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Bring back old LIs before adding new ones! Forget about Arcann!


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On the issue of Force users, I actually would prefer if there was a male Force user that was not Arcann who was available to romance for m/f and m/m, be that Scourge, or one of the Knights of Zakuul who now likes the Alliance, or somesuch. It would kind of bite if Arcann were the only option available to players in that respect.


Setting Scourge up as a romance option might be a way to kill two birds with one stone - bring back a missing companion and present a new love interest option.


Advocatus Diaboli:


Except I don't like Lord S at all. In fact, I like him less than Arcann.


Can't please us all, I guess. ;)

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Female players have zero force users as LI's. Zero.

Don't make me count how many force users males get to romance from Vanilla and THEN Lana later.


We want our force user -- and are willing to redeem him! Dark force corruption makes people do stuff they otherwise wouldn't do, bring them back to the light and they are just as good as anyone else. I don't see why people fail to remember how the force actually works because it's not the person who was bad per say -- it was the lure of the darkside.

^I have to strongly agree with this. My guild is female heavy and I totally sympathize. +1, Signed; BW should make it happen

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I guess Arcann could indeed be a love interest, yes. Although i wouldn't really bet on it since he'll probably be an empty shell from now on. there's hope, he's in the "main characters" list, but i doubt we'll see much more of him.


And my little joke:

Forget your pathetic love interests, why the frak can't we romance Valky?

My inquisitor and him could live a perfect gay-ghost love story ;)


^I COMPLETELY disagree about him as an "empty shell".


Arcann is redeemed, a force user powerhouse and intelligent. He's more somber now, yes, but he's far from a shell. There's growth there, not hollowness, to be sure. For ex.: Like Xena Warrior Princess was a vile piece of work for a long time, then mended her ways. It happens. Goodest of good go evil - the pendulum goes the other way, the most vile can become really good. Ulic Qel'Droma is another example. It happens.

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What does it matter that we have any LIs at all? The answer is that folks like them, their stories, the interactions. Some want force using LIs. That shouldn't impact you and how you play at all. There are several characters that I really, REALLLLLLY dislike that I cannot avoid but I realise that others enjoy them so no big deal. Let folks have their fun and you go ahead and have yours.

^OMG, IKR. For me it's Theron that makes me *cringe*, even though my significant other loves him. Quinn isn't much better. Just saying :3

Edited by Willjb
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Advocatus Diaboli:


Except I don't like Lord S at all. In fact, I like him less than Arcann.


Can't please us all, I guess. ;)


That's the truth of the matter, really, they're never going to create a male LI that is universally loved. Some of us female players (or our PCs) prefer the other team, too, and don't go for any of the male LIs at all.


Both Scourge and Arcann do have histories that inspire some players to intensely dislike them; other players love them. It's a good reason why someone new, who is a blank slate with no player history, might be nice. Given all of the Force users on the Alliance base and in Zakuul, I would think there would have to be someone they could write if they were creative.

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I think Arcann's a great character and I'm looking forward to the romance. However, I do hope that it includes a friendship track, because most of my ladies are committed to other gents. Romance isn't the only kind of meaningful relationship, so those of us interested in Arcann's character but not wanting to romance him shouldn't be neglected.


In terms of the old LIs, I will wait as long as necessary, if the return is good. Bioware, please don't give us another Dorne/Quinn. Take your time. Give us something that makes yourselves proud for producing it and makes us proud that we kept our characters faithful.

^ I agree with everything here. I hope they give Arcann some role in the story that's not necessary related to the romance. His character is more than that. And not all my characters will romance him. Some just want to be good friends.


I think the returned companions in kotfe is handled nicely most of the time. If they didn't rush the kotet story and did it like kotfe,we might have some more meaningful return by now.

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That's the truth of the matter, really, they're never going to create a male LI that is universally loved. Some of us female players (or our PCs) prefer the other team, too, and don't go for any of the male LIs at all.


Both Scourge and Arcann do have histories that inspire some players to intensely dislike them; other players love them. It's a good reason why someone new, who is a blank slate with no player history, might be nice. Given all of the Force users on the Alliance base and in Zakuul, I would think there would have to be someone they could write if they were creative.


