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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quests All The Same Gripe


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Whilst I'm enjoying the game so far; it does seem to be nothing much more than go into some industrial compound, guarded by pirates/droids/bad guys all sitting in clusters of 3 or 4...kill many of them to get the 'special thing' i was sent there for.


Whilst I'm there I'll get a bonus quest to kill 30 or 50 of the same bad guys I just killed a hundred of before I got the special bonus quest. Does it ever change?


Perhaps it's because I'm a lvl18 Commando? Maybe the rest of you have fantastic exciting outdoor quests but so far I've spent my entire time inside some old industrial semi-guarded warehouse. Every bloody time. Screw the warehouse, I would like to be outside for once.


If I have to download some crucial data from some arsey warehouse one more time I think I'll explode before the bomb I'm supposed to explode explodes, Understand?


Anyone else?

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It doesn't change much, aside from flashpoint and class storyline. This might be the deciding factor for many, simply a lack of interesting content once they're done with those. It seems to be missing the wow factor that makes you want to drop everything to play it. I hope they come up with more interesting content because aside from the aforementioned, it's just the usual fetch and kill grind and that gets very old, very fast. Edited by masaville
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It's pretty much the same for all other classes. Some stories are better than others but we all have to deal with bonus quests and stationary groups of 3-4 mobs.


If I visit another tomb with my sith inquisitor, I will probably break something...

Edited by krookie
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The class quests in particular really get going once you finish Chapter 1 (I did in my late 20s). You do a lot of cool things and there are more scripted events that happen. But there are a lot of sidequests for people who like that sort of thing. If grinding 8-40 mobs of the same type isn't your thing, there are Flashpoints, PvP, Space Combat and Companion Quests to boost up your XP to keep up with the Class Quest levels.


If you are doing every single quest and every single bonus quest in every area and then following it up with the Bonus Series (Like I did for my first 3 planets), then yes. It will get repetitive. But only because... that's what quests are. Go to a place and do a thing, then come back for a prize.

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Well truth is i really dont see how much more there can be in a non real time based MMO.


it kinda is the same old same old quest wise so to speak. but i still like it. as you get new locatons, new enemies and such


I mean lets be honest. The game takes the same old grind of most MMOS and wraps an interesting story around it and makes it more of a progression so you feel like your on a bit of a journey but i like how its done


all MMOs basically are the same


you have the same type of quests, but This game dresses it up in a way that gives you the illusion that it matters. I like it. the little bit of thanks the NPC gives you after a quest or what makes you feel like you did something that matters.


Its all fake if you think about it. all mmos are baiscally the grind from 1 to high level. but this does it in a way that if you are not overly picky. is kinda fun.

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Well said Evenios. It is just an illusion.


I've sadly played MMORPGs before the term even existed, from MUDs to SWTOR. This one has me hooked, for now, but I'm always hooked at the beginning, but quick to leave shortly afterwards. I'm sure it'll get better, if not I can always go back to UO. :)

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The nature of the quests is one of the reasons that I decided to cancel my subscription; and this isn't a rant, it's an observation.


On the whole Bioware have done a good job but the game lacks that wow factor that keeps people hooked. Firstly I feel that the server caps are set too low as even when the server is showing as full I only see maybe 8 - 10 other players running around; the place should be packed. Couple this with the static nature of the worlds themselves and the place just lacks life if you know what I mean.


Second as the OP has stated is the bland nature of the quests which at times have had me literally falling asleep at the keyboard. Instead of adding another layer to the game they have become an obstacle that you have to grind through just to get to that short moment that advances the story.


The third reason is that it takes more than a few droids and a Hut to make it Star Wars; the Star Wars skin is there but the feel is not. To explain I'll take just one world as an example; Nar Shadaar. The smugglers moon should be a vibrant, rich place full of intrigue, seedy back alley dens & opportunities. Instead it struggles to seperate itself from the overall look of Coruscant and once off the Promenade throw a stone in any direction and you are sure to hit something to shoot at that also wants to shoot at you; if the game was isometric in it's viewpoint it would be space siege. A world like Taris that is supposed to be dangerous the moment you step out the door is fine for this type of setup; but not a world like Nar Shadaar where shady deals are struck in dark corners all the time; Bioware have completely missed the point of this world and many of the others.


As I said earlier this is not a rant and I only post it so that Bioware ( if they ever read these things ) know where I'm coming from. The game has a lot of potential and hopefully BW will rethink some design decisions over the next couple of years that will make me want to come back.

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The compounds look exactly the same. If you think about it, every zone seems to look the same. I understand what you mean and no it doesn't change. It's the same thing over and over and over and over. There are side quests besides your class quest but they are recommended to do or else your class quests is orange and becomes difficult to solo. If you do the side quests you end up with a green class quest. Either way, we lose. The quest mechanics in this game are pretty much screwed up.


I'm level 31 and it hasn't changed.

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There has never been, and will never be, an MMORPG that diverges from this formula. At the end of the day, questing in game such as this will always come down to kill X bad guys, Fetch X items, and walk here to click X.


That's questing. Period. Every game that has ever been...and every game that will ever be...is going to ask you to do those things for 90%+ of your quests. Period. You don't like it? Find a new genre.

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Skyrim, which even I would say is the GotY, has countless quests that tell you to go into a dungeon and kill some guy at the end. You do this over and over and over again. In a single player game.


Yet, you expect a MMO to give you huge variety in quests constantly? Are you new to RPG's in general?

Edited by Claymaniac
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