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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Just got my male JK through Rishi... omg I forgot how hostile Marr is on the Pub side version of story.

Interesting how the imp side has 1 flirt option when Theron escaped from the Revanite but pub side doesn't.

I do love how JK said "tell me where Theron is or I'll tear this whole base apart". The protectiveness is really nice.

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53 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Just got my male JK through Rishi... omg I forgot how hostile Marr is on the Pub side version of story.

Interesting how the imp side has 1 flirt option when Theron escaped from the Revanite but pub side doesn't.

I do love how JK said "tell me where Theron is or I'll tear this whole base apart". The protectiveness is really nice.

yessss the "I will tear this place to the ground" line is one of my very favorites in the whole SoR story, if not the whole game tbh.  I don't even think it's a romantic specific line, but not sure.  I love how JK delivers it too, you absolutely believe that even though it would be a last resort because he is a Jedi, he would utterly destroy anyone and everyone who gets in the way of saving Theron. 

Likewise, I totally took the "I'll tear you apart for what you did to Theron" line in the Nathema Conspiracy, because it feels so in character after the Rishi line.  (And when he says that line I always assume that as a Jedi he obviously knows Theron is still alive, he would definitely feel it if he died, but even just hurting Theron that much is enough to make him that angry and willing to threaten.  Fits perfectly too with the line to Arn later, which I also love a lot: "We all feel that pull from the dark side sometimes, it's part of the force, part of all of us, but it doesn't control you unless you let it."  I definitely headcanon that that advice to Arn is based at least partly if not largely on that experience with Theron, as the pull from the dark side was really strong there, but he overcame it.)

(And the fact he was able to overcome it and still be perfectly good just proves that Jedi being in love is not the problem and the Jedi council has dumb rules, just saying lol.)

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg, that is so many romances!  I.... have a long way to go to even remotely catch up 😅

It makes me really happy knowing how many other people love fem IA/Vector, I wasn't sure if that was popular or not but they are soooooo cute.  And I feel very strongly that he is the super honest, open, and genuine person that the IA who has been lied to and betrayed so many times absolutely deserves.

If you do end up deciding to do a male JK romance and choosing between those two, I have to say:  (I spoiler tag in case you don't want to hear my opinions, plus some very mild spoilers lol)

Lol, i like my characters to have a unique romance, and that did let me see some nice aspects of some characters that you can only see when you romance them, like how sweet and romantic Jorgan can be when romanced compared to how stiff and grumpy he usually is.

Yeah, i think Vector is the best thing that ever happened to F IA.

Yeah, i'm not entirely sure, i may end up going for Kira during the class story, if only to have that whole part about Theron (too bad there is not a dialogue about that for JKs who don't romance her, because i think that's something my F JK would find interesting). And if i don't like it i can always switch to Scourge later.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have to say, this makes me more glad I didn't play through female JK haha  I don't think I could handle him hitting on my character.  on male JK he only hits on Kira and she hates him and constantly sasses him and it makes me love Kira more 🤣   male JK also has the best lines to sass Doc with himself lol

You can shut him down pretty quickly (i think it takes like 2 convos) if you keep playing the "I'm a Jedi" card, after that he tries with Kira who then does basically the same as she does with a male JK. Thing is that just didn't suit my JK's personality (especially considering how little her being a Jedi matters when she starts flriting with Theron), she's sarcastic and a loud mouth, so telleing him she'd not be interested even if he was the last living being in the galaxy was more her style, but it's the critical flirt that locks you into the romance.

Fem JK tells him exactly the same thing, i always pick that line at that moment.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg I did not ever get that line on any character!  do you know what dialogue prompt you chose to make him say that?  I want to hear it 😅  ....I wonder if I have not gotten it because it is an alternate option to the "any relation to Satele" line, which I always choose because I love his "this is why I keep asking for a code name" line so much haha

Yep that's at that moment, to get that line you have to pick option 3 : "You never mentioned Korriban". The JK will say : "The homeworld of the Sith...this is much more serious than you led me to believe." to which Theron will answer : "Oh. I assumed you'd just grab the facts right out of my head".

I don't have the exact dialogue for the Smuggler but it basically goes something like that "i'd have asked to be payed in advance if i had known", and Theron will answer something along the lines of "i wonder why i didn't mention it..." But it sounds a lot less flirty than the Jedi one, he sounds like he doesn't really respect the Smuggler. Jc probably has the same dialogue as JK, and i don't know how it goes for Trooper as i've never tried it.

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9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Lol, i like my characters to have a unique romance, and that did let me see some nice aspects of some characters that you can only see when you romance them, like how sweet and romantic Jorgan can be when romanced compared to how stiff and grumpy he usually is.

I am actually a bit tempted to do Aric Jorgan romance because I like him a lot.... but idk if I could get past the trooper sounding like Satele thing to romance her with someone 😅  I will have to play her some more and see (I'm only at like the second planet so far lol  barely started)

9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, i'm not entirely sure, i may end up going for Kira during the class story, if only to have that whole part about Theron (too bad there is not a dialogue about that for JKs who don't romance her, because i think that's something my F JK would find interesting). And if i don't like it i can always switch to Scourge later.

If you do romance Kira, I am actually curious to see what you think of it haha, maybe you will find it really fun and I'm just weird 😆  Scourge though..... I still wish I hadn't had to friendzone Scourge as I wanted to romance him during class story but couldn't 🥲  but Scourge was yeaaaars too late realizing he was in love with him, and Theron got there first.

9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

You can shut him down pretty quickly (i think it takes like 2 convos) if you keep playing the "I'm a Jedi" card, after that he tries with Kira who then does basically the same as she does with a male JK. Thing is that just didn't suit my JK's personality (especially considering how little her being a Jedi matters when she starts flriting with Theron), she's sarcastic and a loud mouth, so telleing him she'd not be interested even if he was the last living being in the galaxy was more her style, but it's the critical flirt that locks you into the romance.

Fem JK tells him exactly the same thing, i always pick that line at that moment.

ah ok haha  I personally hate when character blatantly hit on my character, so you better believe I woulda done literally anything to shut him down, I definitely would use the "I'm a Jedi, f*** off" lol

I am curious to hear all those lines from female JK haha  I love how male JK delivers them, it cracks me up every single time.

9 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep that's at that moment, to get that line you have to pick option 3 : "You never mentioned Korriban". The JK will say : "The homeworld of the Sith...this is much more serious than you led me to believe." to which Theron will answer : "Oh. I assumed you'd just grab the facts right out of my head".

I don't have the exact dialogue for the Smuggler but it basically goes something like that "i'd have asked to be payed in advance if i had known", and Theron will answer something along the lines of "i wonder why i didn't mention it..." But it sounds a lot less flirty than the Jedi one, he sounds like he doesn't really respect the Smuggler. Jc probably has the same dialogue as JK, and i don't know how it goes for Trooper as i've never tried it.

Ah, option 3, that explains.  I am always so wary of picking option 3 (at least on my Jedi) because so often they are the meaner/darker lines and the prompts are often bad at expressing what line will be said and I don't wanna say something mean on accident... so usually I just avoid that slot 🫠

..........which works out great until the devs suddenly decide to put a bloody THERON FLIRT LINE in the third spot one time out of nowhere when flirts are literally always in the top two and I miss it because I always instinctively avoid that slot and click on one of the top two options too fast, and then I can't even esc out the cutscene to redo it 😡 (still mad about that lol)

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9 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

yessss the "I will tear this place to the ground" line is one of my very favorites in the whole SoR story, if not the whole game tbh.  I don't even think it's a romantic specific line, but not sure.  I love how JK delivers it too, you absolutely believe that even though it would be a last resort because he is a Jedi, he would utterly destroy anyone and everyone who gets in the way of saving Theron. 