But it's exactly the history that makes these potential romances all the more interesting, for me at least. More option is good. We don't have to settle for just one.

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What does it matter that we don't have a force user male?

And I'm NOT willing to redeem Arcann, I kill him EVERY time. He's a horrible character, just like his sister.


What do you care who others want to romance? Its not like your being forced to ever romance any char you dont want to.

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But it's exactly the history that makes these potential romances all the more interesting, for me at least. More option is good. We don't have to settle for just one.


Both the new and the old are important, I think. The history of a character and the way they've treated the PC can also be a complete deterrent to keeping them alive, much less romancing them. Whereas getting to know a new companion can be really fun journey, even if you're not romancing them. As you say, options are good, and it would be nice if there were more of them.

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Why is there even a discussion of making Arcann romanceable before you've brought back all the old LIs? He's a horrible character and, like Vaylinn, shouldn't have been redeemable at all after he committed mass murders, wiped out entire planets and tried to kill YOU multiple times!


That's your opinion. Tons of us love him and want him as a LI for our sith.


The original companions left 7 years ago (by the time Quinn returns) or so. Probably almost 8. That's a long time and people change. In 7 years, some should be married, dead... or even have children. That's how real life works.


I understand that some want the old companions back, yet a lot of us don't care about them anymore. So respect our wishes as we respect yours. Don't like Arcann? fine, kill him in KOTET. Solved.

We redeemed him, so our story with him continues. That was our choice, and remember: choices matter.

Edited by Tadagyt
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^OMG, IKR. For me it's Theron that makes me *cringe*, even though my significant other loves him. Quinn isn't much better. Just saying :3


I agree, Theron never did it for me.:rak_04: But my gay best friend totally adores him. And I'm happy he's available for him.:rak_03: I know he'll probably quit should he become a card cutout board.😶

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I really hope that if Arcann becomes a romance Senya is also involved to an extent as Arcann's mother -- you know the awkward hey we are together conversation? It really bugs me that we never got introduced to Theron's dad as his LI and that there has only been a very brief mention of it by Satele ( which we had to prompt ).


More awkward LI parent conversations please bioware! :D

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Theron has daddy issues l, I don't think that would ever go well. Satele on the other hand.🤔 But then again, he has mommy issues too.🙄 Agreed with the Arcann and Senya thing.:rak_03:

They at least love each other, a child and it's parent thing(not in the weird way duh)hasn't really been done in swtor. I think that would be cool.

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The original companions left 7 years ago (by the time Quinn returns) or so. Probably almost 8. That's a long time and people change. In 7 years, some should be married, dead... or even have children. That's how real life works.

That may be how real life works, but it's not how Bioware should write the original LIs. It would be really unfair to "punish" some people by having their characters' LIs move on and marry someone else while other LIs stayed faithful. The player of the consular or smuggler (or whoever) is no less loyal or deserving than the player of other classes who already have some or all of their LIs back. The particular stories of what the missings LIs did during the past years should be different and interesting, but there should always be a way to reunite and reignite the relationship.


I don't know if you played the Mass Effect series, but one of the LIs there cheats on the player between installments and won't get back together, which is really unfair to players who picked that LI. I personally didn't pick him, but I feel bad for those who did. It's just not right to treat some players preferentially and essentially say "whoops, looks like you chose the wrong LI, lol!" (Especially when in the majority of cases there's no choice between class companion romances, so the only choice back then was between a romance or no romance.)

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The entire point behind the jedi through history is that anyone can be redeemed. It's ridiculous to say they can't be. It's like saying someone in prison can't be redeemed, This is sci fi fantasy. Bad boys can always be redeemed.


Next, though I hate most of the LIs, Corso being on my must kill list by my smugglers, both hate him to pieces, I don't have a problem either way. Bring them back or not. The only LIs I was every interested in for my playthroughs were Andronikos (Steve Blum mmm) and Jorgan (already back). I for one would love to see Arcann as a romance since I have girls, smugglers, that love the bad boys which is is why they sleep with Darmas and hate Corso. The one person I'd love to see as a new romance is Jonas Balker. Yeah, I know it will never happen but it would be sweet.


