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Some PT Buffs.


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Let's see some AP PT DPS buffs please. Not interested in defensive cd buffs since I think there is already enough retard save me buttons in the game as is (Looking at you Maras/Mercs/Snipers) Also to keep PT to how it has always been a "Glass Cannon" Powertechs main defensive was their offensive and I want it to stay the same.


A nice single target dmg buff would be great. Thanks Keith

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Any PT who wants to do ranked would take issues with your post. Of the ~50 ranked matches I have done so far, I have only come across 2 DPS juggs apart from myself, and not a single DPS PT.


As has been suggested before, they should take the healing reflect from Mercs and give it to PTs. Suddenly both classes are much more balanced.

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Playing one I notice damage is pretty darn good, but far as defensive its nowhere close to lets say mara. To me Jug and PT is pretty close but Jug actually has more staying alive moves.


I see the damage coming from 5.2 in this video of Lunchbox


And I ask myself, what else could PT benefit from current.


My opinion damage is really good if geared right, and also played well, far as glass cannon I think that term never should exist because imbalance is the term if a class is a glass cannon.


To sum it up, PT needs some form of better defense, a damage increase isn't in my opinion.

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Ez fix nerf sniper merc. The real question is r u ready to play against double pt in 4s again already?


Nerfing one class does not solve another class to be balanced. PT is weak atm compared to other classes ability to survive, hence why PT needs some love.


If everyone is worried about ranked having 3 pt one healer again, then players will have to adjust their comp vs it. Its what a meta does, it provides diversity and optimistic play styles to counter a strong comp in rank.


For instance from warcraft terms in ranked,


RMP rogue, mage, priest

RLS rogue, (war)lock, shaman (restoration)

MLS mage, lock, shaman (restoration)

MLP mage, lock, priest

WLS warrior, lock, shaman (restoration)

PHD or PHDK paladin (holy), hunter, DK

FMP feral druid, mage, priest

LSD lock, elemental shaman, restoration druid

LSD2 lock, restoration shaman, balance druid

RRP retribution paladin, rogue, priest (usually healing, could equally be a paladin)

KFC Kung-Fu Cleave -- warrior, hunter, healer

TSG DK, warrior, healer



My point is just because one comp is strong, does not mean another cant win. Ranked is about cc, dps hard swap, and timed attrition to perform a kill in team ranked. Good players adjust every season in warcraft and learn how to maximize their strengths and weakness in team arena aka ranked.


Solo is just roll the dice and may the last lucky man win lol..

Edited by Caeliux
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U forgot monk and dh setups and others. There is big difference between WoW and swtor arenas, WoW is about class synergy and diminishing. Swtor idk what about, mb FOTM stack mostly - there was only few strong comps in years. Depends on patch, 2/3 PTs - double carbo, double carnage, double smash maras, deception-carnage(Roudy comp), double - hatred, double pyro, carnage-smash, double MM, AP PT - carnage, AP-PT mm and few others i don't remember all.

And WoW don't have guard to swap. Tanks here are relevant in PvP. Not now as 3-rd dps, they broke all in 3.0+ times.

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Any PT who wants to do ranked would take issues with your post. Of the ~50 ranked matches I have done so far, I have only come across 2 DPS juggs apart from myself, and not a single DPS PT.


As has been suggested before, they should take the healing reflect from Mercs and give it to PTs. Suddenly both classes are much more balanced.


I do queue ranked on my PT lol. This game doesn't need to be handing out defensive cds to other classes. The other turned defensives from Mercs, Snipers and Marauders needs to be removed. The solution to balancing isn't making the game more of a stalemate because every class can stay alive forever. If they buff PT dmg to insane burst again it'd be fine being a class cannon. If they add defensive cds to pt and they start staying alive alot longer people will cry that PT dmg is too high then it'd get nerfed again lmao.


Ez fix nerf sniper merc Mara. The real question is r u ready to play against double pt in 4 s again already?

We both knows 4s is dead who cares. Also I believe what he's saying is nerf those classes defensive cds.

