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Why Was Oricon Never Made Solo-Friendly?


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So on my Sith Inquisitor, Sith Sorcerer better said that I have been playing for years now the mission on Oricon is still there.. stuck at the same exact point... left untouched... It's where you have to finish the 2 OPS in order to finish the story arc on the planet. Which is something I don't understand why it hasn't been remedied to be solo-friendly.


I don't do OPS, I don't want to do them as it's not my playstyle and I don't need the pressure of it on my shoulders. Flashpoints sure I love 'em, but I'll stay away from OPS. Which is where my issue lies with because now I will never be able to finish Oricon. Why wasn't there an alternative added to the Dread Master Arc like we had in Shadow of Revan? People could choose to play the OPS or they could do dailies instead to progress the story. So, it's not like an alternative is unthinkable and lately Iokath also has a story arc that can be supplemented with an OPS but it's not vital to continue the story. I ask therefore again, why after all this time there wasn't crafted a solution for the Oricon story arc?


Perhaps the alternative could be really easy and doing the dailies will be what is needed. A more fun solution could be making an alternative flashpoint for the Oricon OPS that allow the player to experience the raids but it's not on actual Operations level and is also soloable for those who like that playstyle. You'd be given the choice whether you'd want to complete the Oricon story through OPS or Flashpoint. The latter would also be a good preparation for those who'd eventually want to dive into the operations.


Dear god lol....


You should have played, if this is the case, Oricon when it was launched, back in those days you could die there. Now if you actually die in the game you must really be bad at it dude.


Also swtor has the wrod mmo, this was made for multiplayer purposes not for solo, if ppl want solo they can go and play Kotor. The reason why ppl keep asking solo content in a game that clearly has the tag MULTIPLAYER MASSIVE is beyond me.:rak_04::rak_04:


Bioware has already invested resources in solo stuff that was not necessary while they should have focused it on hiring a better story teller

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Obviously you don't understand the various meanings of cognitive dissonance. Wow, you are making your self really look ridiculous. In addition I also destroyed any of your other so called points. Ignorance much or just an inability to read precisely? You don't have any other "points" than "Buhuuu, I want it like I please with no challenge and on a silver plate", like a crying baby, while it is so easy to get it the way the game was designed in this case. If you are not able and/or too stubborn and ignorant to do it, just forget it and accept/live with it, like a grown up would do, also in real life btw. This is a multiplayer game with guilds, groups and all and not a game where EVERYTHING should be possible in solo mode. There is more than enough solo stuff with no challenge or involved skill at all, so you can feel as a hero. :-)


People with your poor attitude are the death for any multiplayer game if they were a majority.


You obviously do not know how to read since the points that I brought up do not in any way resemble this mish-mash of idiocy you're posting. Not to mention, you didn't address any of them at all. You're the only one not acting like a grown-up here since all you've offered is strawman arguements and insults.


One more time...and please READ....

  • No one is asking to get rid of group content.
  • No one is complaining that there is group content.
  • No one is saying there shouldn't be group content.
  • No one is saying that the entire game should be solo mode.
  • The only thing people are asking for is a CHOICE in regards to SOME group content to either do it in a group or solo.


I don't know how to dumb it down more for you. If you're just trolling and don't care about what people are actually saying, then say so.

Oops, nevermind, you just did with your whole "I can't refute anything so I'm going to act like I'm being the big man and bow out" post.

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[*]The only thing people are asking for is a CHOICE in regards to SOME group content to either do it in a group or solo.



But didn't they learn on Oricon that? SoR has the option of Operation or Solo dailies to complete the story. Iokath has the Operation as a side quest, and it's not required to continue or complete the story.


They didn't change already completed content of Oricon, but they're not making the same mistake with new content.

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Dear god lol....


You should have played, if this is the case, Oricon when it was launched, back in those days you could die there. Now if you actually die in the game you must really be bad at it dude.