Otherwise, new and old would be nice for everyone who likes that part of RPGs but do it right. Take some lessons from the Dragon Age team on that one lol.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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The entire point behind the jedi through history is that anyone can be redeemed. It's ridiculous to say they can't be. It's like saying someone in prison can't be redeemed, This is sci fi fantasy. Bad boys can always be redeemed.


Next, though I hate most of the LIs, Corso being on my must kill list by my smugglers, both hate him to pieces, I don't have a problem either way. Bring them back or not. The only LIs I was every interested in for my playthroughs were Andronikos (Steve Blum mmm) and Jorgan (already back). I for one would love to see Arcann as a romance since I have girls, smugglers, that love the bad boys which is is why they sleep with Darmas and hate Corso. The one person I'd love to see as a new romance is Jonas Balker. Yeah, I know it will never happen but it would be sweet.


Otherwise, new and old would be nice for everyone who likes that part of RPGs but do it right. Take some lessons from the Dragon Age team on that one lol.


Jonas would be sweet but none of my troopers would ever romance him -- because they can't look past Aric! :)


Speaking of which, there are a few LI's from vanilla I would love t o see be able to pick up a romance with other classes now post KoTFE / KoTET -- Aric being one of them, I so want a JK/Aric romance. I'd be up for a Torian/Smuggler romance too. Vector with a Consular and so on... Oh yeah and whatever happened to my Agent's Voss hubby?? If he was to join up as a full time romance option I would so be there for that too, there is currently not a Voss romance and I'd like one.


[Edit] In fact, other then Aric, not only did we not get any force user romances we also only got ONE alien romance. One. The rest are humans. Why does bioware dislike their female player base so much? :(

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^I COMPLETELY disagree about him as an "empty shell".


Arcann is redeemed, a force user powerhouse and intelligent. He's more somber now, yes, but he's far from a shell. There's growth there, not hollowness, to be sure. For ex.: Like Xena Warrior Princess was a vile piece of work for a long time, then mended her ways. It happens. Goodest of good go evil - the pendulum goes the other way, the most vile can become really good. Ulic Qel'Droma is another example. It happens.


Empty shell refers to the way that Bioware treats any companion or LI that is killable, not necessarily his potential to be deeply represented.

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The odd thing is that, If Arcann were to become a LI, it must be pretty good. I mean why would they bother making him a LI when he can die. Judged on all the other LI that can die and how low effort their reunion scenes were, it would make no sense for them to introduce Arcann as a LI, unless it was going to be worth something.
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To be honest, I have no issue with other love interests being brought in before all of the old ones are back, UNLESS they postpone bringing originals back in order to create new ones. I don't think it would be too much to ask to have them bring back an old companion while introducing a new one. Well, it isn't too much to ask, though it probably isn't something they would realistically do. They've demonstrated a habit of only addressing one request at a time and doing that poorly.


However, I do feel like they keep handing us pieces of broken candy in attempts to pacify players rather than tackling the bigger issues being talked about.

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That may be how real life works, but it's not how Bioware should write the original LIs. It would be really unfair to "punish" some people by having their characters' LIs move on and marry someone else while other LIs stayed faithful. The player of the consular or smuggler (or whoever) is no less loyal or deserving than the player of other classes who already have some or all of their LIs back. The particular stories of what the missings LIs did during the past years should be different and interesting, but there should always be a way to reunite and reignite the relationship.


I didn't mean they should do that. As I said, I understand a lot of people want the original ones back and that's fine. What I meant is that while some want the original companions back, some of us don't. We should all get what we want though.

Some want the original LI's, I want Arcann, Theron and whoever comes in the future and some want both things.


My original companions went silent in 2013... Illum, Makeb, Oricon, Forged alliances, SOR, KOTFE, KOTET, Iokath, Umbara... we're in 2017. I don't remember most of their stories.

Also, they were the only options we had. You couldn't choose, your inquisitor had to marry Andronikos, your smuggler Corso, and so on. Now we can choose, and choice is good. :)

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