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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I'm going to add my two credits as someone who's not too crazy about Arcann--hate me for it if you will.


Arcann may have been a strong ruler and royalty but that does not mean he is a confident man at all. People in his position often wear two faces--one for the general crowd that usually displays confidence and strength, and a different one entirely in private. In fact, I would say his romance alert goes to show he has a rather sensitive and insecure side as well.


For the biggest part of the story, he wears his mask, especially in public. Now, one could choose to show their scars as a sign of "I went through something and survived so you'd best think twice about messing with me", or those scars can be something leading to insecurity about physical appeal in which case people tend to hide them, as Arcann has for a long time. In case of the latter, I don't see him revealing his face and the injuries to his body to just anyone. Definitely not for the sake of a brief stint of passion without anything further involved.


On top of that, being the Prince/Emperor, I think Arcann is quite aware of the fact most people would bed him for the sake of status. Not for him, not for the man and person he is, not due to attraction but because of his royal status. (You know, bed the Emperor often enough and perhaps you'll one day end up as his consort, or reap any other benefits). He could opt to take advantage of that, of course, but it could also be a reason to avoid such interactions altogether.


Then there's also the abandonment aspects. The lifelong rejections of his father, the fact Senya left them, losing Thexan (and perhaps thinking his brother had turned on him in defense of their father regardless of what WE believe) and Vaylin turning on him. He hasn't exactly grown up with the belief he is 'worth' sticking around for, that he's worth being cared about and I don't see him open up easily. Again, especially not when there's a huge risk that the person you're with (a Knight, some Zakuulan socialite) is only with you because of WHAT you are not WHO you are.


Alas, all the above to say that he has plenty reason for still being a virgin and none that would discredit him or make him a failure of a man. Which is a ridiculous notion to begin with--neither a man or a woman, regardless of their status and place in the world, should ever be considered a 'failure' simply for still being a virgin at a certain age. A person's worth should never be judged by those measures, it's archaic and asinine.


Now whether he is a virgin? He could be, there are plenty reasons he could have waited. It could also well be that he did take advantage of the attention he garnered being Emperor to have his own needs satisfied, even if it was only ever a case of lust. Love and lust aren't the same thing, they can be separate and while I find it unlikely he's ever really found love prior to meeting the Outlander, it's not unthinkable he's caved to lust and cravings over the years.


Sorry for sticking my nose in, I know this is a place for Arcann lovers and I'm not quite a lover. I do have him featured in my fiction however since I'm covering KOTFE and I refuse to downplay his presence and swat him like a fly just because I'm not exactly a fan of his so I've been putting a lot of thought into him recently--including the question of virginity and relationships and all those things we didn't get to see in-game. Peace.

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I really fail to see why it would be a failure and using terms like "loser" is truly insulting. If you only find experienced sexual partners attractive, that's fine, but there are those where a personal and emotional connection is way more important.

Because it will break the image of Arсann, which I liked initially. I liked a strong warrior, confident and attractive, experienced (in all senses), a male. But I can not like the shy timid virgin. I do not like such types.


And Arсann's transformation into a timid virgin from a strong male - and there is a type of loser. This for me will forever kill romance with him.

This is my "cockroach", as they say.

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I'm going to add my two credits as someone who's not too crazy about Arcann--hate me for it if you will.


Arcann may have been a strong ruler and royalty but that does not mean he is a confident man at all. People in his position often wear two faces--one for the general crowd that usually displays confidence and strength, and a different one entirely in private. In fact, I would say his romance alert goes to show he has a rather sensitive and insecure side as well.


For the biggest part of the story, he wears his mask, especially in public. Now, one could choose to show their scars as a sign of "I went through something and survived so you'd best think twice about messing with me", or those scars can be something leading to insecurity about physical appeal in which case people tend to hide them, as Arcann has for a long time. In case of the latter, I don't see him revealing his face and the injuries to his body to just anyone. Definitely not for the sake of a brief stint of passion without anything further involved.


On top of that, being the Prince/Emperor, I think Arcann is quite aware of the fact most people would bed him for the sake of status. Not for him, not for the man and person he is, not due to attraction but because of his royal status. (You know, bed the Emperor often enough and perhaps you'll one day end up as his consort, or reap any other benefits). He could opt to take advantage of that, of course, but it could also be a reason to avoid such interactions altogether.


Then there's also the abandonment aspects. The lifelong rejections of his father, the fact Senya left them, losing Thexan (and perhaps thinking his brother had turned on him in defense of their father regardless of what WE believe) and Vaylin turning on him. He hasn't exactly grown up with the belief he is 'worth' sticking around for, that he's worth being cared about and I don't see him open up easily. Again, especially not when there's a huge risk that the person you're with (a Knight, some Zakuulan socialite) is only with you because of WHAT you are not WHO you are.


Alas, all the above to say that he has plenty reason for still being a virgin and none that would discredit him or make him a failure of a man. Which is a ridiculous notion to begin with--neither a man or a woman, regardless of their status and place in the world, should ever be considered a 'failure' simply for still being a virgin at a certain age. A person's worth should never be judged by those measures, it's archaic and asinine.