Likewise, I totally took the "I'll tear you apart for what you did to Theron" line in the Nathema Conspiracy, because it feels so in character after the Rishi line.  (And when he says that line I always assume that as a Jedi he obviously knows Theron is still alive, he would definitely feel it if he died, but even just hurting Theron that much is enough to make him that angry and willing to threaten.  Fits perfectly too with the line to Arn later, which I also love a lot: "We all feel that pull from the dark side sometimes, it's part of the force, part of all of us, but it doesn't control you unless you let it."  I definitely headcanon that that advice to Arn is based at least partly if not largely on that experience with Theron, as the pull from the dark side was really strong there, but he overcame it.)

(And the fact he was able to overcome it and still be perfectly good just proves that Jedi being in love is not the problem and the Jedi council has dumb rules, just saying lol.)

About the Dark Side... stabbing Saresh is the few but the best DS point my JK got. Manipulative [censored] trying to pull the "you're a Jedi, you don't do stab-stab" card but failed. I'm so glad Theron is *amused* and *approved* when you pick the kill option. It's not bad to remove trash.

Nepotism in any organization is dangerous, I get why the Jedi council want to prevent that, because they don't want to end up like the Sith. The problem, to me at least, is that Jedi aren't volunteer like other religious position with the same no-relationship rule irl, they were taken as small children and basically have to be a Jedi or work in associated places if they're not powerful enough in the Force department. Not all of them fit the no romantic love rule and it's against human nature just to deny it.

The way they deal with the... byproduct of romantic love is also problematic. Take the redhead Jedi Master from JC class story whose daughter got infected by the Force plague for example. Dude f-ed a woman and had a daughter. He got to see his daughter everyday and had a good relationship with her because she's Force sensitive. But what about the mother? She got dumped because lol sorry you can't see your own daughter because she's a Jedi now and attachment is bad. The Jedi didn't take any responsibility nor paid for the supposedly forbidden action here, the non-Force sensitive mom did, even thought there's no rule against romantic relationship on her side.

Satele also abandoned Theron because he's not Force sensitive and look what did the action do to Theron? Life-long trauma. It's such a d*ck move to raise a kid because omg he's the love-product of a legendary Jedi bloodline and then ditched the child because oh noes the kid is not Force sensitive and thus useless to the Order. They could've have given Theron a completely different name and give him to some good foster home. If he turns out to be Force Sensitive, the Order could recruit him without all the burden of the Revan-Shan bloodline. If he isn't Force Sensitive, he could just live a normal life. Jedi has the power and resources to do so. But no, they can't give up the possibility of getting a baby from a legendary bloodline. So much for no attachment. I have so much issue about the execution of the Jedi Order's rule but that'll be a long rant so I'll jsut stop here lol

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33 minutes ago, eabevella said:

About the Dark Side... stabbing Saresh is the few but the best DS point my JK got. Manipulative [censored] trying to pull the "you're a Jedi, you don't do stab-stab" card but failed. I'm so glad Theron is *amused* and *approved* when you pick the kill option. It's not bad to remove trash.

lmao you have no idea how tempted I was to kill Suresh, especially since I know Theron is happy about it hahaha

Even if I wouldn't have taken it on my pure light Jedi, I wish there was a dark side option to be like "Theron, wanna do the honors" lol

33 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Nepotism in any organization is dangerous, I get why the Jedi council want to prevent that, because they don't want to end up like the Sith. The problem, to me at least, is that Jedi aren't volunteer like other religious position with the same no-relationship rule irl, they were taken as small children and basically have to be a Jedi or work in associated places if they're not powerful enough in the Force department. Not all of them fit the no romantic love rule and it's against human nature just to deny it.

The way they deal with the... byproduct of romantic love is also problematic. Take the redhead Jedi Master from JC class story whose daughter got infected by the Force plague for example. Dude f-ed a woman and had a daughter. He got to see his daughter everyday and had a good relationship with her because she's Force sensitive. But what about the mother? She got dumped because lol sorry you can't see your own daughter because she's a Jedi now and attachment is bad. The Jedi didn't take any responsibility nor paid for the supposedly forbidden action here, the non-Force sensitive mom did, even thought there's no rule against romantic relationship on her side.

Satele also abandoned Theron because he's not Force sensitive and look what did the action do to Theron? Life-long trauma. It's such a d*ck move to raise a kid because omg he's the love-product of a legendary Jedi bloodline and then ditched the child because oh noes the kid is not Force sensitive and thus useless to the Order. They could've have given Theron a completely different name and give him to some good foster home. If he turns out to be Force Sensitive, the Order could recruit him without all the burden of the Revan-Shan bloodline. If he isn't Force Sensitive, he could just live a normal life. Jedi has the power and resources to do so. But no, they can't give up the possibility of getting a baby from a legendary bloodline. So much for no attachment. I have so much issue about the execution of the Jedi Order's rule but that'll be a long rant so I'll jsut stop here lol

omg I could also rant about how stupid the no attachments rule is for literally hours.  And because you started it, I can't not say anything, so buckle up, rant incoming lol  (I will spoiler it in case no one wants to read my ranting ramblings)


The no attachments rule is stupid.  Completely, objectively stupid.  It genuinely just makes NO ACTUAL SENSE.  Like, it's not like Jedi are monastic monks who sit in a cave all day and don't interact with people and just study the force or some bs like that.  And dumber than that, they're allowed to bang anyone they want but not if it's out of love.  Jedi are not punished for having children, only for, ya know, keeping them, or loving the parents of said children.  Like, wut?  Seriously, that is, so backwards, and so messed up.  Why do they even have this rule at all????

The only reason I have ever seen given by the Jedi for the rule is a claim that attachments can cause Jedi to potentially turn dark side, which MAKES NO SENSE.  If anything denying people a basic human desire (connection, love, in any form) is more likely to make them turn dark side.   There is 100% more evidence for that than there is for force users who have families, leave the order as forced, then suddenly turn evil.  And like you say, the splitting up of families by basically "other"ing non-force users is..... f***ed up, frankly.  As established, Theron has so much trauma from it (despite how much he tries to deny) and takes decades to find a place he belongs and to be surrounded by people who care about him, and personally I think it's clear that Satele wishes she could have had a relationship with him too and absolutely would have if not for the rule.  It screwed them both.

If it's about avoiding nepotism as you say then why do they embrace force-sensitive children of Jedi with no issues whatsoever?  So that can't be their reason.  Or if it is, it makes even less sense.

The only other reason I could POSSIBLY think as a reason they might give would be that attachments could be some kind of distraction from the force or from duties, and again, MAKES NO SENSE.

Also, why do they specifically outlaw kids and lovers?  Like, the Jedi do realize that loving friends platonically is also a type of "attachment", right?  And yet, Jedi are allowed to have all the close friends they want.

I love the Jedi, I main Jedi characters, I will almost always take the Jedi side on other things, but I HATE THE NO ATTACHMENTS RULE WITH A BURNING PASSION, IT IS STUPID AND MAKES NO SENSE. 😡🤬  I mean, it's literally the reason their order collapses in the prequel films when Anakin turns dark side because they won't let him visit his mother or be with his girlfriend lmao   so I feel 1000% justified in saying that.  It's canon that the rule is dogsh*t.

