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Mara Anni Spec and Rotation


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Hey I'm sure its been posted before on another thread, but there doesnt seem to be a search option for the forums lol. Im Anni specced lvl 30 and looking for a good tree layout and what rotation you guys use. Maybe something for both pve and pvp. Any help would be nice:D
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http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100MIbRrR0fGzZRG.1 - spec that I am currently following (hvnt hit 50 yet) - its mainly aimed at pvp but works well so far in pve aswel


I'm going for subjugation for the less cd time (on the interrupt esp), instead of close quarters as you can always strafe back if target is running away and force leap back onto them


I left the other 2 points out again is choice I would either put it in Enraged charge - for more rage , or stagger if for longer immobilize - bit this is preference really


Also I am not capping Dual wield mastery, as most of our damage comes from our Bleed effects , so no point wasting points there, instead cloak of pain generating more rage is better to keep ourselves from rage starvation.


Last point i wana make is the tier 1 talents where a lot of people prefer taking quick recovery rather than cloak of annihaltion - IMO is a waste caus our aoe sucks and gettin a lower cd on our best defensive cd by using a skill that is off gcd (can never miss or be parried) and always pops cause people are constantly hitting u is the wiser choice. - Again my opinion


Rotations - start off either running towards them battering assault/force leap - deadly saber - crippling slash - rupture - then if retaliation is up that or any other skill that is required for the situation - if your on top of the target I'd say spam vicious slash as it costs 2 rage only 4 us (Havn't hit 40+ , so Annihilate is not included in this) - do this until you have Crippling slash has run out or Deadly saber and Rupture are back up again


Always activate cloak of pain of course and with this spec cloak of pain should be up almost at all times if you keep using retaliation


Btw all this is aimed at pvp, in pve ignore crippling slash - but the rotation will be similar

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My favorite 'rotation' is based on how cool I can look whilst killing things.


For a pack of normal mobs in pve, charge + kick one mob, smash + pommel strike another mob, generally wreak havoc on the rest of them.


Oh, and force choke off cooldown and saber throw a mob that's on 10% health and is out of melee range. That's a real satisfying kill.


But like what has been said already. When you're knee deep in champion level mobs, your basic rotation should be to ensure you have enough rage for rupture, annihilate and deadly saber when they come off cooldown. After that, you either spend rage or you build rage depending on whether you have a lot of rage going spare or you're running low.


Battering assault off cooldown will ensure you have a lot of rage to mess around with.


In later levels, you will need to make sure you understand interrupts. You can use force choke as an interrupt on a lot of mobs (not all, but a lot more than you'd expect). Disruption is obviously your major interrupt, but intimidating shout will work on strong mobs too and is a good CC move if you're facing a large pack.


The situation dictates the ability and make sure to use the full suite available and dont just stand there clicking vicious slash, keyboard turning and mouth breathing. :)

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Ooops! I meant to say Force Scream + Pommel Strike heh


force scream is necessary to incapacitate target first, to be able to use Pommel Strike (which does enormous damage)


I use kick (cos I like the animation) after saber throw, which also does decent damage



edit: ok prolly posted in wrong thread cos I played Carnage for up to lvl 40 and switched to Annihilation only 2 days ago for some survivability. Still stuck with Carnage moves on my mind sorry. Still, force scream + pommel strike is awesome no matter what spec you go

Edited by Precurso
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With annihilation you will probably kill faster if you don't even worry about pommel strike and stunning enemies.


For me, I have had the most success with


Charge -> Deadly Saber -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Vicious Slash spam with Assault thrown in for rage, and keeping up deadly saber and rupture when they are off CD.


For rage building priority is: Battering Assault -> Force Charge -> Assault (if you have melee force charge), and only use one of these when you can't use a rage using move.

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Not much else to go for with anni. My PVE spec is



It was just the most beneficial (damage-wise) for the few leftover points I had.


As for the priorities, I start out

Charge -> Deadly Saber -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Assault -> Annihilate -> Ravage

And from there I prioritize Annihilate > maintain DoTs > Ravage > Vicious Slash > Force Choke (on non-immune mobs to keep tank damage down) while keeping my rage >4 when Annihilate is close to CD.

