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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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This I can agree with, I've always agreed that we needed more then two main characters guiding us through the story plots. Don't want them gone forever though , just share the spotlight!


The only reason that I "want" them dead would be because they're featured all the time, I wouldn't mind if that wasn't the case. I also found it a bit sad in kotet how Koth didn't really feature and HK died in kotfe. All together they were quite the entertainment, now it's just blergh!


Though I do like the traitor arc so far, because he's gone for a while, and it hasn't been Lana all the time either. I hope they keep it up.

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The only reason that I "want" them dead would be because they're featured all the time, I wouldn't mind if that wasn't the case. I also found it a bit sad in kotet how Koth didn't really feature and HK died in kotfe. All together they were quite the entertainment, now it's just blergh!


Though I do like the traitor arc so far, because he's gone for a while, and it hasn't been Lana all the time either. I hope they keep it up.

At least HK got a very entertaining bonus chapter (which I hope will be available in the future for those that missed it). I looked at the companion list today and realize that the only "main character" companions that can't be killed/taken away atm are Lana, T7 and Gault.


Looks like that chapter approach is gone. While it can be a bit restricted and linear, I do like the chapter format. Because it's easily made replayable. I can go back with the same character, play some of my favorite moments and take tons of screenshots. They should make the solo mode(the one with cutscenes) of Umbara, Copero and Nathema repeatable.

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I will say sometimes these LI's know just what to say. Theron says he'd do anything to protect his girl, Arcann says they'll face any challenge together, Andronikos says they're in each other's orbits til the stars go dark or something.

Only one of them has messed up royally.


I'd also like a second companion following me through the next bit of story, alongside Lana.

The only issue with Andronikos is that he definitely does not understand how gravity works. :p

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hahaha I think the letter that got found (break up with him for Arcann) he points that out too xDD

Aw, so sad... surprisingly, the pirate was the most romantic of them all.

If there are break up letters, I will seriously regret not getting any. 😢

Edited by Iheaca
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Aw, so sad... surprisingly, the pirate was the most romantic of them all.

If there are break up letters, I will seriously regret not getting any. 😢


I am sure your curiosity will be satisfied with the help of players who will break pixel hearts ;). FOR SCIENCE!

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Aw, so sad... surprisingly, the pirate was the most romantic of them all.

If there are break up letters, I will seriously regret not getting any. 😢


Yeah it really feels like right now everything is being released out of order, like the companion returns/Arcann romance should be done before starting Umbara etc. Hopefully by the time 5.9 is out things make a bit more sense and are less broken (like the Things Unsaid mission).

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I am sure your curiosity will be satisfied with the help of players who will break pixel hearts ;). FOR SCIENCE!

Still, not the same as getting it IG. :p

Yeah it really feels like right now everything is being released out of order, like the companion returns/Arcann romance should be done before starting Umbara etc. Hopefully by the time 5.9 is out things make a bit more sense and are less broken (like the Things Unsaid mission).

Argh, I should never have done that Things left unsaid mission!

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Still, not the same as getting it IG. :p


Argh, I should never have done that Things left unsaid mission!


I can't even do it on my warrior clone who left theron for arcann as a test subject. And for some wild reason my SI who only ever has been with Andy got it too and I'm like :confused::confused::confused:

The companion stuff right now is sooo buggy.

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I can't even do it on my warrior clone who left theron for arcann as a test subject. And for some wild reason my SI who only ever has been with Andy got it too and I'm like :confused::confused::confused:

The companion stuff right now is sooo buggy.


My SI, who also stayed loyal to Andronikos, got the guest as well. :p It might have disappeared from my quest log, though -- I haven't checked, but iirc I didn't untrack it when I got it, and it wasn't on my tracked missions last time I logged in.

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I do not understand how can impose on players some "main characters", if the only main character is our PC. In vanilla, there was neither Lana nor Theron and the game did well without them. Quests gave us NPC, the protagonist was PC and could perform quests with ANY companion.

Why now for some years just imposing Lana and Theron? Someone might like this? Only the fans of these two characters and that's all.


The imposition of "main characters" for the players is the stupidest idea of all stupid ideas.

Each player has the right to perform quests with a companion that he likes, and not with a "sacred cow"! No resources? So let the companion silently stand behind the back of PC, like in vanilla, but it will still be a hundred times better than the cutscenes with "sacred cows".

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Ah Lana. Lana, Lana, Lana...


Was going to start SoR prelude on my SW. I entered the briefing room with Arkous and Lana. She closed her eyes and had that moment of “something world shaking is about to happen”... She turned around and started talking. And as I was listening, I remembered how irreplaceable, important and special she will be. The connection she and my PC will share, whenever I want it or not. How she will make PC the public face for her Alliance. How often she will be a forced companion. So... I realized I just can not do it, hit “Esc” and fled :D.


Ok, I am not very serious and I do like her, but she is just too much compared to others.


