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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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12 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

Lore entries aside, the real question is if the PC and Shae had switched positions (Shae was on the list of approved visitors to see Malgus, but PC was not) and Malgus might have information about someone/sething that was potentially threatening to Theron (instead of the Mandolorian people), how insistent would your character be that they get to be involved in interrogating Malgus?

Some of my characters would make Shae's behaviour look incredibly polite. 

And since the holocron seems to potentially be a way of letting people with minimal force ability to increase that, it very well could have major effects for Theron. Though probably not life threatening effects.

That being said though, my JK was a little annoyed/frustrated with Shae's behaviour particularly after the way the Sahar situation was handled.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I definitely think it is completely fine and in character for Shae to show up and try to demand to see Malgus, for that reason (I mean definitely, you better believe my characters would show up demanding answers if Theron was in trouble, lest we never forget "I will tear this place to the ground if I have to, where.is.Theron?"!).  I don't think she had any inherent right to make demands, and I think that the powers that be were absolutely right to not put her on the list, but I think it's in character that she try to make such demands.

My only issue is that I had no choice but to give in to those demands when it made no sense because my Jedi were already upset with her for screwing up their chance to get a lost Jedi back, and now she's back with an even worse angry attitude which proves she should be nowhere near this interrogation.  (An interrogation they can absolutely 100% handle on their own btw tyvm.)  I should have had to option to say NO!  But I didn't.

Like, the holocron is super important, certainly, but if Shae nonsensically being allowed in on the interrogation hadn't screwed it up then my characters probably could have gotten to the point of asking about that after asking about Darth Nul.

ffs I keep saying I'm done, but, ok maybe I'm not done haha 😅

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Ok I'm not talking about the Persons of Note Lore. I'm talking about the Titles, the Organizations Lore and the Galactic history lore. Those are *canon* to the game! And also, I'm not specifically talking about Shae, I'm talking about Mandalore and the position and rights entitled to it. Also, choices in-game are not *canon*. 

Moving on... Not even my BH who wanted to start making out in that elevator and yell "Shut Up Lana" would put Theron above the Galaxy. Not that she wouldn't try to get in should she be in that situation. The point is, Malgus had vital information about a threat to the Mandalorians period, and their leader deserved in on that.

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42 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Also, choices in-game are not *canon*. 

To clarify, when I said "canon" I was referring to the writing for the dialogue and the story that DOESN'T revolve around choices (how characters act, things that they say completely unprompted and which are true for all versions of the scene, etc) and choices which will be defaulted to for all characters if they skip the story.  But, I really don't want to get into the "what is canon" debate.  Just clarifying that that's what I meant, and that's what I form my opinions on.  Everyone is free to form their own opinions based on anything else that they want.

42 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Moving on... Not even my BH who wanted to start making out in that elevator and yell "Shut Up Lana" would put Theron above the Galaxy. Not that she wouldn't try to get in should she be in that situation. The point is, Malgus had vital information about a threat to the Mandalorians period, and their leader deserved in on that.

Ok, so, I completely understand how, as a BH player, this scene had no issues for you, because a Mando BH character would be a character who would actually reasonably agree to everything she is demanding because they have the same goals and motives that she does.  Therefore, they would absolutely be like "yes, join on comms" and the scene is fine.

For MY JEDI CHARACTERS, though, the writing which does not allow me to tell her "no" is bad, end of.  It's bad.  It makes no sense, and it's bad.  IMO the scene needed to have a "yes, you can join on comms" or "no, you can't, sorry" for all characters, but the latter option did not exist.  Which means there was no agency for my characters and forced them to act out of character and look stupid, which was bad.  That's the issue I had with the scene, I will never not have that issue with the scene (or any other scene where lack of choice requires my characters to act OOC). 

All this discussion of what Shae's motives were and whether she was right or wrong to make demands is perfectly fine/interesting to discuss but is literally irrelevant to that issue.  I have no problem with her coming in to make any demands, or for being so desperate to help her people that it's driving her over the edge.  I only take issue with the fact that characters who would see this behavior and assess the situation and be like "actually, no" have to say "yeah, ok" because of bad lazy writing in the scene.  That is it, that is all.  I'm not here to hate on Shae or trying to argue whether or not she was in the right or wrong (I have opinions on that of course, but that's not what I have any issue with).  I am just making the case for my characters having agency in the scene, which they did not.


Like I said before too, even if the writers wanted the same outcome out of the scene, Shae could have just stayed in the other room and Malgus sensed her even though she wasn't on comms.  I would have been FINE with that, because my characters would have been allowed to make a logical choice, even if things still went wrong despite their best efforts.

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On 6/15/2023 at 8:40 AM, cannibithobbal said:

My only issue is that I had no choice but to give in to those demands when it made no sense because my Jedi were already upset with her for screwing up their chance to get a lost Jedi back, and now she's back with an even worse angry attitude which proves she should be nowhere near this interrogation.  (An interrogation they can absolutely 100% handle on their own btw tyvm.)  I should have had to option to say NO!  But I didn't.

I definitely agree that out characters should have had the right to say no to Shae. And to have the interrogation be affected by that - because Shae is right, she does know Malgus or at least knew him and I think her insights should have made a more effective interrogation. In fact, as it is, I almost feel like it did. I've only done it so far on my JK, who ignore Shae's suggestions and instead asked about the Holocron, and my Agent, who asked about Heta. I'll have to listen to my recording again,  but I feel like my Agent almost got more out of the interrogation. And I have some characters that will likely ignore all of Shae's advise and go in with threats and ought to come out with very little.

