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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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40 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

This is off topic from current discussions, but I was going through videos during my YT uploads, and I just wanna throw some love for how Theron can fly a shuttle with his brain.  Low key one of his most badass moments IMHO, I love when his implants are actually mentioned/important to the story, it is rare but lovely.

Yep, Iokath isn't my favorite part of KOTET, which is probably why i kinda forgot about that part, but it did a pretty good job at showing some of our companions special skills, would've been nice to have more of that tbh.

Edited by Goreshaga
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One final post from me about my feelings about Theron and Lana and about Lana being in more, responding to some direct points but mostly just summarizing my own feelings:

Starting with maybe the biggest point: I definitely agree that the devs clearly have a favoritism toward Lana, I think it's obvious.  And it probably goes without saying that I 10000% think making Theron killable was the biggest mistake the devs made in this entire game (not just because I love him but because of how central he is to the story) because it forced them to reduce his role for budget (plus, why would they, it's horrible and hurts my soul).   I wish Theron had as much screen time and direct involvement in stories and missions as Lana, and in my ideal world, I would have them always (or at least primarily) be in the story together, as them and PC are the core trio of this game for me. 

We definitely get more Lana than Theron, Theron has definitely been shafted more by the devs (though, nothing compared to how some other characters have been shafted 😓), and there are definitely scenes where it makes more sense for someone else to be there than Lana when she is the one who is there, but personally for me, none of that changes my feeling toward Lana's character (maybe toward the devs lul  but not toward her).  I love both Theron and Lana to bits.  I love Theron more, he's my very favorite character in the entire game, but they are both in my top 3.

For me too, especially in the newer stuff that is drifting farther and farther from Alliance stories, seeing Lana OR Theron in any capacity makes me feel like that aspect of the story is still relevant, and it makes me happy.  Of course I always wish Theron was also there just as much as Lana (like I've said, I wish I could just have him in every single cutscene and mission haha), but at least I still get Lana.  Obviously others disagree, but that is how I feel, always happy to have her, even when I'm missing Theron.

I see the other side, I get the frustration, everyone is entitled to dislike any character for literally any reason imho, and I think all the reasons everyone's listed are totally valid, even if I disagree with them.  There are a few characters I absolutely loathe in this game (who I will not name here), but thankfully I don't have to see them much at all; I totally get being mad at having to see a character you dislike all the time.   And I am sorry if talking about how much I love Lana upsets the people that dislike her, but it is hard for me not to gush about all the characters I love and I love so many of them.

All that said, I hope this makes it clear I am totally not bitter or mad at anyone for giving reasonings why they dislike Lana; I see you, I get you, even I disagree.  I even think giving such reasonings is totally fine.  But it has drifted a few times dangerously toward hate talk about her, and that's the thing I was hoping to nip in the bud when I asked if we could shift back to Theron.  First post of this thread requests a "no hate/kill talk about other companions" policy and I agree.

Like I said, I know I have zero authority round here, I am just a wee lass who talks too much and loves an adorable spy boy in a video game, but it's been really fun positively discussing Theron (and Theron-adjacent) love with everyone here, and I just want to keep those lovely vibes going 🥰

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

Yep, Iokath isn't my favorite part of KOTET, which is probably why i kinda forgot about that part, but it did a pretty good job at showing some of our companions special skills, would've been nice to have more of that tbh.

I also dunno if Iokath is my favorite bit of KotET (I do enjoy it a lot though), but I absolutely love that aspect, yeah, getting so many companions together and involved.  And there is loads of Theron and Vette (my two bbs 🥰) showing off their skills. 

I also want more of that.  So much more 🥲 

.....the more I think about it, maybe it is one of my favorite bits of KotET hahaha  I need to rewatch.

(my actual hands down favorite is The Dragon's Maw, All Theron All Day, babyyyyyy 😍  hitting on Theron in the armor, the best lol)

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On 4/28/2023 at 11:00 AM, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, adding an umlaut is a shout, I should have done that, I just took away an ' instead from my JK and changed one letter on JC 😅

Speaking of, side question for everyone who records: how on earth do you fit them all on your computer?  I am a few gb away from my 4tb drive being completely full lol  I am uploading them all to YT but in case something happens to those videos I don't want to delete the originals, genuinely not sure what my best option is.  If anyone has advice, lemme know haha

Maybe my problem is that I am too lazy to edit anything down?  So some videos have extra stuff between the cutscenes.  Not gonna change it though, too lazy.  Plus, some scenes have characters talking over the top that I don't wanna miss.

😈 dew it.  bonus if it's black leather, and pls send pics lol

I may do a bit toooo much research when it comes to names. 😅 Also, I can't just stick an umlaut, tilde, hashmark, v, and such on top of a letter and call it good. I need to research thoroughly how that letter sounds with that special character. I want to use my name in game, for instance, but it is taken and there is no special character out there that can make my name sound the same. I use this chart for the characters. Super helpful. 😉

Oh, boy, video space. 🤭 I have an eight TB drive. 1.6 TB of that is just Bandicam videos of Mass Effect, SWTOR, DA: Inquisition, Rune Factory 5, etc. I have 648 GB left on my drive and I have been deleting things like crazy to try and make room. I think I just need to buy a 4 TB drive because this problem is not going away. Like you, I have extra video of my characters running around because, especially in Flashppints, people cut in all the time to talk. I also need to compile the videos into one but if I need to edit it later and have deleted the originals, I can't without replaying the game. It's not there is a save file I can load to rerecord the scene. Unlike in Mass Effect....