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U forgot monk and dh setups and others. There is big difference between WoW and swtor arenas, WoW is about class synergy and diminishing. Swtor idk what about, mb FOTM stack mostly - there was only few strong comps in years. Depends on patch, 2/3 PTs - double carbo, double carnage, double smash maras, deception-carnage(Roudy comp), double - hatred, double pyro, carnage-smash, double MM, AP PT - carnage, AP-PT mm and few others i don't remember all.

And WoW don't have guard to swap. Tanks here are relevant in PvP. Not now as 3-rd dps, they broke all in 3.0+ times.


I know I forgot some wow comps, wasn't my point mate. But comps do exist in this game, when you say fotm comps its the seasons meta. Each season for team ranked that is how it is, its normal to see it.


Tanks and Healers isn't the meta, its the dps that is. People not using different strategy to provide adversity in ranked is why so many people complain about ranked. Nobody wants to do team ranked in this game because of diversity, not because of classes.


Its alot easier for one good player to change outcome in solo, than it is in team ranked, when you have 3 or 4 in this case well oiled machines who play in sync, no denial of skill and preparation will be talked about.


I played 8 vs 8, I remember the best of the best how well oiled they was, trust me a team put together can happen. I also have played really good 4 vs 4 in this game, and remember the struggle vs them.


Bottom line it wasn't the classes, it was the players. You could mirror same classes vs best players and lose due to either lack of experience, to just the other team is just that good and it will take perfect play to beat it.


Why sometimes I get frustrated with all this talk of fotm, or game is broken crap, cause alot of complaints is lack of experience vs good players.


I am not saying there isn't imbalance, of course there is, but there is also a heaping pile of people that don't understand how to PVP properly either..

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I know I forgot some wow comps, wasn't my point mate. But comps do exist in this game, when you say fotm comps its the seasons meta. Each season for team ranked that is how it is, its normal to see it.


Tanks and Healers isn't the meta, its the dps that is. People not using different strategy to provide adversity in ranked is why so many people complain about ranked. Nobody wants to do team ranked in this game because of diversity, not because of classes.


Its alot easier for one good player to change outcome in solo, than it is in team ranked, when you have 3 or 4 in this case well oiled machines who play in sync, no denial of skill and preparation will be talked about.


I played 8 vs 8, I remember the best of the best how well oiled they was, trust me a team put together can happen. I also have played really good 4 vs 4 in this game, and remember the struggle vs them.


Bottom line it wasn't the classes, it was the players. You could mirror same classes vs best players and lose due to either lack of experience, to just the other team is just that good and it will take perfect play to beat it.


Why sometimes I get frustrated with all this talk of fotm, or game is broken crap, cause alot of complaints is lack of experience vs good players.


I am not saying there isn't imbalance, of course there is, but there is also a heaping pile of people that don't understand how to PVP properly either..


4*4 died a long time ago, in pre-season 1. The main reasons are - class balance, peoples don't want challenge, matchmaking - when hight rated team farm low rated again and again when few other q-dodge the best one, coz afraid to loose more rating and low rated just stopped to q, no-cross servers, no rating pools, poorly rewards - the same rewards in yolo and easilly to pick up there then in grp and others, other. Its a dead horse.

8*8 was semi-alive without fresh blood - the same guys/the same few teams, coz many reasons too. Grp ranked will be dead without matchmaking and cross-server.

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4*4 died a long time ago, in pre-season 1. The main reason is class balance, peoples don't want challenge, matchmaking - when hight rated team farm low rated again and again when few other q-dodge the best one, coz afraid to loose more rating and low rated just stopped to q, no-cross servers, no rating pools, poorly rewards - the same rewards in yolo and easilly to pick up there then in grp and others, other. Its a dead horse.


Sadly yes. Rewards should never been reason to make a team though but whatever lol.


No cross servers is kinda a excuse though, I mean harb and red ellipse has alot of pvpers, and yet nobody is doing team ranked.


It seems nobody wants a harder road, and can make rating easier in solo.


