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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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did you get all datacrons?


thank you so much for the tips 😊🏻 yes, I mainly do solo things, not pretty much a fan of group things, and I am very scared of doing the flashpoints on my own 😂 as for now, I have all of my eight character ( one for each class ) blocked on Ilum before the two flashpoints of that planet, because now I would like to try to do some side quests, heroics and even trying to get some datacrons ( and yes, I know that some are a real pain in the *** 😂 ) so at least I can arrive at SoR with a higher level @.@


I really can't wait to finally meet Theron 😂 even if I am also curious for the reunion with certain companions - mostly Aric and Torian 🖤

You're welcome and yes we did get all the datacrons needed for the achievement. I've yet to do the Rishi ones and the ones introduced with the newer planets/expansions. I recommend doing the flashpoints that can be done solo (you can see the list by clicking activities pane > solo). Some of them give you a "god bot" (an extra helper droid who will heal/tank/dps depending on the roles of you and your companion) which really helps if you're new to flashpoints. I recommend doing all the expansions at least once and in order (see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=989463 if you need more info on the order of things or advice about flashpoints). Meeting Theron for the first time is good - remember to choose the flirt options if you want to romance him

he has slightly different dialogue for Republic and Empire Characters.


I am WAAAAAAAAAY back with the storyline 😂 but this 'Star Fortress' when does it arrive? 🤔

Start Fortresses are an "optional extra" that you can do after on completing chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire. You pick up the initial quest from NPC Miot Dengd who is just outside the the Military Hanger inside the Alliance War Room on Odessan. Run through the quest and you will unlock Veteran Star Fortresses (heroic solo) and can get additional companions. You can't use Theron as your companion during Star Fortesses as he is your guide but you do get some funny dialogue from him as mentioned above by eabevella.

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You're welcome and yes we did get all the datacrons needed for the achievement. I've yet to do the Rishi ones and the ones introduced with the newer planets/expansions. I recommend doing the flashpoints that can be done solo (you can see the list by clicking activities pane > solo). Some of them give you a "god bot" (an extra helper droid who will heal/tank/dps depending on the roles of you and your companion) which really helps if you're new to flashpoints. I recommend doing all the expansions at least once and in order (see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=989463 if you need more info on the order of things or advice about flashpoints). Meeting Theron for the first time is good - remember to choose the flirt options if you want to romance him

he has slightly different dialogue for Republic and Empire Characters.



Start Fortresses are an "optional extra" that you can do after on completing chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire. You pick up the initial quest from NPC Miot Dengd who is just outside the the Military Hanger inside the Alliance War Room on Odessan. Run through the quest and you will unlock Veteran Star Fortresses (heroic solo) and can get additional companions. You can't use Theron as your companion during Star Fortesses as he is your guide but you do get some funny dialogue from him as mentioned above by eabevella.


thank you so much. yes, I know there is the "god bot" when you enter the story mode fps and I have done a few with all my 8 characters ( now I have to do the last two ) but I am always afraid that I am so noob that I can't get past through them 😂 let's see how it goes.

for now, before starting the fps of Ilum, I would like to try to understand the crew skills, do some heroics etc to earn some level because I would like to be at the top before starting SoR, but I really can't wait.

5 out of 10 of my characters will be in a relastionship with Theron, all of them with different backgrounds ( I have a LS Sith Marauder that will go with the Republic, the same with a LS Imperial Agent I created few weeks ago ) so I am so curious to watch how everything goes.

then let's see how everything will be in the expansions 😂 as I said, I am way behind with the stories and I am really a newbie of PC games @@ especially mmorpg.

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What is the deal with all the attention for Theron? He is a great character, but come on!! Really???...............................Really? lol!!!!!


After the Class stories, for those who enjoy a Star Wars romance your only options are Theron and Lana if you want the story of it. There's no romance story with your Companion in Ilum, Makeb, nor Revan. You can reunite with your Companion in Eternal Throne/Fallen Empire, but other than a reunion scene there's nothing more. If your Companion is not part of the story you can only respond by choosing a dialogue. You aren't animated, so you lose immersion. For some reason they went old school using the first KOTOR method of speaking with NPCs. You can even choose a new Companion for a romance, but there's no story. It's either Theron or Lana for interactive romance dialogue and animated kissing.


