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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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There isn't a world where that makes any sense. Just like him giving the lame reasons to not accompanying you. I get they want us to do it without either of them, but his reasoning for not going on both republic and imperial side was stupid. He should have been the one to connect us to Jonas not Lana. The person we meet walking in the woods should be Lana if romancing or Theron if romancing - not just Lana for everything. And that hug - ugh! I hated that when Lana got two kiss scenes and a sunset. That was enough to want me to hit the "I quit" button because it was a clear message that this is the end for our Theron Shan from the devs as far as story goes. I'm letting my sub run out at this point. I never thought they would put these kill options in for everyone I cared about - not just Theron either. I really like Torian, Jorgan, Vette and yes even Kaliyo. All gone thanks to Bioware!


Totally agree.


My SI changing sides was almost entirely due to Theron in the first place, so it makes no sense that Theron wouldn't be the person my SI would discuss their plans/thoughts/concerns/ideas with. It makes even less sense as you guys have already mentioned that why wouldn't Theron then be the one to contact Jonas? :confused: The more I think of it from the view of an Imp character secretly swapping sides to join the pubs it makes so little sense that Theron isn't involved somehow.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Totally agree.


My SI changing sides was almost entirely due to Theron in the first place, so it makes no sense that Theron wouldn't be the person my SI would discuss their plans/thoughts/concerns/ideas with. It makes even less sense as you guys have already mentioned that why wouldn't Theron then be the one to contact Jonas? :confused: The more I think of it from the view of an Imp character secretly swapping sides to join the pubs it makes so little sense that Theron isn't involved somehow.

Pretty much this


Him not being there when we choose for the 3rd time the same faction was bad, if still part of the Alliance he should've been there, even more so if he's the Commander's lover.


I'd add that from the view of a pub loyalist, him not being the one to contact Jonas and not going save his old friend with his lover because he "has to meet some contacts", was complete BS... I think this was the worst thing there. At least not bringing the former SIS agent to meet imperials made some sense, but him going see his contacts when he could help the one he loves save his friend... lame

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That pissed me off so much! They made up reasons to kill every single other companion but oh, when it comes to Lana suddenly it's too far and there's "no reason." They're the writers, they could write any reason or even just a flimsy "crazy DS murder because DS" option if they wanted to. They don't WANT to write a death option for their precious favorite.


Here are some examples of reasons to give Lana a kill option from me a non-paid, non-professional writer, made up in like 30 seconds:

<snipped for brevity>

-You need a human sacrifice for some DS ritual and she's standing right there.


-You're sick and tired of her creepy, manipulative, stalkerish behavior, stabby stab time.


-You meet a magical unicorn in the forest but the unicorn is badly injured. The only way to save its life is to make Lana into a poultice and apply it to the unicorn's wound. Then you have a unicorn friend or wishes or something, in any case Lana is now paste.




So perfect....I laughed out loud at work and was hoping the people down the hall couldn't hear me. I especially like those last three. :D:D:tran_cool:


Think of the uproar if instead of just punishing us lowly straight women and gay men, they punished the holy and sacred target demographic of straight men?


I really wonder about this sometimes, if the execs actually have discussions on how to keep their target demographic happy and who they perceive that demographic to be. This all started with ROTHC actually.


Remember the talk when it was announced there would be gay romances in ROTHC? Well, here's what actually happened...everyone ended up getting a romance option, except for one group, who was completely left out. Here's my recreation of that boardroom discussion:


Boardroom guy 1: So! We're all set to launch Hutt Cartel with our two new gay romances!


Boardroom guy 2: Wait, what do you mean gay romances? You mean bi, right? What about our het males?


Boardroom guy 1: Uhh, well they don't get anything this time around.


Boardroom guy 2: Absolutely unacceptable! We can't leave out our target demographic!


Boardroom guy 1: But they're getting that hot chick on chick action! Everyone's happy!


Boardroom guy 2: Well some of them might feel left out if they can't romance her as a guy.


Boardroom guy 1: Ok, well, we'll just make Lemba bi then. Anyone can romance her.


Boardroom guy 2: Perfect! That about wraps things up.


Boardroom Gal all by her lonesome in a room full of guys: Wait, wait guys come back. What about Cytherat? Shouldn't he be romanceable by everyone too?


