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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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That's something I think is also important when discussing characters. Make sure all the PC's see them through their own perspectives! My JC is not my JK, my JK is not my BH, my BH is not my male or female Troopers, my Troopers, are not clones. My, SW is not my Agents, and my Agents are not clones! My Smugglers are twins and tend to do their own things within the context of my head canon. But every single PC I have has a different relationship with Theron and views him differently even though they're all friends with him. 

In this thread I don't only talk about Theron and my BH even though they're mated for life. They have a passionate and supportive relationship, and I ADORE it. But it is just as interesting to me to talk about how my JC adopted him as yet another older brother. My Male Agent as a drinking buddy and hell-raiser. My Female Agent as the work soulmate, etc...

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I know that I am probably not one to talk as I am on my third Theron romance (with twi'lek force users no less 😅) and I made exact dupes of two of them to replay with... BUT regardless I totally agree.  Like, I am on the third romance but all three of those romances are totally different.  I mean part of that is the imperial vs republic and me making different choices and starting all three of their romances at different points in the story, but also just how different the VAs for the diff player characters do the same lines makes their relationships feel more different.

Every character is different, every playthrough is different unless you deliberately choose to make them identical.  Even my dupe JK and JC made different choices during class story than the first time, and I actually think my consular dupe is going to romance Zenith not Theron if that becomes properly available (she's basically on hold rn) so if I go through with that it will be very interesting to play a whole story through where she and Theron are just bffs.

My diff characters have way more varied relationships/headcanon'd relationships with many of the other shared companion characters than with Theron though, because my own personal love of the Theron romance story takes over too much but I am better with others lol

Edited by cannibithobbal
keep finding typos.....
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I truly believe that I could never romance Theron with anyone but my specific 'cyborg' BH. If Rass Ordo ever becomes a proper companion and LI I'd make a new BH. But its the same with all of my PC's and their unique relationships. 

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21 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I truly believe that I could never romance Theron with anyone but my specific 'cyborg' BH. If Rass Ordo ever becomes a proper companion and LI I'd make a new BH. But its the same with all of my PC's and their unique relationships. 

I'm the same, i can't romance Theron on anyone else than my JK and her clones.

Each of my characters has a unique romance as i don't like repeats, luckily, i still have a few characters who are singles for the newer potential romances.

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22 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I truly believe that I could never romance Theron with anyone but my specific 'cyborg' BH. If Rass Ordo ever becomes a proper companion and LI I'd make a new BH. But its the same with all of my PC's and their unique relationships. 

 Personally I just can't even make another character of the same class+gender that isn't an exact dupe because I am so used to each voice from a specific face, so that issue has never come up for me 😅   I made my JK dupe specifically to romance with Theron and record forged alliances/SoR/Ziost though so obviously a different situation lol

I do find, though, that I don't want to step on the type of romantic relationship any of my current Theron romanced characters have.  So like, I want JK to be forever the only one who romances him from the very beginning and never misses a single flirt because I love that they are my "love at first sight, inseparable soulmates" romance, and that's special just for them.  If I do decide to romance Theron on my JC dupe after all I will do the same thing I did last time (minus the "you should be fired" line!!) and only start her romance with him during KotFE.  And I really like actually (even though it was kind of on accident) that I started my SW romancing him when she rescues him, I like the idea that him going missing made her start to see him a bit different, still a bit of a pretty boy toy at that point, but one that she wants (and worries about, a bit) lol  And I also think that I will probably choose the continue romance but no marriage option with her once I get there, just because I don't see her as the settling down type, doesn't feel right for her character.


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It's a valid strategy. But one I can't do. A. I will only role a Fem SW if and ONLY if Scourge gets opened up for a romance. B. I only like Male SW's with Vette. C. I can't stand Fem JK's voice, and think pairing Theron with Jedi problematic. Ditto with Fem Smuggler's voice. I only hear rugrats. D. I'm a straight female and don't do same-sex romances. Fem Agent is VECTOR'S MATE. I don't play Inquisitor because Light or Dark too creepy and weird. Fem Trooper? Um... NO! 

So, BH is it.

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1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

It's a valid strategy. But one I can't do. A. I will only role a Fem SW if and ONLY if Scourge gets opened up for a romance. B. I only like Male SW's with Vette. C. I can't stand Fem JK's voice, and think pairing Theron with Jedi problematic. Ditto with Fem Smuggler's voice. I only hear rugrats. D. I'm a straight female and don't do same-sex romances. Fem Agent is VECTOR'S MATE. I don't play Inquisitor because Light or Dark too creepy and weird. Fem Trooper? Um... NO! 

So, BH is it.

The idea of putting fem trooper with Theron squicks me out so hard lmao  just.... no.

Fem agent/Vector 100% my ship for her, forever.  They are precious and must be protected.

I disagree on the rest (oh, except fem JK voice, I didn't like it either, that's why JK is my one boy lol), but, all fair. 

I am bi personally (just one of the many reasons I love Theron and Lana tbh, as they were the first bi-romancable NPCs aside from that one lady on Makeb, who doesn't really count lol), so I tend to have that as my character default, but I will usually decide pretty quickly if being gay or straight instead feels more right for a certain character.  Like, I realized when I tried to flirt with Kira a few times and it felt super wrong that my JK was definitely a gay boy, and my JC is straight.  The rest still swing both ways so far.

I can tell you though, if more class story companions were bi-romancable during the actual class story (or there were just, like, better options lmao) probably fewer of my characters would make it to Theron romance, but I basically only play female characters (like I said, JK was my one exception - no regrets though, I absolutely love him) and I like almost none of the romance options for female characters during any of the class stories (Vector is literally it so far lol).  Like, I wish so much that my female smuggler could romance Akaavi, but alas. 

I mean, I know I could wait til waaay later in the story when class story companions basically all come back bi, but I'm impatient and there is so much story before then 😅  Which leaves Theron, Lana, then slightly later Koth as basically the only viable romance options for almost all my female characters, and as I know how much I love the Theron romance story, welp.

I still keep planning to do at least one character romanced with Lana, but, I tried on SW because I thought they would work good and ended up not really loving it and switching to Theron.  Still thinking maybe inquisitor, since she doesn't get Theron ever but I have her do every casual romance the game allows so she wouldn't go through that whole story and never romance either of them 🤣

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On 5/6/2023 at 10:50 AM, cannibithobbal said:

😍 this makes me SO HAPPY to hear. ❤️   It would be so sad if you could only tell lover Theron and not best friend Theron.