Theron Shan was the star character in a comic book and novel for those who are interested in Star Wars fiction beyond the movies. Even if you only know the movies he's a fill in for Han Solo or Po or Cassian, the non-Force User action hero. He's a fantasy for fangirls and some fanboys.

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What is the deal with all the attention for Theron? He is a great character, but come on!! Really???...............................Really? lol!!!!!

What is the deal with all the love for Lana ? She is not a great character, she doesn't even have a backstory or any personality of her own anymore now that she has to fill everyone else's shoes (she was much better during FA / SoR / Ziost though), so come on!!

Really???...............................Really? lol!!!!!


More seriously, Theron has a backstory and a pretty interesting one at that.

He's one of the very few companions whose personal achievements match our PCs' before he even meet them. While a non Force User, he saved the Republic twice, killing two members of the Dark Council in the process and received the Cross of Glory the second time.

When you can kill a Dark Council member mostly unarmed and wearing only your underwear, you're just on another level.

His romance is really nice and he's pretty much the only valid option available to any class and gender for people who are not into women in general and even more so not into Lana.

And he was done extremely dirty from KOTFE onward, being left out of most of the visible action by being relegated to doing the cool stuff behind the scene and getting a kill option the only time he's given something to do to save our PC and the Alliance, to showcase only Lana doing the good stuff on-screen and being the only unkillable important romance option.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I personally have nothing against Lana 😂 but when I started playing swtor back in october/december 2020 obviously I had much more material to look on compared to who started playing this game from the beginning - for example in the past you didn't know that some companions could have returned in a certain time, I do so I can play my characters in a certain way.


reading some things online and watching some youtube videos, I personally wanted to romance the characters that had a more interesting "background" or also character development. I currently have my BH with Torian ( he is really adorable, with all the son of the traitor bg and his obsession with the mandalore culture ) my ST with Aric ( at the beginning I wasn't so sure, but then he opened up so much and surprised me - and really looking forward to the reunion in KOTFE ) one of my IA is with Vector ( yes I know that there is the "bug thing", but I found him adorable ) one of my JK will romance Lord Scourge ( a Jedi with a Sith...? seriously WOW amazing ) and my JC will be with Arcann ( the redemption story 😂 )

all the other characters bg didn't interest me that much like these ones, and Theron has a really interesting background, with the story of his parents, that he is not force sensitive in the end and tried to make his own path.

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Theron did what now? :eek:

In Annihilation,

he sliced the Ascendant Spear's systems, freed Gnost-Dural who had previously allowed himself to be captured and killed Darth Karrid wearing only his panties (because while he was slicing the systems, he was hiding in some machinery room and it was very hot inside), and only having a damaged blaster, while Gnost-Dural being dressed pretty much the same way as Theron was fighting her apprentices.


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In Annihilation,

he sliced the Ascendant Spear's systems, freed Gnost-Dural who had previously allowed himself to be captured and killed Darth Karrid wearing only his panties (because while he was slicing the systems, he was hiding in some machinery room and it was very hot inside), and only having a damaged blaster, while Gnost-Dural being dressed pretty much the same way as Theron was fighting her apprentices.

I feel this needs to be a back story cut-scene in-game for reasons of knowledge & science :D

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I feel this needs to be a back story cut-scene in-game for reasons of knowledge & science :D

That would be hilarious.


Especially the part where they both arrive on Malcom's ship where he, Satele and Teff'ith are waiting for them and they're both nearly naked in front of everyone standing there


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I'm doing Star Fortress now and I love Theron's lines in there.

It just feel perfect that he's the mission handler over the comm link. It gives me a perfect metal gear solid vibe.

