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Toggle on/off the Dark vs Light popup


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Please, please let this be an option. The popup is nearly unnecessary anyway - if you want to know which side is "winning" in the light vs. dark war, just click on the galactic command tab and it'll tell you, sprawled across the bottom of the page in a large, can't-possibly-miss-it banner.


But instead we have to deal with the stupid thing blaring into our faces and completely ruining the atmosphere. A quiet stroll through Odessen's wilderness, learning about the mysteries of the For--DUHHHH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH, the dark side is victorious. *twitch* (And before anybody tells me to turn down my headphones, I already have them at nearly the lowest possible setting. :p)


Please give us the option to toggle the popup on and off. It's also incredibly annoying when you're below level 70, but the silly thing keeps sliding onto the screen anyways. You have no use for the dark/light war pre-level 70, but it's there no matter what. For those who want quick updates for the dark/light war, it's a good thing, and I don't mind it when I'm doing Heroics - have it on by default if you must - but I strongly feel there should at least be an option to turn the darn thing off.

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I don't care if it can be turned off or not really. I just want an explanation as to it's purpose and use. It doesn't seem to have one that I have noticed, therefore, it should just be eliminated if so.


You've got a point. If people want to see which side of the light vs. dark "war" is winning, they can click on the galactic command interface.

I mean, I *guess* it's a nice reminder just out and about when you're actually grinding points for either side, but still - the GC interface is still there, with the same information, two clicks away.

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