Now whether he is a virgin? He could be, there are plenty reasons he could have waited. It could also well be that he did take advantage of the attention he garnered being Emperor to have his own needs satisfied, even if it was only ever a case of lust. Love and lust aren't the same thing, they can be separate and while I find it unlikely he's ever really found love prior to meeting the Outlander, it's not unthinkable he's caved to lust and cravings over the years.



Sorry for sticking my nose in, I know this is a place for Arcann lovers and I'm not quite a lover. I do have him featured in my fiction however since I'm covering KOTFE and I refuse to downplay his presence and swat him like a fly just because I'm not exactly a fan of his so I've been putting a lot of thought into him recently--including the question of virginity and relationships and all those things we didn't get to see in-game. Peace.


I can not speak for everyone, but I would love to see more of such not quite a lovers in this thread.

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Don't be sorry for adding your point. It is quite valuable in fact and very well written. I like it a lot and agree with all the circumstances that could make him a virgin or not, or make him avoid relationships in general.


*Claps whole-heartedly*


I can not speak for everyone, but I would love to see more of such not quite a lovers in this thread.

Yep, second that.

Edited by Iheaca
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This is my "cockroach", as they say.


But thats not set in stone, yes? Maybe it was intentionally open to interpretation.


I have no idea what man can think of this, but as someone who have been subjected to certain expectation by her grandmother (I think you can guess what she wanted of me ;)), I can say that societal expectations can be very ...unpleasant. Sometimes stuff happens and life takes a strange turn.


Мир, дружба, жвачка :).

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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By the way, I would not be surprised that scars were much worse before the Voss ritual and Arcann needed the mask. IIRC, Iheaca mentioned possibility of vocal cord damage – who says that his ear and eye were left intact? That was one hell of the explosion. Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Because it will break the image of Arсann, which I liked initially. I liked a strong warrior, confident and attractive, experienced (in all senses), a male. But I can not like the shy timid virgin. I do not like such types.


And Arсann's transformation into a timid virgin from a strong male - and there is a type of loser. This for me will forever kill romance with him.

This is my "cockroach", as they say.


While that's perfectly fine, I will say this; there is a very big difference between being timid and cautious.


Also, no one is experienced at everything. I seriously doubt Arcann has vast experience in healthy, stable relationships and being comfortable with showing vulnerability. Doesn't make him a virgin, but he is definitely inexperienced in a number of areas.

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By the way, I would not be surprised that scars were much worse before the Voss ritual and Arcann needed the mask. IIRC, Iheaca mentioned possibility of vocal cord damage – who says that his ear and eye were left intact? That was one hell of the explosion.


I wonder if it would extend to his body, I mean if his arm got screwed over, I take it that whole side must have had to endure quite some damage?:rak_02:

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I'm going to add my two credits as someone who's not too crazy about Arcann--hate me for it if you will.


Arcann may have been a strong ruler and royalty but that does not mean he is a confident man at all. People in his position often wear two faces--one for the general crowd that usually displays confidence and strength, and a different one entirely in private. In fact, I would say his romance alert goes to show he has a rather sensitive and insecure side as well.


For the biggest part of the story, he wears his mask, especially in public. Now, one could choose to show their scars as a sign of "I went through something and survived so you'd best think twice about messing with me", or those scars can be something leading to insecurity about physical appeal in which case people tend to hide them, as Arcann has for a long time. In case of the latter, I don't see him revealing his face and the injuries to his body to just anyone. Definitely not for the sake of a brief stint of passion without anything further involved.


On top of that, being the Prince/Emperor, I think Arcann is quite aware of the fact most people would bed him for the sake of status. Not for him, not for the man and person he is, not due to attraction but because of his royal status. (You know, bed the Emperor often enough and perhaps you'll one day end up as his consort, or reap any other benefits). He could opt to take advantage of that, of course, but it could also be a reason to avoid such interactions altogether.


Then there's also the abandonment aspects. The lifelong rejections of his father, the fact Senya left them, losing Thexan (and perhaps thinking his brother had turned on him in defense of their father regardless of what WE believe) and Vaylin turning on him. He hasn't exactly grown up with the belief he is 'worth' sticking around for, that he's worth being cared about and I don't see him open up easily. Again, especially not when there's a huge risk that the person you're with (a Knight, some Zakuulan socialite) is only with you because of WHAT you are not WHO you are.


Alas, all the above to say that he has plenty reason for still being a virgin and none that would discredit him or make him a failure of a man. Which is a ridiculous notion to begin with--neither a man or a woman, regardless of their status and place in the world, should ever be considered a 'failure' simply for still being a virgin at a certain age. A person's worth should never be judged by those measures, it's archaic and asinine.


Now whether he is a virgin? He could be, there are plenty reasons he could have waited. It could also well be that he did take advantage of the attention he garnered being Emperor to have his own needs satisfied, even if it was only ever a case of lust. Love and lust aren't the same thing, they can be separate and while I find it unlikely he's ever really found love prior to meeting the Outlander, it's not unthinkable he's caved to lust and cravings over the years.


