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Why Was Oricon Never Made Solo-Friendly?


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You get 20 solo players on various planets, there your MULTIPLAYERS. It does not mean you must play together, must group, must do Op's or anything else . It just means you can have multiple players online at the same time. So don't start quoting MMO to me as clearly you don't even know what it means. There is nothing in the world that's ever going to force or make me to group with you. Solo versions does not stop you grouping at all. If there is a solo version and players choose to do it solo and not group anymore, well that tells you everything you need to know. If players still choose to group regardless of there being solo versions, well than what you so worried about??????????????????


I have a simple reply to you. Operations are meant to be epic encounters, not soloable. They are meant to coordinate efforts. SWTOR has Solo content, small group content, and large group content. If you want to experience all it has to offer you need to play all parts even if only once. You can't cheapen the game and dumb it down more because some people want to do everything solo. Play the solo parts and leave the ops alone.

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It is not for anyine to say how or why someone should play a game or enjoy playing a game that is open to everyone and all kinds of playstyles.


The only issue I have with this is that you are attempting to cheapen what other's have achieved. So your request does affect those that played the story as intended by the devs. As pointed out many aspects of the story have been carried into ops. Making them all soloable would truly be the end of the game.

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The only issue I have with this is that you are attempting to cheapen what other's have achieved. So your request does affect those that played the story as intended by the devs. As pointed out many aspects of the story have been carried into ops. Making them all soloable would truly be the end of the game.


This isn't about OPs in general, just those that are plopped in the middle of an otherwise soloable quest line. OPs should be as they are...but a quest line that starts out with no idea (at least the first time 'round) that an OP is going to be needed isn't a good thing. That's the issue here, not people wanting OPs to be soloable.

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Show. Me. The. Rule. Where does it stand? How is it a fact? How do you explain the solo content in this game if what you say is a rule? Also, the "think two cents about this before posting" is something that only and solely applies to you and with how many times you have repeated it I would have expected for you to practice what you preach.


I repeat, where in the Terms and Conditions or the Code of Conduct does it say it's a rule? Show. Me. Where does Bioware say that doing group content and raiding is a rule in this game? Show. Me.


The fact that the devs put the end of the story behind an Operation makes it the current rule. You folks are asking to change it. Those of us that dislike the idea have chimed in. Until the devs change it, The Rule for the Dreadmasters story is you have to do an operation.

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This isn't about OPs in general, just those that are plopped in the middle of an otherwise soloable quest line. OPs should be as they are...but a quest line that starts out with no idea (at least the first time 'round) that an OP is going to be needed isn't a good thing. That's the issue here, not people wanting OPs to be soloable.


Let's take the position that SoR which came AFTER Oricon was the next evolution and SWTOR's way of saying, "We hear you solo folks and have changed our approach to story in Ops." They will not go back and add to an 4 year old expansion. It's just not reasonable.


Those that want to conclude the story have to do it under the current rules. That means doing 2 operations.

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You guys are keep saying Bioware lack of resource to fix the old content, but why the heck did they add level sync and bloster all the ops in the first place, if they didn't have the resource to make them relevant enough?


Applying level sync and bolster was fairly easy. There even were bugs right at start and tricks how you could avoid getting level synced. They are able to turn it off with ease, same for level scaling in ops.

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To reiterate the intended discussion: my solution to Oricon would be implementing a choice in the dialogues just like we had on Yavin in Shadow of Revan, it was explained we could do the Temple of Sacrifice to progress the story or instead do X amount of Yavin dailies to further the narrative. Would this solution be desirable for Oricon as an alternative to further the storyline? Either get the option of doing The Dread Fortress and The Dread Palace or instead choose the solo path of doing X amount of dailies, it can be twice the amount it was on Yavin since it's 2 raids that would be skipped.


The problem with Oricon is that you are running the dailies before the ops (end of story). What would you have them do? Run the dailies again? In SoR you are doing different missions and then in the end you do dailies and lets not forget the Revan fight, which is very nice and if Oricon were to become solo such a solo fight would definitely be needed, how could you beat the Dread Masters with just dailies??

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It's not just that. People just want to pick fights. The guy you just replied to said that no one asked for solo ops.


