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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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27 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Vette\Light Male Sith Warrior is my favorite because she's brave enough to demand marriage before sex. 

Khem won't even kiss my SI before he complete his... ritual thing :( he's the ultimate marriage before everything guy.

I do like how Scourge is the one who said he need to take it slow.

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Ok, it may be a total left field choice, but I could see Theron and Scourge.... Theron was a loner who buried all his feelings for ages, Scourge didn't even have feelings for ages, both of them could relearn relationships together.....................

(Ok, maybe I'm projecting because I'm still sad I couldn't date Scourge during class story and then had to friendzone him when he came back 😅  But......... someone could probably write that fanfic and make it work, probably 😂)

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As is respecting one's partner's wishes. 💖

I can actually easily imagine Theron in an asexual relationship. Such a relationship would be full of soft kisses, cuddling, gifts, quality time together, and romantic walks and picnics. 🥰

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Well, he is written as a person who isn't about himself even though he's a self-confessed lone wolf. He's all about making things better for all. If a partner becomes disabled or physically incapable of full intercourse would he dump them? No. So why would he not love someone who has different physical needs? I think he would love a person as they are.

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Next up on our 🌟 Highlight Shan's Abilities Showcase 🌟, I present the Bounty Hunter's Champion of the Great Hunt Blacklist.

Not only does Theron somehow hack into the BH's ship from a completely different solar system while planetside, he also managed to find out about the Blacklist -  a super, top-secret, very hush-hush list that only a very select few know about - and hack into it to doctor all the listings. All in order to lead the BH to Rishi. 

I find all of that to be very impressive. 🤩

Next to that, tracking the IA's ship seems like just another day at the office. 😂

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added a scene to the video. new link.
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On the topic of Theron just loving a person for who they are and not caring about physical things, I totally agree, but I am also extremely biased  😅  I specifically designed my JK to have major burn scars and to need to wear a rebreather mask (my HC being that he also has equally scarred lungs and can only take it off for short periods at a time), and I did not go into that character planning to romance him with Theron at all, but once I did, I loved the idea that Theron would see past a physical trait that other people might be put off by and still fall madly in love anyway, and it's one of the reasons that they became my favorite of my Theron romances.  ☺️

21 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Next up on our 🌟 Highlight Shan's Abilities Showcase 🌟, I present the Bounty Hunter's Champion of the Great Hunt Blacklist.

Not only does Theron somehow hack into the BH's ship from a completely different solar system while planetside, he also managed to find out about the Blacklist -  a super, top-secret, very hush-hush list that only a very select few know about - and hack into it to doctor all the listings. All in order to lead the BH to Rishi. 

I find all of that to be very impressive. 🤩

Next to that, tracking the IA's ship seems like just another day at the office. 😂

omg 😂  he seriously went all out to pull in some of the characters.  I have to say, getting a physical tracking device on their ship with no one noticing actually feels more impressive to me considering how good I already know Theron is at finding out information and slicing..... everything.  But both are a serious feat!  Our boy is so incredibly talented and resourceful ☺️

I think Jedi Knight was probably (definitely) the lowest effort one on Theron's part, literally just added Rishi to their computer and got lucky that JK had a force vision about it as well 😅........... unless Theron somehow gave him a force vision (or Lana, which would make more sense lol)................................. 🤔

edit: I forgot to ask: do you have the JC one?  I remember Zenith actually saying something and it being the very last time he says anything until Onslaught and I want to know if I made that up in my head or not 😅

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

HAVOC's ship and computers isn't an easy feat either.