"Be your best friend if you destroy that"

That's cute to a non-romanced toon but cuter to a romanced toon lol


I wish it's not just a skip-able side mission but a fully developed story arc. Taking out the Star Fortresses do show the Alliance as a powerful organization, not just an one Outlander army and Theron shines more in those side missions.


This was one of my favorite interactions and I wished there was more of this. I loved Theron as the voice on the comms guiding you through the star fortress, gave me a metal gear vibe too, and it was the perfect role for his character. Troy also has the perfect voice for it :D


It also made me like his character even more, it shows you just how modest and humble Theron's character is. Perhaps too modest, despite all his accomplishments he never shys away from giving other people their credit. During the star fortress missions he gives the commander full credit for taking them out despite how necessary he was to the Commander's success.


Part of the saddest thing about them moving on to the newer characters is we probably won't get anything like those missions again. Fun while it lasted though.


On the subject of Nathema, while I did hate many aspects about it. There were also some positives. For one it showed how much of a threat Theron could be as a non-force user character



Orchestrating all that he did, and also managing to uncover a plot against the alliance when everyone else on Odessan could not. He also manages to slip by and stay one step ahead of the PC and Lana every single time until he finally decides he wants them to catch him.


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After the Class stories, for those who enjoy a Star Wars romance your only options are Theron and Lana if you want the story of it. There's no romance story with your Companion in Ilum, Makeb, nor Revan. You can reunite with your Companion in Eternal Throne/Fallen Empire, but other than a reunion scene there's nothing more. If your Companion is not part of the story you can only respond by choosing a dialogue. You aren't animated, so you lose immersion. For some reason they went old school using the first KOTOR method of speaking with NPCs. You can even choose a new Companion for a romance, but there's no story. It's either Theron or Lana for interactive romance dialogue and animated kissing.


Theron Shan was the star character in a comic book and novel for those who are interested in Star Wars fiction beyond the movies. Even if you only know the movies he's a fill in for Han Solo or Po or Cassian, the non-Force User action hero. He's a fantasy for fangirls and some fanboys.


A little bit of this, plus outside of the knights vanilla comps Theron is one of my faves. All I know is, as soon as the Knight's companions content stops or Theron content stop. I'd be hard pressed not to play FF fulltime as at this point the companions more than the story are what's keeping my sub.


Nathema also should be very interesting 😂


It's pretty terrible, but it does give you opportunities for some great romance theron lines

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This was one of my favorite interactions and I wished there was more of this. I loved Theron as the voice on the comms guiding you through the star fortress, gave me a metal gear vibe too, and it was the perfect role for his character. Troy also has the perfect voice for it :D


It also made me like his character even more, it shows you just how modest and humble Theron's character is. Perhaps too modest, despite all his accomplishments he never shys away from giving other people their credit. During the star fortress missions he gives the commander full credit for taking them out despite how necessary he was to the Commander's success.


Part of the saddest thing about them moving on to the newer characters is we probably won't get anything like those missions again. Fun while it lasted though.


On the subject of Nathema, while I did hate many aspects about it. There were also some positives. For one it showed how much of a threat Theron could be as a non-force user character



Orchestrating all that he did, and also managing to uncover a plot against the alliance when everyone else on Odessan could not. He also manages to slip by and stay one step ahead of the PC and Lana every single time until he finally decides he wants them to catch him.


Theron just got the perfect sense and dose of humor that Star Fortress is less of a pain to walk through because of him. Troy acted so naturally that I almost wanted to talk back at him.


The small remarks he makes to each planet are cute too.

"I don't like Tatooine, but I like saying the word Tatooine." XD

So adorable.



Theron manipulated a whole Chiss house into being his canon fodder and giving him their secrets, which showed he's more than capable of playing mind game, and very dangerous if he choose to. I just like that of him even though the whole arc is ehhhh (my sniper agent was not impressed. In fact, he was pissed beyond words because a house of snipers? Really? Right in front of your boyfriend?)


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Theron just got the perfect sense and dose of humor that Star Fortress is less of a pain to walk through because of him. Troy acted so naturally that I almost wanted to talk back at him.


The small remarks he makes to each planet are cute too.

