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Bring back old LIs before adding new ones! Forget about Arcann!


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Why is there even a discussion of making Arcann romanceable before you've brought back all the old LIs? He's a horrible character and, like Vaylinn, shouldn't have been redeemable at all after he committed mass murders, wiped out entire planets and tried to kill YOU multiple times!
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Why is there even a discussion of making Arcann romanceable before you've brought back all the old LIs? He's a horrible character and, like Vaylinn, shouldn't have been redeemable at all after he committed mass murders, wiped out entire planets and tried to kill YOU multiple times!


True enough but that isn't necessarily a negative for everyone. We're not all of the same opinion.


I want the LIs back too but I have no issue with Arcann being a possible LI. If I don't care to indulge, I won't. If someone else does, good on 'em.

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I think Arcann is beyond abhorrent but he floats some people's boats. *shrug* I'm always killing him off so he isn't in my game, so there is no harm, no foul.


And IMHO we do need more LIs gping forward.


Having said that, it is ridiculous that the vanilla LIs have not returned yet. They do need to address that.

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LOTS of people have tried to kill us! If we cut out everyone who tried to kill us or nearly got us killed due to dubious planning, sudden but inevitable betrayal, being captured, their random enemies, or egging on terrible plans, we'd just be left with Doc and MAYBE Temple to smooch. Bleh.
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LOTS of people have tried to kill us! If we cut out everyone who tried to kill us or nearly got us killed due to dubious planning, sudden but inevitable betrayal, being captured, their random enemies, or egging on terrible plans, we'd just be left with Doc and MAYBE Temple to smooch. Bleh.

Don't forget Corso.

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Why is there even a discussion of making Arcann romanceable before you've brought back all the old LIs? He's a horrible character and, like Vaylinn, shouldn't have been redeemable at all after he committed mass murders, wiped out entire planets and tried to kill YOU multiple times!

The "our people first" approach never seems to come to an end. Might as well do what's easily available.:rak_03:

There might not be an Arcann romance at all, but people will always discuss as old LI's aren't interesting to us all. Imo, they could have all died when kotfe started and I wouldn't have cared all that much.


Except Scourge and Jaesa. They are the best companions.:rak_03:


Corso eggs on terrible plans and tries to get us killed helping the ladies.


...Though let's be fair, the smuggler storyline is a barrage of terrible plans.

But what if you're a lady yourself? He could never!!!

I hate chivalrous men, I want a brute.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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You mean the old paradigm?? If so, I'm definitely for it, BUT NO~~~ I won't forget about Arcann; he's one of my favorite characters and I love having him as a companion, hopefully he'll finally be modifiable in the near future.


He's way better than the other 4.0+ character companions. Best voice EVER in an MMO, and I love his unique bubble shield, and fighting alongside a fellow Emperor. To take a GoT quote: "He cannot be unnamed!" Sith are usually pretty bad, and having one of the top bad@sses as a companion would align with the Sith Code of growing stronger.


He's redeemed and one of my fiercest allies now; I'm not worried about him trying to bump me off- we've seen this happen across history, such as Chinese for ex. Nothing new - you destroy an enemy by making him a supporter. (Another example - Vader.) Arcann is too good of a character to discard and I absolutely intend to keep mine indefinitely, using daily on one of my 2 mains; he's a top favorite.


I really hope they put Arcann's mask in game, like they did Nihilus', and let us modify him soon.

Edited by Willjb
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Hey, Scourge has been requested since early after launch and for years in many different threads. If others can ask for Kira and Ashara by name and want them returned, why shouldn't I be able to ask for the one I want?


Because Scourge is NOT LI and he is obviously NOT able to become LI - because he doesn't feel anything?

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Because Scourge is NOT LI and he is obviously NOT able to become LI - because he doesn't feel anything?


At the moment, yes. Who says that can't change later on?


Anyways, on topic: I'd prefer they focus on bringing back old LI's, but I wouldn't mind in the least if they added new ones. Just so long as they don't focus solely on adding new ones before bringing back Kira, Mako, Vector, Iresso, etc.

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Even if they allowed Arcann to be romanceable, what makes anyone think he wouldn't become like all other LIs that are killable?

They're having a hard enough time bringing back original LIs and they seem to get a kick out of muting any that are killable, whether before or after 4.0.


It's very much wishful thinking that they would allow Arcann to be treated any differently than all the other NPCs that are killable. I would love to be proven wrong and in the near future there would be more content devoted to all companions and LIs alike, but come on now.