Also swtor has the wrod mmo, this was made for multiplayer purposes not for solo, if ppl want solo they can go and play Kotor. The reason why ppl keep asking solo content in a game that clearly has the tag MULTIPLAYER MASSIVE is beyond me.:rak_04::rak_04:


Bioware has already invested resources in solo stuff that was not necessary while they should have focused it on hiring a better story teller


Again, Massive Multiplayer means that there are a big amount of people playing online at the same time in the same game environment, it does not mean "group content only". It's the same argument that is being repeated and debunked time after time so it really has lost its weight. As to strengthen my point here is how the Wikipedia page on Multiplayer video games describes it:


"A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time. Video games are often single-player activities, putting the player against preprogrammed challenges or AI-controlled opponents (which lack the flexibility of human thought). Multiplayer games allow players interaction with other individuals in partnership, competition or rivalry, providing them with social communication absent from single-player games. In multiplayer games, players may compete against two (or more) human contestants, work cooperatively with a human partner to achieve a common goal, supervise other players' activity, co-op, and objective-based modes assaulting (or defending) a control point."


Do you see the lines "playing in a group is compulsory" or "all the content in multiplayer games has to be done in groups"? No, that line is non existent. Instead it offers the option for players to play in groups to defeat game mechanics and systems in the playthrough. Primarily multiplayer video games are games which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time. Look at the wording used in that bit on the Wikipedia page, it uses words like "allows", "may compete", all of which indicate the option to play in groups, not the compulsory rule that everyone in an MMO has to play in groups.


So next time before throwing "this is an MMO don't whine" at me or someone check you facts, love.


One more time...and please READ....

  • No one is asking to get rid of group content.
  • No one is complaining that there is group content.
  • No one is saying there shouldn't be group content.
  • No one is saying that the entire game should be solo mode.
  • The only thing people are asking for is a CHOICE in regards to SOME group content to either do it in a group or solo.



Also this, this, this, this, this, this. The raiders and OPS people are twisting my initial words in such a way as to prove their own points. They are against this as if I am saying "BAN ALL THE GROUP CONTENT" while I am only asking for something that, let me put it down clearly enough...


Does not affect raiders or OPS players in any way.


I am only asking for an alternative like we had in Shadow of Revan on Yavin. That will not affect anyone other than those who want to finish the story in a solo playthrough, so what is the big deal? Why are the raiders and OPS players so against this? Bioware implemented it in Shadow of Revan with the Temple of Sacrifice and none of you complained about it. Did it affect you? Did it impact you negatively? No. So I ask again what is the big deal with an alternative being offered?

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So on my Sith Inquisitor, Sith Sorcerer better said that I have been playing for years now the mission on Oricon is still there.. stuck at the same exact point... left untouched... It's where you have to finish the 2 OPS in order to finish the story arc on the planet. Which is something I don't understand why it hasn't been remedied to be solo-friendly.


I don't do OPS, I don't want to do them as it's not my playstyle and I don't need the pressure of it on my shoulders. Flashpoints sure I love 'em, but I'll stay away from OPS. Which is where my issue lies with because now I will never be able to finish Oricon. Why wasn't there an alternative added to the Dread Master Arc like we had in Shadow of Revan? People could choose to play the OPS or they could do dailies instead to progress the story. So, it's not like an alternative is unthinkable and lately Iokath also has a story arc that can be supplemented with an OPS but it's not vital to continue the story. I ask therefore again, why after all this time there wasn't crafted a solution for the Oricon story arc?


Perhaps the alternative could be really easy and doing the dailies will be what is needed. A more fun solution could be making an alternative flashpoint for the Oricon OPS that allow the player to experience the raids but it's not on actual Operations level and is also soloable for those who like that playstyle. You'd be given the choice whether you'd want to complete the Oricon story through OPS or Flashpoint. The latter would also be a good preparation for those who'd eventually want to dive into the operations.


Oricon was made player-friendly when bolster was added to SM Operations.


It's very easy to join a GF daily Ops group and finish each Operation once in SM. SWTOR is still an MMO, even if it's evolved into a very casual one, and has some content that requires a group.


Dread Fortress and Dread Palace are two of the best things SWTOR ever made, after the class and original planetary stories, and are worth playing through. With bolster, you don't need to even think about gear, and both Operations can easily be completed.


