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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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It's a coma from the time on Voss sacrificing her lfie force for her son, right through to end of Nathema chapter. So chapters 1 - 8. I'd say a few weeks. Voss, DK, Iokath, Zakuul party, Nathema. A lot happens.

Yes sorry, I meant a few days after Zakuul. :-) A few weeks in total, you are right.

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I wonder what Zakuul would look like during the day with a bright blue sky!


I'm just not a fan of exoboars or akk dogs , but love the wanna-be sorta cat ones. no fur = no allergies! and big big things. Well Vorn Tiger has fur, those are awesome, and they have horns!


I'd be alright with an isotope droid.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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I'd be alright with an isotope droid.:rak_03:


haha I could go for one of those too, I thought they were cute when I first saw them on Makeb xD


I'm honestly surprised Nathema grew decades worth of plantlife in just a couple of months... if that.

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I'm just not a fan of exoboars or akk dogs , but love the wanna-be sorta cat ones. no fur = no allergies! and big big things. Well Vorn Tiger has fur, those are awesome, and they have horns!


Wow, you have quite a collection :).


I am usually too broke to afford anything but bare necessities: gearing (56k for one mod?!), repair bills (ouch), and looks (that moment then you finaly buy Sith Recluse set and it shows up as direct sale one week later).


I'm honestly surprised Nathema grew decades worth of plantlife in just a couple of months... if that.


Yes! I was thinking about that too. How?

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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haha I could go for one of those too, I thought they were cute when I first saw them on Makeb xD


I'm honestly surprised Nathema grew decades worth of plantlife in just a couple of months... if that.


Yeah, it's a bit weird. Tree's take years to grow, must be something special going on there. Someone suggested the superweapon and I kinda thought so too! Would be pretty awesome. Imo!

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I am usually too broke to afford anything but bare necessities: gearing (56k for one mod?!), repair bills (ouch), and looks (that moment then you buy Sith Recluse set and it shows up as direct sale one week later).

Yep some armours are quite expensive...

All my money go in clothes :rolleyes:

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Yeah, it's a bit weird. Tree's take years to grow, must be something special going on there. Someone suggested the superweapon and I kinda thought so too! Would be pretty awesome. Imo!


It was apparently simply Valky's death. I hope they have a very good explanation without just handwaving it. Even giving us a definite timeline would be necessary now. Has 20 years passed since chapter 9? ugh.

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Yeah, it's a bit weird. Tree's take years to grow, must be something special going on there. Someone suggested the superweapon and I kinda thought so too! Would be pretty awesome. Imo!


Eternal Fleet vs Plants? ....Ok. After Iokath nothing will suprise me :p.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Wow, you have quite a collection :).


I am usually too broke to afford anything but bare necessities: gearing (56k for one mod?!), repair bills (ouch), and looks (that moment then you finaly buy Sith Recluse set and it shows up as direct sale one week later).


I only have creature companions of: Vine Cat, Iso-droid thing, Krakja, Mawvorr, Nathema Beast and Annihilator droid. Haven't decided whether to buy the Akk dog or not. Got quite a few creature mounts like 2 of the 3 vorn tigers, some womprats, big birds etc. among others. I collected most stuff, and majority armour sets I want, over the past 3-4 years so haven't got a lot to buy or save for except decorations for my strongholds now.

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Still a better love story than Twilight.


Oh my... May Twilight fans forgive me, but is like... only "50 Shades" is more cringeworthy. That bad, huh? Well, this is what we get for making "If x will happen, i will do y" oaths :p.


I still do not get why your SI have not come after Marr?

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Oh my... May Twilight fans forgive me, but is like... only "50 Shades" is more cringeworthy. That bad, huh? Well, this is what we get for making "If x will happen, i will do y" oaths :p.


I still do not get why your SI have not come after Marr?


Well, let's think about it, the Rishi guy wants to get me immortality ... Arcann can't compare to that, all I got from him was some second hand Zakuul armour.


I'm undecided on Marr at the moment, If the voodoo on Vaylin works, he's next!


This is clearly a trap.


As long as we don't bump into this

we'll be fine. Edited by Paulsutherland
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It was apparently simply Valky's death. I hope they have a very good explanation without just handwaving it. Even giving us a definite timeline would be necessary now. Has 20 years passed since chapter 9? ugh.

More than Valky's death, I think that they mentioned that it was thanks to Valky's lifeforce which returned to the planet.


Vitiate was 1500 years old, and he knew how to use life forces, feed on them. That what he has done to Nathema, absorbed the life force of every living thing on the planet. That life force would then be back after his death. And, well, we are speaking of a universe with the Force here, powerful magic. It may be that the Force used the life force that was freed to bring the planet back to its normal and former state.


In roleplaying games we have a saying for that. TGCM. Which means in french: Ta Gueule, C'est Magique. Shut up, it's magic. ;)

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Well, let's think about it, the Rishi guy wants to get me immortality ... Arcann can't compare to that, all I got from him was some second hand Zakuul armour.


Oh be honest at least, not second hand. Handcrafted with love! He might even have put a stamp on the inside. :D


And immortality is boring. :p Not even considering that it tends to make people a bit nuts apparently.

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