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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

It's like triathlon but spy game XD

Pretty sure Theron is doing the same to dig a little deep to the infamous Cipher Nine. I bet he did some research after their initial meeting. The SIS probably has some in their top secret record.

Triathalon spy game yes, 100% 🤣

And oh yeah, Theron definitely doing the same, spy boys both being spy boys. 

Obviously Theron has the line about "no need to tell me who I'm addressing" which to a non-agent probably means they're a bit famous but to an agent definitely means he knows about Cipher Nine specifically from SIS files.  And no doubt whatsoever he immediately goes to find out everything he possibly can after their first meeting.  But clearly he knows and learns nothing about Legate.  Which really makes me wonder just how few in the SIS do know about their double agent.  Just Ardun Kothe?  Just him and his direct superiors?  Obviously it is not listed in any files anywhere, for very clear security reasons.

I like to think my agent reaaally wishes he could actually tell Theron during SoR, especially once he's sure Theron is definitely a super loyal SIS agent and wouldn't blow his cover, but he knows there is absolutely no way he can with a loyal imperial, especially a sith one, hanging around, then even less so on Yavin with literally Darth Marr hanging around lol  then obviously by the Alliance it kind of becomes irrelevant because none of them are republic OR imperial anymore, and then obviously it doesn't take long after it becomes relevant again for him to finally tell him.  Such a long way to go to complete this "SIS boy has no idea he's dating another SIS boy" arc 😄  edit: I just realized with the timing, it's actually "SIS boy has no idea he's MARRYING another SIS boy", agent literally agreeing to marry Theron before telling him the truth, ffs agent you're lucky Theron's also a spy and will obviously understand 😅 (I mean yeah he kind of finds out he might be, or probably is, but agent doesn't actually tell him, so)

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Triathalon spy game yes, 100% 🤣

And oh yeah, Theron definitely doing the same, spy boys both being spy boys. 

Obviously Theron has the line about "no need to tell me who I'm addressing" which to a non-agent probably means they're a bit famous but to an agent definitely means he knows about Cipher Nine specifically from SIS files.  And no doubt whatsoever he immediately goes to find out everything he possibly can after their first meeting.  But clearly he knows and learns nothing about Legate.  Which really makes me wonder just how few in the SIS do know about their double agent.  Just Ardun Kothe?  Just him and his direct superiors?  Obviously it is not listed in any files anywhere, for very clear security reasons.

I like to think my agent reaaally wishes he could actually tell Theron during SoR, especially once he's sure Theron is definitely a super loyal SIS agent and wouldn't blow his cover, but he knows there is absolutely no way he can with a loyal imperial, especially a sith one, hanging around, then even less so on Yavin with literally Darth Marr hanging around lol  then obviously by the Alliance it kind of becomes irrelevant because none of them are republic OR imperial anymore, and then obviously it doesn't take long after it becomes relevant again for him to finally tell him.  Such a long way to go to complete this "SIS boy has no idea he's dating another SIS boy" arc 😄  edit: I just realized with the timing, it's actually "SIS boy has no idea he's MARRYING another SIS boy", agent literally agreeing to marry Theron before telling him the truth, ffs agent you're lucky Theron's also a spy and will obviously understand 😅 (I mean yeah he kind of finds out he might be, or probably is, but agent doesn't actually tell him, so)

Since Ardun Kothe is Jedi Black ops, I think only the SIS director knew about him and his team.

Love the idea that the double agent secret just stays hidden until after the marriage. No wonder the agent got the cipher codename, he's packed with secrets lol

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10 hours ago, eabevella said:

Since Ardun Kothe is Jedi Black ops, I think only the SIS director knew about him and his team.

Ok, so, I gotta know now: just how many Jedi black ops teams does the SIS actually have, since we know at the very least Theron's got one too 😅  I'm just imagining they've basically recruited, like, every Jedi who sucked at the Jedi code but didn't wanna join the sith lol


10 hours ago, eabevella said:

Love the idea that the double agent secret just stays hidden until after the marriage. No wonder the agent got the cipher codename, he's packed with secrets lol

😂  I mean, depending when you HC that the wedding actually happens, you could definitely say it does.  In my mind, we haven't seen a wedding or had any in-game acknowledgement that they're married so I just assume every character and Theron are in the longest engagement ever (they are pretty busy, after all, and wedding planning is complicated!), but then it's also possible them getting engaged was meant to signal to the player that next time we saw them they're married and the game just did not specify lol

Lemme tell you though, I cannot describe how badly I wanted a dialogue option at the end of Yavin to tell Theron "we won't be enemies" or something, like even if I couldn't reveal double agent status, just to tell him that if they meet again he's got nothing to worry about, this agent will not think of him as an enemy regardless of sides 😥  I know double agent has to protect their cover at all costs so even hinting at the truth could be danger, but also, poor Theron thinking this imperial spy he had a lovely fling with is probably gonna try and kill him if they meet again..... 😢

It almost makes it even sadder there was 0 dialogue options with Theron about double agent, or trying to keep double agent cover (a la the "saboteur" options later on), or what have you, considering


YOU GET TO CALL ARDUN AT THE VERY END!!!!!!!  (I was not spoiled for that somehow, was an excellent surprise.  So small of a scene and yet, also huge.)  I love being double agent so much and having it actually acknowledged in the story for the first time since the end of class story?  Definitely made me happy.  But also, like, it means the writers remembered/were thinking about the fact it was a thing and sadly could not figure out a way to include it within the story that made sense/was not too complicated, even/especially when interacting with another SIS agent, which is much sads. 🥲 

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  This is what happens when I don't check in for five days....😅

On 5/23/2023 at 3:32 PM, JenaSalton said:

Theron, in comparison, is fantastic out in the field, but would struggle if he was constantly at the base just acting as mission control. However, I firmly believe that there are a lot more missions happening offscreen that the Outlander goes on and even more that other people in the Alliance are sent on and because Theron is so good at his job and the Outlander is good, they rarely go on the same missions, because why send your two best people to do a mission that one of them can handle?

So, in short, Theron is too competent at his job and that's why he's not frequently out on missions or the comms when the Outlander is out.

I enjoyed reading all of your post, but snipped most of it because I especially loved this part. 💖 The most wonderful thing about this thread are all the different perspectives. They really help me think critically or logically about things. Before now, I had not even thought that maybe Theron was off doing contact SIS work. Instead, I was focused on just the aspect of him not being with my character on missions. Since your post, others have commented and added their perspective and I agree with them too. Theron would be off, continuing to do his own thing while my character focuses on other things and is more in the spotlight. 

This has helped me out a lot and I feel significantly less bitter about his absence. I still wish he was there for instances where it would make more sense for him to be there. And I still wish he would speak up more in instances where it would make more sense for him to be the one giving the briefing or mission report. And I miss reporting to him. But otherwise? I'm alright with him going off to do his job. Just as long as he comes back safely. 😄 Plus, he did travel with me to the destination and kept me company until he left to 'meet a contact'. I'm happy with that now. 🥰 I just had to put it all into a different perspective. 

Thank you all for that. 🤗

On 5/24/2023 at 11:06 AM, eabevella said:

Huh, I actually did miss 1 line but that kind of made the scene worse.

He had 1 line "wish I could go along. Gnost-Dural is an old friend of mine, it'd be good to see him again." after the holo when Lana said she'd prepare a small team. The PC simply said nothing and turned right back to Lana to wrap up the dialogue. I assume it's because it skips the whole romance specific dialogue? There's nothing about meeting a contact whatsoever. It's safe to say that line alone can be interpreted as Theron wanting to tag along, he's just asking the commander's approval. But the commander just... ignored him?

(Time stamped at the line) https://youtu.be/oyPlkv6dzL4?t=223

Why not write a simple line of "sure, Theron, come along" as the default dialogue for both romanced and non-romanced PC and LET HIM GO TO OSSUS even just standing in the background ="=

Whoa! Okay, PC and Lana definitely ignored Theron there and his wishes. That was cold! 😰 How does the scene go if the romance is active? I cannot imagine it is much better.