If anyone played ME3, remember the way game was taking note of your most used companion (and least used too)? And how it influenced at least one dialog and a could affect a certain scene in Citadel DLC? It was such a nice touch... Game knew who your Shep first choice for some BFF bad***ery asskicking was!


You are a worse post editor then I am, and that's saying something!


Thank you? In my defense, I was multitasking: “tanking” the mean FP boss and reading forums :p. Say what you will about juggernauts dps, but they are hard to kill :cool:.

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I do not understand how can impose on players some "main characters", if the only main character is our PC. In vanilla, there was neither Lana nor Theron and the game did well without them. Quests gave us NPC, the protagonist was PC and could perform quests with ANY companion.

Why now for some years just imposing Lana and Theron? Someone might like this? Only the fans of these two characters and that's all.


The imposition of "main characters" for the players is the stupidest idea of all stupid ideas.

Each player has the right to perform quests with a companion that he likes, and not with a "sacred cow"! No resources? So let the companion silently stand behind the back of PC, like in vanilla, but it will still be a hundred times better than the cutscenes with "sacred cows".

I guess that it comes from technical and financial reasons. It takes much less work to prepare cutscenes with only one possible companion than if you have to make it for all of the possiibilities we have...

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I do not understand how can impose on players some "main characters", if the only main character is our PC. In vanilla, there was neither Lana nor Theron and the game did well without them. Quests gave us NPC, the protagonist was PC and could perform quests with ANY companion.

Why now for some years just imposing Lana and Theron? Someone might like this? Only the fans of these two characters and that's all.


The imposition of "main characters" for the players is the stupidest idea of all stupid ideas.

Each player has the right to perform quests with a companion that he likes, and not with a "sacred cow"! No resources? So let the companion silently stand behind the back of PC, like in vanilla, but it will still be a hundred times better than the cutscenes with "sacred cows".


This way they have to record 2 (Lana and Theron) voice actors discussing the plan or commenting on the events instead of 16 (all PC) + all companions player may have.


I think, this idea is actually very interesting and had a lot of potential, but... Limiting the selection to Theron and Lana do make them seem like they are enforced. And with Lana untouchable status (for now, who knows what BW have in store for her), she is suffering from the same backlash as Liara. No matter how good something is, if you force feed it to player, some are going to hate it – especially if they like other companions and want to see them on screen.


*looks at Asmodesu with a sad little black eyes I was trying not to edit! But this is stronger then me! :o


Edit: I was lucky with Liara – my Shep was her friend, but I do understand how annoying she was for the players who have not wanted that close connection for various reasons. She was practically forced down your Shep throat. Ewww.

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This way they have to record 2 (Lana and Theron) voice actors discussing the plan or commenting on the events instead of 16 (all PC) + all companions player may have.


I think, this idea is actually very interesting and had a lot of potential, but... Limiting the selection to Theron and Lana do make them seem like they are enforced. And with Lana untouchable status (for now, who knows what BW have in store for her), she is suffering from the same backlash as Liara. No matter how good something is, if you force feed it to player, some are going to hate it – especially if they like other companions and want to see them on screen.


Should not. In vanilla companions almost did not comment on the quests. And quests issued NPCs. The player had a choice with which companion to complete the quest, nor any "sacred cows" at all.

To give the player a choice, it's enough to return the game to the format of the game (vanilla), and not to turn it into a "Lana and Theron show."


Seriously, I pressed the "space bar" at all cutscenes with Lana and Theron. They are not interesting to me, and I do not want to waste time on them.

I'm interested in the game, quests and the opportunity to go through these quests with my favorite characters, and not "sacred cows".

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I always found that for me tag-along preset characters with interacting dialogues and comments etc through quests with my PC were my favourite things of SoR + , even some quest chains in vanilla where they have comments depending on who is along for the ride. It makes things far more personal for me with my characters, that I get attached to. I disliked ilum and Makeb because other then the "main LI" having some location comments the companion doesn't say a word so it's like they're not even there. At least with SoR and KotFE+ a companion/character was definitely there and chatty, not cardboard cutouts dragged along silent behind you.


*looks at Asmodesu with a sad little black eyes I was trying not to edit! But this is stronger then me! :o


I wasn't being accusatory! I edit my posts a LOT and thought it was funny that you manage to completely change yours before I get around to thinking up a reply :D:cool:

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In my case the lions share of annoyance I feel for Lana and Theron is misplaced and is a sign of how much I am dissatisfied with the game right now. It would be the best to just leave, but I love SW and it is hard to let go :(. So I find one aspect that annoys me and focus on it. Same way Arcann have become a hatesink for some other people maybe.


«Мышки плакали, но продолжали кушать кактус» - Little mice were crying but were eating the cactus. :rolleyes:


I wasn't being accusatory! I edit my posts a LOT and thought it was funny that you manage to completely change yours before I get around to thinking up a reply :D:cool:


No worries, I know you have been just teasing a little bit :). And I do deserve it for constant editing ;). I just find the image of a small fluffy gut-rat with sad little black eyes funny for some reason...