Well, various people have indeed suggested solo ops as a solution. He even replied to them himself.


But it makes no difference because I tell him that directly, he will mince words because he said ask instead of suggest.


Point is, people just want to fight on both sides. What ticks me off more than anything is people not wanting to properly explain their points but rather just disagree to disagree.


I personally really don't care either way. If they do something about it, I'm fine. If they don't I'm fine.


You want to get rid of the Oricion quest out of your log. I want to get rid of the KotFE and KotET quest logs of my characters that are part of it and I never want to do that solo content again. I guess I just think I'll have to live with that, as much as it bugs me. I'd grind dailies for a month to get rid of those quests rather than actually play through those chapters. Not because I hate story but because I hate that particular story.


I'd like them to do something about that too, but I'm definitely not holding my breath.


The "suggestions" are made in a way to ridicule the people that for a plethora of reasons are unable to complete a mission/storyline they really want to.

Most of the suggestions are infeasible on purpose so as to give the impression that the solution is impossible, when the solution is actually very easy when you realize what the OP and others are actually asking for and not what an elitist raider thinks they're asking for.

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What effort? The WB are pretty much dead content now. Other than a few guilds nobody is doing them anymore. When the playerbase has switched focus, it has to be adjusted.


The most successful MMO, WOW, even the most hardcore MMO EQ let you solo old bosses because otherwise it's dead content. Are you angry at them.


Back to topic, people are claiming no resource to be used on Oricon, then the cheapest way is to bring it back to level 55.


The reason why its dead content is NO REWARDS! Look at NiM Pilgrim, it really requires a group of 16 and some awerness. The boss is quite hard for the average Joe, but drops nothing!


Now we got the bugged dailiy CXP rewards and what happened? I had to go to PVP instance since everyone was doing dalies on Yavin and I couldnt kill the mobs I need due to too many players. People are fine doing old stuff, but need to be rewarded!

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The reason why its dead content is NO REWARDS! Look at NiM Pilgrim, it really requires a group of 16 and some awerness. The boss is quite hard for the average Joe, but drops nothing!


Now we got the bugged dailiy CXP rewards and what happened? I had to go to PVP instance since everyone was doing dalies on Yavin and I couldnt kill the mobs I need due to too many players. People are fine doing old stuff, but need to be rewarded!


Reward people enough and they will indeed go and do old content. It's truly baffling to me that Bioware recognised that only now with a bug that gave a ton of CXP. They saw that and suddenly they have a revelation that players like to be rewarded for what they do ingame... while people have literally been screaming that for years now but the devs kinda shut their ears to it sadly

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Reward people enough and they will indeed go and do old content. It's truly baffling to me that Bioware recognised that only now with a bug that gave a ton of CXP. They saw that and suddenly they have a revelation that players like to be rewarded for what they do ingame... while people have literally been screaming that for years now but the devs kinda shut their ears to it sadly


This is a problem with CXP in general. You can find a few posts now with people saying "finnaly i reached rank 300" it was that people for "whom the system was made" didnt actually grind! People who wanted gear only searched for exploits. We had the gold mobs, KP trash, chapters etc. People only did what was good for cxp, they left everything else be!


That was a clear message to the Devs, that people dont like the system or at least do whats most beneficial. They should use this info and apply better values to the rewards in general, that way people will do everything!

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The fact that the devs put the end of the story behind an Operation makes it the current rule. You folks are asking to change it. Those of us that dislike the idea have chimed in. Until the devs change it, The Rule for the Dreadmasters story is you have to do an operation.

Hence why some of us are asking for such rules to be changed.


I'm absolutely a solo player, but i'd like to see the story behind some operations, not all but just some "main" ones. I've tried to do ops in the past, and while some people in this thread say raiders are usually warm and welcoming, i've encountered right the opposite.


I play for fun, and i wont play something if it's not fun. In my experience, raiders (not all, but most of them) are usually slef entitled brats too elitist and arrogant even to care to explain the mechanics to the noob. I've been raged on for failing, or rejected because of not knowing the mechanics. I mean, how the hell am i gonna learn them if nobody ever explians them to me, in the first place?


