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You Went Too Far Bioware!


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I don't have anything against Scourge, but he's more a bro than a romance. He's too vulcan for me. Barely any emotion and he is always whining about wanting to feels things, etc. I get enough whining from my adult (60s) parents about their health issues. Scourge whining about not being able to feel or emote is basically a health issue. No thanks.


Besides, I'm not really all that into Sith Purebloods. My operative is one, cause I could ***** slap Kaliyo. But he's more of a character I use to bone Theron since that's hot. Otherwise? No thank you. My JK is quite happy with Doc.

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It's a deal breaker for me and we don't know when the next installment is. I've already decided based on my friend leaving that I will leave right along with him after next month. My sub runs out shortly after that and I won't be resubbing. This was a massive deal breaker for me and with no official word from anyone and continual ignorance by Bioware I'm very concerned the future of the character cause I don't trust Bioware to do what is right and not sideline this character.


Here's my take on this.


I have characters with every variation of love interest possible.


And while I would be slightly peeved if I lost any of those LI's I could and would accept it if it was done appropriately through a well written story arc. Heck if it was done really well I would even applaud them for doing so.


My issue with what they have done to X has nothing at all to do with him being a Male/Male LI, and everything to do with it making no sense for anything other than a Dark Side Despot - or if he is going undercover it being some of the most awful and inconsistent story-writing this game has ever seen.


All The Best

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yes. The reason it sucks so bad is because of bioware, not the edgelord themselves. We're all edgelords at certain times. I'm pretty damn murderous on my main :D but i know it's because it doesn't matter if i kill them or not if i don't particularly care about them, i'm not ever going to regret it. I'll never miss out on any content. I'll never get any special surprises if i don't. There are no bonuses for letting people live. No ability boosts. No achievements. It's just a lazy trope at this point.


Choicesmatter™ but only the edgelord's choice, apparently. The choice to care about your favorite companion doesn't matter, because the edgelord is never punished, the person who cares is.


I would rather see theron die heroically and go out in a blaze of glory for everyone than to have him killable by someone who doesn't give a **** about the story and is just loling through it. If bioware wants to write people out of their stories, then actually write them out, either that or keep them in and let the edgelords deal with their missed content. It just seems so dumb to punish your biggest fans to cater to people who don't care or actively hate a character you've created.



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What if Theron is sidelined like Koth/Quinn but in the next expansion they brought back Scourge as a romance option? Would all be forgiven or is it Theron or nothing?


Scourge is one my favourite companions and having him as a romance option would be pretty cool. I still prefer Theron more, so moving him out of the way just for the sake of having a romance with Scourge would be dumb in my opinion.

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That we know of. If we go by canon of KOTOR he was redeemed but that doesn't mean he's escaped Korriban cause he was trying to rescue others and we know nothing else since. Course there's is nothing to say Carth didn't remarry and have any more kids but we really don't know either.


My Carth married Revan and SHE got pregnant before SHE disappeared :p

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Yes. The reason it sucks so bad is because of Bioware, not the edgelord themselves. We're all edgelords at certain times. I'm pretty damn murderous on my main :D But I know it's because it doesn't matter if I kill them or not if I don't particularly care about them, I'm not ever going to regret it. I'll never miss out on any content. I'll never get any special surprises if I don't. There are no bonuses for letting people live. No ability boosts. No achievements. It's just a lazy trope at this point.


ChoicesMatter™ but only the edgelord's choice, apparently. The choice to care about your favorite companion doesn't matter, because the Edgelord is never punished, the person who cares is.


I would rather see Theron die heroically and go out in a blaze of glory for everyone than to have him killable by someone who doesn't give a **** about the story and is just loling through it. If bioware wants to write people out of their stories, then actually write them out, either that or keep them in and let the Edgelords deal with their missed content. it just seems so dumb to punish your biggest fans to cater to people who don't care or actively hate a character you've created.


