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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Yeah I LOATH MRevan and FemExile tbh. So, in order to have our beloved Spyboy in my HC and still have my OG Revan and Exile I just imagine Valky DL-ing OG Revan and Exiles minds minus gender identities into new bodies Essentially cloning them. OG Revan and Exile get them out and back to the Republic new MRevan marries Bastila, but goes back to kill Vitiate and FemExile goes too, and SWTOR stuff proceeds as normal. Meanwhile REAL REVAN and REAL EXILE marry Carth and Visas, have their babies and my Legacy is all safe, YAY! 

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7 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ugh yeah, that is definitely frustrating!  There are a few not so great Theron flirts just by virtue of the flirt line itself imo, but thankfully all those ones CAN be skipped without a problem, I haven't had one fortunately that I thought just had terrible delivery on one of my characters other than the aforementioned "abandonment issues" one which thankfully has 2 alternate options.

Thankfully that's the only [flirt] i've seen so far with my JK that isn't that great.

8 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I would love to see a DS corrupted twi'lek, I have never actually seen one!  If you have pics of yours, feel free to sharesies

Hm, that's the only screenshot i have of him right now and he was not very far on the DS spectrum (he was something like DS 2 at that moment i think) and the light doesn't really help either, i need to to take some new ones as he's currently DS 4 and the corruption looks much better.

12 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I also love twi'lek as agent for the "blend in" aspect!  I admit I chose twi'lek just because I knew I was gonna romance him with Theron and in my game I only romance twi'leks with Theron 😅 (it started on accident but I kept it going on purpose lmao), but I really love that it becomes canon with the character that he was chosen for intelligence because of the "no one would suspect an alien of being imperial intelligence" and twi'leks are very common so totally makes sense he can blend in anywhere. ❤️  Also I think because it's practically an in-universe meme that twi'leks are all slaves, a lot of people (especially in the empire) will underestimate a twi'lek which is really advantageous for a spy.

I have 5 twi'leks and they all have purple eyes, and I also use 2 different shades. (I think there are actually 3 different purple shades available?)  I am obsessed with purple eyes, I just love them, so yeah, like you say, twi'leks actually have the option so you better believe I'm gonna use it every time! 😍

Yep. I wanted Zeltron both for the nobody will suspect an alien to be an Imp spy and the pheromones thingy which would be super useful for a spy, but yeah Twi'lek i think will work really well too. I think i'll try flirting with Jonas on this one, both because i'm not sure he'll pair well with either Kaliyo or Raina and to get the Spy x Spy thing going, also they'll probably both be super flirty so i guess it can work.

Hm yeah i think there are 3 different purples, and at least it's a color no one other than Twi'lek can have, so it's a bit more original than the blue, green and brown that pretty much all species have (my Mirialan Smuggler has orange eyes too, as iirc only Mirialan and Zabrak can use that color outside of Sithy eyes)

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9 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Yeah I LOATH MRevan and FemExile tbh. So, in order to have our beloved Spyboy in my HC and still have my OG Revan and Exile I just imagine Valky DL-ing OG Revan and Exiles minds minus gender identities into new bodies Essentially cloning them. OG Revan and Exile get them out and back to the Republic new MRevan marries Bastila, but goes back to kill Vitiate and FemExile goes too, and SWTOR stuff proceeds as normal. Meanwhile REAL REVAN and REAL EXILE marry Carth and Visas, have their babies and my Legacy is all safe, YAY! 

I always play fem Revan and Exile because I like the male romance options more (I hate the stupid dialogue lockout with Handmaiden if you have higher influence with Visas Marr. For real, is she 14 years old?).

What I hate about SWTOR is that they wanted a Male Revan so Exile is just an after thought - they didn't give a f about Exile because KOTOR2 is not written by the guy who wrote KOTOR1 and the Revan novel and some SWTOR materials.

If it's up to me, Bastila and Carth got married and started the Shan bloodline. Revan is that weird friend of your parents who always f things up. I don't really care about the Revan bloodline anyway. It's stupid that it's "Shan" family but all everyone cares about is Revan Revan Revan as if Bastila is only there to produce an offspring.

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11 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Ewww, Carth and Bastila 🤮Sorry you just shattered me.

Hey, as long as I make a Shan out of it lol

PS: not like the male Revan/Bastila ship isn't good itself, I just hate the way it's forced down my throat.