No, those days are over. Raiders are the ones in need of new blood, because every time less and less people do ops. And, i have one thing clear, if i have to choose between doing an op or not seeing that content, i'll always choose not seeing that content. Nobody here can judge me for anything, and i wont let that happen again.


If a mode has to die, then it dies period. Let the people choose. If there is an op, both group or soloable, and there's not enough people to group it, then the people have decided, they prefer doing the op solo and that's it, raiders will have to cope with it. Forcing people to do stuff they dont want to is probably the worst idea.


I'm fine with group content being there for anyone who wants to do it with friends, guildies and such, but that content should be available to solo players too, which to my knowledge are quite a good portion of the playerbase, and if not enough players decide to group, for whatever reasons, then SO BE IT, FFS. If i have to group in order to play stuff, then to hell with it, it can rot as far as me (and many others) are concerned.

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Main storyline should be accessible to everyone.


Lol it isnt "main". The OP consists of you killing the Dread Masters and the mission giver saying "Thanks, good job". Done, thats it. Next, this is an MMO. I havent done Ops since 4.0 launched due to everyone grinding solo content, and Im on a different timezone to everyone (im on bergeren colony, timezone is Australia) so as you can imagine I can rarely ever find anyone. Hence, why I don't sub anymore. The focus on solo content is killing this game.


Solo should be a proving ground to teach you important mechanics to prepare you for group content. Oricon is the absolute perfect example of this. If you want single player....go play a single player RPG and stop ruining this MMO with solo only requests.

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Lol it isnt "main". The OP consists of you killing the Dread Masters and the mission giver saying "Thanks, good job". Done, thats it. Next, this is an MMO. I havent done Ops since 4.0 launched due to everyone grinding solo content, and Im on a different timezone to everyone (im on bergeren colony, timezone is Australia) so as you can imagine I can rarely ever find anyone. Hence, why I don't sub anymore. The focus on solo content is killing this game.


Solo should be a proving ground to teach you important mechanics to prepare you for group content. Oricon is the absolute perfect example of this. If you want single player....go play a single player RPG and stop ruining this MMO with solo only requests.

What it should or should not be is entirely your opinion, obviously.


There's quite an amount of us who play exclusively for the solo content. If there's not enough people to do the ops, have you considered it may be because people actually prefer not to group?


What are you suggesting, to force them to group? If the mode has to die out, just because people choose something different, then that is darwinism mate, adapt or die. Players must have the right to CHOOSE what they want to do, period.


The problem is not solo content killing the game, that is ridiculous. Remove or stop pumping solo content (story content) and you'll see how long more this game stays alive. The problem is actually raiders who think they are the center of the galaxy, that the main focus should be group content and that everything which is not what they want, "it's killing the game".


Have you considered that maybe raider are more of a minority than you think? have you considered that solo players are currently the largest portion of the playerbase? No right, no. Just like most of riders, you think you are the select elite who deserves everything tailored for you. You get to see the solo content and the ops content, but a solo player doesnt get to see the ops content if he doesnt put up with people, otherwise he wont see that content ever.


If people choose, and they mostly prefer to do stuff solo, then deal with it. Ops are not the main focus of this game, assume it and move on, which considering you have unsubbed then you have moved on, hard to say if we take into account that you still can post here.

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Solo should be a proving ground to teach you important mechanics to prepare you for group content. Oricon is the absolute perfect example of this. If you want single player....go play a single player RPG and stop ruining this MMO with solo only requests.


There are many reason why this game is starting heading towards the slope of "dying", but the fact that solo content is being put into this game most certainly isn't one. The class stories, the planetary quests, the entire vanilla game, 75% of that is solo content and did it make SWTOR a flop? No! It was what made this game an enormous success at launch. If we are to believe Bioware then KotFE, a solo content focused expansion, was their most succesful one to date. So the single player content is not what is killing this game and you stating that is nothing more but a strawman argument.


Also, did you read my original post at all? I am asking for a solo alternative, not solo-only. You warp and twist my request into something that you can easily nuke without much effort of thinking up a sensible argument instead. All I ask is that story content is accessible to both solo-players as well as multi-players, Oricon is story content as well as operation content so both should be accessible to both kinds of players.