Hm, nah I rather have a "kill" option then a heroic dead of my favourite companion. He grew slowly on me but he did... he even surpassed Malavai after a while. ;) I want Theron back, simple as that. If you kill him off heroically (no matter how heroically) the headcannon cant spin on background stories without pulling a Kephess. :D I dont work this way, so if Theron is dead, he stays dead. If he has just a kill option, then my main can still return home to Odessen and spend time with him. I prefer my games with a happy ending (life has enough drama for me, I dont need it in an activity I voluntary do) or an open ending (which I can turn into a happy ending).


I dont play games to be sad and currently I am sad because every char of mine eiher has a best friend Theron Shan or a lover/husband Theron Shan. Permanently I am remembered at this treason and I play my chars on face value. Right now my Sith (main) is snapped out of her mind. There others wont even touch Umbara. Conclusion: if Theron dies, my char dies with him. Game over, simple as that. It is a dealbreaker for me. BW already feels the consequences from my side, not that it means much being a single person. But I planed on getting the Havok armor for some of my chars. Now I will not invest any more money into a game I am not sure I will continue to play in 2 months. I am sorry Keith and team. :(

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What if Theron is sidelined like Koth/Quinn but in the next expansion they brought back Scourge as a romance option? Would all be forgiven or is it Theron or nothing?

No, it's Theron or nothing, I have several toons that have romanced him specifically . He is one of the few characters outside of vanilla companions that I really like and I love his character and his story.

From the beginning female players/characters have been screwed over as far as romances are concerned, 3 less companion romances and most of the female PC's are considered prudes as there are practically zero flirty options outside of story for them whereas male characters gets to stick it in practically any npc that twitches.

Edited by serenitty
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No, it's Theron or nothing, I have several toons that have romanced him specifically . He is one of the few characters outside of vanilla companions that I really like and I love his character and his story.

From the beginning female players/characters have been screwed over as far as romances are concerned, 3 less companion romances and most of the female PC's are considered prudes as there are practically zero flirty options outside of story for them whereas male characters gets to stick it in practically any npc that twitches.


Yep totally agree here. Just look at some of the classes. The imperial agent and smuggler if played as a male gets to not only have love triangles with two companions but also can pretty much get with someone on every planet they visit. The male sith warrior also has a love triangle and can get with some people (Balmorra and Dromund Kaas) that I know of. Female sith inquisitor has one on Alderaan and female agent has one on Hutta outside their companion. It is a game heavily built on testosterone it seems. The one time we got a decent, charming and handsome companion (Quinn) we got betrayed. Then they give us Theron and we get betrayed again. Guess I should of expected that given how female players are treated in the game so far.

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:confused::confused: whyyyy?? I don't understand why you came in here to say this, but now I'm curious. How could anyone hate him? What, specifically, makes you hate him?

I don't like how he and Lana where basically forced down our throats.I'd take an original companion over them 2 any day.

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Yep totally agree here. Just look at some of the classes. The imperial agent and smuggler if played as a male gets to not only have love triangles with two companions but also can pretty much get with someone on every planet they visit. The male sith warrior also has a love triangle and can get with some people (Balmorra and Dromund Kaas) that I know of. Female sith inquisitor has one on Alderaan and female agent has one on Hutta outside their companion. It is a game heavily built on testosterone it seems. The one time we got a decent, charming and handsome companion (Quinn) we got betrayed. Then they give us Theron and we get betrayed again. Guess I should of expected that given how female players are treated in the game so far.


Agreed. In the class stories my female characters would have been happy to meet a companion (male or female, in my case) they wanted to romance, or have some good one-night stands, or both...and they pretty much got nothing. No SSR at all, and the male companions were not exactly...inspiring. I hated Quinn, and the others, ick, no. The one who seemed like a winner was Torian, but he was also high school age, so how about never. Meanwhile it does seem as though the male characters got about a thousand times better choices in all respects. In addition to the ones you've mentioned, male Imperials also have a fling option on Nar Shaddaa.


