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The dark side to the Toxic Community in SWTOR


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Video is gone. What is the outcry about? What happened?


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: These aren't the droids you're looking for.


Stormtrooper: These aren't the droids we're looking for.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: He can go about his business.


Stormtrooper: You can go about your business.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Move along.


Stormtrooper: Move along... move along.

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Just note I am not picking on you specifically -- just using your post as an example. Please don't be offended.


Unfortunately the attitude of 'it happens' across the internet is one of the biggest issues when it comes to cyber stalking and bullying.


To the victims of this happening -- it is very real. It can be downright terrifying. It can be life altering. It can take lives. Adults may be able to deal with stuff like this and move on, but young teenagers have killed themselves over cyber-bullying. Not all adults can deal with it either, some have by nature softer more sensitive personalities -- not anything they have control over, just who they are. People need to start standing up and taking a stand *against* it. To the victims it can be as real and terrifying as it happening IRL.


Online media such as social media, mmo's and other such places need to start taking a stand against these activities. They need to start saying NO MORE and dealing with anyone who engages in such activities. Until somethings done -- until one of the bigger companies ( facebook, google, well known gaming companies etc ) makes a move and starts to take an active stance against this online behavior, nothing will ever change -- it will only get worse because the people who do this continuously get away with it.


It takes all forms, everything from public naming and shaming / humiliation (mob mentality), to stalking, to death threats. It is NOT okay. It's not okay to drag anyone through the mud online for any reason just as its NOT okay to drag anyone through the mud IRL for any reason. It destroys lives. It can destroy careers, jobs and as a result entire families.


Nothing will ever change unless people recognize all forms of cyber-bullying and harassment for what it is, the dangers involved in it for the victims and take a stand against it.


I agree, personally I think the whisper function needs to be a "friends only" option. Many players particularly in PVP think the whisper feature is their own personal toy to go around and do this with, there's been multiple times where I've followed procedures that Bioware has specified, such as removing myself from the warzone where the said harasser is and they just hit the whisper function to harass me. There's also been times where I've put said harasser on ignore and they have turned around and switched toons abusing that privilege just to keep godding me, what does Bioware do? They give you nothing, just thank you for the report but we can't let you know about what we are going to do, that doesn't make me feel safe nor does it make me feel safe for other players in this game (if they do it to me likelihood is I'm not the only one they are or have done it to). As was pointed out here minors do play this game (ages 13-17) and this is a very serious deal as it is no different from bullies in school and many have tried or succeeded at killing themselves because of bullying because of multiple factors, the teenager being too afraid of the bully to say anything, to actually saying something and nothing being done or measure being taken to stop the bully from continuing their actions, such as making sure the bullies stay away from their victim, I speak from personal experience as someone who grew up openly gay in middle school and high school who was tortured, bullied and beat up almost on a daily basis and yes at times I contemplated and even attempted suicide because the ordeal was too much. I spoke out and nothing was done even if the kids ended up in detention or whatever they always came back and started it up again because no one would keep them away from me or monitor them to stop them from continuing their behavior.


These things can be very traumatic, again speaking from personal experience as I suffer from PTSD for a lot of the crap I had to deal with, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it is awful living day in and day out seeing this happen reliving it cause it happens to me or I see it happening to someone else, it causes me to have panick attacks and fear, and these days more and more people have mental disorders, from Autistic disorders to bipolar and so on, people like this, like me, are more prone to take things like this not well because of conditions beyond our control, we learn to cope with them the best we can but it can not be 100% controlled and you never are cured from it because an incident like this or ones I've dealt with personally can trigger them at any time and recently I've seen people here on this forum and in this game make light of the term trigger and it's not a joking matter, it can be very dangerous and detrimental to someone's mental health.


Bullying this game and on this forum do need to be dealt with massively, it should not be just on the player base to put a person who is doing these kinds of things on ignore when that alone may not solve the issue, especially when ignore does not ignore an entire account just one toon and people can and have alted just to get around it. This isn't funny and it isn't a joke nor is the safety of the minors in this game to anyone with a mental disorder, while some may not have a mental disorder that's fine and dandy but that doesn't mean people should not take these matters seriously nor does it mean Bioware shouldn't either.