The Imperial side was a lot better. Like, A Lot! Theron talks much more for one. Also, I like the snarkiness about his cute 😉 haircut. And the hug!!!! I love ❤️, love 💖, LOVE 💓 that hug! 💞

On 5/24/2023 at 11:47 AM, eabevella said:

I feel really bad for you because the clear reject is in the romance version.

Totally agreed that the romance version should be something like "I don't want to be apart, my work can wait."

I say "canon" can go sit on a lightsaber and just HC your JK convinced Theron one more time off screen and he said "Guess I'll go."


There are reaction limits!? What the heck? I was having fun adding 😄💙🏆 to posts! I was going to add a 😄 to this one.

>.< Well fine! I'll just say it then. En masse, you all get lovely reactions from me anyway. 😉

On 5/24/2023 at 6:02 PM, cannibithobbal said:

I know this is, like, yesterday's news, but:

I did some important scientific research on this topic.

My data.  (ignore the janky ones with masks on, my recordings are borked, I have to redo them lol)

My conclusion: there's actually a decent amount of profile or nearly-profile ones!  (the one on the fleet after Corellia - the second to last one - is really long and spins and actually ends completely profile)

Bonus observation: they both tilt their heads the same direction every single time, and it's adorable.  And at least for my sample size of 1 screenshot (since I don't have her playthrough recorded), ladies tilt the opposite direction.  (Perhaps someone with a full female romance playthrough can do similar research and gather more evidence of whether ladies tilt the same way every time too? lol)

😍 I should definitely make more erroneous conclusions if I am going to get candy like this. 😂

I took a long break after my last sub ended and I did most of the storyline last July and August. I started SoR on July 11th and finished Digging Deeping on Aug 17th. So, I hadn't remembered most of the interactions in detail. Every time I go back through my videos and screenshots now, I think, 'Okay, I forgot about that one too.... 😅' Which, embarrassing...

Thank you for this. I appreciate the amount of detail! 🤗 I also never noticed that the head tilts were all to the right. That is so cute!

Here, I have a compilation of just Theron's eyes. (Totally not creepy of me. I love his eyes, okay? 😆) I love how they change colour in different lighting. Sometimes they look green, other times, gold. I consider his eyes to be peridot coloured.

On 5/25/2023 at 1:41 AM, Goreshaga said:

Never really paid attention to this, but yeah, they do. On all screenshots i have, they tilt to the left. Like this one, or this one. Even for the cheek kiss, Theron goes to the left.

More differences between the male and female romance. How cute! 💖 I am loving all this information!

On 5/26/2023 at 12:35 PM, cannibithobbal said:

You talking imperial fleet?  if so, best place I've found there for lighting is middle of the VIP lounge because yeaaaaaaah the whole fleet is pretty dark 😅  republic fleet still has a bit of shadowness but there are a few more well lit places... VIP lounge is pretty good on both though.  good place for dancing anyhow!

Speaking of Theron dancing, how long do we have to wait to see Theron dancing in an actual cutscene?  I've needed/wanted it ever since this scene haha

And the 'crazy party happening in the Officer's Longue', Theron mentions after Onslaught. I want a slow dance. Ohhhh!!! Maybe the upcoming Date Night will have a nice, slow, romantic Waltz. Not that my BH can dance, that's more my agent who is a pro at all dances, but my BH will make the attempt. 😄

On 5/26/2023 at 10:40 PM, cannibithobbal said:

Something I have noticed playing through imperial SoR: Theron is constantly doing this, and it's my favorite thing.  I always love when he does that pose, and he just can't stop doing it here 😄😍  not that he never does it on republic, but, I just keep noticing it over and over rn haha   imma say this is our reward on imp side for not having as much Theron, he looks real good while he's here 😉

*ahem* anyway, that is all, that's all I had.  carry on 😅 

I've got a slog of a FP to get through so I can go save Theron now


Right!? I love how he is constantly leaning against surfaces and looking all slinky and sexy. My characters all noticed that right away. 🤣

How could they resist flirting with him when he is leaning against the table like that?

On 5/27/2023 at 7:26 AM, cannibithobbal said:

idk if that's me doing too many mental gymnastics to justify doing every available flirt line, but I feel like it works😅  I am curious what other people did with that line on their double agents haha

My agent very rarely flirted with anyone. 🤔 When he did flirt, he often did not take the first available flirt opportunity. Thus, he struck out a lot. He didn't take the first flirt with Theron either. Mainly though, he didn't take the flirt because he wouldn't want to potentially risk another agent like that should they agree to join the Imperials. Ie: chance of brainwashing, getting tortured to death by Sith, and such. Plus, he wants to work more for the Republic and help them. Not strengthen the Imperials by recruiting more competent spies. 😄 (He too would have to tell Theron in private that he did not actually mean Theron should join. 😉) Though I love that agent calls Theron, 'a welcome asset'.

Here is the first flirt with BH. This is an alt scene with him too as my BH didn't flirt with Theron for the first time until he walked into the room after Rakata Prime and saw Theron tantalizingly leaning against that table. .... okay, that sounded much better in my head and not at all stalkerish or sexual harassmenty... 🤦‍♂️😅 I definitely prefer the agent's line over the BH's there. Also, my BH did not flirt with a single person up until then because I initially skipped straight to SoR after the class story. So, the "You're totally into me line," to Theron later was his very first line ever in the game. 🤩 (I did Rise of the Hutt Cartel much later.) (He also later flirts with Kai Zykken because that character is a lot of fun. I enjoyed all the dialogue lines. 🤣 Would've liked to have seen more of him. My JC didn't have the option to flirt with him. The conversation with him is completely different for Republic and Imperials.)

On 5/27/2023 at 7:56 AM, JakRoanin said:

My agents Don't romance Theron or take the double-agent  option at the end of the class story in order to...

  Reveal hidden contents

save Watcher 2 on Nathema

but my BH never took a flirt until the end of Rishi. It doesn't effect the same love story at all.

I haven't seen her again yet. I'm hoping she is doing much better. I really adore her. I'm currently working on another character that won't flirt with Theron at all for a long time. I am very curious about the differences in lines that some people have mentioned.

Also, as far as dancing 💃 goes, I like the out-of-the-way room with the two trees in the Stronghold and Crew Skills section. It's empty and quiet. (Have to bring our own music.) Nice for quiet talks while sitting on the chairs nearby. I also like the cosmetic changer room in the Galatic Trade Market. Out of the way and quiet as well. The two trees there are very nice. The lighting is a little green though. 

Edited by yenzin
spelling and added links
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4 hours ago, yenzin said:

Whoa! Okay, PC and Lana definitely ignored Theron there and his wishes. That was cold! 😰 How does the scene go if the romance is active? I cannot imagine it is much better.

The Imperial side was a lot better. Like, A Lot! Theron talks much more for one. Also, I like the snarkiness about his cute 😉 haircut. And the hug!!!! I love ❤️, love 💖, LOVE 💓 that hug! 💞


Ok, I will respond to the rest later (out and about on my phone, it is hard 😅) but I just watched this and OMG that is so much better.  Like, for one thing, totally 10000% valid reason for Theron not to go.  Also, MENTIONING THE HAIRCUT.  That literally never happens ever on republic, it is never commented on ever unless there is some dialogue option that does so that I never took.  I am officially a bit jealous. (oh and it is definitely not because Theron had his old hair in the scene in my JK version, because my JC's Theron had the sexy hair and no comments on it haha)

I can link to my republic version but man this is one I have to rerecord big time, I was waffling on looks and put Theron's old hair back and literally changed my JK's face just slightly then hated it and immediately put it back after this cutscene lol  (no one else but me cares about this I'm 100% certain lmao but it bugs me)

Here it is.

I do love the way Theron says "we'll be back together before you know it" but, hate that JK sounds so.... determined?  about not wanting to be apart/clearly really really wanting Theron to go, and Theron's just "ya nope, 3 contacts, sorry". 

