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The Jump pad in Huttball. RANDOM IN PVP IS BAD!


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Why you act like it needs to be used every time it is avaliable is beyond me. A little randomness is good. You take a gamble, sometimes it pays off other times it screws you. I you don't like the jump pad don't use it. I will use it if the other team's ball carrier is taking the ball to the ramp...sometimes I just land in the pit, so I have to force jump up to the ball carrier, other times I land right ontop of him and can start wailing on him. It is a risk I deem to take. If you do not like the risk, don't use the pad, and if you get shoved into the pad it could either screw you or save you. A little randomness is not a bad thing, if you can usually control when you take that risk.
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You are explaining what it is. I understand what it is and repeating what it is in in no way helpful to this conversation. What you guys don't seem to understand is me explaining why this is bad for a competitive PvP environment. You have done nothing to say why this is not a bad thing.


Your explanation that just because it's random makes it bad for competition is a load of baloney. Again, you have the choice to not use it if you're that scared of it. But the other team might gamble and your team has to be prepared for it. Part of competition and especially part of being a high-level competitor is your ability to be prepared for the unexpected. If you can't handle that, then maybe you shouldn't be competing at all.


We understand exactly what you're saying. The only problem is that you don't seem to understand why it's there and why it's random. The reason it's random, and the reason there is a bit of a gambling aspect to it, is because it's right in the center of the platform about 10 feet from where the ball starts. If you want to make sure you can get up on a higher-level platform, you need to walk around to the other side and take the ramp, or go around the acid pit and go up the center ramp.


Because the jump pad is soooooo conveniently located compared to the ramps up, there must be an element of possible fail to it. If there isn't, they might as well have just put the ramp in the front right next to the neutral ball location instead of around the back.


That's what you're not understanding. It's not MEANT to be a sure thing. It's MEANT for you to make a choice whether you're willing to gamble on the possibility you might save time or lose time and distance.


If you don't like it, run around the other side and take the ramp.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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You are not forced to step on the jump pad at any time. There are ways around it; you can go around it and if you're worried about the fact that ball carrier gets thrown into random direction, you can always pass the ball.


It's a risky shortcut, that you are not FORCED to take. Understand?


actualy i have been pushed onto the force pad many times AKA forced onto the pad. as a healer the pad is junk i try to stay away from it.

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Risk vs Reward. The combat is all random dice rolls anyways. Don't like it? Don't use the jump pad then.




I like a bit of random, it mixes things up. And I also like the hazards and pitfalls, makes you be more situationally aware.


Suck it up, or dont use the jump pad.

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