Every government or organization has at least 1 bad law or rule.  The no attachments one is the Jedi's sh*t rule.  And it was their undoing.  And anyone who tries to blame Anakin's attachments on him turning dark side and not him being banned from having those attachments (I have seen people try to argue this) was not paying attention lol  The rule.is.the problem.  It's bad.  It's stupid.  I think loads of Jedi actually know it but won't go against the order because they follow the rules too blindly (they are almost all literally indoctrinated as kids, after all).

........I'll stop but oh god I could keep going lol  rant over.  for now.


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6 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

lmao you have no idea how tempted I was to kill Suresh, especially since I know Theron is happy about it hahaha

omg I could also rant about how stupid the no attachments rule is for literally hours.  And because you started it, I can't not say anything, so buckle up, rant incoming lol  (I will spoiler it in case no one wants to read my ranting ramblings)

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The no attachments rule is stupid.  Completely, objectively stupid.  It genuinely just makes NO ACTUAL SENSE.  Like, it's not like Jedi are monastic monks who sit in a cave all day and don't interact with people and just study the force or some bs like that.  And dumber than that, they're allowed to bang anyone they want but not if it's out of love.  Jedi are not punished for having children, only for, ya know, keeping them, or loving the parents of said children.  Like, wut?  Seriously, that is, so backwards, and so messed up.  Why do they even have this rule at all????

The only reason I have ever seen given by the Jedi for the rule is a claim that attachments can cause Jedi to potentially turn dark side, which MAKES NO SENSE.  If anything denying people a basic human desire (connection, love, in any form) is more likely to make them turn dark side.   There is 100% more evidence for that than there is for force users who have families, leave the order as forced, then suddenly turn evil.  And like you say, the splitting up of families by basically "other"ing non-force users is..... f***ed up, frankly.  As established, Theron has so much trauma from it (despite how much he tries to deny) and takes decades to find a place he belongs and to be surrounded by people who care about him, and personally I think it's clear that Satele wishes she could have had a relationship with him too and absolutely would have if not for the rule.  It screwed them both.

If it's about avoiding nepotism as you say then why do they embrace force-sensitive children of Jedi with no issues whatsoever?  So that can't be their reason.  Or if it is, it makes even less sense.

The only other reason I could POSSIBLY think as a reason they might give would be that attachments could be some kind of distraction from the force or from duties, and again, MAKES NO SENSE.

Also, why do they specifically outlaw kids and lovers?  Like, the Jedi do realize that loving friends platonically is also a type of "attachment", right?  And yet, Jedi are allowed to have all the close friends they want.

I love the Jedi, I main Jedi characters, but I HATE THE NO ATTACHMENTS RULE WITH A BURNING PASSION, IT IS STUPID AND MAKES NO SENSE. 😡🤬  I mean, it's literally the reason their order collapses in the prequel films when Anakin turns dark side because they won't let him visit his mother or be with his girlfriend lmao   so I feel 1000% justified in saying that.  It's basically canon that the rule is dogsh*t.

Every government or organization has at least 1 bad law or rule.  The no attachments one is the Jedi's sh*t rule.  And it was their undoing.

........I'll stop but oh god I could keep going lol  rant over.  for now.


You made great points, I'm glad to read them and agreed to all of them.

Jedi and Sith are both pretty f-up in the emotion department. No wonder some non-Force sensitive people want to get rid of them because they keep catching everyone else in their emotional drama crossfire 😛

Btw I made my agent a Pureblood Sith as a joke character at first because "haha must be so *fun* being a non-Force sensitive Sith in the Empire. Imagine being ditched as a baby without even given a name because *gasp* baby Sith has no Force, hurry, throw it away!".

The irony when Theron showed up with all the trauma the Jedi gave him. It worked so well he became my main lol

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25 minutes ago, eabevella said:

You made great points, I'm glad to read them and agreed to all of them.

Jedi and Sith are both pretty f-up in the emotion department. No wonder some non-Force sensitive people want to get rid of them because they keep catching everyone else in their emotional drama crossfire 😛

right??  Like I said, I love Jedi, or more to the point I love the individual Jedi but the organization as a whole could use some work (which sadly we know it never gets!)... but there is so much emotional damage there lol 

ya know, the real truth is they probably have the no attachments rules because they knew if Jedi had attachments outside the Jedi they'd have enough outside influence to actually realize how messed up and outdated some of the Jedi order's rules actually are - like that one.  And once someone questions one thing, they might question everything, even if most of the stuff is actually fine, but that faith would be lost.  Again leading back to: the rule.is.the.problem.  lol

I love the core message of the Jedi code, with the ideals of helping and peace and all that, that's why I love the Jedi.  But, if only the order had realized at some point that some of their other rules were outdated and hurting more than helping, then they might never have fallen.  But, welp, we know how that went.

33 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Btw I made my agent a Pureblood Sith as a joke character at first because "haha must be so *fun* being a non-Force sensitive Sith in the Empire. Imagine being ditched as a baby without even given a name because *gasp* baby Sith has no Force, hurry, throw it away!".

The irony when Theron showed up with all the trauma the Jedi gave him. It worked so well he became my main lol

omg I really love that!  that's a super meaningful basis for them to have a connection that I honestly never would have thought of! ❤️

I still haven't made any sith pureblood character (I made too many twi'leks lol).  If I ever make a second character on any imperial class then I might, I do still have the male options for all four classes.  But, I also know I'm not super likely to do that, if I make more characters it will probably be more Jedi lmao  (I am still really tempted to make a third JK and make him a sassy arsehole after finding out how hilarious that is, and I might make a male JC at some point too..... but honestly either one will probably be quite a while haha) 

I think if I make a 5th imp it probably will be a male agent, though, thanks to everyone showing me how great male agent is, would be fun to join the club.  y'all got me curious about the Theron romance with him too haha  (but, like I said, if it happens it will be a while)

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am actually a bit tempted to do Aric Jorgan romance because I like him a lot.... but idk if I could get past the trooper sounding like Satele thing to romance her with someone 😅  I will have to play her some more and see (I'm only at like the second planet so far lol  barely started)


Do it. Somewhat off topic for the thread, but has to be the most emotional, sweetest amazing reunion scene in the entire game.  Cathar mate for life.....so he feels very deeply once he lets someone in.

It is the ONLY romance/reunion that caught me completely off guard and I burst into tears.