I read your reply and realized you interpreted my sentence correctly even though I had put 'are' instead of 'aren't'. Yay! I keep missing small mistakes like that. 😅

On 5/6/2023 at 11:21 AM, cannibithobbal said:

OMG that was a great compilation, ty for that!!  I was laughing so hard in spots 😂  And got to hear a ton of alt lines that I definitely never picked haha  male agent is definitely great, and based on how you clearly played your agent, choosing the stage performer option was so perfect 😂

You don't need to imagine, Theron admits this!  The letter after the Malgus interrogation has him saying he wants a vacation and that Dr. Oggurobb is already "concerned" about his stress levels 😅

Thanks! That was a lot of fun to make. I tried to make the scenes lead into each other. Like the one about Ciphers being whatever is needed to get the job done and then Agent saying he could be Mandalorian if given an hour. That's part of the reason I took the Lie option about dying. One, like you said, it is in character for my agent and so far he is the only character that would take that line, and two, it's also a throwback to when he claims to be a professional liar. That performance was not believable. 😂 I believe this is the only time the PC can take an option to lie to Theron. Since my character was so bad at it, and Theron only has that one data point to go off of, it makes the "You're a terrible liar" line even more believable and ironic. 😁

Also, my agent has killed a lot of people. 😲 I hadn't realized he had such a headcount. I think he's killed more people than my BH. 😅

I had forgotten about that mail! I think my opinion of Oggurobb just went up even more ❣️

On 5/6/2023 at 1:25 PM, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, that is something I am not sure I can get past either lmao  like, sooo much of the KotFE/KotET story feels tailored to force users, which, I mean, I don't mind because I am Jedi main, but I feel like I would have to stretch my suspension of disbelief a lot farther to play that story through on a non-force character.  Surely some things must change though, right?  Like, Satele and Marr obviously aren't going to train an agent or smuggler in a balanced force and make them build a new lightsaber.... right?  lol

The post KotXX story is really the part I would want to get to on more of my characters, tbh, it feels more suited to anyone.  But I also wouldn't want to SKIP the main story and have it make default choices that I don't want either.  so, the dilemma rages on and most of my characters are stuck at the beginning or end of SoR lol

The dialogue was not well adjusted to a non-Force user. Marr and Satele speak a lot of transcending oneself and becoming stronger, but there isn't really anything I would identify as training. Then, Marr says, "The weapon you weird was built for a different war. A different enemy."

PC looks at blaster: What are you talking about, Marr? It's a blaster. They are built for all wars. 😒

I had a hard time taking the whole training thing with Marr and Satele seriously. Have only done it on non-Forces users so far though. Maybe it'll feel different on my JC.

On 5/6/2023 at 1:25 PM, cannibithobbal said:

The post KotXX story is really the part I would want to get to on more of my characters, tbh, it feels more suited to anyone.  But I also wouldn't want to SKIP the main story and have it make default choices that I don't want either.  so, the dilemma rages on and most of my characters are stuck at the beginning or end of SoR lol

Same. There are a couple of characters I have made clones of so I can go through Knights of the Fallen Empire and beyond and do different choices. But I don't want to go through the class stories again. I am hesitating to use a Master's Datacron because I am worried about what the default choices are for the class. For instance, even though JC letting all those other Jedi die is a dark option, I like that choice. On my agent, I like being a double agent. If I skipped the JC and Agent storylines, will my JC choose to just put the big bad to sleep again so the problem becomes someone else's a thousand years from now? Will my agent hand the holocron over to the Minister of Intelligence and stay completely loyal to the Empire? The class story choices don't seem to matter much in KotFE and beyond, but there is always a chance they may at some point and I want things to be consistent. 

21 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

So I just played through Ziost on my sith warrior (I decided to take the plunge, I'm gonna play her through the whole story, that saboteur video swayed me 😄), and this may be my new favorite reaction/response to a flirt by Theron 🤣

I have to say too, I am actually surprised how much more similar the imperial version of Ziost was to the republic version when compared to how different Rishi/Yavin was for each faction, like Lana bookends the story instead of Theron, Kovach is only shown to be betraying Lana not also Theron, and there are some minor modifications of dialogue, but otherwise it's basically the same, and the vibe is really the same. Not sure why it's so much more similar, but because of that I actually liked it a lot more than Yavin on imperial.  Sad I didn't get to have a convo with Theron at the end though 🥲

I love that reaction! It is so him. I never take that flirt on my Imperial characters, but I still really appreciate his response. 😂Poor Theron is so stressed out and just wants to focus on The Mission and here is someone he has not spoken to in almost a year, hitting on him when he's had a Very Bad Day. Again, the things he has to put up with. 🤭

Playing both sides is important because of those small changes. Another good example is the fallout. Theron is put on administrative leave for his part in the mess. Something only Republic characters discover. And only one of the factions (I forget which) learns from Kovach that the whole mess is hugely his fault too because of the suggestions he made to Saresh. 

Right?! My BH felt the lack of a goodbye the most. My agent was impartial, my JC got to say goodbye, but my BH who is completely gone and smitten and carrying a burning torch for the man, didn't get even a glance back! The struggle is real there. 🤣

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Something I noticed for the first time. I'm on my 11th character playing Fractured Alliance. It's near the end. I just enter the superweapon room, but right before the cut scene and dialogue happens in the background I see Theron running from right to left. It's small pixels to represent distance and you don't see his face clearly, but I recognize the color scheme. I have him in a custom made outfit, but whether it's custom made or his original this is the first I've noticed. It couldn't be a glitch, could it? If it's not a glitch curious that I never saw it before even after I knew the cloaked figure would arrive to sabotage the throne connection.

OMG I just realized Theron and throne are anagrams. Must be a coincidence, hehe.

Theron is the greatest.


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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I read your reply and realized you interpreted my sentence correctly even though I had put 'are' instead of 'aren't'. Yay! I keep missing small mistakes like that. 😅

😅 yeah my brain must have fixed it because I didn't even notice

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

That's part of the reason I took the Lie option about dying. One, like you said, it is in character for my agent and so far he is the only character that would take that line, and two, it's also a throwback to when he claims to be a professional liar. That performance was not believable. 😂 I believe this is the only time the PC can take an option to lie to Theron. Since my character was so bad at it, and Theron only has that one data point to go off of, it makes the "You're a terrible liar" line even more believable and ironic. 😁

😂 yeah, it totally all fits.  That 100% makes the "you're a terrible liar" line better haha

 My SW is definitely gonna take the "I'm dying" line, she's that kind of gal (she played along with being a pirate on Rishi, it's super in character).  My jedis were too pure and thoughtful of Theron's actual feelings to be so ridiculous in that moment 😅

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Also, my agent has killed a lot of people. 😲 I hadn't realized he had such a headcount. I think he's killed more people than my BH. 😅

🤣  he really has, but basically all the kills were funny though.

I had my BH kill someone by accident (clicked the wrong button) and it was actually really funny but I escaped out the cutscene to redo it because it wasn't actually in character for her, as I play her extremely "only kill if necessary"

(and, total tangent here, but I must say, it actually annoys me a bit that it gives me dialogue options for her to say that multiple times early on and yet by chapter 2 the game is constantly forcing me to kill characters I totally don't want to, and that there are totally potential light side alternatives that it just doesn't give me, and instead like it'll give me "light side" choices that are still killing people, but nicer?  wut?  And I haven't played her in a few days because I got too annoyed that it made me assassinate a jedi and kill a whole ship full of people and then even though I could let the jedi padawan go it makes me kill her when she shows back up anyway, erg.  annoyed me so hard but I digress)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I had forgotten about that mail! I think my opinion of Oggurobb just went up even more ❣️

I mean, let's be real, the good doc has probably told Theron he is too stressed and then asked to personally experiment on all his implants or give him some kind of new one to help improve said stress, but it's the thought that counts, yeah? 😆  (I do love Oggurobb though, he's funny)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

The dialogue was not well adjusted to a non-Force user. Marr and Satele speak a lot of transcending oneself and becoming stronger, but there isn't really anything I would identify as training. Then, Marr says, "The weapon you weird was built for a different war. A different enemy."