Add-on: Even on here on the forum the ignore feature is not worth jack squat cause the person can still see your post and that makes me very uncomfortable and it is why I try not to post on here unless absolutely necessary because of the bullying and harassment I've endured by people who have trolled and harassed me on this forum. It stops being a person giving their opinion when every time you post the same person is there running their mouth at you, that's the very definition of stalking.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: These aren't the droids you're looking for.


Stormtrooper: These aren't the droids we're looking for.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: He can go about his business.


Stormtrooper: You can go about your business.


Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Move along.


Stormtrooper: Move along... move along.


Your silly Mind tricks won't work on me, foolish Jedi.

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I agree, personally I think the whisper function needs to be a "friends only" option. Many players particularly in PVP think the whisper feature is their own personal toy to go around and do this with, there's been multiple times where I've followed procedures that Bioware has specified, such as removing myself from the warzone where the said harasser is and they just hit the whisper function to harass me. There's also been times where I've put said harasser on ignore and they have turned around and switched toons abusing that privilege just to keep godding me, what does Bioware do? They give you nothing, just thank you for the report but we can't let you know about what we are going to do, that doesn't make me feel safe nor does it make me feel safe for other players in this game (if they do it to me likelihood is I'm not the only one they are or have done it to). As was pointed out here minors do play this game (ages 13-17) and this is a very serious deal as it is no different from bullies in school and many have tried or succeeded at killing themselves because of bullying because of multiple factors, the teenager being too afraid of the bully to say anything, to actually saying something and nothing being done or measure being taken to stop the bully from continuing their actions, such as making sure the bullies stay away from their victim, I speak from personal experience as someone who grew up openly gay in middle school and high school who was tortured, bullied and beat up almost on a daily basis and yes at times I contemplated and even attempted suicide because the ordeal was too much. I spoke out and nothing was done even if the kids ended up in detention or whatever they always came back and started it up again because no one would keep them away from me or monitor them to stop them from continuing their behavior.


These things can be very traumatic, again speaking from personal experience as I suffer from PTSD for a lot of the crap I had to deal with, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it is awful living day in and day out seeing this happen reliving it cause it happens to me or I see it happening to someone else, it causes me to have panick attacks and fear, and these days more and more people have mental disorders going from Autistic disorders to bipolar and so on, people like this, like me, are more prone to take things like this not well because of conditions beyond our control, we learn to cope with them the best we can but it can not be 100% controlled and you never are cured from it because an incident like this or ones I've dealt with personally can trigger them at any time and recently I've seen people here on this forum and in this game make light of the term trigger and it's not a joking matter, it can be very dangerous and detrimental to someone's mental health.


Bullying this game and on this forum do need to be dealt with massively, it should not be just on the player base to put a person who is doing these kinds of things on ignore when that alone may not solve the issue, especially when ignore does not ignore an entire account just one toon and people can and have alted just to get around it. This isn't funny and it isn't a joke nor is the safety of the minors in this game to anyone with a mental disorder, while some may not have a mental disorder that's fine and dandy but that doesn't mean people should not take these matters seriously nor does it mean Bioware shouldn't either.


I honestly think that if you cannot use ignore and this affects you so terribly that the internet is not the place for you. It's so full of toxic people. Definitely restrict yourself to just solo content. There is no way that they can police this on a massive scale. No way. They're barely getting content to us. The amount of people needed to police every server 24/7 would be far too costly. It's not going to happen. Use ignore. Use report.


That said I don't want whispers to be friends only as you'll never be able to get new toons into the guild. My experience with pvp has been good in terms of whispers. I actually got great advice from a huttball teammate. I'm not great at PvP. I'm on harbinger.



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I honestly think that if you cannot use ignore and this affects you so terribly that the internet is not the place for you. It's so full of toxic people. Definitely restrict yourself to just solo content. There is no way that they can police this on a massive scale. No way. They're barely getting content to us. The amount of people needed to police every server 24/7 would be far too costly. It's not going to happen. Use ignore. Use report.


That said I don't want whispers to be friends only as you'll never be able to get new toons into the guild. My experience with pvp has been good in terms of whispers. I actually got great advice from a huttball teammate. I'm not great at PvP. I'm on harbinger.