One day I'll actually get around to levelling a trooper and then see Theron in action for that one too. 😄

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:


omg 😂  he seriously went all out to pull in some of the characters.  I have to say, getting a physical tracking device on their ship with no one noticing actually feels more impressive to me considering how good I already know Theron is at finding out information and slicing..... everything.  But both are a serious feat!  Our boy is so incredibly talented and resourceful ☺️

I think Jedi Knight was probably (definitely) the lowest effort one on Theron's part, literally just added Rishi to their computer and got lucky that JK had a force vision about it as well 😅........... unless Theron somehow gave him a force vision (or Lana, which would make more sense lol)................................. 🤔

Good point. How did that tracker get on there? Did Theron sneak off after that conversation on Manaan, sneak onboard Agent's ship and plant it then? Was that last conversation with Lana actually a diversion? 🤯 Or, did he get on the ship, pull the tracker out and think to himself, 'Huh, actually, it's been a while since I've had a real challenge.' 😏 Theron then proceeds to instead plant a bug somewhere on the ship and leave. Later, he sneaks into Imperial air space and onto Dromund Kaas where Agent's ship has docked in order to sneak back onto the ship there and plant the tracker then. 😂 

Theron: (satisfied as he flies out of Imperial space and back towards Rishi) Mission accomplished. 😏

Well... since you asked so nicely... 😁 Here you go, one JC video of being led to Rishi through expert SIS 🤩 slicing and a Force vision. Complete with Zenith. 😉 🌟


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4 minutes ago, yenzin said:

One day I'll actually get around to levelling a trooper and then see Theron in action for that one too. 😄

Good point. How did that tracker get on there? Did Theron sneak off after that conversation on Manaan, sneak onboard Agent's ship and plant it then? Was that last conversation with Lana actually a diversion? 🤯 Or, did he get on the ship, pull the tracker out and think to himself, 'Huh, actually, it's been a while since I've had a real challenge.' 😏 Theron then proceeds to instead plant a bug somewhere on the ship and leave. Later, he sneaks into Imperial air space and onto Dromund Kaas where Agent's ship has docked in order to sneak back onto the ship there and plant the tracker then. 😂 

Theron: (satisfied as he flies out of Imperial space and back towards Rishi) Mission accomplished. 😏


tbh, sneaking off after the convo on Manaan does actually seem likely.... but then, the no one seeing him part?  Still impressive.  Agent may have been with Lana but the rest of his crew wasn't!  Maybe he had a stealth generator, sneaky boy after my own heart 😉 (I play only stealth combat styles lol)

6 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Well... since you asked so nicely... 😁 Here you go, one JC video of being led to Rishi through expert SIS 🤩 slicing and a Force vision. Complete with Zenith. 😉 🌟

ty 😍  I didn't dream it!  And I love that he's the one who knows wtf Rishi is, and gets in a sass line about dumb pirates 😂 (also, like, basically says how talented Theron is without saying how talented Theron is 😉)

I have to say though, I think that's the closest to Theron that Zenith has ever sounded (I mean, super fair though, he'd probably been playing just Theron and no Zenith for so long at that point that he didn't do Zenith's voice quite the same as before), and since I hadn't taken Zenith around as companion on my first run, this was the closest in time I heard Zenith to when I met Theron, so it's kind of no wonder I thought they sounded so similar when I first met Theron but don't actually think so now that I listen to them both all the time 😅

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8 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, it may be a total left field choice, but I could see Theron and Scourge.... Theron was a loner who buried all his feelings for ages, Scourge didn't even have feelings for ages, both of them could relearn relationships together.....................

(Ok, maybe I'm projecting because I'm still sad I couldn't date Scourge during class story and then had to friendzone him when he came back 😅  But......... someone could probably write that fanfic and make it work, probably 😂)

Also Revan would be PISSED so that's an extra point for the both of them (I'm still salty that Scourge doesn't have dialogue options with Revan in SoR and I always think Theron doesn't think highly of his ancestor after the kidnapping)

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6 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Also Revan would be PISSED so that's an extra point for the both of them (I'm still salty that Scourge doesn't have dialogue options with Revan in SoR and I always think Theron doesn't think highly of his ancestor after the kidnapping)

omg didn't even think of that aspect, but it's true, Revan would be SO pissed lmao.  Plus, ya know, just generally, Scourge knew Revan and here's Revan's sexy descendant........ 😉  (........this ship idea should not be convincing me so much rn haha)

100% agreed though, I think it's so weird and a real missed opportunity that Scourge gets no background dialogue through all of SoR, if any one single companion in the whole game should have it's him.  I took him with me the whole time and not a peep!  He could//should/would have had so much to contribute.

