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The Sanctuary of Regret


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Eiter, Misha, Jenny, thank you all so much for your support. I hope this will be worth the wait. <3





The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Forty


The desert backfilled every footprint Theron took away from the shuttle he’d boosted on Yavin 4. He’d spent less than half an hour on the humid forested moon and yet he was flooded with memories. Even though the galaxy was bracing itself against a starving Emperor, Theron couldn’t help but think it was a better time in his life.


Nothing like the threat of universal extinction to make life more precious.

The wreckage of the recently downed star fortress lay half-buried in Korriban’s sands and was the only source of shade for kilometers around. He steadied himself against the hull with one hand and relieved himself with the other. A smirk twitched over his lips as he finished.


Been sayin’ it for years…finally got to do it.


His arrival had gone unchallenged and the windstorms he’d seen in Scorpio’s memory banks had died down. He unclipped the canteen from his hip and took a swig of cool water. The moisture faded from his lips and chin before he could recork the water-skin.


After pressing his sack-cloth turban more firmly into place, he adjusted his goggles and shook out the sand weighing down his robes.


The statues lining the road seemed to be staring down at him, the wind giving each one a ghostly voice that sounded like a warning to turn back if he allowed himself to listen too closely.


“Just your imagination, Shan.” He double-checked his scanner and trudged toward the structure wriggling behind the mirage ahead.


The durasteel steps creaked under his weight. After dispersing the sand that had collected against the door with his boot, he wedged himself against the frame and pried the door open the rest of the way. The stench of rotting flesh met him like a slap in the face. He had smelled death plenty of times before but the effect was always the same—it crept up his nose, and down his throat and set up camp. His stomach lurched and he swallowed the bile before he could taste its burn.


Several dusty crates lined the foyer and two K’lor’slugs hunched over the corpse as they feasted. The twin larvae glanced up at the promise of fresh meat. Their mandibles twitched in agreement and they abandoned their meal, spewing acid at Theron as they gave chase. Their mucous sizzled through the flooring, corroding it.


The crates provided a handy refuge. Theron leapt behind them and fired on each slug. The creatures shrieked and dropped. He pulled his neckerchief over his mouth and nose in a futile attempt to block the stench as he knelt next to the body.


He winced at the man’s bloated face and the gaping blaster hole in his chest. He rifled through the dead man’s pockets until he found an identity chip from the Sith Academy.


“So…you were Overseer Harkun,” he muttered to himself. “Judging by this hole in your chest you weren’t real popular.”


Blaster in hand, he explored Harkun’s quarters. A room at the end of the hall drew his attention and he went inside. Two small, shabby beds filled the back corners—one neatly made while the other appeared to have been slept in, the corner folded back as though the occupant had gotten up for some reason.


He sifted through the shared writing desk between the beds until he found a stack of papers hidden at the back of the bottom drawer. After re-holstering his weapon, he sat on the edge of the unmade bed and sifted through the drawings.


The first depicted a tiny girl with tawny-red skin curled into a ball while the larger figure shot lightning at her from its twiggy hands.


Theron sifted through the rest and winced—each picture depicting another abuse by the same large figure. He searched the chest by the second bed and found more drawings, these more advanced and detailed than the others.


The first picture showed a boy facing a blazing hearth with a small woman dressed in white standing amid the flames. In the second picture, the same woman in white appeared in more detail—a human with shoulder-length brown hair and a hair chain adorning her forehead. A line of tiny pine trees stood behind her.


Liatrix? Odessen burning? The hell does this even mean?


He set the picture aside and studied the next—the same small boy standing by the fire with a tall red spiky shouldered Sith at his side. The giant was drawn so faintly it barely showed on the page.


Marr…it has to be. Or am I reading what I want into these? No. It has to be him.


He flipped to the next drawing, this one of the red girl standing hand in hand with a black-cloaked wraith and the abusive man in the doorway on his knees. The man’s face was blue and his eyes bulged. A rust-coloured tattoo divided his brows and curled under one eye. A pointed goatee stuck out from his chin.




Theron frowned and flipped to the next drawing, this one, a portrait of the woman in white and the faint spikey shouldered giant behind her. Large blue eyes, thick dark lashes and red lips.


It has to be her…but how did they know?


In the final picture, fire engulfed Harkun’s dead body along with two strangers—a man and a woman. The red girl stood with them. The picture was signed at the bottom in Sith characters. Theron ran his scanner over the text for an Aurabesh/Basic translation.




Frozen and dumbfounded he stared at the pictures drawn by his son. Emotion swelled in his chest and a profound sadness touched his features.


But where are you?


His heart thundered and no amount of controlled breathing would slow it. He rolled the drawings into a scroll and stowed them into his pack.


“Let’s see if we can figure out who killed you, Harkun—and where the younglings are.”


Little remained in the Overseer’s quarters that hadn’t already been packed. Theron prowled the remaining rooms and found nothing. Defeated, he returned to the foyer and just as he was about to leave the sound of a camera iris grinding to focus behind him caught his attention.


After considering the solid crates, he rammed his shoulder against them, shoving them just enough to reveal a security camera embedded in the com system. “Let’s see if we can get anything off this,” he muttered under his breath.


Five minutes later, he’d sliced into the system and swore when the visuals revealed nothing but the back of the crates. “A’right…if I can’t see you…maybe I can hear you.”


The recording scrolled backward until a series of high pitched squeaks garbled unintelligibly. When they stopped, Theron allowed the recording to play out at its normal speed. “Here we go.”


The haughty drawl of the former Sith Empress and the gravelly voice of her pirate were unmistakable. After increasing the volume a few settings higher, he listened, his imagination providing him with visuals to go along with their dialogue. His stomach lurched again, but this time he wasn’t sure if it was because of Harkun’s rotting corpse, or the horrible truth, that Sephna had been the one to murder him.


He ran his hand over the nape of his neck to soothe the building tension and after he was certain his next step was the right one, he blasted the recording. The unit smoked and sparked as he walked out the door.


“Good thing I’ve got connections with the banking clan too—maybe they’ll know where you went.”




Vowrawn chuckled and clapped. “Wonderful move m’dear. It appears to me you are a natural at Dejarik. You’re certain you’ve never played before, not even once?”


Sephna shook her head. “Lord Harkun didn’t like games. He told us to stop playing even when we weren’t.”


“I hope you didn’t take his advice. Life is a game. It’s meant to be played and to survive, you must learn to play well—and the prizes you win along the way, are well worth the effort.”


“Can I have my flat cakes now?”


“Of course my dear,” Vowrawn said, pushing her winnings forward. “You won them, fair and square—but never be afraid to employ a little guile to win and never leave your opponent feeling as though they’ve lost everything. The desperate make savage opponents.”


Sephna pushed two biscuits back to him. “Lord Vowrawn…what’s guile?”


“That my dear is when we trick our opponents into believing what we want them to believe. Guile is the most important weapon in a Sith’s arsenal.”


“Will you teach me how to guile?”


Vowrawn chuckled. “By the time I’m through with you, I’ll need to watch my flat cakes more closely.”


Sephna giggled and they bumped their cookies together in a playful toast.


Across the common room, Nox rolled her eyes. “Will you look at that? She won’t be happy until she has both of you twisted around her little finger.”


Andronikos set a tumbler of Corellian whiskey in front of her. “Hmph. Looks to me like the old man’s found himself a reason for living that ain’t you.”


“Oh wipe that damn smirk off your face,” Nox hissed.


“Someone’s jealous.”


“Wouldn’t you be? First, you have her primped and fussed over like an Alderaanian fluff-pup and ply her with candy and now he’s teaching her tricks.”


“Aw stop giving her the side eye. She’s just a kid. You haven’t talked to ‘er. I have. That fluff-pup as you like to call her had never even seen candy before, never mind taste it. And she’s the lucky one—her brother, gettin’ sold to the Hutts…wouldn’t wanna be him. Hmph.”


A faraway look dislodged the annoyance in her expression. Mindlessly, she set down her drink. Her mouth opened as though she were about to speak, but nothing came out.


Andronikos cocked his head. “What?”


Nox left the table without answering and crossed the room. Sephna shrank into the booth and looked up warily.


“What does your brother look like, Sephna? Tell me.”


“He looks like Nik—not like us,” she murmured, glancing back at Vowrawn for support. “But his eyes are gold—not blue.”


“Your eyes are grey like mine—one of your parents was human?”


Sephna nodded.


“Which one?”


“Our mother.”


Nox turned her back to the child and paced, the edge of her thumbnail digging into her lower lip. “Your brother is human—how old is he?”


“He’s seven—like me. We’re twins.”


“That’s odd. He has messy brown hair?”




“And he melts things when he’s scared or angry?”


Sephna leapt out of the booth, eyes wide. “How did you know!?”


“Because I saw him at a Hutt slave auction,” Nox said calmly.


Andronikos swirled his drink. “The one the Wrath bought.”


“The very same. Which means we won’t find him on Nar Shaddaa with the Hutts,” Nox said. “Fernal took him to the Hand.”


Vowrawn’s brow arched and he stood to set a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Which means, they must’ve taken him to their temple on JanFathal. Few know of it, but I make it a point to learn these things.”


“I’ll reset our course for the Fath system,” Andronikos muttered as he ambled back to the cockpit.




Darth Fernal watched in silence as the procession of elite scarlet-robed guards took their seats in the chancel of the Hand’s temple on JanFathal. Servant One and Servant Two took their places behind the altar and muttered their incantations to begin the ritual.


Red and black banners hung from the rafters and along the nave walls. Tri-pronged torches illuminated the chamber, the writhing orange flames casting ominous shadows on the walls and ceiling.


A pair of black-robed Imperial guards with smooth featureless masks strode alongside the hover-stretcher carrying the unconscious boy Fernal had purchased at the slave auction on Nar Shaddaa.


Puffs of bitter incense wafted across the altar from the floating censers as the guards transferred the boy from the stretcher.


Fernal drummed her fingers against her elbow and shifted her weight from foot to foot. She yawned under her mask

and cursed the stifling heat inside the temple.


“Today we bear witness to the return of our ultimate master,” Servant One began.


Servant Two nodded sagely and added his cryptic response. “The chalice will be filled.”


The servants turned their palms upward and chanted in the ancient Sith tongue. A marble of blue light formed over their hands and ghostly streaks of their own essence coiled around the light as it grew.


“Silence him and his Voice shall grow stronger. Challenge him and his Will shall subjugate you. Defy him and his Wrath shall vanquish you. Kill him and he will be reborn. He that cannot die will live again! Return to us, oh mighty Master.”


The torch flames roared and turned an eerie indigo-blue.


“The body shall be nourished!” Servant Two cried.


The glowing ball of blue light floated over the boy’s chest and Fernal recognized it as Vitiate’s essence. Servant One opened the boy’s robes and painted arcane symbols on his chest in blood.


Fernal frowned and strode closer to the altar. “Wrap this up. We have a problem.”


“The Wrath will hold her tongue. Our Master’s return cannot be rushed.”


“The grapes must age to make the wine,” Servant Two chimed in.


“Shut it, old man. We have a problem—I sense intruders. You’d sense them too if you weren’t plastered by these fumes. I fulfilled my end of the bargain—I brought you the vessel you wanted. I’m leaving and if I catch either of you or your Opticrons within sniffing distance of my family, I will end you all.”


“You will pay for your insolence, Wrath.”


The ball of light descended into the boy’s chest and his body heaved. His eyes snapped open, golden eyes brightening to a harsh yellow before his body fell back to the altar.


“I suspect we all will if we don’t leave now,” Fernal grumbled.


The temple doors shuddered. Servant Two muttered to himself and passed his hands over the boy’s body. “It is done.”


“We must protect the Master.” Servant One snatched the child from the altar and flung himself out the elaborate windows behind him.