Unfortunately, Bioware doesn't seem to want to give us much information at the moment from Malgus or the Voss so we're stuck with ineffective interrogations.

On 6/15/2023 at 8:52 AM, JakRoanin said:

Moving on... Not even my BH who wanted to start making out in that elevator and yell "Shut Up Lana" would put Theron above the Galaxy. Not that she wouldn't try to get in should she be in that situation. The point is, Malgus had vital information about a threat to the Mandalorians period, and their leader deserved in on that.

Funny enough, both my JK who has the closest friendship with Theron and my Agent who is romancing him would probably be among the calmest in this sort of situation. They'd be very insistent and use all their influence to get involved, but they'd be calm.

My Warrior, who despite not being particularly close to Theron, is the one who would be the worst. She has problems being told no, but she's Sith so what do you expect? 

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19 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

Funny enough, both my JK who has the closest friendship with Theron and my Agent who is romancing him would probably be among the calmest in this sort of situation. They'd be very insistent and use all their influence to get involved, but they'd be calm.

My Warrior, who despite not being particularly close to Theron, is the one who would be the worst. She has problems being told no, but she's Sith so what do you expect? 

Same on this 100% haha.  I have two Jedi and an agent romanced with Theron, and even if he was in mortal danger (and they were internally worried AF) all three would absolutely show up wanting answers, but they would be reasonable about it.  They would be insistent and make/argue their case absolutely, but in a calm reasonable manner, arguing with logic and giving valid reasons and trying to find common ground, they would not show up guns/lightsabers blazing and making angry demands.

Meanwhile, both my sith ladies though...... 😂  My SI especially would just show up and electrocute everyone in the room and use the force to open the door if people were telling her no and one of her people was in trouble lmao

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have said it before and I will say it a thousand times forever for eternity: YES THIS OMG.  LET US REPLAY EVERY SINGLE STORY!!!!!!!!!!! 

My current JK clone I literally just made because of 3 messed up Theron scenes (2 kisses where the mask got left on - I just have him in no mask this time, solves that easily - and missed the best flirt om Ziost), which if it were replayable would have been so easily fixed lol

I will say, having no mask (turns out I like seeing his face + it's always consistent) and just generally making a cleaner recording (because I have improved my recording skills after several full character playthroughs) means I think this will probably become my main full recording, so all's well that ends well on that one, but still, I did it all for 3 messed up Theron scenes 😅  and it would even nicer if my definitive recording could have my original version of the character with his name spelled the original way!

I've had to remake so many clones of my characters, and my main especially since i keep changing my mind on things going from fairly minor like adding a scar or changing hairstyle/makeup or new outfits being available to more important ones such as them being a different species (i think the worst here had been my main BH who went from Rattataki to Human to Zabrak to Mirialan and back to Rattataki in the end, so i could have spared myself a lot of trouble if i just changed the sliders on the first Rattataki) or taking a romance i had not taken originally (that last one is mostly for my JK who didn't romance anyone on my first playthrough).

Some of these like different clothes or hair/makeup/scars would be easily fixed by being able to fully replay. The not taking a romance though would probably still require remaking the character, but that would be much easier (that or if it's simpler a way to just rewatch the cutscenes, that one could actually be my favorite option as it would make recording or re-recording them much faster). It would also have the benefit of being able to put a customization on a companion when recording the replays for instance and them not looking completely different between before and after being recruted, the only ones i can actually change are the doids as it's just a paint change (that being said them making more "hair customizations" like Theron and Nadia have could partially solve my problem as most of the time the hairstyle is the main thing i'd like to change on the companions whose look i don't like.

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Which is to say that, if Malgus were to, say, offer Shae a deal of "get me out of here and I'll solve your Heta problem", the republic/empire people who are drafting the "short list" of who gets to interview Malgus have been given absolutely no reason to believe she would not agree to such a deal and work for him again, because her only loyalty it to herself and her own people, not to them and their desire to keep Malgus locked up.

I could honestly see her getting so desperate that she could be manipulated by him like that, and i would honestly not be surprised if we're heading that way.

My JK may be a bit irritated by her behavior when i'll get there, but i think she'd also realise, that maybe she'd behave just as badly if she was desperatly trying to save the people she cares about, and other people didn't stop getting in her way.


On another note, we still don't know what could be the link between Lana and Nul that seems to be hinted at. Could be interesting if it turned out Lana was possed by Nul (like we were by Valkorion), but that the Lana we've known was actually Nul from the beginning, could give an interesting dilemma of do you try to free the real Lana that you don't really know, or do you want to keep Nul because that's the only "Lana" you know. Maybe something like that could also explain why she sounds a bit different lately. At first i thought she could be a descendant, but she'd not really have a reason to keep that a secret, especially considering we already have a Revan descendant and that's never been an issue, and her only being a fan would be a bit disappointing and also there wouldn't really be any reason to hide that either. I thought maybe she could have been one of her Children or maybe her apprentice, but the timeline doesn't seem to match. Lana really being Nul would contradict both the Alliance report talking about Lana's dead parents and the short story about her trials on Korriban under Harkun, so i guess her being possessed seems like the most likely thing right now, or maybe they hint at some connection but there will be none, but i'd find that disappointing as well tbh.

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10 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

It would also have the benefit of being able to put a customization on a companion when recording the replays for instance and them not looking completely different between before and after being recruted, the only ones i can actually change are the doids as it's just a paint change (that being said them making more "hair customizations" like Theron and Nadia have could partially solve my problem as most of the time the hairstyle is the main thing i'd like to change on the companions whose look i don't like.