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19 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

right??  Like I said, I love Jedi, or more to the point I love the individual Jedi but the organization as a whole could use some work (which sadly we know it never gets!)... but there is so much emotional damage there lol 

ya know, the real truth is they probably have the no attachments rules because they knew if Jedi had attachments outside the Jedi they'd have enough outside influence to actually realize how messed up and outdated some of the Jedi order's rules actually are - like that one.  And once someone questions one thing, they might question everything, even if most of the stuff is actually fine, but that faith would be lost.  Again leading back to: the rule.is.the.problem.  lol

I love the core message of the Jedi code, with the ideals of helping and peace and all that, that's why I love the Jedi.  But, if only the order had realized at some point that some of their other rules were outdated and hurting more than helping, then they might never have fallen.  But, welp, we know how that went.

omg I really love that!  that's a super meaningful basis for them to have a connection that I honestly never would have thought of! ❤️

I still haven't made any sith pureblood character (I made too many twi'leks lol).  If I ever make a second character on any imperial class then I might, I do still have the male options for all four classes.  But, I also know I'm not super likely to do that, if I make more characters it will probably be more Jedi lmao  (I am still really tempted to make a third JK and make him a sassy arsehole after finding out how hilarious that is, and I might make a male JC at some point too..... but honestly either one will probably be quite a while haha) 

I think if I make a 5th imp it probably will be a male agent, though, thanks to everyone showing me how great male agent is, would be fun to join the club.  y'all got me curious about the Theron romance with him too haha  (but, like I said, if it happens it will be a while)

I bet the Jedi went the extra length is also because the original Sith (not the species) were fallen Jedi. But instead of dealing with and learn to control the attachments that causes the corruption, they just went with the most simple forbidden option, and worse, not even sticking to their rule: not just the "it's ok to have kids as long as they're Force sensitive", but they are also deep into civil and military politics with the authority to even override military law when it's about Jedi "internal" problems (as shown in the JC story), which is bad in so many aspect. But I guess the Sith provided a perfect reason/excuse for the Jedi Order and the Republic to never review this blind spot even after the Sith Empire is gone.

This is also why the JK bonus class mission on Rishi. It reminds us how the Jedi really should be.

Kind of awkward that Lana thought you're wasting time and had Theron kidnapped even though the JK went to the Torch island right after they treated the sick people. Geese, don't want to preach Jedi creed, but patience is a virtue lol

Glad to know you are interested in making a male agent. Mission success XD

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am actually a bit tempted to do Aric Jorgan romance because I like him a lot.... but idk if I could get past the trooper sounding like Satele thing to romance her with someone 😅  I will have to play her some more and see (I'm only at like the second planet so far lol  barely started)

Ah yeah, might be a bit disturbing. Haven't played a F Trooper in english yet so i never had that issue as they have very different voices in french, but tbh, that romance is totally worth it. It's imo one of the best from the base game alongside Torian's, Vector's and Akaavi's, and that reunion during KOTFE is by far the best for me.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

If you do romance Kira, I am actually curious to see what you think of it haha, maybe you will find it really fun and I'm just weird 😆  Scourge though..... I still wish I hadn't had to friendzone Scourge as I wanted to romance him during class story but couldn't 🥲  but Scourge was yeaaaars too late realizing he was in love with him, and Theron got there first.

It might take a while though, my male JK is like on Coruscant or something like that, and for some reason, everytime i start playing him, i end up making more clones of my F JK 🤣

I'd probably have romanced Scourge during the class story if it had been an option, but yeah he came far too late (to his defense he could not feel anything at the time, but well...), and honestly my JK is just perfect with Theron, i really can't see her with anyone else now, and i can't see him with anyone else either. If Scourge could be romanced on other classes than JK, i'd probably have started a romance with him on my SI, but it's not possible, so i'll probably try the Kira romance during the class story and see how it goes, if i like it i'll keep it, if not, i'll just switch to Scourge.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ah ok haha  I personally hate when character blatantly hit on my character, so you better believe I woulda done literally anything to shut him down, I definitely would use the "I'm a Jedi, f*** off" lol

I am curious to hear all those lines from female JK haha  I love how male JK delivers them, it cracks me up every single time.

Lol, for me it depends, the things is though that using the most sarcastic, sometimes kinda mean answers to Doc's flirting ends up with some pretty fun lines. That being said i was quite confused (and i guess so was my JK) when Doc proposed, because the "not even if you were the last living being in the galaxy" was like the only [flirt] i took, and always picked the answers that sounded the most like she was actively trying to reject him in the meanest ways possible (she did threaten to feed him to collicoids on one occasion and to have him drink his food on another one).

From what i've see so far, F JK does a very good job with the sarcastic lines.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ah, option 3, that explains.  I am always so wary of picking option 3 (at least on my Jedi) because so often they are the meaner/darker lines and the prompts are often bad at expressing what line will be said and I don't wanna say something mean on accident... so usually I just avoid that slot 🫠

..........which works out great until the devs suddenly decide to put a bloody THERON FLIRT LINE in the third spot one time out of nowhere when flirts are literally always in the top two and I miss it because I always instinctively avoid that slot and click on one of the top two options too fast, and then I can't even esc out the cutscene to redo it 😡 (still mad about that lol)

Yeah, option 3 is often the mean answer, but sometimes it's also the most sarcastic and funny one. Which is why i always try all the answers before deciding for one that suits my character the most, the only issue is when the cutscene ends abruptly and i don't have the time to esc out of it before it ends or when you just can't replay it once you've escaped out of it.

Is that flirt the one during the Umbara FP ? I remember having an issue with one of the dialogues after the train crashed where i wanted to see the other options and then it was impossible to replay the cutscene after escaping out of it (which i'm still very mad about, as i was trying to record and am therefore missing a scene)

The missing flirts with Theron that irritate me to no ends are the ones that are locked behind killing Arcann and Senya at the end of KOTET, it's so annoying to be punished for being LS seriouly... So i'm currently leveling a new clone just to do that and record these romance scenes, but it's really annoying... Because it just makes no sense for my JK to want to kill them.


Regarding the non attachement rule, yeah it's quite stupid and everything would probably work better if the young Jedi were simply taught not to repress their emotions but to learn to control them (there are some interesting dialogues about that with both Doc and Scourge), and be allowed to love (they can have very close friends but no lover, that's odd) but still think about their duties first.

That being said, they still have the choice to stay with the Jedi and follow the rule, as stupid as it may be, or leave and do whatever they want. With their training and powers, they can still do good and help people even outside of the Jedi Order. My JK chose the second option. She realised while with the Alliance that she could stay with the man she loves, while still doing what's right and helping others, so that's what she decided to do, as she was definitely not going to give up on him, especially after he'd waited for her for 5 years and risked his life to protect her.

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7 hours ago, eabevella said:

I bet the Jedi went the extra length is also because the original Sith (not the species) were fallen Jedi. But instead of dealing with and learn to control the attachments that causes the corruption, they just went with the most simple forbidden option, and worse, not even sticking to their rule: not just the "it's ok to have kids as long as they're Force sensitive", but they are also deep into civil and military politics with the authority to even override military law when it's about Jedi "internal" problems (as shown in the JC story), which is bad in so many aspect. But I guess the Sith provided a perfect reason/excuse for the Jedi Order and the Republic to never review this blind spot even after the Sith Empire is gone.

Yeah, I think the Jedi (like some fans with the Anakin thing as I mentioned lol) took the wrong message entirely out of why Jedi fell to the dark side.  So often either the wrong thing gets blamed for a problem or a problem for a few individuals gets assumed to be some kind of systemic problem that does not exist.  The pull to dark side can come from anywhere (like that line to Arn I quoted earlier says), blaming it all on "attachments" and then forbidding that and only that as if it's the only thing or the worst thing that can cause a Jedi to go dark side (which it isn't) is ridiculous.  Just teach your padawans to know what the feeling of the dark side is and how to overcome it.  And if they can't on an individual level, give them some credit for personal accountability (and then try your hardest to bring them back from the darkness) and don't blame the fact they loved someone, christ.

7 hours ago, eabevella said:

This is also why the JK bonus class mission on Rishi. It reminds us how the Jedi really should be.

I loved that class mission soooo much.  By far my very favorite of all the bonus class missions on Rishi that I have done so far, and I honestly doubt any of the others will top it.  It was so sweet and heartwarming the whole way, and when Orgus revealed that the whole time it was actually about healing JK from their traumatic experience, it got me right in the feels.