In the SoR expansion and onwards IMHO there were two good choices - my characters and I fell hard for Lana as soon as they met her and would stay with her over anyone else (yay for finally having a SSR option, as well), but Theron was an awesome character too.


The game dev culture does still seem to be very dudebro oriented...skimpy costumes only sold for female characters/companions; not enough romance choices (either straight or gay) for female players/characters, being expected to kiss and make up when one is betrayed, etc. Even the way Senya was handled, IMHO...Valkorion was a monster to her and her kids, but she still seemed to be into him.

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Yep totally agree here. Just look at some of the classes. The imperial agent and smuggler if played as a male gets to not only have love triangles with two companions but also can pretty much get with someone on every planet they visit. The male sith warrior also has a love triangle and can get with some people (Balmorra and Dromund Kaas) that I know of. Female sith inquisitor has one on Alderaan and female agent has one on Hutta outside their companion. It is a game heavily built on testosterone it seems. The one time we got a decent, charming and handsome companion (Quinn) we got betrayed. Then they give us Theron and we get betrayed again. Guess I should of expected that given how female players are treated in the game so far.


So true! I'm still ourtaged becuase of the female Trooper.

I played her after trying male and I was sure- absolutely positive - that she'll be able to get really close and personal with Jonas. After all, male Trooper can have happy time with Jaxo. But nooo, girls are not allowed to have fun in SWTOR....


Double standards all the way.

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I don't like how he and Lana where basically forced down our throats.I'd take an original companion over them 2 any day.


Well, tbh every companion is forced on us, one way or another. Even vanilla ones.

You may have your preferences, everybody has them. I was never a fan of Lana, but it could have been worse.I still remember that I almost quit my Agent, because I couldn't stand Kaliyo. And Agent is probably the longest, when you have to wait for new a comp.

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I have a feeling he will return, it's an unacceptable loss otherwise. Let's be positive and think that they have considered the negatives and it's all part of the evolving storyline and he will be a more valued friend after all is said and done. We'll soon see I expect.
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So true! I'm still ourtaged becuase of the female Trooper.

I played her after trying male and I was sure- absolutely positive - that she'll be able to get really close and personal with Jonas. After all, male Trooper can have happy time with Jaxo. But nooo, girls are not allowed to have fun in SWTOR....


Double standards all the way.

I made a male JK and male SW that I wouldn't play past the starter planets for a long time because they annoyed me so much. Both had flirt options on Tython and Korriban, the JK even had a mini romance. What did the female get?

Absolutely nothing even though there were perfectly good candidates on both planets.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, romances are not the be all and end all in a game but if you are going to put it in at least make it equally available for all players. It does nothing but show where your focus is at and who is more valuable a player to keep happy. As a female player I pay just the same in sub and a significant amount in the cartel market. My money should be as valuable as any male player.

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Well, tbh every companion is forced on us, one way or another. Even vanilla ones.

You may have your preferences, everybody has them. I was never a fan of Lana, but it could have been worse.I still remember that I almost quit my Agent, because I couldn't stand Kaliyo. And Agent is probably the longest, when you have to wait for new a comp.


I always felt like it was the Inquisitor. You get Khem, and then you get Andronikos on Tatooine. ;/

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I always felt like it was the Inquisitor. You get Khem, and then you get Andronikos on Tatooine. ;/


And you get Vector on Alderaan, which only follows Tatooine. So yes, Agent has it worse :)

But it's still very long, that I agree with. Good thing I never had problems with Khem.

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So true! I'm still ourtaged becuase of the female Trooper.

I played her after trying male and I was sure- absolutely positive - that she'll be able to get really close and personal with Jonas. After all, male Trooper can have happy time with Jaxo. But nooo, girls are not allowed to have fun in SWTOR....


Double standards all the way.