I would pay All The Money to be able to have to option to have a full recorded playthrough of Theron with his sexier haircut (not to mention BETTER CLOTHES!!!!) from the very beginning.

Like, Theron looking as good in SoR as he does post-Nathema?  yes. pls. 🤤  I can currently replay all of KotFE/KoTET with his better hair BUT then that causes a continuity problem when he suddenly has old hair again for Iokath/Crisis on Umbara, so I've never done that.   (I mean, I guess you could pretend it's been a while between stories and he let it grow out, and then cuts it again when he goes undercover, hmmmmm......... just thought of this, might have to consider it now actually 😅)

I don't personally use any companion customizations that change their facial features, but I do use some which change coloring/hair (like I make Aric grey and Vette gets darker blue with different lekku pattern). Regardless of the extremeness of the changes though, all companions suddenly looking different after being recruited is weird for continuity.  Thankfully I haven't done much class story recording so it hasn't come up much for me, and companions who show up during KotFE I can always re-record the chapters where they are there but not available yet, but still, it would be so much better to just be able to redo everything with companions set how we want them.

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17 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:


I would pay All The Money to be able to have to option to have a full recorded playthrough of Theron with his sexier haircut (not to mention BETTER CLOTHES!!!!) from the very beginning.

Like, Theron looking as good in SoR as he does post-Nathema?  yes. pls. 🤤  I can currently replay all of KotFE/KoTET with his better hair BUT then that causes a continuity problem when he suddenly has old hair again for Iokath/Crisis on Umbara, so I've never done that.   (I mean, I guess you could pretend it's been a while between stories and he let it grow out, and then cuts it again when he goes undercover, hmmmmm......... just thought of this, might have to consider it now actually 😅)

I don't personally use any companion customizations that change their facial features, but I do use some which change coloring/hair (like I make Aric grey and Vette gets darker blue with different lekku pattern). Regardless of the extremeness of the changes though, all companions suddenly looking different after being recruited is weird for continuity.  Thankfully I haven't done much class story recording so it hasn't come up much for me, and companions who show up during KotFE I can always re-record the chapters where they are there but not available yet, but still, it would be so much better to just be able to redo everything with companions set how we want them.

I'd still keep Theron's old hairstyle for SoR to KOTET, even though i actually like the darker haircolor and more visible scars around the cybernetics on his post Nathema customization, but i quite like that there is an actual change before and after the Zildrog arc, though i'll say even if it took me some time to get use to the new hair, i actually like this one more than the old one now.

I don't either, except the droids, as said that's mostly a different paint, Khem as he has customizations that only add clothes, and i'll probably go with this customization for Vette, which keeps most of her features and only add tatoos and looks better than her default look.

But if there was a way to replay the cutscenes with the companions appearing as they are when we replay the cutscenes, there are some i'd definitely change.

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27 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I'd still keep Theron's old hairstyle for SoR to KOTET, even though i actually like the darker haircolor and more visible scars around the cybernetics on his post Nathema customization, but i quite like that there is an actual change before and after the Zildrog arc, though i'll say even if it took me some time to get use to the new hair, i actually like this one more than the old one now.

I don't either, except the droids, as said that's mostly a different paint, Khem as he has customizations that only add clothes, and i'll probably go with this customization for Vette, which keeps most of her features and only add tatoos and looks better than her default look.

But if there was a way to replay the cutscenes with the companions appearing as they are when we replay the cutscenes, there are some i'd definitely change.

ngl, the second Theron showed up the very first time in his undercover look I was like "oh sh*t, he just got 100% hotter, there goes me, I'm gone." 🤣, so I have always put it on him and keep it on him forever as soon as I get it available.  I too love the slightly darker hair, and I love that all his implants are black too ❤️  mainly though I just love the way the new cut compliments and shows off his lovely facial features.  I get used to the old hair when I play through the story again, but then as soon as it changes I'm always instantly like "oh yeah, I almost forgot just how much better this is" 😅

That is the exact customization I use on Vette!  It matches my JC, which I love, makes them sisters, I love it ❤️  And oh yeah, I forgot I do totally use the round top customization on T7 because I don't like the default shape.  (and it super bums me out that imperials cannot GET that customization because it's a security key vendor one 😣 but I digress)

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40 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, the second Theron showed up the very first time in his undercover look I was like "oh sh*t, he just got 100% hotter, there goes me, I'm gone." 🤣, so I have always put it on him and keep it on him forever as soon as I get it available.  I too love the slightly darker hair, and I love that all his implants are black too ❤️  mainly though I just love the way the new cut compliments and shows off his lovely facial features.  I get used to the old hair when I play through the story again, but then as soon as it changes I'm always instantly like "oh yeah, I almost forgot just how much better this is" 😅

That is the exact customization I use on Vette!  It matches my JC, which I love, makes them sisters, I love it ❤️  And oh yeah, I forgot I do totally use the round top customization on T7 because I don't like the default shape.  (and it super bums me out that imperials cannot GET that customization because it's a security key vendor one 😣 but I digress)

At first i was like, "not sure if i like it or not", now though, i like it a lot more than his default one, so i kept it, and it looks really good with the Frontline Slicer set.