Soo... no helpful advice for you there. 😅 Just chiming in that you are not alone in this dilemma. 

Found some pink and black dye! It was 25milion. 🤑 And its MINE!!! Now, what to apply it too.... 😇

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

This is off topic from current discussions, but I was going through videos during my YT uploads, and I just wanna throw some love for how Theron can fly a shuttle with his brain.  Low key one of his most badass moments IMHO, I love when his implants are actually mentioned/important to the story, it is rare but lovely.

I LOVE THAT SCENE!!!! NGL, one of my favourite scenes in the ENTIRE game. Yes, that sentence deserved all the caps! I love how awesome Theron it is in it. I especially love it when my character tells the others to protect Theron in my place. I don't know if it happens on a non-romanced toon but it made me melt. 

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All this talk of HC and eventually writing things down. 

So, I was thinking about the rescue scene in Chapter 3: The Outlander and how about a group brainstorming session? 😇

Now, there are eight classes. Each of those has a main romance for males and females, with some classes having two. Ie: Male IA with Kaliyo and Temple. Thus, having a love interest from the base game be there is out because that would be a lot of work to juggle. Therefore, each class gets one non-romance companion to join Lana, Theron and Koth on the rescue. Depending on the character, their roles can also be different than T7's. Ie: If Mako was allowed to go to save the BH (she can't because she is a romance option (and I platonically love her to squishy, squishy bits!!!)), she would be on slicing duty with Theron and they would be done in mere seconds.

Who would you choose for the rescue mission? What would their role be? What are some dialogue lines they would say to the player? Would they have special chatter with anyone in particular? Ie: With Lana, Theron, or Koth.

More than one answer per character is allowed. Repeated class answers from others are allowed. 😉

I'll start: 🤔 (This one is a given)

Class: Jedi Consular

Companion: Theran Cedrax

Special dialogue: with Theron:

:: Theron arrives at Republic Think Tank facility where Theran is working on cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, exotechnology. ::

Theron: "Theron Shan, Republic SIS. You travelled with the Barsen'thor for a while. He/She is alive and we are putting together a rescue team. You in?"

Holiday: "Oh, Theran, this is wonderful! You simply must go! 

Theran: "Holiday, I am in the middle of something groundbreaking right now!" A pause. "Wait. What was your name again?"

Theron: "Theron Shan. SIS."

Theran: "Spell that."

Theron: "T.H.E.R.O.N......"

Theran shakes his head: "Always figured if I met another Theran he would spell it a stupid way."

Dialogue with JC:

JC: "Theran? You're here too?"

Theran: "After all the help you provided me, Holiday insisted I come."

Holiday: "Theran has been so brave! You should have seen him slicing into the systems on the way in!"

JC: "Good to see you too, Holiday. How have you been? How was the wedding? Any holo-children yet?"

Theran: "That again? Moving on!"

JC: "You were on slicing duty, Theran? So you must have worked with Theron."

Theran: "Indeed. Talented slicer. Almost as good as me. Spells his name the stupid way though. Figures."

Theron chimes in over the radio: "I heard that."


Yes, Theran really does say to the PC at one point that he bets the other Theron spells his name stupidly.  😂 Sadly, I cannot find the line to back that up! 

Misremembered! “It’s Tharan, not spelled the dumb way” Still no video but - from the patch notes.

Edited by yenzin
Added video link. And colors! Misremembered!
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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I may do a bit toooo much research when it comes to names. 😅 Also, I can't just stick an umlaut, tilde, hashmark, v, and such on top of a letter and call it good. I need to research thoroughly how that letter sounds with that special character. I want to use my name in game, for instance, but it is taken and there is no special character out there that can make my name sound the same. I use this chart for the characters. Super helpful. 😉

I am... the exact opposite and super lazy with names ngl 😅  I just refresh an "xyz race"(usually twi'lek because almost all my characters are twi'leks, I don't have a problem) name generator until something sounds vaguely ok or I have gotten too impatient, sometimes modify it slightly to sound nicer, then go.  on my JK I actually thought he was gonna be a sorta throwaway character (LUL) because I never make boy characters (he's my only one) so I was extra lazy, which meant after I got super attached to him and he became my second main I realized I kinda hated his name.... but then I decided that it was just a reversed name and his surname came first, now I actually really like it haha

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Soo... no helpful advice for you there. 😅 Just chiming in that you are not alone in this dilemma. 

Oh man, what I wouldn't give for an 8TB drive 😅  but yes, so glad to know it is not just a me problem.  I do think from the sound of it that my videos might be bigger (I record in 4k for one) so that doesn't help haha

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Found some pink and black dye! It was 25milion. 🤑 And its MINE!!! Now, what to apply it too.... 😇

/whispers: black leather...... 😈😇


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(and it wouldn't let me post this in the previous post for some reason???? so here it is separate)

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I LOVE THAT SCENE!!!! NGL, one of my favourite scenes in the ENTIRE game. Yes, that sentence deserved all the caps! I love how awesome Theron it is in it. I especially love it when my character tells the others to protect Theron in my place. I don't know if it happens on a non-romanced toon but it made me melt. 

