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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Don't worry, most of us broke up with our former romances for Theron :D

I'm the exception! I couldn't break up any of my class romances for Theron. In true altoholic style I just created and levelled almost every class to romance Theron instead** :D (though it did take me a long time to level a warrior who romanced Theron instead of Malavai Quinn. And I cannot bring myself not to romance Aric on any of my Troopers).

My main is the exception - I messed up her romance with Andronikos by stealing his kills so had to romance Theron instead. Happy outcome.


**this has led to 7TB of Theron romance videos. Don't ask.


no, I too have some of my characters involved with their crew companion and will not go with a Theron romance. maybe I was lucky because starting to play this game now, in 2020, searching on the internet and watching several videos on youtube, I knew from the beginning that there will be Theron in the future. so right at the start, I decided which characters will romance him. I will have my the following: JK, smuggler, sith inquisitor, LS sith warriori and recently I created a new IA that will be a double agent for the SIS ( because the other one married Vector and I can't leave him XD )

as for my BH, I always found Torian adorable - even if my character seems like a "puma" with him, she looks like a woman and he looks so much like a teenager 😂 - so she will remain with him ( the fact that he is a pure Mandalorian is a plus )

my ST instead I was convinced to let her go with Theron, but then doing her storyline and watching some videos on youtube, I completely changed my mind on Aric. he is the perfect match for a female storm trooper.


**this has led to 7TB of Theron romance videos. Don't ask.


how do you record the cutscenes?! 😲

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I'm the exception! I couldn't break up any of my class romances for Theron. In true altoholic style I just created and levelled almost every class to romance Theron instead** :D (though it did take me a long time to level a warrior who romanced Theron instead of Malavai Quinn. And I cannot bring myself not to romance Aric on any of my Troopers).

My main is the exception - I messed up her romance with Andronikos by stealing his kills so had to romance Theron instead. Happy outcome.



**this has led to 7TB of Theron romance videos. Don't ask.


Lmao I started this mmo just to get to Theron in my first playthrough, but ended up liking the vanilla class stories as well. In essence Theron got me to play what I considered a failed MMO by the popular talk of the town in gaming circles. I was (am) a big time FFXIV player and during the honeymoon phase of the latest Shadowbringers xpac I was looking at swtor vids, think I stumbled on some randomly and went down the rabbit hole, saw the companion feature, thought it was interesting and I was waiting on the next Baldur's Gate 3 patch so I thought why not explore. Dwevled a bit deeper saw some vids of theron liked the character and voice actor. Now here I am. Of course, after getting to the nathema stuff I regreted life, and wish I never stumbled upon the game in the first place for a few weeks lol. Of all the games i've played from Bioware, they never made me as mad at them as I was over that.


Anyway we need to see those videos! Nice Rishi place btw, I always planned to get a Rishi stronghold and settle there with Theron since it and Minaan were two of the places where the adventures all began. Found it fitting. After Nathema I was especially planning to retire the character with Theron after marriage as I was not sure if he was going to get more content after that option and I honestly would have been done playing at that point anyway. So that for me was a nice end for the PC and Theron.



how do you record the cutscenes?! 😲


Pretty sure on newest windows it's the Windows key + G to bring up the bar, then just press record

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how do you record the cutscenes?! 😲


You can also use OBS Studio. It's free, easy to operate, has many options if you want to go fancy.

I also recommend Shotcut for editing the recordings. It's also free, and has pretty much everything you need.

This is how I spend my free time. Play SWTOR and editing the play through recordings lol

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Anyone else feel like the fans of theron still deserve more? I'm happy and all with the marriage and the continued inclusion but I just can't get over how dirty they did him. The marriage just feels like a bandaid. "sorry we trashed the heck out of this character here's your marriage though". I still feel like Revan and every other character they royally screwed up got somewhat fixed and redeemed later on. But Theron still needs something for that mess they set him up with. Sure, they wrote Nathema in a way that shows Theron saving everyone, but they also piled on so much other crap onto that arc that this gets completely overshadowed. The character ending with either that option or the forgiveness just doesn't sit well with me. Going forward he needs to atleast be able to do SOMETHING stoyrwise for us who saved.



