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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Spoilers if you haven’t gone through ALL options:


The positive:
I love how, in EVERY romance scene we’ve had, Arcann and the player character ALWAYS hold hands and look into each other’s eyes for a prolonged period of time!

His letter is really well-written. It's a great deep dive into the intensity of his emotions. He's a different man now, but he will always be "The Inner Flame."

The negatives:
There are several moments where Arcann feels out of character. The casual banter took a lot of getting used to, since all the other romance scenes are very serious and emotional. I do like the banter part, because I do believe that eventually, he’s emotionally healed to the point where he does banter.

But the thing I dislike the most: why is he constantly smirking??? Sure, he’s taunted before during battle, but he’s always serious about it. Having a soft smile when losing the spar / commenting on the player character’s battle prowess, instead of a smirk, is FAR more in character for him.


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No I didn't do every option I needed to save some goodies. My thoughts...


I almost hoped I wouldn't win at the sparring. I mean come on he did wipe our tushes several times.

I didn't find him smirky, I just feel he's not a teeth smiler. As for his letter, I big thoughts but I need time. And to tag the girls.

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After watching other people's playthroughs, I really appreciate just how much variety there is. Thought I played all the options, but there's so many differences depending on class AND gender AND dialogue choice. Extremely replayable.


I think he's definitely smirking, not just closed-teeth smiling (those look a bit different). But even though part of me thinks it feels off, another part of me is happy to see him so light-hearted and teasing when sparring. He's always so serious. It's great to see him more relaxed.

Then there's that one option that's just soooo passionate! Hottest thing ever. Arcann's movements are so fluid and the perfect amount of teasingly rough.

If you have any of Arcann's customizations, go through Date Night with it. With some dialogue choices, his mask adds a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL

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On 3/12/2024 at 3:59 PM, JakRoanin said:

The problem is you provoke her into it. She has literally no intention to ever harm you until you take action. Even if she does strike first, you still kill her. That's murder.

its not though, if someone attacks you first and you kill them for it then it can easly be classified as self defense, it really depends are we looking at this from our irl views or ingame views, in general i'd say its neither murder nor self defense, from ingame POV it was just a duel over a disagreement, like most fights tend to be, you can't really call each party a cold blooded murderer nor really a 100% innocent self defender, its very different in game than it would be irl and i frankly think that our irl morals often don't apply well in SWTOR, its a very different universe with very different events and people and circumstances.

that being said i never picked to fight her, i like her a lot and i can't blame a mother for defending her son, shes been victim of garbage life with a garbage husband who turned her kids into monsters, i mean that trailer with her and vaylin pretty much tells you how things went for her, plus arcann can be useful if hes kept alive which is why i did it even on my "evil" characters.

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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4 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

its not though, if someone attacks you first and you kill them for it then it can easly be classified as self defense, it really depends are we looking at this from our irl views or ingame views, in general i'd say its neither murder nor self defense, from ingame POV it was just a duel over a disagreement, like most fights tend to be, you can't really call each party a cold blooded murderer nor really a 100% innocent self defender, its very different in game than it would be irl and i frankly think that our irl morals often don't apply well in SWTOR, its a very different universe with very different events and people and circumstances.

Thank you, that's exactly the thing I was getting at. A lot of it depends on what you headcanon for your character in that situation, it can range from an LS character who wants to bring Arcann to justice aand is forced to kill Senya by circumstance to a DS character that just wants to kill them both because red triangle, but the fact of the matter is that even the most ruthless dialogue options aren't about killing Senya there.


7 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

that being said i never picked to fight her, i like her a lot and i can't blame a mother for defending her son, shes been victim of garbage life with a garbage husband who turned her kids into monsters, i mean that trailer with her and vaylin pretty much tells you how things went for her, plus arcann can be useful if hes kept alive which is why i did it even on my "evil" characters.

I spared them a couple of times, but most of the time not. The moment Senya gave up on Vaylin in chapter 8 and said "my daughter is broken" killed any sympathy I had for her.