YES.  "Protect Theron" makes me sooooo happy too.  I would bet it's a line everyone gets because it's about Theron being vital to the mission but I choose to take it as romantic anyway 😂  "Protect Theron" is basically my motto in life the game, so it's a line I appreciate to my core hahaha

Just that entire section of the story though, I love it.  Like I said, I just absolutely love when Theron's implants get mentioned/used/whatever, because I love that aspect of him.  He doesn't have the force but he has his own kind of superpowers, even if they are tech based, and I love it.  (Also, at the risk of being just way too big of a nerd - I am, it's fine - my favorite character of all time is Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager, and she has a cybernetic implant over the same eye and in basically the same shape as Theron's, so when Theron showed up and I saw his implants I was like "👀 ok, I'm listening"  😅 it was one of the things that drew me in)

Edited by cannibithobbal
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44 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Yes, Theran really does say to the PC at one point that he bets the other Theron spells his name stupidly. 😂 Sadly, I cannot find the line to back that up!

idk about any line like that, but one of the hands down funniest lines (to me, anyway) in the entire game is when Arn meets Tharan on Corellia and he goes "wait, he's Theron too?"  doesn't work so well in text because they're spelled different haha, but it cracked me up so hard, ty devs for acknowledging that you gave two characters the exact same name 😅 (now, if we get another line about how Theron and Zenith sound real similar, they will have achieved true perfection 😆)

I think that line must only be on JC, though, because on JK Arn didn't say it, I was so gutted, I wanted it recorded so bad!

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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

idk about any line like that, but one of the hands down funniest lines (to me, anyway) in the entire game is when Arn meets Tharan on Corellia and he goes "wait, he's Theron too?"  doesn't work so well in text because they're spelled different haha, but it cracked me up so hard, ty devs for acknowledging that you gave two characters the exact same name 😅 (now, if we get another line about how Theron and Zenith sound real similar, they will have achieved true perfection 😆)

I think that line must only be on JC, though, because on JK Arn didn't say it, I was so gutted, I wanted it recorded so bad!

7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Just that entire section of the story though, I love it.  Like I said, I just absolutely love when Theron's implants get mentioned/used/whatever, because I love that aspect of him.  He doesn't have the force but he has his own kind of superpowers, even if they are tech based, and I love it.  (Also, at the risk of being just way too big of a nerd - I am, it's fine - my favorite character of all time is Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager, and she has a cybernetic implant over the same eye and in basically the same shape as Theron's, so when Theron showed up and I saw his implants I was like "👀 ok, I'm listening"  😅 it was one of the things that drew me in)

“It’s Tharan, not spelled the dumb way”.

Misremembered slightly. It's been a while since I saw the video with the line in it. I don't have him on my BH to have recorded it and if it's in my JC videos somewhere, I can't find it. (May have to edit my post. 🤔) Still cannot find a video of it, but here is the line from the patch notes😄 Now that I think of it, he may just be poking fun at all those people on the forums that spell the name wrong. Apparently, it happens often. 

Have you read through the Theron Respect post on ComicVine? I love re-reading that article from time to time. He may not have the force but he can do so much without it. Plus his implants can hack restraints so he can escape from captivity. Pretty awesome!

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33 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Decided to focus on my agent for a while. Want to get to the part where I can tell Theron I am a double agent for the Republic. Just met Satele again in her beautiful camp. Anyone else ever take the flirt option there? 😂 

omg hahaha  I did not ever take a Satele flirt option, but ty for that, I always wondered what it would be 😂  I always thought it was hilarious that it was an option.

I just finished my agent's class story and I also made her a double agent!  she is married to Vector though (surprisingly adorable romance btw), so I won't ever romance her with Theron (probably won't even play her past the class story honestly), but that's cool if you can tell Theron you're a double agent.  does that change their dynamic after if you do?  or does it literally just affect that scene?

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

“It’s Tharan, not spelled the dumb way”.

Misremembered slightly. It's been a while since I saw the video with the line in it.

I wonder if that line is only on certain classes?  Or if you have to pick a certain dialogue option to trigger it?  I definitely never heard that line on either of my playthroughs 😆

3 hours ago, yenzin said:

Have you read through the Theron Respect post on ComicVine? I love re-reading that article from time to time. He may not have the force but he can do so much without it. Plus his implants can hack restraints so he can escape from captivity. Pretty awesome!

I have not read that, but I instantly appreciate that it exists.  Theron can absolutely do so much without the force.  ngl, part of me would love to see an alternate universe story where he does to see how different he would be, but, obviously in the main story I love him just the way he is, with tech powers instead. 

(sidebar question: have you ever gotten him to say "Who needs the force!" as a companion line?  I have had him as companion for untold number of game hours on 2 characters and he has said it in combat once out the blue and never before or since, and I am wondering wtf triggers him to say it because it's a great line and I want him to say it again 😄  I have had this happen with other companions too, a random line I only ever hear once, but the Theron one is great)

Hacking restraints no doubt is how he escaped on Rishi, yeah?  Makes all the sense.  That's also where we learn about the ones Lana mentions that help him block pain and resist chemicals used in torture, like, makes perfect sense a spy would have those, but pls don't get tortured more often just to use those Theron (even though it does make me relieved that you will be suffering a bit less).   He can fly a shuttle remotely, he can pick up radio signals, presumably he can transmit at least basic things (even though it is never stated, I always assumed that was how he signaled the Alliance and communicated with the listening station in the Nathema Conspiracy because surely the Order would have noticed if he sent anything via their consoles - even though in truth that does lead to the open question of why he didn't do it sooner but on that I assume that it is because if Gemini 16 could listen in on everything everywhere then she could still potentially track those transmissions if he wasn't super careful about it... but anyway, that's me getting off track lol). 