I would not mind if there's some consequence for those who left him vs save, like in part of the story he shows up at an important time and saves everyone, but if he's gone something different happens. Unlike Revan though they can't really do the Theron comes back as a ghost for those who left to help everyone on account he's not a force sensitive though



Anything would suffice to wash the taste out of that arc from some of our mouths. It is a stain on the character that still hasn't been properly cleansed.

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But but we need to see them!! x)


I've just made a two new agents, one to stay with Vector and one to romance Theron only. I admire you dedication and determination btw!

Haha! I am quite mad. A friend of mine has tried to persuade me to make a site with my own guides, SHs, fan fics and videos but I'm just tooooooo lazy!


how do you record the cutscenes?! 😲

I use fraps but I not yet learned how to edit anything, hence loads of videos taking up storage.


Anyway we need to see those videos! Nice Rishi place btw, I always planned to get a Rishi stronghold and settle there with Theron since it and Minaan were two of the places where the adventures all began. Found it fitting.

Thanks. I created the Rishi stronghold for that exact reason - as a place for my main character Mahiri and her romance Theron. I went off my Manaan SH because the hooks didn't work for what I wanted to create. Rishi was better because the resulting stronghold happened due to the one time that the devs listened to and acted on our PTS feedback making the changes we suggested. Unfortunately, all the large SHs are now bugged so I no longer use my Rishi SH for my main. I keep meaning to do videos of my Rishi, DK, Corusc & Nar Shadaa SHs (my Nar Shadaa SH is my current favourite - Theron has a room there) as the screenshots don't do them justice.


Anyone else feel like the fans of theron still deserve more?

I do. At the very least Theron should be appearing whenever Lana &/or one of our alliance specialists appear in cutscenes as he runs operations. It really annoys me that he's left out of those, especially the latest one.

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Haha! I am quite mad. A friend of mine has tried to persuade me to make a site with my own guides, SHs, fan fics and videos but I'm just tooooooo lazy!



I use fraps but I not yet learned how to edit anything, hence loads of videos taking up storage.



Thanks. I created the Rishi stronghold for that exact reason - as a place for my main character Mahiri and her romance Theron. I went off my Manaan SH because the hooks didn't work for what I wanted to create. Rishi was better because the resulting stronghold happened due to the one time that the devs listened to and acted on our PTS feedback making the changes we suggested. Unfortunately, all the large SHs are now bugged so I no longer use my Rishi SH for my main. I keep meaning to do videos of my Rishi, DK, Corusc & Nar Shadaa SHs (my Nar Shadaa SH is my current favourite - Theron has a room there) as the screenshots don't do them justice.



I do. At the very least Theron should be appearing whenever Lana &/or one of our alliance specialists appear in cutscenes as he runs operations. It really annoys me that he's left out of those, especially the latest one.


Yes, the whole time Hylo was there with her datapad i'm like why is this not Theron? lol I like Hylo, but please leave LOL

It's obvious what they're doing, pushing other alliance members to be stand ins, but they said theron would not be out of the story, so be consistent with that, casual mentions just to remind us he exist is not enough


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Anyone else feel like the fans of theron still deserve more? I'm happy and all with the marriage and the continued inclusion but I just can't get over how dirty they did him. The marriage just feels like a bandaid. "sorry we trashed the heck out of this character here's your marriage though". I still feel like Revan and every other character they royally screwed up got somewhat fixed and redeemed later on. But Theron still needs something for that mess they set him up with. Sure, they wrote Nathema in a way that shows Theron saving everyone, but they also piled on so much other crap onto that arc that this gets completely overshadowed. The character ending with either that option or the forgiveness just doesn't sit well with me. Going forward he needs to atleast be able to do SOMETHING stoyrwise for us who saved.



