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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Whaaaaaat? Do it now, it's awesome!


I decided to romance him on my light-side inquisitor that's been lounging around after I finished her class story. I finally made it to Makeb. Soon, I'll make it to SoR...and Theron. No idea why I haven't done this yet. I should feel ashamed lol.

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I decided to romance him on my light-side inquisitor that's been lounging around after I finished her class story. I finally made it to Makeb. Soon, I'll make it to SoR...and Theron. No idea why I haven't done this yet. I should feel ashamed lol.


I will have a LS SW romancing him. same for my two SI - one LS and one DS 😂

he is the best 🖤


"so, you see, that's where the trouble began. that smile. that damned smile"


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I decided to romance him on my light-side inquisitor that's been lounging around after I finished her class story. I finally made it to Makeb. Soon, I'll make it to SoR...and Theron. No idea why I haven't done this yet. I should feel ashamed lol.

Whilst there might be less Theron interaction with an Imperial character, if you're a female Sith/Imperial, it's worth it for the

kiss on Yavin where Theron's body language seems like he's totally lost himself in your Sith/Imp awesomeness. You definitely don't get that on a Republic character or a male Sith Imp character



In other crazy altoholic news, I maxed out my available character slots on DM after creating another Sith Inq purely so she can romance Theron (fortunately not yet up to 100 so there's that). I'm gonna need more hard drive space. And also -send help- I'm clearly a nutjob! This Theron madness is fast approaching my Quinn madness.

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I know I already asked this but the answer is somewhere in this thread and I am too lazy to go search for it 😂

for now I am still going with the vanilla story of some of my characters, so it is still some time before SoR etc. and I decided that I would really pretty much record the cutscenes of the romances LOL


could you all please repeat wich programs you use to do so? 🤔

denk u 🖤

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Whilst there might be less Theron interaction with an Imperial character, if you're a female Sith/Imperial, it's worth it for the

kiss on Yavin where Theron's body language seems like he's totally lost himself in your Sith/Imp awesomeness. You definitely don't get that on a Republic character or a male Sith Imp character



In other crazy altoholic news, I maxed out my available character slots on DM after creating another Sith Inq purely so she can romance Theron (fortunately not yet up to 100 so there's that). I'm gonna need more hard drive space. And also -send help- I'm clearly a nutjob! This Theron madness is fast approaching my Quinn madness.


There is nothing wrong with that, and I wholeheartedly approve. Enjoy! Haha! :D #TheronMadness

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Ah, the metal bikinis. People lose their **** when I say it's only fair there's a male version.

Agent and Agent Shan are fun. You can try to recruit him and he'll say "suuuuure everyone in the Empire would believe I'm not secretly working for my mom" XD

The Nathema scene is here:


You can purchase the bathing suit armor and have your male toon wear it from the Cartel Market. Sandals, shorts, pecs exposed with a shoulder covering. You can use dyes. You can put it on a Companion, but it won't accept dyes. It only accepts default colors. If you can put Theron in it you have a long wait. He needs to be an official Companion which doesn't happen until after Chapter IX in Fallen Empire. There are other shirtless armors in the Cartel Market. There's one where everything is invisible, though no pants option. Combine it with bathing suit bottom and you're traveling the galaxy in nothing but a "loin cloth".

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You can purchase the bathing suit armor and have your male toon wear it from the Cartel Market. Sandals, shorts, pecs exposed with a shoulder covering. You can use dyes. You can put it on a Companion, but it won't accept dyes. It only accepts default colors. If you can put Theron in it you have a long wait. He needs to be an official Companion which doesn't happen until after Chapter IX in Fallen Empire. There are other shirtless armors in the Cartel Market. There's one where everything is invisible, though no pants option. Combine it with bathing suit bottom and you're traveling the galaxy in nothing but a "loin cloth".


I got most of the shorts and loin clothes in the game.

But my point is, there is a "Female Slave Outfit" but not a "Male Slave Outfit".

And we all know why is that.


It's funny when running around with my toon and Theron both wearing only Jori Daragon's Loincloth.

