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NA PvP: Which Server Will You Choose?


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My money is on the outcome of Star Forged being the next Shadowlands. Everyone says "PVPers will go there, gogogogogog people transfer now!!!" but it doesn't materialize and PVP ends up being where it's always been.


Harb/Satele already has good pops so I think everyone will stay. It's only going to get better with the few more people coming from dead server 1 and dead server 2.


Wish they'd just bite the bullet and make one server for NA, put the server in the center of the country and call it a day.

I agree but I think whatever server pubs decide to "do their thing" on will cause that server to slowly die (if a large number of imps do decide to play there) and the other one will win out in the long run by default.

To some extent, this is what happened to pot5 but granked also died there so there's that too. The pub thing also happened on Jung Ma IIRC.

I expect that EAware will make some decent money on xfers.

Edited by LeglessChair
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so I went from 10ms to 80-300 now that they got rid of the west coast and moved it to EC. What the hell is the point of even having a west coast server if they are in the EC now????WTH!!!! just put everyone on 1 east coast server and be done with it. Don't call it a west coast server when it's not even on the west coast! why are ppl so damn stupid???
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so I went from 10ms to 80-300 now that they got rid of the west coast and moved it to EC. What the hell is the point of even having a west coast server if they are in the EC now????WTH!!!! just put everyone on 1 east coast server and be done with it. Don't call it a west coast server when it's not even on the west coast! why are ppl so damn stupid???


That's what we're all trying to figure out, bud. ;)

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