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I always found that for me tag-along preset characters with interacting dialogues and comments etc through quests with my PC were my favourite things of SoR + , even some quest chains in vanilla where they have comments depending on who is along for the ride. It makes things far more personal for me with my characters, that I get attached to. I disliked ilum and Makeb because other then the "main LI" having some location comments the companion doesn't say a word so it's like they're not even there. At least with SoR and KotFE+ a companion/character was definitely there and chatty, not cardboard cutouts dragged along silent behind you.

i don't think I ever had anything specific with any of my JK companions :confused:

The worst part being if you go and fight Revan with Scourge. The 2 guys know each other, Scourge betrayed Revan, and there's litterally.... nothing.

Scourge is just there, standing behind you like nothing is happening, and it's as if he's invisible for Revan.


And to be fair, Lana is with you much more often than Theron.

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I have some hope that in 6.0 the game will go away from the "show" format and return to the format of the "game". I hope the developers themselves understand that players no longer need a "show with sacred cows" (whoever they are), but it is the game is needed. A game where the only main character will be our PC.


It is necessary to return to the format of vanilla. More game - less cutscenes and no "sacred cows". The story, planets for research, freedom in choosing a companion for quests.

And this will be the format of success.

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I have some hope that in 6.0 the game will go away from the "show" format and return to the format of the "game". I hope the developers themselves understand that players no longer need a "show with sacred cows" (whoever they are), but it is the game is needed. A game where the only main character will be our PC.


It is necessary to return to the format of vanilla. More game - less cutscenes and no "sacred cows". The story, planets for research, freedom in choosing a companion for quests.

And this will be the format of success.


I really hope so!

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i don't think I ever had anything specific with any of my JK companions :confused:

The worst part being if you go and fight Revan with Scourge. The 2 guys know each other, Scourge betrayed Revan, and there's litterally.... nothing.

Scourge is just there, standing behind you like nothing is happening, and it's as if he's invisible for Revan.


That's my point, in SoR we had the wookie, droid, Theron and Lana through most of it, chatting, guiding the story, talking and interacting closely. Yes our class companions were decoration like on Makeb, and Ilum and anywhere not the class story/planet arcs, but there was something from some new main characters.

In Makeb there was nothing like it, and you couldn't get to know/get properly close to the mission teams (other then what.. a kiss with two of them and it ends as soon as it begins pretty much?). Only the main LI's for classes had ambient location remarks at Yavin Jungle, temple, Makeb plateau, slave camp etc. One liners from Vette, Jaesa, Iresso, Malavai etc (not Scourge, what a waste. not any non LI)

With KotFE in the chapters that had companion returns you had an entire chapter with them at least, talking, fighting with. And then KotFE ones got lines in later chapters too, and discussions. Alliance alerts got nothing extra other then a couple showing up during battle of odessan, and likely never will, and now we only have Lana left as a constant - maybe because people wanted kill options, because people hated this other character so they didn't bother doing more with them etc etc. Many reasons, not all based on "aah low resources."

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I have some hope that in 6.0 the game will go away from the "show" format and return to the format of the "game". I hope the developers themselves understand that players no longer need a "show with sacred cows" (whoever they are), but it is the game is needed. A game where the only main character will be our PC.


It is necessary to return to the format of vanilla. More game - less cutscenes and no "sacred cows". The story, planets for research, freedom in choosing a companion for quests.

And this will be the format of success.


That would be nice.

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At least HK got a very entertaining bonus chapter (which I hope will be available in the future for those that missed it). I looked at the companion list today and realize that the only "main character" companions that can't be killed/taken away atm are Lana, T7 and Gault.


Looks like that chapter approach is gone. While it can be a bit restricted and linear, I do like the chapter format. Because it's easily made replayable. I can go back with the same character, play some of my favorite moments and take tons of screenshots. They should make the solo mode(the one with cutscenes) of Umbara, Copero and Nathema repeatable.


The sad thing about HK's bonus chapter is that that's where it ends, kinda like Shae. We won't ever see her again as she's a sub reward. They're basically just as useless as the CM companions. Which is a shame.

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This way they have to record 2 (Lana and Theron) voice actors discussing the plan or commenting on the events instead of 16 (all PC) + all companions player may have.


I think, this idea is actually very interesting and had a lot of potential, but... Limiting the selection to Theron and Lana do make them seem like they are enforced. And with Lana untouchable status (for now, who knows what BW have in store for her), she is suffering from the same backlash as Liara. No matter how good something is, if you force feed it to player, some are going to hate it – especially if they like other companions and want to see them on screen.


*looks at Asmodesu with a sad little black eyes I was trying not to edit! But this is stronger then me! :o


Edit: I was lucky with Liara – my Shep was her friend, but I do understand how annoying she was for the players who have not wanted that close connection for various reasons. She was practically forced down your Shep throat. Ewww.


It does really seem like it was meant to cut costs, I wish it was asked on the stream if we were ever going to be able to get back to that!


Sorry for the 2X Post, editing on the phone is a pain!

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