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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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19 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have never heard of half-human/half-twi'leks before, but I kind of wanna meet one now..........  🤔

Didn't you know? Humans can breed with anything🤣 Bam! Human-Twi'lek couple and kids from the animated Clone Wars😉 


(One of the clones deserts the Imperial army to stay and marry a twi'lek on one of the planets.)

Will respond to more later. Just had to post this real quick. 😁

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15 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Didn't you know? Humans can breed with anything🤣 Bam! Human-Twi'lek couple and kids from the animated Clone Wars😉

Will respond to more later. Just had to post this real quick. 😁

awwww they cute!  ty!  I haven't watched clone wars, only some rebels, I plan to but I'm slow 😅

(and yeah, humans, man.  humans. breedin like rabbits 😛  I shoulda guessed.)

(edit because I saw added spoiler: awwww so cuuute!!!   I definitely need to get around to watching............ other star wars things that aren't this game 🤣  we are trying to watch through rebels before Ahsoka and we are to...... episode 4 lmao)

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32 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, I stand by my choice as it 100% fit my character, but I do wish there was more impact.  There is still the official saboteur plot start coming so will see if it is mentioned there (like, is anyone gonna question how this agent would be accepted back into the empire to be a double agent after he turned the empire down twice and Acina said intelligence should have killed him? lmao  we'll see)

Same, that's what i'll keep for my JK, but it would've been nice if it changed a bit more

Yeah, seems like quite a bad idea to keep that person around tbh, especially rely on that person to win a war.

34 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

yup, birth control it is then 😂  (I refuse to accept it doesn't exist in star wars lol  it's there.) 

I have never heard of half-human/half-twi'leks before, but I kind of wanna meet one now..........  🤔

That probably exists, but if there's even 1% chance it could fail, my JK is definitely not going to take that risk.

Another example of a human-Twi'lek hybrid, on top of the CW ones. Only put the pic here so that it's not too spoilery if you haven't finished Rebels yet.

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59 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have never heard of half-human/half-twi'leks before, but I kind of wanna meet one now..........  🤔

They're in the Clone Wars Cartoon and the last episode of Rebels. I want my SW and Vette to have a baby so bad.

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3 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

They're in the Clone Wars Cartoon and the last episode of Rebels. I want my SW and Vette to have a baby so bad.

ok, I have seen the whole last season of rebels, including the last episode, so I definitely just tooootally spaced on that one 😅 

........I want adorable half-Theron/half-twi'lek babies now 🥹

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I made it.  😍  Spy husbands is go and Theron has acquired sexy hair.  All is now as it should be 🥰🥰🥰

(I must say though, and this may be because it is the version I have watched over and over, but, JK still by far my favorite proposal scene, although I really love how agent says the "this is really difficult for you, isn't it" line 😄)

Oh, and my agent 10000% murdered Atrius, he is completely dead.  I was so happy to play on a character who would totally kill him for hurting Theron 😊

And because I can, here is a bonus screenshot I got of Theron that I love.  Sharing for science.

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21 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Well, that's kinda disappointing, so i guess i'll just keep the alliance with Acina, seems more pragmatic at least while fighting against the Eternal Empire.

Same. Since it makes no difference, my agent will ally with Acina for that part too. He's always been pragmatic so that'll work in his favor. 

21 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg I......... I might play too much 🤣🤣  my agent just absolutely dusted.  I don't have a problem, I don't know what you're talking about 🥺

🥰 You're so adorable! If it makes you feel any better, I am definitely not focusing on my agent. I may have gotten a tiny wee bit distracted by the idea of Quinn 😅 and so I finally created that SW I was thinking about making pages ago.

He's a miraluka. He's going to be able to 'see' Quinn's inner turmoil and it's going to be so easy to forgive him. I'm super excited! I need to remake him though. I'm already bending lore a bit by making him a miraluka. Him having scars isn't going to work. Also, he's going to be pragmatically pure evil (maybe. I actually don't know if I can play an evil character. 🤔) and him and Theron are not going to get along sometimes. He's going to be best friends with Koth though. No destroying Zakuul for him because he is going to be a complete Emperor sycophant and completely devoted. And no devotee of the Emperor would event think to destroy the Emperor's home! I hope there is dialogue I can choose in KotFE that allows him to show his support for Vakorian. 😈

20 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

I really like the line that Theron gives in Iokath, when he's on the roof bringing in his shuttle remotely while the PC is knocking off a horde of droids in the giant droid - something to the effect that he's not leaving without you (then goes on to tell Lana to "Keep your robe on, Beniko" - cracks me up every time).