I love that both versions have the huggies though 🥰  (JK looks so sad/dejected as they're going in for the hug though, and only a tiny smile after, FFS THERON.)

edit: ya know, the more I think about it, it kinda feels like the imp side version was the default/first version of Ossus to the devs and because they couldn't have Theron there in the imp version, they just came up with a lame excuse to not take him on pub side either.  maybe not but since there was a valid reason on one and a lame excuse on the other............

Edited by cannibithobbal
fixed link to timestamp/reworded some things I wrote bad lol
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5 hours ago, yenzin said:

This has helped me out a lot and I feel significantly less bitter about his absence. I still wish he was there for instances where it would make more sense for him to be there. And I still wish he would speak up more in instances where it would make more sense for him to be the one giving the briefing or mission report. And I miss reporting to him. But otherwise? I'm alright with him going off to do his job. Just as long as he comes back safely. 😄 Plus, he did travel with me to the destination and kept me company until he left to 'meet a contact'. I'm happy with that now. 🥰 I just had to put it all into a different perspective.

Just gotta say, even several days later I still agree, this way of looking at it makes so much sense to me (like honestly super in character for Theron) and makes me feel so much better about it, even though I wish he was around more and I obv know the BTS reason why he isn't.  Good HCs are so good though.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:


😍 I should definitely make more erroneous conclusions if I am going to get candy like this. 😂


I took a long break after my last sub ended and I did most of the storyline last July and August. I started SoR on July 11th and finished Digging Deeping on Aug 17th. So, I hadn't remembered most of the interactions in detail. Every time I go back through my videos and screenshots now, I think, 'Okay, I forgot about that one too.... 😅' Which, embarrassing...

Thank you for this. I appreciate the amount of detail! 🤗 I also never noticed that the head tilts were all to the right. That is so cute!

Here, I have a compilation of just Theron's eyes. (Totally not creepy of me. I love his eyes, okay? 😆) I love how they change colour in different lighting. Sometimes they look green, other times, gold. I consider his eyes to be peridot coloured


I should probably not admit how many screenshots of Theron (and some other characters) kisses I have on my computer (I mean I have like 3000 game screenshots in general, so I have way more than just kissing but still) 😅  it's........ for science.  so are the gifs.  it's for science.  I swear.  totally valid reasons, nothing weird.  🥺

THERON'S EYES LINK BROKEDED, for me anyway.  I want to seeeeeeeee.  I am also way too into his eyes, I need this....... for more science.  lol  I also love how they look different color in different lighting 🤩  I think I have mentioned before but I also just love the shape of his eyes.  They seem clearly designed to look like 1/2 or 1/4 asian (it is video game modeling though, so, who knows exactly what they were going for vs what they ended up with lol  but that's what they look like to me), which is just.... beautiful/way too attractive to me 😍 (at the risk of too much personal information, my rl bf is half Korean, I, uh, I have a type lol  and my bf has also agreed with me that Theron definitely looks part asian so hopefully I am not just crazy haha)

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Right!? I love how he is constantly leaning against surfaces and looking all slinky and sexy. My characters all noticed that right away. 🤣

How could they resist flirting with him when he is leaning against the table like that?

I know I couldn't resist it 😍  I mean, uh, my characters.... my character's couldn't.  *ahem*

The thing about Theron is, as much as I may joke about it, he probably wasn't even trying to be sexy, probably didn't even realize he was accidentally making himself even more attractive. 😅  But that's why I love him.

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

My agent very rarely flirted with anyone. 🤔 When he did flirt, he often did not take the first available flirt opportunity. Thus, he struck out a lot.

lmao our agents = so opposite 😅 (other than the striking out part, my poor agent mostly got turned down, and the one time someone was super into it he was like whoa whoa whoa abort because it was a married lady on Alderaan lmao)  but I love that though, I love how many options there are for playing agent! (one of the reasons it's definitely my favorite imperial character - like, even just between my own two, my fem agent only ever flirted with Vector and no one else, so opposite from my boy lol)

my agent actually usually ONLY takes the first flirt then doesn't keep going, unless he is actually genuinely interested in them and they respond well.  which is basically Cytharat and Theron 😅   tbh I probably/definitely would have had him flirt more/longer with a few more people but, like, basically all the longer romance options who didn't blatantly reject him were companions and I did not want him to lock into one of those romances that inevitably lead to marriage or a break up and really awkward time on the ship lol 


5 hours ago, yenzin said:

He didn't take the first flirt with Theron either. Mainly though, he didn't take the flirt because he wouldn't want to potentially risk another agent like that should they agree to join the Imperials. Ie: chance of brainwashing, getting tortured to death by Sith, and such. Plus, he wants to work more for the Republic and help them. Not strengthen the Imperials by recruiting more competent spies. 😄 (He too would have to tell Theron in private that he did not actually mean Theron should join. 😉) Though I love that agent calls Theron, 'a welcome asset'.

oh yeah, my agent = 100% the same with not actually ever ever wanting poor Theron to join the empire, for all those reasons, those are all the reasons he hates the empire and joined the SIS.  My agent would also just straight up not even be interested in Theron if Theron showed any interest in joining the empire or betraying the republic or even pretending to be interested just to hook up with him, though, which is why I decided that him saying that as a test (then confessing later it was a test) totally fit, and kept the flirt.

Theron definitely is an asset 😉

(also, omg, your poor smol agent next to giant sith. 😅   my agent got electrocuted by 2 sith, he really really cannot control his sass around sith.... it's a miracle Marr never zapped him during Makeb or SoR lmao)

5 hours ago, yenzin said:

Here is the first flirt with BH. This is an alt scene with him too as my BH didn't flirt with Theron for the first time until he walked into the room after Rakata Prime and saw Theron tantalizingly leaning against that table. .... okay, that sounded much better in my head and not at all stalkerish or sexual harassmenty... 🤦‍♂️😅 I definitely prefer the agent's line over the BH's there. Also, my BH did not flirt with a single person up until then because I initially skipped straight to SoR after the class story. So, the "You're totally into me line," to Theron later was his very first line ever in the game. 🤩 (I did Rise of the Hutt Cartel much later.) (He also later flirts with Kai Zykken because that character is a lot of fun. I enjoyed all the dialogue lines. 🤣 Would've liked to have seen more of him. My JC didn't have the option to flirt with him. The conversation with him is completely different for Republic and Imperials.)

I do agree the BH line is a bit odd, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a mando to be like "you wanna join the empire" lmao  it's kind of like the opposite of the "into you" thing, where for the first flirt it feels like Theron's response was designed to fit the agent line haha

the "you're totally into me" is such a great first flirt though, I love agent's "crush on me" line (especially for my agent, it is soooo in character for him) but the "totally into me" fits perfect with Theron's response and as a very first flirt is awesome! 

my agent also totally took the Kai Zykken flirt 😂  that was 100% an "on the job, woo the target into talking" flirt though, he was not looking to actually get with that goofnut hahaha  since I had run that mission 5 other times before (4 republic + SW) and never once had a flirt option til agent I was like "well I obviously have to take this, it's super in character and they handed it to me on a silver platter" lol


5 hours ago, yenzin said:

I haven't seen her again yet. I'm hoping she is doing much better. I really adore her.

I have to say, I.... spoiled myself about Watcher 2, accidentally watched a video, stopped partway though to avoid full spoilers, but got enough. 


I think it will be really sad when I get there, because I definitely played my agent to where she was at least slighty the "one that got away", he gave up after one flirt and her massive and slightly racist rejection but he always liked her/cared about her anyway, even though sometimes (particularly while he knew he was brainwashed and that intelligence did it) he did get prickly with her due to his anger at intelligence in general and her being the face of intelligence for him.  I think she was right to reject him, he was not right for her (like, he's a spy, he doesn't do long term relationships while working as a spy, even Theron is literally just a lovely fling until they meet back up again on Odessen) but I definitely played it that he always wished she had been interested.  So knowing what happens, I think he will be a bit sad.  And I will too.

btw istg I'm not trying to make this the Agent Love Thread haha  but it's lovely to compare and contrast our different agents as so many of us have played on agents, and those that have had ours agents date Theron all seem to have played those romances very differently, which I love (like I said, so many options!)