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I finally had time to go on a date with Arcann! ❤️🥰🔥 My immediate thoughts/walls of text are in the SPOILER tag (to be continued after I've had more time to digest everything and try other variations, I'm sure!):



The good:

  • The sparring, obviously: I still think this was the perfect choice for Arcann. Love, love, love to see our warrior prince/emperor looking dangerous and confident! I loved to see him on his knees when I beat him (I don't care if this sounds cheesy, he looks GOOD on his knees 😉And it was a wonderful reminder of his courtly devotion and oaths of fealty to our PC). I loved it even more when I lost to him. I'm an absolute sucker for Arcann-related angst 😄 I want to see him happy, I do - but I will never get enough of hearing him talk about being afraid of losing control to his emotions (boiling over! Now with passion instead of rage!) or being afraid of losing the most precious thing to him: our PC ❤️🥹
  • The quest start: The fact that the datapad was in our PC's bedroom on our ship was *chef's kiss*. Great way to indicate intimacy by showing rather than telling (you might infer that they are now sharing a bedroom - or not, he could simply have left it there for her - depending on your own preference. I like that it's still left up to player interpretation how physical the relationship is at this point). And he called our PC "my love"! 🥰 Not to mention "come prepared to work up a sweat"... Maybe my mind is just in the gutter, but: 🥵
  • The super soft, slow, tender kiss. I was so sure that it was slower than the kiss we had before Nathema Conspiracy (same animation) that I actually went and checked. It's not, but it felt slower to me - maybe it's just because the angle was different? Anyway, that kiss was perfect.
  • The handholding: Hands are a salient symbol for Arcann (and has been since the Sacrifice trailer), so I'm very happy that he and our PC always hold hands during their intimate moments.
  • The setting: Absolutely gorgeous! Loved that it took place in the Wilds, loved the beams of moonlight coming down through the trees, loved the waterfall!
  • Replayability and anticipation: I've only tried two variations so far (losing and winning the match), but I gather that there are many small differences depending on dialogue choices. Right now, I VASTLY prefer losing the match, but that might change when I try other options next week. I LOVE that I get to pine and yearn to see all the other options week after week! I'm so glad that I only have two characters (my main and a clone of my main) who are romancing Arcann, so I can't cheat and watch all the variations right away on different toons! I need to yearn (lol)!
  • The quest title: "Dueling Hearts" is a million times better than what I now assume was the placeholder name that Arcann's date night used to be known by. I won't mention it here since it's unreleased content, but if you know, you know.

The bad:

  • THE FRICKIN' DRUMS playing during the sparring match. I HATE that particular soundtrack and it ruined the whole vibe for me for a moment. Why, oh WHY, did you do that, Devs? Look, I get it - it's a duel. But it's meant to be a romantic duel, not a Sergio Leone show-down... I will forever switch off the in-game music and choose my own soundtrack for replays, which is something I never normally do. This feels especially bad since the soundtracks for Arcann's romance scenes are normally so good.
  • Timeline: While I'm glad that the quest is repeatable, I feel like the timeline is a hot mess. How long have they been together when the date takes place? As far as I can tell, it could be anywhere from "a few days" to "a few years", depending on player progression. I understand why the devs wouldn't want to lock the Date Nights behind hours and hours of content, but in this case, availability comes at the expense of realistic character development. I feel that Arcann wouldn't be comfortable duelling our PC at all until after Old Wounds. Doing it at an earlier point in the game will probably always feel off for me, so in a way, I would have preferred that this was locked behind the most recent content (please don't hate me for saying this, fellow Arcannites).
  • Facial animations: In a few of the variations my character looks so terrible that I can barely stand to look at her. She looks like she's having a stroke! 😬 Devs, please, for the love of everything, STOP trying to give our characters 'flirty' expressions. It looks so awful that no expression is honestly preferable. I'd rather she looks like an expressionless mannequin than whatever the heck that was.
  • Also, I have to agree to some extent with @cosmicchar. My initial impression was that something feels slightly off in a few of Arcann's expressions. I actually like that he's more flirty than usual. I like the banter. It's good to see that side of him - and I'm glad the relationship has progressed to a point where he trusts our character enough to be a little less serious (that's how I interpreted it). I wouldn't necessarily call his expression a smirk - I think that (for me), it's more that there are a few facial animations that we've never seen with him before, but we have seen them on other characters. That felt a little jarring, although I'm sure it'll feel less so after a few replays.
  • Duration: I hesitate to even mention that it was too short, because honestly, it was exactly as I expected. That doesn't change that fact that it was still too short. We all know the reasons (resources, lots of characters and voice actors, etc.) and I don't want to flog a dead horse over it. Mostly, I'm just happy to get content at all. Having said that, it's clear that SWTOR is utterly out-matched by many other games in this regard, which is obviously sad.


