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Game Update 5.4a


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Eric, thank you for the gesture of gifts as compensation.


It was thoughtful and kind of you to do.


But is was not what you gave out or how you gave it out, rather it was the QUANTITY.


(ps don't know what going on lately but my posts keep posting while I'm writhing them)


You are giving out a hand full of peanuts to a room full of hungry people and expect that to be compensation?


The single use codes are fine its that you have a tendency to get stingy all the time.


Don't give out a few codes for a few hundred of more people and expect that to make them happy. I mean really would you be happy?


Now I live in Hawaii. Several hours behind all of this fun and excitement. I have "0" chance for a code.

If you give out codes you must consider that the Earth is round and there are 24 time zones all of which play SWTOR and also deserve a chance at that compensation.

Edited by denavin
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At this point, I am just tired. I am tired of the delay. I am tired of the entire missed day of play time. I am tired of the complete lack of compassion by the Dev team. And I am tired of EAware. I truly feel for the EU guys. You guys have missed out completely. I at least might get to play a few hours, maybe, if I'm lucky. I appreciate the feedback that Eric has given to us, and I know he is just the messenger. I will go out of my way, and generally pay extra, to do business with a company that has superior customer service. But truly, EAware has screwed the pooch big time on this one. The taste left in my mouth by today's events is loathsome indeed. It is going to take quite a while to remove it, if it ever goes away. This kind of lack of customer service is exactly why I don't do business with some companies. By way of example, I ordered a pizza from a company that shall remain nameless. The place screwed up my order. When I called the store, the manager gave me a hard time, and would not do anything about it. Tried to make it seem like it was my fault. I did not order anything from there again for over a year. I am at that point with EAware. I love this game, but I will not continue to pay a subscription fee, if it means I won't get to play the game at times, and EAware will do nothing to compensate me for that last time. My subscription runs out on October first, I will be thinking long and hard about whether or not to renew it.
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Then go back to Helo Kitty Island Adventures. How about this, I sell you a house but before you move in I demolish it so you can't live in it, THEN would ya want something for free to compensate for your lost time and money? I think ya would.


ITS A GAME LEARN THIS. Life is more then pixels on a screen just cause you can't go ERP so man pretending to be a woman today don't get mad at the devs lol

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Why just give subs free stuff? Don't all players deserve something for the downtime? I think so.


Because the subs pay for the game = we pay for it so other people can play for free....

Thats why !

plain and simple as that.

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If you read the fine print in your TOS/EULA you would see that they DO NOT guarantee 7/24/365 access for your subscription.


I'm sure they will compensate players with something for the lost time today, but your comments are absurd.


And if you read law you'll find that third party TOS/EULA do NOT have the power to trump legal protections.


All The Best

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Cheers for raining the codes out whilst I was away!! Not impressed. Endured the crap patch and loads of lag in SnV and yet again the servers are down in European prime time again. Isn't it about time this was done according to time zone and not just based around Austin?



One very unsatisfied premium member

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As I said, well worth the fee. Could have sworn the fee was for playing a videogame but forum venting is a fine substitute.


Just waiting for the forum to be a Subscriber only option. Don't you worry if your subscription lapses they will keep your flame wars intact for the next time you decide to upgrade your Subscription plan :p

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Hey Eric and Devs,


Do you guys disappoint me at times? Yes, but you guys have and are doing a good job. I appreciate you guys and what you guys do and have done. Ignore the rest of these people complaining and cussing you guys out. They are immature people that expect everything to be handed to them in this day and age instead of working for it, like a real person.


In the end, I just wanted you guys to know you are appreciated and what you do is appreciated by a lot of us in the community. Like I said earlier, you guys do disappoint us at times, but you do a good job too at times and should be praised for what you guys do.


So, thank you.


From a grateful subscriber that will be here till the end of the game, BECAUSE I LOVE STAR WARS GAMES!


This guy gets it. Been here since beta will be here till the end.

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You want to romance Senya and Arcan? Might be a little awkward...


Well male romance Senya, female romance Arcann. This would be awesome.


Also what do you guys think of more missions that are extending the romance? I really liked that moment when a female trooper get's reunited with Jorgan (in romance of course)/ Imagine if there were more missions to build up the relationship not only with romanced comanion but will all companions. I believe that this will give another sence of companions stick together and the alliance is there to stand together and save the galaxy.

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Can we take a moment to realize how childish people are being over these codes? The Codes are like the lottery. You might buy a ticket, but you're not guaranteed a Win! Grow up people...

You realise people don't really care about codes don't you? It's just another outlet for the frustration of missing a night of CXP boosts! We're human - we like to moan about everything. Everyone knew the second the codes came out some basement nerd with 10 screens got them all.

That aside, I like the idea of extending the CXP boost as I get to play my alts for a change.

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Then go back to Helo Kitty Island Adventures. How about this, I sell you a house but before you move in I demolish it so you can't live in it, THEN would ya want something for free to compensate for your lost time and money? I think ya would.


The analogy here is completely flawed. We do not own SWTOR, we are subscribed.

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Both at the same time. let's get SWTOR freaky.


Reminds me when SWTOR was first released and people asked for the possibility to have a romance btw male char and a male partner or btw a female toon and her female partners. That would have been fun and also logical !



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