Don't get me started on the fact the female Jedi Knight takes Dark Side points if she sleeps with Doc, whereas the male Jedi Knight doesn't get Dark Side points if they have sex with their Padawan. Because that makes sense, right? :mad:

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I made a male JK and male SW that I wouldn't play past the starter planets for a long time because they annoyed me so much. Both had flirt options on Tython and Korriban, the JK even had a mini romance. What did the female get?

Absolutely nothing even though there were perfectly good candidates on both planets.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, romances are not the be all and end all in a game but if you are going to put it in at least make it equally available for all players. It does nothing but show where your focus is at and who is more valuable a player to keep happy. As a female player I pay just the same in sub and a significant amount in the cartel market. My money should be as valuable as any male player.


Try not having any flirtable guys as a male character until ROTHC.

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Don't get me started on the fact the female Jedi Knight takes Dark Side points if she sleeps with Doc, whereas the male Jedi Knight doesn't get Dark Side points if they have sex with their Padawan. Because that makes sense, right? :mad:


And female smugglers who only get Corso, a guy who thinks you should be at home being taken care of and gets jealous of every person that you flirt with even if you turn him down. He can reach clingy stalker levels sometimes. Girls love that, right? :rolleyes:

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I always felt like it was the Inquisitor. You get Khem, and then you get Andronikos on Tatooine. ;/


It is actually the Agent. The next companion an agent gets is on Alderaan, which is the last planet before you end Chapter 1, so the Agent almost has to go through their entire Chapter One story before the next companion.

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LOL wow your reply was more entertaining than I thought it would be. I kinda knew you would take the time to quote every sentence and give a reply.


So you are psychic and still couldn't see the traitor thing coming or what is coming next? Nice cop out response though - 6/10.

Which I also knew they would be just argumentative and pointless.


Points were made, you are just incapable of arguing them. Sort of sad really since you are going to the trouble of typing and all anyway, why embarrass yourself?


I already made you look stupid when you somehow tried to say I never played FF14 which you couldn't possibly know that. LOL


You made me look stupid for pointing out that it seemed you had not played it because you thinking leaving a game due to "romances" for a game that had no "romances"? What you stated was neither logical nor well thought out - it was just a silly statement to try and "threaten" the devs who might be reading to do things you way or those toys get flung even further from the cot.


You spend 10 hrs a day on these forums quoting people with just argumentative and insulting reply's. Everyone else must enjoy laughing at you like I do. It's hilarious.


What is really going on is your laughing to cover up your emotions in that I've wound you up somehow by simply pointing out the truth. Take a step back, maybe take a break from the game. Go enjoy some "no romances" in FF14 and maybe this won't seem so bad because honestly you aren't being very "Jedi" like right now ... Heck Theron might actually be rather ashamed in this case, you do want him to come back don't you? ;)

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Look at the romances in the story now. Koth was able to be romanced, then was able to be killed, no longer a part of the story, Kaiylo, Aric, Torian, Vette, Quinn. So if they allow Theron to be killed that only leaves Lana as a romance part of the story. It not so much they are allowing them to be killed, it is the point they are removing them from everyone's story whether or not that person killed them and that is what the problem is.


So then by your logic then perhaps they are making the smarter choice and getting away from all the romance stuff? It's the smarter option when you don't have resources to cater to everyone story wise (straight both sexes, lgbt etc. ).


Sure it could feel a little hollow story wise not having pure romances anymore but many have put up with this since KoTFE dropped ( heading towards 2 years ) and it's, imo, better than having non-sensical crap happening in the story to cater to a romances than only a portion of the community will be affected by.


For example if Theron was never able to be romanced but was written to be a great compriot I doubt this thread would be anywhere near this size because I've not read many posts from people who did not ever romance Theron and are threatening to quit over this.

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Pretty sure the women opposite of Cyatharat on imp side was flirtable by both?


Nope, not if you're on the Imp side. IIRC they had a gay male on the Imp side and a bi woman on the Republic side. No flirt options for the Imp ladies. So either way depending on which faction you were on, you lost out.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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