And yeah, preeeetty sure Theron definitely doesn't think very highly of Revan after he literally got tortured by him 🥺  At least certainly not throughout the rest of the SoR mission.  I actually wish we got some input from Theron afterward though, after the two Revans merged, about his thoughts/feelings on it.  Because he got tortured by one Revan but he learns there that that was basically his evil half and not the "real" Revan, not really.  So how would he feel after learning that 🤔

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23 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg didn't even think of that aspect, but it's true, Revan would be SO pissed lmao.  Plus, ya know, just generally, Scourge knew Revan and here's Revan's sexy descendant........ 😉  (........this ship idea should not be convincing me so much rn haha)

100% agreed though, I think it's so weird and a real missed opportunity that Scourge gets no background dialogue through all of SoR, if any one single companion in the whole game should have it's him.  I took him with me the whole time and not a peep!  He could//should/would have had so much to contribute.

And yeah, preeeetty sure Theron definitely doesn't think very highly of Revan after he literally got tortured by him 🥺  At least certainly not throughout the rest of the SoR mission.  I actually wish we got some input from Theron afterward though, after the two Revans merged, about his thoughts/feelings on it.  Because he got tortured by one Revan but he learns there that that was basically his evil half and not the "real" Revan, not really.  So how would he feel after learning that 🤔

Scourge has zero line during SoR made me just headcanon that he and Revan are having a pissy contest of "who can pretend the other person doesn't exist for the longest time" and my JK was not impressed at all.

I wish there's more input from Theron. Let him say how he feel about it, or, I dunno, give us a bit more information about how the Republic/Jedi took the news of The Foundry. Did the Republic/Jedi know Revan was going to kill everyone with Pureblood gene? Did Revan run away from the Republic/Jedi and went to The Foundry on his own? I think it's pretty reasonable for Theron to dig out all those info after he knew about the Revanites.

Or just let us tell him "good riddance to your ancestor" lol

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9 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Scourge has zero line during SoR made me just headcanon that he and Revan are having a pissy contest of "who can pretend the other person doesn't exist for the longest time" and my JK was not impressed at all.

omg 🤣  I am.... completely stealing that, new HC.

9 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I wish there's more input from Theron. Let him say how he feel about it, or, I dunno, give us a bit more information about how the Republic/Jedi took the news of The Foundry. Did the Republic/Jedi know Revan was going to kill everyone with Pureblood gene? Did Revan run away from the Republic/Jedi and went to The Foundry on his own? I think it's pretty reasonable for Theron to dig out all those info after he knew about the Revanites.

Or just let us tell him "good riddance to your ancestor" lol

Since we never got it on screen, I definitely have to HC that Theron talks way more about his Revan feelings off screen, especially with a LI (albeit maybe not til later, after they're in a proper romance?).  Like, especially about his torture by Revan, because he briefly mentions in the imperial version what kind of things they did to him but he says nothing on republic side (the closest being that he was hurt bad enough that he says he probably needs to be in a kolto tank but has too much to do) and of course unsurprisingly he keeps his emotions about it - other than anger at Lana - totally hidden from everyone.... but there is no way, even with his mental fortitude and all those implants to help with physical pain and everything, that being tortured by his own ancestor that should have been long dead did not take at least some sort of psychological or emotional toll on him.  I like to think he talks about it at some point, probably prompted because he is not so good at just sharing his inner feelings without being prompted.  Would have been nice to have at least a tidbit of an insight at the end of SoR though.

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6 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg 🤣  I am.... completely stealing that, new HC.

Since we never got it on screen, I definitely have to HC that Theron talks way more about his Revan feelings off screen, especially with a LI (albeit maybe not til later, after they're in a proper romance?).  Like, especially about his torture by Revan, because he briefly mentions in the imperial version what kind of things they did to him but he says nothing on republic side (the closest being that he was hurt bad enough that he says he probably needs to be in a kolto tank but has too much to do) and of course unsurprisingly he keeps his emotions about it - other than anger at Lana - totally hidden from everyone.... but there is no way, even with his mental fortitude and all those implants to help with physical pain and everything, that being tortured by his own ancestor that should have been long dead did not take at least some sort of psychological or emotional toll on him.  I like to think he talks about it at some point, probably prompted because he is not so good at just sharing his inner feelings without being prompted.  Would have been nice to have at least a tidbit of an insight at the end of SoR though.