PC looks at blaster: What are you talking about, Marr? It's a blaster. They are built for all wars. 😒

I had a hard time taking the whole training thing with Marr and Satele seriously. Have only done it on non-Forces users so far though. Maybe it'll feel different on my JC.

Oh my god.  I just.... I can't even.  I'm so sorry 🤣 

That mission is so good on jedis, you will see soon.  I mean, some of the running around is a bit tedious (no avoiding that lol), but, I love Satele and Marr both telling my jedis that the light vs dark they were always taught is not actually the only way, and learning to become stronger.  Former grandmaster of the jedi telling my jedis that there is more to the force than what the jedi taught is really good, it's really meaningful.  And that mission is the main reason I love Satele and Marr SO MUCH.  I loved them before, but them on Odessen just skyrocketed them for me.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Playing both sides is important because of those small changes. Another good example is the fallout. Theron is put on administrative leave for his part in the mess. Something only Republic characters discover. And only one of the factions (I forget which) learns from Kovach that the whole mess is hugely his fault too because of the suggestions he made to Saresh. 

Right?! My BH felt the lack of a goodbye the most. My agent was impartial, my JC got to say goodbye, but my BH who is completely gone and smitten and carrying a burning torch for the man, didn't get even a glance back! The struggle is real there. 🤣

Yeah, I am really glad I have played both sides now, to see the differences and learn the pieces that each side shows that the other doesn't.  Interestingly, during SoR I actually feel like the imperial side expanded a lot on the details and in some places was more thorough about what was going on (like the end of the Revan fight, you learn so much more about the Emperor and what he's doing!!  the republic guys are just like "welp, that happened, he's gone" but the imperials have a whole giant chat with him), but then on Ziost I think you get the bigger picture on republic since you learn the whole truth about Kovach (that's really the only thing that's much different).

I actually don't think my SW was close enough to Theron yet to need a goodbye scene with him (and she is still really close with Lana also even though she decided not to have a relationship, so I thought their scene together was really good), but for me, Theron loving player, was sad.  😅  for imperial characters in a deeper relationship with Theron it definitely would be even harder to know you're missing that.

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10 minutes ago, Hadsil said:

Something I noticed for the first time. I'm on my 11th character playing Fractured Alliance. It's near the end. I just enter the superweapon room, but right before the cut scene and dialogue happens in the background I see Theron running from right to left. It's small pixels to represent distance and you don't see his face clearly, but I recognize the color scheme. I have him in a custom made outfit, but whether it's custom made or his original this is the first I've noticed. It couldn't be a glitch, could it? If it's not a glitch curious that I never saw it before even after I knew the cloaked figure would arrive to sabotage the throne connection.

OMG I just realized Theron and throne are anagrams. Must be a coincidence, hehe.

Theron is the greatest.


You must have gotten a glitch, that's crazy!  I just rewatched my recording, and definitely 0 glitchy Theron's in the back of any shots, just the cloaked figure that walks in as normal.

One thing I absolutely did notice immediately the second time through the story though is the number of times Theron is in the back looking suuuuuuuper guilty every time people aren't looking directly at him, especially when anyone is talking about the superweapon or about the republic and empire finding it at the same time or everyone being at war.  The first time through you could interpret all those looks as him just being upset that there is so much fighting, but knowing the truth it is soooo obvious he feels guilty af about luring them all there.   When people are talking to him directly, Theron plays the good undercover spy and plays it off like he has no idea, but as soon as people aren't looking, the guilt comes out.

That actually makes it really hard to me to rewatch Iokath, it kicks me in the feels too hard (same with Umbara).  Like, I know he's a double agent, I know he's doing this because he thinks it's the only way to save them, but regardless it's so hard knowing he's doing it and feels so guilty and just wishing he could tell them about what's happening.  There is so much Theron and so many good romantic interactions on Iokath too (the "...and Theron, I love you" "I love you too" is one of my favorite romantic moments of the whole game tbh) which makes it extra hard that it's hard to rewatch (I kinda just skip through to those moments and watch them independently lol).

One thing I think someone mentioned earlier in this thread which I think is super true though is that when Theron sabotages the throne, a) he clearly makes sure it is 100% non-lethal (I mean, he has experience with making non-lethal electricity on Ziost! which is something I literally just thought of when rewatching just now) because no way in hell Theron would put them in serious danger, b) it probably actually is saving the PC from the throne (after we saw what happened to Acina), even if it seems like it is screwing the plan up, and c) Theron feels super guilty about it, guaranteed.

And yes, Theron is the greatest. 🥰

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17 hours ago, eabevella said:

Theron is the mission handler of Divided We Fall, Trail and Error, and Firefrost

You can check the play through and hear his line here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQY0JArYAZF_y6Mbp2vCNDE-COCitJMPx

Uprising takes place during kotxx. The "story" of the Uprising is very short, but some of them touches the more political aspect and the difficulties the Alliance could face, like both the Republic and the Sith have people who are super pissed about the Alliance because they can't get over the Rep/Jedi vs Imp/Sith thing, which is pretty much lacking in the main story. I really hope there are deeper contents regarding this topic instead of the bits we get in Uprising, a mode no one plays now except to farm conquest points.

I especially LOVE how emotional Theron is in Divided We Fall. It is rare that you see him being so frustrated about the corruption in the Republic and it just shows how good a man he is, even if it's just a voice line in a very obscure side mission/quest.

What?! I too have been missing out on Theron content?! As soon as I am done catching up here, I am going to get to work on those! Thank you for the information! 😍🥰

What server do we all play on? Maybe we can plan a future date and time and run through these together if there are no PUG groups we can get for them. I'm on Star Forge. .... Somehow I get the feeling we are all going to be on different servers. 😂

7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

However, saying he whines too much (without any context) or just complaining about the things is definitely inappropriate for this thread.

People saying that Theron 'whines too much', reminds me of Kaidan from BioWare's Mass Effect. I love Kaidan. Absolutely love. 🥰 He is wonderful, amazing, and another great character with a tragic backstory. Yet many fans complain that he whines too much. Kaidan has what are essentially Force powers. He manipulates the environment with his mind using 'Biotics', and when he was a boy, he was taken from his family to a place called Jump Zero for training. When he was a teenager, he killed his tyrannical training sergeant, Vyrnnus, by accident in order to protect himself and the girl he had feelings for. Vyrnnus had just broken the girl's arm and Kaidan stood up to confront him and Vyrnnus proceeded to beat the heck out of him and then pulled a knife on Kaidan to finish the job. Kaidan lost control of his powers, retaliated, and broke Vyrnnus' neck. After that, the girl, Rahna, was scared of him and never spoke to him again. Kaidan states he has moved on from it and doesn't let his past affect his mission performance. Which the PC can call bull on. Kaidan's past has resulted in him being incredibly disciplined and he maintains tight control of his emotions at all times in order to avoid another mistake like that.

Only through dialogue, when the PC specifically asks about Kaidan's past, does the player learn of this. After several conversations of buildup. The PC has to repeatedly encourage Kaidan to open up. At one point, after talking a bit about his past, Kaidan will say, "But that's my own baggage, Commander. No bearing on this (the mission)." After more encouragement, the player learns of the tragedy and Kaidan states that he is a "fully functional human being" and that he "won't be a burden". To which the PC can reply, "Talking about this doesn't make you a whiner, and it doesn't make you immature. It makes you human."