"Sorry we're late. Undercover on Nar Shaddaa"

Lana: "Riiiiiight"

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I know I already asked this but the answer is somewhere in this thread and I am too lazy to go search for it 😂

for now I am still going with the vanilla story of some of my characters, so it is still some time before SoR etc. and I decided that I would really pretty much record the cutscenes of the romances LOL


could you all please repeat wich programs you use to do so? 🤔

denk u 🖤


Windows 10 has an inbuilt one. Press Windows+G to call it.

I use OBS studio for recording and Shotcut for editing. Both are free software.

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Ah, the metal bikinis. People lose their **** when I say it's only fair there's a male version.

Agent and Agent Shan are fun. You can try to recruit him and he'll say "suuuuure everyone in the Empire would believe I'm not secretly working for my mom" XD

The Nathema scene is here:


Male players don't like when the human males are sexualized, but they're always fine with talking about Khem sexually in chat, or Jawas, or any alien and or monster male and their private parts.


I hear the players of BDO (straight women and gay men) are currently rejoicing because the devs finally introduced a hot male character in skimpy clothing (sage) after many years of just giving attention to female classes.


Modders of Cyberpunk 2077 recently uncovered that all the male LI's in the game had their own unique nude models, but it was taken out in the final version of the game (them being made ken dolls while the women got to keep their full renders). But the files were still in the game and modders restored them.


What the whating what????? I've never got this on any of my sith who romanced Theron. What conversation option do you need to take to get this response (meanwhile frantically creating alt No.62 to romance Theron and get this frapsed)!!


This is why sometimes the top dialogue choice is not always the best :3 but I always play my SI with Theron as joky. I always pick the "pretend you're dying" option in KOTFE, and choose to scare Theron, I like them having that relationship. Theron being stoic and uptight and having this playful spouse.



I know I already asked this but the answer is somewhere in this thread and I am too lazy to go search for it 😂

for now I am still going with the vanilla story of some of my characters, so it is still some time before SoR etc. and I decided that I would really pretty much record the cutscenes of the romances LOL


could you all please repeat wich programs you use to do so? 🤔

denk u 🖤


I just use Windows + G to record the scenes with theron.



And I'll have to level a new SW and SI for Theron. If there's an option to skip the class story and start from Forged Alliance, I'll probably spend an unhealthy amount of cc just to replay the sweet romance scenes with Theron lol


"And i'd be your apprentice? I might be into you, but i'm not that into you"

Oh, Theron, you can be the Wrath's Hand ;)

My SI, while not romanced with Theron, does act nicer with him around. They don't have to prove their "worth", it is a different but better way to become more powerful. (And they had fun playing as a pirate back on Rishi, so kudos to Theron and Lana who came up with the idea)


Is there that option? I thought we could only skip to KOTFE


Whilst there might be less Theron interaction with an Imperial character, if you're a female Sith/Imperial, it's worth it for the

kiss on Yavin where Theron's body language seems like he's totally lost himself in your Sith/Imp awesomeness. You definitely don't get that on a Republic character or a male Sith Imp character



In other crazy altoholic news, I maxed out my available character slots on DM after creating another Sith Inq purely so she can romance Theron (fortunately not yet up to 100 so there's that). I'm gonna need more hard drive space. And also -send help- I'm clearly a nutjob! This Theron madness is fast approaching my Quinn madness.


Theron guild when? :D I always love seeing us in-game and all the different customizations I see people with on Theron, I always compliment when I see them.

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Male players don't like when the human males are sexualized, but they're always fine with talking about Khem sexually in chat, or Jawas, or any alien and or monster male and their private parts.


I hear the players of BDO (straight women and gay men) are currently rejoicing because the devs finally introduced a hot male character in skimpy clothing (sage) after many years of just giving attention to female classes.


Modders of Cyberpunk 2077 recently uncovered that all the male LI's in the game had their own unique nude models, but it was taken out in the final version of the game (them being made ken dolls while the women got to keep their full renders). But the files were still in the game and modders restored them.

And here I think Khem romance is unironically cute.

I thought the selling point of Cyberpunk 2077 is you can have genitals on your character?