Boardroom guy 1: Why should he be?


Boardroom Gal: What about all our het female players?


Boardroom guy 1: Who?


Boardroom guy 2: Everyone knows women don't ike Star Wars or play video games! <bursts into laughter>


Boardroom guy 1: Ha ha, good one Joe!


I was so pleased when Lana and Theron were introduced because it really felt like they came as a set, a perfect balance to each other, and even better, everyone got to choose a romance option! BW continued keeping the feel of them as balanced counterparts right up until KOTFE when something went terribly wrong and they completely dropped the ball. :(


Ever since I've been asking myself, why?? Is it really that hard to give the dialog to two people and have the game choose the one flagged as your romance to get the principal lines and scenes? And why this odd, out of place traitor arc for Theron? Did we really need that kill option? (So heartbreaking, I couldn't even choose it on my DS agent.)


Then Ossus comes out and what do we get? Two new female NPC's with flirt options! Because that's a great replacement for Theron being taken out of the story...NOT. :mad::mad:

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So perfect....I laughed out loud at work and was hoping the people down the hall couldn't hear me. I especially like those last three. :D:D:tran_cool:




I really wonder about this sometimes, if the execs actually have discussions on how to keep their target demographic happy and who they perceive that demographic to be. This all started with ROTHC actually.


Remember the talk when it was announced there would be gay romances in ROTHC? Well, here's what actually happened...everyone ended up getting a romance option, except for one group, who was completely left out. Here's my recreation of that boardroom discussion:




I was so pleased when Lana and Theron were introduced because it really felt like they came as a set, a perfect balance to each other, and even better, everyone got to choose a romance option! BW continued keeping the feel of them as balanced counterparts right up until KOTFE when something went terribly wrong and they completely dropped the ball. :(


Ever since I've been asking myself, why?? Is it really that hard to give the dialog to two people and have the game choose the one flagged as your romance to get the principal lines and scenes? And why this odd, out of place traitor arc for Theron? Did we really need that kill option? (So heartbreaking, I couldn't even choose it on my DS agent.)


Then Ossus comes out and what do we get? Two new female NPC's with flirt options! Because that's a great replacement for Theron being taken out of the story...NOT. :mad::mad:


Honestly it’s like straight women and gay men take the biggest hit in this game. I don’t even count Rise of the Hutt Cartel cause after the story the two you get to romance on the Imp side are completely written out at the end of the story. Shadow of Revan felt more real and gave you a romance that didn’t have this option and Lana and Theron weren’t written out. Their return in KOTFE made me happy because you were able to pick up where you left off and you got a sweet letter from Theron if you romanced him. This got to be continued on in KOTET but then came the traitor arc and boom we lost Theron. All because they had to give him the kill option.


And what do we get with the Ossus storyline? A hug! That’s it. A effing hug with Theron. No kiss like in the previous stories. Talk about a rip off for those of us who kept him alive because we romanced him. It honestly just doesn’t feel like choices matter it’s one set group they appeal to, straight edgelord men. It honestly bugs me.


Romancing Theron after having no ability to romance any previous male companions was a welcomed gift for me as Theron is, to me, the only attractive male companion we have. I am just really disappointed where this has headed for me as I keep all my toons from flirting with any companions and wait to hit SOR to hit every flirt option possible with Theron. I honestly feel cheated.

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Honestly it’s like straight women and gay men take the biggest hit in this game. I don’t even count Rise of the Hutt Cartel cause after the story the two you get to romance on the Imp side are completely written out at the end of the story. Shadow of Revan felt more real and gave you a romance that didn’t have this option and Lana and Theron weren’t written out. Their return in KOTFE made me happy because you were able to pick up where you left off and you got a sweet letter from Theron if you romanced him. This got to be continued on in KOTET but then came the traitor arc and boom we lost Theron. All because they had to give him the kill option.


And what do we get with the Ossus storyline? A hug! That’s it. A effing hug with Theron. No kiss like in the previous stories. Talk about a rip off for those of us who kept him alive because we romanced him. It honestly just doesn’t feel like choices matter it’s one set group they appeal to, straight edgelord men. It honestly bugs me.