I supposed that was the one you were talking about, i really like it, and she'll look nice with that next to my pinkish Smuggler and yellow IA who also have nice tatoos on their face (Zenith has a customization that looks nearly identical to my IA except he has red eyes where my IA's are purple and doesn't have the "joker" scars)... at least until the end of KOTET, really wish that wasn't a choice seriously 😞

I usually go for the blue customization that we get at the end of Tython for T7.

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If we are talking about lore, Mandalore the Vindicated made a deal with the Empire and the Mandalorians worked and fought FOR the Empire in their war, not the other way around. Any privilege the Manldalore and the Mandalorians had came from the arrangement.

When Shae took over the Mandalore title, she made no deal with the Empire or the Republic, she made a pack with the Alliance on Darvannis/Gemini prime. She maintained a very loose connection with the Alliance through a representative.

When the Alliance was included back to the Empire/Republic, Shae continued the loose connection between the Alliance and the Mandalorians but that's about it. Mandalore the Avenger has no official affiliation with the Empire/Republic (unless there is a lore that specifics otherwise). The title entitled nothing when there's no official relationship between the Mandalorians and the Empire/Rupublic.

Even if Mandalore the Avenger formed an alliance with the Empire/Republic (again, I don't think it's written in any lore), the Empire/Republic still has no reason to give Shae the same rights and privileges as the Alliance leader. Just because A is allied with B, and B is allied with C, doesn't mean C has to treat A and B equally even though A and B are equal.

PS: wish I could make a pull regarding Theron's traitor hairstyle. I hate it with passion. How could anyone love it *sob* /jk

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

At first i was like, "not sure if i like it or not", now though, i like it a lot more than his default one, so i kept it, and it looks really good with the Frontline Slicer set.

yeah it do 😏


1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

I supposed that was the one you were talking about, i really like it, and she'll look nice with that next to my pinkish Smuggler and yellow IA who also have nice tatoos on their face (Zenith has a customization that looks nearly identical to my IA except he has red eyes where my IA's are purple and doesn't have the "joker" scars)... at least until the end of KOTET, really wish that wasn't a choice seriously 😞

On my original JC playthrough I waffled over Zenith for a while and put him in some other customizations, like I think I used a yellow one for a bit (I was not attached to him yet at that point 😅) but now for me his default face is the only one I'll use, the only customization I ever put him in is the rakghoul one, which does not change his facial features only gives him the cool coloring and glowing eyes.  I made him look pretty badass with it.  He's not wearing that currently, but I do still love that look.

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3 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

On my original JC playthrough I waffled over Zenith for a while and put him in some other customizations, like I think I used a yellow one for a bit (I was not attached to him yet at that point 😅) but now for me his default face is the only one I'll use, the only customization I ever put him in is the rakghoul one, which does not change his facial features only gives him the cool coloring and glowing eyes.  I made him look pretty badass with it.  He's not wearing that currently, but I do still love that look.

Oh yeah, looks pretty good.

Well, except for the eyes, that's pretty much how the pale yellow Twi'lek look at DS5, they turn white with bright red eyes, which look pretty cool.

I'll most probably keep him with his default look though, mostly because you can't customize him on the non JC characters and that'd ruin the continuity for me. Really wish i could customize Akaavi on my non BH, non Sm characters too, i'd keep her default appearance, but i'd really like to change her armor and weapon for something that would look better (i gave her the Beskar Spear on my Smuggler and i'd like if she could use it with my other toons as well.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Oh yeah, looks pretty good.

Well, except for the eyes, that's pretty much how the pale yellow Twi'lek look at DS5, they turn white with bright red eyes, which look pretty cool.

I'll most probably keep him with his default look though, mostly because you can't customize him on the non JC characters and that'd ruin the continuity for me. Really wish i could customize Akaavi on my non BH, non Sm characters too, i'd keep her default appearance, but i'd really like to change her armor and weapon for something that would look better (i gave her the Beskar Spear on my Smuggler and i'd like if she could use it with my other toons as well.

oooh that DS twi'lek sounds pretty awesome 👀 do you have a pic of it?  my only DS character is Rattataki and I don't like the DS look on her at all so she is default.   Only other DS looks I've seen is on NPCs (basically all human lol)

not being able to have Zenith on any character but JC makes me SO SAD, even though it totally makes sense and is super in character (I mean, he only even joined up with JC in the first place because Tai Cordan's an ungrateful backstabbing d*ck lmao  ....lemme tell you, I am soooo tempted to have my JC dupe let him die, upsetting Theron be damned 😅)

on the topic of other characters being able to customize Zenith though, has anyone ever noticed this?  I call it "false hope personified" 🤣  (that's the imperial fleet importer vendor, btw lmao.... ya know, for imperial characters, who Zenith would absolutely never work for in a million billion years)

My smuggler's Akaavi also has the beskar spear!  It is so perfect for her ❤️  I too want to be able to have her as companion on my other characters really bad, I thought FOR SURE after Ruhnuk we would get her buuuuuuuut no 😥


Ok, totally off topic of customizations but very on topic of Theron: a while ago we talked about headcanons about Theron often being away on his own missions and that's why he isn't necessarily always on missions with the PC during KotFE/KotET (and probably beyond).  For some reason I didn't even clock until literally my current playthrough (this is my 4th full playthrough) that I don't even think we need to HC that because it's basically, just, like, canon already.  At the beginning of KotFE chapter 14 he is off on a mission and has to join them via holo, at the beginning of KotET chapter 1 he was on a mission to Voss on his own before the rest of the Alliance gets there.  Obviously there are all the mentions of "meeting contacts."  He is definitely doing lots of his own legwork on solo missions, and if we see some, I feel very confident saying it's gotta be canon that there are loads more we don't see.  Obviously we have to HC what specific missions he's on, but I'd say it's definitely canon that he's going on them.

