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Why Was Oricon Never Made Solo-Friendly?


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There is nothing in the world that's ever going to force or make me to group with you. Solo versions does not stop you grouping at all. If there is a solo version and players choose to do it solo and not group anymore, well that tells you everything you need to know.




Coincidentally, I happen to run GF pugs for FP's but I wont go near another Op. ;)

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Just wanted to ask a question here, as for why people think its so bad to do ops ? I mean, I see regularly people making announce for it on the fleet and they recruit everyone, even bad players. Besides, I don't think you could call these two ops «difficult» in story mode, in fact they are fairly easy even for beginner. Peoples that run those are usually kind enough to take the time to explain basic tactics for the boss fight. I personally never had an issue with carrying peoples that never cleared it as long as they listened to what I said (basically «don't walk there»). The same apply with Shroud's mission and else. :rak_03:

Group content can be fun, that's the point of a MMO if I recall. :rak_02:

Sure I can understand that peoples may refuse PvP stuff, cause it can be hard and frustrating. But a story mode ops can be quite good and interesting, both in terms of gameplay and story. I still remember the first time I beat the Dread Council... got really proud of myself at the time, even though it was on story mode :rolleyes:


Keep in mind that I was just asking something :D

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Just wanted to ask a question here, as for why people think its so bad to do ops ? I mean, I see regularly people making announce for it on the fleet and they recruit everyone, even bad players. Besides, I don't think you could call these two ops «difficult» in story mode, in fact they are fairly easy even for beginner. Peoples that run those are usually kind enough to take the time to explain basic tactics for the boss fight. I personally never had an issue with carrying peoples that never cleared it as long as they listened to what I said (basically «don't walk there»). The same apply with Shroud's mission and else. :rak_03:

Group content can be fun, that's the point of a MMO if I recall. :rak_02:

Sure I can understand that peoples may refuse PvP stuff, cause it can be hard and frustrating. But a story mode ops can be quite good and interesting, both in terms of gameplay and story. I still remember the first time I beat the Dread Council... got really proud of myself at the time, even though it was on story mode :rolleyes:


Keep in mind that I was just asking something :D


Group content is not the point of an MMO. It can be a large part of one, yes. The term (MMO) came to being as a way to indicate that a game could be played online that supported numerous other players as well. This contrasted, at the time, with games that only supported a few people at once. As time has passed the industry learned that not everyone wants to run in a pack. Wise dev. houses learned that having BOTH types of content was the way to go.


I'm grateful for most of the content being available to soloers given the way I have to play (sometimes I have to bail quickly and this is, understandably, frowned on by groups). The only time I get cranky is when content that is necessary to progression gets mired behind OPs or the like.

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Oricon finishes and THEN you get the ops. After doing Dread fortress/palace, you dont get a closing cutscene that "wraps up" the story for you, and even after you finish the ops those quest givers still have that gold triangle over their heads so you can re-take it after. (or at least, they still have it for me) So, if you are at that point youre done with the story for all intents and purposes, theres not an ending or wrap-up that youre missing out on or anything for not doing the ops.


That is incorrect. The Oricon story arc does indeed wrap up AFTER the Ops, not before. There are also cutscenes that wrap the story up that can only be triggered after completing Dread Fortress and Dread Palace, and returning back to the original quest giver in the starting area.


Spoiler ahead....


On Republic side in fact Calphayus is revealed to have survived, and he comes to the Republic camp to surrender.

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Group content is not the point of an MMO. It can be a large part of one, yes. The term (MMO) came to being as a way to indicate that a game could be played online that supported numerous other players as well. This contrasted, at the time, with games that only supported a few people at once. As time has passed the industry learned that not everyone wants to run in a pack. Wise dev. houses learned that having BOTH types of content was the way to go.


I'm grateful for most of the content being available to soloers given the way I have to play (sometimes I have to bail quickly and this is, understandably, frowned on by groups). The only time I get cranky is when content that is necessary to progression gets mired behind OPs or the like.


Well I see your point, and partially agree with it.

But then, we could take the question in the other direction ?

Why is there still solo content in this game ? I want everything to be done only with other peoples... *jk* :rak_03:


Hope you see my point here. Like you said, this game is made in a way that it will promote different content for different person : some have solo quest line like Kotfe or HK-51, some have multiplayer content like Ops or, flashpoint, some have pvp content while other have SH... the list goes on and on. The thing is, these content don't really overlap with each other. You cannot do pvp while inside an operation, as well as killing mob or progressing storyline isn't exactly the goal of a warzone...

Still, there is one thing that link everything : it is way easier and way more accessible when doing it with other peoples.