Fernal’s blade growled to life in her hand. She leapt from the apse to face the seated guards in the chancel. “On your feet, men. Protect your Masters.”


The doors to the narthex flew open and Imperial troopers poured into the temple.


“Fools,” Fernal growled and charged at the front line, but before she could cut them down a shrill squeal echoed through the chamber. Fernal dropped her weapon and clutched her head to deaden the sound invading her mind.


Her knees gave and she crumbled to the floor. The Imperial guards collapsed behind her and in a final act of defiance and sheer will she pulled the detonator from her belt and activated it. Bright coloured sparks clouded her vision as she lobbed the device in the direction of piercing wail. She crawled on her belly and took cover under one of the bulky Veshok wood pews. A great roar ripped through the temple just as Fernal’s awareness gave way to darkness.


The Servants tumbled onto the moist jungle loam outside the temple window, but before they could recover from their escape, an unseen force coiled about their throats and pinched the life from their bodies.


The Imperial platoon parted to allow Darth Jadus through. He stepped over the bodies of the dead servants and stood over the unconscious boy.


“Take him. Keep him sedated and contained in a Force Dampening unit—then bring him to my chambers.”


The Platoon Captain bowed. “Yes, Lord Jadus, at once.”


((to be continued…))



Alderaanian Fluff Pups are Luna-lore :D I needed a poodle-like doggy but there wasn't a canon breed I could use in the Wookiepedia.


Edited by Lunafox
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Holy frelling fluff pups! Love that by the way. :D



I loved your description of Theron's trek through Korriban and had to snicker a bit at his winning that p.issing contest. :) Oh, he is a clever man. So, the body of Harkun was left behind, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. And the pictures were a stroke of genius and just enough to make Theron ask the right questions. Slicing the audio at least gives him a trail to follow. He has people on the list, now to find them. I don't think the reality of a son had ever struck home with Theron and I felt his pain when it all started to finally sink in. I don't think the ends of the universe quite describe just how far he'll go, but I dread the journey and the destination.


Oh, that Nox. Lord, she does want to be the center of attention and brooks no competition for her men's affection, even when shown to a child. Good for Nikki for standing up to her, and Vowrawn is so devil may care, it likely doesn't phase him except as a source of amusement. But, now she's piecing it all together, and that spells trouble no matter which way you slice it. I see a showdown coming at some point and I don't think it'll be pretty no matter who wins. She's merely moving pieces on the board, but then so is...


Jadus. Now there's a whole new level of evil and he's just getting started. And, my oh my, poor Deston. Theron and Lia will be devastated especially if the boy cannot be saved. The child is merely a pawn in a much larger game and it breaks my heart for his mother and father once they find out the truth. This could be the thing that pushes Lia full on dark side or could be her redemption if her son can be saved. But what about the time between, and what about the price.


So many twists and turns, so many what ifs. I have to give you kudos for posing so many possible outcomes with no clear path to any. It certainly keeps me guessing and wanting to find out more.



What a stellar chapter, well worth the wait. Wonderful stuff and I'm eager for the next.

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Yay an update!



Your description of Theron's arrival on Korriban and piss.ing on the chunk of Star Fortress (lol) were vivid and entertaining, I enjoyed those very much. No, Harkun wasn't quite as loved, few would give a damn about the fact he's dead.


The drawings were an interesting find and very telling. From the abuse the children suffered at Harkun's hands, to visions of Liatrix and the future perhaps? Sephna with Hord, Deston with Marr, and a prediction of Sephna leaving with Nox and Niki. Looks like Deston inherited the gift of sight. How heart wrenching for Theron to find these drawings, physical proof of his son's existence and a glimpse of the suffering he's endured. And then to discover it was young Sephna who ended Harkun but at least he's got a lead on her now, let's hope his own contacts will give him further information.


Now, as much as Sephna creeps me out, Nox is sure being incredibly sulky and childish herself with her need for attention and jealousy toward a child. I would have thought that whichever instinct or motherly feelings she may have developed while pregnant herself would lead her to be a little kinder and considerate to a seemingly lost lamb but she's just huffing and puffing instead. Is it Sephna specifically or would she be that way with any kid?


At least her sulking and Niki's words spurned new curiosities and lead to more information about Sephna's brother, with the group slowly piecing things together. Off to find Fernal I suppose, but what will they find because it looks like someone else got there first.


Vitiate's essence now poured into little Deston, that's a horrible situation. I imagine the child makes for a powerful vessel and it'll be gutting for Lia and Theron when they find out. It's even worse that Jadus has him now though on the other hand, perhaps that's a blessing in disguise as well. He seems intent on keeping the Emperor contained, and maybe that'll hamper growth and the hollowing out of Deston until such a time where he can be helped. If Jadus doesn't kill or torment him beyond saving before then as I doubt he'll see an innocent boy, just the Emperor.



Very exciting chapter with many things moving forward, I can't wait to see where everything goes next.

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Theron's part was my favorite. And now he has information to work with, yay!

Thinking about the part with Nox makes me wonder. Has Lia's daughter inherited some of her mother's special genes? I am glad she seems to be moderately safe.

Which can't be said about her brother. I wonder what Jadus is up to.

As always looking forward to the next part!


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Holy frelling fluff pups! Love that by the way. :D



I loved your description of Theron's trek through Korriban and had to snicker a bit at his winning that p.issing contest. :) Oh, he is a clever man. So, the body of Harkun was left behind, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. And the pictures were a stroke of genius and just enough to make Theron ask the right questions. Slicing the audio at least gives him a trail to follow. He has people on the list, now to find them. I don't think the reality of a son had ever struck home with Theron and I felt his pain when it all started to finally sink in. I don't think the ends of the universe quite describe just how far he'll go, but I dread the journey and the destination.


Oh, that Nox. Lord, she does want to be the center of attention and brooks no competition for her men's affection, even when shown to a child. Good for Nikki for standing up to her, and Vowrawn is so devil may care, it likely doesn't phase him except as a source of amusement. But, now she's piecing it all together, and that spells trouble no matter which way you slice it. I see a showdown coming at some point and I don't think it'll be pretty no matter who wins. She's merely moving pieces on the board, but then so is...


Jadus. Now there's a whole new level of evil and he's just getting started. And, my oh my, poor Deston. Theron and Lia will be devastated especially if the boy cannot be saved. The child is merely a pawn in a much larger game and it breaks my heart for his mother and father once they find out the truth. This could be the thing that pushes Lia full on dark side or could be her redemption if her son can be saved. But what about the time between, and what about the price.


So many twists and turns, so many what ifs. I have to give you kudos for posing so many possible outcomes with no clear path to any. It certainly keeps me guessing and wanting to find out more.



What a stellar chapter, well worth the wait. Wonderful stuff and I'm eager for the next.


He hee, glad you loved the fluff pup :D I'm also very happy that you enjoyed time with Theron on Korriban. He's hot and the trail and you're right there are no lengths he wouldn't go to, to find the younglings. As for Harkun, well, I reckon Korriban is still hurting after being subjugated by the Eternal Empire, it will take them time to rebuild and no one really missed Harkun...I don't think there's even a lot of students there right now in my thinking.


Nox can be a very petty and vain creature. She does like all eyes on her and she doesn't like competition, even the pint-sized sort. Without a t doubt even with Nox's annoyance and petty jealousy, the girl is safer with her than she was with Harkun or anyone else right now. And poor Deston, he's in for a time of it. Definitely not smooth sailing ahead for the gang.


I'm glad that I'm still keeping you guessing, I do try awful hard to make people wonder :D I appreciate the support and the wonderful and kind comments. Thanks so much for reading. <3


Yay an update!



Your description of Theron's arrival on Korriban and piss.ing on the chunk of Star Fortress (lol) were vivid and entertaining, I enjoyed those very much. No, Harkun wasn't quite as loved, few would give a damn about the fact he's dead.


The drawings were an interesting find and very telling. From the abuse the children suffered at Harkun's hands, to visions of Liatrix and the future perhaps? Sephna with Hord, Deston with Marr, and a prediction of Sephna leaving with Nox and Niki. Looks like Deston inherited the gift of sight. How heart wrenching for Theron to find these drawings, physical proof of his son's existence and a glimpse of the suffering he's endured. And then to discover it was young Sephna who ended Harkun but at least he's got a lead on her now, let's hope his own contacts will give him further information.


Now, as much as Sephna creeps me out, Nox is sure being incredibly sulky and childish herself with her need for attention and jealousy toward a child. I would have thought that whichever instinct or motherly feelings she may have developed while pregnant herself would lead her to be a little kinder and considerate to a seemingly lost lamb but she's just huffing and puffing instead. Is it Sephna specifically or would she be that way with any kid?


At least her sulking and Niki's words spurned new curiosities and lead to more information about Sephna's brother, with the group slowly piecing things together. Off to find Fernal I suppose, but what will they find because it looks like someone else got there first.


Vitiate's essence now poured into little Deston, that's a horrible situation. I imagine the child makes for a powerful vessel and it'll be gutting for Lia and Theron when they find out. It's even worse that Jadus has him now though on the other hand, perhaps that's a blessing in disguise as well. He seems intent on keeping the Emperor contained, and maybe that'll hamper growth and the hollowing out of Deston until such a time where he can be helped. If Jadus doesn't kill or torment him beyond saving before then as I doubt he'll see an innocent boy, just the Emperor.



Very exciting chapter with many things moving forward, I can't wait to see where everything goes next.


Yes! Finally got it all together :D You'd think I'd be hyper from all the cake, but instead I kept dozing off lol.


I figured Theron would be the sort to mutter 'piss on those star fortresses' at some point lol and now he got his chance. It was a bit of levity in an otherwise dark chapter. I think it really hit home for Theron that he has a son, and seeing what the kids have endured made it very real to him.


Nox can be a sulky and vain thing, she loves her attention and doesn't love to share it with anyone. That said, Sephna is still safer with her and the guys than with Harkun. Nox might be many things, she's not above using the child for gain, but she wouldn't hurt her either. I see Nox as the sort to be very loving to her own children some day, because they're hers, anyone else's she'd probably wince and offer them that backhanded little wave of hers to shoo them away....'pesky brats pfff.' :D


Fortunately, the conversation led to good results, so now they have a solid plan of action ahead.


I think Jadus understands all too well what the Emperor is capable of if he's permitted a decent vessel and freedom. As powerful as he is, the game still states he's second only to the Emperor, so Jadus has to watch his step.


I'm really glad you liked it, and I want to thank you for your support and lovely comments. :)


Theron's part was my favorite. And now he has information to work with, yay!

Thinking about the part with Nox makes me wonder. Has Lia's daughter inherited some of her mother's special genes? I am glad she seems to be moderately safe.

Which can't be said about her brother. I wonder what Jadus is up to.

As always looking forward to the next part!



I'm so glad you liked it. It was probably the most fun part to write of all of it too. It's quite possible that Sephna has inherited some of her mum's genes. I usually think of them as becoming more noticeable around puberty like I imagine they did for Lia (being human), but Sephna being part Sith, I have this notion that perhaps they start maturing a bit sooner than humans, physically. I also think that the men see something in the child they'd like in their lives...Andronikos in my story has reached a point of craving family and settling down, as he said, 'no one is getting any younger'. And for Vowrawn, he sees a pupil. He never interacted with his own child out of shame because she wasn't Force sensitive (yes he was a bit of an a.ss when he was young) and then out of guilt and concern limited his contact with his force-sensitive grandchild to behind the scenes help to get her into the Academy, to get her favour from Tremell etc. So it's a way for him to teach and experience what he lost out on.


Sephna is pretty safe right now, Nox might snub her, but never physically or mentally abuse her. She'd just keep her distance and sulk. As for Deston, he's in a bad place and with Jadus, it's especially bad.