"I don't like Tatooine, but I like saying the word Tatooine." XD

So adorable.



Theron manipulated a whole Chiss house into being his canon fodder and giving him their secrets, which showed he's more than capable of playing mind game, and very dangerous if he choose to. I just like that of him even though the whole arc is ehhhh (my sniper agent was not impressed. In fact, he was pissed beyond words because a house of snipers? Really? Right in front of your boyfriend?)


Yep, even if Theron wasn't personally involved in breaking down the doors to rescue you (though he should have been), I would have atleast liked him to be on the comms from the ship or something guiding lana and the PC out. That would have been so much better than what we got. Plus Lana and Theron bickering would have been more entertaining than Koth + Lana lol.


Lmao yeah, I can see how non-force users are like THERON ***! but if you can defeat valkorian and vaylin as a sniper, you're basically the god of all snipers destroyer of all LOL.


My knight never felt in danger moreso annoyed having to listen to FOR HOUSE INROKINI over and over



Also I find it hilarious how the few haters of theron always use the "he got a house of chiss killed", like we're supposed to care about a random throwaway house over our friend and or LI especially after we as the commander are already responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths by the events of iokath lmao


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Same!! :D


Ha, when you read the comics/book it's just going to make you more frustrated with how underused he was in the game during certain story aspects as he's pretty much a very capable protagonist in his own right.

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Yep, even if Theron wasn't personally involved in breaking down the doors to rescue you (though he should have been), I would have atleast liked him to be on the comms from the ship or something guiding lana and the PC out. That would have been so much better than what we got. Plus Lana and Theron bickering would have been more entertaining than Koth + Lana lol.


Lmao yeah, I can see how non-force users are like THERON ***! but if you can defeat valkorian and vaylin as a sniper, you're basically the god of all snipers destroyer of all LOL.


My knight never felt in danger moreso annoyed having to listen to FOR HOUSE INROKINI over and over



Also I find it hilarious how the few haters of theron always use the "he got a house of chiss killed", like we're supposed to care about a random throwaway house over our friend and or LI especially after we as the commander are already responsible for thousands upon thousands of deaths by the events of iokath lmao


I never realized you have to wait months for Theron to show up when kotfe released. I wish Theron would at least show up in the comm after we have the Gravestone, to catch up, update things on Odessen, talk about the new recruits he found, bickering with Lana in the familiar way that the Outlander misses so much etc.


IA sniper: If I can't solve a problem with one shot, I'll solve it with 5 shots *penetrative blasts*


FOR HOUSE INROKINI and USE MY POWER SERVANT are the two most annoying lines in the entire game lol



House Inrokini wanted the Alliance secrets, took a gamble and lost, I feel bad for the last boss simply because he had a lot of faith in Theron (loyalty to Theron = plus in my book lol), but the syndic isn't "innocent" herself.


Iokath is a mess. I hate how the Republic is done so dirty that even my JK can't side with the Republic at that time (I recognized Acina was also acting behind my back but I simply hate how the Republic was like: you have to support us unconditionally because u a Jedi even though 1)we've done **** to support u 2)tried to assassinate u). Ironically, only my IA sided with the Rebpuclic because of Theron and it's hilarious to flirt with Malcom in front of him the awkwardness lmao


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To be fair, Saresh was acting on her own. I could never trust Acina tbh. She gave a pretty speech about turning the sith around and needing the change, but if you listen to her carefully on Iokath she preaches the very same crap all sith before her did.


Running onslaught on my warrior now. It's so weird how Theron has better scenes and lines on the imp side vs pub. Love when he walked in the room with the beheaded chick "Am I clear to come in here or whaaaaa" lol

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100% agree. He is easy on the eyes, ears and heart. He is sort of tortured, but not in a nauseating, Twlightesque way. He is always trying to do the right thing, but is willing to break the rules. His achievements are pretty remarkable for a non-force user.


I have nothing against Lana, I just am frustrated that she seems to be getting vastly more screen time, which seems to be logical since any character that we make "the choice" with where we keep em around...their continuance in the story is pretty minimal. When it comes to those two, I would want them around for the long haul and only have them removed if Troy and Lydia were not interested in the work anymore.


