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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Well, in my HC all of my PC's respect the different cultures they interact with. My JC totally let Nadia off her father's murderer because her culture demanded it, and she wasn't a Padawan yet anyway. She also let the Voss try to toss that Ambassador 'Child' off their Cliff, they're not a Republic world what right did she have to criticize. So, with Zakuul, its natural for all my PC's to give them the respect of dealing with their own citizens.

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3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Ugh does it get me kicked out of the Theron club if I can't kill Atrius? My BH has so much baggage with Jarros and Seros that even though she freaked out at him she couldn't kill him. She wants to be better for Theron, even if he himself isn't lily white either. She did punch Koth and Saresh though.

😲 Ohh! That's a great reason not to go all pew pew over everything. Being better for someone else is a great goal. 💖

3 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

Oops sorry - it makes sense for everyone to say it though - Theron is the only one who can make contact with his shuttle and get them the heck out of Dodge (Iokath).

🤣 Well, that's one mystery solved.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Dark Marauder pants 😉  I can't claim credit, someone in here suggested them and I've been eyeing the set ever since, only finally had 1.5billy when the set was actually for sale!

I mean, I can recommend ONE leather jacket for Theron (*ahem* Taskmaster's *ahem*)....... 😅  (I am so bad at diversifying his look lmao)

😍  I have never put Theron (well, any companion lol) on tank since my jedi are both tanks themselves so they totally don't need tank and my agent is dps with low health so he needs heals real bad lol  the flips look super badass, go Theron go! 😍

(p.s. if you need a companion who can tank while on heals, I present: the magical tank god 🤣 😅)

Hmm... 850mil for the Marauder set. 20mil for the Taskmaster's... Putting them on my price watch list...

Wow, go Zenith O.o That's impressive,

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg that letter, THERON BB putting on a tough face but being super broken.  😢  and considering the fact that that happened right before he knew he was going to have to pretend to betray them all!!!  THERON NEEDS SO MANY HUGS ON IMPERIAL. 😢

also, just, Lana worried about him and not wanting him to know about it, my heart 😥 ❤️❤️

Right?! How is he managing to stay above the water over there? He's made of stern stuff, but being around all those Imperials and facing all the choices from that side has got to be wearing him down. 🥺

3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Well, in my HC all of my PC's respect the different cultures they interact with. My JC totally let Nadia off her father's murderer because her culture demanded it, and she wasn't a Padawan yet anyway. She also let the Voss try to toss that Ambassador 'Child' off their Cliff, they're not a Republic world what right did she have to criticize. So, with Zakuul, its natural for all my PC's to give them the respect of dealing with their own citizens.

That might be why my JC is so willing to walk right by that person being beaten up in the underbelly of Zakuul (forget the chapter) without trying to stop it. 🤔 Everytime I see that scene I wish I could step in and stop it. 



I can't seem to make it through a Chapter 16 run without making Theron grumpy with me. 😲 (Made the same decision on my BH.)

Theron: You and I need to have a talk about you shooting at our allies😠

I really like Senya. I see a lot of my mom in her. But at that point in time, my characters are more concerned about the possibility of Arcann killing, or ordering the deaths of, several more billion people to take the risk of him escaping. Losing Senya is a sacrifice they are willing to make in that case. 

Poor Theron. He looks so put out at the end there. 😅 ... He's... probably not going to talk to me for a while... 🐕🏠

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27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Hmm... 850mil for the Marauder set. 20mil for the Taskmaster's... Putting them on my price watch list...

damn, prices must be better on the other servers, I've never had it go lower than 950ish mil when I've looked, 850 = 1000% worth, 20mil for the taskmasters definitely worth (I think.... I can't remember what I got it for, but, I would pay that regardless, it's such a good jacket, and I like the belt too haha)

27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I can't seem to make it through a Chapter 16 run without making Theron grumpy with me. 😲 (Made the same decision on my BH.)