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2 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I hate the MRevan Bastila ship. But to put my beloved Carth with her is beyond heartbreaking.

Sacrifice to get Theron Shan lol

Tbh everything from Rakata Prime to the Star Forge part ruin the romance for me. I hate how almost all dialogue options are some sort of "I love you" even though you didn't go 100% with it before. Can't a guy be a good friend first and care about his friend instead of "oh noes but I love u" when said friend changed due to some intense torture?

PS: it's why I can never pick the kiss option after Malcom's death... it's just not the time.  He needs care, not romantic love.

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5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Most welcome, and yes absolutely I do 😁  Here is Chapter 16 on agent where he refuses to shoot at them.  The scene is honsestly much shorter haha way less arguing.  And no agent in the dog house 😉  I have my agent's ENTIRE playthrough uploaded now (just finished uploads yesterday) so I can get pretty much any link for it easily

Whoa! 😲 The atmosphere is completely different in that scene. There is a lot more scowling too. 😂 

3 hours ago, eabevella said:


You can't affect companion's moral alignment in KOTOR1 but Carth is 10/10 I love him. That's why I always play fem Revan.

In KOTOR2 your companion's alignment is affected by your own alignment and your influence to them. So if you are dark side and have high influence with you companion, you can twist even the most gentle companion into the most rage filled murderer. What makes it brilliant is all companions have their own wound and trauma due to the war, so it's up to our action to either help them overcome it or embrace their darkness.

KOTOR2 writing is peak SW writing to me I highly recommend it.


With good writing they could pull off Theron fall to the dark side. The potential is all there: the Republic sucks during kotxx. Satele left him, again, on Odessen. It could all lead to a DS player who have high influence with him swaying him to the point that he ends up believe the DS player's ideal. Their relationship can be great: Theron finally finds someone who sees his importance, he works great with the DS player and isn't bothered by his toxic parents anymore - they don't deserve him anyway.

But we don't have KOTOR writing in SWTOR so sadly that isn't an option.

Wow, okay, those are some great points there! When laid out that, I can definitely imagine it working, too. But, as stated by others, it would have to be written very well for them to pull it off.

 SWTOR 1 and 2 are currently on sale. I may have to finally get it so I can play it. And finally meet Carth too! With some graphic mods, it could be a lot of fun to finally play. They can only do so much though, because, wow, that game is old! 😲

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Sacrifice to get Theron Shan lol

Tbh everything from Rakata Prime to the Star Forge part ruin the romance for me. I hate how almost all dialogue options are some sort of "I love you" even though you didn't go 100% with it before. Can't a guy be a good friend first and care about his friend instead of "oh noes but I love u" when said friend changed due to some intense torture?

PS: it's why I can never pick the kiss option after Malcom's death... it's just not the time.  He needs care, not romantic love.

Agreed! As stated before, comforting someone doesn't have to be romantic. Further, a kiss during that scene is also selfish on top of all of the other issues with it. 

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27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Whoa! 😲 The atmosphere is completely different in that scene. There is a lot more scowling too. 😂

ngl, the "everyone scowls" sequence cracks me up 🤣  I find it interesting that if you don't shoot them, Koth is the only one mad, and if you do shoot them, he's basically the happiest one.  Koth, I know you don't love Senya but wtf bro.  lol

I actually might have shot at them on agent if I had realized that they wouldn't die there (idk why I didn't realize, because the whole Voss plot would make no sense if they were already dead), but since that would put agent in the dog house with Theron I'm really glad I didn't know 😅

27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

SWTOR 1 and 2 are currently on sale. I may have to finally get it so I can play it. And finally meet Carth too! With some graphic mods, it could be a lot of fun to finally play. They can only do so much though, because, wow, that game is old! 😲

I definitely need to play the KOTOR games eventually, it's honestly the graphics that's the main thing holding me back so maybe I can try figuring out how mods work (never used them on PC lol)

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Can't a guy be a good friend first and care about his friend instead of "oh noes but I love u" when said friend changed due to some intense torture?

PS: it's why I can never pick the kiss option after Malcom's death... it's just not the time.  He needs care, not romantic love.

27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Agreed! As stated before, comforting someone doesn't have to be romantic. Further, a kiss during that scene is also selfish on top of all of the other issues with it. 