And fans screamed that he whined too much! After he opened up after a lot of promoting and revealed his tragic past. Those players essentially repay Kaidan's trust by stabbing him in the back. Doubly so if they make certain choices on Virmire. Because of all the hate, in ME2, a new character, Jacob (whom I also really like), never opened up to the PC. No matter how much the PC asked about his past. And fans complained that he never spoke about himself. Well, I wonder why!

Sorry, that was a bit off-topic. All that to say that I think characters with backgrounds are a great thing and make a game feel more believable and developed. It is highly frustrating that when characters have backgrounds, depth, and layers, people will complain and have a problem with them. Sometimes I think BioWare listens to player opinions too much. And that is one of the reasons there are so many characters now with kill options. 


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33 minutes ago, yenzin said:

What?! I too have been missing out on Theron content?! As soon as I am done catching up here, I am going to get to work on those! Thank you for the information! 😍🥰

What server do we all play on? Maybe we can plan a future date and time and run through these together if there are no PUG groups we can get for them. I'm on Star Forge. .... Somehow I get the feeling we are all going to be on different servers. 😂

Aw man, I had been wondering that too, but I am on Satele Shan server 🥲  based on it sounding like people are all over the place, I am guessing you are right, everyone's probably separate, big sadge.  it would be fun to see your PCs and Therons in person!

33 minutes ago, yenzin said:

People saying that Theron 'whines too much', reminds me of Kaidan from BioWare's Mass Effect. I love Kaidan. Absolutely love. 🥰 He is wonderful, amazing, and another great character with a tragic backstory. Yet many fans complain that he whines too much. Kaidan has what are essentially Force powers. He manipulates the environment with his mind using 'Biotics', and when he was a boy, he was taken from his family to a place called Jump Zero for training. When he was a teenager, he killed his tyrannical training sergeant, Vyrnnus, by accident in order to protect himself and the girl he had feelings for. Vyrnnus had just broken the girl's arm and Kaidan stood up to confront him and Vyrnnus proceeded to beat the heck out of him and then pulled a knife on Kaidan to finish the job. Kaidan lost control of his powers, retaliated, and broke Vyrnnus' neck. After that, the girl, Rahna, was scared of him and never spoke to him again. Kaidan states he has moved on from it and doesn't let his past affect his mission performance. Which the PC can call bull on. Kaidan's past has resulted in him being incredibly disciplined and he maintains tight control of his emotions at all times in order to avoid another mistake like that.

Only through dialogue, when the PC specifically asks about Kaidan's past, does the player learn of this. After several conversations of buildup. The PC has to repeatedly encourage Kaidan to open up. At one point, after talking a bit about his past, Kaidan will say, "But that's my own baggage, Commander. No bearing on this (the mission)." After more encouragement, the player learns of the tragedy and Kaidan states that he is a "fully functional human being" and that he "won't be a burden". To which the PC can reply, "Talking about this doesn't make you a whiner, and it doesn't make you immature. It makes you human."

And fans screamed that he whined too much! After he opened up after a lot of promoting and revealed his tragic past. Those players essentially repay Kaidan's trust by stabbing him in the back. Doubly so if they make certain choices on Virmire. Because of all the hate, in ME2, a new character, Jacob (whom I also really like), never opened up to the PC. No matter how much the PC asked about his past. And fans complained that he never spoke about himself. Well, I wonder why!

Sorry, that was a bit off-topic. All that to say that I think characters with backgrounds are a great thing and make a game feel more believable and developed. It is highly frustrating that when characters have backgrounds, depth, and layers, people will complain and have a problem with them. Sometimes I think BioWare listens to player opinions too much. And that is one of the reasons there are so many characters now with kill options. 

I never played ME but I know all my friends were super obsessed with it when it was new and also obsessed with Kaidan romance for all the reasons you described, so I know I would probably like him too if I play.  At some point I plan to get around to it, since they had that trilogy re-release, but, I have so many other very time consuming games *ahem* and haven't done it yet 😅

Characters with difficult backgrounds, troubled childhoods, past (or recent! or current!) trauma, etc, basically always my favorite characters.  That and characters that are just always trying as hard as possible to do good or be good, especially if they're in an environment where that's really hard sometimes/all the time.  Bonus if a character is all of the above.  Aka Theron lol

It makes me so sad that so many characters have kill options, though idk if that can be blamed on them listening to players or not since I see people hating a ton on some characters that are not killable, so it might just be actual devs with wrong opinions 🤷‍♀️

Edited to add: oh, and, calling Theron whiny is just super wtf lol  like, he literally constantly through forged alliances/SoR is saying how things turned out alright for him and how he's where he belongs and how everything ended up being for the best. and like, we know that deep down he's only half telling the truth and he still has a lot of emotional trauma there and some soul searching to do about his purpose and that he's actually still trying to find a place he belongs, but HE doesn't say any of that!!  WHERE is this supposed whining?  lol  nowhere, is the correct answer.  He states matter of factly what happened to him but then immediately turns around and says everything ended up alright.  He was abandoned as a baby and still cares about his mother anyway, he has been through hell and yet still cares, that is the opposite of being whiny.

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10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

lmao oh my god.  as a jedi main I feel a compulsion to apologize to all tech character mains who did that as their first run. 🤣

oh sweet, thanks for the link!  I see he doesn't say all that much, but I do always love mission handler Theron, it always feels like that's him in his element, always so confident and down to business 😉

He totally sounds so upset there at the end, that really reflects what he says in the "Hearts and Minds" mission briefing where he talks about the corruption and then says "the republic might finally be ready to live up to its own standards."  I love so much that he is loyal to the republic but not blindly loyal, he just wants to do what's right and do it where it's needed, and when he realized the republic wasn't that he left. ❤️

I would love more handler Theron. It gives me good Metal Gear Solid vibe, which is my first console game and I always like the talking to your mission support through radio element (extra fun when playing a male JK because of the VA).

The little bits from Uprising and Star Fortress show so much of Theron's character, whoever in charged of the writing of them have my thanks. I love that he is loyal, not afraid to do something that's right, but still have a clear personal moral line.

10 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I can't find groups for SM Uprisings but I did do Divided We Fall and I loved it. I think its a great character development for Theron. 

I love how a few short but well performed voice lines can add layers to a character. We need more writing like this.

8 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I believe there is a fine line between discussing a negative trait, (Theron freely admits he has them) and negativity for the character. For example, discussing Theron's admitted reckelessness and the consequences of it, is IMO not breaking the spirit of this thread. If Theron was a perfect flawless character very few people would love him. 

However, saying he whines too much (without any context) or just complaining about the things is definitely inappropriate for this thread.

This is an issue in the Arcann thread to where people get miffed if his bad actions are dwelled on too much. I think a balanced approach makes for more interesting conversations.

In the Ziost arc it is massively clear that Theron bit off way more than he could chew. Does that make him a bad character, or responsible for the catastrophe? No. Does that mean he shouldn't have consequences from his well-intentioned mistakes? Again, No. He messed up. He knows it, and he does his best. That's all anyone can do. Lana, on-the-other-hand, made far worse decisions with greater consequences and got a promotion. But Kovach and Seresh were the ones responsible for the second greatest loss of life decisions! Neither Theron, nor Lana, could control that. Of course, ultimately everything became inevitable, but to deny Theron didn't mess up is a disservice to his character. Therefore a lack of love for him.