(it's also looking like agent will be my first imp side character to make it through the whole story, so, I finally have things to compare with you guys since I only knew pub side before haha)


5 hours ago, yenzin said:

I'm currently working on another character that won't flirt with Theron at all for a long time. I am very curious about the differences in lines that some people have mentioned.

I am really curious about those also!  I got a different flirt line when rescuing Theron on agent than I did on SW and I am wondering if that was a different classes thing or if it was a never flirted before vs flirted before thing.  If you have other flirts to compare, lemme know what you got!

So far the only versions of flirting with Theron I have done is republic flirting every single flirt vs not flirting at all until Odesson, then imperial flirting every single flirt vs first flirting at the rescue then doing every flirt after. 

Speaking of comparing them, I am still waffling over continuing on my sith warrior or not.  I am wondering if maybe not doing every single flirt during the actual story and then making the hard choice (for me, not for her lol) to NOT ask for a proposal will make the relationship more her speed and make it work for me.  Because I would like to have a full male vs female imp side romance comparison, and I do really love the way she delivers flirt lines to him 😂  ugh, I am making this harder on myself than I should, I know I am hahaha

Edited by cannibithobbal
istg I need to actually proofread things before I post them lmao
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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, I will respond to the rest later (out and about on my phone, it is hard 😅) but I just watched this and OMG that is so much better.  Like, for one thing, totally 10000% valid reason for Theron not to go.  Also, MENTIONING THE HAIRCUT.  That literally never happens ever on republic, it is never commented on ever unless there is some dialogue option that does so that I never took.  I am officially a bit jealous. (oh and it is definitely not because Theron had his old hair in the scene in my JK version, because my JC's Theron had the sexy hair and no comments on it haha)

I can link to my republic version but man this is one I have to rerecord big time, I was waffling on looks and put Theron's old hair back and literally changed my JK's face just slightly then hated it and immediately put it back after this cutscene lol  (no one else but me cares about this I'm 100% certain lmao but it bugs me)

Here it is.

I do love the way Theron says "we'll be back together before you know it" but, hate that JK sounds so.... determined?  about not wanting to be apart/clearly really really wanting Theron to go, and Theron's just "ya nope, 3 contacts, sorry". 

I love that both versions have the huggies though 🥰  (JK looks so sad/dejected as they're going in for the hug though, and only a tiny smile after, FFS THERON.)

edit: ya know, the more I think about it, it kinda feels like the imp side version was the default/first version of Ossus to the devs and because they couldn't have Theron there in the imp version, they just came up with a lame excuse to not take him on pub side either.  maybe not but since there was a valid reason on one and a lame excuse on the other............

Having the new haircut in the scene doesn't matter. Long ago, I saw someone else's video online and the haircut line was still there even though that Theron wasn't sporting it. I think it works better while he is still rocking the doo. 😄

Wow, have to say I really dislike the Republic version. O.O Such a big difference between the two! And could the PC even hear Theron's parting words? He was walking away as he was talking! Why couldn't he have stayed still longer to deliver that last line? They could've stayed in personal space distance for a minute longer. Grr, Devs, fix that! >.<

Theron: (leans in for the hug) (whispers so Lana can't hear) 'See you on the shuttle.' (pulls back with a subtle wink) 😉

Theron: (Walks away and speaks loud enough for Lana to hear so she doesn't suspect he is going to sneak aboard the shuttle.) "You don't need me to handle this." (then subtly) "We'll be back together before you know it." 😏

Yup, once I get there on my characters, there is going to be some serious HC rewriting going on. 🤨✍️

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Just gotta say, even several days later I still agree, this way of looking at it makes so much sense to me (like honestly super in character for Theron) and makes me feel so much better about it, even though I wish he was around more and I obv know the BTS reason why he isn't.  Good HCs are so good though.

I should probably not admit how many screenshots of Theron (and some other characters) kisses I have on my computer (I mean I have like 3000 game screenshots in general, so I have way more than just kissing but still) 😅  it's........ for science.  so are the gifs.  it's for science.  I swear.  totally valid reasons, nothing weird.  🥺

THERON'S EYES LINK BROKEDED, for me anyway.  I want to seeeeeeeee.  I am also way too into his eyes, I need this....... for more science.  lol  I also love how they look different color in different lighting 🤩  I think I have mentioned before but I also just love the shape of his eyes.  They seem clearly designed to look like 1/2 or 1/4 asian (it is video game modeling though, so, who knows exactly what they were going for vs what they ended up with lol  but that's what they look like to me), which is just.... beautiful/way too attractive to me 😍 (at the risk of too much personal information, my rl bf is half Korean, I, uh, I have a type lol  and my bf has also agreed with me that Theron definitely looks part asian so hopefully I am not just crazy haha)

I know I couldn't resist it 😍  I mean, uh, my characters.... my character's couldn't.  *ahem*

The thing about Theron is, as much as I may joke about it, he probably wasn't even trying to be sexy, probably didn't even realize he was accidentally making himself even more attractive. 😅  But that's why I love him.

lmao our agents = so opposite 😅 (other than the striking out part, my poor agent mostly got turned down, and the one time someone was super into it he was like whoa whoa whoa abort because it was a married lady on Alderaan lmao)  but I love that though, I love how many options there are for playing agent! (one of the reasons it's definitely my favorite imperial character - like, even just between my own two, my fem agent only ever flirted with Vector and no one else, so opposite from my boy lol)

my agent actually usually ONLY takes the first flirt then doesn't keep going, unless he is actually genuinely interested in them and they respond well.  which is basically Cytharat and Theron 😅   tbh I probably/definitely would have had him flirt more/longer with a few more people but, like, basically all the longer romance options who didn't blatantly reject him were companions and I did not want him to lock into one of those romances that inevitably lead to marriage or a break up and really awkward time on the ship lol 


oh yeah, my agent = 100% the same with not actually ever ever wanting poor Theron to join the empire, for all those reasons, those are all the reasons he hates the empire and joined the SIS.  My agent would also just straight up not even be interested in Theron if Theron showed any interest in joining the empire or betraying the republic or even pretending to be interested just to hook up with him, though, which is why I decided that him saying that as a test (then confessing later it was a test) totally fit, and kept the flirt.

Theron definitely is an asset 😉

(also, omg, your poor smol agent next to giant sith. 😅   my agent got electrocuted by 2 sith, he really really cannot control his sass around sith.... it's a miracle Marr never zapped him during Makeb or SoR lmao)

I do agree the BH line is a bit odd, it doesn't make a lot of sense for a mando to be like "you wanna join the empire" lmao  it's kind of like the opposite of the "into you" thing, where for the first flirt it feels like Theron's response was designed to fit the agent line haha

the "you're totally into me" is such a great first flirt though, I love agent's "crush on me" line (especially for my agent, it is soooo in character for him) but the "totally into me" fits perfect with Theron's response and as a very first flirt is awesome! 

my agent also totally took the Kai Zykken flirt 😂  that was 100% an "on the job, woo the target into talking" flirt though, he was not looking to actually get with that goofnut hahaha  since I had run that mission 5 other times before (4 republic + SW) and never once had a flirt option til agent I was like "well I obviously have to take this, it's super in character and they handed it to me on a silver platter" lol


I have to say, I.... spoiled myself about Watcher 2, accidentally watched a video, stopped partway though to avoid full spoilers, but got enough. 