I would not mind if there's some consequence for those who left him vs save, like in part of the story he shows up at an important time and saves everyone, but if he's gone something different happens. Unlike Revan though they can't really do the Theron comes back as a ghost for those who left to help everyone on account he's not a force sensitive though



Anything would suffice to wash the taste out of that arc from some of our mouths. It is a stain on the character that still hasn't been properly cleansed.


Even if people played wrong option one maybe someone saved Theron off screen to come back later because he never stopped loving you, even if it's non-romance platonic. It will tick off those players, but that's their punishment for playing wrong. For those who played wrong option two he just comes back.


As for the redemption, I have an idea though it risks metagame problems. There can be a fight you can't win. Doesn't matter what your gear is, tactics, Companion, you cannot win the fight. However, instead of getting the option of calling the medical droid or go to nearest med center you get a cut scene of Theron coming in to rescue you. He doesn't have to kill who ever killed you, just get you away or arrive after the opponent left you for dead. He heals you, saving your life. Have dialogue based on relationship. At the end of whatever story this is, romance characters get the wedding ceremony they wanted. The problem is players will have a legitimate gripe of having to play a fight they can never win. Having a fight and losing being a cut scene itself is better from a game play standpoint but less dramatic.

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Even if people played wrong option one maybe someone saved Theron off screen to come back later because he never stopped loving you, even if it's non-romance platonic. It will tick off those players, but that's their punishment for playing wrong. For those who played wrong option two he just comes back.


As for the redemption, I have an idea though it risks metagame problems. There can be a fight you can't win. Doesn't matter what your gear is, tactics, Companion, you cannot win the fight. However, instead of getting the option of calling the medical droid or go to nearest med center you get a cut scene of Theron coming in to rescue you. He doesn't have to kill who ever killed you, just get you away or arrive after the opponent left you for dead. He heals you, saving your life. Have dialogue based on relationship. At the end of whatever story this is, romance characters get the wedding ceremony they wanted. The problem is players will have a legitimate gripe of having to play a fight they can never win. Having a fight and losing being a cut scene itself is better from a game play standpoint but less dramatic.


lol the issue with the first half of that post is even though it's not really shown



Doesn't satele pretty much tell you she can't feel him? and doesn't Echoes kinda confirm his life ended. I mean why would Satele lie to the player. And I feel like if there was a chance for him to come back and be like jokes on you im alive, it was during echoes since that involved his family and legacy directly. The only way I could see this is if one of his impants put him into a sort of state that made Satele think he was dead, but like literally who could even save him everyone on Nathema was pretty much dead. Meh all I want is just some form of redemption. I mean if they can give Arcann a whole *** redemption phase after he killed millions on a planet, they can and SHOULD do it for Theron



But i'm hopeful they'll keep their word, after all, they treat the the alive option as the canon option and Theron was even in the Echoes official trailer. He always had a lot of support in addition to being the LI of many of the promoted female streamers they frequently retweet such as Illevagaming. So i'm pretty confident Bio will want to keep us happy.

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Satele could lie because whatever you did defeating the Eternal Throne and the Emperor Theron is still her son and can't forgive you if you played wrong. Better you think he's gone than hurt him again. The implant idea works too.
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holy crap this is some weird stuff going on here. Im suprised this thread is still active. :rak_02:


Of course it is, theron fans are extremely powerful. But why respond to a post from 2017? lol Speaking of theronites. Where is Goreshaga, she's been absent for a while, hope all is well

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Even if people played wrong option one maybe someone saved Theron off screen to come back later because he never stopped loving you, even if it's non-romance platonic. It will tick off those players, but that's their punishment for playing wrong. For those who played wrong option two he just comes back.


I'm not one of those who will kill off Theron even with my darkest of dark characters (not sure if I'll even exile him on those ones). I'm one of the hopeful that Theron being left to die meant he could be saved, however didn't Devs confirm that Theron is dead and will remain dead for those who chose to leave him?


holy crap this is some weird stuff going on here. Im suprised this thread is still active. :rak_02:

Of course it's still active! Some of us mad nutters love our in-game romances (real or imagined - have you seen the Vaylin thread? I'm not guilty of that but each to their own). And there's always lots to say about Theron (just wait until they give Quinn interaction; the Quinn thread will explode).