People who complain about Theron "whines too much" should see my whining in other threads lol

Companions voicing their objection when we do something they don't agree with is great. I don't want uwu waifu (or whatever the male equivalent is), I want companions with personality. If I love of hate them because of their personality/believe, well, that mean the writing is good.

Ziost imp side is very dark for Theron. Most of his team was killed in a horrible way. He's betrayed by both his colleague and leader, who brought more people to be killed meaninglessly. He's alone in a place where everyone might kill or worse, capture and torture him (In his angle, there's no guarantee that Lana and the player character won't do that to him. I mean, he IS the enemy at that point who planted a spy as Lana's 2nd in command). All because he did the RIGHT thing by sending people to investigate a threat that WILL kill everyone when no one in the Republic or the Empire except Darth Marr give a f*** about it. This is why I love this character, even though not everything he does in good intention ends up having good or successful outcome.

I feel bad for Theron and my agent (mind control PTSD is *fun*) during the whole Ziost run. Both of them showed their not so glamorous side (oh man Theron's reaction when you killed the triple spy). I always imagine they parted with regrets and basically tried to forget each other. It's so depressive that I'm glad I get to play this part without having to wait for the story update lol

10 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Would you say they are soloable like the Star Fortresses are?  I solo'd those ones no problem.  I would love to play the missions with Theron in, even if I don't do all of them.

Some parts might be tricky (the mobs are meant to be cleared by a group) but you can solo sm Divided and Counqured with a lv80 toon + lv50 comp. Not sure about the other ones.

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I made duplicate of my agent on all english-speaking servers because I want the exact same character lol

Too bad some of the romance are not opened for my preferred gender/class combination so my male SW is still playing ignorance with Quinn, and the same to my male SI and Andronikos (dunno why both of them are not romanceable to male toons since they both came back during kotxx era). My girls are more lucky in the romance department. Fem JK is with Scourge, fem SI is with Khem (please BW I need an update of their romance. It's not a crack ship for some of us!).

Which is why it's nice to make other toons to try Theron romance. SI and Theron is super fun. I like the dynamic between male JK and Theron too. I am not really that interested in other classes in general, but that's what's good about this thread is fun. I love seeing the different takes surrounding Theron.

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

What?! I too have been missing out on Theron content?! As soon as I am done catching up here, I am going to get to work on those! Thank you for the information! 😍🥰

What server do we all play on? Maybe we can plan a future date and time and run through these together if there are no PUG groups we can get for them. I'm on Star Forge. .... Somehow I get the feeling we are all going to be on different servers. 😂

51 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Aw man, I had been wondering that too, but I am on Satele Shan server 🥲  based on it sounding like people are all over the place, I am guessing you are right, everyone's probably separate, big sadge.  it would be fun to see your PCs and Therons in person!

I'm active on both Star Forge and Satele Shan.

I live in APAC time zone but if you need someone to do the Uprising together we can work out a time. It would be a pleasure to help out fellow Theron fans :)

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7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

That's something I think is also important when discussing characters. Make sure all the PC's see them through their own perspectives! My JC is not my JK, my JK is not my BH, my BH is not my male or female Troopers, my Troopers, are not clones. My, SW is not my Agents, and my Agents are not clones! My Smugglers are twins and tend to do their own things within the context of my head canon. But every single PC I have has a different relationship with Theron and views him differently even though they're all friends with him. 

In this thread I don't only talk about Theron and my BH even though they're mated for life. They have a passionate and supportive relationship, and I ADORE it. But it is just as interesting to me to talk about how my JC adopted him as yet another older brother. My Male Agent as a drinking buddy and hell-raiser. My Female Agent as the work soulmate, etc...

Exactly this! I try to build my characters differently from each other too. Because, like you, my characters are not like each other and have their own pasts and perspectives. A good example of this is mostly reflected in their relationships with certain characters and how extremely positive or negative each relationship is.

Likewise, they so far have different relationships with Theron. Even though they are all interested in him, or have been interested, the only one I feel in which the relationship is very strong is my BH. Especially since we have less interaction with him in KotET and the reunion is a bit underwhelming. New players that skip Revan and jump straight to Knights are going to have no reason to want to romance Theron because there is no build-up for his character and a potential romance. As is, it's even a bit thin for players that have played Revan but did not have a relationship with Theron during it.

I keep trying to imagine potential lines of dialogue between the PC and Theron that will work for a better reunion or build-up either during chapters 1 through 8 or just in nine, and I'm having a hard time imagining something better than what we have. Even though what we have could definitely have been better.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

"love at first sight, inseparable soulmates" romance, 

This reminds me of Theron's letter in which he states that he loved the PC at first sight. I have always wondered if that was true or not, or simply him being poetic. 😄

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

(and, total tangent here, but I must say, it actually annoys me a bit that it gives me dialogue options for her to say that multiple times early on and yet by chapter 2 the game is constantly forcing me to kill characters I totally don't want to, and that there are totally potential light side alternatives that it just doesn't give me, and instead like it'll give me "light side" choices that are still killing people, but nicer?  wut?  And I haven't played her in a few days because I got too annoyed that it made me assassinate a jedi and kill a whole ship full of people and then even though I could let the jedi padawan go it makes me kill her when she shows back up anyway, erg.  annoyed me so hard but I digress)

I had the same issues going through the story! My BH was mainly LS and I remember having to kill that padawan later and hating it. Oh, and the recruitment for Skadge pissed me off so much! We need to talk to a man, Zale Barrows, who would make a great companion and has very valid reasons for Skadge remaining in confinement. And what are the BH's responses? No. No. And No. Then we have to kill him. Zale is a war hero. He would have been perfect. But no! 🤬 And that's on top of Gault's recruitment which makes a LS, honest BH lie and cheat in order to win the Great Hunt. It felt to me, that as the chapters progressed, I lost all autonomy over my BH and his choices. It was incredibly frustrating and I hated it. Getting through the class story after a certain point was an exercise in perseverance. 

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36 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I would love more handler Theron. It gives me good Metal Gear Solid vibe, which is my first console game and I always like the talking to your mission support through radio element (extra fun when playing a male JK because of the VA).

The little bits from Uprising and Star Fortress show so much of Theron's character, whoever in charged of the writing of them have my thanks. I love that he is loyal, not afraid to do something that's right, but still have a clear personal moral line.

Oh yeah, I remember reading JK VA was in that game (I have not played it though), if you love both it must be great!

Sign me up also for more mission handler Theron.  That was his main purpose in the game when he first showed up and now he doesn't really do it at all unless you are replaying old stuff 😥

Totally agreed about the writing.  Not much dialogue and just over the radio (well, Star Fortress has some in the ship beforehand - including one of my favorite Theron lines ever: "I do not like Tatooine but I do love to say Tatooine" lol - that might be slightly misremembered but, as a linguist and language nerd, I loved it) and yet still adding character development, or at least showcasing more how awesome he is.

41 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Companions voicing their objection when we do something they don't agree with is great. I don't want uwu waifu (or whatever the male equivalent is), I want companions with personality. If I love of hate them because of their personality/believe, well, that mean the writing is good.


Also, if any character in the game "whines" it's Koth when I send him on crafting missions, but I just think it's hilarious 🤣

21 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I am not really that interested in other classes in general, but that's what's good about this thread is fun. I love seeing the different takes surrounding Theron.

Totally agreed with this, I think everyone else in here has different mains they romance with Theron from me and I love hearing how different the various stories are since I know I'm not gonna be playing them myself.