Thanks so much for reading and commenting, it means a lot! :)

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Forty-One



A vibrant orange light lit up Liatrix’s face as images of the attacks on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas flickered over the holonet. Lana stood at Liatrix’s shoulder, both women stony-faced as they watched the report.


“They’re blaming us, Lana.”


“Yes and I’ve been monitoring chatter all morning. It appears the Republic and the Empire are already in talks to form a coalition against us. Some have gone as far as suggesting a peace treaty will be signed.”


“We need to stop that from happening, but we have a bigger problem on our plates—those bombs—they’re ours.”


“Which means we have a mole.”


Liatrix nodded. “Where’s Jonas? Is he with Theron?”


“I don’t think so. Jonas is running an inspection on the Gravestone—to ensure all the damages have been repaired and that it remains uncompromised. Come to think of I haven’t seen Theron since the night before last.”


Quinn strode into the war room but kept his distance. Dark circles shadowed his eyes and a day’s stubble darkened his jaw.


“I need to talk to Quinn—why don’t you go check on Theron, he needs to be briefed and I’d like his input.”


“Of course, Commander.”


Quinn and Lana exchanged polite greetings as they passed. “My Lord, I need to speak with you, in private.”


“There’s no one else here yet.”


Quinn’s brow lifted as he cocked his head. “If you’ll join me for caf.”


“All right,” Liatrix drawled and followed him into one of the anterooms. Inside, a T3 unit whirred and beeped at their arrival.


“Broadcast white noise for one-half hour,” Quinn said.


The droid’s dome whirred in agreement and it retreated to the corner to begin its transmission.


“Clearly, you found something on the roof.”


“Yes, my lord and I couldn’t chance being overheard.”


“So what was Darmas up to?”


“Not only did he install listening devices throughout the base, he’d planted several of our own incendiaries from Iokath—enough to blast a crater into Odessen’s northern hemisphere.”


Liatrix blanched. “We have to get everyone out…where is he now?”


“The cantina, but—that won’t be necessary, my lord. I took it upon myself to locate and neutralize all of the bombs. I did, however, leave the listening devices intact, so that he wouldn’t suspect we’re onto him.”


“Well, that answers the question I had earlier about our mole.”


“My lord?”


“Dromund Kaas and Coruscant were attacked with our bombs and men wearing our insignia. It’s all over the holonet.

The Republic and the Empire are taking measures to unite against us—there’s even a rumor of a treaty being in the works. They’re making us out to be the bad guys.”


“That would mean Pollaran is in league with one of them.”


“Given his past as an Imperial Agent, I’m inclined to think he’s working for Jadus.”


“We can’t be completely certain, my lord. He did spend decades in the Republic and my research indicates he had a major falling out with your father and Darth Ravage, both. Were it not for the Keeper’s intervention he would’ve been executed.”


“At this point, it doesn’t matter who he’s working for—he’s an enemy and he needs to be dealt with.”


“And what steps will you take against Agent Balkar? He is Pollaran’s son.”


“That doesn’t mean he’s in on it.” Liatrix shook her head. “Jonas wouldn’t—he couldn’t do something like this—putting innocent lives at risk—there are children here. You two might not get along, but Jonas is a good man.”


“I hope he’s worthy of your confidence, my lord. So—you believe Pollaran is working alone?”


“I sure as hell hope so.” Liatrix frowned. “His listening devices are audio only?”


“It would appear so, my lord.”


“We need to deal with him—before he does maker only knows what to the base. Assemble a squadron and meet me at the cantina.”


“My lord, I do have one suggestion.”


“What is it?”


“Might I recommend we interrogate Pollaran prior to his execution? He may yield useful information under the appropriate inducements.”


“All right, we’ll ask questions first this time.”


“Excellent, my lord. If there is nothing further, I’ll see to the men. Tee-three, discontinue white noise broadcast.”




Kiran peered around the corner into the cantina. An older blond man sat at one of the tables with his caf and a datapad. A crew of smugglers having finished their meal sauntered out to prepare for their next mission. The protocol droids stood at the rear of the cantina, the Imperial model babbling to a pair of astromechs.


The golden protocol droid waved the boy over and Kiran zipped across the cavernous room to meet him.


“Good day Life-Day Lieutenant Kiran.”


“Cee-two, uh, good day to you too. I found all that stuff you wanted.” Kiran slipped his rucksack from his shoulders and began unpacking it.


“Excellent, the Force Enclave will be most grateful for the meditation cushions.”


“Maybe not—they need to be stuffed first.” Kiran held up a flat square of green fabric.


“A minor inconvenience. And the Alderaanian nectar?”


“Got that too. Gault said he was going to add it to my tab. What’s that mean anyway?”


Cee-two pondered, golden fingers tapping his chin. “I believe that means you will owe him a favour at a later time at his determination.”


“Oh, okay. You sure Professor Ogurrobb will like it? My science homework is due today. I want him to be in a good mood, Cee-two.”


“Master Kiran, I promise the Professor will enjoy it immensely.”


“Sure hope so.” Kiran looked around thoughtfully. “Do you know what the Commander likes? I want to get her a present. She looks sad.”


“I do not know, Master Kiran. Humanoid women tend to enjoy something called chocolate. Or perhaps some flowers from the meadow.”


“Flowers are boring. Where can I get chocolate?”


“I believe there is some behind the counter, Master Kiran. On the lowest shelf.”


“Thanks, Cee-two.”




Quinn led the squadron into the cantina and Liatrix followed. Kiran snuck out from behind the counter, chocolate packets in hand and lingered by the exit to watch.


“Darmas Pollaran, you are under arrest for crimes against the Alliance,” Quinn announced.


Darmas set his cup onto its saucer with a clink and eyed Quinn and the squadron languidly. “Why General, this is a surprise. And the Commander too. So, I’m to be arrested—may I ask on what charges?”


“You know what you did,” Quinn snarled. “We found the bombs and the listening devices. Who are you working for?”


“And how did you come to the conclusion that it was me?”


Liatrix moved closer to the table. “Why else were you on the roof the day of One’s death?”


“Ah, you and the good doctor have been talking I see. I was, of course, installing the listening devices you mentioned. Call it habit, I am an information broker, however, I assure you, Commander, I am working on the Alliance’s behalf—to ensure no one is plotting against you.”


“And of course you had nothing at all to do with the bombs being stolen along with our insignias.”


“Of course not. You may, however, wish to question Theron Shan on that count. He’s been helping the Republic for some time. Assuming you can find him,” Darmas drawled. “The guilty have a habit of—running away.”


“That, was the wrong thing to say, Darmas. I trust Theron—I don’t trust you. Cuff him and take him to the brig for interrogation,” Liatrix commanded.


“I don’t think so Commander,” Darmas clasped his wrist and stood.


The shrill screech of his FFA Chrono rang out. Liatrix dropped to her knees and the troopers clenched their helmets.


Quinn winced and braced himself against the table to draw his pistol. “Get the Commander to safety! Now!”


Darmas pulled his blaster from under his jacket. He backed away, half-jogging as he glanced over his shoulder to make his getaway.


Blood oozed from Liatrix’s nostrils and ears as she lost consciousness. A pair of troopers snatched her up by her arms and dragged her to the rear of the cantina as the remainder of the company recovered from the deafening noise.


“After him!” Quinn shouted to the remaining men.


“You might want to rethink that, General.” Darmas taunted, revealing himself just enough to show off his hostage.


Teary-eyed, Kiran dropped the chocolate. Darmas tightened his stranglehold on the boy and butted the muzzle of his blaster against the child’s head.


“Try to stop me, and I’ll splatter this boy’s brain all over your base.” Darmas dragged the writhing boy outside.


Quinn tossed his com to one of the men. “Contact Odessen control. Do not allow him to take off. Shoot him out of the sky if necessary!”


“Yes sir,” the soldier grunted.


Quinn ducked behind the cantina’s entrance, pistol at the ready. The loading dock was unusually free of traffic and the Gravestone hovered next to the landing pad, by its moorings.


Darmas dragged the boy up the ramp and Quinn darted across the dock to take cover behind a stack of crates.


“Release the boy, Pollaran. He’s of no use to you,” Quinn warned.


“I beg to differ, General. I’m finding him very useful.” Darmas edged up the ramp leading to the entrance of the Gravestone.


“Let him go, father,” Jonas’s voice growled from behind Darmas, followed by the click of his blaster’s safety.


Darmas shoved Kiran forward, sending the boy tumbling down the ramp to the dock. Quinn rushed out from behind the crates to claim the boy and pull him back to take cover.


“And what is it you intend to do now, m’boy?” Darmas stuffed his left hand into his front trouser pocket as he made a show of releasing his blaster.


“Something I should’ve done a long time ago,” Jonas said, pulling the trigger to send a volley of bolts into his father’s torso.


At that moment Darmas depressed the detonator in his pocket. The Gravestone erupted into a massive ball of flame, the explosion launching Jonas and Darmas both into the air toward the base.


Flaming debris rained from the sky to crash on the loading dock. The fire generated a smog of thick black smoke.


Quinn coughed and seized the boy between his arms. “Are you hurt?”


Kiran shook his head but stared at Quinn with teary eyes.


“Good. Are you able to return to your quarters on your own?”


Kiran shook his head again.


“Very well. I’ll get one of the men to take you home. Come along.” He pulled the boy toward the cantina and passed him off to one of the troopers. “Take the boy home—and inform his father of what’s happened. We’re going to need his assistance with the wounded.”


“No need sir—his family—they’re over there,” the trooper pointed toward the entrance.


Kira and Doc emerged from the base, wild-eyed and panicked. Kira wove through the crates and wounded to search.


“Kiran!” She shouted through the smoke.


“He’s here,” Quinn replied and urged the boy toward his mother.


The two embraced and Kira swept him into her arms and rushed back inside the base.


Doc approached Quinn, “What the hell happened?”


“Long story. We need to clear the wounded from the dock—it won’t hold much longer. The flames are melting the support beams.”


Lana emerged from the entrance to the war room elevator and paled at the burning carnage before her. She clamped her mouth as she took in what remained of the Gravestone. “Jonas…” She started for the wreckage when a familiar jacket caught her eye. She dashed for the unmoving figure and slid in beside him.


“Jonas—this can’t be…Jonas, please. Wake up.” She turned him over and pressed her fingers to his neck.



He groaned beneath her, his head lolling first left then right. A cough sputtered over his lips and his eyes opened.


“Thank the maker, I thought I'd lost you,” Lana whispered. “Was there anyone with you aboard the Gravestone?”


Jonas's brows met as he struggled to process her words. “Tora…her crew…are they?”


Lana glanced over her shoulder and nodded. “It would appear so. Was Theron with you?”




((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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Raises a glas for Tora.



Well, there went that source of information. Still, Balkar was left with little choice. Good thing Quinn found the majority of the explosives, or I suppose that would have been the entire base. The question is if the alliance can use this incident to claim innocence in the other attacks, though it seems more likely that Jadus will declare it a retaliation. It was his agent, after all.


At least they'll investigate Theron's whereabouts now. We'll see where this leads.



Compact but sweet, and well written, as always. :)

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Close call!



The Alliance looking responsible for the attacks on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant is troubling, and there appears to be no end to their trouble either. I'm glad Quinn found and disarmed the bombs on the roof, and located the listening devices. Did Darmas really think they wouldn't? Suppose he considered himself safe and having earned some of Lia's trust with the Arcann situation. Fool, can't wait to see him fall. At least she can trust Quinn--they seem to have built a rather close and reliable bond despite the short time they've known each other.


