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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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7 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I totally keep thinking I should do that on a character, I would love get that great callback!  But it keeps not happening, because it keeps making more sense for my characters to tell her (my Jedi are just both very trusting and too honest for their own good, my SW definitely trusts her)

I actually thought I was finally going to do it on my agent, because he trusts her the least out of all my characters, but then when I got there, I realized, like, he's definitely freaked out by the force stuff that he knows basically nothing about and really scared of being mind controlled/brainwashed/losing control again and last time he was brainwashed he couldn't tell anyone so no one could help him and he had to face it and fix it entirely on his own (plus he's seen first hand how bad the emperor controlling people can be), so even though he certainly isn't 100% sure if he can trust Lana she's kind of all he's got (plus she risked her life to save him so he really hopes she won't send him to be experimented on after all that), she's the only one there who might know what to do with the emperor and be able to help if the emperor takes over his mind......... so I had him take the calculated risk and tell her.

(and to pull my ramblings back on topic lol) I really wish we could have seen more between the PCs and Theron in regards to the whole emperor in the brainsack situation, there is a little bit obviously but Theron seems (at least outwardly) to kind of just accept that it's happening and not act nearly as worried as you would think he would be given how much he worries!  I am really surprised honestly that he never sent a letter saying how much he worried about them with the emperor in their head (unless he did and I missed it somewhere lol), because I am certain he was worrying.  This is Theron we are talking about. Worrying about his LI is basically a second full time job for him.  And even if he tries to hide it in person, he certainly writes it down a lot 🥺

My JK gave Lana a chance, just like she gave Praven and Scourge a chance, but she blew it off when she got Theron captured and tortured and lied to everybody about it, and refused to appologize about it afterwards. After that my JK is not really ready to trust her again, and even more so after seeing what she wanted to do to Master Suro on Ziost, even more so considering she once was one of Vitiate's puppets, not to mention, for our PC it has been what a few weeks, maybe a couple month at most since Ziost when they meet Lana again. So there was no way she was going to tell her about that, had Theron been there she'd definitely have told him though, because he's one of the few people in the galaxy she fully trusts.

Yeah it would've been nice to see more of that, i guess he keeps it to himself hoping the PC is strong enough to resits (which if the PC is a JK is more than likely as they already overcame Vitiate's influence once, and the dialogues between the JK and Valkorion pretty much establish that it'd be pointless for him to try the direct appoach again as the JK's mental defenses are now stronger than they were before).

11 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh, 100%, Kira especially would call him the "spy boyfriend" for sure.  😄 

I really hope we see more interaction between Kira, Scourge, and Theron at some point in the future.  Basically all we have is the beginning of EoO, and it is like 2 very short lines.  There is extra dialogue on JK because Theron says "I know you the three of you have a history, and your opinion carries a certain weight" which he doesn't say on any other character, but that's literally all we ever got 🥲  If anything that line definitely tells me that the best friends and the boyfriend have not exactly started hanging out yet haha  they really should.

I HC that Kira is 100% a matchmaker between my JK and Theron tbh, maybe Scourge a little bit too if only to have fun telling her "i tolt you so" considering he once told her she'd fall in love, eventually.

I'd love so much to have more scenes and interactions between Theron, Kira, Scourge, Arcann and Senya like at the beginning of EoO, maybe adding Satele too, especially on my JK as they're literally my JK's favorite people in the galaxy. I'd say that the whole Torian, Akaavi and Rass being badass together on Ruhnuk was very nice too, i really need to get my BH to that point so that she can be a badass with her hubby and her Mando buddies.

Really hope we'll get more things like that.

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6 hours ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

I finally found a use for Theron.  I needed more Imperial officers in my stronghold:


Okay, that outfit looks amazing on him. 😍 Thanks for the suggestion! 🏆 Why did I never consider that one? Yup, may have to keep this one on him for certain scenes. 😏 Like meeting with those Imperial Officer or chiss contacts...

And where did your GL-13 blasters go, Theron?! Whatever you're wearing clashes with the lines of your dress uniform! 😕

Agent: Ah, that's why you changed outfits on the shuttle ride down.

Theron: Right. Have to look the part. How do I look? 😁

Agent: Amazenly attractive and professional... Have fun. 😉

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39 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I really hope we see more interaction between Kira, Scourge, and Theron at some point in the future.  Basically all we have is the beginning of EoO, and it is like 2 very short lines.  There is extra dialogue on JK because Theron says "I know you the three of you have a history, and your opinion carries a certain weight" which he doesn't say on any other character, but that's literally all we ever got 🥲  If anything that line definitely tells me that the best friends and the boyfriend have not exactly started hanging out yet haha  they really should.

Okay, I saw this way differently. First, Kira and Scourge hadn't been around long and with the renewed open war between Imp/Rep, time for hanging out is rather limited. That said, I took this as Theron acknowledging the Class story, and realizing that in terms of this particular situation, Kira and Scourge have him outclassed. He just doesn't care, that's fine. It is his mama.