I want to know what else his implants can do that we don't know about yet.  I can HC things that make sense from what we know of them already, but I wanna know-know.  His implants are so badass.  He's so badass.  Did I mention I love this.  I mighta mentioned it.  😅

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On 4/20/2023 at 4:41 AM, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, but does flirting with Zenith mess with your status of romancing Theron in game or does it not mess up anything since that is past the point of engagement?  Asking........ for a friend 😆


On 4/21/2023 at 12:32 AM, yenzin said:

I loved Zenith while playing JC! He and Theron share a VA so it felt like Theron was there with me too. 💖

So far, the "romance" is only that one flirt line when the JC and Zenith meet up again and the JC is asking Zenith to join up. Taking it does not trigger an official romance so it is completely safe to go through with that dialogue line. I'm hoping BW expands upon that and turns it into a real romance in the future. 💖

Hopefully, that eases your friend's mind. 😉


Can confirm  Right now it's like Zenith is a little sneaky link waiting to happen. But again most of my characters i headcannon are kinda... um... Well, i mean it's all just a love bubble right? lol


Oh! For anyone new to the thread/ world of swtor they are both voiced by Troy Baker , that's why i ask if it's reaaaaly cheating lol

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1 hour ago, YaddleTwo said:

Can confirm  Right now it's like Zenith is a little sneaky link waiting to happen. But again most of my characters i headcannon are kinda... um... Well, i mean it's all just a love bubble right? lol

ah to have canon poly relationships in this game so we wouldn't have to headcanon them... 🥲  the dream. siiiigh.  (it's definitely a love bubble tho.  definitely.  lol)

1 hour ago, YaddleTwo said:

Oh! For anyone new to the thread/ world of swtor they are both voiced by Troy Baker , that's why i ask if it's reaaaaly cheating lol

haha yes, I caught your drift on that one 😂


related anecdote: when I went to play the very first star fortress mission on my JC, I launched the mission with Theron as my companion.  But because he is IN the mission as NPC, the game swapped him out.... for Zenith.  Out of my list of 35+ companions it randomly picked Zenith.  I have no idea why but I lol'd real hard.  I think the game was just like "close enough, same diff, yeah?" 😂 

(side note to my side note that I kept Zenith for that mission - how could I not have my two boys together - and he is now my "solo hard content" boy and I go back and forth between using him and Theron as my main companion because he got me through that solo veteran in one try lol   idk how but despite being on heals he is a flippin tank istg haha)

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On 4/30/2023 at 8:05 AM, cannibithobbal said:

This is off topic from current discussions, but I was going through videos during my YT uploads, and I just wanna throw some love for how Theron can fly a shuttle with his brain.  Low key one of his most badass moments IMHO, I love when his implants are actually mentioned/important to the story, it is rare but lovely.

But we still don't know what kind of holofrequency his implants pick up though. I want to know! 😠

(I love that line. It makes me wonder lol)

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2 minutes ago, eabevella said:

But we still don't know what kind of holofrequency his implants pick up though. I want to know! 😠

(I love that line. It makes me wonder lol)

you talking about the "my radio implant picks up these frequencies..." line?  because yes omg, every single time he says that one I'm like NO I DO WANT TO KNOW AKTUALLY, THERON 😂  stop leaving us in suspense, ffs lol

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I'm actually looking forward to meeting Satele in that dreamscape on my JC. Malcom is going to live in that playthrough now that I know how to prevent it. He'll be living on my agent's too. I try really hard to keep my personal feelings of characters in the game separate from my characters in order to properly RP them. (And I have some really strong feelings about some of the characters.) Sometimes I fail. Like not killing Senya because she reminds me of my mom. But for the most part, I do a good job of it. 

I love the differences between the Republic and Imperial side. 🥰 My BH liked Lana well enough. My agent liked her because he has worked with Sith before and unlike Jadus, she has never actually killed him, or tried to. (Seriously, my little shrimp of an agent got fried to death by Force Lightning!) My JC started to like her but then she told him about testing the strength of Theron's implants to resist interrogation and that building trust disappeared as he remembered she is in fact a Sith. It's a line that Imps don't hear. Just like Imps don't learn that Agent Kovach is actually an SIS agent working undercover for Sith Imperial Intelligence. Playing both sides is so important to get the full picture of what is going on.

An example of not letting my personal feelings affect my characters really shows on my agent play-through. I love Theron to itsy-bitsy pieces. However, while my agent wants to trust him, he has trusted SIS operatives before and in turn been mind controlled by them. He is also a spy and knows the job requires sacrifice so he sided with Lana against Jakarro and said he agreed with her letting Theron get captured. Then, he tells Theron that he agreed with Lana not telling him her plan. Theron looks so upset by that! That was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in any game. 😢 Theron is still wounded from being tortured and there is my IA saying he agrees with the way things went down.