That part with Kiran assisting C2 with menial tasks and gathering the items needed was a cute touch and I'm glad to see he is safe. I got worried there when Darmas grabbed him as a hostage but I'm relieved he got away with no more than a scare. Effing Darmas though, did he really think he could just shove the blame in Theron's direction? I do recall he used Theron's station for something I think, but I hope Lia's trust in him remains as strong as it was in this chapter.


I'm also glad Jonas survived, it would be devastating to lose him. Shame about Tora and the crew but I'm glad others like Jonas and Kiran are okay. Is that the end of the Gravestone too, is the damage severe enough? I'd like to think it's the end for Darmas but with the recent upgrades he got, and being the sort he is, I doubt it. At least his scheming has been exposed now, that's something.



Nice chapters with some definite scary moments, well done!

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Plans often go awry, or do they?



Jadus setting up the alliance as the bad seed is surely playing into a much larger scheme, but just what I'm not sure yet. Lovely, Quinn, finding the bombs and disarming them before the whole base turned into a crater. At least he is one person in her corner she can count on. I'm happy that Lia refused to consider the worst of Jonas, considering the father-son relationship.


The bit with Kiran helping the droid with all the bits and pieces of keeping the base running was a cute touch. He does take his duties as Life Day Lieutenant seriously. And I'm happy the boy survived. It would have been devastating for Doc and Kira had that not been the case, and things are still a bit dicey between Kira and Lia.


As for Darmas, well he certainly got what he deserved, but with those nanites in his blood, a little shock to the heart just might bring him back around. Who knows what you have in mind for that. Of course, he would frame Theron, and coward that he is, use a child for cover. At least his use of the chrono device all but verifies his association with Jadus. Even if he's revived, he won't be able to talk his way out of that one. As for Theron, he did leave a trail of breadcrumbs in his locker, which I'm sure Quinn would find since Quinn leaves no stone unturned. And it's nice that Lia was quick to defend Theron to Darmas.


And now the Gravestone. Will she ever fly again? It's sad to think that Tora may have bought it, I rather liked her character, but glad that Jonas made it out ok. It would have been awful to lose him.



Lots going on, setups for more to come. Can't wait for the next.

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Raises a glas for Tora.



Well, there went that source of information. Still, Balkar was left with little choice. Good thing Quinn found the majority of the explosives, or I suppose that would have been the entire base. The question is if the alliance can use this incident to claim innocence in the other attacks, though it seems more likely that Jadus will declare it a retaliation. It was his agent, after all.


At least they'll investigate Theron's whereabouts now. We'll see where this leads.



Compact but sweet, and well written, as always. :)


*raises glass* To Tora.


This is true Balkar didn't have a lot of choice, given how the situation presented itself. It was quite fortunate that Quinn got rid of most of the explosives, shame the ones on the Gravestone were still there, but that's just how it goes. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment and for reading! :)



Great chapter <3



My most pressing question right now is whether Darmas survived or not.

I hope Lia's trust in Theron will stay strong.


Looking forward to the next part!


Thanks! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and I appreciate the kind comment. <3




Darmas...oh no he didn't. Oh no he didn't. OH NO HE DIDN'T.


Loved this chapter.


Oh yes he did...


And believe me I was like...'Darmas nooo...that's a bridge too far' and he was like 'Darmas yesss and I'm doing it.' You know how they get sometimes, mind of their own and all that. :D Thanks so much for reading and for the lovely comment. <3



Close call!



The Alliance looking responsible for the attacks on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant is troubling, and there appears to be no end to their trouble either. I'm glad Quinn found and disarmed the bombs on the roof, and located the listening devices. Did Darmas really think they wouldn't? Suppose he considered himself safe and having earned some of Lia's trust with the Arcann situation. Fool, can't wait to see him fall. At least she can trust Quinn--they seem to have built a rather close and reliable bond despite the short time they've known each other.


That part with Kiran assisting C2 with menial tasks and gathering the items needed was a cute touch and I'm glad to see he is safe. I got worried there when Darmas grabbed him as a hostage but I'm relieved he got away with no more than a scare. Effing Darmas though, did he really think he could just shove the blame in Theron's direction? I do recall he used Theron's station for something I think, but I hope Lia's trust in him remains as strong as it was in this chapter.


I'm also glad Jonas survived, it would be devastating to lose him. Shame about Tora and the crew but I'm glad others like Jonas and Kiran are okay. Is that the end of the Gravestone too, is the damage severe enough? I'd like to think it's the end for Darmas but with the recent upgrades he got, and being the sort he is, I doubt it. At least his scheming has been exposed now, that's something.



Nice chapters with some definite scary moments, well done!


That it was! It could've gone a lot worse for many.


The Alliance is taking a real kicking these days. Quinn saved a lot of lives in finding and dismantling the bombs, and yeah, I think Darmas actually thought he'd get away with it, because really, who goes on the roof? He probably didn't think anyone would question it too much and that Doc wouldn't talk about it. He has been worming his way into being trusted, so he probably thought he was immune to being watching too closely. Quinn has proven himeslf competent and reliable, pretty much how I figure he would be on duty and Lia does trust him.


I'm glad you liked Kiran's part he really is a lovely kid and it shows that he's trying to 'pull his weight' even as a little kid and it put him where I needed him to be. Darn Darmas though, I didn't think it was like him, but apparently it was, desperation makes for complicated situations.


I was going to leave Jonas' fate as a bit of a cliffy, but then didn't have the heart to do it, cause I know I'd be wondering, I love Jonas. As for the Gravestone, yeah, I'm thinking it's toast, we'll find out for sure next time. ^^


You're right to pay attention to the upgrades Darmas got from One's blood, so Darmas is a lot more durable than he used to be, but at least he has been exposed. Thanks for the support and for reading and commenting, I do appreciate it very much. ^^


Plans often go awry, or do they?





Jadus setting up the alliance as the bad seed is surely playing into a much larger scheme, but just what I'm not sure yet. Lovely, Quinn, finding the bombs and disarming them before the whole base turned into a crater. At least he is one person in her corner she can count on. I'm happy that Lia refused to consider the worst of Jonas, considering the father-son relationship.


The bit with Kiran helping the droid with all the bits and pieces of keeping the base running was a cute touch. He does take his duties as Life Day Lieutenant seriously. And I'm happy the boy survived. It would have been devastating for Doc and Kira had that not been the case, and things are still a bit dicey between Kira and Lia.


As for Darmas, well he certainly got what he deserved, but with those nanites in his blood, a little shock to the heart just might bring him back around. Who knows what you have in mind for that. Of course, he would frame Theron, and coward that he is, use a child for cover. At least his use of the chrono device all but verifies his association with Jadus. Even if he's revived, he won't be able to talk his way out of that one. As for Theron, he did leave a trail of breadcrumbs in his locker, which I'm sure Quinn would find since Quinn leaves no stone unturned. And it's nice that Lia was quick to defend Theron to Darmas.


And now the Gravestone. Will she ever fly again? It's sad to think that Tora may have bought it, I rather liked her character, but glad that Jonas made it out ok. It would have been awful to lose him.



Lots going on, setups for more to come. Can't wait for the next.


Jadus is a dangerous character to be sure. Quinn is very efficient and capable and though he distrusts some of the command crew, I think Lia has a pretty good bead on who she trusts.


It would've been really awful for Doc and Kira to lose Kiran, and plus Doc needs to be functional right now, not sure how well he'd do if he were grieving. Kiran is a good kid, and very helpful and wanting to be a soldier like Quinn when he grows up...at least that's what he wanted, now he's a bit frightened out of his wits, so he may be rethinking that. I'm not sure if Lia and Kira will ever heal their relationship, too much has happened between them, and the ex and current wife dynamic doesn't really help either.


You're right to worry about the nanites, there was a reason Darmas wanted them, they make him a lot more durable and resistant to injury and death. He's actually quite cocky about it, seemingly not too worried about getting shot or stabbed etc. He did betray himself and once those that were 'awake' during Spy Vs. Spy start comparing notes, they'll know soon enough who Darmas was/is in league with.


I think the Gravestone is toast, yeah. As well as Tora. The Alliance started out quite powerful and got a lot done but sadly they're taking quite a kicking these days. But at least Jonas made it and so did Kiran. Thanks for reading and for the support, I do appreciate it and the lovely comment. <3

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Forty-Two


Andronikos peered through a copse of rubbery leafed palms on JanFathal. Thin curls of smoke lifted from the debris to fog his view. His fingers ticked over the adjustment reel of his macrobinoculars and his focus cleared.


An avalanche of rubble clogged the entrance and the purple vines marbling the surviving walls seemed to be the only thing holding them up. The flaky jungle soil had been packed hard by many pairs of boots.


“Hmph. Doesn’t look like there’s a lot left,” he muttered.


“Let me see.” Nox snatched the macrobinoculars from his grip. “Someone got here ahead of us—but who?”


Vowrawn took a turn next and scanned the trees over the temple. “Whoever they were, they’re gone now. I suspect we’ll find our answers inside.”


“Okay then. Let’s make this quick—get in, get out before any locals start sniffin’ around.” Andronikos clamped Sephna’s shoulder. “You stick close to me, y’hear? Don’t go wanderin’ off.”


“I won’t.”


“Let’s move,” Nox ordered.


They marched up the slight incline, walking alongside the dedicated pathway on the grass, in case of landmines.


Andronikos took stock of the damage and frowned. “There’s more rock here than I thought,” he complained. “Care to do the honours?”


Nox shifted the debris with as much effort as it took to wave her hand, but before she could venture inside, she felt a tug at her skirts.


Sephna looked up in awe. “Can you teach me that?”


Nox stared at the curious child and recognized the same eager gleam in her eyes that she herself had at that age and understood what it meant. “Aren’t you the little scholar?” She purred dangerously.


“Teach me—so I can survive. Please?”


“Later, perhaps,” Nox said. “If you behave.”


“If you’re done yakkin’ let’s go. Sooner we get off this rock the better,” Andronikos grumbled.


Nox’s brow arched into a spearhead as she stalked past the pirate and he stifled a snort of laughter.


Inside, torn, blackened banners dangled from the few undamaged rafters and heaps of dusty robes covered the dead guards and membership of the Emperor’s Hand.


“This must be bringin’ some memories back, huh, old man? Try not to get crushed this time.”


Vowrawn’s smile didn’t reach his eyes but the red in them sparked with malice. “Death is not to be feared—consciousness continues beyond…at least it does for those of us favored with the Force.”


Sephna froze. “Lord Vowrawn—does that mean when Nik dies—he’ll be gone—forever? He c-can’t use the Force.” Panic sharpened her voice and her eyes shone with fresh tears.


“Good job. You’re upsettin’ the kid.”


Vowrawn smiled placidly. “My dear, of course, Andronikos will become one with the Force. All living things do—right down to the lowliest roach. He can be found, if we wish to find him.”


Sephna gazed up at Vowrawn. “So Nik can’t be a ghost and visit me after he dies?”


“What do you know of ghosts?” Nox asked.


“Nothing,” Sephna yipped a little too quickly and hung her head.


“Could we not talk about my death,” Andronikos growled. “I’m right here.”


“Sorry, Nik,” Sephna whispered. “I don’t want you to die—never ever.”


“Relax, kid. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”


Nox scowled at the exchange and knelt to examine the dusty robe clad bodies. “If I were to guess, I’d say someone threw a thermal detonator in here.”


“Doesn’t look like any of ‘em made it out alive.”


“Someone must have—look,” Vowrawn nodded at the broken window over the chancel.


“Maybe that’s where the detonator came in? It would explain why there’s more damage to the front of the temple,” Nox said.


“If that were the case m’dear, the shards would be inside, not out.” Vowrawn tugged on the fledgling tendrils flanking his chin. “Given the pattern of destruction, the detonator was thrown toward the door from the center aisle—no more than halfway.”


