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Everything posted by Silense

  1. Nothing wrong with tough stuff, but It's prob a tad bit overturned for some classes. Also some of my first impressions were without using a dps companion, I didn't even think about it. (duh blonde moment)
  2. After some practice I shaved the time to kill of bosses down to 590 seconds and got the achieve, but it seems crazy tuned, most people will never even get close to this
  3. Has anyone taken a look at this recently, seem like the health of things are pretty damn high and with the rp inbetween phases it seems an awfully tight check with certain classes. I ran it on my sniper just recently and the bosses took a total of 13.4 mins to kill but with the RP in between the bosses the total time was 18:42, the rp in between the last 2 bosses in almost a full min. I added up the health required to kill each encounter (using starparse) it was 6,762,058. So taking the RP time off the clock this gives you 595 seconds or just under 10 mins. which equates to 11, 682 dps. Now I wasn't the most efficient I could be but I wasn't wasting any time and i do know my class quite well. Most individual fights were around the 10k mark for dps.
  4. MM's was ok, and it will still be ok after the nerf even NiM (I've done every fight besides tfb in MM's can't bring myself to play it there, viru is too juicy) But, viable is not the bar by which we should measure..... shame on the sniper mains that are ok with the change, we should always be lobbying for buffs, both QoL and actual dps. For example I would prefer them to keep MM's the same sustained dps wise but increase the burst windows. Also cut out corrosive dart as a mainstay.... as a direct damage dealer corrosive dart shouldn't anywhere near the top of a priority.
  5. After seeing all of the changes made in the past few months, I would fire your balance team. The point of the game is to make money and nerfs to 80% of the classes just causes people to unsubscribe. Hitting a magical number for dps isn't worth losing money, if you think dps numbers as a whole are too high (your balance team obviously does) work it out on the other end i.e. increase boss health or mitigation. That aside, MM's didn't need a nerf, its not unplayable now, but that shouldn't be the bar in which a spec is measured.
  6. yea nothing from this I've tested, was just some ideas I've had. Mostly it stems from having cleared everything then asking... whats next?
  7. So Most of Us NiM raiders have cleared everything and are looking for new challenges so while we wait for the new raid bosses we could have some challenges that give special titles that add flavor to otherwise farmed encounters. I.E here is a list I made up really quickly. Challenge modes (i exclude EV and KP) VotMG Tyth - Kill no droids, or Cleave all droids Sisters - use no taunts on countermeasures? (theres alot of things that could make this fight interesting) Dread fortress Nefra - ask devs to buff Draxus - get all interrupts Grob - do no damage to adds other than mining droid fire? CZ - kill no repair droids (other than the first ones) Brontes - deathless Dread Palace Bestia - Kill her with no adds alive Tyrans - no one takes damage to inferno Cal - ? Raptus - take no damage from spinning attack Council - kill all 4 bosses within 20 seconds of each other SnV Dash rode - use no more than 2 shields Titan 6 - no add is alive for more than 10 seconds Thrasher - 7 people go up top from the first knockup Oasis City - synchronized kill of all patrol groups(5sec) (would have cancel the timer when it happens) Olok - spend no credit tokens cartel warlords - kill horic last styrak - 16min kill or under TFB Horror - kill all adds? idk this fight is easy Dreadguards - No one takes damage from force leech or red puddles and no doom is cheated Op 9 - kill no adds during second phase kephess - kill within 10 seconds of entering burn phase? (maybe 15) Terror - kill all tents within 5% of each other Ravagers sparky - kill no adds until boss dies bulo - take no damage from blue circles torque - use 1 or fewer repair droids master/blaster - no mines are set off prematurly coratanni/ruugar - no one dies from hostage situation ToS Malaphar - adds don't enter the boss circle and stacks go no higher than 5 walkers - no shield lasts longer than 5 seconds underlurker - only 1 rock can be used to take cover from rage storm (full group behind a singular rock) revanite commanders - kill all 3 bosses within 10 seconds of each other Revan - no deaths (I think the best would be to give a special title for no deaths plus avoid all avoidable mechanics as a raid team)
  8. Grow a brain and use your own insults next time. Plus I was in a raid group with you, you were a terrible healer.
  9. Was referring to the server first (It's Lit got it I believe), for that matter you can only compete on NA server, maybe if you let the Europeans play your accounts you could "claim" a world first on something that matters.
  10. Because you're not good enough to get it on harbinger.
  11. " Engineering / Saboteur was swimming in too much energy" & "We didn’t like that Engineering / Saboteur players might sometimes need to choose between using Takedown / Quickdraw to deal damage or Snipe" Pretty sure whoever wrote these statements doesn't know how to play engi/sab.