I get the lines "Should I say it like a spy? 'Target eliminated'" and "Who needs the Force?" quite often....

I don't remember that line. 😂 I'm going to have to really pay attention to that part when I get there again. 

My favourite line, probably in the entire game, is when my BH climbs into the giant mech, powers it up and tells the others, "Protect Theron." I love that line. So, so, so, love it. 💖

How are you getting the spy and Force lines? Are you doing a lot of Onslaugts and group Flashpoints? Because I never do those so that may be one of the reasons I never get those lines.

21 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, for me it was like, not only time but just I don't even think they're still even 100% sure what their relationship is yet by that point, because in SoR it was a fling that was never gonna last, then they met again and decided to try again and maybe be more than a fling, but since the stuff on screen is very light up to that point, I just take it as, like, neither of them is sure how to do "long term relationship" really, so they're both winging it.  Also, I decided after I did it that Theron doesn't even admit to himself that it's serious and he's in love with/crazy about agent until agent refuses to side with Acina and says that the empire can't be trusted; I think at that moment Theron finally decides there's low/no risk that his boyfriend is ever gonna leave him and go back to the empire like the last time.  Those abandonment issues, after all.  would Theron really fall for someone he thinks might leave him to be on the enemy side?  Even though (as established with that siding with the empire on Iokath business!) I know it's canon that Theron will defect for love, I just prefer to HC that he wouldn't, for my characters, and that they wouldn't want him to! 

(that was a longer essay than I planned, soz lol)

I think my JK might take the risks line on my rerun though, him and Theron definitely have a more solid and madly in love relationship in my mind by that point because they already acted really in love in SoR and have that history, so Theron would totally say "I'm crazy about you" to him. 🥰

Very good points. There really isn't much on screen to support an Imperial romance for a bit. I need to analyze the scenes too to determine when that changes. For my BH, I have a very solid headcanon that makes it work, but for my smol agent? No such luck. Thus, first line it is! 😁 Plus I love the call back to the liar thing. 😏

20 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

And, now my game didn't freeze during the GEMINI fight, but i just can't beat her. While i did last week, now whenever i reach the second wave of 4, she melts Senya and me in a couple seconds... Tried like 4 times, wasted nearly 50K credits in repair for nothing as i just can't access the cutscenes i want to record without defeating her 😭

I've always hated that chapter and that fight in particular, but it's even worse now than it was before...

I'm currently re-recording Chapters 10 to 15 on my agent. When I get to 15, I'll try to record different outcomes to help out. Will take a bit though. Considering that I have recorded Chapter 10 twice now and need to do a third playthrough. And Chapter 9 took waaaaayyyy too long due to all those outfit changes.... 😅

19 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

Another example of a human-Twi'lek hybrid, on top of the CW ones. Only put the pic here so that it's not too spoilery if you haven't finished Rebels yet.

Link doesn't work. I want to seeeeee!!!!!

14 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I made it.  😍  Spy husbands is go and Theron has acquired sexy hair.  All is now as it should be 🥰🥰🥰

(I must say though, and this may be because it is the version I have watched over and over, but, JK still by far my favorite proposal scene, although I really love how agent says the "this is really difficult for you, isn't it" line 😄)

Oh, and my agent 10000% murdered Atrius, he is completely dead.  I was so happy to play on a character who would totally kill him for hurting Theron 😊

And because I can, here is a bonus screenshot I got of Theron that I love.  Sharing for science.