7 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

Do it. Somewhat off topic for the thread, but has to be the most emotional, sweetest amazing reunion scene in the entire game.  Cathar mate for life.....so he feels very deeply once he lets someone in.

It is the ONLY romance/reunion that caught me completely off guard and I burst into tears.

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Ah yeah, might be a bit disturbing. Haven't played a F Trooper in english yet so i never had that issue as they have very different voices in french, but tbh, that romance is totally worth it. It's imo one of the best from the base game alongside Torian's, Vector's and Akaavi's, and that reunion during KOTFE is by far the best for me.

I can already say there is no way I will be taking a trooper all the way through KotXX story (I just can't get past the mental hurdle of it feeling so tailored to force users), so sadly would never see that reunion (maybe will find a video of it to watch though, you have me so curious now!)  But I will maybe hold off on companion convos with Aric until I adjust to trooper more and hear Satele less so that I can start a romance.  It would be nice to have at least one other class story romance besides Vector haha

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

It might take a while though, my male JK is like on Coruscant or something like that, and for some reason, everytime i start playing him, i end up making more clones of my F JK 🤣

I'd probably have romanced Scourge during the class story if it had been an option, but yeah he came far too late (to his defense he could not feel anything at the time, but well...), and honestly my JK is just perfect with Theron, i really can't see her with anyone else now, and i can't see him with anyone else either. If Scourge could be romanced on other classes than JK, i'd probably have started a romance with him on my SI, but it's not possible, so i'll probably try the Kira romance during the class story and see how it goes, if i like it i'll keep it, if not, i'll just switch to Scourge.

I would also love to see Scourge romanceable on another character, but alas. 😢  If it weren't such a tiny romance anyway once he does come back I might even make another JK just to romance him, but, definitely not worth for basically just one kiss lol


That being said, they still have the choice to stay with the Jedi and follow the rule, as stupid as it may be, or leave and do whatever they want. With their training and powers, they can still do good and help people even outside of the Jedi Order. My JK chose the second option. She realised while with the Alliance that she could stay with the man she loves, while still doing what's right and helping others, so that's what she decided to do, as she was definitely not going to give up on him, especially after he'd waited for her for 5 years and risked his life to protect her.

This is only slightly related but I had been meaning to ask because I am curious: did you get the line during female JK class story where JK says "I never agreed with the council's ban on Jedi falling in love"?  I seriously think it might be JUST a male JK line, because even on male JK it only happens if you have Kira with you (I ran with Scourge the second time through and he says something totally different!  he just says something like "it's none of my business"... I was actually super disappointed as I wanted to record the other line).  Makes me wonder if it is a line related to the fact you can romance her (even though that version of JK was totally not romancing her).

I loved that line so much because to me it said it's 100% canon for this character that even though he's a loyal Jedi he's willing to love regardless of what the council says and do so until they kick him out, and if they don't then cool.  That was why I felt he would have no problem immediately expressing his feelings for Theron and openly be in a relationship with him and then later would still rejoin the Jedi order later as long as they didn't say that they cared about it.

I do still think if I had known I could absolutely stay independent I might have on JK, but actually not because of the romance (as like I said I feel strongly that he is open about his relationship and makes it clear to the Jedi that he will rejoin them but only if they know he loves and is never leaving Theron) but because I had JK say to Orgus during his bonus class mission that he wanted to one day retire from the Jedi and live a normal life, and if he kept the Alliance separate that was his out, he could still be a Jedi but independent of the republic politics surrounding Jedi and independent of the council.  I don't mind him being in the republic either, but, I think if any character was going to stay totally independent it would have made sense for it to be him.

4 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Is that flirt the one during the Umbara FP ? I remember having an issue with one of the dialogues after the train crashed where i wanted to see the other options and then it was impossible to replay the cutscene after escaping out of it (which i'm still very mad about, as i was trying to record and am therefore missing a scene)

The flirt I missed was on Ziost, and it's the best one on Ziost too, the one where he shows back up and the flirt is to say you were worried about him!  I managed to record the imperial version (as now I will never miss that flirt prompt again!) but the flirt and his response are both completely different (love them, but they're so different).  And I HATE the idea that my JK who is completely in love with Theron would not say he was worried about him after Theron crashed and no one could find him!!!!  And that cutscene was one where esc does not work, I clicked esc sooo many times trying to get out and redo it.  I really wish the game was consistent about esc working to leave cutscenes.  It should just consistently always back you out and let you restart it, every time.  Like you say, the fact hitting esc SKIPS SOME CUTSCENES is even worse than it sometimes not doing anything.  Knowing that some get totally skipped has just made me paranoid about ever hitting esc so I only do it in the most dire situations.

I..... have genuinely considered making JK clone AGAIN just to re-record that one scene on Ziost because I hate that I missed that so much.  I might have a problem.  Don't judge me.  lol 

(If I do ever do that though, I think maybe I might make him on another server this time so I have another option for playing with people!)

Edited by cannibithobbal
fixed formatting and redid where I accidentally deleted some of my post erg
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While I disagree with the Order on a lot of things, in their defense when people are running around with superpowers waving laser swords rules are essential! The first inception of the Code went like this:

Emotion yet Peace

Ignorance yet Knowledge

Passion yet Serenity

Chaos yet Harmony

Death yet The Force

I vastly prefer this instead of the dogmatic interpretation of later eras. The single biggest mistake the Order made was pledging loyalty to the Republic government instead of the good of the Galaxy. 

But bringing it around back to our Spy, the lack of teaching regarding emotional bonds is tragic. Yes, there may come a time when it's the destruction of a planet, or the life of Theron (hypothetically) and yes a Jedi would have to make the choice of the planet, but Theron would want his loved one to choose the planet. 

Yes, loss is traumatic but it doesn't have to turn a Jedi into a psycho.

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11 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

..........which works out great until the devs suddenly decide to put a bloody THERON FLIRT LINE in the third spot one time out of nowhere when flirts are literally always in the top two and I miss it because I always instinctively avoid that slot and click on one of the top two options too fast, and then I can't even esc out the cutscene to redo it 😡 (still mad about that lol)

Have you seen a video of the line? I can post mine, if you like. 

22 hours ago, eabevella said:

Just got my male JK through Rishi... omg I forgot how hostile Marr is on the Pub side version of story.

Interesting how the imp side has 1 flirt option when Theron escaped from the Revanite but pub side doesn't.

I do love how JK said "tell me where Theron is or I'll tear this whole base apart". The protectiveness is really nice.

Me too! That line is pure gold. 😍 In my HC, my BH definitely says it. It's a shame Imps don't have the option. While I really like Theron's response to the Imp's flirt line, I really like the, "I will tear this place to the ground if I have to. Where is Theron?" line a lot more. Especially as it comes after the question of, "Where's Theron?" and Revan proceeds to monologue until my JC is just done and is thus ready to take more extreme action. 💣

On 5/8/2023 at 8:55 AM, cannibithobbal said:

omg I did not ever get that line on any character!  do you know what dialogue prompt you chose to make him say that?  I want to hear it 😅  ....I wonder if I have not gotten it because it is an alternate option to the "any relation to Satele" line, which I always choose because I love his "this is why I keep asking for a code name" line so much haha

Can confirm that JC also gets that line. Here it is with mine so you can hear it. 😉 Theron sounds so snarky🤣

With Theron's response of, "This is why I keep asking for a codename." to, "Any relation to the Jedi Grandmaster, Satele Shan?" I can just hear how done he is at answering that question. When I first played the game on my BH, and I meet Satele Shan, I was so clueless that they were related. 🤣 The last name was the same but it went right over my head because it didn't click that was Satele's last name. Whosh! 🛫 I didn't even cotton on during the conversation with Theron at the end of Rishi. "...like it's sheer coincidence we have the same name." It was a coincidence to me and again, Whosh! I remember being confused as to why Theron was suddenly talking about his mom. I think it wasn't until Yavin that I realized. 😅 Yeah.... embarrassing...

