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Shroud of Memory: Unfair?


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First of all, don't get me wrong; I have no issue with subscriber bonuses not being given out to people who didn't meet the requirements. I don't have a problem with a story being a subscriber bonus. There is something that I do have an issue with, though:


Why is the end of a story you can already begin locked in a subscriber bonus? The Shroud story is one that I found quite compelling, and would've liked to see play out to the end. Not to mention, it's kind of a pain to go through all of that Macrobinocular stuff, only to find out you need a group to finish the quest line. Is it fair to new players, to have them go through all of this, only to find out that there is no conclusion, that there will never be a conclusion?


If it were just a standalone HK-55 story (as I'm pretty sure it was advertised, no?), I wouldn't really mind. But as it is, preventing people from finishing a story they can freely begin, it just seems a bit unfair.


I'm sure there could be a fair enough way to have it available. Perhaps another subscriber bonus, that gives you some token that you take to a vendor, along with a few of all those special vendor currencies (like the things you get from the Shadow of Revan Flashpoints, and the Rakghoul DNA Canisters, the Bounty Contracts, etc.). Something more tedious than getting HK-51. Perhaps something you have to pay for, as well. You know, something that makes those who were subscribed at the time say "I'm glad I don't have to do all that!". I'm sure there's a satisfactory way to do it.


Ah, I don't know. It's a shame, is all. I'm kind of torn between thinking it'd be a bit unfair to give it out, but that it'd be a bit unfair to not give it out.

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To be frank, they really can't give it out, no matter how much they/anyone else might agree with you.


It was advertised as an exclusive perk to those who were subscribed for the specified periods. Now, personally I think it was a mistake to advertise it as such, but they did, and now they are locked in.

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On the actual subject, free-to-play players are locked out of story content, KOTFE/KOTET are exclusive to subscribers only, if you are free-to-play you cannot go beyond the main class stories or passed level 50. You can still buy the SOR expansion and get Rise of the Hutt Cartel with it free, so it's not unusual to have story content locked but for subs to be locked out of a story, that was a dumb move on Bioware's part where this bonus chapter was concerned.


But who knows maybe they'll release it later, whether anyone wants to admit it or not they technically did reissue the Party Jawa while yes it is called the Celebration Jawa and was reskinned it is the same thing as it does exactly the same thing as the Party Jawa so... who knows... time will tell...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I think it was silly to lock that chapter behind limited time subscriber rewards. Cosmetic stuff, or even useful stuff like the portable class trainers and such, that's fine. But story content shouldn't be locked behind that kind of limited time subscriber reward as that's story that a good portion of the playerbase will want to see but just can't. Especially given how strict it was.


I honestly wouldn't care if they made it available again. I'm sure there are some that would, but I've played it and enjoyed it. Somebody else getting it doesn't diminish that for me. At the very least, though, they should reconsider doing that kinda thing in the future. Do subscriber rewards plans, sure, but leave actual story content out of it.

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I agree, it is totally unfair that I chose to be unsubbed or let my sub lapse for whatever reason it was (I forget) during that promo period making me uneligeble to receive the bonus HK chapter that was given to those that stayed subbed continuously for that time period. They should be fair to to all and give it us even though we didn't meet the requirements for it. (Sarcasm for those that can't tell).
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I agree, it is totally unfair that I chose to be unsubbed or let my sub lapse for whatever reason it was (I forget) during that promo period making me uneligeble to receive the bonus HK chapter that was given to those that stayed subbed continuously for that time period. They should be fair to to all and give it us even though we didn't meet the requirements for it. (Sarcasm for those that can't tell).


Perhaps you misunderstand me. I don't think it's unfair to not give out exclusive content to those who didn't meet the requirements. I do think it's unfair that this particular story is exclusive. If it were just a bonus HK chapter, it wouldn't be an issue. It's the fact that it ends the Shroud storyline that is a problem.

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I don't mind them re-running a similar promotion to earn this. However, keep in mind you had to be subscribed for a multi-month period with extremely limited content to earn this. So it won't be cheap.


Honestly, I'd be willing to pay the full price of the several months subscription to get just the chapter (so, without getting any subscription time, or the other bonuses from having the subscription). Which is a bit absurd for, what, an hour or two of content? The game just doesn't feel complete without it, though.

