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Some PT Buffs.


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PT damage is fine. The issue here is survivability. PT, alongside Jugg, is a class with taunt, a tank spec, and heavy armor - the notion that this should be our glass cannon class is absurd. That's the proper role of Sages and Sentinels.


Honestly, while making the Commando's reflect Trooper-wide would be awesome, I'm not sure more DCDs is the answer, but rather to make the difference between light/medium/heavy armor more meaningful again. This would also help Guardians/Juggs, who suffer from similar survivability issues which I find equally absurd. Of all DD classes, these two should be the toughest nuts to crack, and that currently just is not the case.

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Playing one I notice damage is pretty darn good, but far as defensive its nowhere close to lets say mara. To me Jug and PT is pretty close but Jug actually has more staying alive moves.


I see the damage coming from 5.2 in this video of Lunchbox


And I ask myself, what else could PT benefit from current.


My opinion damage is really good if geared right, and also played well, far as glass cannon I think that term never should exist because imbalance is the term if a class is a glass cannon.


To sum it up, PT needs some form of better defense, a damage increase isn't in my opinion.


No not really not if you adhere to the trinity pure DPS specs do a crap load of dmg and then die. Its not a hard concept to follow. Leave it to the inept devs at biofail to throw it out the window. Giving Jugs, mercs, snipers heals on reflect or insane dcds which grant 3-4 lives while still being able to do the DPS of pure DPS spec's breaks trinity your no longer a pure DSP spec your a darn hybrid and as such your DPS should be half that of pure DPS spec's. Mara's/Assassins once there DCD's are gone are glass cannons. DPS specs shouldn't get heals or if the do they should be close to what every other DPS class gets 15% of health. For the love of god if you absolutely got have classes that are hybrids then see to it that there DPS is half that of what a pure DPS spec is! Otherwise what in the sam heck is the point of playing pure dps spec's when i can hope on an i win class (merc) and do just a much DPS as a pure spec yet die half the time. It's why we still have an influx of merc's in every match 3-4 each side. because the so called nerf was an utter joke.

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Gear don't matter in regs with current bolster it seems, I do feel like though its a flawed system and will continue to hope its taken away and we can get back expertise or even make mastery part of a pvp balance equation mate.


Point PT has some insane burst moments, and if played right has potential to be amazing.




Which brings me to my point, I agree all other classes it seems has tons of better utilities to survive. The defensive nature of the current state of PVP for PT is bust your load but if focused IS a wet noodle. Sure in A premade state with a healer and a tank you could pose a threat, but you cant balance over that thinking, "Well get a good premade, you will be ok then"


Not sure why PT was left to dry, either that double ap ranked season years ago caused thousands of emails or bioware decided well we going to put PT away for next year till we buff everyone else besides them. What strikes me is they gave merc all the tools necessary to survive, and never addressed current PT in the flaws of the specs.


the argument can be made for any other profession if you are focused. you aren't meant to survive a 3 on 1.

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No not really not if you adhere to the trinity pure DPS specs do a crap load of dmg and then die. Its not a hard concept to follow. Leave it to the inept devs at biofail to throw it out the window. Giving Jugs, mercs, snipers heals on reflect or insane dcds which grant 3-4 lives while still being able to do the DPS of pure DPS spec's breaks trinity your no longer a pure DSP spec your a darn hybrid and as such your DPS should be half that of pure DPS spec's. Mara's/Assassins once there DCD's are gone are glass cannons. DPS specs shouldn't get heals or if the do they should be close to what every other DPS class gets 15% of health. For the love of god if you absolutely got have classes that are hybrids then see to it that there DPS is half that of what a pure DPS spec is! Otherwise what in the sam heck is the point of playing pure dps spec's when i can hope on an i win class (merc) and do just a much DPS as a pure spec yet die half the time. It's why we still have an influx of merc's in every match 3-4 each side. because the so called nerf was an utter joke.


Never liked a class called a glass cannon cause just having it be a Dps without any good defense is a imbalance where other classes shine vs it. To me all Dps needs to have equal defensive capabilities where one isn't over tuned over the other aka via 5.4 merc.


So nerfing other classes isn't a solution, maybe finely tune all Dps where there is equal chances but don't over due it.


I also agree on hybrid imbalance, hence why you see my thread skank tank being a big watched topic.


Bottom line PT needs some fine tuning for pvp and pve to be viable. It still is fun and can be viable, but you need a good premade to perform, or better yet a healer dedicated to your lack of ability to stay alive lol..

Edited by Caeliux
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the argument can be made for any other profession if you are focused. you aren't meant to survive a 3 on 1.


Not true with mara, ops, sin, merc, sniper, and sorc Dps currently..


Those classes stay alive longer than a PT followed by A Jug in current meta in 5.4. These 2 classes needs tuned better to survive.

Edited by Caeliux
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PT is extremly well balanced. but in this game balanced = weak in ranked...sadly (like juggs and sorcs)


maybe the problem is ranked..isn't it?


No, currently other classes performing better than Pt and Jug in ranked. Jug or Pt has to skank to survive where REST of the dps are more viable.


I assume things will change soon enough, /crosses fingers.