I'd suggest joining a group on Fleet as a DPS.

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But didn't they learn on Oricon that? SoR has the option of Operation or Solo dailies to complete the story. Iokath has the Operation as a side quest, and it's not required to continue or complete the story.


They didn't change already completed content of Oricon, but they're not making the same mistake with new content.


They did learn from it, and that's a very good thing. I would hope they looked at the stats on how many players chose solo vs. Op on Yavin as confirmation that it's what people wanted.


On a side note (not about your post), I will never understand why players who like to group get so offended when other players *don't* like to group or be as social online as they do. If there's a solo mode or choice, it's not stopping them from grouping with their friends and guilds to their hearts' content. The people who choose the solo mode wouldn't want to play with them regardless, so it's not as though they're losing potential teammates. There's no benefit to playing with people who truly don't want to be there and aren't enjoying it, but feel forced to group to complete something.


And as others have mentioned, there's nothing in 'MMO' that signifies "must group with others or enjoy grouping." It simply means that there are many players online who can interact in different ways. For some it might be Ops; for others it might be selling stuff on the GTN. The backbone of SWTOR is the class story system, which is...yes...solo content, so it's always been an integral part of this game.

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This misapprehension has plagued MMOs since the dawn of the genre. Irritates me no end, especially when used as a "weapon" in a discussion. I remember the battles in EQ over the whole "must raid" mentality and how, slowly slowly, change came about when dev houses realised that, as you said, "we grew up" and no longer could devote the time to all that was required to truly raid (grouping as well...content that required grouping in order to progress). The wise dev houses listened. And the bickering about what "MMO" means has been going on ever since.


I wish folk could respect both sides of the issue. Like grouping? By all means go for it! But gating content essential to story progression behind grouping is a bad thing.


Except the whole dread master story is not essential for your story progression. The Oricon story leads to the fight with the Dread Masters.


I am not of the crowd that says people have to raid just because they're in an MMO but if you want certain things in an MMO there maybe things that you don't like to do to get there. For me this is entirely normal in an MMO setting.


The only mistake perhaps that BW made in this is to make the last quests of the chain completable only by completing the ops but other than the boss fights. The should've let the quest chain stop after the heroic quest and then let people decided whether they want to do the ops or not.


But the truth is that the dread master story is entirely a side story in support of 6 of the operations in the game. Maybe they could've been clearer about that, but Oricon is not a story that has any real relevance to the larger events that are the story of your ascension (level 1-50) story, followed by Makeb, SoR and KotFE/ET. This is completely outside of that.


As far as MMOs go, this one has gone above and beyond the call of duty in supporting solo players. This game doesnt' require you to do endgame content and you don't have to do group content and you can even get BiS gear.


The fact that people want to take part of the story that was entirely focused around the raids and make it a complete solo experience is just not a reasonable demand.


They even made SoR so that you don't actually kill Revan in the ops but you get some lame *** fight after it where you have to beat him just to please the fanatical story crowd. Still, that's fair enough at least because SoR was the main story and the operations were tied into the main story line. Oricon never was.


It was a side story that was part of the overarching dread master story that played out over 6 operations.

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Does not affect raiders or OPS players in any way.


Except it does. I know my post has gone ignored, so I'll say it again - you're asking Bioware to dedicated hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars in resources (art, actors, cpu time, etc) to develop a solo alternative to half-decade old content. This affects everybody that plays the game - just so a few hundred solo players don't have to go to YouTube to see the cutscenes there.

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Oricon was made player-friendly when bolster was added to SM Operations.


It's very easy to join a GF daily Ops group and finish each Operation once in SM. SWTOR is still an MMO, even if a very casual one, and has some content that requires a group. Dread Fortress and Dread Palace are two of the best things SWTOR ever made, after the class and original planetary stories.