16 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I'm active on both Star Forge and Satele Shan.

I live in APAC time zone but if you need someone to do the Uprising together we can work out a time. It would be a pleasure to help out fellow Theron fans :)

I am west coast US, I'd totally take you up on that at some point!  idk how best to work out schedules, but I'm on the game for basically all my free time so, I'm sure I can make it work haha  Like I said, I'd love to see PCs and Therons in person 😄

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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

This reminds me of Theron's letter in which he states that he loved the PC at first sight. I have always wondered if that was true or not, or simply him being poetic. 😄

You have no idea how happy I was when I read that letter for the first time on JK run 😄  Even though it's partially sad af because it's the one from when he leaves after Umbara, it's also his biggest declaration of love ever.  And I love so much that reading through the whole letter, on the surface it reads like his explanation for his betrayal but it is actually worded in such a way that when you know the truth it is obvious he is explaining why he is pretending to betray them, because he is trying to save lives - most importantly their life.  That letter gives me so many feels.  Just the way it's worded even, "however this ends, I just want you to know that I loved you from the moment I saw you.  And I always will.", just, ugh, gets my shipper heart right in the feels like nothing else

It's definitely the combination of it being a declaration of eternal love but also a goodbye.  As well as the whole letter being his reasons for leaving but the reason he doesn't want to (which also happens to be the main reason he actually left!)  Like, it feels so "I hope I make it back to you but I don't actually know if I will" because Theron doesn't know if he's going to be able to make it home from this mission.  my heart: 💘

With my JK I 100% take it as him meaning it, that it was love at first sight (or at least, ya know, attraction combined with already knowing how amazing he was from reading up on him before recruiting), because that's how I had their relationship in my head before I even read that letter (I mean, I think I got that letter before on JC but I forgot about it).  Like I said, since I started their relationship from flirt 1, they are my love at first sight soulmates romance 🥰 

The way JK VA plays the romance definitely helps with that too, I feel like from the first kiss on Rishi (which is really the start of their actual relationship) through to proposal onward, he really plays the lines in a way that says "you're the only one, there's never been or gonna be anyone else".  Hard to describe why, just how it feels to me when he delivers them.  Different from JC, who always sounded deeply committed to Theron but in a different way.  I am bad at describing, and others may disagree, but that's definitely how it always made me feel and why I got that headcanon about JK/Theron (and then the letter just cemented it).

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I had the same issues going through the story! My BH was mainly LS and I remember having to kill that padawan later and hating it. Oh, and the recruitment for Skadge pissed me off so much! We need to talk to a man, Zale Barrows, who would make a great companion and has very valid reasons for Skadge remaining in confinement. And what are the BH's responses? No. No. And No. Then we have to kill him. Zale is a war hero. He would have been perfect. But no! 🤬 And that's on top of Gault's recruitment which makes a LS, honest BH lie and cheat in order to win the Great Hunt. It felt to me, that as the chapters progressed, I lost all autonomy over my BH and his choices. It was incredibly frustrating and I hated it. Getting through the class story after a certain point was an exercise in perseverance. 

Ok, hearing this from a heavy BH player makes me feel so much better actually!  SO glad it is not just me.  It feels so much like my character is being forced down one path and I don't actually have real choices at all.  "Losing autonomy" is totally the best way to describe it.  It already started making me really mad, I am chasing legendary so I'm gonna finish it but ugh, this class story is honestly my least favorite so far, especially when you consider that SITH WARRIOR has a full light side story path (which I love), but a bounty hunter is basically forced to be evil and light side choices aren't even light?????

I still 100% have my same headcanons about my BH's backstory that I came up with when I made her, and I love them (even though they're probably objectively ridiculous to anyone else lol), and I have in my head who her character is, and the version of the character in my head, I love her.  But the game is stubborly refusing to let me stick to how I want her to be at all.  Which is extra weird when the beginning of chapter 1 totally did!  There were loads of times in early chapter 1 when you could make the right moral choice on a bad job.  But from the end of chapter 1 onward, choices feel so meaningless.  I'm honestly shocked it let me say no to the mandos, after the other stuff I was afraid it would be a "forced yes not really a choice" situation, and based on my headcanons about her, joining any kind of faction would be the last thing she would do. 

Just frustrating that because they (imo stupidly) put BH on imperial side you have to be evil and work with the empire all the time.  I mean I know it makes more sense for the empire to put up bounties than republic people, but, like, lemme just work for shady underworld people!

.............BH rant over haha

(I will say I don't actually mind the Gault thing though because I personally felt it was more LS to spare him than to turn him in, and I already loved Gault from KotFE/KotET so I couldn't wait to get him on the crew haha)

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6 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

It's a valid strategy. But one I can't do. A. I will only role a Fem SW if and ONLY if Scourge gets opened up for a romance. B. I only like Male SW's with Vette. C. I can't stand Fem JK's voice, and think pairing Theron with Jedi problematic. Ditto with Fem Smuggler's voice. I only hear rugrats. D. I'm a straight female and don't do same-sex romances. Fem Agent is VECTOR'S MATE. I don't play Inquisitor because Light or Dark too creepy and weird. Fem Trooper? Um... NO! 

So, BH is it.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am bi personally (just one of the many reasons I love Theron and Lana tbh, as they were the first bi-romancable NPCs aside from that one lady on Makeb, who doesn't really count lol), so I tend to have that as my character default, but I will usually decide pretty quickly if being gay or straight instead feels more right for a certain character.  Like, I realized when I tried to flirt with Kira a few times and it felt super wrong that my JK was definitely a gay boy, and my JC is straight.  The rest still swing both ways so far.

And then there's me: the weirdo. 😅 I'm a straight female but 95% of the characters I play across all games are male. Stardew Valley, Dragon Age, Harvest Moon, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings Online, SWTOR, Baulder's Gate, etc, etc. If there is a gay romance option, then all of my males end up gay. If there is not, then my males are either straight, or single, or I mod the game so they can be gay. All of my females are straight. I heavily prefer male voices, and in this game, the JK is the only female voice I actively like (I like the voice of both sexes on that one). Hence why my JK and her clone are my only female characters and they are going to romance Koth and Theron. 💖

And there I go, possibly oversharing. I better submit this and go to bed before I second-guess myself.... 😅

EDIT: Not having played a female character in this game past level 11, I have not experienced the sexism that female characters mainly encounter. Thus, I found this article on the issue very interesting. I have experienced it through dialogue on my BH though. There is a line in which he can say, "Feelings are for women and children." I never take that line because while my character may be a bit of a speciest at times (he really doesn't like hutts), he is certainly not sexist and men are entitled to feelings too.

Edited by yenzin
female. added article.
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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh yeah, I remember reading JK VA was in that game (I have not played it though), if you love both it must be great!

Sign me up also for more mission handler Theron.  That was his main purpose in the game when he first showed up and now he doesn't really do it at all unless you are replaying old stuff 😥

Totally agreed about the writing.  Not much dialogue and just over the radio (well, Star Fortress has some in the ship beforehand - including one of my favorite Theron lines ever: "I do not like Tatooine but I do love to say Tatooine" lol - that might be slightly misremembered but, as a linguist and language nerd, I loved it) and yet still adding character development, or at least showcasing more how awesome he is.