Sephna drifted toward the altar beneath the broken window and stared at the surface. Without thinking she traced the edges and walked the perimeter of the stone slab. Gingerly she set her hand on the cold stone and sobbed.


Nox cocked her head. “Sephna?”


Andronikos navigated the bodies and took the steps up to the chancel two at a time. “What’s the matter? You sensin’ something?”


“Deston was here—they smothered him,” she whimpered.


“You mean he’s dead?” Andronikos asked.


“No—they smothered him.”


“What do you mean by smothered, Sephna? I sense no ghosts here,” Nox prodded.


Her hands curled into fists and she stomped her left foot. “He’s not dead. He’s been squished…to make room—he’s not by himself.”


Vowrawn knelt to sample the incense inside the broken censers. He spat out the bitter herbs, his gaze panning over the warped tri-pronged torches. “The Hand performed The Ritual of Transference here—only hours ago—and it appears they succeeded.”


“How can you tell?” Nox pondered.


“My theory is that they finished the ritual and when confronted with the attack, the Servants escaped with the boy through these windows. They couldn’t chance the Emperor’s new vessel being destroyed.”


Nox’s eyes widened in a look of dawning. “So, our former Emperor has a new host.”


Sephna’s lower lip trembled and she held herself.


“Question is though—where is he now?” Andronikos prowled through the debris toward the dense wooden pews flanking the aisle. “Barely a scratch,” he muttered to himself as he traced the hardwood.


Nox swept the dust from her hands and glared at the chipped nail on her left hand. “Perhaps he was taken…by whoever did this.”


Vowrawn drew the girl close. “We’ll find him,” he whispered. “No need to fret, child.”


“But how will we get the Emperor out?” Sephna whined. She threw her arms around him and wept into his shoulder.


“I’ll devour him,” Nox crooned her threat.


“You can do that?” Sephna peeked over at her, her voice shaky.


Nox’s mouth lifted cryptically at the corners and her eyes gleamed like sharpened daggers.


Andronikos dove into the rubble, desperately pawing at the debris.


“Did you find something? What is it?”


“There’s a Sith buried under here—I think she’s still alive,” he barked, dragging handfuls of stone away.


Nox dashed to his side and with a sweep of her arm, the remaining rubble shifted to one side.


“Let’s turn her over,” Andronikos suggested. “On three. One—two—three.”


Together they gently turned the woman over and Nox gasped. “It’s Darth Fernal—the Wrath.”


“Could barely tell, with all that dust on her.”


Vowrawn slid in next to Fernal’s unconscious body. “My dear—it’s me—Vowrawn,” he whispered. “Somewhat new and improved, I realize...”


“She’s not responding,” Nox said. “We need to get her back to the ship at once.”


“There’s a hover-stretcher over there…lemme see if it still works,” Andronikos barked.


Vowrawn curled her body to his chest, gingerly lifting her out of the ruins.


“Quinn…” Fernal croaked almost inaudibly as he carried her toward the stretcher. Tears snaked through the dust caking her cheeks, leaving a wake of red skin.


“Uh. It’s a little beat up, but still works,” Andronikos announced, steering the stretcher in beside Vowrawn.




Doc dabbed the sweat from his brow with his cuff. For the first time since his arrival, every bed in the infirmary was occupied—a sea of sleeping grey and white. After updating his patient log, he powered down the kolto tanks after running them almost constantly over the last twenty-eight hours.


“Finally, a quiet moment,” he muttered to himself and dialed home. Kira’s image hovered over his com unit, her shoulders drooping and her expression haggard.


“How’s he doing?”


“Finally got him to sleep, but I had to give him a sedative. He wouldn’t stop shaking. He thinks the Commander is dead. He wanted to see her.”


“What’d you tell him?”


“That she’ll be fine. Did I lie to him?”


“Her vitals are stable, I’m just waiting for the neurological scan to complete.”


“You sound worried.”


“I won’t lie…something’s off—just not sure what yet.”


“When are you coming home?”


“Half-hour maybe? Gotta wrap things up here first. Scourge is with her and you know what he’s like. Needed this like a lightsaber through the head.”


“Yeah, I know—just remember the past is past. Come home. We need you.”


“’K. See you in a bit.”


After Kira’s image fizzled, he glanced over his shoulder at the small room off the main ward. Scourge’s shadow moved along the walls and Doc knew he was growing impatient for answers.


“May as well get it over with,” he grumbled and sauntered back to his workstation. He studied the neurological scan and rammed his hands through his hair.


Steeling himself, he strode into the private room. Liatrix slept and Scourge hovered over her like a Vask-wolf protecting a slab of nerf-meat.


“Took you long enough. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me. Has there been any change to her condition?”


“Her vitals are stable,” Doc hesitated, “but neurological scans indicate extensive damage to her cerebellar function.”


Scourge folded his arms. “Explain.”


“She’ll have difficulty coordinating visual cues with physical movement, maintaining balance—which means she’ll have trouble walking, running. She may have difficulty discerning where to stop and is at risk for falls.”


“Which means she won’t be able to fight.”


Doc turned his attention back to Liatrix’s bed. “Anything she does that relies on visual cues will be affected—so, yeah.”


Scourge looked away and grimaced.


“How do you tell someone their entire life is about to change?”


“You don’t. I don’t accept your diagnosis.”


“Do you think I enjoy telling you this? Scans don’t lie. See for yourself,” Doc said, thrusting his data pad at him.


Scourge snatched the pad from his hands and glared at the erratic tangle of lines. “Is there anything to be done?”


Doc sighed. “With physiotherapy, she may relearn how to walk without stumbling. It’ll take effort—patience—but I doubt she’ll ever fight again.”


“Leave us,” Scourge growled.


“If you need anything call a med droid. I haven’t slept in thirty-six hours. I’m done.”


Scourge said nothing. Doc stripped his lab coat as he left and flung it at his workstation on the way out.


Once Doc was gone, Scourge returned to Liatrix’s side and hurled the datapad to the foot end of the bed. Her chest rose and fell with serene, measured breaths. The occasional flutter under her eyelids suggested she was dreaming—perhaps the lull before the storm.


He set his hand over hers, her flesh cool against his palm. Before he could lose himself in his thoughts, he felt Quinn’s presence in the doorway and turned to face him.


“Lord Scourge, pardon my intrusion. I came to enquire if there’s been any change in the Commander’s condition?”


His gaze fell onto the datapad and he started toward it but waited for permission before inspecting it. “I trust these are her test results?”


Scourge gave his permission with an upturned hand and Quinn studied the data. He moved closer to the window and Scourge followed.


“Does she know?” Quinn asked.


“Not yet. She hasn’t regained consciousness since the attack.”


“Given what I witnessed in the cantina, I believe I recognize the device that incapacitated her. A few years ago I became aware of a device called an FFA Chrono. It’s an Imperial design capable of disabling—even killing a Force user. I was working with Lana Beniko and the others at the time.”


“Why would the empire invent such a device?”


“Darth Jadus commissioned it for use against the Jedi. The weapon, however, didn’t discriminate and proved to be deadly against the Sith as well and was discontinued for that reason. Cipher Nine assured us the vault where the plans were kept was secure. Somehow Pollaran managed to acquire a copy of the device.”


“Was he working for Jadus?”


“It’s a possibility, but we’re not completely certain. We were unable to learn who he was working for.”


“Where is Pollaran now?” Scourge grunted.


“Balkar shot him in the chest at point-blank range, however, we’ve been unable to retrieve the body. The explosion destroyed the loading dock and what little remained collapsed and fell into the gorge taking the body with it. I have men scouring the area—I need to be certain he’s dead.”


“And Balkar, he survived?”


“Yes—only minor injuries, I treated him myself. He was fortunate, Lana had him removed from the platform just prior to its collapse.”


“Is that the extent of it?”


“Regrettably not, my lord. Aside from the heavy damage to the base, the Alliance has been framed for attacks on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, the Gravestone destroyed beyond repair and the engineering crew is dead. If that weren’t enough Theron Shan appears to be missing and there is some evidence that he’s been in contact with the Republic...and now this. I dread to tell her,” Quinn said, gesturing at the datapad.


“Tell her what?” Liatrix murmured.


Quinn stiffened, “My lord…you’re awake.”


Scourge glanced back at her over his shoulder. “Leave us, General. I’ll tell her myself.”


“Understood. I’ll leave you to it. My lords," Quinn said with a stiff bow, before taking his leave.


((to be continued…))

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Lot of bad news.



Seems they made it to JanFathal a little too late, but hopefully just in time to save Fernal. What a mess they found. Sephna is impressive in that she can sense what they did to Deston, those kids both really have an extraordinary gift, and it was enough for everyone to figure out what's become of him. Nox seems eager to take the Emperor on and perhaps claim him for herself if she thinks she can contain him? I did enjoy that moment where Nox is lifting the debris and Sephna's in awe asking to be taught, maybe there's a chance for those two yet at forming some kind of friendship.


The chrono really affected Lia quite badly it seems, I hadn't expected it to have such an impact on her. That's going to be a rough road ahead if the neurological damage cannot be mended. It seems Theron's absence is now truly noticeable as well and Quinn's findings paint a bad picture. The Gravestone is lost along with many lives and things look very bleak for pretty much everyone.


And then Darmas... I don't believe him to be dead, especially not without a body. That man has far too many tricks and gadgets aiding him, but oh... wouldn't it be nice? Lol.



Wonderful chapter, so much going on everywhere, I'm eager to see where it goes next.

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Clues and bad news:



JanFathal and too late. The descriptions of the ruins took me there. Well done, as always. I always love the dialogue interplay between the characters and especially between Nikki and Sephna. As for Nox, well, she may see the same gleam and need for knowledge, but, I think she also sees the untapped power in the girl, perhaps greater than her own. Fine lines are being walked there. Sephna is an impressive child, and I loved the fact that she could see what was done to Deston. I suppose we'll eventually see if Nox can devour the emperor or not. Either way, it'll be a knock-down, drag-out with Jadus who, technically, holds the emperor hostage in the body of a child. At least Fernal is alive, and can, hopefully, provide more answers.



Lia has been fighting her entire life, in one way or another. To lose that part of herself is going to be a very bitter pill and I'm not sure Scourge can provide enough support to see her through. And now the damning evidence against Theron, his disappearance and Jadus framing the alliance for the attacks on the core worlds, things are not looking up. At least Quinn knew of the Chrono devices. And Darmas's body still missing. Can't be sure he's dead and Quinn knows it. I see very bad things ahead.



A lot revealed. More questions. Wonderful chapter as always. I'm hungry for the next.

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Some bad news and no body.

Looking forward to the next chapter very much!



Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for letting me know. ^^


Lot of bad news.



Seems they made it to JanFathal a little too late, but hopefully just in time to save Fernal. What a mess they found. Sephna is impressive in that she can sense what they did to Deston, those kids both really have an extraordinary gift, and it was enough for everyone to figure out what's become of him. Nox seems eager to take the Emperor on and perhaps claim him for herself if she thinks she can contain him? I did enjoy that moment where Nox is lifting the debris and Sephna's in awe asking to be taught, maybe there's a chance for those two yet at forming some kind of friendship.


The chrono really affected Lia quite badly it seems, I hadn't expected it to have such an impact on her. That's going to be a rough road ahead if the neurological damage cannot be mended. It seems Theron's absence is now truly noticeable as well and Quinn's findings paint a bad picture. The Gravestone is lost along with many lives and things look very bleak for pretty much everyone.


And then Darmas... I don't believe him to be dead, especially not without a body. That man has far too many tricks and gadgets aiding him, but oh... wouldn't it be nice? Lol.



Wonderful chapter, so much going on everywhere, I'm eager to see where it goes next.