Theron: You and I need to have a talk about you shooting at our allies😠

I really like Senya. I see a lot of my mom in her. But at that point in time, my characters are more concerned about the possibility of Arcann killing, or ordering the deaths of, several more billion people to take the risk of him escaping. Losing Senya is a sacrifice they are willing to make in that case. 

Poor Theron. He looks so put out at the end there. 😅 ... He's... probably not going to talk to me for a while... 🐕🏠

omg, I didn't know shooting at them but not shooting them down was actually an option 😶  at least that's what it sounds like happened?

your agent is sooooo in the dog house 🤣 

(mine let them go 😊, he almost definitely would have shot down just Arcann - he was the most skeptical of Arcann joining them of all my characters - but not Senya too)

I love Theron for being the one who's super upset for shooting at Senya btw, not just because it shows how good of a person he is 🥰 but also because (and I could be way off on this idk, it's a HC of mine at least) I always felt like on at least some level he sees Satele in her and cares about her in a similar way (not as much, but in a similar way) because of that, like when they find her on Voss he's the one who stays with her and I think there were a few other moments that made me think it too but the Voss one is the biggest, he is really sweet about saying he'll stay with her.  and now obviously I know he gets mad if you shoot at her (good boy 🥰)


In other news, I put Theron on damage for like an hour and I tanked while I let him run around killing things in heroics, and man, he absolutely ANNIHILATES enemies (he kills things faster than I can! but then, I am tank not DPS) but he stubbornly refused to say it like a spy.  I did, however, get him to say a different line I had never heard before: "Didn't think I'd get that one" 🤣 

(ngl, part of me can't stop thinking "am I being punk'd?  does this line even exist?" lmao)

Given I was fully tanking and deliberately not attacking enemies and letting Theron kill everything and in an hour only died ONCE, I might just leave him on damage for the forseeable future, when I actually DID attack too we killed stuff so fast that we both hardly took damage 🤩

This has been a PSA to put Theron on damage if you want to have some fun 😅  he looks super badass while he's doing it 😍

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7 hours ago, yenzin said:

I've always thought it would have been nice to have different options about who the potential spy is. None of them are ones my character would have considered. Especially Acina. Acina? Seriously?! 


While she doesn't really make sense, Acina at least makes more sense than Malcom, she's officially your ally so kinda close to you, and she's a Sith, not to mention she went to Iokath behind your back, so suspecting her could make sense, and the dialogue gives a somewhat convincing argument.

Malcom though ? My JK has not seen him since what, Makeb (and even then, i'm not even sure we actually interact with him there), so not close at all, and even more so since the dialogue says 'The Supreme Commander might be angry that i cut ties with the Republic. Maybe this is payback.", which is not even true, as it was not the PC who cut ties with the Republic so not even the dialogue makes sense.

Theron, there's no way my JK is going to say that Theron is the traitor, as he's one of the few people she fully trusts.

Guess i'll pick Lana with my JK's clones, especially since i quite like Theron's "I'm the better spy after all" that comes with that option, and that my JK actually doesn't really trust Lana, but it would've been much better to have the choice between Lana, Theron and saying you don't want to suspect blindly and need some evidence before throwing accusations or something along these lines (which is what i'd have chosen).

7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Ugh does it get me kicked out of the Theron club if I can't kill Atrius? My BH has so much baggage with Jarros and Seros that even though she freaked out at him she couldn't kill him. She wants to be better for Theron, even if he himself isn't lily white either. She did punch Koth and Saresh though.

Not at all, I didn't kill him on my first run with my JK.

Though, i'm more than likely to actually kill him with her clones, as they're a bit less LS than the original one, especially when someone threatens the people she wants to protect (here both the Alliance and Theron), then Theron needs medical care and quickly, so no time to waste waiting for someone to come pick Attrius up all the way from Odessen, and leaving him alone like what actually happens in the cutscene seems stupid, as it'd give him more than enough time to escape and become a threat again. Not to mention that bringing him on Odessen would be a waste of ressources as you'd have to feed him, and sending him to Zakuul, you have no way to be sure he wouldn't escape of be freed by some supporters, so, all things considered, killing him seems like the safer option.