100% also agreed, there are times for romance like kissing and times for romantic partner to be caring and comforting.  When in pain or grieving, it's the latter.  I seriously can't believe there's a kiss Theron option in that scene and 0 "comfort him" option, I just..... that scene is already pretty f***ed up but that's just the icing on the cake innit.

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9 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

100% also agreed, there are times for romance like kissing and times for romantic partner to be caring and comforting.  When in pain or grieving, it's the latter.  I seriously can't believe there's a kiss Theron option in that scene and 0 "comfort him" option, I just..... that scene is already pretty f***ed up but that's just the icing on the cake innit.

Completely off-topic, but this right here is what makes me love the Kaidan romance in Mass Effect so much. He is the only romance partner that will comfort femShep in ME3. The night before storming the Illusive Man's base, the romanced partner will show up at Shepard's quarters. FemShep can say, Look, I'm not in the mood for sex right now, and they will all leave. Except Kaidan who will stay and simply be there for her. It's so wholesome and I just love him so, so, much. 




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1 minute ago, yenzin said:

Completely off-topic, but this right here is what makes me love the Kaidan romance in Mass Effect so much. He is the only romance partner that will comfort femShep in ME3. The night before storming the Illusive Man's base, the romanced partner will show up at Shepard's quarters. FemShep can say, Look, I'm not in the mood for sex right now, and they will all leave. Except Kaidan who will stay and simply be there for her. It's so wholesome and I just love him so, so, much.

That is 100% wholesome and I love that ❤️❤️ 

I would love so much if there were more "comfort" scenes in general in swtor, not just in that scene where Malcolm dies (but definitely especially that one!) but there are a few times I can think of in game where the PC is hurting and could use some comfort from their SO.  Probably the closest we honestly get with Theron is him giving a hug before Ossus, and that isn't even enough, Theron, your partner needs you, where are you going????!!!!

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Again, a little random:

I told my husband at dinner tonight that the update drops tomorrow. I also mentioned that likely only those that are interested/invested in Theron, Lana, Torian, and Koth are super excited. He doesn’t know any of the characters, their names, or any details because I don’t talk in depth about them or the game. He started saying, “Lana, Lana, Lana,” repeatedly and I said, “Yes, likely a lot of people are excited for her update too.” And he asks, “You don’t remember Archer?”

No, I did not remember! 😂

The update is tomorrow and I’m still not ready!!! But I am sooooooo excited!!!!!! 🤩

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2 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Again, a little random:

I told my husband at dinner tonight that the update drops tomorrow. I also mentioned that likely only those that are interested/invested in Theron, Lana, Torian, and Koth are super excited. He doesn’t know any of the characters, their names, or any details because I don’t talk in depth about them or the game. He started saying, “Lana, Lana, Lana,” repeatedly and I said, “Yes, likely a lot of people are excited for her update too.” And he asks, “You don’t remember Archer?”

No, I did not remember! 😂

The update is tomorrow and I’m still not ready!!! But I am sooooooo excited!!!!!! 🤩

ngl, I still don't believe the rumors that there's anything good for the characters I care about in the update, but I really hope I'm wrong since this is probably gonna be the last update for a good long while 😅 (to clarify, I always like to keep my expectations low so I'm rarely disappointed but frequently find my expectations exceeded, it makes me more excited for anything good I get that way! haha)   like genuinely I just hope Theron's even THERE.  Even if he has no lines, I hope he's at least in the room in a scene, if he's even there at all I'll be happy but he wasn't in the last update (just the one before that) soooo we'll see 😅

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

100% also agreed, there are times for romance like kissing and times for romantic partner to be caring and comforting.  When in pain or grieving, it's the latter.  I seriously can't believe there's a kiss Theron option in that scene and 0 "comfort him" option, I just..... that scene is already pretty f***ed up but that's just the icing on the cake innit.

Just by reading the "kiss" option gives me cringe.

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Again, a little random:

I told my husband at dinner tonight that the update drops tomorrow. I also mentioned that likely only those that are interested/invested in Theron, Lana, Torian, and Koth are super excited. He doesn’t know any of the characters, their names, or any details because I don’t talk in depth about them or the game. He started saying, “Lana, Lana, Lana,” repeatedly and I said, “Yes, likely a lot of people are excited for her update too.” And he asks, “You don’t remember Archer?”