Indeed...Jadus and his forces left quite a mess behind. Sephna does have an interesting gift...she has the sight that the Marr line has, but she doesn't need the fire to catch glimpses of things. Right now she has to be fairly close to a setting and can see little bits of past things, like about her brother and what happened to him. I suspect when she grows up the gift will evolve and she'll be able to have some visions of future things as well, and maybe from a distance. Basically the same gift, but she doesn't need the medium. :)


Nox definitely wants another crack at the emperor, she's sadistic enough to think that would be the ultimate humiliation for him, if she could contain him, and of course use his knowledge. As for Nox and Sephna, I think a more adversarial relationship is developing between them. Nox sees that the girl could be a threat to her at some point and seeing that lean hungry look in her eyes about how badly she wants to learn and gain power weighs on Nox.


Darmas blasted his device at maximum, given that he was 'about to go down'. If they hadn't managed to drag her away, and if Darmas wasn't on the run, she probably would've died of a brain hemorrhage. Everything does look pretty bleak right now. Thanks for reading and for letting me know you liked it. ^^



Clues and bad news:



JanFathal and too late. The descriptions of the ruins took me there. Well done, as always. I always love the dialogue interplay between the characters and especially between Nikki and Sephna. As for Nox, well, she may see the same gleam and need for knowledge, but, I think she also sees the untapped power in the girl, perhaps greater than her own. Fine lines are being walked there. Sephna is an impressive child, and I loved the fact that she could see what was done to Deston. I suppose we'll eventually see if Nox can devour the emperor or not. Either way, it'll be a knock-down, drag-out with Jadus who, technically, holds the emperor hostage in the body of a child. At least Fernal is alive, and can, hopefully, provide more answers.



Lia has been fighting her entire life, in one way or another. To lose that part of herself is going to be a very bitter pill and I'm not sure Scourge can provide enough support to see her through. And now the damning evidence against Theron, his disappearance and Jadus framing the alliance for the attacks on the core worlds, things are not looking up. At least Quinn knew of the Chrono devices. And Darmas's body still missing. Can't be sure he's dead and Quinn knows it. I see very bad things ahead.



A lot revealed. More questions. Wonderful chapter as always. I'm hungry for the next.


I'm happy that you enjoyed the descriptions of JanFathal and while they wre too late to save the boy, they did manage to get Fernal out of there and as you say she can help with answers and such.


I'm also very happy that you liked the dialogue, Nikki and Sephna seem to have a good rapport. You're right on about lines being drawn and Nox being watchful of a potential future problem. But hopefully they'll be able to put their differences and such aside to solve the issues troubling them (Jadus and the missing boy).


Both kids have a degree of Force sight but Sephna's developed a bit differently than the humans in the Marr line, they seem to require fire as a conduit for their visions, but Sephna seems to be able to do it without the medium. I'm inclined to think the gift will evolve as she gets older. :)


You're right about Lia, it's not going to be an easy thing for her to accept...like you say she's known conflict and fighting from a young age and it's like her life force. If she has nothing else, she has that...well, not anymore. :/


Things are pretty awful right now, but the pieces are coming together to form bigger pieces that will hopefully eventually lead to answers.


Thanks for reading and commenting, I really do appreciate it. ^^

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Forty-Three



Scourge returned to Liatrix’s side after Quinn left. The bright infirmary lights washed out her complexion and the greyish half-moons under her eyes were dark against skin that was too white. The light turned everything stark and cold and he hated it.


“The last time you and I spoke, we did so in darkness and shadow—and though our secrets were laid bare in a gentler light, their truths were no less harsh.”


She turned onto her side to face him. “I’m not going to like this am I.”


“No, my Lord Emperor, I’m certain you won’t.”


“I heard you and Quinn before. Everything’s gone to hell—makes me wonder what you’re holding back? Judging from the look on your face it must be pretty bad.”


“The device Pollaran used to incapacitate you damaged your cerebellar function—which means your physical coordination has been compromised—walking will be difficult, never mind dueling.”


A thin sheen of moisture glazed her eyes but stopped just short of forming tears. “Is there a cure?”


“The doctor mentioned physiotherapy—patience and practice will help…”


“But there’s no guarantee I’ll recover.”


“When Pollaran is found he will pay dearly for what he’s done,” Scourge threatened.


“I can’t just lie here,” she said hoisting herself up to sit. “This is crazy. I’m fine. I feel fine.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and pushed off the edge.


“What are you doing?”


“Proving to you that this is nonsense,” she growled. “I’m not finished. I have too much to do—there’s no time for this.” She stood with the mattress bracing the back of her legs. Panic flickered in her eyes and she put her hands out for balance.


Scourge moved in to support her, but she tugged free.


Her eyes flashed. “I can do this.”


She staggered forward and took a step and then another and another. Scourge looked on, his body tensing with every step she took. He reproached himself for being so quick to believe the doctor’s diagnosis. Clearly, the tests were wrong and he had been foolish to believe the worst.


Then she fell.


Dashing to her side did nothing except reduce the full brunt of the fall on her knees and wrists. His fingers dug into her shoulders as she sank into her haunches.


Her lower lip quivered and tears threatened to spill. “It’s all over. Is this how it ends?”


Scourge took a knee beside her, tilting her chin up gently to meet his gaze. “It’s a setback—that’s all this is. Nothing more.” He enfolded her in his arms. She remained stoic, her body stiff against him until something gave inside her and she relented, hugging him in return.


The scent of flames kindled from a sweet mellow timber curled about his senses and took him back to his childhood when his mother dried rings of spiced apple over a low fire until they formed crisp chips. Her scent was different than he remembered it—but no less beloved. The longer he lingered against her the more it beguiled him until all else was forgotten and he knew he was home.


“No one can see me like this,” she breathed against him, breaking the spell. “Weak, useless,” she continued.


“You are neither weak nor useless. We will weather this. We’ll find a way.”


She pulled back just enough to look up at him, with tearful eyes. “Take me home, I can’t be here.”


“Whatever my Lord Emperor desires.”




The Sky Princess II broke orbit around JanFathal and after a brief dash through hyperspace the vessel drifted into a quiet patch of space along the Outer Rim.


Andronikos sank into his chair and indulged in the peace that came with floating in the middle of nowhere. Thoughts of better times roamed his mind—the low fading drone of the engines and Nox’s wanting fingers caressing flesh so hardened he was amazed he could feel anything at all. The sensation wasn’t to last and he was plucked from his reverie by the voices at the back of the ship.


His ‘co-pilot’ dozed in the chair beside him, head bobbing until her chin touched her chest and then snapping back again as if even sleeping was a fight.


Andronikos scooped the sleepy girl up in his arms. She woke just enough to look at him with heavy hooded eyes and yawned. “Nik?”


“Gonna put you to bed, a’right?”


Sephna nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, her forehead resting against the side of his neck. Nox’s gaze followed them across the common area until they disappeared into the berth.


He set the child onto the bunk she liked best and covered her. Before leaving, he pressed the toy Loth-Cat he’d bought her against her arm to cuddle.


“Sleep tight, kid.” He closed the door and ambled into the common area to help himself to a drink.


Vowrawn emerged from the sickbay and joined Andronikos at the bar.


Nox cradled her drink and put her feet up across the booth’s bench seat. “Has she regained consciousness yet?”


“Not yet, but I’m hoping she will very soon.” Vowrawn plucked a glass from the tray on the counter and filled it.

“You’re welcome to join us, m’dear,” he said gesturing to the sickbay.


“I’m fine here—after traipsing about all day, I’m feeling lazy. Let me know when she wakes.”


“Then I shall leave you to your lazing.” Vowrawn looked between them and returned to the sickbay. His eyes widened and his mouth erupted in a flash of white teeth. “My dear Wrath, you’re awake.”


Fernal sat up and cocked her head. One brow crept into her forehead and her eyes narrowed. “Vowrawn?”


“In the flesh…”


“But not your own—stars, I know you…er rather him…Lord Abaron from the academy.”


“Indeed, the very same.”


She swung her legs over the side of the bed to let them dangle. “So she did it…she brought you back,” Fernal said shaking her head. “Honestly, I didn’t believe it possible. You hear the stories, but I thought they were just that…stories.”


“You’ve always chosen to put your belief in more tangible pursuits.”


“I believe in what I can do, with my fists and my lightsaber. Baras always said the esoteric aspects of our culture were beyond me. Sadly, he was right on that score.”


“We all have our gifts and you are an ideal Wrath.” Vowrawn bowed his head and looked away.


“You’re troubled.”


“No more than usual.”


“That’s not like you—the Vowrawn I remember never had a moment's disquiet. I may have taken a few rocks to the skull, but I can tell you’re not yourself,” she shook her head and corrected herself, “aside from your body.”


“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned, my dear Wrath. What happened in the temple?”


Her brows puckered and her gaze grew far away. “Our Master has a new vessel—our associates finished the ritual and then,” she shook her head slowly to clear her memories.


“Take your time, m’dear.”


“Jadus—he and his men invaded.” She sat up straighter and her jaw dropped, her expression suddenly and terribly alert. “The Emperor…what happened to the boy?”


Vowrawn watched her intently. “We don’t know for certain—but it appears he was taken. His body was not among the others.”


“Jadus has our Emperor.” Her fists tightened and her teeth gnashed.


“My dear, I must ask you, how loyal are you to our ultimate master?”


“Why? Perhaps I ought to ask you the same question?”


“While I’ve always been a proponent of guile, this is not the time for dishonesty or trickery. I have been working actively against our Emperor and his Hand since Rishi. I realize we haven’t had an opportunity to discuss this…until now.”


“Then, it appears we’re on the same page—more or less.”


Vowrawn folded his arms. “That concerns me, my dear Wrath.”


“It needn’t. You were the one to tell me about the opticrons, after all. That they would spy on me…I’ve been nothing but loyal.”


“I suppose they couldn’t chance another betrayal, Wrath.”


“You really ought to start calling me by my name. I know we’re family—Nox told me.”


“Yes, when you so graciously supplied your blood for her ritual.”


Her ritual—the way you say that suggests it’s not what you wanted.”


“What you lack in the esoteric, you make up for with perception. Death is not to be feared, my dear Fernal. I was content. It truly is the next great adventure.”


“I can’t believe you of all people relished being…dead. You were so full of life. Among other things,” she teased.


“That I was,” he said, smiling.


“So who am I to you, Vowrawn?”


“You’re my granddaughter.”


“Why didn’t you tell me before? I would’ve welcomed knowing the truth. I always had a feeling the Force drew us together for a reason greater than eluding Baras.”


“I,” he began, hesitating, “was ashamed.”


“Of me?”


“No my dear, never of you—but of my daughter—your mother.”




“Like many young men, I had ambitions, but I also had needs. I was reckless—suffice it to say, one of the women I was with, Ixiar, became pregnant and died giving birth to my Force-blind daughter.”


“My mother…”


“Yes. Suddenly I found myself responsible for a life I never wanted and to further my shame she had little connection to the Force. I did all I could to keep this secret, and yet I was found out by an enemy who used her to control my actions for years.”


“I don’t remember her—but I knew there was quite a stigma attached to a pureblood with no connection to the Force.”


“It was the greatest shame a Sith family could know at the time—I couldn’t keep her. What would I do with a child at seventeen? Perhaps if her mother had lived, I might have done right by her, married her—but instead, I gave Farine to a good family to raise.”


“What happened to her?”


“She grew into a beautiful young woman—beautiful enough that she caught the eye of your father,” Vowrawn hissed.


“You didn’t like him.”


“I despised him.”


“I never knew my father,” she looked up at him, eyes wide suddenly. “But you did. Who was he? Who was my father, Vowrawn?”


“His name was Darth Taxon,” he growled through clenched teeth.


“He was on the Dark Council, wasn’t he? Why did you hate him?”