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8 hours ago, Goreshaga said:


While she doesn't really make sense, Acina at least makes more sense than Malcom, she's officially your ally so kinda close to you, and she's a Sith, not to mention she went to Iokath behind your back, so suspecting her could make sense, and the dialogue gives a somewhat convincing argument.


I will say, choosing Malcolm definitely made sense on my agent, because Malcolm meets him making a comment about "imp scum" and then is like "no offense" lol  however, it makes 0 sense on my Jedi but I always have to pick it anyway because my Jedi would never accuse Theron or Lana of it.  if Acina was an option for my jedi that would be better but alas.  that dialogue "choice" is just one of the dumbest ones in the game imo lol

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

I will say, choosing Malcolm definitely made sense on my agent, because Malcolm meets him making a comment about "imp scum" and then is like "no offense" lol  however, it makes 0 sense on my Jedi but I always have to pick it anyway because my Jedi would never accuse Theron or Lana of it.  if Acina was an option for my jedi that would be better but alas.  that dialogue "choice" is just one of the dumbest ones in the game imo lol

Yeah Malcom can make sense for an Imp who decided to side with the Republic, but for a Pub character, he just doesn't make sense. So my JK will choose Lana, no idea about the other characters though, my former Imps will either go for Malcom or Lana, my Pub ones i guess i'll see when i'll be there.

But yeah it's a dumb dialogue choice, thrid otion should definitely have been a "i refuse to speculate right now" and then move on to the nexr cutscene.

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My Fem Trooper just did Iokath, obviously she's a Cathar and Mated with Aric because Fem Trooper and Theron is just weird and I will never ever do a same-sex romance ever. I'm not hating I just won't do it. But even my Aani was like 'Supreme Commander, you're a saint compared to Garza, but you've got issues. Who says to their son, "Combat suits you." I mean yes, Aric would like to give the future kiddos basic weapons training, but does he honestly want them in warzones? Again yes, Aric's family had a tradition of military service, but I doubt he wants his kids to face the ugliness of war and death. Meanwhile, Malcolm's like. "WOO HOO, SONNY IS GETTING SHOT AT. 

She's not against Jace, but she's not for him either. Drinks in the Catina tonight.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

But yeah it's a dumb dialogue choice, thrid otion should definitely have been a "i refuse to speculate right now" and then move on to the nexr cutscene.

Totally agreed, there should have been a "I'm not going to accuse anyone with 0 evidence" option

46 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

My Fem Trooper just did Iokath, obviously she's a Cathar and Mated with Aric because Fem Trooper and Theron is just weird and I will never ever do a same-sex romance ever. I'm not hating I just won't do it. But even my Aani was like 'Supreme Commander, you're a saint compared to Garza, but you've got issues. Who says to their son, "Combat suits you." I mean yes, Aric would like to give the future kiddos basic weapons training, but does he honestly want them in warzones? Again yes, Aric's family had a tradition of military service, but I doubt he wants his kids to face the ugliness of war and death. Meanwhile, Malcolm's like. "WOO HOO, SONNY IS GETTING SHOT AT. 

She's not against Jace, but she's not for him either. Drinks in the Catina tonight.

Malcolm's "combat suits you" and the way Theron completely shuts him down because he's clearly having none of that is the reason I don't like Malcolm tbh lol  In that 2 line exchange I learned all I needed to know, because all I could think was "he clearly does not know Theron at all or actually respect his own life choices and would rather Theron was a soldier, and Theron hates that." 