  Reveal hidden contents

I think it will be really sad when I get there, because I definitely played my agent to where she was at least slight the "one that got away", he gave up after one flirt and her massive and slightly racist rejection but he always liked her/cared about her anyway, even though sometimes (particularly while he knew he was brainwashed and that intelligence did it) he did get prickly with her due to his anger at intelligence in general and her being the face of intelligence for him.  I think she was right to reject him, he was not right for her (like, he's a spy, he doesn't do long term relationships while working as a spy, even Theron is literally just a lovely fling until they meet back up again on Odessen) but I definitely played it that he always wished she had been interested.  So knowing what happens, I think he will be a bit sad.  And I will too.

btw istg I'm not trying to make this the Agent Love Thread haha  but it's lovely to compare and contrast our different agents as so many of us have played on agents, and those that have had ours agents date Theron all seem to have played those romances very differently, which I love (like I said, so many options!)

(it's also looking like agent will be my first imp side character to make it through the whole story, so, I finally have things to compare with you guys since I only knew pub side before haha)


I am really curious about those also!  I got a different flirt line when rescuing Theron on agent than I did on SW and I am wondering if that was a different classes thing or if it was a never flirted before vs flirted before thing.  If you have other flirts to compare, lemme know what you got!

So far the only versions of flirting with Theron I have done is republic flirting every single flirt vs not flirting at all until Odesson, then imperial flirting every single flirt vs first flirting at the rescue then doing every flirt after. 

Speaking of comparing them, I am still waffling over continuing on my sith warrior or not.  I am wondering if maybe not doing every single flirt during the actual story and then making the hard choice (for me, not for her lol) to NOT ask for a proposal will make the relationship more her speed and make it work for me.  Because I would like to have a full male vs female imp side romance comparison, and I do really love the way she delivers flirt lines to him 😂  ugh, I am making this harder on myself than I should, I know I am hahaha

Grr! I don't know why that eye link isn't working! It works on my PC but it refuses to work on the Imgur app on my phone. I have tried repasting the link. I even uploaded a copy and that isn't working either. So weird! Can you get it to load through your computer browser? I have no idea what is wrong. All the other Imgur images are loading on my phone app. 

Computer says I have a total of 21,842 files in my SWTOR Bandicam folder. I don't know what the percentage is between video and images, but I have a lot too. 🤣😅 You won't get any judgment from me. Mine are all for science too. They are all there for practical reasons. It's not like I'm obsessed or anything... 😉 I saw a video of Theron recently that would have made a great gif and I can't remember what it was. If I see it again, I'll ask you to fix it up for me 😍

I remember talking to both Kaliyo and Temple and they both talked about my agent seducing women and Temple (love you, Temple!) called me a cad. A cad! 🙀And my poor little agent couldn't tell either of them that they had the wrong idea. 'I haven't slept with or seduced anyone!' 🤣 He must be way too good at his job to fool both of them into thinking he has. Either that or he is a great actor and liar. (Hear that, Theron? Agent is a great performer and liar, thank you very much! 😝😘)

I really like the idea of using the 'Join the Imperials, Agent Shan', line 😉😉as a test of integrity there. Theron passed with stellar colours!

Agreed! I like being able to talk about different choices with all of our characters too. I've stated before that I don't get to talk to people in RL about SWTOR so doing so here is a lot of fun. That said, what choice did you take at the end of Rishi for the Theron romance? My agent ended the budding romance by mistake. Silly, Agent. At first, I regretted that and was going to make a clone but in the end, I actually found I liked the choice a lot better. I've played him as someone that is not serious about starting a relationship with anyone. Backing out when he feels things are getting too deep is in-character for him. Especially as the last person he was starting to get serious about died in front of him. So there is a bit of lingering trauma there. (Have started working on that Hunter romance vid. Trying o decide how much to cut out of each video. Otherwise, this thing will be long. 🎶)

Also, while I was testing lines out, I tested the one to talk to Lana instead on Rishi. Theron looks so sad as he stands up and moves away! 💔I think this really shows how deeply Theron was getting invested in the relationship with the PC early on. Especially as my agent had only flirted with him three times by then. Theron does a good job at locking his feelings down - such as during the goodbye scene on Yavin - but they still leak through at times.

Both my maleBH and maleIA had the same line as your agent. 🤔 It could be a difference between flirting previously or not, or a difference between male and female characters. We need more data from others to know. 

I say do what you think is in character for your SW and be prepared to never get a proposal later on. 😄 Which is fine! Some people never get married. I used to know a couple that decided to have children together but they never wanted to get married.  I think Theron will be perfectly down the arrangement of never getting married. It will totally work out just fine. 😉

Edited by yenzin
deleted a line then put it back
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Reaction limit? I'll give everyone a heart reaction. Unlimited powah!

I vote party with Theron in Malgus' little fleet basement. It's quiet, it's private, it has good lighting. Maybe he'll tell us everything after the 3rd dance. I call it multitasking.

And my agent is a dialogue option 1 and 2 guy. It made him difficult to read, and if you get a reaction from him, there's no tell whether it's real or just a way to make you think you finally get his attention, which is, I guess, part of the reason why Theron is intrigued while knowing it's probably not a good idea (well, at the time at least). I also like to think my agent and Darth Marr get along really well between the end of Yavin-4 and KOTFE Ch1 due to their mastery in sarcasm. They can both throwing shades at the idiots in the Dark Council with a straight face (Marr has a mask but you know what I meant lol).

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2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Having the new haircut in the scene doesn't matter. Long ago, I saw someone else's video online and the haircut line was still there even though that Theron wasn't sporting it. I think it works better while he is still rocking the doo. 😄

Wow, have to say I really dislike the Republic version. O.O Such a big difference between the two! And could the PC even hear Theron's parting words? He was walking away as he was talking! Why couldn't he have stayed still longer to deliver that last line? They could've stayed in personal space distance for a minute longer. Grr, Devs, fix that! >.<

Theron: (leans in for the hug) (whispers so Lana can't hear) 'See you on the shuttle.' (pulls back with a subtle wink) 😉

Theron: (Walks away and speaks loud enough for Lana to hear so she doesn't suspect he is going to sneak aboard the shuttle.) "You don't need me to handle this." (then subtly) "We'll be back together before you know it." 😏

Yup, once I get there on my characters, there is going to be some serious HC rewriting going on. 🤨✍️


Yeah, the republic version is so painful, for me and for my JK (PLUS NO HAIRCUT COMMENT!!!!!  WE WERE SHAFTED).  I 100% am keeping forever my HC that Theron realized shortly after he walks away that he royally f***ed up and reschedules all his meetings with contacts and surprises JK by being on the ship with his "I'm an idiot, those contacts can wait. You want me with you, I'm here." but then also "Except if anyone else asks, I wasn't here" and stays on the ship once they get there, ready to come immediately if needed but pretending he isn't there otherwise since he's not supposed to be 🥰

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Grr! I don't know why that eye link isn't working! It works on my PC but it refuses to work on the Imgur app on my phone. I have tried repasting the link. I even uploaded a copy and that isn't working either. So weird! Can you get it to load through your computer browser? I have no idea what is wrong. All the other Imgur images are loading on my phone app.

Yeah, it's so weird, it doesn't work on either phone or computer.  🤔  I am useless at troubleshooting image sites, I just put all my images on a spare discord server that I made (I made it to upload emojis to use elsewhere lol) then open in browser and get the link, that's the only way I know to make image links work 😅

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Computer says I have a total of 21,842 files in my SWTOR Bandicam folder. I don't know what the percentage is between video and images, but I have a lot too. 🤣😅 You won't get any judgment from me. Mine are all for science too. They are all there for practical reasons. It's not like I'm obsessed or anything... 😉 I saw a video of Theron recently that would have made a great gif and I can't remember what it was. If I see it again, I'll ask you to fix it up for me 😍

21k oh boy, I have a lot of catching up to do 😂  in my defense I did not start taking screencaps super regularly until my last couple characters going through, so like I don't even have as many for my JK after 3 playthroughs as I do for my agent lol  I need more.... for science.  Definitely not obsession.  Science.

