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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

toootally agreed.  people who killed off people should be the ones "missing out" on content, not the other way around.  I completely accept that I'm missing out on Torian stuff on Ruhnuk because I couldn't/can't/will never kill Vette, I live with that choice.  If people kill off Theron they should just have to accept that they're missing stuff too.  Instead of having him just never go anywhere for anyone, let him go for people who saved him and people killed him just go in alone, or his role is filled by someone else.  or we just get extra missions that they don't get. 

As a self avowed hater and killer of Theron (but it isn't that kind of post), even I agree with this.

There's no reason why anyone, even who hates him, should feel like they are "missing out" on anything. It's not something we'd want anyway.

I'd be totally fine with people who didn't kill him/Romance him have the option in their stories to still include him. Actually, it would be my preference that people who didn't kill him/Romance did still have him in their stories, because that would make the playerbase that does still want him included happier and more content with the game. The more happier and content the playerbase is, the better for everyone.

IMO, Playing a classical Dark Lord of the Sith, it didn't make any sense to forgive him or let him live and I've never felt bad about putting him down because from my POV he is a proven traitor and he endangered your life and Lana's life, to say nothing of the lives of all the other innocent people on that train, having "well intended" reasons why he did that doesn't change it. Plus he was a pub and I hate pubs.

But, that's just my POV. That shouldn't effect other players right to their own POV and their own decisions, and their own playstyle and stories.

I'd be totally fine with you guys getting extra missions with Theron that we Theron haters/killers don't get. You have every right to your choices and you shouldn't be limited by them and even more so, not limited by the choices of others.

As far as Theron going to Ossus, while I think it doesn't make much sense for him to go on IMPSIDE, most of us probably end up killing his friend, it would have have made total sense for him to go to Ossus Pubside, all the more so because of the presence of his friend, and of course because his girlfriend (or boyfriend) wants him there.

If there is a choice to let Theron live and to have a relationship with him than you shouldn't be limited by different decisions made by other players. He shouldn't be absent from your stories and you shouldn't have to make up head-canon to make sense of why he isn't there. He should be there for you guys.

I didn't come here to upset anyone, so please don't mistake my reasoning for posting. I came to show some solidarity even from someone with an opposing POV on Theron. You have every right to your indignation on his lack of presence in your stories.

I won't post anymore here. I promise. =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
I can't spell at all.
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7 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

As a self avowed hater and killer of Theron (but it isn't that kind of post), even I agree with this.

There's no reason why anyone, even who hates him, should feel like they are "missing out" on anything. It's not something we'd want anyway.

I'd be totally fine with people who didn't kill him/Romance him have the option in their stories to still include him. Actually, it would be my preference that people who didn't kill him/Romance did still have him in their stories, because that would make the playerbase that does still want him included happier and more content with the game. The more happier and content the playerbase is, the better for everyone.

IMO, Playing a classical Dark Lord of the Sith, it didn't make any sense to forgive him or let him live and I've never felt bad about putting him down because from my POV he is a proven traitor and he endangered your life and Lana's life, to say nothing of the lives of all the other innocent people on that train, having "well intended" reasons why he did that doesn't change it. Plus he was a pub and I hate pubs.

But, that's just my POV. That shouldn't effect other players right to their own POV and their own decisions, and their own playstyle and stories.

I'd be totally fine with you guys getting extra missions with Theron that we Theron haters/killers don't get. You have every right to your choices and you shouldn't be limited my them and even more so, not limited by the choices of others.

As far as Theron going to Ossus, while I think it doesn't make much sense for him to go on IMPSIDE, most of us probably end up killing his friend, it would have have made total sense for him to go to Ossus Pubside, all the more so because of the presence of his friend, and of course because his girlfriend (or boyfriend) wants him there.

If there is a choice to let Theron live and to have a relationship with him than you shouldn't be limited by different decisions made by other players. He shouldn't be absent from your stories and you shouldn't have to make up head-canon to make sense of why he isn't there. He should be there for you guys.