The ignore isn't worth crap in this game, as I already pointed out ALTS DON'T GET IGNORED WHEN YOU IGNORE SOMEONE AND PEOPLE HAVE ABUSED THIS! That's the very definition of harassment and bullying and is no better nor any different from someone bullying a kid at school and there is no excuse for it or anything that makes it okay and is unacceptable.


My solution of making whispers friend's only is not a bad suggestion, you don't have to whisper a guild mate to have a new toon added to a guild, hop back on your toon that's in there give them the new name and ask someone to add into the guild through the guild chat, not that hard. Warzones have their own chat, whispering inside them is unnecessary, same with groups unless you are in one and your friend isn't than whispering is one thing.


Add-on: lots of guilds are going to outside chats these days, either using teamspeak or discord, while I don't agree with this only one person has my discord name and he will be the only one who will as I don't trust anyone in the game but him to have it (my choice as I take my safety and privacy very seriously) but those two are also making whispering obsolete.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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The ignore isn't worth crap in this game, as I already pointed out ALTS DON'T GET IGNORED WHEN YOU IGNORE SOMEONE AND PEOPLE HAVE ABUSED THIS! That's the very definition of harassment and bullying and is no better nor any different from someone bullying a kid at school and there is no excuse for it or anything that makes it okay and is unacceptable.


My solution of making whispers friend's only is not a bad suggestion, you don't have to whisper a guild mate to have a new toon added to a guild, hop back on your toon that's in there give them the new name and ask someone to add into the guild through the guild chat, not that hard. Warzones have their own chat, whispering inside them is unnecessary, same with groups unless you are in one and your friend isn't than whispering is one thing.


Add-on: lots of guilds are going to outside chats these days, either using teamspeak or discord, while I don't agree with this only one person has my discord name and he will be the only one who will as I don't trust anyone in the game but him to have it (my choice as I take my safety and privacy very seriously) but those two are also making whispering obsolete.


Ok well other people play the game and I don't want whispers to go friends only. I don't add anyone to my friends list. Also, for whatever reason I don't get harrassed on whispers either. I'm a founder. I'm not great at PvP, but someone pointed out, PvP brings out the worst due to aggressive competition. Maybe you should avoid that since you have problems.


Again, I don't want the game tailored to one person. If they log on an alt ignore that one too. Maybe suggest ignore to be account wide.

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I have seen actual harassment and bullying, I know exactly what stalking is. Until you have a person trailing you 24-7 and then trying to enter your home via a window, you might not appreciate just how serious stalking is. To me, someone sending tells/whispers doesn't measure up.


Is there foul language and crude verbal abuse in game? I am sure there is. But, my thing is this, they are just words. Words have no power unless you give them power. You can call me anything you desire, it matters nothing to me. I have likely used the terms you are imagining right now in friendly conversation when I was in the Navy. We had an odd concept of "brotherly love" in the submarine force.


Making whisper friends only seems a bit of an over-reaction to me. I receive whispers from random people while gaming. All have been friendly. Many invites to guilds, advice on missions, apologies for grabbing a mission item while I was fighting the NPC guarding it, etc. The benefits of making whisper friends only seem to me to be outweighed by the cons.


The ignore function serves well enough. Unless there is a limit on how many names you can ignore (I have not had to use it myself in recent memory, I think I did ignore a person some years ago). If using ignore is not enough, I seem to recall a reporting function as well. If those two items are insufficient, then I suspect the hate, anger and discontent are not all one way...

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I have seen actual harassment and bullying, I know exactly what stalking is. Until you have a person trailing you 24-7 and then trying to enter your home via a window, you might not appreciate just how serious stalking is. To me, someone sending tells/whispers doesn't measure up.


Is there foul language and crude verbal abuse in game? I am sure there is. But, my thing is this, they are just words. Words have no power unless you give them power. You can call me anything you desire, it matters nothing to me. I have likely used the terms you are imagining right now in friendly conversation when I was in the Navy. We had an odd concept of "brotherly love" in the submarine force.