If you remember it, I will absolutely gif, as long as it's something I've got (or you can send me haha) 😍

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

I remember talking to both Kaliyo and Temple and they both talked about my agent seducing women and Temple (love you, Temple!) called me a cad. A cad! 🙀And my poor little agent couldn't tell either of them that they had the wrong idea. 'I haven't slept with or seduced anyone!' 🤣 He must be way too good at his job to fool both of them into thinking he has. Either that or he is a great actor and liar. (Hear that, Theron? Agent is a great performer and liar, thank you very much! 😝😘)

aww poor lil agent, so misunderstood 🥺  (he's definitely a great performer and a great liar, Theron is just silly 😝)

On mine, Raina tried to come onto my agent SO HARD and he actually had to reject HER, because he did not want to be with an actual crewmate who he literally met under false pretenses (the fake double agent thing at that point.... and he doesn't ever tell her about the real double agent because she's too loyal to the empire and stuff), and honestly didn't want to be with a crewmate at all (that's why he cut Kaliyo off when she tried to make it more serious, he was fine with casually hooking up with her but not an actual relationship, certainly not with her track record of putting out death marks on her exes lol)

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Agreed! I like being able to talk about different choices with all of our characters too. I've stated before that I don't get to talk to people in RL about SWTOR so doing so here is a lot of fun.

Samesies!  I can talk a bit with my brother about SWTOR (he got me into it) but I am 100% more obsessed than him and he spends most of the time casually roasting me (light-hearted, of course) for being too obsessed with it 🤣  when I said how big a fan I am of Zenith he literally stole my phone and changed my discord status to "Marrying Zenith. Brb. 💍" lmao  (I haven't changed it yet, I thought it was hilarious tbh)

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

That said, what choice did you take at the end of Rishi for the Theron romance? My agent ended the budding romance by mistake. Silly, Agent. At first, I regretted that and was going to make a clone but in the end, I actually found I liked the choice a lot better. I've played him as someone that is not serious about starting a relationship with anyone. Backing out when he feels things are getting too deep is in-character for him. Especially as the last person he was starting to get serious about died in front of him. So there is a bit of lingering trauma there. (Have started working on that Hunter romance vid. Trying to decide how much to cut out of each video. Otherwise, this thing will be long. 🎶)

omg Theron's reaction to that 😢  he's sitting there going "oh......" 😥

I 100% took the kiss (yes I gif'd it, for science!*  and the video is not uploaded yet lol), especially after the precedent set by Cytharat with the "of course I saved you, I didn't want to miss the chance to kiss you" there was no way doing anything other than kissing Theron was in character! 😉  (That may be one of my new favorite kisses in the game too, so, very happy about that haha) He is a boy who knows who/what he wants and as long as the other person is clearly down, he will go for it.  And Theron was clearly down 😉

I think my agent is not good about starting an actual serious relationship any more than yours, and if he wasn't sure that Theron was gonna disappear again as soon as Revan was dealt with he actually might not have gone for it, but he was not going to miss the opportunity for a lovely fling with a super cute SIS boy who was clearly into him too.  Then of course obviously once he meets Theron again on Odessen everything is different, neither he nor Theron work officially as spies anymore, they're not with the republic OR empire anymore, and it is very "ok yeah clearly this was meant to be more than a fling, and we are both still into each other, maybe we see what happens?"

(*I swear it was really for science, I wanted to compare side to side easily how different the republic and imperial boy kisses were lol  very important science.   my conclusion: the imperial one definitely feels more lusty (I swear Theron looks like he's going "oh, this is happening?  ok!"), and the republic one is way more "these are two boys falling in love" (like Theron literally smiles with teeth when he's about to be kissed, he's so happy, it's adorable).  Maybe I am projecting because that analysis fits my characters' different relationships with Theron perfectly but even if I am that's ok, science accomplished 😅)  *ahem* yes, anyway.  I swear, science.  Not obsession.  SCIENCE.

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Also, while I was testing lines out, I tested the one to talk to Lana instead on Rishi. Theron looks so sad as he stands up and moves away! 💔I think this really shows how deeply Theron was getting invested in the relationship with the PC early on. Especially as my agent had only flirted with him three times by then. Theron does a good job at locking his feelings down - such as during the goodbye scene on Yavin - but they still leak through at times.

Lana does the same thing!  My SW had flirted with Lana before and Lana got really sad when she said she wanted to talk to Theron.  I actually felt really bad tbh 🥴  but the Lana relationship was honestly way too mushy and lovey for my SW, even more than Theron gets later, so for SoR I definitely made the right choice I think.... but man I felt bad, Lana was so upset.  I would definitely feel just as bad if not worse to do that to Theron omg 😥

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

Both my maleBH and maleIA had the same line as your agent. 🤔 It could be a difference between flirting previously or not, or a difference between male and female characters. We need more data from others to know.

Yeah, I suspect it is a "flirted before", but it could be a gender thing.  Need some input from a female imperial romancer who flirted with him previous to that!

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

I say do what you think is in character for your SW and be prepared to never get a proposal later on. 😄 Which is fine! Some people never get married. I used to know a couple that decided to have children together but they never wanted to get married.  I think Theron will be perfectly down the arrangement of never getting married. It will totally work out just fine. 😉

Yeah, I know for sure she is not the settling down type, so she would continue the romance with no proposal 100% for sure if I decide to keep going.  I also know people who chose not to get married (and by that I mean literally me haha  we own a house together, been together for ages, but not married 😅)  So, if I can do it, Theron can do it.  Yeah?  lol

ngl I am actually curious what the dialogue chain is when you choose the continue relationship but no marriage root, since I obviously have never done it yet!  So, I should really continue on her.... for science. 🤔

Edited by cannibithobbal
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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, I suspect it is a "flirted before", but it could be a gender thing.  Need some input from a female imperial romancer who flirted with him previous to that!

It's been a while since i last flirted with Theron on an imp character, so i'm not 100% sure, i don't really remember which line they got, especially since i was playing in french, but i'm pretty sure i got the same line on both the male SI and the female IA who flirted with him, and i'm pretty sure they both took all the possible [flirts] before that, so it's probably more a difference in flirted before or not, like the "starting to think you didn't care" and "the mysterious spies" difference on pub side, i really need to bring a clone of my JK to Rishi to test that theory, unfortunately i don't have one that's close enough rn.

Edited by Goreshaga
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On 5/29/2023 at 12:34 AM, Goreshaga said:

It's been a while since i last flirted with Theron on an imp character, so i'm not 100% sure, i don't really remember which line they got, especially since i was playing in french, but i'm pretty sure i got the same line on both the male SI and the female IA who flirted with him, and i'm pretty sure they both took all the possible [flirts] before that, so it's probably more a difference in flirted before or not, like the "starting to think you didn't care" and "the mysterious spies" difference on pub side, i really need to bring a clone of my JK to Rishi to test that theory, unfortunately i don't have one that's close enough rn.

Yeah I definitely think that's by far the most likely.  I really love that they have those variants in a couple places (in addition to the various class different ones) and tbh when I get to Rishi on my second JC I might record just to get that alt flirt line, then back out and redo since I don't actually want her to flirt with him during SoR 😅  Might honestly do that for every possible flirt so that I can hear any and all flirt lines that pop up as a "first flirt" haha

edit: on the topic of flirt variants, I did a thing.  (still haven't gotten to uploading SoR yet, just barely started forged alliances and trying to do it all in order to not get confused... but I figured an edited video can go out of order 😆)

Edited by cannibithobbal
fixed link - old video was missing a clip!
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25 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah I definitely think that's by far the most likely.  I really love that they have those variants in a couple places (in addition to the various class different ones) and tbh when I get to Rishi on my second JC I might record just to get that alt flirt line, then back out and redo since I don't actually want her to flirt with him during SoR 😅  Might honestly do that for every possible flirt so that I can hear any and all flirt lines that pop up as a "first flirt" haha

edit: on the topic of flirt variants, I did a thing.  (still haven't gotten to uploading SoR yet, just barely started forged alliances and trying to do it all in order to not get confused... but I figured an edited video can go out of order 😆)

Yep, like seeing these differences.