Edited by witchglove
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33 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I thought the drums were sexy, then again I love Hindi movies.

They missed the perfect opportunity to use one of the amazing tracks from KOTFE/KOTET (I was really hoping for Arcann's own 'Inner Flame' soundtrack, though I'll concede that might have been too much). Nothing will ever make me like those drums 😞

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I'm positively giddy every time that I go back through Arcann's Date Night as there are just SO many different outcomes from all of the conversation choices. 😍

I've been talking with @witchglove and @cosmicchar for hours about this amazing content and it literally keeps getting better with every viewing of the various playthroughs.  

The devs really knocked this out of the park, IMHO, and they, yet again, did the character of Arcann right on every level - especially in showing the fine line he is always walking while trying to find his place (and show his true self) in the galaxy.  I especially loved the scenes that echoed previous situations that we saw Arcann in, finding him now in an infinitely better place.  It really warms the heart.   Thanks also go out to the devs for showing us different sides of Arcann as well - there were a few "That's the first time that he _____" moments that I caught.  ❤️

I have much more to say, however I will wait for a bit of time to pass to allow everyone to enjoy the content :)

One last thing.

I did the 999 levels of Renown grind to get the Limitless legacy title a few years ago...  It is now being shuttered 😂

I will NEVER, EVER use another title after seeing that the devs added this masterpiece to the game:



I can't believe we've had 8 YEARS with the character of Arcann.  Look how his relationship with the player character has grown over those years... freaking magical to sit back and admire.


SHOUT OUT TO MY FELLOW ARCANN FANS!  I hope you enjoyed Date Night as much as I did 🔥

Edited by Siita
missing word
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I'm watching the Vids with tech classes and lol it's creeping me out! Any Voice that isn't my JC creeps me out a little like "Why is he cheating on my BABY!" I can't grind 999 lvls of anything so no title for me 🙎‍♀️! Anyway, I took all number 1 options my first time so I look forward to mixing it up.

PS. I did tear up some on this date, but I really cried on Theron's when he chucked the datapad. He really got into his flaws. When I lose to Arcann I'll cry definitely.

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Also, before I forget, can anyone recommend a recent thread from the Suggestion Box regarding getting Arcann's customizations off of the DvL vendors?  That currency has been dead for years now and there hasn't been any way to obtain it.

Perhaps we should simply start another and kick off a campaign together?  Open to suggestions!

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Just now, JakRoanin said:

No use starting a campaign they know and they said eventually. 

Yeah, years ago.  I'm not interested in letting it continue to fall to the wayside!  Sorry! 😂

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4 hours ago, Siita said:

Thank you! 👏 And we DO need to remind the Devs. It can't possibly take much effort for the team to switch the customisations to a different vendor or even to the cartel market (I would happily buy CC to get my hands on more Arcann customisations). It's crazy to keep awesome and coveted content like this gated behind an obsolete currency year after year.

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2 hours ago, cosmicchar said:

Arcann's date gift has this incredible detail:

  Reveal hidden contents

A plaque in Aurebesh that translates to: "My purpose lies with you" 🥰 Love the callback to Unmasked Regret!



This is absolute 🔥

I love this Date Night so much 😭😭😭

So we're thinking that this is actually a gift from Arcann (vs just a deco for us, the fans), especially since this is a 1/1 decoration, right? RIGHT?!? It has to be?  Another gift from the heart... fitting since Date Night is called Dueling Hearts. ❤️ I'm just dead.  

Transcendent love, baby!!!! 

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YESSS this must be a gift directly from him. And I really believe he made the wooden practice sabers himself. If you look closely, there's some beautiful carvings on the handle. Much like the armor.

Just think about the time he puts into these handmade gifts, the armor and the practice saber, all to support the PC's strength in battle. Then he ingraved it such a profound statement of devotion 😍

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