No, I did not remember! 😂

The update is tomorrow and I’m still not ready!!! But I am sooooooo excited!!!!!! 🤩

OMG I didn't watch it but even I recalled it's a meme back then lol

KOTOR1 and 2 are great but if you are not familiar with the traditional D&D stats (strength, dexterity, wisdom etc.), you might want to look for a guide for "builds" because the game play will be hell if you have bad stats distribution.

Also KOTOR 2 was forced to release early by the higher up so the vanilla version of the game is incomplete (they didn't even have time to finish the last planet). However, fans dug out and restored a lot of missed contents with this mod: Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It's a must have if you get KOTOR 2 and can be found on steam.

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Um... My little JC has been missing her Arcann for a long time being a good little Jedi. I am not going to feel bad about Theron this time.

Ack! How could I forget to put down Arcann's name?! 😱 I really hope the two of you have a great time! 💖

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On 6/1/2023 at 6:13 AM, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so I have never let the imperials die in chapter 15 before, but my agent let them die (he is a double agent, after all).  And omg, Theron's reaction to agent's explanation for it.  Like, agent straight up looks at him for approval and then Theron looks way too proud that his boyfriend put the empire last before immediately going back to "*ahem* I mean, we've all suffered, Lana" 😅 

I am curious if he has the same reaction to anyone choosing to let the imperials die, and/or to someone he isn't romancing lol

Ok, so, I ended up having my JK let the imperials die as well (not actually to test this out, but because I realized that I had always chosen in the past based on my preferences and not what would make sense for the character, because to him, factions wouldn't matter, but he would choose to save the civilians first, then the politicians, and the military officers last, and therefore the imperials would die)

And turns out, the PC and Theron DO have that same reaction if a republic character lets the imps die.  I didn't even choose dialogue option 2, I chose option 1, and they still did that smug grin exchange.

I have to say though, it worked really well on agent, partly because it made sense that Theron was proud his imperial boyfriend chose the imperials last (and agent wanted to make him proud) but also because of the dialogue option I chose for agent, where he said that he needed to show he wouldn't put the imperials above anyone else. 

BUT I think it works horribly on my JK, kiiiinda makes him and Theron look like insensitive jerks tbh, especially following the dialogue line I chose where he's like "I wanted to save everyone".  So I actually edited it out, and I think the scene is 100% better.  I made an edit of the whole chapter recording to take that out, and the edit is going on my official playthrough.

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15 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Hm yeah i think there are 3 different purples, and at least it's a color no one other than Twi'lek can have, so it's a bit more original than the blue, green and brown that pretty much all species have (my Mirialan Smuggler has orange eyes too, as iirc only Mirialan and Zabrak can use that color outside of Sithy eyes)

My Mirialan has purple eyes.

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18 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, the "everyone scowls" sequence cracks me up 🤣  I find it interesting that if you don't shoot them, Koth is the only one mad, and if you do shoot them, he's basically the happiest one.  Koth, I know you don't love Senya but wtf bro.  lol

I actually might have shot at them on agent if I had realized that they wouldn't die there (idk why I didn't realize, because the whole Voss plot would make no sense if they were already dead), but since that would put agent in the dog house with Theron I'm really glad I didn't know 😅

I definitely need to play the KOTOR games eventually, it's honestly the graphics that's the main thing holding me back so maybe I can try figuring out how mods work (never used them on PC lol)

I think I prefer the dog house version. 😁 I would choose that option on my JC if it wasn't out of character. 😆

If you decide to play it and need help modding, just ask. I mod every game I play if I can. 😏

11 hours ago, eabevella said:

KOTOR1 and 2 are great but if you are not familiar with the traditional D&D stats (strength, dexterity, wisdom etc.), you might want to look for a guide for "builds" because the game play will be hell if you have bad stats distribution.

Also KOTOR 2 was forced to release early by the higher up so the vanilla version of the game is incomplete (they didn't even have time to finish the last planet). However, fans dug out and restored a lot of missed contents with this mod: Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). It's a must have if you get KOTOR 2 and can be found on steam.

Thanks for the heads up. 😄 I think I'll do alright in that case, but there is Google to save me if I need a build. 