I totally didn't make a clone of my JK on imp side just to take a screenshot of the kiss on Yavin (well i'll probably record the [flirts] as well while i'm at it), i love that wide shot of them kissing in the jungle.

Nice edit 😉

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7 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep, like seeing these differences.

I totally didn't make a clone of my JK on imp side just to take a screenshot of the kiss on Yavin (well i'll probably record the [flirts] as well while i'm at it), i love that wide shot of them kissing in the jungle.

Nice edit 😉

I totally love that end imperial kiss on Yavin, and I actually like the female version best of the two, it's super super cute.   I don't often use "cute" to describe my SW but that kiss was so adorable ❤️  (also the male one has a bit of jank in the animation tbh so that takes away from the cuteness a bit haha)  I thought it was interesting though that the female kiss actually ends before the fade to black starts but the male version they just keep on kissing all the way and never stop, no ripping those lips apart for nothin apparently 😅

and ty 😉

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On 5/25/2023 at 5:06 AM, eabevella said:

Huh, I actually did miss 1 line but that kind of made the scene worse.

He had 1 line "wish I could go along. Gnost-Dural is an old friend of mine, it'd be good to see him again." after the holo when Lana said she'd prepare a small team. The PC simply said nothing and turned right back to Lana to wrap up the dialogue. I assume it's because it skips the whole romance specific dialogue? There's nothing about meeting a contact whatsoever. It's safe to say that line alone can be interpreted as Theron wanting to tag along, he's just asking the commander's approval. But the commander just... ignored him?

(Time stamped at the line) https://youtu.be/oyPlkv6dzL4?t=223

Why not write a simple line of "sure, Theron, come along" as the default dialogue for both romanced and non-romanced PC and LET HIM GO TO OSSUS even just standing in the background ="=

I always took this as Theron not being cleared by medical yet - still on light duties and not allowed to exert himself too much (after all, he took a lightsaber to the gut - you don't get away with just putting a bandaid on that injury and be back in full force the next day...)

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3 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I totally love that end imperial kiss on Yavin, and I actually like the female version best of the two, it's super super cute.   I don't often use "cute" to describe my SW but that kiss was so adorable ❤️  (also the male one has a bit of jank in the animation tbh so that takes away from the cuteness a bit haha)  I thought it was interesting though that the female kiss actually ends before the fade to black starts but the male version they just keep on kissing all the way and never stop, no ripping those lips apart for nothin apparently 😅

and ty 😉

Yep that kiss is cute, which is why i want it for my JK, even though that's not really my JK, but on the screenshot it'll not be visible anyways.

Yeah dunno why, but i found that Theron and male PC often have some oddities during kisses (one of them being sometime he has some kind of weird backward movement that makes it look like he's trying to escape from the kiss that i've never seen in any other M/M kisses), which is probably one of the reasons why i like the female version more overall (that and being totally biased by my JK and Theron romance, even though they were not a pairing i originally intended to have), and oddly enough i've never seen these oddities with Koth or Arcann and a male PC, so no idea why they're there with Theron.

On a side note, i so wish Cytharat didn't have that stupid kill option on Makeb, he'd have been great with the whole Malgus stuff, considering he was his apprentice, and i'd have loved to continue that romance with my Nox, never found anyone who was such a good match for him before or since, and i'm really sad that poor guy is still single.

1 minute ago, TziganeNZ said:

I always took this as Theron not being cleared by medical yet - still on light duties and not allowed to exert himself too much (after all, he took a lightsaber to the gut - you don't get away with just putting a bandaid on that injury and be back in full force the next day...)

Hm, doesn't the first cutscene in JUS pretty much establish that quite some times has passed since Nathema though ?

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1 minute ago, TziganeNZ said:

I always took this as Theron not being cleared by medical yet - still on light duties and not allowed to exert himself too much (after all, he took a lightsaber to the gut - you don't get away with just putting a bandaid on that injury and be back in full force the next day...)

omg THIS should have been the reason they had Theron give in the republic romance version.  If they had to come up with an excuse, "I still haven't been cleared for duty" or "I've got a few more kolto treatments to go before I go to a warzone" or whatever would have been sooooo much better and more valid than "I've got three contacts that are dying to talk to me"

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Just now, cannibithobbal said:

omg THIS should have been the reason they had Theron give in the republic romance version.  If they had to come up with an excuse, "I still haven't been cleared for duty" or "I've got a few more kolto treatments to go before I go to a warzone" or whatever would have been sooooo much better and more valid than "I've got three contacts that are dying to talk to me"

That would've been a valid reason at least, better than what we got.

But i'd still have prefered him coming with us and disapearing to help with the evacuation even more tbh. He would've been off doing something on his end, but at least he'd have been there to help his old friend and save pub civilians.

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2 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Hm, doesn't the first cutscene in JUS pretty much establish that quite some times has passed since Nathema though ?

No idea - I've never paid much attention to the chronology (other than being stuck in carbonite for 5 years).  As I tend to play the chapters more or less back-to-back, they all run together temporally for me.

Even so, for a non-Force user to have an injury like that - will still take a long time to fully heal.

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3 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

No idea - I've never paid much attention to the chronology (other than being stuck in carbonite for 5 years).  As I tend to play the chapters more or less back-to-back, they all run together temporally for me.

Even so, for a non-Force user to have an injury like that - will still take a long time to fully heal.

Hm, no seems i misremembered i thought there was some kind of mention of time having passed in the dialogue with Lana, but rewatching the cutscene there was nothing explicitly stated, so yeah having him still being injured as an excuse would have been much better than the "have to meet some contacts, so bye", not to mention it would even have worked for imp side, though the current excuse on imp side does make sense as well.

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1 minute ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep that kiss is cute, which is why i want it for my JK, even though that's not really my JK, but on the screenshot it'll not be visible anyways.

Yeah dunno why, but i found that Theron and male PC often have some oddities during kisses (one of them being sometime he has some kind of weird backward movement that makes it look like he's trying to escape from the kiss that i've never seen in any other M/M kisses), which is probably one of the reasons why i like the female version more overall (that and being totally biased by my JK and Theron romance, even though they were not a pairing i originally intended to have), and oddly enough i've never seen these oddities with Koth or Arcann and a male PC, so no idea why they're there with Theron.

I am curious for examples of this, the only jank ones I have noticed are just, weird animations of kisses not quite lining up, maybe I just never noticed weird backing up haha 

4 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

On a side note, i so wish Cytharat didn't have that stupid kill option on Makeb, he'd have been great with the whole Malgus stuff, considering he was his apprentice, and i'd have loved to continue that romance with my Nox, never found anyone who was such a good match for him before or since, and i'm really sad that poor guy is still single.

I am sooo sad that poor Cytharat is still single!  Most adorable sith lord deserves love! 

That said, for Theron's sake it's probably good he doesn't show up again because if he stayed in the story, choosing between him and Theron on my agent would genuinely be a mega hard choice 😅

3 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

That would've been a valid reason at least, better than what we got.

But i'd still have prefered him coming with us and disapearing to help with the evacuation even more tbh. He would've been off doing something on his end, but at least he'd have been there to help his old friend and save pub civilians.

Yeah, my HC is definitely that he did go, because it makes absolutely no sense that he doesn't on republic.  But if they had at least made him give a better reason it definitely would have softened the blow. 

Like, Theron being like "You better believe I would go with you if I could, but I'm still not 100%, the doctors gave me a strict no going to warzones yet order." then we coulda got the PC understanding and being like "I know, you're right, I want you with me but I'd rather have you in one piece."  We could have had a sweet scene like that with a valid reason to split them apart instead of...... what we got lol

And yeah, the reason would have worked on imp side just as well as on republic even though like you said the reason on imp side is already actually valid lol


Also I too have 0 concept of what time is in this game or how much time passes other than the 5 year jump 😅  other than that one, most timeframes are vague at best if there are even mentioned at all haha

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am curious for examples of this, the only jank ones I have noticed are just, weird animations of kisses not quite lining up, maybe I just never noticed weird backing up haha 

I'm not as familiar with the M/M kisses as i am with the F/M ones, so i can't really point to a scene in particular, especially since it's not in every kissing scenes It's usually super fast and honestly barely noticeable when you don't pay attention to it, but since first seeing it, i've been unable to unsee it. It mostly happens with M BT2, and even more so with M BT3, where it kinda looks like the PC is going to break Theron's back. But for some reason i've only seen it with Theron, and never with Koth or Arcann.