Again, the "SWTOR is an MMO" argument has already lost its weight. I once more refer to this description of it on the Wikipedia page that describes what a multiplayer video game is:


"A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time. Video games are often single-player activities, putting the player against preprogrammed challenges or AI-controlled opponents (which lack the flexibility of human thought). Multiplayer games allow players interaction with other individuals in partnership, competition or rivalry, providing them with social communication absent from single-player games. In multiplayer games, players may compete against two (or more) human contestants, work cooperatively with a human partner to achieve a common goal, supervise other players' activity, co-op, and objective-based modes assaulting (or defending) a control point."


Look, I wouldn't have been raising this as a discussion point if Shadow of Revan hadn't given solo-players an alternative in the Yavin part of the story arc. They gave us the option to either go play Temple of Sacrifice or the solo-alternative of doing the dailies. Because Bioware put that in there, I see that as proof that all the content regarding story should have a solo-route to play it. Indeed, the Dread Masters may have been featured in other OPS, great for you. But Oricon was presented as a story arc on its own, every story arc has to have a beginning and an end. We are not being given an end due to the Operation wall that is put up at the end of the dailies quests. Since Shadow of Revan did exactly the same and did offer us a solo-alternative, the same has to happen for Oricon.

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They did learn from it, and that's a very good thing. I would hope they looked at the stats on how many players chose solo vs. Op on Yavin as confirmation that it's what people wanted.


On a side note (not about your post), I will never understand why players who like to group get so offended when other players *don't* like to group or be as social online as they do. If there's a solo mode or choice, it's not stopping them from grouping with their friends and guilds to their hearts' content. The people who choose the solo mode wouldn't want to play with them regardless, so it's not as though they're losing potential teammates. There's no benefit to playing with people who truly don't want to be there and aren't enjoying it, but feel forced to group to complete something.


And as others have mentioned, there's nothing in 'MMO' that signifies "must group with others or enjoy grouping." It simply means that there are many players online who can interact in different ways. For some it might be Ops; for others it might be selling stuff on the GTN. The backbone of SWTOR is the class story system, which is...yes...solo content, so it's always been an integral part of this game.


It's not about a group vs. solo mentality - it's about asking BW to go back and add new content to Oricon, which released almost 4 years ago, at the expense of doing something new for the game.


In the context of SM Operations now being bolstered and very easy to complete, it's an unreasonable thing to ask BW to deliver a solo ending years after the fact. Most other players, of all preferences, would like to see new content.

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Except it does. I know my post has gone unignored, so I'll say it again - you're asking Bioware to dedicated hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars in resources (art, actors, cpu time, etc) to develop a solo alternative to half-decade old content. This affects everybody that plays the game - just so a few hundred solo players don't have to go to YouTube to see the cutscenes there.


When the Developers made solo-modes for the various Flashpoints that didn't have one yet, did you get particularly impacted? I am not asking them to redo the entire operation into a new flashpoint, I said it would be cool, but the easiest way is to allow us to do the dailies of Oricon just like Shadow of Revan did on Yavin. Surely that is not unreasonable to ask, it's making a few tweaks to put in the extra option and then have the final cutscenes of the Oricon arc be played once you did the dailies. How would such a small thing that can probably be done in a day's worth of work (I think) affect anyone in a big way?


In the context of SM Operations now being bolstered and very easy to complete, it's an unreasonable thing to ask BW to deliver a solo ending years after the fact. Most other players, of all preferences, would like to see new content.


Read what I wrote above your quoted comment. We're asking for an alternative like in Shadow of Revan, where we could do the dailies instead of the OPS to further the story. Surely that is not considered to be developing new content but only tweaking a few stuff to have the alternative option be available?

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Except the whole dread master story is not essential for your story progression. The Oricon story leads to the fight with the Dread Masters....


Not the main story no, but one of the majors, yes. But, as I said, it matter not to me really. I just wish to know before getting mostly through a major quest line that I'm going to get caught up short. And before you chivvy me for not checking via Google...you'd be right and I have learned to. :)


Maybe a better way to put it is "let's not insert OPs etc. into the middle of a planet quest line that is necessary to progress.


Wasn't earthshattering, just annoying especially since I loathe Oricon.

