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Please re-think merging non-RP servers with RP.


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This is a bad decision, one which will hurt the SWTOR roleplay community as a whole. For the most part, being from Ebon Hawk i've had some very fortunate RP opportunities. However, merging PvE with RP - is just a BAD idea. World of Warcraft did it and their roleplay community suffered greatly and even Guild Wars 2 did it and they suffered just as well. It does nothing to mix the two together, they are seperate entities and should remain as such, the people from PvE do what their server entails - PvE and RP'ers RP.
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Star Forge is the new RP server, it's that simple. EH has always been an RP server, even the server that merged into it, Sanctum of the Exhalted (my original server). When the tags went EH became an "unofficial RP server" which is what SF will become. I don't think you need to be worried.
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They've been working on the hardware updates for this for months (hence all the problems) so it's way too late to back out now.


I wouldn't be too worried, Harbinger is not going into Star Forge so the worst of the cancer should be staying out, at least for awhile.

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They've been working on the hardware updates for this for months (hence all the problems) so it's way too late to back out now.


Well, even so Keith claims to listen to feedback, and it should be an easy swap to pull the RP servers with the RP and the PvE with the PvE. This change has me seriously worried as SWTOR has one of the strongest remaining RP communities on any retail MMO (Not including private servers made for roleplay.)

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Well, even so Keith claims to listen to feedback, and it should be an easy swap to pull the RP servers with the RP and the PvE with the PvE. This change has me seriously worried as SWTOR has one of the strongest remaining RP communities on any retail MMO (Not including private servers made for roleplay.)


It's too late, this rock is rolling.

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This is a bad decision, one which will hurt the SWTOR roleplay community as a whole. For the most part, being from Ebon Hawk i've had some very fortunate RP opportunities. However, merging PvE with RP - is just a BAD idea. World of Warcraft did it and their roleplay community suffered greatly and even Guild Wars 2 did it and they suffered just as well. It does nothing to mix the two together, they are seperate entities and should remain as such, the people from PvE do what their server entails - PvE and RP'ers RP.

The two are not mutually exclusive on a single server, you know.


I've tried RPing, and frankly it bored me several parsecs beyond tears. It isn't my thing at all, but within limits (see below) I don't care if you want to do it. If you choose to stand in my questing area and do it, you can expect that I'll be moving through the middle of your group picking things up, putting things down, killing things, reviving things, filling what's empty, emptying what's full, and scratching where it itches, as necessary. I won't go out of my way to bother you, nor to avoid you. If you stand in the narrow valley that I must pass through to get where I'm going, I'll drive my speeder right through your group because I'm not interested in spending five minutes going around the other side of the mountains, but I won't ride through your group if I'm passing by here and you're all the way over there.


And I won't make fun of you, except maybe in my head, to myself, as I do it.


One last point: If you expect me to respect your wish to be undisturbed while RPing, but you're doing it in my questing area, however, you are going to be disappointed. About the only thing that will convince me to say anything is if I see you cleaning mobs I have to kill for my mission, and I'll just ask you to let *me* clean them please.


I would suggest, therefore, that your main objection isn't going to be the presence of PvE people *as*such*, but the presence of people who troll you in various ways. If you count what I described above as trolling, well, that's *your* problem, not mine.

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Are RPers really trolled that much? On The Progenitor happens a lot of RPing. I never witnessed any trolling or harrassing. I don't say it doesn't happen, but I got the impression that Non-RPers just mind their own business when crossing paths with RPers.


We once attacked an imperial base with a big group of guildies and ran into a big group of RPing imps. We apologised for quickly having to kill the guards nearby and moved on. There was not one snarky remark, not even in our guild chat. On the contrary, people were happy to see a big group RPing.


Of course, The Progenitor is a bit more sophisticated server than, let's say, all the US servers. :D

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Are RPers really trolled that much? On The Progenitor happens a lot of RPing. I never witnessed any trolling or harrassing. I don't say it doesn't happen, but I got the impression that Non-RPers just mind their own business when crossing paths with RPers.


We once attacked an imperial base with a big group of guildies and ran into a big group of RPing imps. We apologised for quickly having to kill the guards nearby and moved on. There was not one snarky remark, not even in our guild chat. On the contrary, people were happy to see a big group RPing.