  12. can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. The nerfs will amount to a serious dps loss, enough that I wont play viru on any nim last boss anymore
  13. I think the cull damage was the only reason viru was in the "quasi-sustained" category.... now with the nerf can you really quantify viru as having burst at all?
  14. If you have to put a disclaimer on your changes you should stop and think about what you're doing. At its core bioware is a service industry, and the customer is #1. If your changes are going to anger your customers, even though the changes might make the game more balanced, you need to find a more creative way to balance the game. For example if healing is too strong in pvp add a debuff to incoming healing while in warzones and arenas. This would lower target hps numbers without actually targeting specific classes. If the debuff were to cause certain classes to be lower than the target hps number they can get buffs to adjust. The same can be done in pve by adjusting boss outgoing damage. This may seem like a complicated way to do balance changes, and it is, but the customer is #1 and keeping your customer paying and coming back to play more is worth the extra challenge. As a side note, but a very important side note, I would recommend using a method of analytics called quadrant theory. For example you have categories of players: New players, returning players, casual players, and veteran players. When making any change to the game or when you're adding new content to the game ask yourselves how the proposed changes affect each group of players. The you can weigh the cost/benefit for each change and decide if you wish to move forward.
  15. I would strongly recommend balancing around boss parses not dummy parses due to the painfully obvious fact that bosses are where it matters not dummy numbers.
  16. Only good option is to put in the 248 token drops for all master mode operations. Currently the only way to get some 248 pieces is to run the hard mode then pvp for unassembled components and trade up, should be able to get BiS without having to pvp for those of us who are not interested in the pvp aspect of the game. On a side note It takes a ton of work and dedication to raid in the master mode operations so giving those players who put the time in the best gear isn't a bad thing. Be nice to your hardcore raiders and they will take care of your game. Most of us that raid master mode are connected to multiple game communities and if the raiding environment is good we like to try to get raiders from other games to come play. But if you're dead set on not offering 248 unassembled tokens out of master operations then I would suggest adding a 246 unassembled token vendor, or adding unassembled components to master mode ops so at least we can upgrade the pieces we get from hardmode into 248 pieces.
  17. Bump, I encourage all nightmare raiders to post their opinion on the current systems, and ways to fix it, because getting a blue 244 that no one in the raid needs for killing a nightmare boss feels like a slap in the face.
  18. I completely agree with the op, it's silly that even if you're capable of clearing every NiM boss in the game that you cannot get every 248 piece. Instead we have to do some HM's and upgrade with UC's.
  19. I can start wednesday but not sunday this week (but i can usually make sundays) due to drill weekend (air national guard). My shadow needs abit of left side stuff to be up to spec, but i can get that crafted. so if you still need a tank im game. Here's my groups NiM terror and brontes kill if ya need my resume. (I'm mierian the sniper) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pi8PM9n8xE&t=87s
  20. What days and times are you guys running? I'm a NiM raider on imp side. I have a shadow tank on pub side and a gunslinger, Have dps experience in all nim ops and tank experience in DF nim. Kills on Kephess, Brontes, and terror for nim last bosses.
  21. So has anyone heard anything about this changing? NiM Ops should be the best way to get 248 pieces, it feels terrible to kill NiM bestia and get a 244 piece when you consistently get 244 from t4 command boxes, then promptly disintegrate them. I'm not sure how this system got though QC, or how someone thought it was a good idea in the first place. If Bioware wants to know why their game Isn't as successful as some other mmo's the decision making process behind implementing random 244/246 drops in NiM raids is part of the problem.
  22. I'd be interested in joining up, just started playing the game, I'm a multi game raider (Lotro, rift, ESO, WoW) with several server firsts in Lotro. I have a sniper that I'm currently gearing, and I'd be willing to level and gear a Sin tank as well. I'm reliable and follow directions well and don't get frustrated easily. Mierian is my sniper's name.
  23. I really like some of the points the OP made. Personally I just started playing swtor (been on my bucket list for awhile), but I've played just about every AAA mmo out there and from what I've seen of pvp there is some small tweaks that would make it more fun. 1. The first thing is CC needs to be cut down a ton. You spend half the time in pvp being slowed or knocked around. Longer Immune times would go a long way to making pvp fluid. 2. Healing and defense need to be cut. The current state of healing reminds me of Vanilla Rift before they imposed a harsh healing penalty in warzones.
  24. Hello, I'm a new player looking to clear all the pve content. As a background for me, I flip from mmo to mmo so I can experience all the different instances/raids. I have top end raiding experience in Rift/Lotro/WoW/ESO and I would like to add Swtor to that list. Currently on the Shadowlands server but willing to transfer if necessary. Currently have a Sniper and Jedi guardian at lvl cap willing to level and gear new characters if need arises. pst to Mierian if interested
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