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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Roadmap Wild Speculations Contest!


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Here be the place for all yeer WILD SPECULATIONS!


List what you think will be in the fabled Monday Roadmap!



1. It must be a WILD speculation. None of these realistic things like "another Op boss" or "an announcement of an announcement". It must be WILD!

2. It must be desirable. It has to be something someone would actually WANT in the game (even if it's not you or the majority of players that wants it).

3. It must be specific. No vague stuff like "more content" or "a new planet". The more details the better to make the imagination flow and fester!

4. It must be plentiful. Wild speculationSSSSSSSS! Please list at least three, but no more than five per post. That way we have enough to consider without getting overloaded.



-When the Roadmap actually gets released on Monday, we who have posted may judge who has the best Wild Speculation and anoint them:


King of Imaginary Wookie Cookies™!



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1. Darth Marr comes back with Kira and Jaesa and we're treated to a romance scene that'll blow our eyeballs out of their sockets.


2. I start using my ship again - It's been sitting on Odessen for a while now.


3. uhhh ... something to do with one of the hammerhead corvettes ramming one of the sith ships like it did in Rogue One?

Edited by Paulsutherland
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I shall endeavor to go first.


1. Ops bosses will begin randomly appearing in PVP matches: thought PVP was getting stale, unbalanced, boring, annoying, and full of trolls? Prepare to be amazed!


-Watch as the Terror from Beyond randomly appears in the middle of your Hypergate match and begins devouring both teams! Tired of watching slobs afk in the corner? Watch with glee as the Terror eats them first! And of course, because the spit is corrosive, anyone that gets straight up eaten loses All....Their....Gear!


-Thrill as Dread Master Styrak appears suddenly at the end of a Huttball match, sending his Dragon to the opposite Goal line as he lays waste to all he sees! Of course, if he force chokes you, he only does it on one of the fire traps, and if the dps and heals aren't fast enough, he fries you so bad you start LOSING COMMAND RANKS!


-Gasp in horror as Revan, HK, and his ghosts appear in the middle of a Novare Coast Warzone, crushing the opposition and turning the turrets toward you, the players! Dodge the cannon fire or be hit and expelled from the warzone immediately at a cost of command points equal to your hp!


2. A new minigame: Companion Punting! Always thought there should be a minigame in Swtor? Were you tired of all the clones you've amassed? Don't know what to do with them? Don't want to invest in bribing them? The solution is here!


--Now, for those who bought the Manaan Stronghold, there is now a plank you can force your companions to walk! Below in the water are ravenous Firaxan sharks, eager to devour anything that falls in. Laugh as they thrash around in the water while you collect Command XP from their demise! The longer they last, the more CXP you get! Gain Darkside points for shoving them off, or Lightside points for talking to them first and then shoving them off!


3. Introducing a Brand NEW Game Feature: Critical Failures! Did you ever marvel at how many Star Wars characters got hands and other body parts chopped off? Now, the players can share in that same authentic Star Wars experience!


--Now, every time the player character critically fails a roll, something terrible can occur, usually in the form of a hand, arm, or leg gets cut off, burned, smashed or destroyed, permanently. Of course, every time this happens, the Luke Skywalker scream will echo in the background, indicating something done gone wrong! Did your entire Ops group wipe? Watch as their bodies transform to cybernetic parts one at a time, every time they respawn at the medical droid! Bask in the glory of not having your Ops group look like a full group of terminator models as you emerge victorious from an Operation. Everyone will know who the elite ones are, then.


4. New Story Expansion: The Hunt for the Time Crystal! Did KotFEET leave you dissatisfied, empty, and staring vacantly at walls, searching for the meaning of life? Ignore Theron's betrayal, and instead follow Lana around as you join the Scions to track down the long fabled Crystal of Time, a Crystal so burgeoning with the Force that its use will take the player back in time to before KotFEET to make sure it never happens! (Warning: use requires the Archaeology skill)


If I think of some more, I will post them.

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Tired of a certain subset of people complaining about being "forced" to flirt with male characters just because one of the options is a flirt, Bioware has decided to make Pierce actually flirt with everyone.


All of your character's responses are awkward blushes like you're in a terrible romance comic.



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1. We get more daily/heroics planets...

Dathomir, mustafar (remember trials of obiwan with all those ancient Jedi temples?), Denova, kashyyyk, and umbara


2. 5 new operations to coincide with each new planet!


3. 5 new space areas for gsf, guild ships may enter the fight!


4. Strongholds are now able to be raided by the opposing faction, new "defensive decorations" are now available, buy turrets, NPCs, etc to help lock your strongholds down!

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The release of an expansion so fantastic LITERALLY the entire playerbase has no complaints about it and SWTOR becomes the greatest MMORPG in existence.


...I am pretty sure that is impossible and unprecedented in gaming history. Especially in 2017, where hating things for fun and profit is what we do.

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The ability to re-enact what is now my favourite scene in movie history, the Death Star test on Alderaan.


Thanks to SWTOR I now hate that planet with the very core of my being, the thought of the occupants of that planet being tiny molecules in an asteroid field is just heart warming.

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I've been thinking about this for a LONG time....