Making whisper friends only seems a bit of an over-reaction to me. I receive whispers from random people while gaming. All have been friendly. Many invites to guilds, advice on missions, apologies for grabbing a mission item while I was fighting the NPC guarding it, etc. The benefits of making whisper friends only seem to me to be outweighed by the cons.


The ignore function serves well enough. Unless there is a limit on how many names you can ignore (I have not had to use it myself in recent memory, I think I did ignore a person some years ago). If using ignore is not enough, I seem to recall a reporting function as well. If those two items are insufficient, then I suspect the hate, anger and discontent are not all one way...


I have seen actual harassment and bullying, I know exactly what stalking is. Until you have a person trailing you 24-7 and then trying to enter your home via a window, you might not appreciate just how serious stalking is. To me, someone sending tells/whispers doesn't measure up.


Is there foul language and crude verbal abuse in game? I am sure there is. But, my thing is this, they are just words. Words have no power unless you give them power. You can call me anything you desire, it matters nothing to me. I have likely used the terms you are imagining right now in friendly conversation when I was in the Navy. We had an odd concept of "brotherly love" in the submarine force.


Making whisper friends only seems a bit of an over-reaction to me. I receive whispers from random people while gaming. All have been friendly. Many invites to guilds, advice on missions, apologies for grabbing a mission item while I was fighting the NPC guarding it, etc. The benefits of making whisper friends only seem to me to be outweighed by the cons.


The ignore function serves well enough. Unless there is a limit on how many names you can ignore (I have not had to use it myself in recent memory, I think I did ignore a person some years ago). If using ignore is not enough, I seem to recall a reporting function as well. If those two items are insufficient, then I suspect the hate, anger and discontent are not all one way...


And here's another reason the player base in this game is toxic. Not caring about what happens to other players in the game and that only their opinions matter I hope none of you have kids cause if you do I seriously feel sorry for them especially if they are being bullied cause this exact **** is why many teenagers contemplate suicide if they are being bullied they are being told to ignore the bully and it does no good and the bully keeps at it so the teenager feels that saying something does no good. Words hurt just as much as physically abuse and can be just as damaging, take it from someone who spent 8 years being verbally abused by their ex and emotionally abused as well as emotionally, verbally and physically abused by their family.


Shove it off all you it is people like you two that are part of the problem because you don't think this stuff is serious when it is your lack of understanding it. Just because you haven't been through it does not automatically give you the right to dismiss someone's feelings who is being put through it and the truth is many of us do not wish to see this done upon anyone else, as the old saying goes do unto others what you would have done unto to you and I will stand up against this removed and will tell you that this advice you are giving is part of the problem.


Sorry if my suggestion is an inconvenience to you but guess what? It's not my fault people abuse the whisper function and putting the blame on the victim is no better than the people who abuse the feature, bullies or the physical/verbal/emotional abuser, because here's the thing most people in these situations get exactly what you two are doing and it's disgusting. You are putting the blame on the victim which is exactly what people who are physically/verbally/emotionally abusive do. I speak from personal experience as I have been in two abuse relationships and both times they made me the bad guy when I was the victim. Did force my exs to be physically and verbally assaultive? No, no one is forcing these players to do this where they harass people and there needs to be actions made against these people and steps taken to make sure it cannot continue so no one else has to go through it and if it inconveniences other people oh well, safety of the player base needs to come first not the petty inconveniences they may cause other players. Player safety needs to be more important.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
edited to remove profanity
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We do care what happens to people. However, that doesn't outweigh the drawbacks of any method that would prevent people from talking to each other.


Ignore should be account based though, not toon based. That would be helpful.


That would be helpful, as would allowing the report feature to work for anyone regardless of distance to the offender. I'm always going to rail against this feature because I can't think of why it was necessary to only expand the report feature (through drop-down lists) if you're standing within a close distance to the offender. You can only Report Spam if you're outside that range. Like the offender is any less of one because they're 50m away instead of 30m.

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Giving people the *option* to restrict whispers to friends would be helpful. Those who want to restrict their communications could do so; those who want to leave those lines open would also have the ability to make that decision. Not everyone wants to talk to other players.


So would that Legacy/account ignore that people have been requesting for a long time.


