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Galactic Command vs Previous SWTOR versions


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I consider SWTOR raiding to be a lot more fair and balanced. In all raiding, no matter what the game is, there needs to be a "guaranteed loot list" on each boss. Yes, some drops can, and should be, a little more rare. A great example would be a Chest Token versus a Leg Token. The boss drops two tokens every kill. Make it a 1 in 3 chance for the drop that is a little more rare then the other.


I don't raid in SWTOR, so I don't know the number of bosses in a specific raid, but having each boss drop two Tokens that can be two types (e.g. Chest/Leg, Head/Primary, Glove/Boot, Waist/Wrist, Secondary/Relic, Ear/Implant) would simplify things in terms of targets. Raiding takes time, and there are the refresh timers to consider as well, but doing it

in the way I describe would make the raiding community more happy, wouldn't it? Add on top of that the tokens can also be turned in for PvP gear. This is, by far, the most fair and balanced way for loot distribution for guilds who enjoy raiding. A PvE guild, PvP guild, and PvE/PvP guild should all have the same opportunities for BiS Gear. :cool:


However, I do think that raiding should have a steep learning curve for BiS Raid Content. Some players want things to be easy. Well, go do easy raid content, but don't expect to have BiS. Only the top guilds who bust their behinds learning how the bosses, tactics, and mechanisms work should be able to walk around in BiS gear. With this GC system, a solo player can get BiS. To me, that's utterly ridiculous. BiS is BiS and it should be reserved for those who actually earn it. Maybe the "hardcore days" of raiding are over now in SWTOR. That would be a bummer. =/


As for myself, I have 23 characters and they all have a 240 Rating, and I'm a solo player. Yes, I do craft and yes I make a lot of credits, but sometimes I think that my characters are too well-geared for someone who isn't in a guild, does solo content, and can craft. I do not say this to brag. I say this because I don't think I should be able to have the quality of gear that I do have. It's total overkill for what I do, but it's in the game and I geared them all up because I wanted to, but that doesn't mean it should have been available to me in the first place. Make me earn it! :D




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I say this because I don't think I should be able to have the quality of gear that I do have. It's total overkill for what I do, but it's in the game and I geared them all up because I wanted to, but that doesn't mean it should have been available to me in the first place. Make me earn it! :D

You never played an Asian MMO. Try it. I'm sure you'll like to try to earn something for a few years. :D

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Well I played EverQuest from May 1999 until April 2009 and there were a lot of things I wanted to get that I never did (yeah, I'm talking to you Amulet of Necropotence!!! a.k.a. AoN) and the AoN was already in the game when I started playing EverQuest. lolz


On the flip side of that I picked up a Guise of the Deceiver [was a Rogue Mask item (a.k.a. clicky) that didn't have to be equipped to to turn yourself into a Dark Elf] on my Human Monk about two weeks before it was nerfed in June 1999 to being only clickable by having it equipped. Hardly anyone was playing Monk at the time (they were a very weak class and had an extreme weight limitation) so being a Dark Elf Monk was a very rare sight to see. People even accused me of being a hacker because they didn't know a pre-nerf version existed. lolz




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Or you can just pay for it. Asian MMOs are synonymous with pay to win.

Grind and donate. It seems like the same things will happen in SWTOR soon. Donate for some special items, grind for CXP. I'm exaggerating a little, of course. But it seems that the developers are already following this path. The lack of subscribers is compensated by direct sales and we have ever-present RNG. This is very similar to the raids in Aion, where you could try to get one piece of equipment during 6 months or more. :D

Well I played EverQuest from May 1999 until April 2009 and there were a lot of things I wanted to get that I never did (yeah, I'm talking to you Amulet of Necropotence!!! a.k.a. AoN) and the AoN was already in the game when I started playing EverQuest. lolz