Ohhhh!!! Nice pics! I love how much we all Theron and share pics of him all the time! I can't get enough of Theron pics! 🥰

Sweet~ You made it there! I'll get there eventually. I just need to focus... 😅 Especially if I want to get to that proposal. 💖

Was your proposal scene glitch-free? I really hope mine will be. Will be nice to have one of them record without those jumps. 😆



 Recording scenes with Theron in different outfits is going to be a time-consuming nightmare process.  😵

For example, for KotFE Chapter 10, I started the chapter with Theron in his grey/black jacket outfit. Then on Zakuul, I changed him into the Hoth uniform so he could go off to meet his contact. I continued and finished the mission and got back to base after him. However, there is no way for me to put him into my party to change his outfit back to his jacket outfit because the chapter only allows me to have Kailyo at that point. He got there before me and he went straight back into work mode and didn't change. 🤭

Now I have to do the chapter again with him in his jacket outfit so he'll have changed by the time I get back to base. And I sometimes wonder where all my time has gone. 😅 It's truly a shame that we can't replay all content over and over like we can the Vakorian chapters. I'm going to have a difficult time later if I want to keep changing Theron's outfits for various reasons. Like future dance, party, and contact lines.


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5 minutes ago, yenzin said:

🥰 You're so adorable! If it makes you feel any better, I am definitely not focusing on my agent. I may have gotten a tiny bit distracted by the idea of Quinn 😅 and so I finally created that SW I was thinking about making pages ago.

He's a miraluka. He's going to be able to 'see' Quinn's inner turmoil and it's going to be so easy to forgive him. I'm super excited! I need to remake him though. I'm already bending lore a bit by making him a miraluka. Him having scars isn't going to work. Also, he's going to be pragmatically pure evil (maybe. I actually don't know if I can play an evil character.) and him and Theron are not going to get along sometimes. He's going to be best friends with Koth though. No destroying Zakuul for him because he is going to be a complete Emperor sycophant and completely devoted. And no devotee of the Emperor would destroy the Emperor's home! I hope there is dialogue I can choose in KotFE that allows him to show his support for Vakorian. 😈

🤣  ok maybe I feel a wee bit better then.

And man, you have a much stronger resolve than I if you could do that playthrough, DAYUM. 😂  I can't even make it through saboteur, I am too republic main lol

If you do it, please report back on how crazy it is though.  I am very curious 😄

8 minutes ago, yenzin said:

My favourite line, probably in the entire game, is when my BH claims into the giant mech, boots it up and tells the others, "Protect Theron." I love that line. So, so, so, love it. 💖


I love "protect Theron", so much ❤️  love how both my JK and agent deliver it too ❤️  it's so small a line and yet, so good.  I still don't even know if it's romantic, I think it isn't because Theron is vital to the mission, but I don't even care, it's romantic to me 😄

10 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Sweet~ You made it there! I'll get there eventually. I just need to focus... 😅 Especially if I want to get to that proposal. 💖

Was your proposal scene glitch-free? I really hope mine will be. Will be nice to have one of them record without those jumps. 😆

yesssss get your smol agent hitched 😍

and yes, PROPOSAL WAS GLITCH-FREE, THANK GOD, all went well.

only thing I almost screwed up was that I accidentally chose the "Theron was mine to kill" line to Atrius the first time 😨😨😨😨😨  I escaped back out of the cutscene SO FAST lmao.  I obviously redid it and picked the "I'll tear you apart" line that I meant to, CRISIS AVERTED 😬  Still, upset that I even had to hear him say that line, it's painful.  Also now I have to edit that recording to remove the errant bit of cutscene, it was so smooth of a recording otherwise too lol

Have to say, I was a little disappointed that throughout the whole fractured alliances story there really wasn't any special dialogue options for agent to have his spy-dy senses go off and suspect Theron's a double agent or to voice his suspicions in a spy context.  Like, all the dialogue was just identical to on JK.  It's still good though, but would have been nice to have some of those lines.  Will just HC that he noted such things off screen 🥰

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55 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I'm currently re-recording Chapters 10 to 15 on my agent. When I get to 15, I'll try to record different outcomes to help out. Will take a bit though. Considering that I have recorded Chapter 10 twice now and need to do a third playthrough. And Chapter 9 took waaaaayyyy too long due to all those outfit changes.... 😅

I'm doing too many things at once between the GS on all 5 servers, going through one of my JK clone on one of the servers, going through a clone of my SW on another server, so i'm not giong very fast on other things (currently writing down the dialogue options for both, that way when i'll go record the whole thing i'll not have to go through all the options before recording).

