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Can't Handle the Players Anymore


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Btw to all of you people talking about how it's like this in every game, all over the internet. No it's not, plain and simple it's not this bad in ANY mmo or even game that I have ever played. I'm a gamer of over 20 years in every genre there is, and this is BY FAR the worst community I've ever seen (No I have not played WoW but yes much worse than CoD).


The fact that you all justify it as an acceptable norm is by far the worst part. I've uninstalled the game, feel free to perma-lock my account. I have moved on.

I'm not sure anybody called anything here "the acceptable norm." Some players do cross the line and they seem to stick around. I can see how that could frustrate a player that reports everything he or she doesn't like. But it's out of our hands. How one copes with things he or she doesn't like is up to them. Many players explained how they deal with it. Many offered suggestions on how others could deal with it. I believe you made it clear that it was simply unacceptable to you to have to tolerate it all. It sounds like you have found the best solution for you.


Even though this game has it's share of chat poison, there are still a lot of nice, friendly, cool players here in the community. It's too bad you never took your own focus off the bad apples long enough to notice them. Good luck to you.

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Even though this game has it's share of chat poison, there are still a lot of nice, friendly, cool players here in the community. It's too bad you never took your own focus off the bad apples long enough to notice them. Good luck to you.


This from the person who spent 90% of my time here sarcastically mocking me. Sorry pal but there's no route to the high road from where you are. These "Bad Apples" you're talking about, yeah you're one of them. If you had put even 1 comment that wasn't in some way a backhand, snide, sarcastic or rude I may have actually seen some sort of value in your view or opinion, but you have proven that you are not worth the consideration.

Edited by WolfesBite
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This from the person who spent 90% of my time here sarcastically mocking me. Sorry pal but there's no route to the high road from where you are. These "Bad Apples" you're talking about, yeah you're one of them. If you had put even 1 comment that wasn't in some way a backhand, snide, sarcastic or rude I may have actually seen some sort of value in your view or opinion, but you have proven that you are not worth the consideration.

I use the tools I am familiar with to help how I can. Are you here for help, or to vent?

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Here's the thing. The way things *should be* are not as they are right now. Here's an analogy. I grew up in a rough neighborhood. My area shouldn't have been that way. It would have been great if everything were fine. But it wasn't, so I learned to throw a few punches, developed a lot of street smarts and carried mace so I could leave my apartment.


In our game: it's NOT cool that some players don't know how to act like grownups and engage in poor, sometimes harassing behavior. Best case scenario: everyone would know how to treat others with respect and act like an adult in public.


However, that's not what we've got right now. So, understanding that we're not operating under a best-case-scenario in SWTOR, your choices become: using whatever tools are at your disposal to survive and thrive, or staying in your virtual apartment and finding another neighborhood to hang out in. You seem to really like (or liked) Star Wars, so it might help you to try to listen to what everyone is saying in terms of how to avoid as much trouble as possible - and deal with it when it comes up. That's basically using the 'ignore' feature, turning off the chat channels and auto-rejecting as much as you can. Yes, there should be other options, but that's what we've got right now.


Another suggestion might be creating a character on one of the 'dead' servers. They might not always be around, but right now they are. There aren't any PvP servers anymore, so you don't have to worry about that (just instances, and you can always make sure you are in the PvE instance). Those servers have very low populations and from what I hear, people tend to keep to themselves there. There are other players who have posted that they specifically stay on the dead servers so they're not bothered. No, it's not best-case-scenario, but it might be a way for you to still enjoy the game if you find the larger servers overwhelming.

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The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges.


I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response.


I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me.


I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here.


Goodbye Swtor.


There are good people out there, and it doesn't take that long to find them. On my first day back into the game since 2013 (about a month ago) I decided to subscribe and create a level 65 boosted character. I was clueless and asking around in general chat on the fleet after I finally figured out how to get out of KoTET (yes, I forgot how to do everything hahaha) what I should do and explaining how dumbfounded I was. Then I received a guild invite, and I decided to join because, why not. These two nice and helpful guys understood my situation and were so helpful and respectful towards me, and for that I am eternally grateful. They told me where I should get started and even hooked me up with sweet gear! over the next few weeks I had grown close to the guild and really started to enjoy myself, doing nightly WarZones and having fun in Team Speak. They are some of the most genuinely down to earth and good-hearted people I have ever met, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


If you end up staying, please do send me a mail @Alfinator on Harbinger! I'm on pretty much every day.


May the force be with you! :)

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There are good people out there, and it doesn't take that long to find them. On my first day back into the game since 2013 (about a month ago) I decided to subscribe and create a level 65 boosted character. I was clueless and asking around in general chat on the fleet after I finally figured out how to get out of KoTET (yes, I forgot how to do everything hahaha) what I should do and explaining how dumbfounded I was. Then I received a guild invite, and I decided to join because, why not. These two nice and helpful guys understood my situation and were so helpful and respectful towards me, and for that I am eternally grateful. They told me where I should get started and even hooked me up with sweet gear! over the next few weeks I had grown close to the guild and really started to enjoy myself, doing nightly WarZones and having fun in Team Speak. They are some of the most genuinely down to earth and good-hearted people I have ever met, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


If you end up staying, please do send me a mail @Alfinator on Harbinger! I'm on pretty much every day.


May the force be with you! :)


Why are you lying for?.. you haven't been here since 2013... Your player number is 20812334.

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lol why would I lie about something so trivial


It's pretty obvious. I honestly wouldn't need to prove otherwise how false your whole story is because this account was made longer than a month ago.

Meaning either that was when you started the game or you've completely lied in all your replies.

Edited by DarthSealth
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It's pretty obvious. I honestly wouldn't need to prove otherwise how false your whole story is because this account was made longer than a month ago.

Meaning either that was when you started the game or or you've completely lied in all your replies.

LOL, so I'm at fault for not listing the precise time this account was created, even though I stated "about a month ago." Why are you making this a big ordeal when all I mentioned in my initial post was that I myself have found nice people to play with and am a returning player from 2013, offering myself to the OP as a SWTOR buddy. I just don't understand why you feel the need to even react this way.

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Because you shouldn't lie. You don't need to make out you're a old player returning.

I'm just pointing out that someone will call you out on it.


Especially when you say something like you didn't know how to play lol gameplay was a lot more difficult in the day than it is now.


Dude, I'm not an old vet, I played the game for a couple weeks in 2013 and stopped playing. NEVER did I say I was a returning vet, I just said I started playing In 2013 then quit shortly after, and came back about a month ago. I am not lying.

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Dude, I'm not an old vet, I played the game for a couple weeks when it came out, and stopped playing. NEVER did I say I was a returning vet, I just said I started playing In 2013 then quit shortly after, and came back about a month ago.


It didn't come out in 2013. Keep digging....

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It didn't come out in 2013. Keep digging....


LOL i know it came out in 2011, I didnt mean to say "when it came out". Dude why the heck do you have to put me through this, I am not lying. Get this through your thick skull, I am going to say this clearly okay?: I joined the game in 2013. I quit playing after two weeks. Got it so far? I came back about a month ago.


You have the wrong idea of me. Im not trying to seem like an old pro coming back. All Im saying is I tried the game in 2013.

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LOL i know it came out in 2011, I didnt mean to say "when it came out". Dude why the heck do you have to put me through this, I am not lying. Get this through your thick skull, I am going to say this clearly okay?: I joined the game in 2013. I quit playing after two weeks. Got it so far? I came back about a month ago.


With a new account. ahhhh.... yes.... right..... yeah of course the old one disappeared..... what kind of dark arts is this?

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