I did hear about that early release thing and how some of the game was never finished as a result. I love modders. There are some games that are truly saved due to mods. I wonder if there are plans to touch up some of the older Star Wars games, and fix them if needed. 🤔

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

BUT I think it works horribly on my JK, kiiiinda makes him and Theron look like insensitive jerks tbh, especially following the dialogue line I chose where he's like "I wanted to save everyone".  So I actually edited it out, and I think the scene is 100% better.  I made an edit of the whole chapter recording to take that out, and the edit is going on my official playthrough.

Wow, that is a very nice seamless edit! Agreed, it looks sooooo much better! 😍 I personally didn't like the smirk even on my agent. I believe I'll be editing that out too on my official playthrough recording. Editing for the win!

And speaking of editing, here is a highly spliced version of my BH's goodbye to Theron on Yavin 4. I had to choose between the Satele or Revan question due to PC's movement. And I left out the line, "Care to finish that thought?" The background music is off, and there is one clip that doesn't transition smoothly due to a slight movement flicker, but overall, I think the edited scene works well. 😁

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29 minutes ago, yenzin said:

And speaking of editing, here is a highly spliced version of my BH's goodbye to Theron on Yavin 4. I had to choose between the Satele or Revan question due to PC's movement. And I left out the line, "Care to finish that thought?" The background music is off, and there is one clip that doesn't transition smoothly due to a slight movement flicker, but overall, I think the edited scene works well. 😁

Ok, so I actually didn't even realize until watching that that like, oh yeah, the imp characters DON'T know Theron is related to Revan 🤣 (since on republic side he explains it almost immediately after they learn about the order of revan and you don't even have to prompt him to, he just does it)   I never chose any option except the "care to finish that thought?" so I had no idea he explained that there haha  I am curious what Theron says you if you pick the "Satele" option.  If you have that clipped I am curious 😅

For my agent I actually love the simple version of the scene that plays out as is, I think he just wants to get to the kissing and not too much extra talking 😉  but your edit works very well!  Theron's answer to the "join the empire" line is also hilarious 😂  I obviously never picked that since my agent does NOT want Theron joining the empire lol


Unrelated to any of that, you requested this Theron gif a million years ago, and I finally remembered to make it (I am slow, I'm sorry!)  And then I also made this one as a bonus.  😁

edit so I'm not spamming with another post: some bonus Theron screenshots: Theron, Theron, Theron, thinky Theron

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so I actually didn't even realize until watching that that like, oh yeah, the imp characters DON'T know Theron is related to Revan 🤣 (since on republic side he explains it almost immediately after they learn about the order of revan and you don't even have to prompt him to, he just does it)   I never chose any option except the "care to finish that thought?" so I had no idea he explained that there haha  I am curious what Theron says you if you pick the "Satele" option.  If you have that clipped I am curious 😅

For my agent I actually love the simple version of the scene that plays out as is, I think he just wants to get to the kissing and not too much extra talking 😉  but your edit works very well!  Theron's answer to the "join the empire" line is also hilarious 😂  I obviously never picked that since my agent does NOT want Theron joining the empire lol


Unrelated to any of that, you requested this Theron gif a million years ago, and I finally remembered to make it (I am slow, I'm sorry!)  And then I also made this one as a bonus.  😁

edit so I'm not spamming with another post: some bonus Theron screenshots: Theron, Theron, Theron, thinky Theron

Sure, I have it. Here you go😉

Which makes me think again of Satele in Dreamland. She claims that she would like to spend more time with Theron if the second option is picked. And we know from Theron's mail afterwards that they do start spending more time together. However, from her tone of voice, I always hear a "But that is not going to happen," from her. Which makes me think that Theron is the one having to do all the work in that relationship. 🤔 From personal experience, if a person is the one doing all the work in a relationship, then not only is that not healthy, but it also never works out. 

That gif of him shooting that mech really works!!! Love it! Thank you! 😍 Also, the second gif with him and the others is fantastic. 💖 Such great pics! Thank you for your continued scientific contribution. 😉

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14 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

For Theron lovers he's here in the update and has lines, whether we get romance dialogue IDK yet JC goes FIRST! Tearfully beautiful Arcann content.

From what i've seen on YT he has at the very least one [flirt]


which is pretty nice before talking to Malgus, though it's interrupted by Lana

. Dunno if there is more or not, as i've only seen one cutscene with Theron in it so far (that being said i've only seen two cutscenes).

Edited by Goreshaga
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