That may be the most obvious revelation ever but somehow my brain only just put it together despite us literally discussing it before 😅 

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

oooh that DS twi'lek sounds pretty awesome 👀 do you have a pic of it?  my only DS character is Rattataki and I don't like the DS look on her at all so she is default.   Only other DS looks I've seen is on NPCs (basically all human lol)

Yeah DS doesn't look that great on Rattataki, imo.

That's a DS4 here, he'd be even more white if at DS5, but, well he's not DS5.

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

not being able to have Zenith on any character but JC makes me SO SAD, even though it totally makes sense and is super in character (I mean, he only even joined up with JC in the first place because Tai Cordan's an ungrateful backstabbing d*ck lmao  ....lemme tell you, I am soooo tempted to have my JC dupe let him die, upsetting Theron be damned 😅)

on the topic of other characters being able to customize Zenith though, has anyone ever noticed this?  I call it "false hope personified" 🤣  (that's the imperial fleet importer vendor, btw lmao.... ya know, for imperial characters, who Zenith would absolutely never work for in a million billion years)

My smuggler's Akaavi also has the beskar spear!  It is so perfect for her ❤️  I too want to be able to have her as companion on my other characters really bad, I thought FOR SURE after Ruhnuk we would get her buuuuuuuut no 😥

That's in-character but it's still a bit sad, can't understand why you can't recruit Nadia at least on Pub side, or even more so Aakaavi who's already working with us.

To be fair, i could maybe, potentially see Zenith working with an Imp saboteur, after all they have the same goal, hm maybe not an IA though. But yeah Imp loyalist, he'd rather drink bleach and jump into an active volcano than work with that kind.

Yep, Beskar Spear is good on her, i also use it on vanilla Torian (as KOTFE+ Torian is a riffle user, he got the Amban riffle, i also gave that weapon to my M BH, i love the special effect when you kill ennemies and they're disintegrated)

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, totally off topic of customizations but very on topic of Theron: a while ago we talked about headcanons about Theron often being away on his own missions and that's why he isn't necessarily always on missions with the PC during KotFE/KotET (and probably beyond).  For some reason I didn't even clock until literally my current playthrough (this is my 4th full playthrough) that I don't even think we need to HC that because it's basically, just, like, canon already.  At the beginning of KotFE chapter 14 he is off on a mission and has to join them via holo, at the beginning of KotET chapter 1 he was on a mission to Voss on his own before the rest of the Alliance gets there.  Obviously there are all the mentions of "meeting contacts."  He is definitely doing lots of his own legwork on solo missions, and if we see some, I feel very confident saying it's gotta be canon that there are loads more we don't see.  Obviously we have to HC what specific missions he's on, but I'd say it's definitely canon that he's going on them.

That may be the most obvious revelation ever but somehow my brain only just put it together despite us literally discussing it before 😅 

Yep, it's also pretty much established he was the one who recruited a lot of important people to the Alliance like the 4 Specialists, kinda evident as most of them are Pub aligned like Aygo or Hylo, but Oggurobb too as he joins after Makeb, or somewhat neutral like Sana-Rae. He's also the one who got the intel about Havoc Squad and Jorgan via Jonas, and he's the one who got us in contact with the Mandalorians, on top of gathering all the intel he could find about the Star Fortresses and how to destroy them.

He is clearly a busy man, but i just can't help but feel that having him do most of his important stuff off screen still did him a great disservice in the end, and there are still places where he should definitely have been there (like the rescue mission, especially since he was actually the most qualified for that kind of job)

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4 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

That's in-character but it's still a bit sad, can't understand why you can't recruit Nadia at least on Pub side, or even more so Aakaavi who's already working with us.

To be fair, i could maybe, potentially see Zenith working with an Imp saboteur, after all they have the same goal, hm maybe not an IA though. But yeah Imp loyalist, he'd rather drink bleach and jump into an active volcano than work with that kind


yeah, Nadia too!  I do not understand at all why she is only for JCs 😢  every republic character gets to meet her on Ossus and yeah, she is helping the Jedi but she gives no actual reason to not join, there is just no mention of recruiting her at all, much sad.

As for Zenith, he says he won't work with "imperials of any kind", won't even join a republic character who's not JC because they work with FORMER imperials, is even resistant to joining back with JC who he knows and trusts because of the former imperials in the Alliance, and during class story he literally lured a bunch of Balmorran refugees into a trap to arrest them just because he found out they collaborated with imperials (they weren't even imperial themselves), so, I do not see him working with even an imp saboteur, similar goals be damned. 😅  and yeah, he DEFINITELY would never work with an agent because lmao the agent's entire Balmorra storyline is to assassinate Zenith's resistance mentor who he talks about all the way through his companion convos..... awkward.

I love so much getting to switch between Theron and Zenith as companions on my JC though and would love to be able to have my JK get Zenith so my twi'lek boys could hang out together for reasons.

16 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

That's a DS4 here, he'd be even more white if at DS5, but, well he's not DS5.


OMG that looks super awesome!!!  Especially with the totally metal lekku pattern 🤩 (I love that pattern, I have thought about using it for multiple characters but it never felt right - I almost used it on my agent but then he ended up with blank lekku instead so total opposite haha)

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6 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

yeah, Nadia too!  I do not understand at all why she is only for JCs 😢  every republic character gets to meet her on Ossus and yeah, she is helping the Jedi but she gives no actual reason to not join, there is just no mention of recruiting her at all, much sad.