Scourge is so HUGE and he just stood there saying nothing it's so awkward I have to rationalize it XD

I definitely think Theron would talk a bit more about how he felt about the whole ordeal to a Pub side toon, when asked about it. They have more time post mission and there's no need to worry about consequences.

As for on the Imp side, I think Theron will bottle it up until the Alliance is a thing. I bet he was more surprised that the player toon didn't participate in Lana's plan, especially if chose the "make Lana apologize" option.

In my HC, Theron pretended he's ok to my JK because she'd ask Doc to check him which is... yikes lol but my Agent took the "let's talk more" option and gave him some first aid treatment (gotta put that 2nd combat style to good use. Sniper/OP ftw). My agent may or may not also mentioned that time he volunteered to be tortured for 20+ hour to make a point about how a certain Sith should've trust Theron's capability.

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Long time forum lurker here, but after reading a bunch of this thread for the billionth time, I figured I should post and say how much I love this thread and everyone who posts in it. I 100% play SWTOR for the story (and the romances) and after however many years playing, I have my headcanon for my main characters and the various NPCs of the game fairly set. But I freaking LOVE reading how other people interpret their characters and their relationships with Theron (and others). 

Some are similar to what I headcanon and some are wildly different, and I love it all. So, I really appreciate all of you sharing your characters' stories and interpretations of Theron's actions/decisions at various point of the game. 😊

And of course, Theron is the best spy boy (Jonas, Chance I love both of you too, but you ain't got nothing on Theron). When he first showed up in the story, I was playing my JK, who despite being in a happy relationship with Doc, I couldn't resist taking those flirt options just to see what Theron's response would be. I was constantly exiting out of conversations, because I didn't want those choices to save because my knight wouldn't flirt. Then, when I realized that there wouldn't be more than just one or two flirt lines with him, I very quickly rolled a new Agent and ran through the story at top speed so I could start her romancing Theron ASAP. 

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57 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Scourge is so HUGE and he just stood there saying nothing it's so awkward I have to rationalize it XD

I definitely think Theron would talk a bit more about how he felt about the whole ordeal to a Pub side toon, when asked about it. They have more time post mission and there's no need to worry about consequences.

As for on the Imp side, I think Theron will bottle it up until the Alliance is a thing. I bet he was more surprised that the player toon didn't participate in Lana's plan, especially if chose the "make Lana apologize" option.

totally agreed on all this, I think if prompted he would open up on Yavin (or on the way there) with a republic character, but not an imperial character, not then, not until later. 

tbh I got the impression that by the end of Yavin on imp side he was still trying to convince himself he wasn't totally crazy for being into/having a fling with an imperial who's gonna go back to being enemies after this.  He opened up about his past and his Satele feelings, but he doesn't talk about it in a way that indicates to the listener that he has trauma about it, he says it all very matter of fact (same as he does with republic, even though I think even moreso for republic character he is fooling absolutely no one with his "it's fine" act lol).... but opening up about very recent trauma?  that's a bit different.  I think it would be harder for him.

1 hour ago, eabevella said:

My agent may or may not also mentioned that time he volunteered to be tortured for 20+ hour to make a point about how a certain Sith should've trust Theron's capability.

whether to make a point or not, agent and Theron definitely deserve to talk about how they have both gone through torture, and agent didn't even have implants to help 😥

speaking of talking about shared traumas, totally off topic of agent, but, Theron and every single PC (romantic or not) deserve the chance to talk about how they both barely survived lightsabers to the chest.  and the fact the PC only survived because Valkorian was in their head, and Theron's experience was obviously so painful that he still collapsed and passed out despite literally having implants to block pain (so either they couldn't kick in fast enough or they weren't enough).  🥺

32 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

Long time forum lurker here, but after reading a bunch of this thread for the billionth time, I figured I should post and say how much I love this thread and everyone who posts in it. I 100% play SWTOR for the story (and the romances) and after however many years playing, I have my headcanon for my main characters and the various NPCs of the game fairly set. But I freaking LOVE reading how other people interpret their characters and their relationships with Theron (and others). 