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When the Developers made solo-modes for the various Flashpoints that didn't have one yet, did you get particularly impacted? I am not asking them to redo the entire operation into a new flashpoint, I said it would be cool, but the easiest way is to allow us to do the dailies of Oricon just like Shadow of Revan did on Yavin. Surely that is not unreasonable to ask, it's making a few tweaks to put in the extra option and then have the final cutscenes of the Oricon arc be played once you did the dailies. How would such a small thing that can probably be done in a day's worth of work (I think) affect anyone in a big way?


You can already do the dailies, and you can already see the cutscenes (see: YouTube). Bioware does not need to go back to Oricon and develop even one hour of work into, let alone the dozens/hundreds to tweak/rewrite it for the solo crowd.

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It's not about a group vs. solo mentality - it's about asking BW to go back and add new content to Oricon, which released almost 4 years ago, at the expense of doing something new for the game.


In the context of SM Operations now being bolstered and very easy to complete, it's an unreasonable thing to ask BW to deliver a solo ending years after the fact. Most other players, of all preferences, would like to see new content.


Agree. Whilst I'd like to see it happen there are things that are far more important that need to be dealt with.

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You can already do the dailies, and you can already see the cutscenes (see: YouTube). Bioware does not need to go back to Oricon and develop even one hour of work into, let alone the dozens/hundreds to tweak/rewrite it for the solo crowd.


Basically you are saying "you don't need to complete the mission just as long as I get what I want". I am not trying to twist your words, but it sounds to me as if you are saying I am a lesser player that doesn't have the same rights as you have to this game. Sure, I can watch the cutscenes on Youtube but that Oricon mission sits in my mission log unfinished. It's a small thing yeah, but as a paying customer I have the same rights as you to ask for a remedy to this. evem if I want to use the product I am paying for in a slightly different way than you, but a way that is still a valid manner of using the product. Your way of playing is not the only right way of playing it.

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It's not about a group vs. solo mentality - it's about asking BW to go back and add new content to Oricon, which released almost 4 years ago, at the expense of doing something new for the game.


In the context of SM Operations now being bolstered and very easy to complete, it's an unreasonable thing to ask BW to deliver a solo ending years after the fact. Most other players, of all preferences, would like to see new content.


Given some of the posts here, I would say there's very a much a disdain for solo players.


And yes, I would prefer new content. But as mentioned, they *have* gone back to add solo modes to certain flashpoints without a lot of fuss. In terms of the manpower required to fix Oricon, as mentioned, it could be as simple as allowing completion of the dailies to send players to the cut scene. And while I'm aware that coding isn't "simple" per se, it's not asking the dev team to create anything new or do anything other than adding a redirect at the end of the dailies.

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I don't think you are understanding here. :) Some of us do not want (or cannot) do the grouping thing. It is either of no interest or, due to circumstances, not a good idea. I'm happy that there is group content for those who want to partake, that's great! All I complain about is when you've been moving along solo and then a step in that progress is suddenly turned into MUST group. That, I don't like at all.


This exactly- dont make something 85% solo and then suddenly require a group to finish. Its either group content or solo content not 85-90% solo then must grp to finish, thats beyond frustration

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Basically you are saying "you don't need to complete the mission just as long as I get what I want". I am not trying to twist your words, but it sounds to me as if you are saying I am a lesser player that doesn't have the same rights as you have to this game. Sure, I can watch the cutscenes on Youtube but that Oricon mission sits in my mission log unfinished. It's a small thing yeah, but as a paying customer I have the same rights as you to ask for a remedy to this. evem if I want to use the product I am paying for in a slightly different way than you, but a way that is still a valid manner of using the product. Your way of playing is not the only right way of playing it.


You're asking Bioware to devote valuable resources into rehashing old content for solo players - I'm not. It annoys me that final story bosses in vanilla can be killed in 3-4 GCDs now, but I'm not asking Bioware to go back and tweak those fights to accommodate level-sync and make them mildly challenging again - I'm moving forward. As you should.


Ravagers is not needed to finish the story on Rishi. Temple of Sacrifice is not needed to finish Shadow of Revan. Gods from the Machine is not required to finish the story on Iokath. Bioware seem to have learned their lesson, and are moving forward. You can easily abandon the Dread Fortress one-time, watch the cutscenes, and also move forward.