On the flip side of that I picked up a Guise of the Deceiver [was a Rogue Mask item (a.k.a. clicky) that didn't have to be equipped to to turn yourself into a Dark Elf] on my Human Monk about two weeks before it was nerfed in June 1999 to being only clickable by having it equipped. Hardly anyone was playing Monk at the time (they were a very weak class and had an extreme weight limitation) so being a Dark Elf Monk was a very rare sight to see. People even accused me of being a hacker because they didn't know a pre-nerf version existed. lolz




For me it does not matter. Just as for you does not matter the Valakas necklace or Baium's ring in Lineage 2. We can boast of past achievements for a very long time. This topic is not about that. By the way, why do you craft 240 gear, which, in your opinion, you did not deserve? It seems that you are not too honest and all these are just a


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Grind and donate. It seems like the same things will happen in SWTOR soon. Donate for some special items, grind for CXP. I'm exaggerating a little, of course. But it seems that the developers are already following this path. The lack of subscribers is compensated by direct sales and we have ever-present RNG. This is very similar to the raids in Aion, where you could try to get one piece of equipment during 6 months or more. :D


For me it does not matter. Just as for you does not matter the Valakas necklace or Baium's ring in Lineage 2. We can boast of past achievements for a very long time. This topic is not about that. By the way, why do you craft 240 gear, which, in your opinion, you did not deserve? It seems that you are not too honest and all these are just a



The game is just dying and they are trying to milk it till it dies completely. If they weren't, they could easily fix it, but they probably already have a close date in mind and are doing the bare minimum to maximise profit until then.

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The game is just dying and they are trying to milk it till it dies completely. If they weren't, they could easily fix it, but they probably already have a close date in mind and are doing the bare minimum to maximise profit until then.


Your ridiculous shtick is getting tiresome.

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Well, I never said I crafted 240 Rating Gear. I said that my characters' gear had a 240 Rating.


SW:ToR is a game. EverQuest is a game. It's all entertainment. If I am not entertained, then I will stop playing. Some of the posts that I read on these forums are beyond entertaining. Some are fact, some are fiction, and some are a little of both. All three types entertain me. :D




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One of the big reasons MMOs fail in the long term is that they focus end-game content around groups and raids, but ultimately everyone, at one point or another, logs in when others arent online, and they are either limited to trivial, unrewarding solo content, or they sit around wasting their online time until enough people log in to allow a queue/group to form.


MMOs need to have challenging, equally rewarding, end-game content for both solo players and groups/ops. Bioware can control a lot of things in the game via their coding, events, system, etc. And players can control part of their in-game experience, how they choose to gear, what they want to participate in. But neither BW, nor each player, can dictate what the population is going to be like when they log on. Not everyone plays on well populated servers, and not everyone plays during primetime hours. For this reason, meaningful, rewarding content needs to be made available around the clock, and that is a huge reason why a system that allows individual progression needs to be in game, and BIS gear not limited to content that is out of each individual players control.

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One of the big reasons MMOs fail in the long term is that they focus end-game content around groups and raids, but ultimately everyone, at one point or another, logs in when others arent online, and they are either limited to trivial, unrewarding solo content, or they sit around wasting their online time until enough people log in to allow a queue/group to form.


MMOs need to have challenging, equally rewarding, end-game content for both solo players and groups/ops. Bioware can control a lot of things in the game via their coding, events, system, etc. And players can control part of their in-game experience, how they choose to gear, what they want to participate in. But neither BW, nor each player, can dictate what the population is going to be like when they log on. Not everyone plays on well populated servers, and not everyone plays during primetime hours. For this reason, meaningful, rewarding content needs to be made available around the clock, and that is a huge reason why a system that allows individual progression needs to be in game, and BIS gear not limited to content that is out of each individual players control.