Romancing Theron after having no ability to romance any previous male companions was a welcomed gift for me as Theron is, to me, the only attractive male companion we have. I am just really disappointed where this has headed for me as I keep all my toons from flirting with any companions and wait to hit SOR to hit every flirt option possible with Theron. I honestly feel cheated.


As I had posted above - yea that hug just really got me mad. I first ran my romanced SI thru so I didn't know about the Lana kissing/sunset until a few days later. At first I thought, this (the hug) is sweet. Then when I saw what Lana romancers got - it just downright pissed me off. Like you, I save many of my characters to specifically romance/flirt with Theron. Not all of them continued after SoR but most did. I feel cheated, ripped off, and mad that this writing team put him as the traitor in the first place. Even more upset that because they did, they put a kill option in. We begged on this very forum post and other Theron related posts with the devs to not give him a kill option and they just completely ignored his fans. Theron is the best looking companion and really the sweetest in personality and the Nathema conspiracy ruined him with the storyline options.


Now we are just left with Lana because the devs went ahead and gave everyone else a kill option!! For Charles to say Lana never did anything to deserve a death sentence is arguably the worst comment considering neither did Theron, Torian, Vette, Kaliyo, and Aric Jorgan. The last two disobeyed but not worthy of killing them. Oh yea and same goes for Quinn - another one that didn't deserve that option. But hey we have Lana so that is all that matters to the devs.


Yes I am salty....

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Then Ossus comes out and what do we get? Two new female NPC's with flirt options! Because that's a great replacement for Theron being taken out of the story...NOT. :mad::mad:


I'll be very curious going forward into 6.0 who are new companions are going to be and if they will be Anri and Tau. Personally I like both Anri and Tau but I'd also like to think we'd get a male companion also. If both Anri and Tau become future LI's I do hope we'll also be seeing another new male romance also. Not saying I don't want to see Theron but I doubt he'll be getting much in the future so my hopes for any m/m relationships getting cut scene/story time now rest on any new male characters and please I beg of the Dev's do not give us a new m/m romance only to have him killable like all the others.

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I hate the character waste in this game, so many characters are being introduced, only to be thrown aside almost immediately. By the way the story has been set up, I think Taur and Ahri will be the next two with kill options. (For saboteurs) If it's true they're setting up Tau to be the replacement for Satele, then my Shadow is in the perfect position to strike at a high valued target.
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That pissed me off so much! They made up reasons to kill every single other companion but oh, when it comes to Lana suddenly it's too far and there's "no reason." They're the writers, they could write any reason or even just a flimsy "crazy DS murder because DS" option if they wanted to. They don't WANT to write a death option for their precious favorite.


Here are some examples of reasons to give Lana a kill option from me a non-paid, non-professional writer, made up in like 30 seconds:

-Have her turn against the PC based on their choices either past or future (ex: siding against the Empire on Iokath leading to the death of Empress Acina, choosing to nuke Dromund Kaas, etc...)


-Have her become controlled or possessed and work against us against her will. Giving us an option to kill her knowing she wasn't actually against us would make as much sense as Theron's death option since he was also not actually against us. What's good for Theron should be good enough for princess Lana. If they wanted to go a more reasonable route they could do it like the "first son" choice in the jedi consular story where killing her would be safer though you have the option to keep her alive.


-Choose between saving her or saving another companion and only one can live. Again, if it's good enough for Torian and Vette, it's good enough for their precious princess.


-Choose between saving a bunch of innocent people or a town or something vs saving her.


-Make it to where she was never actually loyal to you and was spying on you and using you the whole time. That would make her actions make SO much more sense and explain why she just meekly accepts all the abuse you can pile on her while still following you around like a lovesick puppy and kissing your butt.


-She gets horribly injured or infected with a horrible disease and you can choose to mercy kill her or send her away for cybernetics or treatment or whatever.


-She tries to seduce your LI into cheating on you with her and you can choose to kill her in a fit of passion.


-She promised to feed your goldfish Mr Bubbles while you were on Ossus but she forgot and Mr Bubbles died, you can choose to kill her as revenge.


-You need a human sacrifice for some DS ritual and she's standing right there.


-You're sick and tired of her creepy, manipulative, stalkerish behavior, stabby stab time.