I didn't come here to upset anyone, so please don't mistake my reasoning for posting. I came to show some solidarity even from someone with an opposing POV on Theron. You have every right to your indignation on his lack of presence in your stories.

I won't post anymore here . I promise. =]

I can't speak for anyone else, but to me at least this understanding and solidarity are absolutely and completely appreciated, and even more meaningful coming from someone with such a self-confessed polar opposite view and game choices.  Thank you for this ❤️

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On 5/23/2023 at 9:04 AM, yenzin said:

I looked back at that scene in my videos and that is the very first male/Theron kiss seen from the profile side view. 😲 First and only one so far as there have been no kisses since. So that was some nice variety from the over-the-shoulder camera angle.

I know this is, like, yesterday's news, but:

I did some important scientific research on this topic.

My data.  (ignore the janky ones with masks on, my recordings are borked, I have to redo them lol)

My conclusion: there's actually a decent amount of profile or nearly-profile ones!  (the one on the fleet after Corellia - the second to last one - is really long and spins and actually ends completely profile)

Bonus observation: they both tilt their heads the same direction every single time, and it's adorable.  And at least for my sample size of 1 screenshot (since I don't have her playthrough recorded), ladies tilt the opposite direction.  (Perhaps someone with a full female romance playthrough can do similar research and gather more evidence of whether ladies tilt the same way every time too? lol)

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Bonus observation: they both tilt their heads the same direction every single time, and it's adorable.  And at least for my sample size of 1 screenshot (since I don't have her playthrough recorded), ladies tilt the opposite direction.  (Perhaps someone with a full female romance playthrough can do similar research and gather more evidence of whether ladies tilt the same way every time too? lol)

Never really paid attention to this, but yeah, they do. On all screenshots i have, they tilt to the left. Like this one, or this one. Even for the cheek kiss, Theron goes to the left.

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5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Never really paid attention to this, but yeah, they do. On all screenshots i have, they tilt to the left. Like this one, or this one. Even for the cheek kiss, Theron goes to the left.

ty for your addition to my very important scientific research 😍

it's so funny that boys and girls tilt the opposite way!  I guess the devs wanted to go above and beyond to make the kissing have more variety? 😅   idk why but I find it totally adorable that for an individual character it's always the same though.  it's like, yup, them and Theron have an unspoken system and it works and they stick with it, no awkward nose mashing in this relationship hahaha

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perhaps I should have worded it "no awkward nose smacking as they each try to tilt their heads the same direction then both try to fix it at almost the same time"  😅  nose mashing because they just smoosh their little faces together without tilting to the side at all, very cute. ❤️  (in rl anyway.  in game it would be more like face in face janky clipping 😆........ less cute lmao)

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Question for people who have played double agent IA (or anyone else who knows, for that matter): does IA who's been double agent since end of class story who then does saboteur actually get to reveal to Theron that they've been a double agent all long or do they just have same reveal as other saboteurs about being a double agent since post-Nathema and leave you to HC that they reveal everything?  🤔

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I'm fairly certain it's the same reveal with no mention of their earlier defection. That being said, it has been a long time since I took my agent through that conversation, so I may be misremembering.

If no one else is able to chime in to confirm, I'll see if I can find my recording of that conversation to confirm.

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

my day genuinely made, now I wanna get my lil agent boy that far so bad but...... it's gonna be a while, JUST finished the class story, and not even leveled up high enough to do Makeb let alone forged alliances lol  I just want my boy to meet the boy 😆

Spam Hammer Station!

Get rid of the weakness in your blood to meet up Theron!

(PS: it's a joke. You have to say it with the hammer station boss's voice)

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25 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Spam Hammer Station!

Get rid of the weakness in your blood to meet up Theron!

(PS: it's a joke. You have to say it with the hammer station boss's voice)


I will not!  I cannot!  But, thankfully, I do not have to, as I just finished Makeb ☺️  Theron awaits 😍   (well, after 2 1/2 missions, anyway.  stooopid imp side making me wait longer 😅

Gotta admit, after playing it, completely agreed on how good the imp side story is on Makeb, probably the only storyline I like better on imperial.  It was especially fun to play it on agent for the Marr stuff because the amount that they both barely tolerate each other is... hilarious tbh. 😅  Obv this is totally off topic of Theron lol, but just wanted to say thanks for the recommend, everyone who said I needed to play it!