57 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Link doesn't work. I want to seeeeee!!!!!

Hope this one will work better then. Kid on the left is the one from Rebels, kids on the right are the ones from TWC that were already posted.


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1 hour ago, yenzin said:

I don't remember that line.  I'm going to have to really pay attention to that part when I get there again. 

My favourite line, probably in the entire game, is when my BH climbs into the giant mech, powers it up and tells the others, "Protect Theron." I love that line. So, so, so, love it. 💖

How are you getting the spy and Force lines? Are you doing a lot of Onslaugts and group Flashpoints? Because I never do those so that may be one of the reasons I never get those lines.


It's definitely a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' moment, in the heat of battle right at the start of the giant droid instance. Oh - and turn off any background music etc as the lines can get lost in amongst the noise.

I don't know how I get those lines, sorry - I promise to take more notice of where I am, what I'm doing and what character I'm playing to try and see if that has any bearing on frequency (although I do think it's a randomly generated thing).  I don't do Uprisings, Operations or any group flashpoints, I'm strictly solo only.

Although I think I get most of them in story-mode FPs....I will need to run some to check for you.

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36 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

I don't know how I get those lines, sorry - I promise to take more notice of where I am, what I'm doing and what character I'm playing to try and see if that has any bearing on frequency (although I do think it's a randomly generated thing).  I don't do Uprisings, Operations or any group flashpoints, I'm strictly solo only.

Although I think I get most of them in story-mode FPs....I will need to run some to check for you.

Do you have him on heal usually or do you ever put him on damage?  I know someone said before that they might pop up more when he is on damage (and if I'm right and they are lines he does when finishing an enemy then it would make sense that that would happen) .... if I thought I had a sliver of a chance of staying alive on my own I might put him on damage just to test but even my tank characters would not last all that long with no healer 😅


In other news, 948k credits later, and Theron finally has leather pants to go with his jacket.  worth every single penny.  😍

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3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I wish I could figure out how to put my screen shots from STEAM here


idk if it is automatic or a setting, but steam saves screenshots onto a file on my computer.  this is the storage path on mine, dunno if it would be the same on yours.

3 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

Heals only.  I almost never have companions on anything other than heals.

yeah same.  hrmm.  maybe it's just that the main characters I have played with Theron loads on just absolutely melt everything around them and Theron has no chance to get kills 🤔  might have to make my jedi back off and let Theron do the work a few times to see what happens 😅


much later edit: since this is off topic of Theron (well, it is tangentially related since it's the reason I felt I could make my JK immediately flirt with Theron!) I didn't wanna make a new post, but, I finally got the JK line about disagreeing with the ban on jedi love recorded.  If anyone was curious, here it is, I think it's a really great line, really seals the deal in terms of him pursuing romance being super in characterǃ 

I am still really curious if female JK has the same option if you bring the right companion (I had Kira with me again, and had definitely done 0 flirts with her at all, so, might just be tied to her, or it could be the romanceableness in spite of actual romance).

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Since it's really fast and easy to do, I just restarted Chapter 16 twice to test the "remember you promise' line. Theron says the same line no matter what was chosen previously. Even to the, "I know you have abandonment issues." Which, odd and lazy on the Dev's part. Would have been nice to have different lines on the ship. 🌠

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

🤣  ok maybe I feel a wee bit better then.

And man, you have a much stronger resolve than I if you could do that playthrough, DAYUM. 😂  I can't even make it through saboteur, I am too republic main lol

If you do it, please report back on how crazy it is though.  I am very curious 😄

I love "protect Theron", so much ❤️  love how both my JK and agent deliver it too ❤️  it's so small a line and yet, so good.  I still don't even know if it's romantic, I think it isn't because Theron is vital to the mission, but I don't even care, it's romantic to me 😄

yesssss get your smol agent hitched 😍

and yes, PROPOSAL WAS GLITCH-FREE, THANK GOD, all went well.