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I don't like being locked out of story content especially when I was subscribed and had been for 5 or 6 months when this was released. I didn't meet the qualifications. I'm ok with being locked out of other things. I stayed subbed this year thinking sub rewards...there have been none. I won't bother with the shroud Quests because I won't be able to finish it. So now I'm bored. And there's no real reason to stay subbed during content drought


But I don't care to play the chapter now. Sure, I was disappointed but whatever. Im playing games where if I pay, I get access to the content.

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I don't agree that they should've handled content that way in the first place. Reward companions were bad enough to use as incentives but more acceptable than actual story content. I stayed subbed for all the things...and I think it would be unfair to those who stayed subbed devoutly to fulfill the requirements if suddenly they decided willy-nilly to give it to everybody.


That said, I'm not against them using it as an incentive again...stay subbed for five or six months whether you like it or not and such and then you can have it too. Of course, if they offer it again as an incentive, they'll have to offer a different new incentive to the others (like me who got it), but there is nothing saying that if it was wanted that it too couldn't be fulfilled.

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't agree that they should've handled content that way in the first place. Reward companions were bad enough to use as incentives but more acceptable than actual story content. I stayed subbed for all the things...and I think it would be unfair to those who stayed subbed devoutly to fulfill the requirements if suddenly they decided willy-nilly to give it to everybody.


That said, I'm not against them using it as an incentive again...stay subbed for five or six months whether you like it or not and such and then you can have it too. Of course, if they offer it again as an incentive, they'll have to offer a different new incentive to the others (like me who got it), but there is nothing saying that if it was wanted that it too couldn't be fulfilled.


If you remember, the only thing announced was sub continuously and play as HK, nowhere was it mentioned that you'd get an exclusive companion, or that the shroud storyline would be concluded in that chapter.


People were cool with that trick because people love to see other people unhappy, and then we all got GC.

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Gotta hand it to Ben, SoM is he biggest middle finger to a playerbase in the history of gaming.


No. The biggest middle finger to a playerbase in gaming was Star Wars Galaxies Publish 25 AKA "New Game Experience" November 15, 2005.

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If you remember, the only thing announced was sub continuously and play as HK, nowhere was it mentioned that you'd get an exclusive companion, or that the shroud storyline would be concluded in that chapter.


People were cool with that trick because people love to see other people unhappy, and then we all got GC.


I'm not cool with it, and I'm not happy they did that because, for the most part, I like to see people happy. I stayed subbed for the extra chapter and goodies, and they did say we'd get an extra chapter in which we play as HK. As for the droid companion, I didn't know or care about that honestly. I never use it. They never said what the plot would be of the chapter, only that those who met the criteria would get an extra chapter and play as the droid.


I'm just saying that as one of those people that hung in there for that and when you think about it, paid for it because of all the time I stayed subbed, it would be unfair to give it away now with no requirements. I don't care if they want to hold another incentive thing and offer it for those that missed out, but at the same time, they have to offer something new to those who got it. I think that's fair. I'm not against people getting second chances at things because they're going to do it anyway, look at the one-time marvelous white crystals. I got mine way back and now they're a direct sale.


They have a history of saying, 'hey get this one-time thing' and then next thing you know it's up for sale, or as in the case of my special one-time-only life day outfit, they started giving it away for parcels. That makes me feel special...but that's just how they seem to operate.


As I said, I don't care if they want to incentivise again, so others get a crack at it, but they have to jump the same/similar hoops as those who earned it before.

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I hate the white crystals anyway so you may keep those. Red-green I'd be all over. I like my force users to be ghettofabulous.


I think the main sticking point is that nobody gets super duper sub rewards anymore so more newbies like myself get the jelly bug. With the exception of direct sales we're on hand-me-downs from the game that was, and boy do we have to pay for them.

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Would it be fair to the people that met the requirements and supported the game during this promotion to now just give it to anyone for <reasons>?


No, but nor is it fair to not have new promotions for newbies either.


Haves vs have nots is not a good way of approaching player retention. Assuming they aren't actually actively trying to run the game into the ground.

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