Theron protests and it is only through this dialogue that we hear mention of his implants through him directly. Then, Theron shows his extreme strength of character by moving on. I like to think that it is because Theron believes that out of anyone, another spy would be able to understand the hardships of maintaining secrets under torture. (And has. Not that Theron knows that yet.) Then Theron is still willing to start a relationship at the end there! 😲

I've been playing through the Assault on Tython Flashpoint a lot recently because of the Galactic Conquest event and today as I am running through on my BH, killing a bunch of apprentices and masters, I could not help but think that Theron would be so upset with me and would not approve. Tython was likely his home for a bit. And here I am rampaging through the area and helping the Empire destroy the temple. I think that my BH's complicatedness in that event is going to go with him to the grave.

I really need to play my JK more and experience the romance again from the Republic side without all the destruction against Theron's Republic home silently colouring the experience. 🤔

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I will admit freely, I am 100% bad (borderline incapable?) of separating out my own feelings when choosing my characters' actions.  I.... sometimes wish I was better at it tbh haha.  Like, playing imp side is really hard for me sometimes (a lot of the time actually lol), I will absolutely refuse to kill Jedi (and honestly anyone republic who isn't a jerkface) if it's not required and feel really horrible about doing it when it is.  I enjoy my imperial characters, and other than inquisitor (who I chose to make my only dark character, because I wanted to get the dark 5 achievements and stuff somehow), all of them are completely light all the way, and though I am not afraid to make them sassy, I can't play them being mean, especially not to characters I like.

All that said, I believe I have mentioned before how I made some poor choices in Theron dialogue first time through? 🫠  Time for some more confessions: while I liked him right away, I definitely did not love him then as I do now.  In my defense, he has his walls up back then, so if you don't romance him - and I didn't, because my JC was super into the Jedi code thing - he is basically just business business business the entire time... then he asks you to commit a few war crimes... then he tries to get you to betray allies multiple times!  he softens and becomes a lot more personable - he's gotten more used to that personal relationships thing - come KotFE and especially when you romance him, and that's when I started to really love him (that and because I had some regrets loooool).  But, like, of course in hindsight I'm like "how did I not love him to bits from day 1?????"  lol  because I obviously love him from the second he shows up in all replays 😅  (I still go "FFS THERON" when he tries to get me to do the war crimes and betrayals though lol  he gets so pissy when you won't kill the cyborgs in their sleep or use the sensors to spy on the imps on Yavin but sorry Theron you are wrong on this one, my light side character says no.)

So like, I actually loved Lana more than him during first run of forged alliances-Ziost so my JC actually took Lana's side most of the time, so, that was my extremely long winded way of saying that in spite of the fact I can never bring myself to upset Theron on any playthrough now (other than the Yavin sensors thing lol), I too have done all those options where I agreed with Lana about letting Theron get captured as a ploy.... that and she took Satele's side about not being happy with Theron having a black ops Jedi team and said Theron should have been fired (though in my defense I did not realize the line would be as mean as it came out 😐).  I, uh, I still feel bad about that.  (Like I said, I had regrets -- if I hadn't done it and had those regrets I might never have romanced him to make up for it though, so, all's well??? 🫠)  

Although, getting my character told off by Theron (she deserved it) actually kind of darkly amused me (laughing at myself for what I'd done that is) because he was so mad.  Like, so. mad.  All I can say is that the fact KotFE doesn't take previous relationship with him into account at the start of Chapter 9 worked out 100% in my favor on that one 😰  (I headcanon'd that she had feelings for Theron all along and deliberately pushed him away, but then everything changed after 5 years in carbonite and nearly dying and the Jedi being scattered, so she went for it - this was the only way I could justify what I'd done, I think it works, but, it was a total retcon lol -- truth is it was kinda really just me who secretly loved him and didn't realize til I royally f'd up 🫠)

Obviously all that was completely different on JK run since I went in already loving Theron to bits, romanced him from the very first flirt, and never said a single mean thing to him ever again.  In truth the fact that their romance was never tainted by me making poor decisions is why it became my favorite of the two Theron romances I did, definitely glad that's the run I have recorded haha

2 hours ago, yenzin said:

I've been playing through the Assault on Tython Flashpoint a lot recently because of the Galactic Conquest event and today as I am running through on my BH, killing a bunch of apprentices and masters, I could not help but think that Theron would be so upset with me and would not approve. Tython was likely his home for a bit. And here I am rampaging through the area and helping the Empire destroy the temple. I think that my BH's complicatedness in that event is going to go with him to the grave.

I really need to play my JK more and experience the romance again from the Republic side without all the destruction against Theron's Republic home silently colouring the experience. 🤔

I... had a really hard time doing the Korriban and Tython FPs on imperial (I have only done them once), not strictly because Theron but because I am Jedi main 😓  But it's true, Theron would be so upset.  He cares so much - he is so panicked when he finds out Tython is under attack.  I think it's mainly because he's afraid Satele is there, but he cares about all the Jedi I am sure, he is so frantic that whole scene that they have to go NOW.

Highly recommend playing more republic side.   I'm not biased, this is a totally unbiased opinion lol 

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I... had a really hard time doing the Korriban and Tython FPs on imperial (I have only done them once), not strictly because Theron but because I am Jedi main 😓  But it's true, Theron would be so upset.  He cares so much - he is so panicked when he finds out Tython is under attack.  I think it's mainly because he's afraid Satele is there, but he cares about all the Jedi I am sure, he is so frantic that whole scene that they have to go NOW.