only thing I almost screwed up was that I accidentally chose the "Theron was mine to kill" line to Atrius the first time 😨😨😨😨😨  I escaped back out of the cutscene SO FAST lmao.  I obviously redid it and picked the "I'll tear you apart" line that I meant to, CRISIS AVERTED 😬  Still, upset that I even had to hear him say that line, it's painful.  Also now I have to edit that recording to remove the errant bit of cutscene, it was so smooth of a recording otherwise too lol

Have to say, I was a little disappointed that throughout the whole fractured alliances story there really wasn't any special dialogue options for agent to have his spy-dy senses go off and suspect Theron's a double agent or to voice his suspicions in a spy context.  Like, all the dialogue was just identical to on JK.  It's still good though, but would have been nice to have some of those lines.  Will just HC that he noted such things off screen 🥰

Oh, I shall definitely be reporting back. Have to report on the different flirt lines with Theron, after all. 😉 If there are different lines in the English version, my SW is going to hear them because he and Quinn are going to be in a completely monogamous relationship off-screen. I'll record those lines with Theron but they won't be burned into that character's game file. 😆 

Friendzoning Theron is going to be soooo hard! Must stay strong! Must. resist. temptation! 

I'll be able to find out a lot of fun things! Like if "Protect Theron," is exclusive. Or if "spy-boy" is. 😁

Agreed. More distinguishing dialogue between the classes through the chapters would have been very nice. Even just a line or two from each character would have really spiced things up. I've always thought it would have been nice to have different options about who the potential spy is. None of them are ones my character would have considered. Especially Acina. Acina? Seriously?! 

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

In other news, 948k credits later, and Theron finally has leather pants to go with his jacket.  worth every single penny.  😍

😲.... Umm... I may need those pants. For... umm. Science. Yes! For science experiment purposes. No other reason! ...What are they called out of curiosity? 🎶

Also, if you know of any good leather jackets.... 😏

4 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

Heals only.  I almost never have companions on anything other than heals.

Theron does great as a tank too I'm recently discovering. He teleports to the enemies and shows off how athletic he is with forward flips....🤤

4 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I wish I could figure out how to put my screen shots from STEAM here

😱 In working on a response for how to do this, I saw that long ago, I had taken a screenshot of a letter from Lana regarding Malcom's death! Wow, I had forgotten that even existed! Here is just the letter part of that screenshot. I can't upload non-steam images apparently. Not even edited ones. 🤔 Thus, no images of Theron to share this time. I don't use Steam for screenshots so that letter got lost on my computer long ago. Also, a great shot of Empress Acina😲

Go to Steam. Go to Library, Select SWTOR. Look on the right side and scroll down a bit. There will be a window section named 'Screenshots' that will show screenshots that have been taken. Select 'manage my X# screenshots'. Another window will pop up. This is the 'screenshot uploader'. Click on the one you want to upload to Steam's cloud. You can add a caption to it, delete it, see it in the folder, upload it, etc. Click 'upload'. Select sharing visibility and then 'upload' again. 

Go back to SWTOR in your Steam Library. Then at the top of the page, click on the 'Community' tab. You should see one of the screenshots you uploaded. I don't know if having 'private' as the visibility affects things, so the ones I linked are posted as 'unlisted.' Now, at the top of the image, you will see  STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Screenshots > your name's Screenshots. Click on your screenshots. This will then show your SWTOR image wall. You can open the images from here to adjust their settings. You can also right-click on the image to copy its URL. You can then share all of your juicy images here. I'm sure no one here will mind. 😉

EDIT: Seems 'unlisted' doesn't work to let others see the links. Changed them to 'public'. Should work now.

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14 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Friendzoning Theron is going to be soooo hard! Must stay strong! Must. resist. temptation! 

I'll be able to find out a lot of fun things! Like if "Protect Theron," is exclusive. Or if "spy-boy" is. 😁


ngl I am still tempted to do at least one JC run where she holds out for Zenith, which will be SO HARD.  The fact it will be so hard to not romance him is why that character is just on hold at Korriban Incursion lol.  but like you I would be able to see what lines are specific to romanced and not!    If I do that I do still need to make another dupe JC who romances Theron to record though.  since I never recorded her run (and regretted it after!)