I know Theron gets really upset if Malcolm dies and clearly cares about him on some primal father-son level, but, Theron deserves better out of a father 😠

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1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

My Fem Trooper just did Iokath, obviously she's a Cathar and Mated with Aric because Fem Trooper and Theron is just weird and I will never ever do a same-sex romance ever. I'm not hating I just won't do it. But even my Aani was like 'Supreme Commander, you're a saint compared to Garza, but you've got issues. Who says to their son, "Combat suits you." I mean yes, Aric would like to give the future kiddos basic weapons training, but does he honestly want them in warzones? Again yes, Aric's family had a tradition of military service, but I doubt he wants his kids to face the ugliness of war and death. Meanwhile, Malcolm's like. "WOO HOO, SONNY IS GETTING SHOT AT. 

She's not against Jace, but she's not for him either. Drinks in the Catina tonight.

I'm the same - there's no way I can romantically involve a trooper (F or M) with Theron, not with his family history.

I also tend to make Cathar F Troopers and romance Aric.  I think I did read it somewhere (but it's my HC anyway) that Cathar mate for life, and let's face it - the Aric reunion scene is just one of the sweetest, most emotional of them all *chef's kiss*.

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Cathar don't just mate for life if one partner dies the survivor literally physically cannot bond with another partner. And yes, Aric was great! Vette was good too. Kira took too long but was lovely. Vector, same. Elara STUNK! 

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I have yet to do any romantic reunions (since the only class story character I've romanced is Vector 😅 and I just keep making characters date Theron whooops lol), but I will say, for character reunions in general my very favorites so far have been Zenith on JC and Kaliyo on agent (oh, I guess technically my agent briefly romanced Kaliyo then broke it off - I don't actually know if that gave me any different dialogue than if I hadn't done any flirting with her at all though). 

The Zenith scene was so good it literally skyrocketed him from middle tier companion to one of my favorites 😊.  And I loved the entire Kaliyo chapter on agent, I was able to make him surprisingly heartfelt with her and it was just really well done, so good.  I can't wait to get to Vette on my SW, since Vette is like a sister to her (even if I don't fully finish that playthrough I am at least going to get that far!)


And, so this post is on topic, I was sorting through some of my screenshots and here's some nice ones of Theron that I found: badass Theron, his pretty face, more of his face

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Oh, how I loathe is OG hair. I know this is the Theron Thread but seriously I'd get sick of him if I romanced him on more than one character. TBH I'd get sick of them all! I live with the let it be special mentality. Theron might have slightly different dialogue (I've watched him romance others on YouTube) but to me it's only special with my Kali-Sati.

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31 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Oh, how I loathe is OG hair. I know this is the Theron Thread but seriously I'd get sick of him if I romanced him on more than one character. TBH I'd get sick of them all! I live with the let it be special mentality. Theron might have slightly different dialogue (I've watched him romance others on YouTube) but to me it's only special with my Kali-Sati.

I'm quite the same. I did romance him on a few characters to see with who he'd make the best pairing, and now that i'm set on my JK with him, i just can't romance him with anyone else anymore.

And each of my characters have a unique romance : F JK with Theron, F SW with Arcann, F Trooper with Aric, F IA with Vector, M Smuggler with Akaavi, F Smuggler with Koth, F BH with Torian.

Then there are the ones i'm still not entirely decided for : M JC (maybe Arn or Zenith depending on how things evolve with them), M SI (would have loved to continue the romance with Cytharat, but unfortunately seems extremely unlikely to even happen, so i may try Rivix), M IA (will try Kaliyo, if it doesn't work, then i have no idea, maybe Jonas), M JK (will be either Kira or Scourge), M SW (well, would love to pair him with Quinn, but i guess he'll die of old age before he gets the romance), M Trooper (i'll try Elara, but not really sure on this one either), M BH i'm curious to see him with Rass. F JC, no idea yet, all i know is it won't be Iresso (may see how she's with Tau) and F SI i have absolutely no idea.


And regarding the reunions, i love F Trooper and Jorgan and F BH and Torian the most so far.