Why must game developers being such cowards lmao


Is there that option? I thought we could only skip to KOTFE

There isn't. I hope we have an option to start at Forged Alliance...


Theron guild when? :D I always love seeing us in-game and all the different customizations I see people with on Theron, I always compliment when I see them.

I'll join if any of you make a Theron guild. I don't even care what we do (it's not that I do much group content anyway) lol

Theron is currently wearing The Bold Hellion jacket dyed black and deep red. He looks good in it.

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My original 8 characters keep Theron in his outfit. My second 8 will likely play through as well. They will change Theron's outfit. Pity you can't put on Theron's outfit.


Does Theron's outfit change to what you have it in the cinematics?

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He, also, looks amazing in the casual vandal armor set...not to mention the unfettered trench coat....gotta love Theron fashion fun times...


could you do some screenshots please?! I am so curious 😂


instead I would like to ask you all something 🤔 I am currently doing all the planetary bonus quest on all my characters ( so I can level a bit with the renown xD )

I wanted to ask - if you remember of course - how long does it take to do the 2 fps of Ilum and all the Makeb story with Rothc? just to know how long will it take me before prelude of SoR 😂

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could you do some screenshots please?! I am so curious 😂


instead I would like to ask you all something 🤔 I am currently doing all the planetary bonus quest on all my characters ( so I can level a bit with the renown xD )

I wanted to ask - if you remember of course - how long does it take to do the 2 fps of Ilum and all the Makeb story with Rothc? just to know how long will it take me before prelude of SoR 😂


My Theron's current look:


I like this shot but it has my toon in it (yes they wear the same outfit XP):



Illum FPs can be done pretty fast with the god bot in solo story mode. I'd say 30min each for extra cut scenes and such. But you have to run the planetary story first in order to get the FPs in story mode. It's not very long from my memory.


Makeb is a full story arc, I feel it's longer than a planetary story in vanilla. You can skip Makeb since it's a stand alone story arc (but the outcome of the event will grant a certain resource used in later expansions), but personally, I really like the story. It's the last story arc where the imp side and pub side story complement instead of contradict each other, where your choices have some emotional impact, and the last story arc where your companion makes comments at all.


Makeb story on the imp side is really good. There's also a male npc who has the very first male to male only flirt options introduced in this game. So many people like myself still miss him today......

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My Theron's current look:


I like this shot but it has my toon in it (yes they wear the same outfit XP):



Illum FPs can be done pretty fast with the god bot in solo story mode. I'd say 30min each for extra cut scenes and such. But you have to run the planetary story first in order to get the FPs in story mode. It's not very long from my memory.


Makeb is a full story arc, I feel it's longer than a planetary story in vanilla. You can skip Makeb since it's a stand alone story arc (but the outcome of the event will grant a certain resource used in later expansions), but personally, I really like the story. It's the last story arc where the imp side and pub side story complement instead of contradict each other, where your choices have some emotional impact, and the last story arc where your companion makes comments at all.


Makeb story on the imp side is really good. There's also a male npc who has the very first male to male only flirt options introduced in this game. So many people like myself still miss him today......


those abs 😂

yes, don't worry. I have done on all my characters the Ilum planet quest :3 just missing the 2 fps @@ hope it will not take long.

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My original 8 characters keep Theron in his outfit. My second 8 will likely play through as well. They will change Theron's outfit. Pity you can't put on Theron's outfit.


Does Theron's outfit change to what you have it in the cinematics?

If you meant whether your character can wear it, yes you can put on Theron's outfit. His outfit is a Cartel Market item called "Theron Shan's Armor Set". Whilst it's not currently for sale via the Cartel Market, you can buy it from the GTN (on the Darth Malgus server the whole set is currently 1 million credits). I always change Theron's outfit as I'm not a fan of the original (his boots always remind me of wellies - which imo is not a good look for a spy, though I did buy his original outfit. Don't ask).


If you choose to give Theron a different outfit, it does indeed show up in cutscenes. You can change his outfit

after fully completing chapter 9 of KotFE when he becomes your permanent companion


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And here I think Khem romance is unironically cute.

