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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Wait, Emperor addresses Wrath differently depending on alignment?


*Looks at Asmodesu with a sad little black eyes. Gut-rats have feeling too :(.


No idea, I don't think so. Just the way he talks to my SW fits her perfectly.

*eyes the gutter-rat suspiciously*

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That looks like an interesting character. :-)


PS: I'm caught on the music you suggested yesterday. ;) Listening to the playlist round and round.


It is one of my regrets. I was still a bit too DS, so she is dark. I might try a LS SW one day too. But I have already a hard time playing the characters I already have. :p


lmao, it is good music!

Also, my boyfriend found out it doesn't matter what alignment you are, you just choose Jaesa's for her during the conversation. He was Dark everything, and ended up with LS Jaesa.

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I really hope so too. Even if I'd be a bit embarrassed, I now hope that it was all a plan and that he had no real bad feeling against the PC. On the other hand, I hope that it will somehow destroy the fleet and allow/force us to start over on something new. This all Commander stuff comes to my nerves.


Is it even possible to have a good explanation for that bomb Theron drops on LS Commander? That will let Commander to keep a pretense of being an adult with a functional brain?


I was curious about one thing, but had little desire to ask in Theron thread (I seen what happened to JakRoaning in Lana topic). What was he thinking then he was saying to his LS Jedi lover... everything he said? It was a hard blow for my JK – and she considered Theron a friend. Have he not considered what may happen to Force Using PC then their loved one will reveal that he do not trust PC, will betray them and think that the goal of achieving some kind peace is naive?


*eyes the gutter-rat suspiciously*


*Looks cute, sad and lost

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Is it even possible to have a good explanation for that bomb Theron drops on LS Commander? That will let Commander to keep a pretense of being a being an adult with a functional brain?


I was curious about one thing, but had little desire to ask in Theron thread (I seen what happened to JakRoaning in Lana topic). What was he thinking then he was saying to his LS Jedi lover... everything he said? It was a hard blow for my JK – and she considered Theron a friend. Have he not considered what may happen to Force Using PC then their loved one will reveal that they do not trust PC, will betray them and think that the goal of achieving some kind peace is naive?


I have no idea, but they better wrap it up well. Everything he said on the train before trying to kill my SW cut her to the core, she finally broke and it wasn't to multiple near deaths, comas or Valky being in her head.. but from what the man she loved said. He wanted her dead and the Alliance destroyed, saying her death was more important then any feelings he may have had for her. Said that clearly and bluntly and it made her break. It doesn't matter what the player theorises, like double agen,t all the whole speech was an act, whatever, she thinks he meant every word, so it'll have to be addressed in the finale fp whether true or false, imo. Even though my fic hasn't reached that part yet (nowhere near) I have a post-Umbara scene written.

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I have no idea, but they better wrap it up well. Everything he said on the train before trying to kill my SW cut her to the core, she finally broke and it wasn't to multiple near deaths, comas or Valky being in her head.. but from what the man she loved said. He wanted her dead and the Alliance destroyed, saying her death was more important then any feelings he may have had for her. Said that clearly and bluntly and it made her break. It doesn't matter what the player theorises, like double agen,t all the whole speech was an act, whatever, she thinks he meant every word, so it'll have to be addressed in the finale fp whether true or false, imo. Even though my fic hasn't reached that part yet (nowhere near) I have a post-Umbara scene written.


Oh my, I forgot about LS Sith. Both of them have been betrayed before. Warrior story is full of it! Baras, Quinn, Emperor... And now Theron? And then he have the nerve to send that "Oh, you put the bounty on me, I knew you are no good even if before you never gave me a reason to doubt you! Ha!". It has to be a damn good writing to make up for it :mad:.


There are some points in the story then Force User PC changing alignment looks very fitting. I think this is one of the moments then even the purest of LS can fall hard and fast.

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Is it even possible to have a good explanation for that bomb Theron drops on LS Commander? That will let Commander to keep a pretense of being a being an adult with a functional brain?


I was curious about one thing, but had little desire to ask in Theron thread (I seen what happened to JakRoaning in Lana topic). What was he thinking then he was saying to his LS Jedi lover... everything he said? It was a hard blow for my JK – and she considered Theron a friend. Have he not considered what may happen to Force Using PC then their loved one will reveal that he do not trust PC, will betray them and think that the goal of achieving some kind peace is naive?


Yes, he's probably already gone too far in risking the life of the PC to have any credibility in saying that he had a plan and that he never was against us... A "oh but I was sure you wouldn't die" is not good enough. There is something globally not working, you are right of course.


If you put a bounty on his head, he will send you a message full of hate. If you decided otherwise, he will be all "Id drop everything for you", either for love or just friendship. But he still tried to kill the PC either way, and so on. And not giving any sign of doubt before, especially to a LI, does not make really sense (not even counting that you would probably expecting a force user to sense his doubts, but anyway).