Yep, if she had at least said something about wanting to stay with the Jedi or something, but we have no explaination as to why we can't recruit her

7 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

As for Zenith, he says he won't work with "imperials of any kind", won't even join a republic character who's not JC because they work with FORMER imperials, is even resistant to joining back with JC who he knows and trusts because of the former imperials in the Alliance, and during class story he literally lured a bunch of Balmorran refugees into a trap to arrest them just because he found out they collaborated with imperials (they weren't even imperial themselves), so, I do not see him working with even an imp saboteur, similar goals be damned. 😅  and yeah, he DEFINITELY would never work with an agent because lmao the agent's entire Balmorra storyline is to assassinate Zenith's resistance mentor who he talks about all the way through his companion convos..... awkward.

Oh yeah, forgot about that. That being said, he still seemed open enough to work with a Pub Commander again in the future, so maybe, eventually we'll be able to recruit him at some point (would be nice)

8 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

OMG that looks super awesome!!!  Especially with the totally metal lekku pattern 🤩 (I love that pattern, I have thought about using it for multiple characters but it never felt right - I almost used it on my agent but then he ended up with blank lekku instead so total opposite haha)

Yep, it looks even better as DS5 (i actually chose the sliders on my DS5 Sorc before making this one to have one that looked good with the corruption on.

And as my Sorc is my main SI and i didn't want to replace him, but liked my Twi'lek guy, and couldn't have the species i wanted for my IA, i decided to basically reuse the look for my IA. I will have to choose a nice outfit though, i'll probably buy the Rogue Agent set for a KOTFE+ look when i'll have the CCs, but before that, while he'll change often, i'd like to find a nice usual look for when he's not on DK (where he'll wear a uniform) or on a mission (where he'll wear whatever is the most appropriate).


On another note, i'm going through the Manaan storyline, and i really like the little smiles Arn gives our PC when he sees them, he's cute. I'll need to get my M JC there to see how the [flirts] look like, but i have my JK, SW and BH to get up to date first.

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18 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Oh yeah, forgot about that. That being said, he still seemed open enough to work with a Pub Commander again in the future, so maybe, eventually we'll be able to recruit him at some point (would be nice)


You have no idea how much I am crossing my fingers that that gets followed up on 😂  I mean, he HAS to come back at some point, right?  Because poor JCs deserve an actual romance start and not just one flirt asking him to stay! (I love that flirt so much though, it's so sweet, and his response is so good too... ugh I just love his entire return on JC so much, so surprisingly heartfelt ❤️  this is why I really want at least one JC dupe to romance him)  And after that note to republic Commanders saying "I'll work with you, just not for you".... absolutely begging to be followed up on.  (I mean it's not like they can't get the VA for him!)

Also forever hoping for a Zenith and Theron combo scene, for so many reasons.  Please please please, devs, bring Zenith back and put him in a scene with Theron.  LET THEM TALK TO EACH OTHER.  I need it.  I may be literally the only combo Theron and Zenith superfan in the entire playerbase so literally no one else cares, but still

22 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

And as my Sorc is my main SI and i didn't want to replace him, but liked my Twi'lek guy, and couldn't have the species i wanted for my IA, i decided to basically reuse the look for my IA. I will have to choose a nice outfit though, i'll probably buy the Rogue Agent set for a KOTFE+ look when i'll have the CCs, but before that, while he'll change often, i'd like to find a nice usual look for when he's not on DK (where he'll wear a uniform) or on a mission (where he'll wear whatever is the most appropriate)

Ok, I just have to say, your agent is breaking my brain because he appears to be the same color and either the same face or one of the almost-same-faces as mine, with same eye color, but is wearing my Theron's outfit 🤣  He looks very good though, I love that look, very sithy-imperial vibes, I love it ❤️  he probably looks way more appropriate for the empire than my Super Pretty Boy agent tbh 😅 but then, my agent also stuck two middle fingers to the empire sooooo  (pretty boy agent also accidentally ended up way too perfect when I got to this line 😂 which I am pretty sure must be an agent-only line because my Jedi did not have it lmao).

27 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

On another note, i'm going through the Manaan storyline, and i really like the little smiles Arn gives our PC when he sees them, he's cute. I'll need to get my M JC there to see how the [flirts] look like, but i have my JK, SW and BH to get up to date first.

Oh man, agreed, Arn in that storyline is adorable.  I think he just has a crush on every PC.  It's precious.  If I ever got a character that far without romancing them with anyone else, I would flirt with him on that character, totally.  But, at this rate, that is never going to happen so I'll have to see the flirts in someone else's videos 😅  If you ever end up doing that and recording, feel free to share ❤️

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32 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

You have no idea how much I am crossing my fingers that that gets followed up on 😂  I mean, he HAS to come back at some point, right?  Because poor JCs deserve an actual romance start and not just one flirt asking him to stay! (I love that flirt so much though, it's so sweet, and his response is so good too... ugh I just love his entire return on JC so much, so surprisingly heartfelt ❤️  this is why I really want at least one JC dupe to romance him)  And after that note to republic Commanders saying "I'll work with you, just not for you".... absolutely begging to be followed up on.  (I mean it's not like they can't get the VA for him!)