Also, if any character in the game "whines" it's Koth when I send him on crafting missions, but I just think it's hilarious 🤣

Totally agreed with this, I think everyone else in here has different mains they romance with Theron from me and I love hearing how different the various stories are since I know I'm not gonna be playing them myself.


I am west coast US, I'd totally take you up on that at some point!  idk how best to work out schedules, but I'm on the game for basically all my free time so, I'm sure I can make it work haha  Like I said, I'd love to see PCs and Therons in person 😄

Scourge whines the most from "you certain you need this?" when you send him, to the smug "more than you deserve" when he crits a mission, to the "resources are scares do not blame me" if he fails... Kira may tease him about being old softie but he's such an old grumpy Sith lol

I Theron's comment about the planets in Star Fortress. And that "what will happen if I insert this line of code... here". Yes Theron, let's blow up this damn thing!

I can always get up in weekend morning and my night time is US morning time :)

PS: I can't stand (not in a way because it's bad) male JK voice because I can't stop thinking about Solid Snake (the main character of MGS). He's too iconic and had too much impact on me that I can't hear anyone else lol

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5 minutes ago, yenzin said:

And then there's me: the weirdo. 😅 I'm straight but 95% of the characters I play across all games are male. Stardew Valley, Dragon Age, Harvest Moon, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings Online, SWTOR, Baulder's Gate, etc, etc. If there is a gay romance option, then all of my males end up gay. If there is not, then my males are either straight, or single, or I mod the game so they can be gay. All of my females are straight. I heavily prefer male voices, and in this game, the JK is the only female voice I actively like (I like the voice of both sexes on that one). Hence why my JK and her clone are my only female characters and they are going to romance Koth and Theron. 💖

And there I go, possibly oversharing. I better submit this and go to bed before I second-guess myself.... 😅

If that was oversharing, then we were all oversharing, it's all good 😅

I will say, I never play straight boy characters (in RPGs, anyway, obv different in story games where you play a set character).  If I make a male character in any game (like I said though, it's rare haha), he is either bi or gay. 

I freely admit my decades of deep-seated frustration with the games industry for 90% of games being about straight white male player characters (a status that has thankfully changed SO much for the better, especially in recent years) is at fault for that one though lol  (I do like some straight white boy protags, just, there were so many of them and so little else for such a long time, so I was always like "if the games industry won't give me the variety in games with one playable character, I will play RPGs instead and make other options myself" 😅  and, well, even though that's changed so much and I'm mostly over it, old habits die hard haha)

10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Scourge whines the most from "you certain you need this?" when you send him, to the smug "more than you deserve" when he crits a mission, to the "resources are scares do not blame me" if he fails... Kira may tease him about being old softie but he's such an old grumpy Sith lol

😅 I do love grumpy Scourge tho.  I just love him. 

.......I will say I really wish he had more companion combat lines though.  he has like 3 lines he says while fighting/healing and it's so weird when everyone else has so many more lol

11 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I can always get up in weekend morning and my night time is US morning time :)

I can definitely make weekend mornings work!  I will try to remember next weekend.  (I have bad memory, I may end up needing reminder lol)

12 minutes ago, eabevella said:

PS: I can't stand male JK voice because I can't stop thinking about Solid Snake (the main character of MGS). He's too iconic and had too much impact on me that I can't hear anyone else lol

that is.... totally fair hahaha

honestly if I played MGS I would probably be too weirded out in the reverse 🤣

it's weird because there are some VAs that I have heard in loads of different games and it's fine, totally normal, doesn't phase me at all, if anything just love hearing them in other roles... and then others that I can only hear one character haha  (I mean, even within SWTOR there are examples, like trooper is gonna be weird the whole way, I just hear Satele and I don't think I'll ever adjust lol  though, I suppose if Zenith and Theron sound completely different to me now - they did not at first - then maybe I will..... but it will be harder)

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7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

It's a valid strategy. But one I can't do. A. I will only role a Fem SW if and ONLY if Scourge gets opened up for a romance. B. I only like Male SW's with Vette. C. I can't stand Fem JK's voice, and think pairing Theron with Jedi problematic. Ditto with Fem Smuggler's voice. I only hear rugrats. D. I'm a straight female and don't do same-sex romances. Fem Agent is VECTOR'S MATE. I don't play Inquisitor because Light or Dark too creepy and weird. Fem Trooper? Um... NO! 

So, BH is it.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I am bi personally (just one of the many reasons I love Theron and Lana tbh, as they were the first bi-romancable NPCs aside from that one lady on Makeb, who doesn't really count lol), so I tend to have that as my character default, but I will usually decide pretty quickly if being gay or straight instead feels more right for a certain character.  Like, I realized when I tried to flirt with Kira a few times and it felt super wrong that my JK was definitely a gay boy, and my JC is straight.  The rest still swing both ways so far.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

And then there's me: the weirdo. 😅 I'm a straight female but 95% of the characters I play across all games are male. Stardew Valley, Dragon Age, Harvest Moon, Mass Effect, Lord of the Rings Online, SWTOR, Baulder's Gate, etc, etc. If there is a gay romance option, then all of my males end up gay. If there is not, then my males are either straight, or single, or I mod the game so they can be gay. All of my females are straight. I heavily prefer male voices, and in this game, the JK is the only female voice I actively like (I like the voice of both sexes on that one). Hence why my JK and her clone are my only female characters and they are going to romance Koth and Theron. 💖

I'm more or less on a 50/50 male/female characters ratio, that being said, most of them are with male LIs.
So far i have for my mains, in spoiler because it's pretty long


(M IA, M SI and M JC i'm not really sure rn, IA is going to try Kaliyo, but i'm not sure i'll like it, and JC and SI have pretty awfull class romances, i'm waiting to see if Arn and Rivix will lead anywhere for them, though i'll forever be sad that Cytharat just disappeared because he was great with my SI):

  • F JK with Theron (i actually quite like her english voice, and i absolutely love her french one, for me she's the best female PC's voice, not overly fond of M JK's voice in english and he's pretty boring in french, unless playing it as an Anakin-like character, so more DS kind of JK)). I quite like too that the beginning of the romance might be a bit complicated for Theron because of the fact she's a Jedi, but in the end i think that romance just work so well, partially because my JK is pretty close to Satele and is willing to help them have a better relationship, which i think is something both Theron and Satele would be happy with.
  • F SW with Arcann, there's not that much to the romance, but i think it works quite well too.
  • F Trooper with Aric, i really liked that romance, and they have, imo the best reunion during KOTFE
  • M Smuggler with Akaavi, she's super cool and has, imo, the best M PC x F LI romance from the class stories where there's no weird dynamic between the two
  • F BH with Torian. I just love that romance, that's probably my favorite from the class stories, it's so wholesome, and their reunion during KOTFE is very good too. I really like that despite being the youngest companion, he's actually pretty mature and knows what he wants.

I also have a M JK, but i'm not sure yet if it'll be Kira or Scourge, F JC i may try Tau if there is anything later, M SW is desperatly waiting for Quinn, F SI i have absolutely no idea, M Trooper i'll see how the romance with Elara goes, but i'm not 100% sure yet, F IA is a Vector girl all the way, F Smuggler is with Koth and M BH is going to try to romance Rass.