What is the deal with all the love for Lana ? She is not a great character, she doesn't even have a backstory or any personality of her own anymore now that she has to fill everyone else's shoes (she was much better during FA / SoR / Ziost though), so come on!!

Really???...............................Really? lol!!!!!


More seriously, Theron has a backstory and a pretty interesting one at that.

He's one of the very few companions whose personal achievements match our PCs' before he even meet them. While a non Force User, he saved the Republic twice, killing two members of the Dark Council in the process and received the Cross of Glory the second time.

When you can kill a Dark Council member mostly unarmed and wearing only your underwear, you're just on another level.

His romance is really nice and he's pretty much the only valid option available to any class and gender for people who are not into women in general and even more so not into Lana.

And he was done extremely dirty from KOTFE onward, being left out of most of the visible action by being relegated to doing the cool stuff behind the scene and getting a kill option the only time he's given something to do to save our PC and the Alliance, to showcase only Lana doing the good stuff on-screen and being the only unkillable important romance option.

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^ I would pretty much stop playing this game if he was absent entirely. You can't just throw away a relationship someone has been building with 2 different characters for so long away like that. Theron and Lana both are family at this point as much as my vanilla companions were. Theron has been through so much with the PC at this point. They are the characters we sit back with and reminisce on the "good ole days" when we're in a new dangerous situation, similar to Garrus and Liara from ME. ME would have hit much weaker if we did not have the companions we were with for so long there with us going through the devastation. I don't care what new characters they bring along, none of them will be able to match that history we have with theron or lana. Nathema hit me hard because it was like after Kaidan, after Carth, after Atton, after Liam after Jacob Bioware finally got a human male character right. They actually got me to like a human male of theirs for once, and then THAT?!?!


As of now? it's soso, both Lana & Theron are mostly just present for the ends and beginnings of your adventures throughout onslaught and echoes. I understand the story can no longer rely on them, and it's bittersweet. You understand the plot must progress, but if the characters you care about aren't going through it extensively as you are, it kind of makes it all pointless. But i'm atleast happy they have survived better than other characters have and they've done well to make them still feel close to the commander, as they are the two always featured in the personal scenes (which makes the theron boot option all the more questionable) but bleh.


Anyways i've always been curious, because i've seen the official Swtor twitter post favored choices before like when they posted that most players sided with Acina. Did they ever

post the majority choices of Nathema conpiracy? i've always been curious. Because judging by the reception, judging by the love theron gets on the subreddit, the response to him even in kaas and coru chat, how all the top comments on the actual most viewed nathema video are all in favor of saving him, judging by here and just social media in general makes me think those few vocal types that are like DIE DIE DIE are the minority right? then I think back to how the devs made the default choice for him alive on both imps and pubs, and how he still gets a lot of scenes compared to all other companions outside of Lana makes me believe that not very many people chose to leave him, have they ever posted anything to suggest this further?


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To be fair, Saresh was acting on her own. I could never trust Acina tbh. She gave a pretty speech about turning the sith around and needing the change, but if you listen to her carefully on Iokath she preaches the very same crap all sith before her did.


Running onslaught on my warrior now. It's so weird how Theron has better scenes and lines on the imp side vs pub. Love when he walked in the room with the beheaded chick "Am I clear to come in here or whaaaaa" lol


You can't "act on your own" when you are essentially the president/PM/leader of a government body. Especially when the Republic basically played dead and pretended nothing happened afterward. That's just pathetic. I don't trust Acina, but at least she's doing things the adult way. I sided with her on Iokath as a way to make a closure to our alliance and sent a message to the Republic telling them that they can't pull the "you're a Jedi, do this for the Republic for free while we drag you down" card on me.


The most difficult part of that decision is Theron's reaction. I can't stand hearing him so sad but shoving all his emotion back, using work to distracted himself... Ouch


Theron in the Empire is just so funny. So much awkwardness among too many Sith lol

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