The toxicity of the game is an issue, IMHO. While there's probably way too much nonsense happening for Bioware to police every little thing, a stronger stance on those who take very deliberate actions to keep harassing other players - for instance, switching toons to continue bothering someone - would be helpful in maintaining harmony and making the game a more appealing place.


Aside from the obvious issues that bullying and harassment can cause - from a game standpoint it can be detrimental. The more people are harassed, the less likely they may be to interact with other players. I've probably missed out on some great conversations or meeting some interesting people by having the General chat and all communications and invites turned off or set to auto-reject. But unfortunately you can't separate the good eggs from the bad ones in advance, and I've met enough creeps in the game that it seems to be the best option to play without being rattled.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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"Call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner."


Words are just words. Your hypersensitivity is your own problem to wrestle with. De-facto calls for Big Brother, of which the posts of Fush, Suzi and Enrique can be considered, are not the answer. By demanding that BW do something about people being rude to you is to admit weakness of the worst kind and invites ever more disdain and mockery.


The tools for players to sort themselves out (in effect, to police themselves) are readily available. Use them or don't. You are responsible for you. Unless of course you subscribe to some ******* leftist orthodoxy that necessitates an adult being present to hold your hand and supervise your playtime.


Finally, I would be curious to know what these player "victims" do to contribute to this supposed harassment? Generally speaking, people are peaceable and not prone to just randomly attacking others without provocation. Could it be that PC crusades and agenda-mongering tend to piss people off? No, couldn't be that. Those things are as pure as freshly driven snow.:rak_01:

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Finally, I would be curious to know what these player "victims" do to contribute to this supposed harassment? Generally speaking, people are peaceable and not prone to just randomly attacking others without provocation.


You're kidding on this point, right? Before I turned all my communications off, I had people randomly start in on me when I was doing nothing more than walking in the Fleet. I don't talk to anyone, I actually make a point of trying *not* to ninja, and I mind my business, so nobody really has any reason to get in my way.


One that comes to mind is a cretin who decided it would be fun to literally run circles around my character as they were trying to shop on the fleet. They did this for about three minutes while I was interacting with a vendor (buying lots of companion gifts) and walking down the hallway, during which time I wasn't answering or responding to them in any way. Yes, they eventually did give up when it became clear I wasn't taking the bait, but the fact remains that they were being a jerk just for the sake of it, without any provocation on my end.


There *are* people in the game (and on the Internet in general) who like harassing and annoying others just for their own S&G, because it makes them feel good in some way, and they are accountable for their actions - not the people they choose to target.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I recently rolled a new sorcerer. So of course I was doing my thing on Korriban minding my own business and a person came up and invited me to a group.


Once in the group he decided to try the immortal line "Have you heard of the refer a friend program". Alarm bells rang and I told him I'm not clicking his link as I couldn't anyway (90 day cooldown). At that point he asked me to perform an act upon a certain appendage. Then he started chasing me around, so he found his way onto that characters ignore list.


I took note of his name as well to make sure he was on all 9 toons worth of ignore lists.


All in all the internet would be a wonderful place if there weren't other people on it. Sadly there are, so we have to adapt accordingly.

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That would be helpful, as would allowing the report feature to work for anyone regardless of distance to the offender. I'm always going to rail against this feature because I can't think of why it was necessary to only expand the report feature (through drop-down lists) if you're standing within a close distance to the offender. You can only Report Spam if you're outside that range. Like the offender is any less of one because they're 50m away instead of 30m.


Absolutely in favour of account-wide ignore. That would be very helpful.

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Giving people the *option* to restrict whispers to friends would be helpful. Those who want to restrict their communications could do so; those who want to leave those lines open would also have the ability to make that decision. Not everyone wants to talk to other players.

This actually is a constructive alternative to what I suggested and I thank you for saying this and I can actually support this idea. So again thank you for saying this.


So would that Legacy/account ignore that people have been requesting for a long time.

I literally support this idea as it would be very helpful because of people abusing the feature by switching to Alts to get around the ignore feature.

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"Call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner."