Why I think more incentive to do 4 man team ranked should be put in play, separate both and make team ranked more inviting.


Adversity cant be taught, either you have it or you don't..

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Sadly yes. Rewards should never been reason to make a team though but whatever lol.


No cross servers is kinda a excuse though, I mean harb and red ellipse has alot of pvpers, and yet nobody is doing team ranked.


It seems nobody wants a harder road, and can make rating easier in solo.


Why I think more incentive to do 4 man team ranked should be put in play, separate both and make team ranked more inviting.


Adversity cant be taught, either you have it or you don't..


There was players intersted in challenge even after 8*8 was deleted, but they quit a long time ago.

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There was players intersted in challenge even after 8*8 was deleted, but they quit a long time ago.


Indeed mate, I am one of the last dying breed who misses 8 vs 8.


I miss Illum pvp as well, miss old days.


Now its regs and solo, which is still fun but not as competitive, why I play Warcraft arena still and League of Legends to get my fix on competitive team play.


I still hope this game can get back to it, maybe in next Starwars mmo being made.


/crosses fingers :)

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OT: Buff PT DPS not defensive cds. PT's best defense is their offense.


Example of Damage Currently AP PT, even if its 5.2


I don't think buffing damage is cure for PT mate, I play pretty hardcore and see the imbalance from PT standpoint vs playing another other class in this game.


Defense is needed on PT current, sure little buff wouldn't be game breaking, I say 5%. :D

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Example of Damage Currently AP PT, even if its 5.2


I don't think buffing damage is cure for PT mate, I play pretty hardcore and see the imbalance from PT standpoint vs playing another other class in this game.


Defense is needed on PT current, sure little buff wouldn't be game breaking, I say 5%. :D


But thats regs vs super undergeared players. I can globlal people who don't react on my PT as well. Energy Burst crits 32k+ on the opener. I mean yeah it's dmg is high my highest DPS playing AP in regs is 8.2k

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As someone who also dables with PT in ranked (not the extent that Carthy does, but enough to get the jist of PT in ranked) I would say PT could use atleast one way to avoid being stuned locked. As in it stands now, snipers, assassins and maras have ways to resist being stunned, mainly because sniper being a turret class makes sense, and maras / assassins being close range also make sense, but PT have no way to resist stuns. Compound this problem with abysmal laughable defenses and PT is basically a built in match thrower. We simply have no way to get around being globaled - zero ways to resist stun locks. Zero ways to mitigate 3+ dps globabling you (while stunned). Zero escapes. Zero cloaks. Zero ways to pass go and collect my f*cking 200 dollars.

No get out of jail free cards like mara, assassins, operatives and mercs/snipers. Its laughable that a class that actually outdps's PT (carnage Marauder) has a 45 second get out of jail free card, ontop pf 4 dcds (if you specc into one) and yet PT is stuck with 1. No, god Kolto is not a dCD. shut your mouf.


Sure, you can kite, use runaway tactics, etc. But come on, this always delays the inevitable (stunned locked and globaled).


If we can't get any real DCD's, then they should atleast give us some utility or a buff to stun resist, this way we can actually get our freaking rotation off without being stunned locked and globaled in 20 seconds flat, which is how most matches for PT's end up (If you don't believe, just play one in ranked, you'll see).

PT's are suffering from the same fate of DPS juggs - because they do reasonably well in 8v8 Regs, people think they are fine.


It sucks that BW is stupid and has no sense of any balance in the slightest bit in PvP. Zero sense and can't get anything sorted in any decent amount of time. How hard can it possibly be for the 3 or 4 people left of this Dev Team (/snickers) to just play a few ranked matches and see for themselves how ridiculous DPS class balance is. DCD's are out of control, yet another season of ranked goes on with no addressing. Complete and utter lack of any care whatsoever.