Actually, I find this very interesting. As my Theron is Married to BH, I found it refreshing that he doesn't hold any Imp players responsible for what went down. I admit I dislike running the FP's as an "Imp" (None of my characters were ever truly Imperial) I dislike defeating the NPC's I grew to love at Tython. That said, I appreciate Theron's wide-angle lens; something neither of his parents are good at. At least his mother admits it and learns but that father... Said it before, I'll say it again, I would never let Jace Malcolm raise a child.

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10 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Said it before, I'll say it again, I would never let Jace Malcolm raise a child.

agreed.  I could never kill him and upset Theron but I'm also honestly really glad for Theron's sake that he didn't actually know about his pops til he was an adult, it almost certainly helped him turn out better lol 


unrelatedly, I was re-recording The Alliance chapter (had some horrifically jank mask glitches the first time lol), and something struck me: absolute cheeky minx Theron Shan shows up right after everyone else has finished building the entire base 😂  "Like what you've done with the place" indeed, Theron, thanks for the help 🤣  (I love this because in this moment Theron is me, that would be me lmao)

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People seem to paint Satele as the vilest of villains for not informing Malcolm and giving Theron up, but that poor woman did the best she could in terrible circumstances! At six, her own parent (a disgraced exiled Jedi) dropped her off at the Temple and disappeared. Then she's guilted for being related to Revan, then she loses not one but two Masters, then she's basically Anakin in the war and everyone wants her everywhere. Then on Alderaan she and Jace consummate their relationship, and he starts getting more brutal, she unlike Anakin had the humility to see she could not handle it and left not knowing she was pregnant! By the time Theron's born she has no doubt that A. She's not qualified to be a mother, and B. neither is Jace. What was she supposed to do. She had no way of knowing he'd end up with a low M-count. 

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4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I will admit freely, I am 100% bad (borderline incapable?) of separating out my own feelings when choosing my characters' actions.  I.... sometimes wish I was better at it tbh haha.  Like, playing imp side is really hard for me sometimes (a lot of the time actually lol), I will absolutely refuse to kill Jedi (and honestly anyone republic who isn't a jerkface) if it's not required and feel really horrible about doing it when it is.  I enjoy my imperial characters, and other than inquisitor (who I chose to make my only dark character, because I wanted to get the dark 5 achievements and stuff somehow), all of them are completely light all the way, and though I am not afraid to make them sassy, I can't play them being mean, especially not to characters I like.

All that said, I believe I have mentioned before how I made some poor choices in Theron dialogue first time through? 🫠  Time for some more confessions: while I liked him right away, I definitely did not love him then as I do now.  In my defense, he has his walls up back then, so if you don't romance him - and I didn't, because my JC was super into the Jedi code thing - he is basically just business business business the entire time... then he asks you to commit a few war crimes... then he tries to get you to betray allies multiple times!  he softens and becomes a lot more personable - he's gotten more used to that personal relationships thing - come KotFE and especially when you romance him, and that's when I started to really love him (that and because I had some regrets loooool).  But, like, of course in hindsight I'm like "how did I not love him to bits from day 1?????"  lol  because I obviously love him from the second he shows up in all replays 😅  (I still go "FFS THERON" when he tries to get me to do the war crimes and betrayals though lol  he gets so pissy when you won't kill the cyborgs in their sleep or use the sensors to spy on the imps on Yavin but sorry Theron you are wrong on this one, my light side character says no.)

So like, I actually loved Lana more than him during first run of forged alliances-Ziost so my JC actually took Lana's side most of the time, so, that was my extremely long winded way of saying that in spite of the fact I can never bring myself to upset Theron on any playthrough now (other than the Yavin sensors thing lol), I too have done all those options where I agreed with Lana about letting Theron get captured as a ploy.... that and she took Satele's side about not being happy with Theron having a black ops Jedi team and said Theron should have been fired (though in my defense I did not realize the line would be as mean as it came out 😐).  I, uh, I still feel bad about that.  (Like I said, I had regrets -- if I hadn't done it and had those regrets I might never have romanced him to make up for it though, so, all's well??? 🫠)  

Although, getting my character told off by Theron (she deserved it) actually kind of darkly amused me (laughing at myself for what I'd done that is) because he was so mad.  Like, so. mad.  All I can say is that the fact KotFE doesn't take previous relationship with him into account at the start of Chapter 9 worked out 100% in my favor on that one 😰  (I headcanon'd that she had feelings for Theron all along and deliberately pushed him away, but then everything changed after 5 years in carbonite and nearly dying and the Jedi being scattered, so she went for it - this was the only way I could justify what I'd done, I think it works, but, it was a total retcon lol -- truth is it was kinda really just me who secretly loved him and didn't realize til I royally f'd up 🫠)

Obviously all that was completely different on JK run since I went in already loving Theron to bits, romanced him from the very first flirt, and never said a single mean thing to him ever again.  In truth the fact that their romance was never tainted by me making poor decisions is why it became my favorite of the two Theron romances I did, definitely glad that's the run I have recorded haha

I... had a really hard time doing the Korriban and Tython FPs on imperial (I have only done them once), not strictly because Theron but because I am Jedi main 😓  But it's true, Theron would be so upset.  He cares so much - he is so panicked when he finds out Tython is under attack.  I think it's mainly because he's afraid Satele is there, but he cares about all the Jedi I am sure, he is so frantic that whole scene that they have to go NOW.