The four jedi women (Kira, Jaesa, Nadia, Ashara) are returning. Not only are they all returning but they are all returning at one time. Over the course of years (while "The Outlander" was in carbonite), these lone wolves (Kira is a Knight and the Order is scattered; Nadia never fully trained and is therefore something of a liability; Ashara lost her Sith master did not wish to continue in the Empire but could not go back to the Jedi Order; Jaesa...see below) did what they could to support themselves and their faction.


But then the Sith Empire and Republic sued for peace with the Eternal Empire and they no longer had a banner. They wandered the galaxy doing what they could/wanted, and slowly and steadily ran into each other.


Kira and Nadia first since they are both generally light sided and would go where they were needed. Then Ashara, a "Jedi" without an order, but Kira and Nadia would gladly take her in if for no other reason than for her fighting skills. Finally Jaesa...


LS is easy: Jaesa tried to remold the Sith Empire from within per her master's wishes but failed. Again wandering the galaxy trying to find where she belongs she runs into the other three. Maybe she is on the run from the Empire because of her LS leanings. Makes fast friends and they are a full team.


DS is harder and this might get some negative response: Jaesa is on a rampage, without a master to reign her in, she is a menace. The three go after her. Nadia, remembering what her master could do, attempts the curing technique that she never learned but knew existed. With the assistance of Kira they succeed in mulling Jaesa's rage. She is still a problem but better than killing her, or turning her over to authorities to imprison her, they decide to bring her into the fold; trying to bring her back to the light.


Enter the Outlander. The four of them are leading an uprising. They've heard of the Outlander/Alliance Commander/new Eternal Emperor, but never thought of seeking him/her out. They believe the Alliance is good for galaxy BUT the Outlander has neglected X for too long and they are hoping s/he'll respond to them. The Outlander arrives to deal with this uprising not knowing that it is Kira, Nadia, Ashara, and Jaesa - all former Jedi - leading the charge against the Alliance...let the interaction begin. Love interests reunited or old masters and apprentices. There is opportunity to pick and choose which of the four to recruit and which to "dispatch" (aka kill, imprison, "don't want you because...reasons.")

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5.5 is nothing but bug fixes. ALL the bug fixes. From the history of the entire game since ever. Even the little things: courting gifts, that DANG CATHAR FUR BUG (sorry, still a little annoyed about it...), the zabrak skin color bug, clipping issues with clothing/weapons, etc. etc. etc.


...a'right, frankly, I'm just hoping they'll fix even a few of those things. :p

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5.5 is nothing but bug fixes. ALL the bug fixes. From the history of the entire game since ever. Even the little things: courting gifts, that DANG CATHAR FUR BUG (sorry, still a little annoyed about it...), the zabrak skin color bug, clipping issues with clothing/weapons, etc. etc. etc.


...a'right, frankly, I'm just hoping they'll fix even a few of those things. :p


I'd take that. Even if there was nothing else, a full sweep of literally every bug and annoyance in the game would do me just fine.

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I posted this in the other thread concerning my idea for the big reveal, but also seems to fit here.




I have it.


Valkorion's long lost twin brother and his family return to Zakuul with the Infinite + 1 fleet. They find this upstart Outlander, capture you, and imprison you in carbonite.


After 10 years you are freed by one of your former followers (you can't remember their name, after all you had 30+ of them running around) and you start the new chapter in freeing the universe from the Return of the Valkorion.


You now lose all 30+ companions, and get to start all over gathering your new 60+ copy & paste companions. But the carbonite has affected your memory, and you have to redo Vanilla thru KotET to relearn who you are.


They are calling this new chapter KotIROoI - Knights of the I Ran Out of Ideas

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You get the choice of deciding that being part of the alliance is a waste of time, and absolutely no fun at all, and leave, without you the alliance fail big time and Valkorion succeeds in destroying the galaxy. Poor Keith has the dubious honor of calling Disney and telling them to stop production on all the Star Wars movies. TV shows, games etc. cause, well the galaxy is destroyed. Edited by TheRobDaCool
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Revan comes back and guess what: He's mad and wants revenge.


Edit: Ah and yes, all remaining interests will return through short alliance alerts where you will get a 30 second conversation with them before they join your army of silent skins.

Edited by menofhorror
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1. All of our LI's to have new dialogue and romance conversations.


2. New kiss scene animations. Seriously its been the same since day 1. Past time for a new one! I don't mean anything too raunchy, the game has a low rating afterall, just new cute stuff, chin tilt, hands holding cheeks, holding each other while talking etc.


3. Some more fun downtime scenes with friends and LI's.


4. A citadel like party -- they always talk about parties and celebrations, lets have one for real!


5. An open planet exploration expansion that includes each possible LI as part of the storyline.


6. More quests with roaming dialogue. Love it when our guys talk to each other whilst roaming both on the coms or with the companion present at the time.


7. A bunch of new sexy armor / clothing attire. ( sexy doesn't have to mean almost naked, go through the movies and shows again there's a whole bunch of outfits in there that are amazing! ) Include Padme's ripped outfit from the arena scene.


8. Allow a hood down option on current armor sets.

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The ability to re-enact what is now my favourite scene in movie history, the Death Star test on Alderaan.


Thanks to SWTOR I now hate that planet with the very core of my being, the thought of the occupants of that planet being tiny molecules in an asteroid field is just heart warming.


On Zakuul and Odessen? I could get behind that...

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