“Many reasons m’dear. He plied your mother with expensive trinkets, took her places—foolish child believed he loved her. Pregnant by him just months before her seventeenth birthday, he abandoned her—left her on her adoptive parents’ doorstep.”


“They told me she became sick after I was born and died. Is that true?”


Vowrawn hung his head. “She believed she could redeem herself—be thought of as valuable among the Sith if she married and bore the child of a powerful Sith Lord. She hoped it would be Taxon—poor thing never recovered from his rejection. She gave birth to you and killed herself a year later. I blame myself.”


“Tell me you killed him.”


“Taxon was powerful…strong, skilled in combat like you are. I couldn’t beat him myself, but I found one that could.”




“Marr. He killed him and took his seat on the Council.”


“Did he know about me?”


“I could never tell my dearest and most trusted friend the truth…but he had his own reasons to want Taxon dead.”


“Were you afraid of what he’d do to me if he learned the truth?”


“It crossed my mind at first, but Marr would never have harmed a child simply for having the misfortune of being fathered by such a blaggard. I meant to tell him, no time seemed right. Though I suppose it’s irrelevant now…all becomes known after death.”


Fernal was quiet for a long time. “I was fortunate growing up, my grandparents were kind to me, but the advantages I received—they weren’t capable of them…was that you?”


“After I’d learned what happened—I did all I could to make amends—from a distance. Not because I didn’t want to know you, but because I didn’t believe I deserved to.”


“So you got me into the Academy, you got Overseer Tremel to help me…you arranged all of it?”


Vowrawn nodded. “I started you on your path—the rest you achieved on your own. Suffice it to say, I was a little shocked to see you on Corellia that day when we first officially met. You were the one secret Baras’s spies never ferreted out.”


“I wish I’d known then. I told Nox something similar when she came to me.”


“Would you have done anything differently?”


“No. Does she know you want to die? And don’t deny it, I can sense it.”


“She and I have discussed it. I invited her to join me…she agreed to think it over, just as I agreed to consider living.”


“Do you think she’ll agree?”


Vowrawn chuckled. “If I know my Nox, she will pull out all the stops to get her way.”


“I don’t want you to die either, for whatever it’s worth. Now that I know the truth…there are so many questions. We need more time.”


“And you shall have it,” he said setting his hand over hers.


“So how long do I have to stay cooped up in here?”


He glanced up at the scans and shrugged. “The kolto has taken effect. Everything reads normally—so not a moment longer than you wish to, m’dear.”


“Some shut-eye in a proper bunk is in order, I think.” She hopped off the medbay bed and smiled. “We’ll talk again later? We need to decide what to do about Jadus.”


“Of course.” He kissed her cheek and watched her leave. “At least now you know the truth,” he whispered under his breath.


((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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Further surprises.



It would have been too much to hope Doc's diagnosis was somehow off or inaccurate. This news was sure to crush Lia and it looks like it did after her initial defiance. I'm glad Scourge was by her side and there to catch her fall, in more ways than one, and I can understand she'd want to keep this a secret. Not only could there be the perception of weakness but that alone might put her in danger too and give anyone who'd previous been reluctant in taking her on, the courage to strike now. Best to keep this quiet. Not sure where home is these days, surely she can't mean Dromund Kaas, not with Jadus ruling?


Feels like there is a bit of tension hanging on the ship somehow, at least from Nox's end toward some of the people around her. Sephna, but also Andronikos and I'm kind of anxious how she'll take to Vowrawn and Fernal bonding. Worse so, if Fernal becomes a reason he does want to live. Would her jealousy extend that far? Though I imagine it would be a bit of a bitter pill being stuck between two father/(grand)daughter pairings of sorts. Vowrawn and Fernal, and Andronikos who treats Sephna as his own in ways.


I am glad though that Fernal and Vowrawn have been given a second chance to get to know each other and it seems they have much to talk about. Loyalties to the Emperor, her father... Taxon, what a revelation. Another scumbag by the sounds of it buying and tricking a vulnerable woman's affections, glad he's dead. I'm plenty curious to know what Fernal's been up to though and why she's not tried to, or couldn't, reach out to Quinn.



I look forward to more, a wonderful chapter.

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It's a long tumble from the top:



Lia's strength and belief in her own abilities were the last bastions of hope that she and she alone would bear the burden of saving the galaxy. It's almost bittersweet that she saw her end, her death and not in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine it ending this way. I'm glad it was Scourge who broke the news and was there when she broke at last. And home, Dromund Fels was destroyed if I recall, and surely Dromund Kaas is out of the question, perhaps Aldaraan her mother's home? Guess we'll have to wait and see.


I'd imagine Quinn and Lana will have to assume running the alliance in her absence, and, of course, we still haven't heard anything from Theron. Oh yes, and let's not forget Darmas.


No matter how tightly Nox has spun her web, it's all sort of unraveling now that Nik has bonded with Sephna and Vowrawn has bonded with his granddaughter. Sort of puts her as odd man out, or outside looking in, a position I highly doubt she's happy with. And throw a little Jadus in the mix and I'm thinking she truly has her nose out of joint and she can only become more dangerous for everyone and especially for herself.


Interesting that Taxon was Fernal's father. Didn't see that coming. I remember him from Marr, he was the one who had Marr enslaved and now it finally comes to light why Vowrawn really wanted Taxon dead. Brilliant planning and way to link those stories together. Like Jenny, I'm interested in what Fernal's been up to and I suspect she didn't want to put Quinn in danger by involving him in the Emperor's schemes or bringing him to the attention of Jadus. Perhaps they'll reunite at some point if that's in the cards for your story.



Stellar chapter, and very much looking forward to what you come up with next.

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Further surprises.



It would have been too much to hope Doc's diagnosis was somehow off or inaccurate. This news was sure to crush Lia and it looks like it did after her initial defiance. I'm glad Scourge was by her side and there to catch her fall, in more ways than one, and I can understand she'd want to keep this a secret. Not only could there be the perception of weakness but that alone might put her in danger too and give anyone who'd previous been reluctant in taking her on, the courage to strike now. Best to keep this quiet. Not sure where home is these days, surely she can't mean Dromund Kaas, not with Jadus ruling?


Feels like there is a bit of tension hanging on the ship somehow, at least from Nox's end toward some of the people around her. Sephna, but also Andronikos and I'm kind of anxious how she'll take to Vowrawn and Fernal bonding. Worse so, if Fernal becomes a reason he does want to live. Would her jealousy extend that far? Though I imagine it would be a bit of a bitter pill being stuck between two father/(grand)daughter pairings of sorts. Vowrawn and Fernal, and Andronikos who treats Sephna as his own in ways.


I am glad though that Fernal and Vowrawn have been given a second chance to get to know each other and it seems they have much to talk about. Loyalties to the Emperor, her father... Taxon, what a revelation. Another scumbag by the sounds of it buying and tricking a vulnerable woman's affections, glad he's dead. I'm plenty curious to know what Fernal's been up to though and why she's not tried to, or couldn't, reach out to Quinn.



I look forward to more, a wonderful chapter.


I'm glad I could surprise :D


Yeah, I didn't see Doc's diagnosis being incorrect, there is always the hope, but no. Lia has been strong for such a long time and carried everything herself in regarids to the war. Even the strongest people can be devastated by news where their health is concerned and she's so used to being able to move and fight that getting the sudden news that her ability has been affected in such a way that could last a long time, is heartbreaking. Of course she is shrewd enough to know that she's got enough enemies, known and unknown that would come calling if they heard about her condition. I think asking to be taken home was a reaction the hopelessness she's feeling. I don't think it's sunk in that there is no home.


Life on the Sky Princess II is quite tense atm. Feravai is being relegated to being a spare wheel and it's not something she's used to. She's used to be the center of attention, the darling of her men and to see both of them with eyes anywhere other than on her, is difficult. She's become spoiled over the years lol.


Taxon is indeed a scumbag, he was the guy that enslaved Marr and killed his parents in Marr. Taxon was a thorn in both their sides and finally Vowrawn revealed the real reason he hated Taxon.


I imagine there will be more with Fernal and hopefully she'll give us some more answers then. :) Thanks for the kind review and lovely comment, it's much appreciated. ^^


It's a long tumble from the top:



Lia's strength and belief in her own abilities were the last bastions of hope that she and she alone would bear the burden of saving the galaxy. It's almost bittersweet that she saw her end, her death and not in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine it ending this way. I'm glad it was Scourge who broke the news and was there when she broke at last. And home, Dromund Fels was destroyed if I recall, and surely Dromund Kaas is out of the question, perhaps Aldaraan her mother's home? Guess we'll have to wait and see.


I'd imagine Quinn and Lana will have to assume running the alliance in her absence, and, of course, we still haven't heard anything from Theron. Oh yes, and let's not forget Darmas.


No matter how tightly Nox has spun her web, it's all sort of unraveling now that Nik has bonded with Sephna and Vowrawn has bonded with his granddaughter. Sort of puts her as odd man out, or outside looking in, a position I highly doubt she's happy with. And throw a little Jadus in the mix and I'm thinking she truly has her nose out of joint and she can only become more dangerous for everyone and especially for herself.


Interesting that Taxon was Fernal's father. Didn't see that coming. I remember him from Marr, he was the one who had Marr enslaved and now it finally comes to light why Vowrawn really wanted Taxon dead. Brilliant planning and way to link those stories together. Like Jenny, I'm interested in what Fernal's been up to and I suspect she didn't want to put Quinn in danger by involving him in the Emperor's schemes or bringing him to the attention of Jadus. Perhaps they'll reunite at some point if that's in the cards for your story.



Stellar chapter, and very much looking forward to what you come up with next.


Aye, it's a long way down from the top.


Being taken down in such a way was a shock to her, she'd foreseen a far more bleak ending, for herself, or at least what she thought would be more bleak. To lose the ability to use one's body and skills as she's so used to doing, is a definite blow to her. Scourge has been there for her during most of her most trying moments, he's a constant. It made sense for him to be with her at this time too. I don't think she's quite moved past her misfortune yet to realize she has no home as such. I think once that sinks in, that'll be all the more upsetting. At any rate, arrangments will need to be made for the Alliance, for sure.


And yes, Darmas is overhanging everything like a shadow.


I'm so glad you remembered Taxon :D And that I could surprise you with the revelation of him being Fernal's father. It's good to get that secret off my chest, been holding onto that one for way too long lol. I'm really chuffed up thta you liked it and how it connected the other story to this one. And you're right about Fernal, her first thoughts have always been about Malavai and keeping him safe and at a distance so that he isn't used against her anymore than he already is. Thanks so much for the great feedback, it means a lot to know you enjoyed it. ^^


A quiet chapter, yet gripping nonetheless!

Looking forward to the next part!



Thanks! I'm glad you found it entertaining even if there wasn't much action. I enjoy the quiet moments as well as the busy ones. Thanks so much for reading and for the wonderful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Forty-Four



A clash of neon oranges, pinks and reds lashed out from the darkness on one of the middling concourses on Nar Shaddaa. A forty foot high holo-projection of a buxom blue Twi’lek dancer sprouted up from the wet pavement over Ilia and Vector as they navigated the promenade. The giant dancer gyrated and flounced in a lekku whipping dervish.


Vector looked up between the projection’s parted legs and quickly averted his gaze.


“Why Vector, are you blushing or is it the lighting?”


“We never imagined the holograms here were anatomically correct.”


Ilia smirked, but before she could respond a male Chagrian with sawed-off horns rammed into Vector hard enough to knock him off balance. “Excuse us, we did not see you there.”


The tall but portly alien ignored the apology and stepped back to take a long look at Vector. “Whas’ wrong wif their eyes?” He slurred. “N’rshadaah is no place fer yer kind.”