Not even the fact that he would have been litterally brainwashed would not really work, otherwise he would just hate the PC, not still say that he loves them depending on the options chosen.


So I guess that we might have a clear case of bad writing here...

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Maybe the Order had the train bugged and Theron had to make it Look convincing? That, or he know the Commander would need to hunt Theron, so he decided that being cold would make it easier for them? I don't know.


That scene in Umbara was pretty funny when playing someone who romanced him. Theron's tone of voice was all over the place. One minute he's really apologetic and soft, but the next sentence is, again, very cold.

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Oh my, I forgot about LS Sith. Both of them have been betrayed before. Warrior story is full of it! Baras, Quinn, Emperor... And now Theron? And then he have the nerve to send that "Oh, you put the bounty on me, I knew you are no good even if before you never gave me a reason to doubt you! Ha!". It has to be a damn good writing to make up for it :mad:.


Yup. She's been betrayed every step of the way by multiple kinds of people including those she should've been able to trust. Malavai's stuff taught her never to trust anyone again and she'd been cautious, sticking just with protecting her little sister Vette.. until Theron.. Now he's betrayed her too, and tried to kill her. Like everyone else has.

She didn't put a bounty on his head though, told the galaxy she loved him instead, she didn't care if people found that out, it was never a secret.


Maybe the Order had the train bugged and Theron had to make it Look convincing? That, or he know the Commander would need to hunt Theron, so he decided that being cold would make it easier for them? I don't know.


That scene in Umbara was pretty funny when playing someone who romanced him. Theron's tone of voice was all over the place. One minute he's really apologetic and soft, but the next sentence is, again, very cold.


Yes but the character doesn't know this, the player can guess it based on meta knowledge.

Yeah the train speech from Theron was all over the place for my sith. gentle to rawr cold angry to gentle to *kicked puppy expression* xD

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Maybe the Order had the train bugged and Theron had to make it Look convincing? That, or he know the Commander would need to hunt Theron, so he decided that being cold would make it easier for them? I don't know.


That scene in Umbara was pretty funny when playing someone who romanced him. Theron's tone of voice was all over the place. One minute he's really apologetic and soft, but the next sentence is, again, very cold.


Still... To know that someone you love think so little of you or thinks that you have no emotions at all and will understand as soon as he explains everything.


Never romanced Theron, but even for a friend it's all over the place. I also find it jarring how Lana is out and Theron and PC have a little chat :p. If I were Lana I would be a little hurt that PC have not checked for pulse or something :p.


Ok, PC can forgive Arcann for everything he done to them (all is fair in war, yada-yada), but Theron was a friend or lover, not the enemy... I think that there is a slight difference.


I hope that PC will be allowed to keep some dignity in the conclusion of the traitor arc. Not being all like: "I love you and will forgive anything" or "Grrrrr, kill!"

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Aye Arcann is completely different. He was an enemy, got healed of hatred and rage (the Force amplifies both etc, among other emotions.. all really) and it is entirely feasible thanks to knowledge of star wars and the force that he now has a brand new start and chance at being who he could be without the dark side.

Theron made a personal choice to carry this out, chose to hurt everyone who may have cared about him and threw himself completely into this betrayal (whether faked or not does not matter).


I don't count on anything more then "fully forgiven *kiss*" or "grr kill" (if an option is presented)... the writers seem incapable of anything better :(

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Aye Arcann is completely different. He was an enemy, got healed of hatred and rage (the Force amplifies both etc, among other emotions.. all really) and it is entirely feasible thanks to knowledge of star wars and the force that he now has a brand new start and chance at being who he could be without the dark side.

Theron made a personal choice to carry this out, chose to hurt everyone who may have cared about him and threw himself completely into this betrayal (whether faked or not does not matter).

Agree with this all.

I don't count on anything more then "fully forgiven *kiss*" or "grr kill" (if an option is presented)... the writers seem incapable of anything better :(

If so, I'll have to go for the kill option with my main. And I could not even see any of my LS character forgive. Spare, yes, but not forgive.

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I feel that, unlike Theron, Arcann didn't betray the player character's trust because there was never any trust between them to break at that point. That only started to build after Arcann had been redeemed. Theron in the other hand... He was a trusted ally. :(


I have 2 Theron romancers through the story right now. My smuggler is probably gonna stay with Theron no matter what. He's a chill and confident guy - - no matter what Theron gives as his reasons, my smuggler will probably just make a joke about it and decide they can get over it. My sith warrior is another tale. As someone else (Asmodesu? I can't just open a New tab to check since I'm using my phone) SW gets betrayed a lot. My SW would be a lot more sensitive about it, and it will be especially bad if Theron can't overlook her putting a bounty on him.