This is how Wikipedia describes a massive-multiplayer online game:


"A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG or MMO) is an online game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players, typically from hundreds to thousands, simultaneously in the same instance (or world).[1] MMOs usually feature a huge, persistent open world, although some games differ. These games can be found for most network-capable platforms, including the personal computer, video game console, or smartphones and other mobile devices.


MMOs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world. They include a variety of gameplay types, representing many video game genres."


Look at the wording "can enable the players" "they include a variety of gameplay types', an MMO is not group content-only, it offers the option, the choice. So you argument of "this is an MMO, just suck it up and do group content or go play a single-player" is invalid. This game supports a solo-player style as well as a multiplayer one, so both kinds of players have a right to the same content, not solo-players more to this or multiplayers more to that. Also, I am not going to abandon a game I have invested 5 years into, a game that I love and adore beyond all other games.


So solo-focus players as well as multi-focus players have to learn to live side by side or otherwise we'll get discussions like this all the time. Hasn't it occured to you that you supporting us for once can gather goodwill from us so we can vouch for more group content to support you? Hasn't it occured to you we could be allies and support both our needs, hopes and wants for in this game? A unified front is always a stronger one, but if you'll let your childish distaste for soloplayers get in the way we'll never achieve anything together.

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There are many reason why this game is starting heading towards the slope of "dying", but the fact that solo content is being put into this game most certainly isn't one. The class stories, the planetary quests, the entire vanilla game, 75% of that is solo content and did it make SWTOR a flop? No! It was what made this game an enormous success at launch. If we are to believe Bioware then KotFE, a solo content focused expansion, was their most succesful one to date. So the single player content is not what is killing this game and you stating that is nothing more but a strawman argument.


You do realize that at launch the game had millions of subs due to the fact that people expected this to be competition to WoW, or whatever. Whatever it was that the players expected of the game they didnt get it cause the game lost most of its players 2-3 months after launch.


That clearly shows that people took time to level up toons and then realized there is nothing to do (no raids) and left the game!! Those millions of subs wanted group content, which they didnt get and that is why swtor is struggling until now!

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Yes there was one, but just one, then there was Karragas Rancor. Slowly they added more but they already lost the advantage they had at launch with having so many players in game.


Well yeah, again that's the whole point of this game.

Devs have what it takes to make peoples happy but still ends up deceiving peoples by only making their game, not the game peoples want to play. It's not a secret and unless Keith and his team changes things around a bit (the bugged cxp daily could be the start of it) then this game will continue to lose players.


I still remember when I was playing on Battle Meditation, a french RP server at the time, who had very decent pvp teams along with good raiders. 4.0 got out, in less than a month we went from "relatively active server" from "empty server". At the time you could still meet more than 70 peoples on the fleet, both imp and pub side. Now you're lucky if you have more than 6 :rolleyes:

There was a small wave of players coming back when SW7 was released, but they went away quickly. The same goes for 5.0 update. Peoples came back to see what was new but didn't found the game interesting enough to come back more than a week.


If we are to believe Bioware then KotFE, a solo content focused expansion, was their most succesful one to date. So the single player content is not what is killing this game and you stating that is nothing more but a strawman argument.


Your stating can also be taken as a random argument. Again, we're talking about Bioware, the guys that had Ben Irving for Game Producer. The same guys that keep deceiving peoples whenever they announce something new.

I'll just remind you of their latest update and its content.


"Crisis on Umbara" -> A new Flashpoint, great. BW put half of their promotion campaign into the fact that you could get a stronghold with it in just 3 master mode run.

However they "forgot" to tell peoples about the weekly cap, that would prevent them from getting the stronghold quickly.

S8 ranked rewards. We got the tier breakdown and rewards almost two month too late. I'll pass about the quality of those rewards, those just look like CM reskin...


I can continue and list you each times they deceived peoples about this game, but I don't have the whole day to read again and again every patch note they wrote. :(


You said not to quote something like a strawman argument, but you're doing the same by quoting BW, who said this without any kind of proof or whatsoever. Again, we're talking about a business company, the guys that can tweak words and fact to match their purpose.