That being said the F/F kissing animations between a female LI and a female PC other than BT3 are even worse with the PC randomly changing size during the kisses.

And F BT3 with any M BT2 looks super weird as well with the girl shrinking for the kiss, but once again, oddly enough that never happened between my BT3 F SW and Arcann.

So i guess these oddities mostly happen when the PC and the LI are roughly the same size, except for M BT3 with Theron, where i have no idea why it looks so weird, in case of the M/M kisses it may also be due to some of the angles used for the kisses, idk.

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am sooo sad that poor Cytharat is still single!  Most adorable sith lord deserves love! 

That said, for Theron's sake it's probably good he doesn't show up again because if he stayed in the story, choosing between him and Theron on my agent would genuinely be a mega hard choice 😅

I'm very sad as well, honestly he'd probably have mellowed down my Nox a lot, and this is a romance that had a lot of potential. I'll probably try Rivix for my Nox, but i have a feeling it'll not end well, unless Rivix works for the Republic as well, but i'm pretty sure that like every other M/M romance (other than Scourge, but he seems quite unlikely to have more content), Rivix will be killable at some point anyways.

Lol, well you can romance Theron with anyone, Cytharat would only be availalble to male imp characters, for me the choice would be easy, but then i also tend to have unique romances and not have repeats.

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, my HC is definitely that he did go, because it makes absolutely no sense that he doesn't on republic.  But if they had at least made him give a better reason it definitely would have softened the blow. 

Like, Theron being like "You better believe I would go with you if I could, but I'm still not 100%, the doctors gave me a strict no going to warzones yet order." then we coulda got the PC understanding and being like "I know, you're right, I want you with me but I'd rather have you in one piece."  We could have had a sweet scene like that with a valid reason to split them apart instead of...... what we got lol

And yeah, the reason would have worked on imp side just as well as on republic even though like you said the reason on imp side is already actually valid lol


Also I too have 0 concept of what time is in this game or how much time passes other than the 5 year jump 😅  other than that one, most timeframes are vague at best if there are even mentioned at all haha

Yeah it would've been better. Though, considering Theron's personality, i'm not even sure that he'd be the kind of guy to stay behing because of an injury if there is a chance he can do something to help the people he cares about. Tbh, if the reason was him being injured, it would probably have been better if he was all like, "i want to come with you to not be appart anymore and Gnost-Dural is my friend, i have to help him.", and the PC would be like "i'd love for you to come, but you're still injured and you need to rest and heal before risking your life again.", which could also be a nice callback to Rishi where the PC tells him he should be busy healing himself rather than planning an assault.

So, i'll just stay with my HC, that he definitely goes with my JK before going with Gnost-Dural and Doc to help with the evacuation while my JK is busy with Tau and Nadia.

Yeah, they're usually quite vague, you can tell sometimes that things happen one after the other rather quickly and that sometimes it's longer. In most case, if it's not more or less clearly stated otherwise, i'll usually go with the RL time = IG time, but with the recent updates being so far appart from one another it doesn't work as well as it used to.

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4 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

I always took this as Theron not being cleared by medical yet - still on light duties and not allowed to exert himself too much (after all, he took a lightsaber to the gut - you don't get away with just putting a bandaid on that injury and be back in full force the next day...)

This is a cool idea.

Doctor's order to supporting duty will drive Theron crazy but I'd love to see it as a legit reason to keep him from the front line.

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4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm not as familiar with the M/M kisses as i am with the F/M ones, so i can't really point to a scene in particular, especially since it's not in every kissing scenes It's usually super fast and honestly barely noticeable when you don't pay attention to it, but since first seeing it, i've been unable to unsee it. It mostly happens with M BT2, and even more so with M BT3, where it kinda looks like the PC is going to break Theron's back. But for some reason i've only seen it with Theron, and never with Koth or Arcann.

That being said the F/F kissing animations between a female LI and a female PC other than BT3 are even worse with the PC randomly changing size during the kisses.

And F BT3 with any M BT2 looks super weird as well with the girl shrinking for the kiss, but once again, oddly enough that never happened between my BT3 F SW and Arcann.

So i guess these oddities mostly happen when the PC and the LI are roughly the same size, except for M BT3 with Theron, where i have no idea why it looks so weird, in case of the M/M kisses it may also be due to some of the angles used for the kisses, idk.


huh, weiiiiiiiird, both my boys are BT2 same as Theron and I've never noticed anything.  I did have my BT3 fem smuggler kiss Theron on Rishi (but I stopped after that so never saw any more) and if she shrunk for it I honestly didn't notice haha  she very well might have though 😅

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah it would've been better. Though, considering Theron's personality, i'm not even sure that he'd be the kind of guy to stay behing because of an injury if there is a chance he can do something to help the people he cares about. Tbh, if the reason was him being injured, it would probably have been better if he was all like, "i want to come with you to not be appart anymore and Gnost-Dural is my friend, i have to help him.", and the PC would be like "i'd love for you to come, but you're still injured and you need to rest and heal before risking your life again.", which could also be a nice callback to Rishi where the PC tells him he should be busy healing himself rather than planning an assault.

Oh, yes, I like that even better!  Definitely would be very sweet with the call back to Rishi, and very in character for Theron to try and NOT do the doctor ordered resting/light duty 😆 

.....seriously though, how did a couple people in the forums figure out his way better excuse to not take Theron in like 5 minutes and the best the professional writers in the game could come up with was "gotta meet 3 contacts" lmao 🤦‍♀️

Ultimately, a moot point since he did go though.  Canon can eat a lightsaber.  HC forever.  He went to Ossus.

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Forgive me for being contrary but I think it's more realistic that he didn't go to Ossus, especially with an "Imperial" character. I appreciate that you have to do your individual jobs. This is important to detailed worldbuilding and a relatable life. Naturally, being parted from your loved ones is difficult but it is more real.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

huh, weiiiiiiiird, both my boys are BT2 same as Theron and I've never noticed anything.  I did have my BT3 fem smuggler kiss Theron on Rishi (but I stopped after that so never saw any more) and if she shrunk for it I honestly didn't notice haha  she very well might have though 😅

Maybe it was just a few bugged cutscenes and it never happened to you, which is entirely possible

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh, yes, I like that even better!  Definitely would be very sweet with the call back to Rishi, and very in character for Theron to try and NOT do the doctor ordered resting/light duty 😆 

.....seriously though, how did a couple people in the forums figure out his way better excuse to not take Theron in like 5 minutes and the best the professional writers in the game could come up with was "gotta meet 3 contacts" lmao 🤦‍♀️

Ultimately, a moot point since he did go though.  Canon can eat a lightsaber.  HC forever.  He went to Ossus.

Yep, would have been pretty sweet, but like you, canon can off itself, i'll keep the version where he goes with my JK.

1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

Forgive me for being contrary but I think it's more realistic that he didn't go to Ossus, especially with an "Imperial" character. I appreciate that you have to do your individual jobs. This is important to detailed worldbuilding and a relatable life. Naturally, being parted from your loved ones is difficult but it is more real.

We're not complaining that he didn't go on Imp side. Again, i think we all pretty much agree that him not going on Imp side makes perfect sense and the excuse given is also very logical.

What we're complaining about is the Pub side which is lame and it doesn't even really make sense for him not to go. And if they reeaaaally wanted for him not to come on Pub side, then they should have come up with a much better excuse than "have to meet some contacts, so bye", especially since on Pub side our PC basically asks him to come and he also expresses that he'd like to come, so that excuse is the lamest they've ever given for him not being involved.

Edited by Goreshaga
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