You can clear a veteran FP by yourself, you can also do pvp or class story by yourself and play for yourself. But there are case where you need to team up in order to clear things... that are made for multiple people. Making them doable on solo mode would (change every boss fight and would also) ruin the whole point of what you said. There needs to be different things for everyone imo. I don't think that making them solo would do any good for the game, who already struggle to keep peoples together, doing things with other.


I find this quest kinda nice you know ? Like the alliance recruitment. It ask you to do these things that go out of the ordinary solo routine, to change things a little and make peoples discover another part of the game. Oricon ask you to try Ops. Pierce ask you to pvp. Lokin ask you about an in game event. Bowdaar it's about the Eternal Championship... there still needs to be a GSF companion though :p


I think I lost myself somewhere in my post... still not used to clearly express myself in english, sorry about that and hope you got what I said ^^'

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Some star wars fans are so anti-social and terrified of others. It's like if you say hello to them they might have a panic attack. Never understood what is so scary about group content. Games are actually fun to play with other people. Make some friends it's actually quite nice.

and before the reply of "but people are mean and yell at you for making a mistake" Oh boohoo. there is an ignore feature, plus I have played since release and can't even count on one hand the times someone raged at me for a mistake.



Do not diss people with mental illnesses, how very rude of you.

I personally know people who do not do group content for this very reason. Social anxiety which can result in panic attacks. Until you live that life you don't know.


It can be very stressful, there are many elitists out there who can be extremely rude if even one thing goes wrong in a PUG or in PVP or any of that.


Story content should never required forced grouping to complete, especially now when so many peoples friends have left the game and doing it would force them to group with strangers.


It is not for anyine to say how or why someone should play a game or enjoy playing a game that is open to everyone and all kinds of playstyles.

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So on my Sith Inquisitor, Sith Sorcerer better said that I have been playing for years now the mission on Oricon is still there.. stuck at the same exact point... left untouched... It's where you have to finish the 2 OPS in order to finish the story arc on the planet. Which is something I don't understand why it hasn't been remedied to be solo-friendly.


I don't do OPS, I don't want to do them as it's not my playstyle and I don't need the pressure of it on my shoulders. Flashpoints sure I love 'em, but I'll stay away from OPS. Which is where my issue lies with because now I will never be able to finish Oricon. Why wasn't there an alternative added to the Dread Master Arc like we had in Shadow of Revan? People could choose to play the OPS or they could do dailies instead to progress the story. So, it's not like an alternative is unthinkable and lately Iokath also has a story arc that can be supplemented with an OPS but it's not vital to continue the story. I ask therefore again, why after all this time there wasn't crafted a solution for the Oricon story arc?


Perhaps the alternative could be really easy and doing the dailies will be what is needed. A more fun solution could be making an alternative flashpoint for the Oricon OPS that allow the player to experience the raids but it's not on actual Operations level and is also soloable for those who like that playstyle. You'd be given the choice whether you'd want to complete the Oricon story through OPS or Flashpoint. The latter would also be a good preparation for those who'd eventually want to dive into the operations.


Both those OPS are dead easy to do as Strory Mode which will complete the story arc.

Just wait until you see those advertised on fleet and join the fun.

Both Operations have nice mechanics, I've pugged both OPS multiple times without issues.

If you want to prepare for the OPS, just watch the SM runs on YouTube.

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Both those OPS are dead easy to do as Strory Mode which will complete the story arc.

Just wait until you see those advertised on fleet and join the fun.

Both Operations have nice mechanics, I've pugged both OPS multiple times without issues.

If you want to prepare for the OPS, just watch the SM runs on YouTube.


"Dead easy" for you might not be for me or others. :)


It needs to be understood that, for a variety of legit reasons, some folk can't or don't care to "group up". Happily the industry figured this out awhile back and started creating games to suit both playstyles. I've never been fussed about EXTRA content being available only to those who group up, that's fine and should be encouraged for those who like that sort of thing. What irks me is when you are muddling along on your own and then BAM, you hit a "gotta group up to finish this quest line" thing.


Makes. Me. Crazy. (er)

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It'd be a nice addition to the game if they made one-time Solo options for all Ops (without gear drops). A lesser option (which will never happen realistically, because they're not going to go back and retroactively add new content to a four year old mission) would be just adding a solo-able boss fight against the Dread Masters that counts for closing out the mission chain.


If people would rather play solo than in a group, giving them the option sounds fine to me - it doesn't take the group option away from people who prefer to play with others.