Instead we limit BIS to gambling boxes any heroic farmer can get and afkers and terrabads in regs. But God Forbid NiM drops BiS gear on every boss like every other tier. God forbid Raiders not have to wait till whenever the heck all the bosses will come out. 2.x and 3.x were better systems. BW rewards mediocrity and punishes competive play. That's what kills MMOs. Not a relic of the last person in charge who got fired. I disagree you should only get good gear doing hard content but if they won't I don't care as long as I can get gear. If you can't too bad population issues are solely due to BW making this a single player game and failing then releasing one Bosses every 4 months or whatever in the time other MMOs get entire raids. Personal progression my butt might as well get rid of gear at this point. xd

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Instead we limit BIS to gambling boxes any heroic farmer can get and afkers and terrabads in regs. But God Forbid NiM drops BiS gear on every boss like every other tier. God forbid Raiders not have to wait till whenever the heck all the bosses will come out. 2.x and 3.x were better systems. BW rewards mediocrity and punishes competive play. That's what kills MMOs. Not a relic of the last person in charge who got fired. I disagree you should only get good gear doing hard content but if they won't I don't care as long as I can get gear. If you can't too bad population issues are solely due to BW making this a single player game and failing then releasing one Bosses every 4 months or whatever in the time other MMOs get entire raids. Personal progression my butt might as well get rid of gear at this point. xd

By no means is the current system the best possible system, but its the best system swtor has had that encourages participation in nearly all facets of the game, which means more available players for group content. In addition, solo players (whether by choice or forced) also have an opportunity to progress their toons meaningfully. Obviously its not a perfect system, but its a step in the right direction. I personally think end game loot should only be available via hard content as well, just not limited to group/raid content. The master mode chapters are a step towards that, as they are more challenging than group flashpoints and many raids. But they dont drop the end game loot - yet.

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which means more available players for group content.


You must be playing some other game because reality does not match your theory.

In addition, solo players (whether by choice or forced) also have an opportunity to progress their toons meaningfully. Obviously its not a perfect system, but its a step in the right direction.


No, it's a step backwards. They could have expanded on their previous currency system (that was more simplistic that this overarching system is now) to reward currency for more content and made BiS available from said currency.


I personally think end game loot should only be available via hard content as well, just not limited to group/raid content. The master mode chapters are a step towards that, as they are more challenging than group flashpoints and many raids. But they dont drop the end game loot - yet.


Which the old system could have done well if adapted instead of dumped with only top end currency dropping from hard content.


GC is nothing but an unmitigated failure.

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You must be playing some other game because reality does not match your theory.

Actually it does. PvP queues have popped more frequently, flashpoint gf pops have increased, and ops are continuing to be run, notably more so even when the op is not on gf. Of course this is on my server, and during times I play, which is random in nature, so not a specific time. Perhaps you are experiencing something different,but that is also possible in an onlinr, 24 hour game with different servers. The goal should be to create that scenario for all times, all servers, etc, but obviously the old system was failing in that regard, and a change was needed. Perhaps a hybrid form between GC and the 4.x system would be ideal, but you cant fully grasp the benefits/deficits of each without implenting them in their own setting. MMOs are based on trial and error in all facets.

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Actually it does. PvP queues have popped more frequently, flashpoint gf pops have increased, and ops are continuing to be run, notably more so even when the op is not on gf. Of course this is on my server, and during times I play, which is random in nature, so not a specific time. Perhaps you are experiencing something different,but that is also possible in an onlinr, 24 hour game with different servers. The goal should be to create that scenario for all times, all servers, etc, but obviously the old system was failing in that regard, and a change was needed. Perhaps a hybrid form between GC and the 4.x system would be ideal, but you cant fully grasp the benefits/deficits of each without implenting them in their own setting. MMOs are based on trial and error in all facets.


You must be playing another game. Because in my experience on Harbinger, it's the complete opposite, either that or you only started playing pvp this year and have no way to gauge the difference.

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You must be playing another game. Because in my experience on Harbinger, it's the complete opposite, either that or you only started playing pvp this year and have no way to gauge the difference.

I could repeat the exact same thing in response to you, tbh. We obviously play at different times then.