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Lana could be the one who save Theron on Nathema. Kept him in hibernation with the Force or something (like the Jedi on Hoth did in the Warrior class story) and got him out later (someone has to go back to scavenge Zildrog for parts). It's pretty much in character and could be some sort of "I won't betray you this time" apology because, you know, Rishi.


Wait for a story point where you need Theron's expertise and let Lana tell the Commander "You know what, I didn't follow your order. You can thank me later" and we can bring Theron back. It makes more sense than many of the game's choices tbh.

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Lana could be the one who save Theron on Nathema. Kept him in hibernation with the Force or something (like the Jedi on Hoth did in the Warrior class story) and got him out later (someone has to go back to scavenge Zildrog for parts). It's pretty much in character and could be some sort of "I won't betray you this time" apology because, you know, Rishi.


Wait for a story point where you need Theron's expertise and let Lana tell the Commander "You know what, I didn't follow your order. You can thank me later" and we can bring Theron back. It makes more sense than many of the game's choices tbh.


If Lana were to do that, it would make me like her character more, not just for Theron BUT it would be the one time Lana did something... ANYTHING not what the commander wanted. Which is what I WISH for her character. To stop being just an extension of the commander's hand instead of having her own mind.


Theron in Onslaught is with you, but he doesn't break his character. He begs you not to destroy his old allies. He still has morals, conflict and goals outside of you, he still provides a bit of conflict for you the player as well. Do I go against my husband/friend wishes and do what I want, kill as many of his people as I like and risk losing favor with him, or do I have enough respect for him to listen to him.


While Lana on the other hand is fine with whatever you decide to do, whoever you decide to betray, whoever you decide to kill, just do it idc. What's that? you want to destroy all life in the galaxy? ok i'm with you. I hate they wrote her this way, but again I think it was all in the plan to get her to be more likable and agreeable after SoR. But as a consequence it made her stale.





Now that Zenith's back, and voiced by Troy Baker also. I hope they don't plan on taking up Theron screentime with Zenith because THAT'S NOT WHAT WE ASKED FOR BIOWARE


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Now that Zenith's back, and voiced by Troy Baker also. I hope they don't plan on taking up Theron screentime with Zenith because THAT'S NOT WHAT WE ASKED FOR BIOWARE


OH.MY.GOD really?! didn't know that 😨 and how will that work? 😱

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Maybe to save time/money they'll reveal that Zenith was really Theron undercover wearing a holo disguise...so no more Zenith, only Theron :D


Yes this :D, or Zenith better be a temporary reunion or riot. No hate for Zenith, but don't even try to make him new Theron. We don't accept!


It will be weird though, maybe we'll get an in-game gag of them two having the same voice actor.

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Yes this :D, or Zenith better be a temporary reunion or riot. No hate for Zenith, but don't even try to make him new Theron. We don't accept!


It will be weird though, maybe we'll get an in-game gag of them two having the same voice actor.


That would actually be awesome lol. But yah, given a choice, Theron always wins! Love Theron! <3

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Can't believe this thread is alive since Theron back years ago. :D


Right? it was still going in the month that I first found this game (this year). I guess that's testament to how many people love Theron. As a person who has played all of Bioware's games since the days of Jade Empire to Kotor, he is without a doubt their best done human male companion, no contest.


That would actually be awesome lol. But yah, given a choice, Theron always wins! Love Theron! <3


They won't do that to us, shove a new troy in his place, I trust. :D

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Because Theron is awesome. End of story. :cool:


A dev actually responded to this thread. We are special :D but yeah good job on Bioware getting me to like one of their human male characters, even if some of the decisions with said character were less stellar, and even though he should have been with us in kotfe from the first chapter! I have started new characters just to experience the adventure all over again. I was always meh on most of their other males. Carth, Kaidan, Atton, Skye, Jacob. Though Alistar was cool. To think one of the few times they get one right, it's in an MMO lol

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