Some are similar to what I headcanon and some are wildly different, and I love it all. So, I really appreciate all of you sharing your characters' stories and interpretations of Theron's actions/decisions at various point of the game. 😊

And of course, Theron is the best spy boy (Jonas, Chance I love both of you too, but you ain't got nothing on Theron). When he first showed up in the story, I was playing my JK, who despite being in a happy relationship with Doc, I couldn't resist taking those flirt options just to see what Theron's response would be. I was constantly exiting out of conversations, because I didn't want those choices to save because my knight wouldn't flirt. Then, when I realized that there wouldn't be more than just one or two flirt lines with him, I very quickly rolled a new Agent and ran through the story at top speed so I could start her romancing Theron ASAP. 


There is no such thing as too much love for the Best Spy Boy, it is wonderful to have a new face around here ☺️

Feel free to share as many of your own character and relationship insights/stories as you like!  More Theron love, more better 😉

I have to say, you have much better self-control than me being able to stick to your character's guns and make a whole new character to hook up with Theron, I had 0 self-control and made my JC who had never done a single flirt and was all about the Jedi code starting flirting with him right away in KotFE because I couldn't resist, and then I found a way to justify it after 😅  (no regrets, but, I did waffle over the decision real hard before I realized there was no way I wasn't giving in to the adorable spy boy lmao)

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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

totally agreed on all this, I think if prompted he would open up on Yavin (or on the way there) with a republic character, but not an imperial character, not then, not until later. 

tbh I got the impression that by the end of Yavin on imp side he was still trying to convince himself he wasn't totally crazy for being into/having a fling with an imperial who's gonna go back to being enemies after this.  He opened up about his past and his Satele feelings, but he doesn't talk about it in a way that indicates to the listener that he has trauma about it, he says it all very matter of fact (same as he does with republic, even though I think even moreso for republic character he is fooling absolutely no one with his "it's fine" act lol).... but opening up about very recent trauma?  that's a bit different.  I think it would be harder for him.

whether to make a point or not, agent and Theron definitely deserve to talk about how they have both gone through torture, and agent didn't even have implants to help 😥

speaking of talking about shared traumas, totally off topic of agent, but, Theron and every single PC (romantic or not) deserve the chance to talk about how they both barely survived lightsabers to the chest.  and the fact the PC only survived because Valkorian was in their head, and Theron's experience was obviously so painful that he still collapsed and passed out despite literally having implants to block pain (so either they couldn't kick in fast enough or they weren't enough).  🥺

There are a lot of things Theron can talk about on the way to Yavin-4, if he doesn't try to avoid any... emotional exchange and decides to take a ride on Jakarro's ship lol

The lightsaber stab always made me cringe because normal people can't survive a lightsaber to the chest unless maybe perhaps there's a medical team and a kolto tank sitting at the side of the room. But the animation is kind of awkward. It looked like he's actually stabbed in the liver, which is still very bad if it's an irl wound but at least more plausible than a chest wound... I overthink whenever something doesn't make sense to me...

But honestly, I wish there's more conversation regarding everything he's been through.

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4 hours ago, eabevella said:

There are a lot of things Theron can talk about on the way to Yavin-4, if he doesn't try to avoid any... emotional exchange and decides to take a ride on Jakarro's ship lol

The lightsaber stab always made me cringe because normal people can't survive a lightsaber to the chest unless maybe perhaps there's a medical team and a kolto tank sitting at the side of the room. But the animation is kind of awkward. It looked like he's actually stabbed in the liver, which is still very bad if it's an irl wound but at least more plausible than a chest wound... I overthink whenever something doesn't make sense to me...

But honestly, I wish there's more conversation regarding everything he's been through.