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40 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Okay, I saw this way differently. First, Kira and Scourge hadn't been around long and with the renewed open war between Imp/Rep, time for hanging out is rather limited. That said, I took this as Theron acknowledging the Class story, and realizing that in terms of this particular situation, Kira and Scourge have him outclassed. He just doesn't care, that's fine. It is his mama.

not sure what you saw differently as that is exactly how I took it also haha 

and yes, I am aware they have not had time to hang out, that was kind of my point 😄, that they clearly have not since Theron talks to them as people he knows are friends with the JK not as people he has gotten to know himself very well, if really at all, but I would like them to hang out, even if it is only them doing so off screen then interacting on screen in a way that indicates they know each other better.

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I meant that I thought it had nothing to do with Theron being anyone's S.O. Well, they did that with Torian, but narratively there just wasn't enough time for any bonds to form. He did go with Kira and Scourge to help with Satele's students. (He should have stayed with his wife grrr.) But I'm willing to bet that with the new Malgus stuff there will be more with him and at least Kira. Since the Children are a major plot point now.

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2 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

My JK gave Lana a chance, just like she gave Praven and Scourge a chance, but she blew it off when she got Theron captured and tortured and lied to everybody about it, and refused to appologize about it afterwards. After that my JK is not really ready to trust her again, and even more so after seeing what she wanted to do to Master Suro on Ziost, even more so considering she once was one of Vitiate's puppets, not to mention, for our PC it has been what a few weeks, maybe a couple month at most since Ziost when they meet Lana again. So there was no way she was going to tell her about that, had Theron been there she'd definitely have told him though, because he's one of the few people in the galaxy she fully trusts


Yeah, that definitely all makes sense!  Sounds like telling Lana definitely would have been super out of character for your JK.  

My JK is definitely very different, as I played him as übergoodguyjedi from the very beginning (because I was like, "if I'm playing a jedi knight, I should go full tilt" lol), so like, he is just disgustingly honest and forgiving and trusting and always seeing the best in people to an absolute fault 😄, so even though he was by far the most upset at Lana about getting Theron captured out of all my characters and then definitely took Theron's side about Surro, he forgave her both times, and it would have been super out of character for him to hide the truth from her.

As for my other characters, both my JC and SW became friends with Lana, and JC actually pragmatically took Lana's side about Theron being captured (even though she wished Lana had told them about it).  Both of them took Theron's side about Surro, but as friends with Lana they were both willing to overlook disagreements and wouldn't lie to her later.  Also, like, if she tried anything, they could both take her.  (So could JK for that matter, he did take down the emperor, Lana doesn't stand a chance haha)

Agent was the only one who was at a power disadvantage around her (a pretty severe one) and did not trust her and had not forgiven her and was absolutely comfortable with lying, but like I said I realized it was just way too in character for him to take the calculated risk given his past behavior (such as taking similar calculated risks with trusting Ardun Kothe - he is definitely gonna be taking the "I like risks, you know that" romance option in chapter 16 😅)

So, long story short, I am still waiting to play a character who will hide the truth from Lana 😅  I definitely think if I took BH or trooper through they would both 100% hide it (especially BH, my BH is more like your JK, she is very "I'll give you one chance and that's it") but I have 0 plans to take them past class story haha 

Ya know, I actually think my SI would hide it as well, and that is in spite of the fact I would romance her with Lana, I think even being romanced with Lana she would still hide it, not from a lack of trust but from a place of not wanting to betray any shred of weakness.  I am really debating taking her through the whole story at some point because that run would be so different and, like, some bad things might definitely happen, some people might die..... (obviously she would never kill Theron though, but she would be the first character to not trust him til he totally proves it - she would murder Atrius so fast for hurting him though, don't f*** with her people lol)

(.....blerg, I'm rambling again. 🫠)


Also, totally true about the time disparity thing, like I think it is honestly easy to forget that the time differential for the PC compared to the other NPCs is so drastic, and I actually feel like some of the other NPCs forget sometimes that for the PC it's only been a few weeks/months since it has been 5 years for them (like I am certain that Theron forgets this when they meet again, with his "wasn't sure you'd remember me", IT'S BEEN LIKE A FEW MONTHS, THERON lmao)

2 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I HC that Kira is 100% a matchmaker between my JK and Theron tbh, maybe Scourge a little bit too if only to have fun telling her "i tolt you so" considering he once told her she'd fall in love, eventually.

I totally also see Kira as super encouraging of their relationship, especially since she is equally big on the "screw those Jedi rules" lmao  so I think she loves that my JK is being such a Jedi rebel 😉  and yess I forgot Scourge says that, he would totally give an "I told you so", 100% for sure haha

55 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I meant that I thought it had nothing to do with Theron being anyone's S.O. Well, they did that with Torian, but narratively there just wasn't enough time for any bonds to form. He did go with Kira and Scourge to help with Satele's students. (He should have stayed with his wife grrr.) But I'm willing to bet that with the new Malgus stuff there will be more with him and at least Kira. Since the Children are a major plot point now.

Oh, yeah, I agree, Theron has obviously MET Kira and Scourge, and for JK romances he has certainly met them within the context of him being the SO of their friend (I mean, not like JK would likely hide that from them, I know mine would not), but they have been way too busy to actually have any time to hang out regardless of those personal connections.