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It'd be a nice addition to the game if they made one-time Solo options for all Ops (without gear drops). A lesser option (which will never happen realistically, because they're not going to go back and retroactively add new content to a four year old mission) would be just adding a solo-able boss fight against the Dread Masters that counts for closing out the mission chain.


If people would rather play solo than in a group, giving them the option sounds fine to me - it doesn't take the group option away from people who prefer to play with others.


Good thinking! Has my vote.

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Again. Star Wars is an MMO that second M means MULTIPLAYER. Those are amazing missions and we need more of them. This game has been reduced down enough from when it was actually challenging and you want to remove the last bits of challenge. No no no no. I can't say it enough. More of these not less.


The current MMO prefer more and more solo content, it doesn't punish you for not grouping, it rewards you with grouping.

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Except that isn't a main storyline. The entire Story of the Dread Master's (other then the empire quest to release them on Belsavis), is all an Operation Storyline. So if your not willing to do the Operations, then finishing the Oricon Story really shouldn't matter to you, since you've not been paying attention to that story anyway (It all starting with hints in KP about the dread master's and every Operations after that EC, TFB, SnV, DF, and DP are all about the dread master's).


Now with that being said, it is a GROUP CONTENT Storyline,so if your that stubborn about not doing group content, then it's your own fault if you are unwilling to group up for it. Most people won't rage on you if you tell them you do not know the fights ahead of time, and are willing to listen, and try to do the mechanics they are describing. Those that will rage most are due to the fact someone stays silent and doesn't mention they've never done the fights, and it causes wipes.


The Dread Masters are a major plot and should be open to everyone, including solo players.


KP, EC, TFB and SnV needs to have their solo mode as well.

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"Dead easy" for you might not be for me or others. :)


What irks me is when you are muddling along on your own and then BAM, you hit a "gotta group up to finish this quest line" thing.


Makes. Me. Crazy. (er)


Well, just a quick info, but some alliance missions needs group content in order to be completed. I quoted the mission with Pierce, when he ask you to pvp. Star Fortress also required multiple peoples to be completed if I remember correctly. You didn't do them because of this ? :rak_02:


And trust him when he says easy.

It may be hard by the look of it but it really isn't, it just needs the will to do it ;)

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Just wanted to ask a question here, as for why people think its so bad to do ops ? I mean, I see regularly people making announce for it on the fleet and they recruit everyone, even bad players. Besides, I don't think you could call these two ops «difficult» in story mode, in fact they are fairly easy even for beginner. Peoples that run those are usually kind enough to take the time to explain basic tactics for the boss fight. I personally never had an issue with carrying peoples that never cleared it as long as they listened to what I said (basically «don't walk there»). The same apply with Shroud's mission and else. :rak_03:

Group content can be fun, that's the point of a MMO if I recall. :rak_02:

Sure I can understand that peoples may refuse PvP stuff, cause it can be hard and frustrating. But a story mode ops can be quite good and interesting, both in terms of gameplay and story. I still remember the first time I beat the Dread Council... got really proud of myself at the time, even though it was on story mode :rolleyes:


Keep in mind that I was just asking something :D

I don't want to spend time to find 7 other ppl, waiting for them to all come, endure all the afk/drama and focus on the fighting instead of story.


Especially since SWTOR has strict trinity requirement.

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Well, just a quick info, but some alliance missions needs group content in order to be completed. I quoted the mission with Pierce, when he ask you to pvp. Star Fortress also required multiple peoples to be completed if I remember correctly. You didn't do them because of this ? :rak_02:


And trust him when he says easy.

It may be hard by the look of it but it really isn't, it just needs the will to do it ;)


That's fine...I have no issue with SOME needing grouping. I just chalk it up as "one that won't get done" and move along. Plenty of other companions so it's not a huge deal. And no, I do NOT PvP. Haven't in over a decade and don't intend to start up now. :)

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Well, just a quick info, but some alliance missions needs group content in order to be completed. I quoted the mission with Pierce, when he ask you to pvp. Star Fortress also required multiple peoples to be completed if I remember correctly. You didn't do them because of this ? :rak_02:


And trust him when he says easy.

It may be hard by the look of it but it really isn't, it just needs the will to do it ;)

Star Fortresses can be solo'd, including in Heroic Mode.

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I don't want to spend time to find 7 other ppl, waiting for them to all come, endure all the afk/drama and focus on the fighting instead of story.


Especially since SWTOR has strict trinity requirement.


Well, find other peoples, fairly easy. This is why group finder exist, and why there is a new operation on it daily. You're gonna find tons of peoples searching guys for the ops, usually on the fleet. Again, the magic of group finder is that it directly teleport you into the ops. As for the story focus, it's pve content. Whatever you do there will be fight even, in solo mode. In this case you can have the luck of people carrying it for you. XD

Why complain about it ? :o


Star Fortresses can be solo'd, including in Heroic Mode.