Hence why I've adopted the attitude that if BW doens't give a crap, then me neither. Play what you like, but don't blame PT players when BW turns a blind eye to the huge flaws that this class has in a ranked setting


I admire and respect anyone that can climb the rating latter without win trading with this class. /salute #21gunssalute #thuglife

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But thats regs vs super undergeared players. I can globlal people who don't react on my PT as well. Energy Burst crits 32k+ on the opener. I mean yeah it's dmg is high my highest DPS playing AP in regs is 8.2k


Gear don't matter in regs with current bolster it seems, I do feel like though its a flawed system and will continue to hope its taken away and we can get back expertise or even make mastery part of a pvp balance equation mate.


Point PT has some insane burst moments, and if played right has potential to be amazing.


Its laughable that a class that actually outdps's PT (carnage Marauder) has a 45 second get out of jail free card, ontop pf 4 dcds (if you specc into one) and yet PT is stuck with 1. No, god Kolto is not a dCD. shut your mouf.


Which brings me to my point, I agree all other classes it seems has tons of better utilities to survive. The defensive nature of the current state of PVP for PT is bust your load but if focused IS a wet noodle. Sure in A premade state with a healer and a tank you could pose a threat, but you cant balance over that thinking, "Well get a good premade, you will be ok then"


Not sure why PT was left to dry, either that double ap ranked season years ago caused thousands of emails or bioware decided well we going to put PT away for next year till we buff everyone else besides them. What strikes me is they gave merc all the tools necessary to survive, and never addressed current PT in the flaws of the specs.

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Nerfing one class does not solve another class to be balanced. PT is weak atm compared to other classes ability to survive, hence why PT needs some love.


If everyone is worried about ranked having 3 pt one healer again, then players will have to adjust their comp vs it. Its what a meta does, it provides diversity and optimistic play styles to counter a strong comp in rank.


For instance from warcraft terms in ranked,


RMP rogue, mage, priest

RLS rogue, (war)lock, shaman (restoration)

MLS mage, lock, shaman (restoration)

MLP mage, lock, priest

WLS warrior, lock, shaman (restoration)

PHD or PHDK paladin (holy), hunter, DK

FMP feral druid, mage, priest

LSD lock, elemental shaman, restoration druid

LSD2 lock, restoration shaman, balance druid

RRP retribution paladin, rogue, priest (usually healing, could equally be a paladin)

KFC Kung-Fu Cleave -- warrior, hunter, healer

TSG DK, warrior, healer



My point is just because one comp is strong, does not mean another cant win. Ranked is about cc, dps hard swap, and timed attrition to perform a kill in team ranked. Good players adjust every season in warcraft and learn how to maximize their strengths and weakness in team arena aka ranked.


Solo is just roll the dice and may the last lucky man win lol..

You forgot tank tunnel.

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Tank tunnel is a strat mate, not a comp. :)


Which it seems only strat people use in ranked, tunnel the tank till he drops like a potato. :rak_03:

Argue about semantics if u want but I'm not here for that.

Let pt do 6k single target and leave op dcds as is and you may as well call it a comp, wet her it be solos or 4s.

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Argue about semantics if u want but I'm not here for that.

Let pt do 6k single target and leave op dcds as is and you may as well call it a comp, wet her it be solos or 4s.


Not sure what your applying. PT damage is fine it lacks get outta jail free card they don't have where mostly rest of classes and specs have it. PT current isn't even a glass cannon, its a toilet paper spec. Wipes and does its job but can be ripped easily..

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I might misunderstood you, your reply was short. Exactly is your point mate?


Basically, summarizing all my posts in this thread, my point is that giving a melee class with a short clock a lot of damage, in a meta with strong dcds , will change the game quite a bit and not for the best, imo.

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Basically, summarizig all my posta in this thread, My point is that giving a melee class with a short clock a lot of damage in a meta with strong dcds will changet the game quite a bit and not for the best, imo.


I agree with u. I don't think PT by any stretch would be op with a 5% increase to damage. I mean parse wise they low in 5.4 vs classes like mars and jug and sin far as melee is concerned, AP is ramp up where pyro is pressure.


I think over all a small Dps boost and a defensive CD for immune would provide PT a balance current.

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