Also forever hoping for a Zenith and Theron combo scene, for so many reasons.  Please please please, devs, bring Zenith back and put him in a scene with Theron.  LET THEM TALK TO EACH OTHER.  I need it.  I may be literally the only combo Theron and Zenith superfan in the entire playerbase so literally no one else cares, but still

Yeah hope we'll get to see him again, working with us, hey maybe we could even do some mission with him, that could be interesting.

Hey as long as they don't go "these two sound the same" i'm all for it, because while that would work in english, that would definitely not in french as they don't share the same VA and they really don't sound the same.

32 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, I just have to say, your agent is breaking my brain because he appears to be the same color and either the same face or one of the almost-same-faces as mine, with same eye color, but is wearing my Theron's outfit 🤣  He looks very good though, I love that look, very sithy-imperial vibes, I love it ❤️  he probably looks way more appropriate for the empire than my Super Pretty Boy agent tbh 😅 but then, my agent also stuck two middle fingers to the empire sooooo  (pretty boy agent also accidentally ended up way too perfect when I got to this line 😂 which I am pretty sure must be an agent-only line because my Jedi did not have it lmao).

I think they have indeed the same color, and probably eye color as well, and yeah face is the same model, dunno if it's the exact same number though (sliders are 2/6/13/7/4/8/8 from what i've written down when i remade him into an IA but for some reason while the skin color is the same between the IA and the SI, the number is not the same between the character creator and the character modification thingy in game). As for the outfit, i'll admit, i just didn't know what to put on him, so i just grabed this one from my unlocked stuff, dunno if i'll really use that or not afterwards, but i just wanted to get rid of the default stuff, i'm most certainly giong to use the Rogue agent set when i'll get my hands on it though.

Hm, i'm pretty sure i've already heard that line, iirc that was on my Nox as that's definitely the kind of line i'd take with him, and i do find him to be good looking tbh (but i'm biased as that's my character).

32 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh man, agreed, Arn in that storyline is adorable.  I think he just has a crush on every PC.  It's precious.  If I ever got a character that far without romancing them with anyone else, I would flirt with him on that character, totally.  But, at this rate, that is never going to happen so I'll have to see the flirts in someone else's videos 😅  If you ever end up doing that and recording, feel free to share ❤️

Yeah i really like him and i think he'd pair well with my M JC. I've also seen a [flirt] with Tau in the 7.3 story, and it was quite cute too, i think i'll try that with my F JC as she doesn't have anyone either. In the end i'm quite lucky i still have some characters who are still single, because i think i like more KOTFE+ romances than i do vanilla ones.

I'll record it, but that won't before a very long time, as i want to record the full playthrough for each class, and JK, SW and BH are my priority, i'll see for the other classes after i'm done with these 3.

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44 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah hope we'll get to see him again, working with us, hey maybe we could even do some mission with him, that could be interesting.

Hey as long as they don't go "these two sound the same" i'm all for it, because while that would work in english, that would definitely not in french as they don't share the same VA and they really don't sound the same.

oh yeah, completely agreed, even in ENGLISH I wouldn't want them to comment on it, it would honestly be cringe, way too meta and out of place.  They are completely different characters, and he does a different voice for each one.  I'm guessing no character comments that fem trooper and Satele sound the same if they meet, we don't need it for Theron and Zenith either.  Leave that to the fandom, not the game.

I think I have mentioned before, but my dream scenario for Zenith returning would be a Balmorra mission and/or FP, where on JC Zenith is brought because of his obvious familiarity (or they are just meeting up with his allies) and other republic characters meet up with Zenith on planet, and because Zenith will only work with republic characters and non-JCs need a companion who isn't Zenith, Theron comes as companion and Zenith joins all republic characters as "second companion." for the mission  😊  It'll never happen, but that's my dream. 😏

56 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I think they have indeed the same color, and probably eye color as well, and yeah face is the same model, dunno if it's the exact same number though (sliders are 2/6/13/7/4/8/8 from what i've written down when i remade him into an IA but for some reason while the skin color is the same between the IA and the SI, the number is not the same between the character creator and the character modification thingy in game). As for the outfit, i'll admit, i just didn't know what to put on him, so i just grabed this one from my unlocked stuff, dunno if i'll really use that or not afterwards, but i just wanted to get rid of the default stuff, i'm most certainly giong to use the Rogue agent set when i'll get my hands on it though.

Hm, i'm pretty sure i've already heard that line, iirc that was on my Nox as that's definitely the kind of line i'd take with him, and i do find him to be good looking tbh (but i'm biased as that's my character).

oh, maybe it's an imperial line then? 😂  either way, I love it.  perfect for any pretty characters haha

and I just checked my agent and yup, same body, same head, same eye color, same skin color 😂  I think that face goes perfect with his voice so in my totally unbiased opinion, very good choices 😏 

your agent basically be like dark side AU version of my agent 😁 I love it, he looks so badass ❤️ (oh, and I love the outfit, if that weren't my outfit for Theron it probably would have been my agent's outfit, but since it was taken by Theron I put him in a different leather jacket instead 😅)

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13 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh yeah, completely agreed, even in ENGLISH I wouldn't want them to comment on it, it would honestly be cringe, way too meta and out of place.  They are completely different characters, and he does a different voice for each one.  I'm guessing no character comments that fem trooper and Satele sound the same if they meet, we don't need it for Theron and Zenith either.  Leave that to the fandom, not the game.