I actually forgot about the end of EoO haha, very good point, they probably had a lot more time to potentially chat while going back to Coruscant.  I definitely think Kira would have 100% brought up the whole "so, you're marrying my best friend" thing on that trip, no way she could keep her mouth shut about it for that long of a trip where JK wasn't around to interject 😅

And yeah, we had one little scene with Kira and Theron together already, although it was just a briefing and they didn't really talk to each other, hopefully there will be more! 🤞


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My JK doesn't hide but also doesn't care to shout that Kira is his wife. He felt comfortable confiding in Theron, but its not something for public consumption either. In other words, he'd tell Lana and DR. Hutt to mind their own business, and have drinks and stories over family dinner with Theron.

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My JK definitely wouldn't be shouting about his relationship from the rooftops even though he hides nothing (I think there are plenty of people he interacts with who do not know, like a lot of the jedi lol), but his two best friends (Kira and Scourge) he would definitely tell... exactly how I honestly haven't specifically HC'd or anything, but I know he would tell them about it, whether it's him saying it or them figuring it out and him confirming (more likely the latter tbh 😅 they both know him real well and have force powers, one or both of them would work it out within one meeting lol)

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36 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, that definitely all makes sense!  Sounds like telling Lana definitely would have been super out of character for your JK.  

My JK is definitely very different, as I played him as übergoodguyjedi from the very beginning (because I was like, "if I'm playing a jedi knight, I should go full tilt" lol), so like, he is just disgustingly honest and forgiving and trusting and always seeing the best in people to an absolute fault 😄, so even though he was by far the most upset at Lana about getting Theron captured out of all my characters and then definitely took Theron's side about Surro, he forgave her both times, and it would have been super out of character for him to hide the truth from her

On my first run of KOTFE, my original JK actually told Lana, but my JK was different back then (and not just in look) and had a different relationship with both Lana and Theron. She didn't romance Theron for starter, she saw him more like a brother (which is probably one of the biggest changes from then to now), and was actually closer to Lana than the latest version is, so then it made sense to tell her, even though she didn't approve of Lana's behavior both on Rishi and Ziost, she was also more goody two shoes and forgiving actually.

But with how she has evolved to who she is in the latest version, yep, it just didn't make sense to tell Lana, they aren't close and my JK actually doesn't trust her, and a part of her is still angry about what she did to Theron. And well, while she's still LS, i'd say she's probably less LS than the original was (i didn't kill Saresh or Attrius back then, but i'm seriously considering doing it on the latest version, in part to send the message to not mess with the Alliance, and in case of Attrius, because she didn't really appreciate that he nearly killed Theron)

My JC would actually probably be the most likely to tell her the truth among my characters, because he's just too nice and trusting for his own good. The others though, my SW, SI and IA have been betrayed too many times to trust someone easily, especially a Sith. My BH wouldn't really see the point in telling her, as for my Trooper and Smuggler, i'm not sure they'd actually trust Lana either with that knowledge, they'd probably feel too vulnerable telling her that.

36 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I totally also see Kira as super encouraging of their relationship, especially since she is equally big on the "screw those Jedi rules" lmao  so I think she loves that my JK is being such a Jedi rebel 😉  and yess I forgot Scourge says that, he would totally give an "I told you so", 100% for sure haha

In my HC, Kira was definitely the first matchmaker, but Scourge joined as soon as he realised what was going on. I see Kira and my JK as loving each other like sisters and after everything both went through i could totally picture both of them wanting the other to be happy, Jedi Code be damned, especially since, yeah, they're both a bit rebellious with that. And Scourge would be in just to have fun, give some looks and smile that basically say "see, you're in love now. I was right all along"

8 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

My JK definitely wouldn't be shouting about his relationship from the rooftops even though he hides nothing (I think there are plenty of people he interacts with who do not know, like a lot of the jedi lol), but his two best friends (Kira and Scourge) he would definitely tell... exactly how I honestly haven't specifically HC'd or anything, but I know he would tell them about it, whether it's him saying it or them figuring it out and him confirming (more likely the latter tbh 😅 they both know him real well and have force powers, one or both of them would work it out within one meeting lol)

My JK would be the same, she wouldn't hide it, but wouldn't shout it for the whole galaxy to know (well except for that broadcast at the end of Umbara...)

In case of my JK, i guess they both figured it out, mostly because she wasn't behaving with him like she usually does (even more so compared to how she was around Doc), i guess the same could be said about Satele who knows her pretty well too.

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7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

And, not Theron related, but as i said i'd take screenshots of Lana wearing the Wasteland Tech set (with a Primary Medium Gray dye), plus a view from the back and one from the front where we see a bit more of the outfit than in the first pic. I quite like how my JK, Senya and Lana's outfits look together.

Almost forgot, was gonna show mine, here we go: JK's Lana, agent's Lana, JC's Lana, and SW's Lana

Like I said, the resilient warden one is my favorite, looks so good on her ❤️

and so this post has 100% more Theron content, here's some pics of my teams: agent, JK JK2, and JC's whole crew.  I have realized JC has by far the least color-coordinated team, she matches Theron and that's it 😅

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26 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

 (well except for that broadcast at the end of Umbara...)