I thought the selling point of Cyberpunk 2077 is you can have genitals on your character?

Why must game developers being such cowards lmao


Mark that down as another one of the many things CDprojekt blabbed about during marketing but ultimately ended up either lying about or removing from the game.


I'll join if any of you make a Theron guild. I don't even care what we do (it's not that I do much group content anyway) lol

Theron is currently wearing The Bold Hellion jacket dyed black and deep red. He looks good in it.


lol would be hilarious to see a bunch of people doing content with endless Theron clones.


He, also, looks amazing in the casual vandal armor set...not to mention the unfettered trench coat....gotta love Theron fashion fun times...


The secret agent outfit fits Theron so well imo.


could you do some screenshots please?! I am so curious 😂


instead I would like to ask you all something 🤔 I am currently doing all the planetary bonus quest on all my characters ( so I can level a bit with the renown xD )

I wanted to ask - if you remember of course - how long does it take to do the 2 fps of Ilum and all the Makeb story with Rothc? just to know how long will it take me before prelude of SoR 😂


You can pretty much speed run through makeb pretty fast

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yes, the secret agent outfit is awesome. and I imagine that on him it is going to look so good.

so you are all telling me that before a certain chapter of KOTFE I cannot change his outfit?! damn 😂

in these weeks I hope to finish the bonus quest of the planets <.< so I can finish the fps of Ilum and move on to Makeb so I can finally enter fully in this Theron thing 😂

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The abs are strong with Theron lol

Oh, the secret agent outfit would look great on Theron *fingers crossed for it to get a 50% off*


Accurate, did you see those biceps from the comic?


yes, the secret agent outfit is awesome. and I imagine that on him it is going to look so good.

so you are all telling me that before a certain chapter of KOTFE I cannot change his outfit?! damn 😂

in these weeks I hope to finish the bonus quest of the planets <.< so I can finish the fps of Ilum and move on to Makeb so I can finally enter fully in this Theron thing 😂


Yeah it looks like it was designed for him in the first place.

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And here I think Khem romance is unironically cute.


I'll join if any of you make a Theron guild. I don't even care what we do (it's not that I do much group content anyway) lol

Theron is currently wearing The Bold Hellion jacket dyed black and deep red. He looks good in it.


I really like the little Khem romance too. His relationship with the SI is one of the few that really seems to develop over time.


Ages ago we made a Theronmancer guild on Republic side and a Quinnmancer guild on the Imperial side. They are pretty inactive, but I'd be happy to add people. I like having the guild tags so I don't constantly get random guild invites on my alts!

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Accurate, did you see those biceps from the comic?


Those are *chef's kiss*


I really like the little Khem romance too. His relationship with the SI is one of the few that really seems to develop over time.


Ages ago we made a Theronmancer guild on Republic side and a Quinnmancer guild on the Imperial side. They are pretty inactive, but I'd be happy to add people. I like having the guild tags so I don't constantly get random guild invites on my alts!

Khem being protective is pretty sweet.

My Theronmancer agent just lost his guild overnight (it was pretty dead but last week it's just gone). I would join one if you have one on the imp side.

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I'm looking forward to today's patch if it does indeed fix the Jace Malcom wrongly appearing dead bug. I've had two Imp's I've had to hold off on taking through 6.2 because of it. I couldn't stand to see Theron being sad about his dad being dead when he actually wasn't.


@The person who has the Quinn guild Impside, what server are you on? I have a Warrior who would totally join that. :p

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Those are *chef's kiss*



He is fit! too bad we never really got to see his fighting in the game. Idunno why they never gave us his outfit from the book/comics. I NEED IT






I'm looking forward to today's patch if it does indeed fix the Jace Malcom wrongly appearing dead bug. I've had two Imp's I've had to hold off on taking through 6.2 because of it. I couldn't stand to see Theron being sad about his dad being dead when he actually wasn't.


@The person who has the Quinn guild Impside, what server are you on? I have a Warrior who would totally join that. :p


I saw this happened to illevagaming, hasen't happened to me though

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