Anyway, my JC either knows the names are the same straight away (he's a great listener and he's met her before, after all), and doesn't think anything of it, or he does realize the names are the same and is wise enough to realize that Theron likely gets that question a lot and doesn't want to add to the count. If my agent were to ever have the option of this line, he wouldn't take it because he would know there is likely a connection there and he can read the room and knows Theron doesn't want to talk about it. 😂

Also, I love, ❤️love, 💖 love❣️ that Theron uses the, "May the Force be you," line in parting. He does it often at the end of dialogues and it is great. I hope he continues to do that in KotFE and beyond if playing as a Force user. I just got to Chapter 09 on my JC so I don't know yet if he does or not. 

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

While I disagree with the Order on a lot of things, in their defense when people are running around with superpowers waving laser swords rules are essential! The first inception of the Code went like this:

Emotion yet Peace

Ignorance yet Knowledge

Passion yet Serenity

Chaos yet Harmony

Death yet The Force

I vastly prefer this instead of the dogmatic interpretation of later eras. The single biggest mistake the Order made was pledging loyalty to the Republic government instead of the good of the Galaxy. 

But bringing it around back to our Spy, the lack of teaching regarding emotional bonds is tragic. Yes, there may come a time when it's the destruction of a planet, or the life of Theron (hypothetically) and yes a Jedi would have to make the choice of the planet, but Theron would want his loved one to choose the planet. 

Yes, loss is traumatic but it doesn't have to turn a Jedi into a psycho.

Completely agreed on all this.

I feel like it should also be pointed out that it makes zero sense that love or loss would automatically turn a Jedi dark since it doesn't automatically turn non Jedi dark either.  And if the council would just train Jedi well and teach them from a young age the usual Jedi peace and not to seek revenge, and then emotionally support them through painful situations instead of telling them not to love just because it might some day maybe cause some horrible tragic painful situation then the chance they would go dark goes down even more.  People with support networks always recover from trauma better.  And like, Jedi have force powers but they're still people.

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On 5/8/2023 at 8:55 AM, cannibithobbal said:

I have to say, this makes me more glad I didn't play through female JK haha  I don't think I could handle him hitting on my character.  on male JK he only hits on Kira and she hates him and constantly sasses him and it makes me love Kira more 🤣   male JK also has the best lines to sass Doc with himself lol

Those lines are great! 🤣 I haven't met Doc yet. I have read about him (not a lot of it is positive), but am still looking forward to meeting him to get my own opinion. 

On 5/8/2023 at 9:16 AM, JakRoanin said:

Awww! It's great that there are so many different love threads. ❤️ I just found out last week that there is an Arcann love thread and I thought that was wonderful. Haven't posted anything there yet but I am certainly lurking. Maybe I'll lurk around in the Vector one too... 🎶 

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I loved that class mission soooo much.  By far my very favorite of all the bonus class missions on Rishi that I have done so far, and I honestly doubt any of the others will top it.  It was so sweet and heartwarming the whole way, and when Orgus revealed that the whole time it was actually about healing JK from their traumatic experience, it got me right in the feels.

I've done all 8, and the JK's one is by far my favorite. It's very simple and personal, seeing Orgus again was nice and learning that he did all that only to help the JK heal was great. I so wish he'd have been our master longer (like either being established as being the JK's master for a few years or until Alderaan)

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I can already say there is no way I will be taking a trooper all the way through KotXX story (I just can't get past the mental hurdle of it feeling so tailored to force users), so sadly would never see that reunion (maybe will find a video of it to watch though, you have me so curious now!)  But I will maybe hold off on companion convos with Aric until I adjust to trooper more and hear Satele less so that I can start a romance.  It would be nice to have at least one other class story romance besides Vector haha

Up to the Jorgan chapter it's honestly not too bad on a Non Force User, it's really the latest chapters of KOTFE and a good part of KOTET that feel really off with a NFU character.

I really enjoy Torian's romance too, he's very respectful of F BH, but also quite sure of what he wants and he can tease her quite a lot, i actually really like the moments when he makes fun of her Mando'a. They have a good dynamic going on, and learn from each other which is also nice. And he's definitely not shy about PDA, in the chapter on Darvanis, they just kiss in front of everyone.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I would also love to see Scourge romanceable on another character, but alas. 😢  If it weren't such a tiny romance anyway once he does come back I might even make another JK just to romance him, but, definitely not worth for basically just one kiss lol

Yeah, that's why i'm a bit reluctant to create a new character just to romance Scourge. There's not much to the romance so far, and it comes very late.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

This is only slightly related but I had been meaning to ask because I am curious: did you get the line during female JK class story where JK says "I never agreed with the council's ban on Jedi falling in love"?  I seriously think it might be JUST a male JK line, because even on male JK it only happens if you have Kira with you (I ran with Scourge the second time through and he says something totally different!  he just says something like "it's none of my business"... I was actually super disappointed as I wanted to record the other line).  Makes me wonder if it is a line related to the fact you can romance her (even though that version of JK was totally not romancing her).

I loved that line so much because to me it said it's 100% canon for this character that even though he's a loyal Jedi he's willing to love regardless of what the council says and do so until they kick him out, and if they don't then cool.  That was why I felt he would have no problem immediately expressing his feelings for Theron and openly be in a relationship with him and then later would still rejoin the Jedi order later as long as they didn't say that they cared about it.

I do still think if I had known I could absolutely stay independent I might have on JK, but actually not because of the romance (as like I said I feel strongly that he is open about his relationship and makes it clear to the Jedi that he will rejoin them but only if they know he loves and is never leaving Theron) but because I had JK say to Orgus during his bonus class mission that he wanted to one day retire from the Jedi and live a normal life, and if he kept the Alliance separate that was his out, he could still be a Jedi but independent of the republic politics surrounding Jedi and independent of the council.  I don't mind him being in the republic either, but, I think if any character was going to stay totally independent it would have made sense for it to be him.

If it's when Jomar asks the JK to keep his relationship with Leeha a secret, then no, i only have the "it's none of my buisness", at least not on my recordings, but i was also with Scourge, so maybe you do need to have Kira with you, or the potential LI. Though i'm very curious now, so i'll definitely check with Kira and Doc next time i play that part. Because yeah it really give more weight to the fact JK doesn't really care about the non attachement rule (in my case both with how my JK rejected Doc but instantly started flirting with Theron too, not to mention in my HC she joined when she was already a pre-/teen, not exactly sure yet, but she was already older and lived with her familly before joining the Order).