Oh, yeah, there was that one lil time they shouted their love from the rooftops.............................................................. 😅 

Fortunately for them, most people who weren't Theron probably ignored it, and anyone else who saw it either knew already or didn't care haha  My characters, JK especially, definitely would not care if millions saw it, it would be worth it to get Theron to come back, but, I think they're probably also pretty safe assuming their desperate love letter to Theron didn't get watched by half the galaxy.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Almost forgot, was gonna show mine, here we go: JK's Lana, agent's Lana, JC's Lana, and SW's Lana

Like I said, the resilient warden one is my favorite, looks so good on her ❤️

and so this post has 100% more Theron content, here's some pics of my teams: agent, JK JK2, and JC's whole crew.  I have realized JC has by far the least color-coordinated team, she matches Theron and that's it 😅

Why do I always forget that you can dress your companions....I remember way back when, you had to keep their gear up to current level for them to be effective, but now completely forget that you can now dress them cosmetically.

Hmmmm....I definitely need to invest in some more outfits for them.....

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42 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

Why do I always forget that you can dress your companions....I remember way back when, you had to keep their gear up to current level for them to be effective, but now completely forget that you can now dress them cosmetically.

Hmmmm....I definitely need to invest in some more outfits for them.....

dew it 🤩

ngl, companion dress up is one of my favorite things in this game 😂  I don't dress up every single companion, but at least the ones I ever use and/or want to have hanging out in my stronghold, gotta have my team lookin good 😍  I definitely see a lot of people run around in game with companions in their default outfits (especially Theron, I almost never see other people who have dressed up Theron for some reason, which always surprises me since I can't wait to get his default outfit off him), so sometimes I actually wonder if I'm in the minority in playing so much dress up haha

19 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I hope we have outfit slots for companions. Even if it's a feature (an actual feature, ha!) that needed to be unlock through CC. Funny because I really only dress Theron up lol

I would use the crap out of an outfit drop down or tab for companions, save me having to put alternate outfits for them in my inventory or vault, and might actually encourage me to switch out their outfits more lol   I would pay loads of CC for that.  alas, sigh.

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Almost forgot, was gonna show mine, here we go: JK's Lana, agent's Lana, JC's Lana, and SW's Lana

Like I said, the resilient warden one is my favorite, looks so good on her ❤️

and so this post has 100% more Theron content, here's some pics of my teams: agent, JK JK2, and JC's whole crew.  I have realized JC has by far the least color-coordinated team, she matches Theron and that's it 😅

I like the Force Apprentice set, except for the flowing bits of fabric on the back, if these were going under the belt like they do on the front i'd 100% use that set on my JK, but the things having a life of their own during cutscenes irritates me too much.

The agent set looks pretty good on her, i usually use it on Quinn, it suits him quite well too, and yeah the Resilient Warden looks nice, but i'm very biased and think my SW wears it better, dunno, i like it the best on a F BT3 😅

I don't really color coordinate, i usually go for what i think looks good on one companion while looking like something they'd actually wear, so similar enough to their default look, and something i don't need to dye. I don't necessarily dress all my companions though, and i realised that i still tend to have quite a lot of black and gray overall.

5 hours ago, eabevella said:

I hope we have outfit slots for companions. Even if it's a feature (an actual feature, ha!) that needed to be unlock through CC. Funny because I really only dress Theron up lol


I'd definitely use it too. Mostly for Havoc, so that i could have armor and uniform at he very least, and other than that that'd probably be mostly for Theron too as he'd be the one having the most different looks that i'd want to switch around.

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Ok, so I have never let the imperials die in chapter 15 before, but my agent let them die (he is a double agent, after all).  And omg, Theron's reaction to agent's explanation for it.  Like, agent straight up looks at him for approval and then Theron looks way too proud that his boyfriend put the empire last before immediately going back to "*ahem* I mean, we've all suffered, Lana" 😅 

I am curious if he has the same reaction to anyone choosing to let the imperials die, and/or to someone he isn't romancing lol

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so I have never let the imperials die in chapter 15 before, but my agent let them die (he is a double agent, after all).  And omg, Theron's reaction to agent's explanation for it.  Like, agent straight up looks at him for approval and then Theron looks way too proud that his boyfriend put the empire last before immediately going back to "*ahem* I mean, we've all suffered, Lana" 😅 

I am curious if he has the same reaction to anyone choosing to let the imperials die, and/or to someone he isn't romancing lol

I should have recorded when i played that last week, the dialogue was different, i'm sure the whole part between Lana and my JK was different, not sure what Theron's reaction was though, can't remember if he said the same thing or not, stupid memory...

That was also the first time i let the imps die actually, before that i always saved the Pubs and Imps, but i wanted to see how different it was, and my IRL reasoning was that we're going to have to fight the Empire after KOTET so may as well cripple it a little bit by letting one of their top admirals die, IG explanation though... i guess i can go with the Imps were soldiers, while the other goups were civilians, so she decided to save the civilians first. My JK told Lana she hoped to save everybody though.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

I should have recorded when i played that last week, the dialogue was different, i'm sure the whole part between Lana and my JK was different, not sure what Theron's reaction was though, can't remember if he said the same thing or not, stupid memory...