-You meet a magical unicorn in the forest but the unicorn is badly injured. The only way to save its life is to make Lana into a poultice and apply it to the unicorn's wound. Then you have a unicorn friend or wishes or something, in any case Lana is now paste.





Thanks for this, I needed the chuckle. All of it so true.

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Thanks for this, I needed the chuckle. All of it so true.

I live to serve ^_^


So perfect....I laughed out loud at work and was hoping the people down the hall couldn't hear me. I especially like those last three. :D:D:tran_cool:




I really wonder about this sometimes, if the execs actually have discussions on how to keep their target demographic happy and who they perceive that demographic to be. This all started with ROTHC actually.


Remember the talk when it was announced there would be gay romances in ROTHC? Well, here's what actually happened...everyone ended up getting a romance option, except for one group, who was completely left out. Here's my recreation of that boardroom discussion:




I was so pleased when Lana and Theron were introduced because it really felt like they came as a set, a perfect balance to each other, and even better, everyone got to choose a romance option! BW continued keeping the feel of them as balanced counterparts right up until KOTFE when something went terribly wrong and they completely dropped the ball. :(


Ever since I've been asking myself, why?? Is it really that hard to give the dialog to two people and have the game choose the one flagged as your romance to get the principal lines and scenes? And why this odd, out of place traitor arc for Theron? Did we really need that kill option? (So heartbreaking, I couldn't even choose it on my DS agent.)


Then Ossus comes out and what do we get? Two new female NPC's with flirt options! Because that's a great replacement for Theron being taken out of the story...NOT. :mad::mad:


I agree with everything you've said and that boardroom meeting feels like reality :( it wouldn't surprise me if a conversation like that happened the exact same way with them making Lemda bi so as not to inconvenience their "core audience" in any way shape or form but I imagine straight women never even being mentioned or thought of. I don't really think they consider straight women or gay men when making their content and lesbian women only get some benefit because straight men also play lesbians, not because BioWare cares about actual lesbians any more than it does straight women or gay men.


And yeah, like you said on Ossus we get two new flirtable female companions and two returning female companions now romanceable(LS Jaessa) and/or available for same sex romance (and again I believe that's for the benefit of straight men who like "girl on girl action") and Lana with all the remaining companion content as usual and straight women and gay men get freaking Khem Val and the option to flirt with that shark dinosaur general on the Republic side. Imagine if the tables were turned and it was only hot guys that were able to be flirted with and the only female options were less than half as many and were weird monster creatures. I don't think the "core demographic" would be so happy and so quickly ignored and swept aside!



As I had posted above - yea that hug just really got me mad. I first ran my romanced SI thru so I didn't know about the Lana kissing/sunset until a few days later. At first I thought, this (the hug) is sweet. Then when I saw what Lana romancers got - it just downright pissed me off. Like you, I save many of my characters to specifically romance/flirt with Theron. Not all of them continued after SoR but most did. I feel cheated, ripped off, and mad that this writing team put him as the traitor in the first place. Even more upset that because they did, they put a kill option in. We begged on this very forum post and other Theron related posts with the devs to not give him a kill option and they just completely ignored his fans. Theron is the best looking companion and really the sweetest in personality and the Nathema conspiracy ruined him with the storyline options.


Now we are just left with Lana because the devs went ahead and gave everyone else a kill option!! For Charles to say Lana never did anything to deserve a death sentence is arguably the worst comment considering neither did Theron, Torian, Vette, Kaliyo, and Aric Jorgan. The last two disobeyed but not worthy of killing them. Oh yea and same goes for Quinn - another one that didn't deserve that option. But hey we have Lana so that is all that matters to the devs.


Yes I am salty....

I agree, and yeah it was extremely gross for them to so quickly snap to "oh we can't kill precious Lana, SHE is perfect and did nothing wrong and does not deserve death like all those other peons! Killing her is going too far! We all of a sudden think that killing companions for no reason shouldn't be done now that the only one left is our favored pet!"