Sure, Kotfe may have brought players when it released. But I doubt these players stayed for more than a week. Most of EU servers are dead since the release of these expansion about Zakuul and everything else. Care to explain why ? Maybe it was the lack of story or solo content ? I seriously doubt it, except if they spend a whole week doing every story content in this game. ;)



Sorry for interrupting this argument, but this has gone way off topic imo. I think I've already made my point before about the original topic, I won't repeat myself again for an endless debates. It has been fun talking with you guys, cya in game. :rak_03:

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Lol it isnt "main". The OP consists of you killing the Dread Masters and the mission giver saying "Thanks, good job". Done, thats it. Next, this is an MMO. I havent done Ops since 4.0 launched due to everyone grinding solo content, and Im on a different timezone to everyone (im on bergeren colony, timezone is Australia) so as you can imagine I can rarely ever find anyone. Hence, why I don't sub anymore. The focus on solo content is killing this game.


Solo should be a proving ground to teach you important mechanics to prepare you for group content. Oricon is the absolute perfect example of this. If you want single player....go play a single player RPG and stop ruining this MMO with solo only requests.


Exactly, solo players, who in addition very often are on/off subscribers every couple months or more, are the death of any subscription based online game. Only morons don't get it that the main if not the only reason that an online connection is mandatory for a game is became you have to or want to interact with other people. Developing content needs money and temporary solo subs who are not supporting a working online community don't support this in any way, including financially.

I can't believe this ridiculous thread even exists given that there is already relatively way too much solo content in this ONLINE game. Absurd.

Edited by Khaleg
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Exactly, solo players, who in addition very often are on/off subscribers every couple months or more, are the death of any subscription based online game. Only morons don't get it that the main if not the only reason that an online connection is mandatory for a game is became you have to or want to interact with other people. Developing content needs money and temporary solo subs who are not supporting a working online community don't support this in any way, including financially.

I can't believe this ridiculous thread even exists given that there is already relatively way too much solo content in this ONLINE game. Absurd.


Online does not mean the same as group play - how dense are you people?


If you use chat, if you join a quild, if you've ever used the GTN - you are interacting with other people.


SWTOR started as a mainly solo game - it is not solo content that is hurting the game, or it would have died already.


As to the temporary subs issue: (note: no one knows the actual numbers, outside of EA's financail department so this is all purely speculation as to why SWTOR went FTP years ago.


Let's keep the math simple:

--One person subscribes for one year -- $150.00 total

--Ten people are temporary subscribers, let's say for two months a year -- $300.00 total


As far as EA is concerned, in that scenario the temporary subs are worth more than the full-time subs.


* Getting back to the thread topic: Changing Oricon as this time is unlikely, but changing the starting quest to indicate it ends in an Operation should be fairly simple, and a courtesy to newer players. Ditto on the seeker droid/macrobinoculars quests not being soloable at the end.

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Online does not mean the same as group play - how dense are you people?


If you use chat, if you join a quild, if you've ever used the GTN - you are interacting with other people.


SWTOR started as a mainly solo game - it is not solo content that is hurting the game, or it would have died already.


As to the temporary subs issue: (note: no one knows the actual numbers, outside of EA's financail department so this is all purely speculation as to why SWTOR went FTP years ago.


Let's keep the math simple:

--One person subscribes for one year -- $150.00 total

--Ten people are temporary subscribers, let's say for two months a year -- $300.00 total


As far as EA is concerned, in that scenario the temporary subs are worth more than the full-time subs.


* Getting back to the thread topic: Changing Oricon as this time is unlikely, but changing the starting quest to indicate it ends in an Operation should be fairly simple, and a courtesy to newer players. Ditto on the seeker droid/macrobinoculars quests not being soloable at the end.


So, based on your example, it would take only one of the ten subscribers to shift from temporary status to someone wanting to play the game year round to tip the balance in favor of maintaining long term subscribers over trying to attract short term subs. I don't know about you, but if I ran the company that would seem to be a pretty convincing argument for trying to retain as many subscribers as possible, and make me think that failure to do so would be bad for the business.