That was also the first time i let the imps die actually, before that i always saved the Pubs and Imps, but i wanted to see how different it was, and my IRL reasoning was that we're going to have to fight the Empire after KOTET so may as well cripple it a little bit by letting one of their top admirals die, IG explanation though... i guess i can go with the Imps were soldiers, while the other goups were civilians, so she decided to save the civilians first. My JK told Lana she hoped to save everybody though.

Yeah, I have also always saved the republic and imperial people and made Senya mad.  I still wanna kill the republic ones at some point just because I hate Tai Cordan 😅  but I haven't been able to bring myself to make Theron mad.  Maybe on my second JC run, since she's the one who's got a reason to not like him since he backstabbed Zenith lol

If I do a replay of the mission later on agent I wanna choose the first dialogue option, the "I didn't want them to die" one and see what that one is, I am curious what he says for that one.  I didn't want that in my official playthrough though, I wanted him to be the pragmatic spy in that moment, and obviously I regret nothing because I do like to make Theron happy 😉

If you end up replaying at all I definitely would be curious what the difference is for dialogue between republic and imperial character letting the imperials die.

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 Second time writing this. What was my wording? 🤔 Things are never the same the second time. 

23 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

And Torian wearing the Mandalorian Nomad set. I really like that he looks bulkier with that armor.

And to go back to Theron, i love that Shae calls him "Your spy-boy" 🤣

That set looks great on Torian! He does look much bulkier in it. 😲 I dress mine in the Clansman's set😍

I noticed that line at the time and then promptly forgot. 🤣 Are we really that obvious or does she listen to base gossip? I thought at first that Jorgan says something similar and went back through the videos but no, he does not. Too serious to say something like that, it seems. 🤭

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so I have never let the imperials die in chapter 15 before, but my agent let them die (he is a double agent, after all).  And omg, Theron's reaction to agent's explanation for it.  Like, agent straight up looks at him for approval and then Theron looks way too proud that his boyfriend put the empire last before immediately going back to "*ahem* I mean, we've all suffered, Lana" 😅 

I am curious if he has the same reaction to anyone choosing to let the imperials die, and/or to someone he isn't romancing lol

I don't know what Theron's response is if not romanced. My agent said the same line yours did and I can confirm that he got the same look from Theron. I can't see it as clearly on your agent's face, likely due to the body type, but the smirk on mine as he looks torward Theron is so ridiculous. 🤣 All it would have needed was a wink to complete the mood. While the admiral's group dying was not what he intended, it does aid his cause because that weakens the Imperial's military slightly.

My BH managed to save both the Republic and Imperial groups. He tries to stay as neutral as he can. Both political/military parties living works in his favour because it balances them out. I don't know yet what my JC will choose. Likely to save the performers. They are civilians and that is the only benefit I can see to saving them. 🤔 

In all cases, Theron is very upset that he was not able to eject all the escape pods in time. He takes it as a personal failure. 😢

20 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Koth's romance is pretty nice, the only issue with it is that it kinda stops after the kill option, and worse he's not even there during the Nathema Conspiracy while we see his whole crew evacuate, not even a little mail to a romanced PC...

That is unfortunate. 🥺 I've been reading up on the Quinn romance lately because his character fascinates me. But I never play female characters. So I have been determining if that one would be worth getting through the game with a female character for. Seems it suffers from the same issue as Koth's in that he completely disappears from the game after Iocath. Strangely, it seems a  Republic siding SW gets more interaction with him than Imperial siding ones. They get a mail whereas the Imperial ones don't. 🤔

Anyway, I want to try the Koth romance but I know he is not used fully to his potential and is absent from a lot of scenes he should be in, which is very sad. I'm constantly grateful that Theron is still around. Unlike so many LIs in the game. 

19 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

(and to pull my ramblings back on topic lol) I really wish we could have seen more between the PCs and Theron in regards to the whole emperor in the brainsack situation, there is a little bit obviously but Theron seems (at least outwardly) to kind of just accept that it's happening and not act nearly as worried as you would think he would be given how much he worries!  I am really surprised honestly that he never sent a letter saying how much he worried about them with the emperor in their head (unless he did and I missed it somewhere lol), because I am certain he was worrying.  This is Theron we are talking about. Worrying about his LI is basically a second full time job for him.  And even if he tries to hide it in person, he certainly writes it down a lot 🥺

"a second full time job" 🤣

He does! He worries All. The. Time! Even about things that are not his fault. I always figured he heard the news about Valkorian being in PC's head and privately wondered how much of a liability the PC now was. He's likely still wondering it during the reunion. If previously romanced or flirted with, he likely stresses over it even more.

I can imagine him pacing his ship on the way to Odessen after Lana's briefing call, likely running his hand through his hair in worry. He's that kind of person. He worried constantly for Teff'ith, after all, and she could barely stand him and even threatened to kill him at least once.

16 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

My JK would be the same, she wouldn't hide it, but wouldn't shout it for the whole galaxy to know (well except for that broadcast at the end of Umbara...)