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Yeah it hurt my SW deeply, but not enough to blatantly put every bounty hunter in the galaxy after his head (kill him). she wants him alive to give her a proper explanation as to why. Or answer to her personally, screw someone else dealing with her current problem. This is personal, and she still loves him because her love for him was so complete. She better not be forced to forgive instantly though >.> trust would have to yet again be rebuilt, or my current theme "I can never trust you again, not a word you say. Even though I still love you."


My agent has come to terms that she actually cares about someone finally, with Arcann. SW's turn to sort out her current issues.

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SW gets betrayed a lot. My SW would be a lot more sensitive about it, and it will be especially bad if Theron can't overlook her putting a bounty on him.


Haha spoilers and a what a happy reunion that would be! I hope Arcann’s love story will be more then just this simple 2 minute dialogue for future references.

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The only way to salvage this mess I can come up with on a quick note is a flashback cutscene with Commander, Lana and Theron coming up with the triple agent plan to catch the real spy... But this do not explain the letter Theron sends after Umbara very well...


And it is so unfair to make Theron fans to wait for resolution for such a long time. Cliffhangers should be used wisely.


Haha spoilers and a what a happy reunion that would be! I hope Arcann’s love story will be more then just this simple 2 minute dialogue for future references.


Oh? Something was found already? PM the link, please?


And ehhh, I expected less and do not expect more.

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The only way to salvage this mess I can come up with on a quick note is a flashback cutscene with Commander, Lana and Theron coming up with the triple agent plan to catch the real spy... But this do not explain the letter Theron sends after Umbara very well...


And it is so unfair to make Theron fans to wait for resolution for such a long time. Cliffhangers should be used wisely.




Oh? Something was found already? PM the link, please?


And ehhh, I expected less and do not expect more.


Do you think this will be the end of Theron's story? Maybe Arcann will go with us to Nathema this time?

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The only way to salvage this mess I can come up with on a quick note is a flashback cutscene with Commander, Lana and Theron coming up with the triple agent plan to catch the real spy... But this do not explain the letter Theron sends after Umbara very well...


And it is so unfair to make Theron fans to wait for resolution for such a long time. Cliffhangers should be used wisely.


And ehhh, I expected less and do not expect more.


6 months between flashpoints...

bottom sentence- i feel like we're the only group following a character to get one shorty cutscene in the past year and not disappointed, raging or ranting about it. Probably not a good thing, but hey. Guess we were accepting for anything.

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Do you think this will be the end of Theron's story? Maybe Arcann will go with us to Nathema this time?


All we know is the next flashpoint wraps up the traitor arc. We've been told that much so I'm assuming yes. Unlikely that Arcann has a place in a flashpoint now.

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Do you think this will be the end of Theron's story? Maybe Arcann will go with us to Nathema this time?


To be honest while my Sin will be happy, I hate for one companion to get the attention at the expense of others. No wounder there is such hostility between fandoms - no one likes to sit in the kitchen and listent to the sounds of the party in the next room. Even if said party is not as good as it could be ;p.


bottom sentence- i feel like we're the only group following a character to get one shorty cutscene in the past year and not disappointed, raging or ranting about it. Probably not a good thing, but hey. Guess we were accepting for anything.


I do find it strange, embarrassing and heartwarming at the same time... Are we so easy to please? Did the game sunk so low? Or we are just realistic? Then again as Revka and Iheaka mentioned, Arcann do have a lot of screentime, it's just a llittle bit... different from the other companions. :D


Edit: And yes, 6 months... seriously BW?

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Well, I'm still waiting for that traitor mess to come to an end, and to see if we'll get more to the Arcann romance to choose between the 2 guys for my JK.

But, right now there's more content for Theron, so i'm more into that romance for Naeya.


I have no idea, but they better wrap it up well. Everything he said on the train before trying to kill my SW cut her to the core, she finally broke and it wasn't to multiple near deaths, comas or Valky being in her head.. but from what the man she loved said. He wanted her dead and the Alliance destroyed, saying her death was more important then any feelings he may have had for her. Said that clearly and bluntly and it made her break. It doesn't matter what the player theorises, like double agen,t all the whole speech was an act, whatever, she thinks he meant every word, so it'll have to be addressed in the finale fp whether true or false, imo. Even though my fic hasn't reached that part yet (nowhere near) I have a post-Umbara scene written.

Naeya has never been betrayed like the SW, but Theron's words (telling her that she is seen as some sort of tyrant) hurt her much more than Arcann's lightsaber.

In the version where he's her lover, she kept to the Jedi Code, untill things happenned on Rishi and then on Yavin, he was her first and only love and one of the few people she trusted completly.

So if he's just spying on the Order for her, she will forgive him, but it'll take time before she opens up to him again.


And well, if we have no other choice but to watch him die, and she knows that he did all that for her, I guess some people will get to know why Jedi are not allowed to love...

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