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Given some of the posts here, I would say there's very a much a disdain for solo players.


And yes, I would prefer new content. But as mentioned, they *have* gone back to add solo modes to certain flashpoints without a lot of fuss. In terms of the manpower required to fix Oricon, as mentioned, it could be as simple as allowing completion of the dailies to send players to the cut scene. And while I'm aware that coding isn't "simple" per se, it's not asking the dev team to create anything new or do anything other than adding a redirect at the end of the dailies.


Because that is the sad thing, because those player essentially claim we play the game wrong while the definition of an MMO is not the one they believe it is. For the third time I will quote how Wikipedia describes Multiplayer video games:


"A multiplayer video game is a video game in which more than one person can play in the same game environment at the same time. Video games are often single-player activities, putting the player against preprogrammed challenges or AI-controlled opponents (which lack the flexibility of human thought). Multiplayer games allow players interaction with other individuals in partnership, competition or rivalry, providing them with social communication absent from single-player games. In multiplayer games, players may compete against two (or more) human contestants, work cooperatively with a human partner to achieve a common goal, supervise other players' activity, co-op, and objective-based modes assaulting (or defending) a control point."


This is the definition of an MMO, not "everyone has to play in groups and if you want to play solo you're violating a made-up rule and play the game wrong". They may hate the solo players all they want but that doesn't take away the fact that most of this game is solo-content. The class stories, solo content with the option to group up. The planetary quests, solo content with the option to group up. The expanions, solo content with the option to group up. Flashpoints, originally group content but now with the option to solo it. Heroics, originally group content but now with the option to solo it. This is irrefutable proof that the Devs consider solo-playing this game a more than valid manner of playing it, so the argument of "this is an MMO, stop whining and group up" is hollow, empty, untrue and useless.

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This exactly- dont make something 85% solo and then suddenly require a group to finish. Its either group content or solo content not 85-90% solo then must grp to finish, thats beyond frustration


Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond, and Scum and Villainy are not solo content. Players that actually are playing the majority of the Dread Masters storyline are doing so in 8-man content. There are six Operations in the telling of the story - each of which take longer to complete than the five dailies on Oricon. The minor part of the Dread Masters storyline is the daily zone - not the other way around.

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You're asking Bioware to devote valuable resources into rehashing old content for solo players - I'm not. It annoys me that final story bosses in vanilla can be killed in 3-4 GCDs now, but I'm not asking Bioware to go back and tweak those fights to accommodate level-sync and make them mildly challenging again - I'm moving forward. As you should.


Ravagers is not needed to finish the story on Rishi. Temple of Sacrifice is not needed to finish Shadow of Revan. Gods from the Machine is not required to finish the story on Iokath. Bioware seem to have learned their lesson, and are moving forward. You can easily abandon the Dread Fortress one-time, watch the cutscenes, and also move forward.


But Oricon is, how many times do I have to repeat it. All the other Operations are optional, as Oricon should have been. You have to complete the Operations to finish Oricon, how do you not see this? How? Without running the operations you can only do the dailies but You. Will. Not. Finish. The. Entire. Storyarc. How clearer can I say this, do I need to put it in neon-coloured letters?


Also the solution you offer is very elitist... as long as you can stay happy. I have to sacrifice my way of playing for you? Ridiculous and not going to happen.

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Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict, Terror From Beyond, and Scum and Villainy are not solo content. Players that actually are playing the majority of the Dread Masters storyline are doing so in 8-man content. There are six Operations in the telling of the story - each of which take longer to complete than the five dailies on Oricon. The minor part of the Dread Masters storyline is the daily zone - not the other way around.


Oricon was presented as a story arc on its own. It has its own narrative, everyone playing it deserves a beginning and an end. You deserve that, I deserve that. What I don't deserve is being told to make do with a Youtube video and abandoning the quest so long as you can stay happy and play your way. This game is group content AS WELL AS solo content, whether you like it or not. Alternatives should be there for both the half playing primarily group content as well as the other half playing it solo. If they could do it in Shadow of Revan and Rishi, they can do it in Oricon as well. Period.