My JK's decision to stay independant was partly because of Theron, but also because she didn't want the people of the Alliance, who put their faith in her to lead and protect them to be dependant on who's the Chancellor, Rans seems fine, but just in case there's another Saresh, she prefers to stay independant, help the Republic and the Jedi rebuilt, but with a way out just in case

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

The flirt I missed was on Ziost, and it's the best one on Ziost too, the one where he shows back up and the flirt is to say you were worried about him!  I managed to record the imperial version (as now I will never miss that flirt prompt again!) but the flirt and his response are both completely different (love them, but they're so different).  And I HATE the idea that my JK who is completely in love with Theron would not say he was worried about him after Theron crashed and no one could find him!!!!  And that cutscene was one where esc does not work, I clicked esc sooo many times trying to get out and redo it.  I really wish the game was consistent about esc working to leave cutscenes.  It should just consistently always back you out and let you restart it, every time.  Like you say, the fact hitting esc SKIPS SOME CUTSCENES is even worse than it sometimes not doing anything.  Knowing that some get totally skipped has just made me paranoid about ever hitting esc so I only do it in the most dire situations.

I..... have genuinely considered making JK clone AGAIN just to re-record that one scene on Ziost because I hate that I missed that so much.  I might have a problem.  Don't judge me.  lol 

(If I do ever do that though, I think maybe I might make him on another server this time so I have another option for playing with people!)

Ah yeah, it's really annoying when esc doesn't work or when you can't relaunch the cutscene, i really wish they'd do something about it.

Oh i would't judge, i can't count how many times i have redone a clone of my JK to re-record things, either because i changed something on my JK herself (outfit that wasn't available when i previously recorded or new hairstyle, that kind of things), or because i found a new dialogue or missed one. I'm currently recording on Tulak Hord, while testing dialogues on the US servers (i have more lags with the US servers, which is why i record on the UE ones)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Anyway, my JC either knows the names are the same straight away (he's a great listener and he's met her before, after all), and doesn't think anything of it, or he does realize the names are the same and is wise enough to realize that Theron likely gets that question a lot and doesn't want to add to the count. If my agent were to ever have the option of this line, he wouldn't take it because he would know there is likely a connection there and he can read the room and knows Theron doesn't want to talk about it. 😂

I'm similar to the second option and your agent one with my JK.

In my HC, she's Echani, so she's pretty observant when it comes to people and used to read them. She's quite close to Satele and has worked with Malcom on Alderaan, where he spoke rather fondly of Satele, so when she met Theron it didn't really take long for her between the name and the fact he looks like both of them to put 2+2 together and guess he was their son, so didn't really need to ask and suspected that it might be a bit sensitive for him. And honestly i like the "oh, i assumed you'd just grab the facts right out of my head" way too much to pick something else now.

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Have you seen a video of the line? I can post mine, if you like. 

I have seen it before and done it before, that is the worst part, I did it properly on my first playthrough when I wasn't recording but then missed it on my recording, bleeerg.  But that said, I would love to hear it again if you have it 😇

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Me too! That line is pure gold. 😍 In my HC, my BH definitely says it. It's a shame Imps don't have the option. While I really like Theron's response to the Imp's flirt line, I really like the, "I will tear this place to the ground if I have to. Where is Theron?" line a lot more. Especially as it comes after the question of, "Where's Theron?" and Revan proceeds to monologue until my JC is just done and is thus ready to take more extreme action. 💣

haha YES I love that the scene is literally "Where's Theron?" "{Revan woe is me monologue}" "SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THERON"

I actually just rewatched and realized that the three PC lines in the scene when you pick that line are "Where's Theron?" "I will tear this place to the ground if I have to.  Where is Theron?" "Theron?"  lol  one track mind.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Can confirm that JC also gets that line. Here it is with mine so you can hear it. 😉 Theron sounds so snarky🤣

With Theron's response of, "This is why I keep asking for a codename." to, "Any relation to the Jedi Grandmaster, Satele Shan?" I can just hear how done he is at answering that question. When I first played the game on my BH, and I meet Satele Shan, I was so clueless that they were related. 🤣 The last name was the same but it went right over my head because it didn't click that was Satele's last name. Whosh! 🛫 I didn't even cotton on during the conversation with Theron at the end of Rishi. "...like it's sheer coincidence we have the same name." It was a coincidence to me and again, Whosh! I remember being confused as to why Theron was suddenly talking about his mom. I think it wasn't until Yavin that I realized. 😅 Yeah.... embarrassing...

Anyway, my JC either knows the names are the same straight away (he's a great listener and he's met her before, after all), and doesn't think anything of it, or he does realize the names are the same and is wise enough to realize that Theron likely gets that question a lot and doesn't want to add to the count. If my agent were to ever have the option of this line, he wouldn't take it because he would know there is likely a connection there and he can read the room and knows Theron doesn't want to talk about it. 😂

Also, I love, ❤️love, 💖 love❣️ that Theron uses the, "May the Force be you," line in parting. He does it often at the end of dialogues and it is great. I hope he continues to do that in KotFE and beyond if playing as a Force user. I just got to Chapter 09 on my JC so I don't know yet if he does or not. 

Oh man, soooooo snarky 🤣  he sounds super salty about the Jedi with that line.  that is clearly meant to be the "most negative" option lol

I love how totally done he is with answering the Satele question, but it also cracks me up and I think it's super in character for the Jedi to ask him so I pick it every time 😅  well, every time other than the very first time, anyway (I picked option one on first JC run).

Especially for JK, I see it as him being into Theron immediately and wanting to take any opportunity to ask him a personal question and find out something about him (I always choose the dialogue options asking Theron about Satele on JK since JK knows Satele pretty well - JC hardly works with her at all but JK works closely with her through the class story - and because those always get the most personal responses out of Theron, which I love). 

Also I think even if he has a strong suspicion that Theron is related to Satele based on the name, a) he doesn't know for sure, and would like to know and b) even if he was sure, he wouldn't necessarily know son, even if that's the most likely, like he could be some other relative (nephew, younger cousin, whatever).  Theron confirms indirectly in that scene that he IS related to Satele but it isn't until the scene where you meet him later "for a drink" that he confirms he's her son.  I do like that he doesn't have to out and out say it though, he says just enough to confirm it (I don't remember what non-Jedi convo is but I love the Jedi version of that conversation).

When I first played the story the first time I also did not make the connection to Theron being related to Satele until my friend told me haha  but then, when he told me, it still meant hardly anything to me since I was on JC and hardly knew Satele either.  JC interacts with her, like, what, 3 or 4 times briefly?  lol  so I did not understand the significance of Theron being a non-force-sensitive child of the Jedi grandmaster, not until later.

Ditto to loving when Theron says "may the force be with you" ❤️❤️  I thiiiiiink he says it at least one other time???  But I could be remembering wrong.  I love it though ❤️

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Awww! It's great that there are so many different love threads. ❤️ I just found out last week that there is an Arcann love thread and I thought that was wonderful. Haven't posted anything there yet but I am certainly lurking. Maybe I'll lurk around in the Vector one too... 🎶 

ngl, I might need to find out if there is also a long dead Zenith love thread 😄  I might be the only one with any interest in posting in such a thread, but, slightly in love with Zenith atm and probably need to stop derailing Theron discussion with it haha

44 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

If it's when Jomar asks the JK to keep his relationship with Leeha a secret, then no, i only have the "it's none of my buisness", at least not on my recordings, but i was also with Scourge, so maybe you do need to have Kira with you, or the potential LI. Though i'm very curious now, so i'll definitely check with Kira and Doc next time i play that part. Because yeah it really give more weight to the fact JK doesn't really care about the non attachement rule (in my case both with how my JK rejected Doc but instantly started flirting with Theron too, not to mention in my HC she joined when she was already a pre-/teen, not exactly sure yet, but she was already older and lived with her familly before joining the Order).

