later to get some pics but I am not very technically minded and was wondering if there was any way/any trick to manipulate my Chars so that they don't look so static. Does anyone have any tips?

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In some of the cut dialog that bubble of hers somehow was dragging ships down from orbit, that would have been cool to see.


If they wanted to make that fight harder, they should of had her knock out Arcann & Senya / Lana & Theron or given us an option to backstab Arcann and Senya / Blondie and Traitor. :)

I played it veteran mode yesterday and was impressed at how easy it was, considering that Arcann and Senya do a big part of the job. But let's say that I was still thankful for it, otherwise I would never have succeeded.


Concerning the bubble, this time it's pushing things away. We see the PC having a hard time approaching, as if fighting a storm. So it should be pushing ships up. :p


I am well (considering its Monday) hope you are well too. :)

Yeah well, Monday... Trying to finalise a contract template while cheering me up with writing a long discussion with Arcann... and Valkorion keeps interrupting. The birthing of the latter is definitely harder, but more rewarding.

I was going to go planet hopping with Arcann and my Warrior later to get some pics but I am not very technically minded and was wondering if there was any way/any trick to manipulate my Chars so that they don't look so static. Does anyone have any tips?

Using emotes perhaps? And screenshooting like mad during the movements...


Oh, fun fact, I had not noticed first, but there is a "Lovers Hill" on Odessen. Easter Egg?

Edited by Iheaca
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Hello Hive! How are we today?


We are fine! :D

Had trouble posting all day as forums were buggy. :p




Am quite excited about 5.9, I wonder if Nathema will have anything to do with Zakuul? As it was kinda Valk's "place"🤔

But if anything, I guess it'll be the last of it.

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We are fine! :D

Had trouble posting all day as forums were buggy. :p




Am quite excited about 5.9, I wonder if Nathema will have anything to do with Zakuul? As it was kinda Valk's "place"🤔

But if anything, I guess it'll be the last of it.

On wookiepedia it is qualified as an agriworld. I do not know if this is what we should be expecting. Yeah, let's run and hide in the fields! :p

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On wookiepedia it is qualified as an agriworld. I do not know if this is what we should be expecting. Yeah, let's run and hide in the fields! :p


Sounds fun!

Was the planet Arcann and Thexan played around at as kids Zakuul as well?:rak_02: Seemed pretty nice, same with Senya and Vaylin. I guess if it isn't it's probably a part of Zakuul we haven't seen? Certainly doesn't seem like "our" Zakuul! (Imo)


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Sounds fun!

Was the planet Arcann and Thexan played around at as kids Zakuul as well?:rak_02: Seemed pretty nice, same with Senya and Vaylin. I guess if it isn't it's probably a part of Zakuul we haven't seen? Certainly doesn't seem like "our" Zakuul! (Imo)


No, it must still be Zakuul or another planet. Nathema has been in this state for quite a while now if I understand well. That planet is the reason why Vitiate/Valkorion has lived this long.

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Now that Nathema has turned green, what excuse Arсann will find that would not go with the PC? Тhis is the end of the whole story of the Eternal Throne. Really, the developers do not even think of using Arcann and Senya in the storyline?
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Now that Nathema has turned green, what excuse Arсann will find that would not go with the PC? Тhis is the end of the whole story of the Eternal Throne. Really, the developers do not even think of using Arcann and Senya in the storyline?


They probably did but were hit with this now used for everything almost excuse "They're dead for some people and we'd need to have two sets of characters again to do it that way."


This is why I hate limbo companions and death/kill/exile "options".. they're not options. Yup IU know they did it for KotET but I highly doubt it'd happen again since the Forced with Senya/Arcann or Lana/Theron without choice as to which pair (based solely on saving Arcann/Senya) did not go well. I know the only reason I ever killed both is so I could see the Lana/Theron content for it just once at the least. I hate that I had to kill Senya/Arcann just to see it.

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They probably did but were hit with this now used for everything almost excuse "They're dead for some people and we'd need to have two sets of characters again to do it that way."


This is why I hate limbo companions and death/kill/exile "options".. they're not options. Yup IU know they did it for KotET but I highly doubt it'd happen again since the Forced with Senya/Arcann or Lana/Theron without choice as to which pair (based solely on saving Arcann/Senya) did not go well. I know the only reason I ever killed both is so I could see the Lana/Theron content for it just once at the least. I hate that I had to kill Senya/Arcann just to see it.

But the "killable" can not influence the storyline. In KOTET Arcann and Senya in the final chapter fought next to the PC, although they could be dead.

At the end of the story of the Eternal Throne they are obliged to be present. It is impossible to erase two main characters from the final of the story, just because they can be dead. This will cross out the entire story of KOTFE / KOTET.

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What always kind of bugged me about Zakuul was that there were no aliens? I get that it's a human civilization, but there weren't any to be found, except for your companions and you if you played an alien. Have they never seen any or heard of them? As far as I'm aware, Valkorion never really cared about Aliens in the sense that most of the empire seems to. Maybe because he originally "kinda" was one himself, but he was probably beyond all of that given the "person" he was.

The only time I remember an alien being shown was Vowrawn, and that still (imo) doesn't count!

I can't help but to wonder why. No slaves, or alien refugees, nothing at all!!:confused:


Or is it just me missing stuff?:rak_02:


Oh, I guess there was Darth Talon that they met, for Arcann and Thexan, but I do wonder about the rest of the people that live in Zakuul.

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