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For tier 3/4 gear - log in to any of my toons, join GF or HM ops (depending which gear I am looking for, and my current gear level). Possibly win a shell (as has always been the case - random winner). Collect enough UC's via PvP, Ranked, or GSF to trade my shell in for a tier 3 or tier 4 item (can easily take less than 1, especially with weekly rewards). Get your tier 3 or 4 item.


Let me remind you, that you specifically stated that you can do that in char with CR 1. So. a fresh new 70 char, with no alts to provide better gear...


1) You will never be allowed to enter any HM ops. Maybe KP and EV. not sure, but that's all. That leaves current GF ops, which means tier 2 at best.


2) There is no guarantee you will win a piece.


3)Even if you do win, you still need UC and tokens to upgrade it. Which means PvP. Do you seriosly want to tell me, that you will earn 200+ UC in one day? If you combine all pvp weeklies and do them in 1 day... well maybe. But that would require extreme deducation to the cause, a ton of free time, and folks in Ranked will eat your soul alive, when they see a guy with 228 gear (the best you can have at CR 1) among them.


Assuming you do all that and actually succeed, what are you going to do on the day after? No more weekly quests to get UC, only thing left is farming WZ. Once again, time and deducation not everybody can have.


So yes, your method is not viable. You have some serious delusions. or you are a troll of a legendary tier.

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I could repeat the exact same thing in response to you, tbh. We obviously play at different times then.


I work odd hours and happen to play at all hours of the day. In a week I will usually have played at every hour during the day.

What I find interesting is everyone else's experience is nearly 180" to yours, including mine. I know there are the odd one or two that agree with you, but the vast majority of people posting are say the complete opposite to you.

So I ask you, are we all wrong or are you and the few that agree with you, the only ones right?

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Let me remind you, that you specifically stated that you can do that in char with CR 1. So. a fresh new 70 char, with no alts to provide better gear...


1) You will never be allowed to enter any HM ops. Maybe KP and EV. not sure, but that's all. That leaves current GF ops, which means tier 2 at best.


2) There is no guarantee you will win a piece.


3)Even if you do win, you still need UC and tokens to upgrade it. Which means PvP. Do you seriosly want to tell me, that you will earn 200+ UC in one day? If you combine all pvp weeklies and do them in 1 day... well maybe. But that would require extreme deducation to the cause, a ton of free time, and folks in Ranked will eat your soul alive, when they see a guy with 228 gear (the best you can have at CR 1) among them.


Assuming you do all that and actually succeed, what are you going to do on the day after? No more weekly quests to get UC, only thing left is farming WZ. Once again, time and deducation not everybody can have.


So yes, your method is not viable. You have some serious delusions. or you are a troll of a legendary tier.

You're late to the party. Most of this has been discussed, and it is possible because it has been done multiple time.

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I work odd hours and happen to play at all hours of the day. In a week I will usually have played at every hour during the day.

What I find interesting is everyone else's experience is nearly 180" to yours, including mine. I know there are the odd one or two that agree with you, but the vast majority of people posting are say the complete opposite to you.

So I ask you, are we all wrong or are you and the few that agree with you, the only ones right?

Ahhh...."everyone else.". Common internet over-exaggeration. Perhaps they are expecting too much, or not taking advantage of all the ways to participate in content.

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Actually it does. PvP queues have popped more frequently, flashpoint gf pops have increased, and ops are continuing to be run, notably more so even when the op is not on gf. Of course this is on my server, and during times I play, which is random in nature, so not a specific time. Perhaps you are experiencing something different,but that is also possible in an onlinr, 24 hour game with different servers. The goal should be to create that scenario for all times, all servers, etc, but obviously the old system was failing in that regard, and a change was needed. Perhaps a hybrid form between GC and the 4.x system would be ideal, but you cant fully grasp the benefits/deficits of each without implenting them in their own setting. MMOs are based on trial and error in all facets.


More frequently than when? Increased from what? More so than when?


See your subjective anecdotal evidence seems to differ from most other players subjective anecdotal evidence I see reported on the forums.

Even the closest thing we have to quantitative evidence in torstatus disagrees with your view of the world.