*Hey, now that the VA strike is over.............!!!

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Watch out what you say. Despite this being the internet, and you not offending anyone specifically, if you even mention you actually kill folks like Arcann or Quinn, you may be virtually stoned to death while being threatened of getting added to ignore lists, and being accussed of overwhelming negativity.


Despite having freedom to play your game. Despite adressing everyone respectfully. Despite these forums being free to discuss everything game related.


Some people just live in a rainbow colored bubble.


And btw, im all in for old LI to come back, but i also want Arcann romanceable. I may kill him some times, and romance others, just to see the whole story thing.

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I agree with the OP.


While I'm all for Arcann being an option, even though I have no personal interest in him, not a single new LI should be added while we still have major characters and LIs from the original class stories missing in action. Kira, Risha, Iresso, Andronicus, ect, ect all need to return before Bioware even thinks about creating LI content for a new character like Arcann.


Having the original characters disappear for KOTFE was a major writing blunder on Bioware's part that hardly anyone was happy with, and it should be corrected as soon as possible.

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Because Scourge is NOT LI and he is obviously NOT able to become LI - because he doesn't feel anything?


Charles implied that they were looking into making him a love interest. Anything is possible with decent writing.

Edited by Lunafox
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Why is there even a discussion of making Arcann romanceable before you've brought back all the old LIs? He's a horrible character and, like Vaylinn, shouldn't have been redeemable at all after he committed mass murders, wiped out entire planets and tried to kill YOU multiple times!


Female players have zero force users as LI's. Zero.

Don't make me count how many force users males get to romance from Vanilla and THEN Lana later.


We want our force user -- and are willing to redeem him! Dark force corruption makes people do stuff they otherwise wouldn't do, bring them back to the light and they are just as good as anyone else. I don't see why people fail to remember how the force actually works because it's not the person who was bad per say -- it was the lure of the darkside.

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I guess Arcann could indeed be a love interest, yes. Although i wouldn't really bet on it since he'll probably be an empty shell from now on. there's hope, he's in the "main characters" list, but i doubt we'll see much more of him.


And my little joke:

Forget your pathetic love interests, why the frak can't we romance Valky?

My inquisitor and him could live a perfect gay-ghost love story ;)

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Female players have zero force users as LI's. Zero.

Don't make me count how many force users males get to romance from Vanilla and THEN Lana later.


We want our force user -- and are willing to redeem him! Dark force corruption makes people do stuff they otherwise wouldn't do, bring them back to the light and they are just as good as anyone else. I don't see why people fail to remember how the force actually works because it's not the person who was bad per say -- it was the lure of the darkside.

What does it matter that we don't have a force user male?

And I'm NOT willing to redeem Arcann, I kill him EVERY time. He's a horrible character, just like his sister.

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What does it matter that we don't have a force user male?

And I'm NOT willing to redeem Arcann, I kill him EVERY time. He's a horrible character, just like his sister.


What does it matter that we have any LIs at all? The answer is that folks like them, their stories, the interactions. Some want force using LIs. That shouldn't impact you and how you play at all. There are several characters that I really, REALLLLLLY dislike that I cannot avoid but I realise that others enjoy them so no big deal. Let folks have their fun and you go ahead and have yours.

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What does it matter that we don't have a force user male?

And I'm NOT willing to redeem Arcann, I kill him EVERY time. He's a horrible character, just like his sister.


Well, it matters to a lot of women, just not to you and a select few. Which is fine. Also not all females want Arcann, just a good force using male will do for those as well.

Edited by Eshvara
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I think Arcann's a great character and I'm looking forward to the romance. However, I do hope that it includes a friendship track, because most of my ladies are committed to other gents. Romance isn't the only kind of meaningful relationship, so those of us interested in Arcann's character but not wanting to romance him shouldn't be neglected.


In terms of the old LIs, I will wait as long as necessary, if the return is good. Bioware, please don't give us another Dorne/Quinn. Take your time. Give us something that makes yourselves proud for producing it and makes us proud that we kept our characters faithful.

Edited by Estelindis
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On the issue of Force users, I actually would prefer if there was a male Force user that was not Arcann who was available to romance for m/f and m/m, be that Scourge, or one of the Knights of Zakuul who now likes the Alliance, or somesuch. It would kind of bite if Arcann were the only option available to players in that respect.


Setting Scourge up as a romance option might be a way to kill two birds with one stone - bring back a missing companion and present a new love interest option.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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