My HC has always been that my characters (well, the republic ones) parked their ship in Satele's flagship for the ride so that they could see Theron at least a few times on the way and hopefully talk more (I always assumed Theron meant it when he told Satele they could talk on the way to Yavin so I don't think he flew with Jakarro, even if part of him might have really been tempted to lol).  Obviously imperial would be different, Theron was more mad at Satele so he might have gone with Jakarro and an imperial character would not hitch a ride with Satele either haha


With Theron's stabbing, like you said, the animation is always a bit jank, but to me it always looked like he got stabbed in the abdomen (off to the side a little), which, unless the person is super unlucky with what it hits on the way through, is definitely something survivable (despite what hollywood tells you, people can survive for a surprisingly long time after getting shot or stabbed in the gut, especially if you don't pull out what you were stabbed with and make the wound bleed out!  and lightsabers would cauterize the wound so bleeding out would not be a factor).  He would definitely be in real bad shape and need to get to medical treatment ASAP just like Lana says, but to me it was always entirely believable that he was able to survive the wound from where it looked like it hit him.  (Him walking away from the scene supported by only one person, maybe less believable lol, but, he does have that pain resisting implant and the wound is cauterized and he is limping real hard, so, I give it a pass 😅)

The PC getting stabbed by Arcann on the other hand definitely always looked like dead center through the chest, would not have survived that without Valkorian 🥺

Theron has been through so much 😥, and frankly the PC has too (some classes even more than others - JK and agent probably the most?  as JK has trauma from being controlled by the Emperor and the agent, well.  everything), they totally both deserve to open up to each other, it would be so nice to have more actual dialogue in game about it (obviously there's been a few little things, just not much), but since there isn't I just have a lot of HCs about it.

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I think it goes without saying that for things that are known about, there is an understanding regardless, but, especially with characters who have shared trauma with him (like, things he may not know about from before, or that he wasn't there for), I think they deserve to at least open up about the fact it happened and that they share that, to have that understanding. 

Theron may not be able or willing to fully express all his inner feelings of pain about things that have happened to him, and I think he doesn't necessarily have to as anyone who loves him (especially a force user) would be able to see/know how he feels without him actually saying it (I mean like I've said many times, him constantly claiming that he's totally fine and not traumatized at all about being abandoned as a baby is fooling no one), but he deserves to have someone he can talk to at least about the fact things happened, especially if they both had similar things happen to them before or if it was an experience they both went through but differently (like, for example, Theron nearly dying vs his bf/gf losing him then getting him back then almost losing him forever).

And yes, whether Theron or anyone else, having a full on therapy session may not be right for everyone with trauma but acknowleding that it happened and that it was a traumatic or painful experience is always healthier than bottling it up completely.

I think Theron has (especially in the past) always bottled stuff up or tried to pretend things didn't affect him, but there are multiple examples in the story where he shows he is willing to open up about at least about some things to his bf/gf (I mean, he has opened up a lot about his worrying and fears about losing them and stress and such in his letters, and he talks about how painful leaving them on Umbara was, etc), and I'm sure he would open up about other things with them as well, especially if they opened up first.

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Going back a bit to some dialogues we talked about previously.

So after raising Senya's influence by about 25 lvls, upgrading a bit my gear and changing my CS i was finally able to defeat the GEMINI captain and record the dialogues with Theron in chapter 16. Please forgive my absolute lack of editing skills, and therefore all options being in their own video, so here are option 1, option 2 and option 3 with a female JK. I really don't know which one i like the most, and some weird facial animations kinda ruined the mood at some points.

Then the reunion with Theron in chapter 9, so apparently not having Theron mention Valkorion was a bug the first time i played that chapter because he did mention Lana talking about him this time. And as a bonus i quite like Theron's "Guess the Emperor did a number on your brain" line when you decide to mess a bit with him during the reunion, though that's definitely not what i'd actually pick.


Now back to the current discussion, i could see Theron opening up to my JK about what happened to him with Revan, mostly bacause i imagine she opened up to him about what happened to her during her time in the Emperor's fortress (which in my HC involves quite a bit of torture, and the scars on her face and throat are only the visibles ones she got from that)

Edited by Goreshaga
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See, I don't think what Revan did to him mattered to him that much. It was what Lana did that did any damage. The physical stuff while intense, wouldn't be important, they're the consequences of the life he chose.

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