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PT is extremly well balanced. but in this game balanced = weak in ranked...sadly (like juggs and sorcs)


maybe the problem is ranked..isn't it?

No. Deception Sin is well balanced. PT defensives are trash. expected post from you tho lmao.

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if balanced means you mean can be torn apart like paper as soon as the cds are up, then yeah i would have to say its pretty balanced. its got some burst and that's it.


For the burst it has it's pretty balanced, yeah. What's not balanced... is almost everything else.

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Take automated defenses from the pyrotech tree lower its cd reduction from 6 to 3 make it a utility and take the merc utility Kolto surge and combine them then replace this utility slot with mutilating shards useless utility. Replace Automated defenses in the pyrotech tree that causes sonic missile to Absorb the next 4 force or tech attacks can name it Sonic Absorption or something.


Shoulder cannon should heal for 5% not like its spamable for however long now compared to when it was just releaased and could be spammed.


Add 5% damage reduction to Overdrive.


Trans locate can now be used while moving but reduced range to 25m


Game doesn't need any more insane self healing utilities while automated defenses combined with Kolto surge should give Pts a potential second life and not be off cooldown non stop. Giving pyrotech an absorb on sonic missile would work nicely because it plays off Insulated mats which lowers its cd by 10 seconds. Shoulder Cannon heal was heavily outdated imo. A 5% damage reduction while Hydraulics is active is decent cushion on top of other available things. Translocate being useable while moving will easily make it use able and range reduction for balance check sake.

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Has anyone noticed that in most situations mercs/snipers just stand there and facetank melee? They don't even need to kite anyone. But instead Powertech and other melee have to pillar hump and kite around while we kill mercs 3 times.


This is a bizarre reversal of roles. Ranged classes should be squishy and rely on the tanks and offtank(PT/Jugg) builds to guard and peel for them. If that basic design will not be upheld then the whole system needs to be rethought. Basically if ranged classes become tanky then melee classes should get more ranged abilities, I don't want to go down that road but FFS Arsenal Merc is literally tankier than Sheildtech and thatis what you call Bassakwards

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Has anyone noticed that in most situations mercs/snipers just stand there and facetank melee? They don't even need to kite anyone. But instead Powertech and other melee have to pillar hump and kite around while we kill mercs 3 times.


This is a bizarre reversal of roles. Ranged classes should be squishy and rely on the tanks and offtank(PT/Jugg) builds to guard and peel for them. If that basic design will not be upheld then the whole system needs to be rethought. Basically if ranged classes become tanky then melee classes should get more ranged abilities, I don't want to go down that road but FFS Arsenal Merc is literally tankier than Sheildtech and thatis what you call Bassakwards


Or how railshot on a merc, which can do their damage from 30m and has defensive cooldowns out the *** does twice as much damage as railshot on a PT, which has no dcd's and has to be in melee range to use it.


Bassakwards for real.

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Nerd marauder, Merck, snipers and operatives then PT would be fine


First three classes? Yes, they need a DCD reevaluation and adjustment especially when they're damage makes them outperform so many other classes while just face tanking damage. But what part of an operative is OP? Our roll, the only ACTUAL ability that we have to effectively and consistently mitigate damage, which is on the GCD making us unable to heal nor DPS in the process? Or our offheals, which can be argued are our 2nd best defensive considering that shield probe can barely absorb a 20k hit and evasion can only mitigate white damage for 3seconds (btw, offheals are on the GCD as well preventing us from doing damage once again)? Or is it our almighty Burst that is not existent unless you're able to align all the stars, have autocrit on volatile substance, crit on Backstab and Veiled Strike, have both of your relic procs up, have your 2% damage bonus up from setbonus, and have your Raid buff up (which is on a 5minute CD and can only be used in objective maps, not arenas)? Or is it our "broken CC kit" which can be argued that sins have a better one considering that we lost our hidden strike CC and they gained a 30m mez that builds less resolve than a regular hardstun or mez that's on a 10-12 second CD while keeping spike (no, I'm not complaining about sins so don't make responses and say "LOL AN OP COMPLAINING ABOUT A SIN? WHAT A JOKE!" Just proving a point here).

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Easy fix to VG DPS, and eliminate all skank tanks at once.


Add one defensive that gives 99-100% immunity to everything for 6 seconds for all specs.


Allow armor, defense and shield to work against ALL forms of damage including force and tech.


Reduce ALL Tank damage by 50% while adjusting threat generation for those pve guys.


Remove transpose, replace it with AOE pull move similar to tank spec companions.


Add one more Defensive CD for Tank spec only VG damage reduction longish CD.


VG fixed without going overboard and eliminating skank tanks from the game

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Again, the thought process of nerfing other classes for a weaker class to be better is a train of thought wrong from the jump.


PT needs a defensive immune or something along the lines what mara, sin have. No heals, a defensive mitigation.


Jug needs same far as Dps, allowing other Dps like mara, sin, or ops to be able to absorb and not fixing pt or jug to do same kinda things is imbalance.


Again, you don't take away, you balance the classes lacking. Breaking one class to fix another don't work.

Edited by Caeliux
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