Ha! I just realized that's probably when Shae learned about Theron being my character's "spy-boy". 😂

My BH was always a very private person as far as his personal relationships and family go. He is super, obsessively protective of Theron to a complete and utter fault, so that broadcast would have been very hard for him to do. He did it because he loves Theron so thoroughly and he wants Theron to come home, but he knows that that broadcast is going to put a target on Theron's back because my BH likely has a lot of enemies (even though he doesn't leave loose ends) that would not hesitate to use Theron to get to him. 

I think my agent is going to have a hard time making that broadcast too. Not only does he keep his secrets close, and his friends and enemies closer, he intimately knows how the Imperials operate and know they would not hesitate to go after Theron to get to him. And Agent has made a lot of enemies. For one, Darth Jadus is still out there somewhere...

For many characters, that broadcast is a 'shouting it from the rooftop' thing, and would be so dangerous for Theron. 😨

16 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Almost forgot, was gonna show mine, here we go: JK's Lana, agent's Lana, JC's Lana, and SW's Lana

Like I said, the resilient warden one is my favorite, looks so good on her ❤️

and so this post has 100% more Theron content, here's some pics of my teams: agent, JK JK2, and JC's whole crew.  I have realized JC has by far the least color-coordinated team, she matches Theron and that's it 😅

I keep thinking it is unfair to Koth for me to always keep him in the same outfit, but I really like his outfit. I love the pendant and the colours and everything else about it. The only outfit that maybe comes close is the Deep Cover outfit but I don't have that one. I hope Koth doesn't feel jealous of my other characters. Especially Theron. Every time Koth seems Theron, he's in a different outfit. 😅

9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I don't really color coordinate, i usually go for what i think looks good on one companion while looking like something they'd actually wear, so similar enough to their default look, and something i don't need to dye. I don't necessarily dress all my companions though, and i realised that i still tend to have quite a lot of black and gray overall.

I've noticed that my characters tend to have color themes. My JC is partial to brown while my agent uses a lot of grey and white. He'll also wear red. My BH will wear any color. Even pink. He's very manly like that. 😉

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, so I have never let the imperials die in chapter 15 before, but my agent let them die (he is a double agent, after all).  And omg, Theron's reaction to agent's explanation for it.  Like, agent straight up looks at him for approval and then Theron looks way too proud that his boyfriend put the empire last before immediately going back to "*ahem* I mean, we've all suffered, Lana" 😅 

I am curious if he has the same reaction to anyone choosing to let the imperials die, and/or to someone he isn't romancing lol

Oh man, that's a very nice reaction from Theron. That spy mind of his was running at 200% XD

It's great to see the different outcome because I love Ranken and Krovos together too much to killed her. They are so cute in KDY.

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54 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I noticed that line at the time and then promptly forgot. 🤣 Are we really that obvious or does she listen to base gossip? I thought at first that Jorgan says something similar and went back through the videos but no, he does not. Too serious to say something like that, it seems. 🤭

I always just took the "your" to mean "alliance" haha  as in "your alliance spy boy", since Theron was the one who called them 😅  but I mean, maybe she DOES mean "your spy boyfriend" 😅

56 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I don't know what Theron's response is if not romanced. My agent said the same line yours did and I can confirm that he got the same look from Theron. I can't see it as clearly on your agent's face, likely due to the body type, but the smirk on mine as he looks torward Theron is so ridiculous. 🤣 All it would have needed was a wink to complete the mood. While the admiral's group dying was not what he intended, it does aid his cause because that weakens the Imperial's military slightly.

Yeah, the smirk is amazing 🤣  I feel like the wink was just implied tbh.  Theron knows.  😉

I honestly feel like on my playthrough, Theron must secretly be getting the inkling that maybe his imperial spy boyfriend is not so imperial lmao  First he picks the imperials last to save, and now he just refused to ally with Acina as well.  (I also think I finally got that horrible glitch, I reaaaaally hope it doesn't bork any actual romantic scenes in future, at least this was just them talking!!!)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

"a second full time job" 🤣

He does! He worries All. The. Time! Even about things that are not his fault. I always figured he heard the news about Valkorian being in PC's head and privately wondered how much of a liability the PC now was. He's likely still wondering it during the reunion. If previously romanced or flirted with, he likely stresses over it even more.

I can imagine him pacing his ship on the way to Odessen after Lana's briefing call, likely running his hand through his hair in worry. He's that kind of person. He worried constantly for Teff'ith, after all, and she could barely stand him and even threatened to kill him at least once


He literally worries about everyone (well, everyone he doesn't hate, anyway lol).  He just worries more the more he cares about them.  He also takes so many problems on his shoulders and blames himself when things go wrong (like the end of Ziost, he blames himself soooooo bad 😢).  He needs so many hugs. 

I think for Valkorian he is probably simultaneously worried about what Valkorian might do to everyone but also worried about the PC too. 

Sidebar on this topic, and not just about Theron, but, I have to wonder: when LIs to the PC are around, do they ever think or worry about the fact Valkorian is probably watching them and their romance?  🫠  Because, creepy.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

My BH was always a very private person as far as his personal relationships and family go. He is super, obsessively protective of Theron to a complete and utter fault, so that broadcast would have been very hard for him to do. He did it because he loves Theron so thoroughly and he wants Theron to come home, but he knows that that broadcast is going to put a target on Theron's back because my BH likely has a lot of enemies (even though he doesn't leave loose ends) that would not hesitate to use Theron to get to him. 