The fact it that when Oricon was launched, the game was on a pretty good footing, and the idea of incorporating story into operations definitely made sense.


Unfortunately, the devs stopped producing content like Oricon, and decided to shift to a single "story on rails" focus with the launch of 4.0, and many of the long time subscribers decided to leave the game because of that change in focus.


While that might have seemed like a good decision in the short term, it has not proven to be as successful in the long run, and now they are struggling to rebuild their staff to bring out content that will appeal to a broader audience.


What we need now (in my opinion) is for the devs to get back to producing more content like Oricon with open worlds that will allow people to receive credit for doing missions when grouping up and playing with their friends, and where story does tie into more new group content like they did with Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.


What we don't need is for them to go back and redo old content to shift more focus to solo play. Oricon should be left alone, and if people want to see the story, but don't like to do operations, they should view the cut scenes on YouTube™ or something like that.

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Exactly, solo players, who in addition very often are on/off subscribers every couple months or more, are the death of any subscription based online game. Only morons don't get it that the main if not the only reason that an online connection is mandatory for a game is became you have to or want to interact with other people. Developing content needs money and temporary solo subs who are not supporting a working online community don't support this in any way, including financially.

I can't believe this ridiculous thread even exists given that there is already relatively way too much solo content in this ONLINE game. Absurd.


I am a subscriber, have been non stop since five years. No pauses, no breaks, constant subscription. So don't go generalising. Yes, I do PvP daily so I am not a typical solo-player, but that only proves that the people requesting a solo alternative for Oricon aren't only solo players who hiss at any social interaction in the game. I run flashpoints, uprisings, just not operations. So, there isn't a single standard version of a solo-player, generalising will really not get us far in this debate.


Basically you are saying "I don't agree with you so whatever you say or whatever thread you make is absurd", now that isn't very mature or helpful in a sensible discussion, you know? You're viewing yourself as superior from what I read in your last lines and that is quite unfounded as no one is superior to anyone. My playstyle is just as valid as yours. And interacting in an online game means writing in chat, joining guilds, roleplaying as well. I've been a roleplayer for 4 years in this game, I've been part of numerous RP guilds. So your argument of "soloplayers are antisocial" is invalid.

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I am a subscriber, have been non stop since five years. No pauses, no breaks, constant subscription. So don't go generalising. Yes, I do PvP daily so I am not a typical solo-player, but that only proves that the people requesting a solo alternative for Oricon aren't only solo players who hiss at any social interaction in the game. I run flashpoints, uprisings, just not operations. So, there isn't a single standard version of a solo-player, generalising will really not get us far in this debate.


Not sure where the idea came from that solo players are the fickle ones. From what I've seen over the years they are the ones who tend to stick with a game. The content-gobblers (raiders, PvPers) are far more likely to head over to another game when they have gone through the content in an MMO (moreso the raiders than the PvPers, they often are "self-entertaining").


I know an entire guild that, since vanilla EQ days has been bouncing around all the MMOs as raiders. They spend six months or so in an MMO, achieve what they can and then move to the next. They are rarely at a loss for content because they can always move on to the next.

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Not sure where the idea came from that solo players are the fickle ones. From what I've seen over the years they are the ones who tend to stick with a game. The content-gobblers (raiders, PvPers) are far more likely to head over to another game when they have gone through the content in an MMO (moreso the raiders than the PvPers, they often are "self-entertaining").


I know an entire guild that, since vanilla EQ days has been bouncing around all the MMOs as raiders. They spend six months or so in an MMO, achieve what they can and then move to the next. They are rarely at a loss for content because they can always move on to the next.


It is evident that they're putting up strawman arguments just so they can counter this thread and disagree with it. It's indeed the solo-players who are more story-focused in this game that maintain their subscriptions (taking myself as a prime example of it). But again, people are generalising solo-players in this game. Aye, I am more solo-focused when playing story etc, but when it comes to PvP I am very active in it. So there isn't one type of soloplayer, there are all kinds of them. Just like there are raiders who like to do everything from A to B and raiders who speedrun everything and take shortcuts to the bosses. Nothing wrong with either, the same going for solo players.

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