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Been wondering if all this crap is because of the price/availabilty of Troy Baker. If that is the case, i would rather them just to say so instead of turning the whole story to this idiotic illogical mess. He has got more popular and is popping in other games i play now more than ever before so might be that Bioware has troubles to get him when they need him.
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The conclusion is simple really, they don't deserve my sub, they haven't for a long time. They give me nothing. I'm trying to record the class stories as fast as they'll go, so I can remember the good times and then move on with life. Not that the old days were much better, with our questionable, to say the least, romance options and our lack of flirts. It was never intended for us. But ha ha the joke is on me, they got my money anyway.
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-She gets horribly injured or infected with a horrible disease and you can choose to mercy kill her or send her away for cybernetics or treatment or whatever.

I'm pretty sure based on her facial artwork that Lana is already horribly infected with something - why she hasn't died of it yet is a mystery.

Been wondering if all this crap is because of the price/availabilty of Troy Baker. If that is the case, i would rather them just to say so instead of turning the whole story to this idiotic illogical mess. He has got more popular and is popping in other games i play now more than ever before so might be that Bioware has troubles to get him when they need him.

You've probably hit the nail on the head with this theory - I've thought so too. This is probably the reason most of our favourite LIs got a kill option. They should be upfront and say that certain companions will no longer appear in the story rather than string us along in the hope of more. Based on the "story" we were given in 5.10 it's highly likely that we will never see our favourite class companions in the story again. I'm like Grania - record all my favourite classes stories and then I'm out, though the fact that Vector's eye fail is stopping that particular class story being recorded is holding me up.

BW need to get some of their staff to play through the romances in the class story and the Theron romance from SoR. Then they might understand why we got immersed in the romances/companion story and got annoyed when they decided to ditch them.

Edited by Sarova
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I'm pretty sure based on her facial artwork that Lana is already horribly infected with something - why she hasn't died of it yet is a mystery.


Hey Sarova I've got a quick question for you,

how do you dress Aric? I can't dress him the way I used to (before the wrong faction outfit bug thingie) and it's really messing up my trooper playthrough. The default outfit he comes with is okay but I can't dye it and it looks bad on my black fur/green eyed Jorgan custom. I need help :confused:



I'm sorry, not Theron related, I hope yall don't mind


here's some more info-



This is how he should look


This is how he does look


Help me make him look good! :(


Edited by grania
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Hey Sarova I've got a quick question for you,

how do you dress Aric? I can't dress him the way I used to (before the wrong faction outfit bug thingie) and it's really messing up my trooper playthrough. The default outfit he comes with is okay but I can't dye it and it looks bad on my black fur/green eyed Jorgan custom. I need help :confused:



I'm sorry, not Theron related, I hope yall don't mind

Not Sarova, but i dress my entire havoc squad with the Havoc Squad armor set, and then my trooper and Aric with the Alliance Reconnaissance set during KOTFEET

Got these pretty cheap on the GTN, and it looks pretty good on Aric

Edited by Goreshaga
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Honestly it’s like straight women and gay men take the biggest hit in this game. I don’t even count Rise of the Hutt Cartel cause after the story the two you get to romance on the Imp side are completely written out at the end of the story. Shadow of Revan felt more real and gave you a romance that didn’t have this option and Lana and Theron weren’t written out....<snip>... It honestly just doesn’t feel like choices matter it’s one set group they appeal to, straight edgelord men. It honestly bugs me.


I agree. There was a lot of talk at the time about them adding Lemba and Cytherat but then they just dropped them. I'm afraid I didn't really care for Lemda, she always struck me as bratty and like she was barely tolerating you, but Cytherat was a great character.


The focus on Lana has just been so extreme. With all the complaints through the years of making stories too one-dimensional and abandoning class stories, you'd think BW would at least make the romances more varied to compensate. Even the same story can feel different if you are allowed to take a different companion with you each time, even if all they do is make tiny comments here and there. But Lana becomes practically a main character, in some ways with more agency than you! Why drop Theron when he would have been a perfect counterpart? It's kind of like when they first started introducing skimpy gear for male characters. There was this outcry among some players that, "ain't nobody wants to look at that!" with the assumption that the straight make gaze was the only gaze that existed or mattered.