(Oh, and, Cytharat is adorable - yes I am calling a sith lord adorable, I stand by it - and not there even close to long enough btw, just sayin)

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:


I will not!  I cannot!  But, thankfully, I do not have to, as I just finished Makeb ☺️  Theron awaits 😍   (well, after 2 1/2 missions, anyway.  stooopid imp side making me wait longer 😅

Gotta admit, after playing it, completely agreed on how good the imp side story is on Makeb, probably the only storyline I like better on imperial.  It was especially fun to play it on agent for the Marr stuff because the amount that they both barely tolerate each other is... hilarious tbh. 😅  Obv this is totally off topic of Theron lol, but just wanted to say thanks for the recommend, everyone who said I needed to play it!

(Oh, and, Cytharat is adorable - yes I am calling a sith lord adorable, I stand by it - and not there even close to long enough btw, just sayin)

Marr and agent throwing shades at each other is so funny. They have so much salt together they can pickle enough bacon for the whole Imperial army lol

Cytharat is great. I love all the flirt options with him. I also really love that he's the first Sith who's respectful and honorable to the agent.

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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

Marr and agent throwing shades at each other is so funny. They have so much salt together they can pickle enough bacon for the whole Imperial army lol

🤣🤣 100%.

4 hours ago, eabevella said:

Cytharat is great. I love all the flirt options with him. I also really love that he's the first Sith who's respectful and honorable to the agent.

Agreeeed.  I was actually a little worried that romancing him would not make sense on my agent because he really hates sith on account of the whole always being disrespectful of him, racist about his alienness, trying to hurt him, trying to hurt his friends, destroying his life, etc,etc,etc thing.  But then Cytharat was actually immediately kind to him and respectful.  And the very first flirt dialogue not even being flirty but instead "step up and impress me" was so perfect for that too, I took it as like, that was a test (since most sith would totally not stay respectful when challenged in such a way), and Cytharat passed.  He is a very good cute sith boy, and there is no way my agent did not wait around that Makeb orbital station for a few extra days after they told him Cytharat was on his way back from Dromund Kaas 😉

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

🤣🤣 100%.

Agreeeed.  I was actually a little worried that romancing him would not make sense on my agent because he really hates sith on account of the whole always being disrespectful of him, racist about his alienness, trying to hurt him, trying to hurt his friends, destroying his life, etc,etc,etc thing.  But then Cytharat was actually immediately kind to him and respectful.  And the very first flirt dialogue not even being flirty but instead "step up and impress me" was so perfect for that too, I took it as like, that was a test (since most sith would totally not stay respectful when challenged in such a way), and Cytharat passed.  He is a very good cute sith boy, and there is no way my agent did not wait around that Makeb orbital station for a few extra days after they told him Cytharat was on his way back from Dromund Kaas 😉

Love the idea of your agent waiting for Cytharat. He totally should stay in the best suite on the orbital station for a while. He earned it. Just send the bill to Darth Marr XD

PS: There's a details about Cytharat that's (I think) restricted to Sith pc. He was Malgus' apprentice and he's on his way to "redemption" even though he didn't join the coup. I always think it makes his attitude to a non-human or non-pureblood toon more interesting.

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You talking imperial fleet?  if so, best place I've found there for lighting is middle of the VIP lounge because yeaaaaaaah the whole fleet is pretty dark 😅  republic fleet still has a bit of shadowness but there are a few more well lit places... VIP lounge is pretty good on both though.  good place for dancing anyhow!