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Increased damage is increased damage so I think the offhand weapon juice is a "required" option or should be for every build.


I am only lev 15 at the moment and working on my setup but I have had no issues taking on 3 and 4 non elite mobs.


I like to charge > smash to get their attention and usually they are all jacked up and I can finish without a problem.


I think im going anni, carn, Rage spec but im not 100% certain yet still see how its going



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My specc I will use for PvE


For a long time I was thinking about skilling Phantom in order to have an oh sh** button but then again disruption and especially obfuscate are just way too good and camouflage stealths already so it's ok ...


Rotation is more of a prio list:


Deadly Saber whenever available

Ravage whenever available

Force Charge / Battering Assault when to build up rage

Ravage when off cd and Deadly Saber / Ravage are already used

Force Choke to build up rage and bridge the skill gap to build up more rage with Battering and Charge

Assault if nothing else is possible


Berserk whenever it's up and you have deadly saber ready (if Ravage is ready even better)


Annihilate / Vicious as rage dump


it's a lot to watch especially with all the other cd's we get but I love it :D


seriously though, get a Razer Naga or something similar because I'm at a loss where to put all my skills already and I'm only lvl 33 atm...

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On your tree Kresse you dont have enough points for annihilate so im wondering how you worked that into your rotation lol. And like Pedruin said, should we not worry about duel wield mastery because focused on bleed?


Stupid link bugged out... Anyway, DW mastery isn't GREAT, but it's more damage as opposed to PVP-ish defenses.

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Stupid link bugged out... Anyway, DW mastery isn't GREAT, but it's more damage as opposed to PVP-ish defenses.


i think DW is a must for our class as we arent that heavy hitting even with DWing so without the increase damage by using such a skill why bother having two lightsabres, heck become a sorc if you like force abilitys why bother with rage :p

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i think DW is a must for our class as we arent that heavy hitting even with DWing so without the increase damage by using such a skill why bother having two lightsabres, heck become a sorc if you like force abilitys why bother with rage :p


i disagree if your read the second post on this thread you'll what I mean , "cloak of carnage" and defensive forms are more worth it - defensive forms is a no brainer - and getting extra rage from using Cloak of Pain , which is a must skill that should be used constantly I think yes that's more important. This combined with Cloak of Annihaltion makes sure that CLoak of Pain should be up most of the time and makes sure we are not rage starved


Another reason is The damage the off hand does yes is great, but is white damage in the end of the day, and most of our damage comes from bleed effects and vicious slash that can be spammed (as it only costs 2 rage technically)

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Phantom is a 95% useless talent.


Edit: The only really good use of it is to run through fire pits when you don't have the ball, or when you get knocked into a fire pit.


disagree, in pvp situations for example where aoe is occuring the damage will be compltly ignored meaning you will not come out of stealth before the timer runs out - This could decide if your opponent sees you or turns and runs away -> as a result you can surprise attack


The talent is very useful in a lot of situations so I'd take it rather then the speed buff from Ferocity or Close Quarters

Edited by Majinr
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i have been seeing people say that they can keep the 3 stack of deadly saber up indefinately. What is the rotation to accomplish this?


I imagine you have to time your gcd so that you hit a saber attack then a force attack then a saber attack and on and on but how do you keep enough rage if you aren't doing saber attacks?

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i have been seeing people say that they can keep the 3 stack of deadly saber up indefinately. What is the rotation to accomplish this?


I imagine you have to time your gcd so that you hit a saber attack then a force attack then a saber attack and on and on but how do you keep enough rage if you aren't doing saber attacks?


not sure how u would, bu in pvp you dont want to wait indefinatly for the full damage to tick.. you want to dish out all the damage up front in the beginning and and if you activate deadly saber early enuff it should come of gcd before you even know it (i usually activate it straight after force leap/battering assault)


Not a good idea in pvp


Don't think its a good idea in pve also as the damage stacks, so not stacking it straight away because of the cd doesnt seem to make sense to me - with rupture i can understand bu hmm i duno

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