If you are talking about pre 5.0 then I think you would struggle to find almost anyone that would agree that player activity has actually increased though I challenge you find me a few people who at least agree even if you can't provide any evidence to support such a view.


However rose colored glasses and all that.


Oh yeah, remember this?


Oh, I get it. You say it, so it must be true, and you don't have to provide any information on how it would be true. I can do it too, but i'd rather my arguments retain their integrity


So your argument has lost it's own integrity now then as I'm not seeing any information supporting your statements here?

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More frequently than when? Increased from what? More so than when?


See your subjective anecdotal evidence seems to differ from most other players subjective anecdotal evidence I see reported on the forums.

Even the closest thing we have to quantitative evidence in torstatus disagrees with your view of the world.


If you are talking about pre 5.0 then I think you would struggle to find almost anyone that would agree that player activity has actually increased though I challenge you find me a few people who at least agree even if you can't provide any evidence to support such a view.


However rose colored glasses and all that.


Oh yeah, remember this?




So your argument has lost it's own integrity now then as I'm not seeing any information supporting your statements here?

You made a reference to MY game experience, so all the details you asked for are inconsequential, considering that I am speaking about my experiencea. So when I say they have popped more frequently, then its obvious that I am comparing to the times when it has popped the least, concluding that the current state of swtor has been worse at some point in the past - in my experience. Proof is not needed if im making a testimony of my personal experience in game, as it is my recollection of details that I have noticed.


For future rebuttals and arguments, it would be wise for you to know what type of arguments need proof/evidence so you dont make this mistake again......but you can do whatever you wish and live with the consequences, so that is on you.


And again, the quantitative evidence from torstatus only measures population totals, not subs and not metrics on participation. So again, its irrelevant to what I'm stating.

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You made a reference to MY game experience, so all the details you asked for are inconsequential, considering that I am speaking about my experiencea.


Nice try but your own posts yet again ruin your flawed logic for you:


but its the best system swtor has had that encourages participation in nearly all facets of the game, which means more available players for group content.


That's not you talking about YOUR experience, that's you coming to an inaccurate conclusion about a supposed benefit of GC.


You now try back out of your original claim by making it only about "your experience" and using false claims around pop times improving for you personally ... now I'm sure I could make up lies like that too but, to use your own words against you, I would rather my arguments retain their integrity. ;)


So when I say they have popped more frequently, then its obvious that I am comparing to the times when it has popped the least, concluding that the current state of swtor has been worse at some point in the past - in my experience.


The current state of SWToR could have been since 5.4 (where we've seen a boost in players due to bug that massively speeds up the GC grind) vs during 5.3. Again you've managed to clarify your own imaginary experience in any means that even comes close to showing GC is somehow beneficial to the game compared to before weh ad GC.


Proof is not needed if im making a testimony of my personal experience in game, as it is my recollection of details that I have noticed.


It is when you first statement wasn't implying a personal experience at all:


which means more available players for group content.


For future rebuttals and arguments, it would be wise for you to know what type of arguments need proof/evidence so you dont make this mistake again......but you can do whatever you wish and live with the consequences, so that is on you.



The consequences like watching you squirm within your own arguments? Using your own arguments against you? Yeah, me excuse if I'm not overly worried about any "consequences". ;)


And again, the quantitative evidence from torstatus only measures population totals, not subs and not metrics on participation. So again, its irrelevant to what I'm stating.


Wrong, the population trend measures server status. Server status is dictated by the volume of accounts logged in (to reach the varying thresholds). If the trend of "standard" server status decreases and the "light" server status increases it means that less people are logging in to achieve the "standard" server status less regularly. Thus ... less people are playing. Simple really.

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Ahhh...."everyone else.". Common internet over-exaggeration. Perhaps they are expecting too much, or not taking advantage of all the ways to participate in content.


You only need to read the forums and the posts in this thread to see the majority disagree with you and have nearly the opposite experience.

Like I said, is the majority wrong or are you?

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