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After I did my first Theron romance on JC I definitely felt the same way, I thought I would never double dip or romance anyone else with him because I didn't want that romance to be less special.   I thought I would romance future characters only with other people.  But then I caved on JK and ended up loving that romance even more (still my favorite).  And while I'm still not sold on whether I should have done it on SW, regardless I love every different version of the romance story with him because it's a totally different relationship dynamic every time.  And my characters are all in different time streams from each other, so it does not bother me at all.  If anything it means that Theron gets to be happily in love in every timeline (at least so far) of my lil game universe, and that makes me happy 😊

I will definitely never be sick of romancing characters with him 😂

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And nobody is saying you should. But it can make it hard for people like me who are like "but... but... but... I can't!" to really find dynamic, interesting, complex, topics to discuss about our favorite Republic spy. Because then it's like how do I not diminish the romance love here and yet not get bored out of my mind? This happens to me in ALL the love threads BTW, I cannot just do kisses and rainbows.

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I mean, we definitely post about more than just Theron romance in here, this isn't a Theron romance thread, it's a broader Theron love thread 🤔 (ok, so we don't even always stay on topic of Theron lmao  but that's fine too)  

Some of us obviously talk a lot about Theron romances since so many of us have romanced him with one or more characters and really enjoy that aspect of the story and we have loads to talk about on that topic, but there's no expectation that you (or anyone else) has to get involved in/continue our discussions of romance stuff if you don't want to or that that's all you can discuss.  That said, we're not going to stop discussing Theron romance ourselves, so, sorry if that makes the thread too boring 🤷‍♀️

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Genuine question, do you know what MBTI you are? Because I never asked anyone to stop talking about their romances. This is literally the only active character thread right now, so, I'm sticking around because character is my thing. I only wanted to express how my brain works. My MBTI is INFJ. So, it colors how I engage. I want to be here, but I'm also at a loss as to how to meaningfully engage.

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I didn't say that I thought you were saying you wanted us to stop, I was just apologizing if we were boring you, because it sounded like we might be.  But if we're not, then, good to hear.

And no, I have absolutely no idea, but I don't do those tests, I have enough actual medical diagnoses for how my brain works to hold me over just fine lol

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Oh, a cognitive function test isn't medical. It does however, provide an immense amount of insight into how our brains allow us to see the world and interact with it. Finding out I'm an INFJ has been a game changer for me. And if I know who I'm talking to's type, I tend to be able to communicate better. I also enjoy trying to type other characters. For example, I'm pretty sure Arcann is an ISFP. Vaylin is without a doubt and ESFP, and Satele could possibly be an INFP. Malcolm ESTJ! Theron, is tricky though. He's definitely and Assertive, but whether he's an INFP or an INTP or an INTJ I can't choose yet. Maybe we should all do Theron's test here...


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Ok, I tried to do that test for me and I think way too many of the questions were ones where my answer was "well, it depends on the situation" so I put neutral as the answer, and I think that threw off my results, because based on the descriptions of things at the end, only 2/5 of the things sounded like they described me at all 😅 (I mean, the descriptions are pretty horoscope-level vague, and I have no idea if the alternate ones sound even less like me, but, still)  It said 66% introverted, which I guess sounds pretty close to where I am on the "verted" spectrum.  And then it gave me one definitely accurate: "79% Turbulent: Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They feel a sense of urgency in their emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve."  yuuuup, it me. 🫠   I don't know if that helps you understand me, but, I tried 😅

I could try to do it for Theron but clearly I am not even good at doing it for myself soooooo maybe I shouldn't 🤣

I will say though, whatever Theron gets, probably pretty close to what mine should be.  I feel very sympatico with Theron quite often, especially socially (in particular the "confident and assertive interacting in a professional setting or over electronic communication but awkward/uncomfortable in casual face to face interpersonal interactions until getting way more comfortable with those people" bit lol --also THE CONSTANT WORRYING 😰), which is one of the reasons I love him so much. ❤️

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