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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Yes, its the same for Jedi. First chapter is one of the few instances then class is recognized. Usually it's Valkorion, who notices the difference.


Arcann is impressed!



JK/JC - You Jedi are quite influential. To think that you alone could alter the tide of war at that scale... impressive.


SW/SI - You Sith are apparently quite formidable. You most of all. To alter the course of galactic events as you have... quite impressive.


Tropper – That one solder could have a significant impact on a war of that scale... quite impressive.


Scoundrel – You just one person - a criminal, from what I can tell – and you still influenced a galaxy-wide war. Impressive.


Agent – That one mere spy could influence an outcome of galaxy-wide war... impressive.


BH – You are noting but a hired gun, yet truly powerful individuals turn to you above all others. You influenced a galaxy-wide war – very impressive.


Oh cool thank you! Interesting to see what he says. And yes, he is clearly impressed - especially with the BH - the only case where he is even very impressed.

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Ah, then it's all good! Make sure to add some red pepper to the mix! As Ehsvara said:

Proper seasoning is half of the battle :p.

This would be a great ending for the fight on Asylum. I just see how Arсann threatens the PC with a sword, and the Scoundrel, perfidiously smiling, throws a grenade into his pants ...:rolleyes:

If I could draw well, I would create this scene.

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Say hi if you happen to stumble on the dark side. I'm mostly redoing the chapters with Nyx-Nocturna or levelling with Del'Ihrae these evenings.


I've seen a Thexane (male, with a clear attempt to copy the face and hair cut, and wearing Thexan's armour) in the swamps of Zakuul the other day.

I remade the Naeya that was meant for Arcann, since the record I made for the alert was lacking sound, I'm back to KOTFE chap 3, so I'm mostly on that character right now.


Ill probably go on my test for a LS SW next.


I had some fun with Arcann yesterday night choosing the option to keep quiet each time he was talking to my JK, he was clearly annoyed by that xD

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You're making this thread weird Paul.:rak_03:


Awww, I thought I was brining the fun ...


I see Paul has been in an odd mood the last couple of days, lol.

I'm just sitting around waiting for the next story update now. It's been sooo long. xD


Yeah, I want to know if Theron will walk away from this on or not.

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If Arcann wants redemption for his past? Do you think he'll hesitate if we drag him into another war?

We do not know what his redemption is. Help the Alliance? Save someone's life? Become a hermit and retire to the mountains for a hundred years of meditation?

Perhaps, he will redeem his past, fighting on the side of the PC?

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I see Paul has been in an odd mood the last couple of days, lol.

I'm just sitting around waiting for the next story update now. It's been sooo long. xD

I guess i'll just sit with you, waiting to know what'll happen to Theron... :(

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Ill probably go on my test for a LS SW next.

The SW I am levelling (Del'Ihrae) is going in the same direction. Probably not LS but balanced. She's the twin of by BH and was raised with the same kind of honour code. She can't be LS or DS, honour first.

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Blood knight is the type of SW I play, she wants to fight for the challenge not the bloodlust/kill. Ends up mostly LS points/light leaning but each choice and event is approached on how she'd do it, so there's enough darker moments too. She wears a mask to hide the light side of the force from the entire Sith order, however the Emperor calls her his righteous wrath. She's highly intelligent, strategic genius, history nerd, manipulative, acts like a noble and pretty much everyone thinks she's just some punch em all brute person. The last mistake they make. The first was claiming they've fought Sith before and she's no different xD.


Oh no, now I'm scared.😱 No words are safe when Paul is around!


This is how I feel anywhere in this thread xD I have to second guess anything I type thinking "Now where could the gutter-rats drag this sentence..."

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I have cookies, and drinks.. and a ton of chocolate and icecream in preparation for any bad news.

I'm prepared for the worse, but I still hope we'll have other choice than to watch him die...


The SW I am levelling (Del'Ihrae) is going in the same direction. Probably not LS but balanced. She's the twin of by BH and was raised with the same kind of honour code. She can't be LS or DS, honour first.

Blood knight is the type of SW I play, she wants to fight for the challenge not the bloodlust/kill. Ends up mostly LS points/light leaning but each choice and event is approached on how she'd do it, so there's enough darker moments too. She wears a mask to hide the light side of the force from the entire Sith order, however the Emperor calls her his righteous wrath. She's highly intelligent, strategic genius, history nerd, manipulative, acts like a noble and pretty much everyone thinks she's just some punch em all brute person. The last mistake they make. The first was claiming they've fought Sith before and she's no different xD.

I'm testing the LS path to see what happens (mostly with Jaesa), but I think in the end my SW will be quite neutral. The way I see him, he's quite similar to Asmodesu's SW, except for the history nerd part.

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Blood knight is the type of SW I play, she wants to fight for the challenge not the bloodlust/kill. Ends up mostly LS points/light leaning but each choice and event is approached on how she'd do it, so there's enough darker moments too. She wears a mask to hide the light side of the force from the entire Sith order, however the Emperor calls her his righteous wrath. She's highly intelligent, strategic genius, history nerd, manipulative, acts like a noble and pretty much everyone thinks she's just some punch em all brute person. The last mistake they make. The first was claiming they've fought Sith before and she's no different xD.


Mostly LS Warrior is so much fun! This is what I call subverting expectations :D.


Wait, Emperor addresses Wrath differently depending on alignment?


This is how I feel anywhere in this thread xD I have to second guess anything I type thinking "Now where could the gutter-rats drag this sentence..."


*Looks at Asmodesu with a sad little black eyes. Gut-rats have feelings too :(.Were we that insufferable?


I'm prepared for the worse, but I still hope we'll have other choice than to watch him die...


If they would dare to do that without any choice, I will... well, I will think that SWTOR is definitely the testing grounds for EA on a "how much we can piss off different groups of players before they leave" research.

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Blood knight is the type of SW I play, she wants to fight for the challenge not the bloodlust/kill. Ends up mostly LS points/light leaning but each choice and event is approached on how she'd do it, so there's enough darker moments too. She wears a mask to hide the light side of the force from the entire Sith order, however the Emperor calls her his righteous wrath. She's highly intelligent, strategic genius, history nerd, manipulative, acts like a noble and pretty much everyone thinks she's just some punch em all brute person. The last mistake they make. The first was claiming they've fought Sith before and she's no different xD.

That looks like an interesting character. :-)


PS: I'm caught on the music you suggested yesterday. ;) Listening to the playlist round and round.

I'm prepared for the worse, but I still hope we'll have other choice than to watch him die...

I really hope so too. Even if I'd be a bit embarrassed, I now hope that it was all a plan and that he had no real bad feeling against the PC. On the other hand, I hope that it will somehow destroy the fleet and allow/force us to start over on something new. This all Commander stuff comes to my nerves.


I'm testing the LS path to see what happens (mostly with Jaesa), but I think in the end my SW will be quite neutral. The way I see him, he's quite similar to Asmodesu's SW, except for the history nerd part.

It is one of my regrets. I was still a bit too DS, so she is dark. I might try a LS SW one day too. But I have already a hard time playing the characters I already have. :p

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