Yeah, but at first it was hard doing so, hence they put an achievement on doing it solo.

Edited by supertimtaf
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I don't want to spend time to find 7 other ppl, waiting for them to all come, endure all the afk/drama and focus on the fighting instead of story.


Especially since SWTOR has strict trinity requirement.


We call that "cape stepping" (from back in EQ raid days). It would take longer to get folks sorted, summoned, ready, etc. than do the actual content. Then there was the usual blame-game if things went awry. No thanks. That's not my idea of fun. It can be great fun IF you can run with the same people and work together to become a team but that just doesn't seem to happen anymore what with folks being older now and having that thing called a "life" outside gaming. It's rare.

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Well, find other peoples, fairly easy. This is why group finder exist, and why there is a new operation on it daily. You're gonna find tons of peoples searching guys for the ops, usually on the fleet. Again, the magic of group finder is that it directly teleport you into the ops. As for the story focus, it's pve content. Whatever you do there will be fight even, in solo mode. In this case you can have the luck of people carrying it for you. XD

Why complain about it ? :o




Yeah, but at first it was hard doing so, hence they put an achievement on doing it solo.


I don't think you are understanding here. :) Some of us do not want (or cannot) do the grouping thing. It is either of no interest or, due to circumstances, not a good idea. I'm happy that there is group content for those who want to partake, that's great! All I complain about is when you've been moving along solo and then a step in that progress is suddenly turned into MUST group. That, I don't like at all.

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That's fine...I have no issue with SOME needing grouping. I just chalk it up as "one that won't get done" and move along. Plenty of other companions so it's not a huge deal. And no, I do NOT PvP. Haven't in over a decade and don't intend to start up now. :)


Well, again, it's almost the same, no ? The game rewards you for doing something extra with peoples, but the whole Oricon arc being more like of a secondary story than something else, you don't miss a really important stuff.

If it was something at the end of a Kotet chapter, yeah you would miss it. But here it's completely optional, like those companion quest. ;)


Edit : I really insist on Oricon being an optional story arc, that is primarily tied to Operations. :p It isn't tied to any expansion restriction or something else and the whole main story can progress just fine without it. I understand the frustration here, but again this arc was made first for ending a series of Operations :rolleyes:

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Well, again, it's almost the same, no ? The game rewards you for doing something extra with peoples, but the whole Oricon arc being more like of a secondary story than something else, you don't miss a really important stuff.

If it was something at the end of a Kotet chapter, yeah you would miss it. But here it's completely optional, like those companion quest. ;)


I don't consider companion quests "optional", they are a major part of why I play the game; the story.


I HATE Oricon as a planet. The Dread Masters bit is interesting but the planet itself? Yuck. Again, I'm not overly fussed about the issue on Oricon, I just ignore the whole planet.

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I don't consider companion quests "optional", they are a major part of why I play the game; the story.


I HATE Oricon as a planet. The Dread Masters bit is interesting but the planet itself? Yuck. Again, I'm not overly fussed about the issue on Oricon, I just ignore the whole planet.


Yeah I see your point, but like I said in my edit above, Oricon's story is mainly tied around other operations.

Every operation that has came before has a link to the dread masters, putting them on a more and more dangerous role.

I understand the point of doing it for the story, but it lack sense if you don't do the main thing that brought this story arc ^^

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Well, find other peoples, fairly easy. This is why group finder exist, and why there is a new operation on it daily. You're gonna find tons of peoples searching guys for the ops, usually on the fleet. Again, the magic of group finder is that it directly teleport you into the ops. As for the story focus, it's pve content. Whatever you do there will be fight even, in solo mode. In this case you can have the luck of people carrying it for you. XD

Why complain about it ? :


Yeah, but at first it was hard doing so, hence they put an achievement on doing it solo.


Actually, group finder doesn't work on ops well, you need to find a group then queue. I don't want to spend the effort on these, it's going to ruin my enjoyment of the story.

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Yeah I see your point, but like I said in my edit above, Oricon's story is mainly tied around other operations.

Every operation that has came before has a link to the dread masters, putting them on a more and more dangerous role.

I understand the point of doing it for the story, but it lack sense if you don't do the main thing that brought this story arc ^^


Different strokes and all that. :)


I've only done Oricon with 2 characters and swore never to do so again. I know what it's like and I don't feel I'm missing overmuch to avoid it. Glad it's there for those who enjoy it and the dailies but I'd rather clean toilets than go back there.

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