2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

With my JK I 100% take it as him meaning it, that it was love at first sight (or at least, ya know, attraction combined with already knowing how amazing he was from reading up on him before recruiting), because that's how I had their relationship in my head before I even read that letter (I mean, I think I got that letter before on JC but I forgot about it).  Like I said, since I started their relationship from flirt 1, they are my love at first sight soulmates romance 🥰 

The way JK VA plays the romance definitely helps with that too, I feel like from the first kiss on Rishi (which is really the start of their actual relationship) through to proposal onward, he really plays the lines in a way that says "you're the only one, there's never been or gonna be anyone else".  Hard to describe why, just how it feels to me when he delivers them.  Different from JC, who always sounded deeply committed to Theron but in a different way.  I am bad at describing, and others may disagree, but that's definitely how it always made me feel and why I got that headcanon about JK/Theron (and then the letter just cemented it).

I feel pretty much the same with my JK, there's never been and never will be anyone but Theron for her, and even if she didn't realise right away she was in love with him and flirted without even realising it, she was already at the very least attracted to him from the start. All that is also reinforced by the fact she's been constantly rejecting Doc (even though for some reason the only way to reject him without playing the "I'm a Jedi" card, which would not fit my JK's personality is by flirting with him, which ends up with him proposing to someone who's never even been attracted to him... i guess my JK is just really not good at realising she's actually flirting with someone).

There's also a line during the first meeting with Theron on Carrick station (PC : "The homeworld of the Sith...this is much more serious than you led me to believe." to which Theron answers : "Oh. I assumed you'd just grab the facts right out of my head" before being interrupted by Darok). At no point is it ever labelled as a [flirt] but it does sound kinda like Theron is actually flirting with the JK (maybe it's available to JC as well i'm not sure as i've not taken that line with a JC, but it's competely different for the other 2 classes from what i've seen, like with Smuggler, it sounds like he really doesn't like them and has no respect for them), which goes a bit with the fact Theron then writes that he fell for the PC at first sight.


On another note, i'd like to play Uprisings with you, but i play mosly on The Leviathan, and while i have characters on all 5 servers, they're not very far on the other 4 servers as i mostly use them during GS. Timezones and faction (as i'd like to play that on my Theronmancer who's a pub character) may be an issue too.

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6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm more or less on a 50/50 male/female characters ratio, that being said, most of them are with male LIs.
So far i have for my mains, in spoiler because it's pretty long

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(M IA, M SI and M JC i'm not really sure rn, IA is going to try Kaliyo, but i'm not sure i'll like it, and JC and SI have pretty awfull class romances, i'm waiting to see if Arn and Rivix will lead anywhere for them, though i'll forever be sad that Cytharat just disappeared because he was great with my SI):

  • F JK with Theron (i actually quite like her english voice, and i absolutely love her french one, for me she's the best female PC's voice, not overly fond of M JK's voice in english and he's pretty boring in french, unless playing it as an Anakin-like character, so more DS kind of JK)). I quite like too that the beginning of the romance might be a bit complicated for Theron because of the fact she's a Jedi, but in the end i think that romance just work so well, partially because my JK is pretty close to Satele and is willing to help them have a better relationship, which i think is something both Theron and Satele would be happy with.
  • F SW with Arcann, there's not that much to the romance, but i think it works quite well too.
  • F Trooper with Aric, i really liked that romance, and they have, imo the best reunion during KOTFE
  • M Smuggler with Akaavi, she's super cool and has, imo, the best M PC x F LI romance from the class stories where there's no weird dynamic between the two
  • F BH with Torian. I just love that romance, that's probably my favorite from the class stories, it's so wholesome, and their reunion during KOTFE is very good too. I really like that despite being the youngest companion, he's actually pretty mature and knows what he wants.

I also have a M JK, but i'm not sure yet if it'll be Kira or Scourge, F JC i may try Tau if there is anything later, M SW is desperatly waiting for Quinn, F SI i have absolutely no idea, M Trooper i'll see how the romance with Elara goes, but i'm not 100% sure yet, F IA is a Vector girl all the way, F Smuggler is with Koth and M BH is going to try to romance Rass.


omg, that is so many romances!  I.... have a long way to go to even remotely catch up 😅

It makes me really happy knowing how many other people love fem IA/Vector, I wasn't sure if that was popular or not but they are soooooo cute.  And I feel very strongly that he is the super honest, open, and genuine person that the IA who has been lied to and betrayed so many times absolutely deserves.

If you do end up deciding to do a male JK romance and choosing between those two, I have to say:  (I spoiler tag in case you don't want to hear my opinions, plus some very mild spoilers lol)


I do not personally recommend Kira.  Based on your other romance choices and why you say you love them I feel you might agree with me on this, which is the only reason I say it haha (maybe I am wrong tho!) 

I am sure there are people who love that romance (people who do, pls don't hate me haha), but imo it is not a very good one.  Without spoiling too much, it is extremely non-romantic and basically just them sneaking around like horny teenagers worried their parents the Jedi council will catch them, and it's really not well written imo lol (like, the super suggestive dialogue was so bad it made me laugh at first, then cringe going "who wrote this??" 🤣).  I love Kira SO much as a friend companion, but the romance is..... not so great.  imo.  lol

The one thing I liked about it is that at the very end of the class story Kira sends you a letter about Theron where she's like "there's this rumor Satele had a secret love affair and a secret kid and he works for the SIS, so maybe she wouldn't care if she caught us sneaking around".... and like, I've said before that I do totally think that Satele doesn't say anything to JK on Yavin for romancing Theron (she totally knows about it.  guaranteed.) for that very reason, so I feel like that is the game kind of confirming that for me haha

(And yes, I only did her romance on my second JK since he was a throwaway dupe character that existed just to record SoR and I wanted to make some bad totally different choices during class story to see what happened.... so I did some flirts on her and accidentally went too far and got stuck in it and then just kept going out of morbid curiosity.  And then it was like playing a train wreck in slow motion for me and was what made me realize my main JK was definitely not into women because it felt so wrong for him 😅)

6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

All that is also reinforced by the fact she's been constantly rejecting Doc (even though for some reason the only way to reject him without playing the "I'm a Jedi" card, which would not fit my JK's personality is by flirting with him, which ends up with him proposing to someone who's never even been attracted to him... i guess my JK is just really not good at realising she's actually flirting with someone).

I have to say, this makes me more glad I didn't play through female JK haha  I don't think I could handle him hitting on my character.  on male JK he only hits on Kira and she hates him and constantly sasses him and it makes me love Kira more 🤣   male JK also has the best lines to sass Doc with himself lol

6 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

There's also a line during the first meeting with Theron on Carrick station (PC : "The homeworld of the Sith...this is much more serious than you led me to believe." to which Theron answers : "Oh. I assumed you'd just grab the facts right out of my head" before being interrupted by Darok). At no point is it ever labelled as a [flirt] but it does sound kinda like Theron is actually flirting with the JK (maybe it's available to JC as well i'm not sure as i've not taken that line with a JC, but it's competely different for the other 2 classes from what i've seen, like with Smuggler, it sounds like he really doesn't like them and has no respect for them), which goes a bit with the fact Theron then writes that he fell for the PC at first sight.

omg I did not ever get that line on any character!  do you know what dialogue prompt you chose to make him say that?  I want to hear it 😅  ....I wonder if I have not gotten it because it is an alternate option to the "any relation to Satele" line, which I always choose because I love his "this is why I keep asking for a code name" line so much haha

Edited by cannibithobbal
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