I think my agent is going to have a hard time making that broadcast too. Not only does he keep his secrets close, and his friends and enemies closer, he intimately knows how the Imperials operate and know they would not hesitate to go after Theron to get to him. And Agent has made a lot of enemies. For one, Darth Jadus is still out there somewhere...

For many characters, that broadcast is a 'shouting it from the rooftop' thing, and would be so dangerous for Theron. 😨

😰 you're..... not wrong.  I mean, I think everyone who would have a grudge against the agent knows where they are at this point - the Alliance Commander is pretty famous and his face is out there.  But, knowing Theron means that much to their enemy could totally put targets on him.  Not that Theron couldn't handle it, of course, but, it probably would happen.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I keep thinking it is unfair to Koth for me to always keep him in the same outfit, but I really like his outfit. I love the pendant and the colours and everything else about it. The only outfit that maybe comes close is the Deep Cover outfit but I don't have that one. I hope Koth doesn't feel jealous of my other characters. Especially Theron. Every time Koth seems Theron, he's in a different outfit. 😅

I've noticed that my characters tend to have color themes. My JC is partial to brown while my agent uses a lot of grey and white. He'll also wear red. My BH will wear any color. Even pink. He's very manly like that. 😉

I've only dressed Koth different on 2 of my characters, the other two he just stays default.  I will admit, it's because I never use him as a companion outside of the required parts of the story so I'm just too lazy to haha  I only even dressed him on my JC after the story was over and so that he would look good as a stronghold decoration 😅

50 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Oh man, that's a very nice reaction from Theron. That spy mind of his was running at 200% XD

It's great to see the different outcome because I love Ranken and Krovos together too much to killed her. They are so cute in KDY.

I have never actually played any activity that she shows up in before, so for me she is just the imperial from Chapter 15.  Sounds like maybe that's good so that I wouldn't be attached, since it was too in character for my agent to pick the imperials last 🫠

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, I have also always saved the republic and imperial people and made Senya mad.  I still wanna kill the republic ones at some point just because I hate Tai Cordan 😅  but I haven't been able to bring myself to make Theron mad.  Maybe on my second JC run, since she's the one who's got a reason to not like him since he backstabbed Zenith lol

If I do a replay of the mission later on agent I wanna choose the first dialogue option, the "I didn't want them to die" one and see what that one is, I am curious what he says for that one.  I didn't want that in my official playthrough though, I wanted him to be the pragmatic spy in that moment, and obviously I regret nothing because I do like to make Theron happy 😉

If you end up replaying at all I definitely would be curious what the difference is for dialogue between republic and imperial character letting the imperials die.

Don't know if i'll ever let the Pubs die, maybe on some replay, just to see how it goes, but not in an actual playthrough, i honestly don't care enough one way or another about Tai (like 90% of the things from the JC story tbh) to make Theron mad in the end.

I'll try to see if i can replay that tonight to record both the version with the "i wanted to save everybody" and the other dialogue which iirc goes something like "who cares about some Imps". The first one i wanted for the actual playthrough as that's most certainly how my JK would feel, but i want to see the other one, just see Lana and Theron's reactions to that.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Second time writing this. What was my wording? 🤔 Things are never the same the second time. 

Happens to me so many times it's not even funny.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

That set looks great on Torian! He does look much bulkier in it. 😲 I dress mine in the Clansman's set😍

I noticed that line at the time and then promptly forgot. 🤣 Are we really that obvious or does she listen to base gossip? I thought at first that Jorgan says something similar and went back through the videos but no, he does not. Too serious to say something like that, it seems. 🤭

I really love how that set looks on him, and that's definitely going to be his official look now. I just wish we could have a Bo-Katan inspired set, because i think it'd look great on my BH.

Not very fond of the Clansman armor in itself but he wears it quite well too.

I had completely forgotten that too, i wonder if she says that to a non Theronmancer Commander (i guess she does, but it'd be so funny if that was a romance exclusive line)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

That is unfortunate. 🥺 I've been reading up on the Quinn romance lately because his character fascinates me. But I never play female characters. So I have been determining if that one would be worth getting through the game with a female character for. Seems it suffers from the same issue as Koth's in that he completely disappears from the game after Iocath. Strangely, it seems a  Republic siding SW gets more interaction with him than Imperial siding ones. They get a mail whereas the Imperial ones don't. 🤔

Anyway, I want to try the Koth romance but I know he is not used fully to his potential and is absent from a lot of scenes he should be in, which is very sad. I'm constantly grateful that Theron is still around. Unlike so many LIs in the game.

I really like Quinn as a character, but not as a romance, at least not in the base game, if it was possible to romance him when he comes back, that'd probably be another story. The power imbalance is too strong, and if you pick all the flirts the SW really looks like she's harassing him. And, i'm sorry, but i'd take his romance a lot more seriously if it was a M/M romance, i just can't see him as a straight guy (not to mention, he told my M SW that he wanted to raise kids with him, so BW where's the M/M romance with Quinn ?)