The stench of cheap alcohol, spice, and rotten food streamed from his mouth and Ilia stifled the wince forming on her face. “They’re blind. They can’t see you, friend. Here, why don’t you buy yourself a bottle of the good stuff with our compliments,” she said, pressing a hundred credit note into the Chagrian’s hand.


The alien pocketed the note and disappeared into an alley as Vector and Ilia wove their way into the crowd ahead.


“It appears to us, he was already quite intoxicated.”


“Not nearly enough, I’m afraid. I don’t think our encounter was an accident. I don’t like how he looked at you or me for that matter. We need to hurry.”




Fifteen minutes later, they’d gained access to the private lift. The levels blinked by in screaming colour as they rose ever higher.


“Quite a view,” Ilia murmured. “Pity we’re working, we might’ve had some fun.”


“Ilia, look,” Vector said nodding to the promenade below. “The crowd is scattering.”


“And I see why,” she said. “Those are Imperial troopers. I knew our stubby-horned friend was trouble.”


“It is unusual to see an Imperial presence of that size on Nar Shaddaa. Perhaps, they’re not here for us.”


“They could be looking for the Face Merchants for killing their moff, but I don’t intend to find out. After we get our data, we’re leaving.”




On the way to the vault, they alternated between hiding in niches and jogging at a cautious pace when the corridors were clear.


“Here we are,” Ilia murmured. The gleaming section of bronzium plated wall appeared to be just that, a wall. She ran the pads of her fingers under the decorative moulding until she felt the switch.


At her touch, the wall groaned just enough to reveal a narrow doorway. “I’ll try and make fast work of this.”


“We know you will. Be careful.” Vector stood with his back to the door, his trusty electrostaff in hand.


The walls were lined floor to ceiling with smaller vaults of different sizes, each no doubt secreting some horrible weapon or invention. “If only we had more time,” she said under her breath.


Several minutes later, she’d gained access to the vault’s logs. She erased the most recent footage and set the cameras on a delay to give her time to leave unseen. Her data spike’s light flickered as the information downloaded.


The vaults lured her attention and she bit down on her lower lip, her eyes sparkling with temptation. “Maybe a quick peek at the inventory register wouldn’t hurt.”


She scanned the directories, eyes widening at entry Forn-Forn-Aurek-Forn-Isk-Xesh. “This is interesting.”


Vector ducked into the vault. “We don’t mean to rush you…”


“Almost there,” she called over to him as she scanned the wall for the matching code. “There you are,” she purred and keyed in the password. She snatched the case inside and stowed it into her pack. The data spike chirped.


“Good, download complete,” she whispered and snatched the device from the computer.


No sooner had she ducked out of the room, the door sealed behind her. “I have what we need. Let’s go.”


“The electrons are discordant. Something is wrong here. We should leave this place—and not the way we came.”


“I know a shortcut to Mezenti. This way,” Ilia pocketed the spike and clasped Vector’s hand.


The route to the spaceport was blessedly free of traffic and pedestrians and Ilia slapped the button that would grant them access to the private hanger they’d rented.


The door behind them whooshed shut just as the one ahead opened.


Vector lifted his chin, his fingers tightening around Ilia’s hand. She stared ahead blankly at the horde of Imperial troopers with their weapons at the ready.


“Hands where we can see them,” the leader barked at Ilia and Vector. “Take their weapons,” he added to his men.


A pair of troopers moved in to seize Ilia’s pistol, her pack, and Vector’s electrostaff.


“Obviously, you don’t know who I am, Captain,” Ilia began in a falsely cheery tone.


“Pipe down, scum. You’re in possession of stolen Imperial property and you are under arrest.”


“Perhaps you ought to contact your superiors. As an Imperial Cipher I’m well within my rights to take possession of this device.”


“That’s enough out of you.” The trooper aimed the butt of his rifle at Ilia’s face. Vector shoved her aside and took the brunt of the hit. Blood gushed from his nose.


“Vector,” Ilia gasped.


“We’re all right agent,” he managed and forced himself to stand straighter.


“Cuff ‘em.” The trooper grunted.


A blur of blue skin and stubby horns appeared behind the Imperials and Ilia’s eyes widened.


The sound of metal clinked and bounced along the durasteel plate floor. Ilia tugged Vector close and pressed him against the wall to shield him.


The metal sphere blew apart and small chunks of debris peppered Ilia’s back. The sound of groaning crumpling bodies followed. The sickeningly sweet odor of poison gas reached her next. Ilia coughed. Her vision swam and she felt her hold on Vector slip away.


“Catch!” The drunken Chagrian called out, his voice metallic from his breathing apparatus. He hurled a pair of rebreathers at them. “C’mon, c’mon,” the alien snarled, motioning to them with a meaty palm to follow.


Vector collected Ilia’s pack and their weapons. They pressed the devices to their faces and tugged the rubbery straps over their heads to escape the dusty, poison-filled corridor. The door leading to the private hanger squeezed shut behind them.


Ilia and Vector emerged arm in arm, gasping under their masks as they pulled them off.


“They won’t be unkun-shus fer long,” the Chagrian said in his peculiar accent. A black forked tongue flicked over his lips.


“Who are you?” Ilia hissed through her mask.


“Friend of a friend,” a familiar male voice announced from behind a skid of supplies before its owner emerged.


“Theron Shan? I don’t believe it,” Ilia gasped and gestured to the Chagrian. “You two are friends?”


“Yeah, Gav and I—we go way back.” Theron turned to the alien. “You gonna be okay?”


The Chagrian nodded and snapped the credit note Ilia had bribed him with earlier. “Be jus’ fine, after a bottle of the good stuff. Sorry ‘bout the auction, Shan. Wish I coulda told yeh more.”


“Between you and the banking clan, it’s enough to go on. Take care out there.”


The Chagrian saluted and ambled away through the service hatch.


“I need a favour,” Theron said.


Ilia dabbed at Vector’s face. “Name it.”


“Can I hitch a ride?”


“Of course, Theron. I’ll be quite relieved to get as far away from here as possible.”


“You and me both,” Theron said, digging through his pocket. “Here, got some kolto.”


“Thank you, Theron,” Vector said softly.





The electrical impulse quickened the droid. One eye lit up, then the other. Its sensors registered the surrounding darkness and its night vision came online. One by one its fingers flexed and stood straighter. Its limbs creaked as it edged toward the barrier ahead. One powerful push against the door and light flooded the compartment.


The droid claimed its blaster rifle from the weapon rack and ventured out of the storage room.


The Odessen base was abuzz with troops and rescue workers racing the halls, bringing the injured inside and searching for those still lost.


Astromech droids rolled by, but none paid the assassin droid any attention. Like a fish crowding through a river during mating season, the droid broke free of the pack outside.


After scanning what little remained of the cargo deck and landing platform, the droid climbed down a twist of girders and beams to the gorge below.


Debris lay strewn amid the tall grasses and brush, but the droid continued onward, following its electronic summons.

A heavy-lifter droid, typically the sort used to load and unload supply shipments rooted through the debris, lifting durasteel panels and searching for survivors underneath. The droid flashed the beam of light emanating from the ‘eye’ in the middle of its forehead to scout the wreckage ahead. A human arm stuck out from under a panel less than three meters away, the fingers slowly wriggling.


The assassin droid crept up to the heavy-lifter and extended its metallic hand. A tool-arm emerged from the wrist to connect with the lifter’s power source. Sparks shot out of the lifter’s rear panel and its head lolled forward. It’s ‘eye’ winked out and the assassin droid withdrew its tool arm.


It crept toward the human arm and scanned the biological trapped underneath. The droid stooped to carefully remove the duraplate panel and tossed it aside to expose the survivor.


“LQ-D8 at your service, Master.”


“Splendid. You’re here, and your new subroutines took.” Darmas groaned and shut off the remote beacon emanating from his com unit. Soot darkened his face and oily residue caked his hair and clothes. A splotch of dried blood formed a target on his chest. “Help me up, would you?”


“Are your limbs functional? Scans indicate you’ve sustained a life-threatening injury. Are you leaking sanguinary liquids?”


“I—I don’t think so.”


With help, Darmas stood and lightly patted his chest. The pain he’d expected to feel was absent and he grinned. His teeth looked unnaturally white against his soot-covered face.


“Where’s your ship, LQ-D8? I know you got here somehow.”


“My former Master’s ship is located in quadrant eighteen-besh.”


“Take me to it. After we clear Odessen, I want you to send an encrypted message to Darth Jadus. Tell him, the device worked. The Alliance Commander is compromised and Odessen is as good as his.”


“Of course, Master. Understood.”




The Phantom broke free of Nar Shaddaa’s orbit and dashed out of Hutt space. “Engage auto-pilot,” Ilia commanded.


The controls blinked as the ship’s AI took over. She left the cockpit and found Vector and Theron chatting over the dejarik table, cafs in hand.


“Vector, are you all right? That looks angry,” she said nodding at his nose and the corona of dark bruises around it.


“We are well. Theron was good enough to tend our injury and the pain reducers have taken effect. Fortunately, nothing was broken.”


“That’s a relief,” Ilia said, helping herself to the caf. “Now, Theron, where did you have it in mind to go?”


“Well, it seems like we’re all on the same page. Vector told me you’d planned on going to Rishi after your mission was finished. If it’s all right with you, I’d like to tag along.”


“Of course. Perhaps we might even be able to help each other out.”


“That’s what I was hoping you’d say. Vector briefed me about the Chrono—that it’s back in circulation—and that you suspect Jadus is behind the attacks on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.”


“That’s right,” Ilia said, taking a sip of her caf.


Theron set his cup down. “Guess it comes as no surprise that Jadus trashed your homeworld.”


“None whatsoever. Any method justifies his designs,” Ilia said. “Vector and I have gone through this with him before.”


“I heard something about that—something about some Eradicators.”


“My, you do get around, don’t you, Agent Shan,” Ilia quipped.


“Hey, it’s what we do, isn’t it?”


“Now that you know a little about our mission, perhaps, we might help you with yours?”


Theron sighed. “Remember when you told me about Lia’s younglings?”


“Yes,” Ilia said softly. “I remember. They were such sweet children. Your son—he resembled you. It still bothers me to this day what happened. I curse myself for ever trusting Scorpio. I’m so sorry. This must be painful for you.”


“What if I told you they’re alive?”


“What?” Ilia gasped, suddenly wide-eyed. “But how? Where?”


“That’s what I’m trying to piece together.”


“You’re sure?”


“Positive. They were on Korriban, one of the Overseers took them in. Near as I can figure Darth Nox has Sephna—but my son—was sold at a slave auction.”


“The reason you were on Nar Shaddaa then.”


“Yeah. Didn’t manage to learn much—only that the Emperor’s Wrath bought him. Not sure what she’d want with a seven-year-old boy though.”


“I met the Wrath once, several years ago. She’s a reasonable woman. I don’t see her being cruel to the boy.”


“Doesn’t matter. I’ve still got to find them. For Lia’s sake as much as my own.”


“Of course, Theron. I understand completely and Vector and I will do whatever we can to help.”


“Whatever you need from us, we’ll assist you,” Vector added.


“That—means a lot, you two—I mean that.”


Ilia refilled her cup and turned her focus to Vector. “Were you able to review the security recordings I pulled from the vault?”


“Yes, briefly,” Vector began, “but it was enough, we only needed to go back a few months. We ran a facial recognition scan. A man named Darmas Pollaran was responsible for breaching the vault. He’s been working with Jadus. He’s the one who took the Chrono.”


“Pollaran!” Theron leapt to his feet.


“You know this man?” Vector asked.


“Know him? I could kill him. I’ve gotta warn the others.”


“Would you rather we take you to them?”


Theron shook his head. “No…it’s probably better you don’t. I didn’t want to get her hopes up. They probably think I betrayed them. I’ll send a message to Jonas. He can warn them.”



((to be continued…))

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