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My agent ships Holoterminal is not working


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I have just gotten my ship of my agent and I can not complete Darth Zhorrid Arrives but when I attempt to use the holoterminal on my ship it just freezes up with watcher 2 starring at me and then nothing....


I have tried logging in out of game entirely but it makes no difference to my game.


As things currently stand I can not proceed at all with the agents story.


I have filed a bug report but as with all bug reports I not expecting a response

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Another Agent with an Alienware holoterminal.


It's a long running bug I suffer with as well. CS and I have gotten quite the rap-ore due to this bug.


Not everybody gets it these days due to having better hardware than you and I are running.


Best thing to do is submit a ticket saying which character and which part you're stuck on. They're more than happy to nudge you on a bit.

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Travel to another planet like quesh may help too before trying the terminal again


Thanks for suggestion. i have tried going from Korriban to Hutta but this has not worked.

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Like I said, ticket time. You seem to be trying to avoid it but in my case I have no other option.


I've watched a lot of the Agent story on Youtube.



I have filed a ticket but given my past interactions with BW CS I am not holding my breath. Additionally since this is an old bug well what can i say........

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I have filed a ticket but given my past interactions with BW CS I am not holding my breath. Additionally since this is an old bug well what can i say........


Yeah, you may have a wait. They'll get to it eventually. My personal best waiting time is 11 days. Shortest within 24 hours.

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Yeah, you may have a wait. They'll get to it eventually. My personal best waiting time is 11 days. Shortest within 24 hours.


You meant to say "worst" right? :)


Happily I have not ever had to file a ticket during a major "flap". Flap = a time when there is some major bug that is triggering a lot of tickets, or people are just pissed off and filing frivolous tickets to slow down CS (yes.... people do do this.. and some even have bragged about it in the forum).


My longest wait was I think 4 days, and that was for a stuck character (endless log in) that the studio had to be asked to solve, and it was Friday evening.... so clearly no studio activity until Monday. But the CS person responded within 24 hours to tell me the studio would need to do the move, and that they had put a request in for me to have them do so. Monday Afternoon.. I got a follow-up from the CS person again letting me know the character had been moved to fleet and to contact them if there was still a problem.

Edited by Andryah
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I had this happen on my agent at a different point in the questline. Tried every dang thing including a repair and nothing. The thing that worked, for me, was grouping with my husband's agent and going onto his ship and trying it. I have no idea why this would work, maybe grouping added some variable, or if it will ever work again but it's something to try while you're waiting the endless CS wait.


Hope it gets fixed soon.

Edited by KamiSongheart
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Further news, Tatooine is all good too. Hopefully it's just limited to Zhorrid and Balmorra.


Sadly it means I have to do Alderaan now. I have a pathological hatred of Alderaan especially when playing a "nice" character. As a working class Brit I have a "thing" against any form of nobility. Bounty Hunter was fun though.:)

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I had this happen on my agent at a different point in the questline. Tried every dang thing including a repair and nothing. The thing that worked, for me, was grouping with my husband's agent and going onto his ship and trying it. I have no idea why this would work, maybe grouping added some variable, or if it will ever work again but it's something to try while you're waiting the endless CS wait.


Hope it gets fixed soon.


Personally, I think the ship droid is tinkering with stuff while the OP is away for their ship, and can't put &^%% back together properly afterwards. Maybe he needs a restraining bolt, or TWO. :p

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I spoke too soon about Tatooine, once again my Dell Holoterminal has a fault and now my agent is stuck in limbo for another fortnight.


Guess it's back to the boring stories again.


In fact it may be time for bitraider to go the way of ol' yeller. I hear somebody fixed this lovely persistent bug by killing that.

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Time to put up some nanny cams I guess.


It's a Dell engineer I've slighted in the past (true story) having his revenge. That guy did not enjoy his job that day.


For some bizarre reason a bit of the scenes play if you turn off the AI. Not enough to spacebar through though.

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My Issue has been resolved by customer service completing the quest Darth Zhorrid Arrives. While i would not have preferred the 5 day wait for a reply and preferred a genuine fix to stop it from happening again things have been resolved positively. Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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My Issue has been resolved by customer service completing the quest Darth Zhorrid Arrives. While i would not have preferred the 5 day wait for a reply and preferred a genuine fix to stop it from happening again things have been resolved positively.


It's happened 5 more times to me since then. So, yeah, enjoy that.

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