I'll be very curious going forward into 6.0 who are new companions are going to be and if they will be Anri and Tau. Personally I like both Anri and Tau but I'd also like to think we'd get a male companion also. If both Anri and Tau become future LI's I do hope we'll also be seeing another new male romance also. Not saying I don't want to see Theron but I doubt he'll be getting much in the future so my hopes for any m/m relationships getting cut scene/story time now rest on any new male characters and please I beg of the Dev's do not give us a new m/m romance only to have him killable like all the others.


I like Anri and Tau actually, they seem like interesting characters. But I agree that we always seem to have a dearth of romancable males and every time we make progress it feels like one step forward and two steps back. I mean, here we are over 7 years into the game and we are still waiting for a romancable male Force user, while there have been SIX romancable females, five of which have been available since launch. (I can't really count Cytherat, since he was available to only a small subset of players - gay male chars on the Imperial side - and only for a tiny blip in the story, and Arcann feels more like a last minute shoo-in with very little content, and a polarizing personality. Can we have one that isn't a mass murderer, BW? How about a noble, ex-Jedi, for example?)


Been wondering if all this crap is because of the price/availabilty of Troy Baker. If that is the case, i would rather them just to say so instead of turning the whole story to this idiotic illogical mess. He has got more popular and is popping in other games i play now more than ever before so might be that Bioware has troubles to get him when they need him.


I hope this isn't the case. Funny thing is, the unavailability of a voice actor hasn't stopped them in the past from keeping a character around. They replaced Tanno Vik's VA when he passed away and the new guy did such a great job that I don't think most people even noticed. I keep hearing people say that Tanno was removed in KOTFE as a permanent trooper companion because of the original VA's death, but David Anthony Pizzuto actually died in 2012 and is only included in the vanilla game. The new voice, Fred Tatasciore, has been used for Tanno from ROTHC onwards!


The question would be...would players rather have a new voice for a character like Theron if that meant keeping him around, or would they rather the character "die off" along with the voice?

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The question would be...would players rather have a new voice for a character like Theron if that meant keeping him around, or would they rather the character "die off" along with the voice?

Doc's VA was not the same in JUS in french as the one from vanilla to SoR, was a bit disturbing at first as it was clearly not the voice i expected to hear, but not too much of a problem.


So i'd rather they use a different VA for Theron, and still have him in my story, than no Theron at all, especially if the problem is with his english speaking VA... :(

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The question would be...would players rather have a new voice for a character like Theron if that meant keeping him around, or would they rather the character "die off" along with the voice?


While voice is really big part of the whole Theron character, i would rather have new voice (if they find actually good one) than have Theron removed. I hope it never comes to that though.

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Hey Sarova I've got a quick question for you,

how do you dress Aric? I can't dress him the way I used to (before the wrong faction outfit bug thingie) and it's really messing up my trooper playthrough. The default outfit he comes with is okay but I can't dye it and it looks bad on my black fur/green eyed Jorgan custom. I need help :confused:



I'm sorry, not Theron related, I hope yall don't mind


here's some more info-



This is how he should look


This is how he does look


Help me make him look good! :(

Ooooh a question for me! I dressed Aric and my whole Havoc Squad in Sith Recluse with helms hidden for the Trooper Story I recorded.

The A Team (and their idiot Boss - not sorry Garza)

Aric (sigh)


EDIT: Apologies for the non-Theron post OP! To make up for it Happy Valentine's Day

Edited by Sarova
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Doc's VA was not the same in JUS in french as the one from vanilla to SoR, was a bit disturbing at first as it was clearly not the voice i expected to hear, but not too much of a problem.


So i'd rather they use a different VA for Theron, and still have him in my story, than no Theron at all, especially if the problem is with his english speaking VA... :(


That's interesting. I wasn't aware that they had already done something like for a romance companion. I think it really depends on the voice actor. If the actor does a good job sounding like the original I'd be ok with that. The voice would have to be really off for me to prefer losing the character altogether.

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Ooooh a question for me! I dressed Aric and my whole Havoc Squad in Sith Recluse with helms hidden for the Trooper Story I recorded.

The A Team (and their idiot Boss - not sorry Garza)

Aric (sigh)


EDIT: Apologies for the non-Theron post OP! To make up for it Happy Valentine's Day

Your Havoc wears the same outfit as my Nox.


And my SW looks manlier than Theron in that outfit (funny thing is that i used the same colours on her as you used on Theron) :D

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