Of course, The Progenitor is a bit more sophisticated server than, let's say, all the US servers. :D

I've seen the chaos that follows after a PvE server merges with an RP one.. Trust me.. Many PvE server players chose their server so they won't encounter any RPlayer, as they hate them. Those who chose an RP server and don't RP, came in, due to a more mature community, a PvE server lacks. Don't get me wrong, there are many good players in PvE servers, but on an RP server, the chance to encounter a troll is limited..


So yes.. even a non-RP player on an RP server, will respect the RPlayers. It's something a pure PvEer who thinks that it's "awesome" to ruin the fun and immersion of others, won't..


I was there, when GW2 added the "megaserver", and was the reason that i stopped playing the game.. We were a thriving open RP community on Piken Square just like the Progenitor is right now, but after the "merge", even RP hotspots were abandoned, due to massive trolling.. I TRY to stay optimistic, but after seeing it happening, i fear that even SWTOR RP will have the same fate...


If you ask me, it would've been better to actually merge RP servers together, instead of PvE/PvP/RP, cause "reasons", and in the EU case, they could simply add 3 channels for English, French and German.. Problem solved, more players, bigger community, not that much harassment...

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I would suggest, therefore, that your main objection isn't going to be the presence of PvE people *as*such*, but the presence of people who troll you in various ways. If you count what I described above as trolling, well, that's *your* problem, not mine.


Being an MMO RPlayer for 12 years, i can tell you that most RPlayers, aren't stupid to occupy a PvE hotspot or an enemy filled/quest area for their events. So yes, i've read your post, and trolls are the things we worry about.. Honestly? I would've done the same, if i were in your shoes. :cool:


The issue, is when we are in a remote area, or an RP hotspot (Dromund Kaas Cantina for example, or Jedi temple on Tython) where there are NO enemies whatsoever, and someone comes, and starts spamming emotes, powers, moving around in circles, drawing/removing weapons, etc. Even though we can "block" the /say, we can't block everything else...


Would you be able to RP in peace for example, if a Sorcerer keeps spamming Force Storm on your head?

Or, if you're a pure PvEer, would you be able to play the game if someone keeps killing the boss you need for a quest, just to ruin your fun?


It's just, that, simple...

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Being an MMO RPlayer for 12 years, i can tell you that most RPlayers, aren't stupid to occupy a PvE hotspot or an enemy filled/quest area for their events. So yes, i've read your post, and trolls are the things we worry about.. Honestly? I would've done the same, if i were in your shoes. :cool:


The issue, is when we are in a remote area, or an RP hotspot (Dromund Kaas Cantina for example, or Jedi temple on Tython) where there are NO enemies whatsoever, and someone comes, and starts spamming emotes, powers, moving around in circles, drawing/removing weapons, etc. Even though we can "block" the /say, we can't block everything else...


Would you be able to RP in peace for example, if a Sorcerer keeps spamming Force Storm on your head?

Or, if you're a pure PvEer, would you be able to play the game if someone keeps killing the boss you need for a quest, just to ruin your fun?


It's just, that, simple...

Don't get me wrong. I understand *exactly* what you're worried about. And I've seen people run around cleaning mobs that my mission wants me to kill, and never for any explicable reason. (Well, OK, they might be a Bioanalyst farming heavy beasts, I guess.) It's annoying, but there are ways to get around it, like playing a different character for a while, but that's not exactly the point.

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Don't get me wrong. I understand *exactly* what you're worried about. And I've seen people run around cleaning mobs that my mission wants me to kill, and never for any explicable reason. (Well, OK, they might be a Bioanalyst farming heavy beasts, I guess.) It's annoying, but there are ways to get around it, like playing a different character for a while, but that's not exactly the point.

I don't. Don't worry, i also fully understand your point of view, and like i always say, there are two sides of the coin.. Rotten players are everywhere..

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Yeah!!!! I mean I don't RP but I kinda think my toons designer wears and SH's are the shiz and I just don't want to have to compete with Rp'rs. :p Pretty sure as long as it's not ERP in public places, you'll adjust, just like Pve'rs had to adjust to Pvp'rs calling them crap for doing Pve content rather than queing up for ranked. We'll all have to adjust. It's for the greater good of the game. If it's enough to make some quit, then they were not that into the role anyway.
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