Yeah it's really a shame for Koth, honestly i really like that romance, and i'd like it even more if he didn't basically vanish from existence even when you don't kill him.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

"a second full time job" 🤣

He does! He worries All. The. Time! Even about things that are not his fault. I always figured he heard the news about Valkorian being in PC's head and privately wondered how much of a liability the PC now was. He's likely still wondering it during the reunion. If previously romanced or flirted with, he likely stresses over it even more.

I can imagine him pacing his ship on the way to Odessen after Lana's briefing call, likely running his hand through his hair in worry. He's that kind of person. He worried constantly for Teff'ith, after all, and she could barely stand him and even threatened to kill him at least once.

Him being all worried about Valkorion in the PC's head could explain why he's a bit distant at first when reuiniting with him.

Would be nice to meet her at some point that could give some fun interaction between her, Theron and our PC, and well, she did send us a mail during SoR.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

My BH was always a very private person as far as his personal relationships and family go.

I really can't say the same about my BH. When she reunites with Torian on Darvanis, they just make out in front of everybody, with him getting a handful of her booty, they clearly have no shame 🤣

And Shae's reaction always crack me up, she'll all like "I guess you two know each other." Oh, no no, my BH is just super friendly and gives kisses on the lips to everybody she meets for the fisrt time... 🙄

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I keep thinking it is unfair to Koth for me to always keep him in the same outfit, but I really like his outfit. I love the pendant and the colours and everything else about it. The only outfit that maybe comes close is the Deep Cover outfit but I don't have that one. I hope Koth doesn't feel jealous of my other characters. Especially Theron. Every time Koth seems Theron, he's in a different outfit. 😅

I always keep both Koth and Senya with their customization on, because i think they both look much better like that than with any other outfit i could give them.

2 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

he just refused to ally with Acina as well.

I'm very curious to see how this will affect the dialogues on Iokath, as i actually hesitate to refuse Acina on my latest JK clone.

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57 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm very curious to see how this will affect the dialogues on Iokath, as i actually hesitate to refuse Acina on my latest JK clone.

Same!  I mean I already know agent will be siding with the republic on Iokath as well, but this will be the first character who denied Acina both places (he really doesn't trust the sith, or the empire lol).   I am also curious how it affects the end of KotET, without having imperial support.  I imagine proooobably not much?  Just fewer ships in the final battle and stuff?  But I don't remember well enough what Acina ended up doing later in KotET to say for sure lol

Both my Jedi took Acina's alliance, so this is the first time I refused it.  I love Theron's "not that I'm complaining, but why?" reaction, so worth it just to see that tbh. 

I am extra curious too how refusing to ally with the empire TWICE affects the saboteur plotline, if at all.

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4 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Same!  I mean I already know agent will be siding with the republic on Iokath as well, but this will be the first character who denied Acina both places (he really doesn't trust the sith, or the empire lol).   I am also curious how it affects the end of KotET, without having imperial support.  I imagine proooobably not much?  Just fewer ships in the final battle and stuff?  But I don't remember well enough what Acina ended up doing later in KotET to say for sure lol

Both my Jedi took Acina's alliance, so this is the first time I refused it.  I love Theron's "not that I'm complaining, but why?" reaction, so worth it just to see that tbh. 

I am extra curious too how refusing to ally with the empire TWICE affects the saboteur plotline, if at all.

Yeah, i'm curious too, as the Alliance with Acina is mentioned on Iokath and is Lana's reason to side with her over Malcom, so if there is no Alliance, how would she justify allying with her there ?

And i could not find a playthrough that seemed to refuse her twice, so i have absolutely no idea.

I always accepted her offer, because well at that moment the Alliance can't really be picky about who to ally with and anyone willing to help could be welcomed, so it makes sense to ally with her then, just as much as it then makes sense not to on Iokath, since at that very moment she proves that she'll definitely not be a trustworthy ally in the long run.

But now i'd like to know how not allying with her during KOTET impact the events both during KOTET and on Iokath.

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, i'm curious too, as the Alliance with Acina is mentioned on Iokath and is Lana's reason to side with her over Malcom, so if there is no Alliance, how would she justify allying with her there ?

And i could not find a playthrough that seemed to refuse her twice, so i have absolutely no idea.

I always accepted her offer, because well at that moment the Alliance can't really be picky about who to ally with and anyone willing to help could be welcomed, so it makes sense to ally with her then, just as much as it then makes sense not to on Iokath, since at that very moment she proves that she'll definitely not be a trustworthy ally in the long run.

But now i'd like to know how not allying with her during KOTET impact the events both during KOTET and on Iokath.

Yeah, those are all the reasons my Jedi were pragmatic enough to ally with Acina (plus they're pretty open-minded too, I mean my JK constantly turning people from the dark side lol) but then obviously both sided with republic on Iokath (couldn't hurt Theron, ever).

However as much as *I* know that allying with Acina is ultimately a good thing (as a character I actually like her a lot) and she does not betray them during KotET, no way my agent would be able to know that and he does not trust Acina when she says she is trying to change the sith and he doesn't trust the empire in general (hence double agent lol).

I will report back how this choice affects the story.   🤔 I mean, it might have very few consequences, idk haha

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