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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5.5 Marksman...NERF?!?!


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I was under the impression that Marks was the weakest performing sniper spec. When I saw that changes were coming to the spec I would have put good money down that a substantial dps buff was coming. I don't raid, but any end game snipers out there care to comment?
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tldr of what I've put in other threads: Marksman doesn't have the sustained damage of the other specs, but it doesn't need to. It still has the sustained for almost all fights when played at the highest level, and because of its burst and target swapping, it is the preferred spec for 2/5 of the last boss MM ops bosses (the bosses that matter the most), and is about equal for another 2 of those 5. With the nerfs, the only thing that will change is 1 of the bosses where it's about equal with virulence will go more in favor of virulence, but marksman is still a very good spec when played right.
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Nerfing an already nerf'd spec...

"Marksmanship - Gunslinger Sharpshooter was slightly overperforming" ........

What do you expect from a sniper- flowers???

"we reduced the critical hit chance and damage of Snipe / Charged Burst"

What kind of idiots will play sniper after that ??

Always "just one more" nerf, and it's still never enough for the worthless crybaby cash-shop casuals

Deeply disappointing

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  • 2 weeks later...
MM Sniper doesn't give the usual indications of being an over-performing class. Most players would find it "fine". For this reason the nerf seems odd at best. I do have to say that I have seen improvements in their class balancing. At launch, and given the usual overall imbalance of a just launched game, SWTOR was unusually well-balanced in terms of the classes. And here I'm not talking simple DPS balance but in interesting counters among the classes. But, any sense of balance very quickly deteriorated. At least the current attempts at balance seem measured if odd as the current class nerf seems. At the very least, they are not completely destroying classes and making them unplayable.
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MM's was ok, and it will still be ok after the nerf even NiM (I've done every fight besides tfb in MM's can't bring myself to play it there, viru is too juicy)


But, viable is not the bar by which we should measure..... shame on the sniper mains that are ok with the change, we should always be lobbying for buffs, both QoL and actual dps.


For example I would prefer them to keep MM's the same sustained dps wise but increase the burst windows. Also cut out corrosive dart as a mainstay.... as a direct damage dealer corrosive dart shouldn't anywhere near the top of a priority.

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  • 1 month later...
......e every fight besides tfb in MM's can't bring myself to play it there, viru is too juicy


Why Viru versus MM in TFB? I'm curious...my raid team has pushed me into SS/MM because of burst for irregularities/anomolies,,,and the tank killers.,..

Edited by MurkyDregs
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Why Viru versus MM in TFB? I'm curious...my raid team has pushed me into SS/MM because of burst for irregularities/anomolies,,,and the tank killers.,..


You can double dot the tentacles in the first and 3rd phase, also the tentacles have a huge amount of health. Plus, re-up dots when waiting off platform for a slam.


If you are the one who has to go after the anomalies, ya MM is probably better, I don't think I've seen a sniper be the one to go after the anomaly in NiM (not saying it doesn't happen, I just usually see PTs, Mercs, or Jugs do it). As far as irregularity goes, MM may be a teeny bit better, but not enough to outweigh the advantages for the rest of the fight.

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