16 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Agreed. More distinguishing dialogue between the classes through the chapters would have been very nice. Even just a line or two from each character would have really spiced things up. I've always thought it would have been nice to have different options about who the potential spy is. None of them are ones my character would have considered. Especially Acina. Acina? Seriously?!

right??  I was like "my spy would have way better guesses as to who the spy might be!"  That said, I did have him straight up ask Malcolm to his face if he was the one who betrayed him 😅 Malcolm was all "I would tell you to your face if I had a problem" lol  which, ya know, fair enough.

19 minutes ago, yenzin said:

😲.... Umm... I may need those pants. For... umm. Science. Yes! For science experiment purposes. No other reason! ...What are they called out of curiosity? 🎶

Also, if you know of any good leather jackets.... 😏


Dark Marauder pants 😉  I can't claim credit, someone in here suggested them and I've been eyeing the set ever since, only finally had 1.5billy when the set was actually for sale!

I mean, I can recommend ONE leather jacket for Theron (*ahem* Taskmaster's *ahem*)....... 😅  (I am so bad at diversifying his look lmao)

21 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Theron does great as a tank too I'm recently discovering. He teleports to the enemies and shows off how athletic he is with forward flips....🤤

😍  I have never put Theron (well, any companion lol) on tank since my jedi are both tanks themselves so they totally don't need tank and my agent is dps with low health so he needs heals real bad lol  the flips look super badass, go Theron go! 😍

(p.s. if you need a companion who can tank while on heals, I present: the magical tank god 🤣 😅)

27 minutes ago, yenzin said:

😱 In working on a response for how to do this, I saw that long ago, I had taken a screenshot of a letter from Lana regarding Malcom's death! Wow, I had forgotten that even existed! Here is just the letter part of that screenshot. I can't upload non-steam images apparently. Not even edited ones. 🤔


omg that letter, THERON BB putting on a tough face but being super broken.  😢  and considering the fact that that happened right before he knew he was going to have to pretend to betray them all!!!  THERON NEEDS SO MANY HUGS ON IMPERIAL. 😢

also, just, Lana worried about him and not wanting him to know about it, my heart 😥 ❤️❤️

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Ugh does it get me kicked out of the Theron club if I can't kill Atrius? My BH has so much baggage with Jarros and Seros that even though she freaked out at him she couldn't kill him. She wants to be better for Theron, even if he himself isn't lily white either. She did punch Koth and Saresh though.

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1 minute ago, TziganeNZ said:

I've never killed Atrius either (yet).....

The "Protect Theron" line on Iokath isn't exclusive, sorry - every one of my characters said it, even those who didn't romance him.

I didn't want to drop that truth bomb.

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my agent was my first character who killed Atrius (and he also punched Suresh lmao  but only arrested her), my jedi are both pure light and arrested Atrius.  my JK sent him to Zakuul though because that man is coming no where near the planet that Theron lives on tyvm.

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2 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I didn't want to drop that truth bomb.

Oops sorry - it makes sense for everyone to say it though - Theron is the only one who can make contact with his shuttle and get them the heck out of Dodge (Iokath).

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4 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

I've never killed Atrius either (yet).....

The "Protect Theron" line on Iokath isn't exclusive, sorry - every one of my characters said it, even those who didn't romance him.

yeah I suspected it wasn't, like I said, he's vital to the mission.  but, I stand by that my romanced characters definitely mean it in a more protective way 😉

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Umm you do know that Theron probably is more upset at the thought that he won't be forgiven then upset about the scar right? I doubt he'd care if we imprisoned him on Odessen. But my PC's are like Zakuul should deal with him. Why should we waste our resources.

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Just now, JakRoanin said:

Umm you do know that Theron probably is more upset at the thought that he won't be forgiven then upset about the scar right? I doubt he'd care if we imprisoned him on Odessen. But my PC's are like Zakuul should deal with him. Why should we waste our resources.

well yeah, of course, I'm 100% positive Theron is way more concerned about the idea he might never be forgiven than about where Atrius ends up.  but my JK is protective af and will not risk that psycho anywhere near Theron again, he's the one who cares in my HC, not Theron. 

so right though, that loser also not worth Alliance resources! 

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