Yeah, it is from that scene.  If you do replay it on another fem JK with Kira or Doc on and get that line, lemme know!  So curious exactly what is required to trigger it.  It was such a perfect line for my character to set up the fact he romances Theron immediately, and if I do replay him I want to make sure I get it haha  (I think as long as I bring Kira non-romanced I should get it again?  hopefully?)

47 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Up to the Jorgan chapter it's honestly not too bad on a Non Force User, it's really the latest chapters of KOTFE and a good part of KOTET that feel really off with a NFU character.

Yeah, I really think where it starts to seriously derail for a non force character is in the Satele and Marr chapter which is the one right after Aric shows back up.  There are a few things earlier on (like honestly even the killing of Valkorian and being able to have him in their mind without losing control to him), but that's where it starts CLEARLY being designed with a force user in mind and had me wondering even on my first run through "how does a non force character fit in this story??" lol


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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

This is only slightly related but I had been meaning to ask because I am curious: did you get the line during female JK class story where JK says "I never agreed with the council's ban on Jedi falling in love"?  I seriously think it might be JUST a male JK line, because even on male JK it only happens if you have Kira with you (I ran with Scourge the second time through and he says something totally different!  he just says something like "it's none of my business"... I was actually super disappointed as I wanted to record the other line).  Makes me wonder if it is a line related to the fact you can romance her (even though that version of JK was totally not romancing her).

Is this the part where you found out two jedi master were in love?

Scourge said something very rude like "they succumbed to their basic desire, amazing" like he's watching some daytime tv drama show which is just too hilarious lol

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12 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, it is from that scene.  If you do replay it on another fem JK with Kira or Doc on and get that line, lemme know!  So curious exactly what is required to trigger it.  It was such a perfect line for my character to set up the fact he romances Theron immediately, and if I do replay him I want to make sure I get it haha  (I think as long as I bring Kira non-romanced I should get it again?  hopefully?)

I have one clone who's on Hoth, so if i continue with her i may be able to see it in a not too distant future. I'll admit, i'd really like to be able to get that line too now, because it would also fit my JK pretty well, better than the one i've got so far.

15 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, I really think where it starts to seriously derail for a non force character is in the Satele and Marr chapter which is the one right after Aric shows back up.  There are a few things earlier on (like honestly even the killing of Valkorian and being able to have him in their mind without losing control to him), but that's where it starts CLEARLY being designed with a force user in mind and had me wondering even on my first run through "how does a non force character fit in this story??" lol

Yeah, up to the Marr/Satele chapter it's not too bad. When i play it with one of my NFU, i just pretend it's some kind of dream they have, it works akayish as my canon Outlander is my JK anyways, anyone else is just some more or less weird alternate universe, but it's still worth it for some characters who have a very good romance reunion (like Trooper x Jorgan or BH x Torian, can't really comment for Vette or kaliyo though as i'm only at the end of Hutta on the male IA i want to try the Kaliyo romance on and my male Warrior only has eyes for Quinn and never saw Vette even when she was openly flirting with him).

14 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Is this the part where you found out two jedi master were in love?

Scourge said something very rude like "they succumbed to their basic desire, amazing" like he's watching some daytime tv drama show which is just too hilarious lol

Yep it's at that moment, but in the next conversation (the one after you've defeated Leeha).

I love how snarky Scourge can be. I seriously feel bad for anyone who gets stuck between him, Kira and my JK.

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5 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Is this the part where you found out two jedi master were in love?

Scourge said something very rude like "they succumbed to their basic desire, amazing" like he's watching some daytime tv drama show which is just too hilarious lol

yeah lmao  Scourge's line was hilarious but I hated how much more bland and almost borderline uncaring the JK line was

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14 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep it's at that moment, but in the next conversation (the one after you've defeated Leeha).

I love how snarky Scourge can be. I seriously feel bad for anyone who gets stuck between him, Kira and my JK.

I bet they can defeat their enemy by the sass alone.

14 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

yeah lmao  Scourge's line was hilarious but I hated how much more bland and almost borderline uncaring the JK line was

I always interpret that line as "Oh wow, awkward, I'll just leave. Scourge is having too much fun." XD

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I got to thinking, and the Nathema conspiracy and Iocath is at least directly 80% the IA's fault. 🤔 So, in the IA story, the agent finds SCORPIO, releases her from her containment prison, and lets her onto the ship despite her trying to kill him/her and saying flat out that she will keep trying to do so. (Despite the nightmares, the carbonite freezing was likely the best sleep my agent had in ages with her aboard his ship.)

Agent frees SCORPIO, she proceeds to get stronger while travelling with him/her, then Agent becomes the Outlander, meets SCORPIO: The Lady of Sorrows, and lets her into the Alliance despite knowing firsthand that she is a risk. (I used to take all the threat options when dealing with her as my agent, but SCORPIO shrugged them all off and didn't believe any of them so they started to feel empty and I stopped as there was no point.) SCORPIO improves the GIMINI 16 droid by giving it free will - which is the droid that Theron has to be so careful about - resulting in him becoming a quadrupole agent in order to fool it into thinking he could be trusted so he can infiltrate the Order of Zildrog.

If only IA had scrapped 🗡️ SCORPIO from the start, a lot of heartbreak would have been prevented in the future. 

So, thanks, Agent. You are the prime reason Theron has even more trauma from believing his potential lover or best friend dies from getting stabbed through the chest by a spider droid. 💔 (My agent has guilt.)

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16 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I got to thinking, and the Nathema conspiracy and Iocath is at least directly 80% the IA's fault. 🤔 So, in the IA story, the agent finds SCORPIO, releases her from her containment prison, and lets her onto the ship despite her trying to kill him/her and saying flat out that she will keep trying to do so. (Despite the nightmares, the carbonite freezing was likely the best sleep my agent had in ages with her aboard his ship.)

Agent frees SCORPIO, she proceeds to get stronger while travelling with him/her, then Agent becomes the Outlander, meets SCORPIO: The Lady of Sorrows, and lets her into the Alliance despite knowing firsthand that she is a risk. (I used to take all the threat options when dealing with her as my agent, but SCORPIO shrugged them all off and didn't believe any of them so they started to feel empty and I stopped as there was no point.) SCORPIO improves the GIMINI 16 droid by giving it free will - which is the droid that Theron has to be so careful about - resulting in him becoming a quadrupole agent in order to fool it into thinking he could be trusted so he can infiltrate the Order of Zildrog.

If only IA had scrapped 🗡️ SCORPIO from the start, a lot of heartbreak would have been prevented in the future. 

So, thanks, Agent. You are the prime reason Theron has even more trauma from believing his potential lover or best friend dies from getting stabbed through the chest by a spider droid. 💔 (My agent has guilt.)

omg.  you are..... not even wrong 😐

I love SCORPIO and the story arc with her, I think it's really well done and really interesting, and her superiority is always so over the top and in character that it's hilarious (and I love when you can tell her in Chapter 15 "this is what it's like talking to you btw" or whatever the line is lmao)

But man you are right, Theron would have been so much better off if agent had scrapped her on Belsavis 😅 

The Order of Zildrog probably still would have tried to destroy the Alliance, but, they would not have had Gemini 16 so Theron could have worked with the others freely instead of feeling the need to do it all himself.  (why do you have to be such a good spy and cause us and yourself all this trauma and stress, Theron 😢)

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