Highly recommend playing more republic side.   I'm not biased, this is a totally unbiased opinion lol 

Separating personal feelings from my characters is difficult. Especially on my JC where my dislike for certain characters kept getting in the way and I would have to esc out of the dialogue when I realized I was projecting. 😅 Also, same here. There are some characters I really dislike on my agent and BH but I have never even attempted to off them. I just don't use them.

Huh. I have always taken the 'destroy the mutated, experimented on, humanoids in their sleep' route. I've never seen Theron's reaction if I say no. 😂 I figure it is slightly more humane then killing them as soon as they are out of their little cryro chambers and stumbling forward to kill me while still disoriented. Plus, I am not risking that technology falling into the wrong hands. I also always reprogram the sensors to spy on the Imperials because I can't say no to Theron. 🎶 I never reprogram them when Lana asks though. I do enough wicked things for the Empire as is. My characters are never completely light though. My JC, for example, is very pragmatic. Rather than risk the big baddie escaping from confinement in another thousand years, he destroys him and while the 85+ pages of reported Jedi deaths are regrettable, it's better to kill the enemy now rather than risk not being able to later.

😱 You took the, 'You should fire him line'?! How could you?! 😉 (Joking joking!) I tested that line on my JC and hit the esp button so fast. I couldn't. Nope, never. You are definitely more hardcore than me! 😄 All's well that ends well though. Regrets lead to rerolling characters for happiness and love! 💖

Business business buisness. 😂


1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

Actually, I find this very interesting. As my Theron is Married to BH, I found it refreshing that he doesn't hold any Imp players responsible for what went down. I admit I dislike running the FP's as an "Imp" (None of my characters were ever truly Imperial) I dislike defeating the NPC's I grew to love at Tython. That said, I appreciate Theron's wide-angle lens; something neither of his parents are good at. At least his mother admits it and learns but that father... Said it before, I'll say it again, I would never let Jace Malcolm raise a child.

I am going to have to finish the romance on more classes to be 1000% certain but so far, BH with Theron is still my favourite. 🥰 I think because my BH can be very morally flexible, but also as a very proud Maldalorian, family means everything. Thus, my BH is highly protective and rigidly thinking when it comes to those that hurt, or have hurt said family. My BH would also never side with someone that hurt Theron, like my agent did. Or kill someone he cares about, like my JC did. Yeah, I'm looking at you, side characters! How could you all? 😱

I love Theron's wide-angled view! I think his ability to see all sides of a situation is the only reason he works for such a wide array of characters. Still, I wonder where the line is. There has to be a very solid line that a character cannot cross before he leaves for good. (Onslaught would be a very heavy strike towards that leave for good total.)

I read your views on Malcolm long ago in this thread but I cannot remember what you wrote. I don't know enough about Malcolm to have an option as I have not met him on the Republic side yet and I have not finished reading Annihilation. From what little I have read though, he seems like a decent enough character. (Definity better than the sister I do not talk to who should never have been allowed to have kids.) What has Malcom done to indicate he is not prime parent material?

EDIT: Nevermind. You replied while I was typing this novel up. 😅 Seems I need to read the previous books in the series to get more backstory. I skipped all of them to get to Annihilation which has Theron in it. I'm guessing Malcom makes more of an appearance in Revan, Deceived, or Fatal Alliance. 

On 4/30/2023 at 10:20 AM, cannibithobbal said:

(sidebar question: have you ever gotten him to say "Who needs the force!" as a companion line?  I have had him as companion for untold number of game hours on 2 characters and he has said it in combat once out the blue and never before or since, and I am wondering wtf triggers him to say it because it's a great line and I want him to say it again 😄  I have had this happen with other companions too, a random line I only ever hear once, but the Theron one is great)

I have gotten that one, I think. Once. Maybe. Or twice. 🤔 Definitely not often. The line I cannot get is, 'Say it like a spy." I want that line so bad!!! I read somewhere that he'll say it as DPS so I have set him to DPS and nope, never. He had NEVER said it! I also have never gotten the, "I'll be your best friend if you destroy that" line in the Star Fortress. I want to hear that one too! 😭

On 4/29/2023 at 6:24 PM, Goreshaga said:

Yep, Iokath isn't my favorite part of KOTET, which is probably why i kinda forgot about that part, but it did a pretty good job at showing some of our companions special skills, would've been nice to have more of that tbh.

Ohhh, I think I would really despise Iokath if I had been around during the time when it took months between chapters. I have read this entire thread (yes, all 137 pages) twice, and some sections at least four times, and there was so much hurt during that time. I am so thankful that this thread was around to help people during that time. Especially as I am pretty sure it helped bring Theron back. At least a little. Digging Deeper has renewed my hope that Theron may start contributing to mission debriefings again. And I have read in this thread that he has started doing debriefs for the Republic side again. 


And speaking of reading through the thread repeatedly, it would be awesome if this thread did have its separate section on this forum.  😍 Then we could have a photo section devoted entirely to all things Theron. Like fanart and more fanart and screenshots (not mine - it's back there in the thread somewhere) and cosplay. And then images like this one from page 95 wouldn't be forgotten. 😏 If we needed to find an image again, we could blissfully scroll past walls and walls of Theron pictures. 🥰 It'd be therapeutic. 