Speaking of Theron dancing, how long do we have to wait to see Theron dancing in an actual cutscene?  I've needed/wanted it ever since this scene haha

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Something I have noticed playing through imperial SoR: Theron is constantly doing this, and it's my favorite thing.  I always love when he does that pose, and he just can't stop doing it here 😄😍  not that he never does it on republic, but, I just keep noticing it over and over rn haha   imma say this is our reward on imp side for not having as much Theron, he looks real good while he's here 😉

*ahem* anyway, that is all, that's all I had.  carry on 😅 

I've got a slog of a FP to get through so I can go save Theron now


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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Something I have noticed playing through imperial SoR: Theron is constantly doing this, and it's my favorite thing.  I always love when he does that pose, and he just can't stop doing it here 😄😍  not that he never does it on republic, but, I just keep noticing it over and over rn haha   imma say this is our reward on imp side for not having as much Theron, he looks real good while he's here 😉

*ahem* anyway, that is all, that's all I had.  carry on 😅 

I've got a slog of a FP to get through so I can go save Theron now


Yeah, Theron is putting out 200% of his charming spy pose on the Imp side and I love it.

Someone in the SIS has a crush on the pc indeed lol

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7 hours ago, eabevella said:

Yeah, Theron is putting out 200% of his charming spy pose on the Imp side and I love it.

Someone in the SIS has a crush on the pc indeed lol

the fact he clearly has the hugest crush ever and is trying to pretend he doesn't but for a spy is honestly doing a pretty terrible job at pretending he doesn't is my other favorite thing 😂

I genuinely think that by about halfway through Rishi, Lana must just be sitting there watching them internally rolling her eyes and going "OMG JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY AND GET IT OVER WITH" 😅


On a related note, I debated for way too long whether my double agent would take the "you should defect" flirt line, because it was the first one and I didn't wanna miss out a first flirt with my very forward/flirty agent but a) it's not much of a flirt and b) he wants to crumble the Empire not recruit new members lol  but ultimately decided that he would, and that it was actually him testing Theron (in the same way he tested Cytharat's true respectfulness and humility with his first flirt there), kind of a threefold test of "as SIS, does he have any idea I'm a double agent?" (doesn't seem like it), "is he remotely interested?" (definitely) and "is he working with 2 imperials for the right reasons or because he's a bit morally dubious/not so loyal to the republic?" (not morally dubious, good.)  And then I definitely HC that he tells Theron quite a bit later that for the record he doesn't want him to join the Empire and he had been testing him and that he passed. 

idk if that's me doing too many mental gymnastics to justify doing every available flirt line, but I feel like it works😅  I am curious what other people did with that line on their double agents haha

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My agents Don't romance Theron or take the double-agent  option at the end of the class story in order to...


save Watcher 2 on Nathema

but my BH never took a flirt until the end of Rishi. It doesn't effect the same love story at all.

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28 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

the fact he clearly has the hugest crush ever and is trying to pretend he doesn't but for a spy is honestly doing a pretty terrible job at pretending he doesn't is my other favorite thing 😂

I genuinely think that by about halfway through Rishi, Lana must just be sitting there watching them internally rolling her eyes and going "OMG JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY AND GET IT OVER WITH" 😅


On a related note, I debated for way too long whether my double agent would take the "you should defect" flirt line, because it was the first one and I didn't wanna miss out a first flirt with my very forward/flirty agent but a) it's not much of a flirt and b) he wants to crumble the Empire not recruit new members lol  but ultimately decided that he would, and that it was actually him testing Theron (in the same way he tested Cytharat's true respectfulness and humility with his first flirt there), kind of a threefold test of "as SIS, does he have any idea I'm a double agent?" (doesn't seem like it), "is he remotely interested?" (definitely) and "is he working with 2 imperials for the right reasons or because he's a bit morally dubious/not so loyal to the republic?" (not morally dubious, good.)  And then I definitely HC that he tells Theron quite a bit later that for the record he doesn't want him to join the Empire and he had been testing him and that he passed. 

idk if that's me doing too many mental gymnastics to justify doing every available flirt line, but I feel like it works😅  I am curious what other people did with that line on their double agents haha

It's like triathlon but spy game XD

Pretty sure Theron is doing the same to dig a little deep to the infamous Cipher Nine. I bet he did some research after their initial meeting. The SIS probably has some in their top secret record.

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