Words are just words. Your hypersensitivity is your own problem to wrestle with. De-facto calls for Big Brother, of which the posts of Fush, Suzi and Enrique can be considered, are not the answer. By demanding that BW do something about people being rude to you is to admit weakness of the worst kind and invites ever more disdain and mockery.


The tools for players to sort themselves out (in effect, to police themselves) are readily available. Use them or don't. You are responsible for you. Unless of course you subscribe to some ******* leftist orthodoxy that necessitates an adult being present to hold your hand and supervise your playtime.


Finally, I would be curious to know what these player "victims" do to contribute to this supposed harassment? Generally speaking, people are peaceable and not prone to just randomly attacking others without provocation. Could it be that PC crusades and agenda-mongering tend to piss people off? No, couldn't be that. Those things are as pure as freshly driven snow.:rak_01:


We're not all the same. I can't see that it would be a problem for those who don't get upset by craptacular behaviour to have options for those who do. Face it, we're not likely to change how people are (and debating which is "right" is silly, we're dealing with humans here in all their varieties) so I think (as usual) options are a good compromise. As for me, I think and account-wide ignore would be a decent solution.

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We're not all the same. I can't see that it would be a problem for those who don't get upset by craptacular behaviour to have options for those who do. Face it, we're not likely to change how people are (and debating which is "right" is silly, we're dealing with humans here in all their varieties) so I think (as usual) options are a good compromise. As for me, I think and account-wide ignore would be a decent solution.


I support the idea of account-wide ignore as well as this idea:

Giving people the *option* to restrict whispers to friends would be helpful. Those who want to restrict their communications could do so; those who want to leave those lines open would also have the ability to make that decision. Not everyone wants to talk to other players.


I think both these ideas would be helpful to combat in-game harassment.

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We're not all the same. I can't see that it would be a problem for those who don't get upset by craptacular behaviour to have options for those who do. Face it, we're not likely to change how people are (and debating which is "right" is silly, we're dealing with humans here in all their varieties) so I think (as usual) options are a good compromise. As for me, I think and account-wide ignore would be a decent solution.


That or deployable death squads.


My methods would likely be considered a little excessive though. I should never be left in charge of anything.


I'd support account wide ignore. The starter planets are hotbeds for the behaviour I described in my previous post.


As a rider, a KoS option for credit spammers would be nice too for my mailbox.

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That or deployable death squads.


My methods would likely be considered a little excessive though. I should never be left in charge of anything.


I'd support account wide ignore. The starter planets are hotbeds for the behaviour I described in my previous post.


As a rider, a KoS option for credit spammers would be nice too for my mailbox.


Yeah, the gore might get a little too deep. :D


I've been sooooooo lucky with the mail spammers. I get about one per day which, I'm informed, is nothing compared to how intrusive they can be.

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Some people don't get it as sad as that is. People need to realize words do hurt, hint Carrie Underwood's song " Little Toy Guns" which says




Some people like this here:


Are disgusting. He is putting blame on the victims of the harassment which makes him no better a people who are doing it and to this person I say this: As the victim of two abusive your bs isn't going to fly with me so take your verbally abuse self elsewhere and stop bullying me. I have had enough physical and verbal assault in my real life from a young age to my adult life and I don't need it in a game or on this forum so take your crap elsewhere if you are going to be an insensitive jerk who wants to put victims down you are just as bad as people who harass someone in this game with this crap.


I am positing a question and presenting a different opinion. If you wish to interpret that as bullying and harassment then that is a sad commentary on the current state of western society isn't it? As I already stated (and reality bears this out too) people are relatively peaceful and congenial unless given a reason not to be. When an altercation happens it is often the case that all parties involved bear some culpability. Again it is not the responsibility of BW to protect you beyond the tools already in place. If that makes me an insensitive jerk that's fine, I can deal with that. I've never made any claims to sainthood anyway.


It is interesting that you bring up your personal past and make mention of physical abuse and being a victim of it. I too was involved in many a fist fight as a youth and I never once considered myself a victim. It made me unafraid of confrontation and accustomed to opposition. The things I see people claiming as harassment and bullying in here is absolute nonsense. A player running in circles around another player is rather comical, if for no other reason than to ponder what that person had been smoking.


Big Brother is not your savior.

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