Sorry for sticking my nose in, I know this is a place for Arcann lovers and I'm not quite a lover. I do have him featured in my fiction however since I'm covering KOTFE and I refuse to downplay his presence and swat him like a fly just because I'm not exactly a fan of his so I've been putting a lot of thought into him recently--including the question of virginity and relationships and all those things we didn't get to see in-game. Peace.

Well, this is a really objective, well thought and well written opinion, I honnestly can't see why we would hate on you for that, and I tend to agree with most of what you said.

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By the way, I would not be surprised that scars were much worse before the Voss ritual and Arcann needed the mask. IIRC, Iheaca mentioned possibility of vocal cord damage – who says that his ear and eye were left intact? That was one hell of the explosion.


Actually, in the "Sacrifice" trailer, the damage I saw there would be in line with the scarring he has now. Looking at the screens of the video, there MAY be some burn scarring on the left side of his chest, but I'm inclined to think that his arm got shattered, hence why they couldn't save it. So, from that, and what I read in the "Brothers" fan blog... it was bad, but not horribly so. Then again, as someone who's been a paramedic for more years than I care to count, I tend to look at these things in a different light. :D

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Actually, in the "Sacrifice" trailer, the damage I saw there would be in line with the scarring he has now. Looking at the screens of the video, there MAY be some burn scarring on the left side of his chest, but I'm inclined to think that his arm got shattered, hence why they couldn't save it. So, from that, and what I read in the "Brothers" fan blog... it was bad, but not horribly so. Then again, as someone who's been a paramedic for more years than I care to count, I tend to look at these things in a different light. :D


Ehsvara, we have a professional! Yay!


I was thinking it is impossible without Space Magic to get such a... localized wound (I mean the armor is not burned off) but if professional says it can happen - this mean they actually gone the RL route for that? Impressive! And mask was for vanity/insecurity/intimidation/whatever... But! What you will say about sight and hearing in such circumstances?


Of course there is also the Force. And DS seem to really complicate healing (at least in Legends).


P.S. Medics! My Godmother told me such stories... :eek::confused::D

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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By the way, I would not be surprised that scars were much worse before the Voss ritual and Arcann needed the mask. IIRC, Iheaca mentioned possibility of vocal cord damage – who says that his ear and eye were left intact? That was one hell of the explosion.

I just watched the trailer again and appart from the missing arm and burns on the face and neck, his cloths seem to be mostly unburnt on the left side.

I'm no doctor, but the ear seems totally fine externally, though, even if he might have been deafened by the blow. And if the ear had been damaged too much internally, I guess that he would not be able to fight as he would be losing balance. And he was still fighting right after that on Korriban!

For the eye, I can't say. The eylids move and seem fine, but I can't really see the eye itself.

Edited by Iheaca
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It's strange that Zakuul's medicine is so primitive that it could not cure face to the Emperor's son.

He wears a mask for "intimidation," but to be honest ... His scars scare more than the mask.

And Arсann's eye, apparently, did not suffer at all.

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It's strange that Zakuul's medicine is so primitive that it could not cure face to the Emperor's son.

He wears a mask for "intimidation," but to be honest ... His scars scare more than the mask.

And Arсann's eye, apparently, did not suffer at all.


Thought their droids could fix everything, according to Kaliyo's chapter?:rak_02:

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Thought their droids could fix everything, according to Kaliyo's chapter?:rak_02:

Which would be a reason to think that he did not WANT to be healed. Anyway, that might just be because the developers wanted him to have a dramatic look and be able to do a before/after/and after makeover. :p We might be thinking too much. :D

Edited by Iheaca
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Which would be a reason to think that he did not WANT to be healed. Anyway, that might just be because the developers wanted him to have a dramatic look and be able to do a before/after/and after makeover. :p We might be thinking too much. :D


Agreed and agreed!

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Which would be a reason to think that he did not WANT to be healed. Anyway, that might just be because the developers wanted him to have a dramatic look and be able to do a before/after makeover. :p We might be thinking too much. :D


Could be. Mask and arm were a field job and on Zakuul he could get it all healed (well, maybe not the arm) but decided not to.


Or it's just for the looks. Considering that a lot of Outlanders here (in this thread) do not mind kissing the cold mask, I say it worked :p.


Edit: And we have to think too much - all we have is 3 minutes of romance and some cutscenes from Knights. Speculations! *sign

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Which would be a reason to think that he did not WANT to be healed. Anyway, that might just be because the developers wanted him to have a dramatic look and be able to do a before/after/and after makeover. :p We might be thinking too much. :D


He pulled a Garrus Vakarian! :D


"Some women find men with scars attractive... mind you most of those women are krogan." :p

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Which would be a reason to think that he did not WANT to be healed.

Maybe. Judging by the way he easily removes the mask, Arсann does not have any problems with his scars. Perhaps he left them as a memory of the battle and about what he sacrificed for victory.

As they say "The scars adorn a male."

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