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But Oricon is, how many times do I have to repeat it. All the other Operations are optional, as Oricon should have been. You have to complete the Operations to finish Oricon, how do you not see this? How? Without running the operations you can only do the dailies but You. Will. Not. Finish. The. Entire. Storyarc. How clearer can I say this, do I need to put it in neon-coloured letters?


Also the solution you offer is very elitist... as long as you can stay happy. I have to sacrifice my way of playing for you? Ridiculous and not going to happen.


Everything on Oricon is optional. Vanilla -> Ilum -> RotHC -> SoR -> KotFE -> KotET -> Iokath. Really, Ilum's mission is the only one gets stuck in your log after completing the preceding missions - which also annoys me. I'd like to abandon Crystal Ball, but I can't; I'm actually forced to either keep that mission in my log or to play the quest chain. Again, you don't see me crying to Bioware to go back and change that, which is a smaller change than what you're asking for (just keep the mission on the ship's terminal and don't get it automatically on finishing Corellia).


You are the one being selfish and greedy here, not group players. You are the one demanding that Bioware go back and change content, not group players. You are the one that is trying to sidetrack future development of the game for your own selfish ends, not group players. You are the problem here, not group players.

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Except the whole dread master story is not essential for your story progression. The Oricon story leads to the fight with the Dread Masters.


That does not make a difference. The player is engaged in the story at the time they hit the wall, you establish a base, you save the stranded republic soldiers, get deeper to the core of the problem, are confronted by the images of the Dread Lords up on the central tower... and then nothing, other than an operation. If an operation was required to finish it, that would have been alright if an operation was required to begin it, but not for a simple daily mission area and a story that does have a worth of its own.


Besides the story of Shadow of Revan and Ziost has become somewhat obsolete with Knights of the Fallen Empire and whether or not you participate in it is irrelevant. In the end Darth Marr calls out the player character on his chase for the Emperor either way, and the Emperor turns out to be something completely different than he had been before. The writers of the Ziost story ark clearly did not intent for anything like Shadow of Revan to happen, it was more like saying... ok, we leave Ziost open ended, but we got enough of this story, so, now something completely different.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Everything on Oricon is optional. Vanilla -> Ilum -> RotHC -> SoR -> KotFE -> KotET -> Iokath. Really, Ilum's mission is the only one gets stuck in your log after completing the preceding missions - which also annoys me. I'd like to abandon Crystal Ball, but I can't; I'm actually forced to either keep that mission in my log or to play the quest chain. Again, you don't see me crying to Bioware to go back and change that, which is a smaller change than what you're asking for (just keep the mission on the ship's terminal and don't get it automatically on finishing Corellia).


You are the one being selfish and greedy here, not group players. You are the one demanding that Bioware go back and change content, not group players. You are the one that is trying to sidetrack future development of the game for your own selfish ends, not group players. You are the problem here, not group players.


I am asking for something that multiple players want. You don't see this thread being everyone against me, the reactions are pretty much 50/50 so I am not the only one wanting to see Oricon have a solo alternative. Also, what I am asking is in no way going to sidetrack future development, they're making fixes and changes to the base game all the time why are you so conveniently forgetting that? The new cutscenes at the start of the game we got with the Iokath update, they put time and effort into that, was the new story content sidetracked? Nope, we still got Iokath at that time as well as a ton of different new stuff. So you claiming that my request will sidetrack the future of game development of this game is very easy to be debunked. The patch notes are full of constant changes to older content, so if they could put in time to creating new cutscenes for all the class stories surely they can also put in some time in creating an alternative solo option for Oricon. Again, adding the option to do all the dailies instead of the OPS like in Shadow of Revan on Yavin being the alternative I ask for. Developing new cutscenes seems a lot more time consuming to me or am I the only one seeing this and are those opposing this conveniently forgetting this?


Also, how is Ilum stuck in your mission log? Please enlighten me because I manage to get through Ilum in a few hours...

Edited by Ylliarus
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