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36 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

People seem to paint Satele as the vilest of villains for not informing Malcolm and giving Theron up, but that poor woman did the best she could in terrible circumstances! At six, her own parent (a disgraced exiled Jedi) dropped her off at the Temple and disappeared. Then she's guilted for being related to Revan, then she loses not one but two Masters, then she's basically Anakin in the war and everyone wants her everywhere. Then on Alderaan she and Jace consummate their relationship, and he starts getting more brutal, she unlike Anakin had the humility to see she could not handle it and left not knowing she was pregnant! By the time Theron's born she has no doubt that A. She's not qualified to be a mother, and B. neither is Jace. What was she supposed to do. She had no way of knowing he'd end up with a low M-count. 

People seriously paint Satele as a villain for not telling him?  I mean, I guess it shouldn't surprise me, but also, wtf.   I didn't even know a few of those story details but like, a woman has 0 obligation to tell a dude she slept with once (or even more than once for that matter) that she is having his baby, especially when she has to give said baby up too.  And even more especially if she has to give the baby up and the father would clearly not be a good father.

Even though she had to give Theron up, she clearly still cares about him his entire life.  She may not be allowed to love him, or show she loves him, but she clearly cares as much as she's allowed to.  Like, she keeps a locket with a holo of teenage Theron with her even after the entire galaxy collapses into chaos.  She has obviously had that since way before they started to talk more post-SoR, and she keeps it with her.  No attachment my ass.  Just like Theron was always worried about her and cared about her despite the emotional abandonment (seriously, that boy's big heart I swear), she clearly always cared about him too.  (at least in the republic story, their relationship in the imperial story is... so weirdly worse)

Also, considering she sent him to her old master, it is clear she thought he would become a Jedi.  As you say, she had no way to know he would not be force sensitive.  So surely she would have realized that even if she were to make the bold decision to leave the order to raise him, as far as she knew he would just get taken away from her anyway in a few years, and she would have thrown her life in the Jedi away for nothing as they would have been separated anyway.  So she was between a rock and a hard place and imho she made the best motherly choice she could have in the situation.  And despite hardships and some emotional baggage, Theron turned out quite alright.  And even though it took decades their relationship is so much closer now and it's super sweet, and I love them both.

Satele haters can come through me.  She is my Jedi mama and I love her.

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36 minutes ago, yenzin said:

😱 You took the, 'You should fire him line'?! How could you?! 😉 (Joking joking!) I tested that line on my JC and hit the esp button so fast. I couldn't. Nope, never. You are definitely more hardcore than me! 😄 All's well that ends well though. Regrets lead to rerolling characters for happiness and love! 💖


Business business buisness. 😂

😂  doing that line should be an alt way to earn that "horrible person" legacy title tbh.  I deserve it.

That said, you call me hardcore and you chose so many dark side options that I could absolutely never bring myself to do hahaha  (genuinely, I 100% agree with Theron on destroying the cyborgs in their sleep - like literally what's the difference between that and killing them anyway 30 seconds later lmao, but my pure light Jedi says no.  lol  I did choose yes on smuggler though - literally her only dark side action whoops)


36 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I have gotten that one, I think. Once. Maybe. Or twice. 🤔 Definitely not often. The line I cannot get is, 'Say it like a spy." I want that line so bad!!! I read somewhere that he'll say it as DPS so I have set him to DPS and nope, never. He had NEVER said it! I also have never gotten the, "I'll be your best friend if you destroy that" line in the Star Fortress. I want to hear that one too! 😭

omg.  I never even thought of the fact he might have different lines on DPS or tank, my companions are 100% always on heals and unfortunately I need them that way because my characters with Theron are both tank with DPS secondary and 0 heals so, I will never hear those alt lines 🥲

....I can't remember if I heard that line in Star Fortress or not actually, I only ran 2 of them and then got bored of them and didn't do more lol

36 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Ohhh, I think I would really despise Iokath if I had been around during the time when it took months between chapters.

I have often - often - thought "thank god I only started this game recently" for that exact reason.  As soon as I read that from Crisis on Umbara to The Nathema Conspiracy was over an entire year, I was like, oh.my.god.  I would have actually died waiting that long.  Instead I got to finish the whole emotional roller coaster in one evening (twice) lol.

Of course now I'm here and caught up and waiting for new chapters with all the rest of the plebs 😂

36 minutes ago, yenzin said:

And then images like this one from page 95 wouldn't be forgotten.

oh.my.god.  🤣🤣🤣  in.credible. 

ty for that.  (I was not hardcore enough to read through the entire thread lol)

I wholeheartedly support the sharing of Theron pics in general.  Who needs another section, this thread exists.  Post them here.  Yes.

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Oh, btw here's what Theron says if you don't agree to the spying with the sensors and here's what he says if you say no to killing the cyborgs.  He so pissy (especially on the sensors one) haha   Normally I will never disagree with him about anything, but in those two cases agreeing is dark side option and I refuse to let my Jedi have a single dark side point haha   (plus I genuinely disagree about the spying, risking the fragile alliance not worth it, Theron, ilu bb but no, I'm making you mad for your own good lol)

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Oh man, doing more uploading/rewatching, and I had completely forgotten about this hilarious scene.  Theron v Scorpio, who would win in a sass off?  (tbh I love you Theron but it's prolly Scorpio 😅)   I love choosing to encourage them haha


(Edit to say: I just realized this is accidentally my 4th post in a row, whoopsadoodle. 🫠  my love might have gotten bigger than my brains, sorry for spam lol)

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