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Most people are obsessed with dark side, why?


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I'm just asking, I just completed four veteran flashpoints today recently, and all of my team members did dark side, like choosing the killing the innocent NPCs, injured slaves in korriban and even for no reason at all, for example, my agent did ds in class story because she was brainwashed so did a several revenge cutscenes with dark side options, ok, that was it because there was a reason. but those people I played with mostly doing it for fun, are you sadist or something? because I see no reason killing a npc asking me to don't close off a generator because they were getting power from it, I allowed it, but I bet sith players would kill it in cold blood or even force choke.


I know this is just a game, but makes me wonder




EDIT: I'm a light side agent, (mostly) and yes, I choosed to defeat hunter in my chapter 3, also killed the sith who asked me to deliver the black box, no regret at all


1. just one thinking, picking dark side in many FPs means lesser foes to kill = faster finish time

2. dark vs light vendors sell different armors / speeders so many players changing sides for that matter.

Edited by Kissakias
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I would say Palpatine's manipulation of the war was pretty subtle.


Not really. It was quite obvious really. And are you gonna try argue with me that Palpatine isn't "kicking puppies" evil? Cos I gotta say, that's a losing argument xD The dude overseen the utter destruction of an entire planet for the lulz :rolleyes:

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Is that true? And if it is, why does the light side seem to win the DVL event most of the time? :p




I suppose it could always vary by server but light side is nearly always winning on Ebon Hawk. I'd say light side is ahead probably three times for every one time that dark side is in the lead, which is saying something, considering the alignment that loses gets a buff for the next hour to make it easier for it to win the next round.

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I'm just asking, I just completed four veteran flashpoints today recently, and all of my team members did dark side, like choosing the killing the innocent NPCs, injured slaves in korriban and even for no reason at all, for example, my agent did ds in class story because she was brainwashed so did a several revenge cutscenes with dark side options, ok, that was it because there was a reason. but those people I played with mostly doing it for fun, are you sadist or something? because I see no reason killing a npc asking me to don't close off a generator because they were getting power from it, I allowed it, but I bet sith players would kill it in cold blood or even force choke.


I know this is just a game, but makes me wonder




EDIT: I'm a light side agent, (mostly) and yes, I choosed to defeat hunter in my chapter 3, also killed the sith who asked me to deliver the black box, no regret at all


There are a few reasons, 1. you are Empire and when people role play they typically choose how they think that side will act. 2. They may have come over from the Pub side and want to experience the dark side after years of rainbows and unicorn farts 3. It's just a game and people use consequence free games to live out behaviors that are not acceptable in real life.


Since their decision doesn't give you dark side points just roll with it.

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i choose the options that my toons tell me to choose. I dont always agree with them, but its their choice not mine.


(lost text)

i had this entire thing written out, but a quick switch between screens caused me to lose all i had written. ill try to write it out again, later, but i RP the heck out of my toons regardless of the fact that i have yet to RP with other people on tEH. The choices they make are dictated by the concepts i have drawn up for them. Some are not nice people, but most of my toons are. several choose the right path, but will still expose that senator on Corc even if its the dark side option. another finds herself in situations where in order to continue to do the right thing she has to do the things that her peers expect of her. Others walk the path of right--or what they believed at the time was right--but also have to live with the consequences (as much as i can). Similiar to KotOR II when you can choose to help the guy on Nar Shadaa. Help him or not you find that life can be just as cruel with either choice.


all of that aside: the imagery of being "dark" has been a subject so ingrained in every culture that, when able, many people will run to it and drink it up as quickly as they can. in a game setting, a person can play with that and to whatever degree that they want. some take it too far and others see it as it really is...an escape from the norm and a chance to be an "bad." much like vampires. the gothic imagery, i find, is what most people are more attracted than the actual vampire itself. much like the Sith. so much dark imagery its difficult not enjoy.


however the dark side isnt even as cut and dry as they try to show us in the movies. for instance, how would you categorize a government that breeds living breathing flesh and blood soldiers to fight a war to defend a regime that views them no different than droids? how would you label a group of people who claim to protect freedom and are peacekeepers, but do little to nothing to help those soldiers; and, in fact, employ them as expendable pawns just the same? we are constantly rooting for the "good guys" when, to be honest, they may not be such good people. there were several instances in the clone wars show that had the republic occupying (or wanting to occupy) neutral systems just so that the "bad" guys wouldnt and spent a lot of time justifying it us.


in short, while evil can be in your face, most of the time we have no idea what it looks like until it is truly too late. what most i fell most people are attracted to is the imagery we have given being "dark side/evil" more so than the actual act of being what we define as evil.


this isnt what i wrote before and its what i can in the short spurts of time i get. my apologies if it seems disjointed.

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