I think I have mentioned before, but my dream scenario for Zenith returning would be a Balmorra mission and/or FP, where on JC Zenith is brought because of his obvious familiarity (or they are just meeting up with his allies) and other republic characters meet up with Zenith on planet, and because Zenith will only work with republic characters and non-JCs need a companion who isn't Zenith, Theron comes as companion and Zenith joins all republic characters as "second companion." for the mission  😊  It'll never happen, but that's my dream. 😏

Yeah that'd be odd in english and non sensical in french, can't say about german though. I still find it a bit weird they decided to use the same VA for important NPCs and PC/companions in english. In french you sometimes hear the PC VAs voicing some random NPCs but they usually don't voice other important characters (exception during SoR, where Theron's voice is pretty much everywhere which is a bit jarring).

That would be nice, and since we've already revisited Voss, maybe we'll go back to Balmorra some day and we'll have something like that.

13 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh, maybe it's an imperial line then? 😂  either way, I love it.  perfect for any pretty characters haha

and I just checked my agent and yup, same body, same head, same eye color, same skin color 😂  I think that face goes perfect with his voice so in my totally unbiased opinion, very good choices 😏 

your agent basically be like dark side AU version of my agent 😁 I love it, he looks so badass ❤️ (oh, and I love the outfit, if that weren't my outfit for Theron it probably would have been my agent's outfit, but since it was taken by Theron I put him in a different leather jacket instead 😅)

Dunno, but yeah it's perfect for pretty and sassy characters

Yeah that's my favorite Twi'lek face. That being said thinking about that, i realised half of my male characters have asian features, and Theron is my main romance, so i may have a type 😅

Dunno if he'll be DS actually as that'd be my first playthrough of an IA since they removed the LS/DS toggle, we'll see, he'll become SIS at the end (he'd probably have chosen the ghost ending if it wasn't so disappointing as Marr can find you whenever he needs anyways, so may as well start sabotaging right away).

That was originally my Smuggler's outfit, when he was a Rattataki, but i changed the outfit when i changed him into Mirialan, it didn't look as good as it did before the species change. For the class story it may very well become my IA's more casual look, one to blend in pretty much anywhere. And no problem with Theron as i always keep Theron with short jackets or the Frontiline Slicer set. I did consider using the hm name escapes my rn (that's the same one you use on your JK), but that was already my look for Quinn and i actually like it better on Quinn, so i picked something else.

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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah that's my favorite Twi'lek face. That being said thinking about that, i realised half of my male characters have asian features, and Theron is my main romance, so i may have a type 😅

It is a very good type, to be fair 😏  

(in case it wasn't crystal clear already, it is 100% mine, 100% my type 😅)

The asian featured twi'lek face is my favorite too, I think my agent is very beautiful 😍  him and Theron together, definitely the combined best looking of my Theron couples 😉

6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Dunno if he'll DS actually as that'd be my first playthrough of an IA since they removed the LS/DS toggle, we'll see, he'll become SIS at the end (he'd probably have chose the ghost ending if it wasn't so disappointing as Marr can find you whenever he needs anyways, so may as well start sabotaginf right away).

yassss double agent 😍  dew it. 

tbh I love the idea of very metal looking and scarred up agent being LS double agent, I feel like the empire would never expect it as he looks like he would fit right in with DS imperial characters with his look

6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I did consider using the hm name escapes my rn (that's the same one you use on your JK), but that was already my look for Quinn and i actually like it better on Quinn, so i picked something else.

Intelligence Agent 😊  I love that jacket, it looks very good on twi'leks (I have it on my JC dupe's Zenith as well in black and red and it looks fantastic) and.... honestly on everyone (my agent's Lana wears it too, it looks awesome on her), if I get my SW far enough to get Quinn back, I might actually steal your idea and put him in it, I never did find a good outfit I liked on him so just kept him in his default.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

It is a very good type, to be fair 😏  

(in case it wasn't crystal clear already, it is 100% mine, 100% my type 😅)

The asian featured twi'lek face is my favorite too, I think my agent is very beautiful 😍  him and Theron together, definitely the combined best looking of my Theron couples 😉

Very good indeed, that's also very much my type actually.

Yep, looking good together.

I realised that with black hair and brown eyes, my F JK could look asian too actually 🤣

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

yassss double agent 😍  dew it. 

tbh I love the idea of very metal looking and scarred up agent being LS double agent, I feel like the empire would never expect it as he looks like he would fit right in with DS imperial characters with his look

Dunno if he'll be full LS either, he may end up closer to neutral (my SW that i've remade since the removal is at the end of chapter 1 and is really neutral so far, she got up to DS1 at one point and LS1 at another but went back to neutral each time), so this one may end up following, but he may end up LS we'll see, as i think i'll play him as trying to get the job done but avoiding collateral damages whenever possible, and flirting whenever possible to achieve his goals, too bad we can't flirt with characters of the same gender during the class stories, because being able to solve every problem by flirting would be hilarious actually.

In any case i think he'll be good friends with Theron, and i'll probably try to flirt with Jonas on him, to have the spy x spy romance, could be interesting, but it'd be nice to see Jonas again sometimes.

He's probably going to be my character with the most messed up backstory too.

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Intelligence Agent 😊  I love that jacket, it looks very good on twi'leks (I have it on my JC dupe's Zenith as well in black and red and it looks fantastic) and.... honestly on everyone (my agent's Lana wears it too, it looks awesome on her), if I get my SW far enough to get Quinn back, I might actually steal your idea and put him in it, I never did find a good outfit I liked on him so just kept him in his default.

Thanks, yeah i like that outfit a lot too, and i particularly like it on Quinn, and yeah it looks good both on men and women, though i do like it a bit more on male characters actually.

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