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I'm TIRED of how Ranked works.


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Omg I just read the first page and OMG I omg wth I cannot say anything else than omg. That's a real problem since swtor was born and nothing really changed about that. What do you think I felt as pain when I saw that version 5.3 or 5.4 since 1 year not playing? Dude it takes double of time just getting to the best full set up gear and now this. People are tired of getting ripped.
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ranked can't work on this game because it's highly dependent on how many player are playing ranked. For a real ranking system based on elo you need as much as possible player and dev monitoring cheater, win traders, throwers or the elo will be highly impacted and you will face real difficulty to climb the lader.

So now we are stuck with ppl bad behaviour and DEV that have no idea how to handle the situation so ranked is diying and next season will be more empty if they do nothing

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If they start rewarding based off performance, the team aspect will suffer because people will go for personal productivity at the expense of helping a teammate. If a teammate needs a heal, and i have the option of healing them or dpsing instead, according to a productivity system, im gonna dps and let my teammate die so they cant dps and do better than me. This may not be the intended result of your elo scoring, but people tend to adapt to the method that benefits them more. And you know that top performer is gonna come with the $hitt3r comments afterwards because that system encourages it even more than our current system.


On a side note regarding the "broken" elo system of pitting high elo ratings vs lower elo ratings - all the talk is very contradictory. On one hand people claim hgih rating players queue sync and hack, etc., but then claim its not fair they are going against better players because of their elo ratings. Very inconsistent argument.


could this not be fix with Team based objectives instead of solo? If player is solo could he not get both

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Everybody here have to stop to be blinded

Yes ranked are broken you said everything that is a real matter from a long time now.


if this game had enough player to make ranked world properly it Will be good but Bioware seems to be unable to handle the situation by making the good choice ( aka cross server ranked and punishing ppl going afk, win traders ...etc)

now they bringed an other serve Merge that I doubt it Will help with all the problem ranked suffer (wait and see)


So yeah sorry for you guys but ranked can't be Take seriously anymore

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Solo ranked is fun. I'm tired of how little the developers do for this game. Going on nearly 2years of the same person hacking solo ranked and nothing has been done to stop it lmao. I honestly wonder what the devs do when they go to work everyday. Must be thrilling to know your online single player game with online chat rooms (I mean mmo) is a complete wash and has been since 3.0


Population outside of Harbinger and TRE is woeful. Servers like Jung Ma, BC, Bastion and Pot5 are still open for (god help them) any NEW players. A new player picks the bastion and it's a complete ghost town. What a great first impression to an mmo. Is swtor even classified as an mmo anymore? seriously.


Server stability? lol.

Same bugs since 1.3? Leap works 40% if you're lucky. Then you still have the RNG of only making it half way to your target.

Roll bug for Operatives. God bless I forgot how many times we've been told this has been fixed.

The disgusting amount of desyncing in PvP. Are we playing an early access game or what?

Then theres the fact that Harbinger (I think in warzones only) freezes completely at certain times of the day. Everyone in the warzone can still talk and laugh at the turn based PvP while everyone is running in place for a good 5-15 seconds.


Launch Swtor was better than swtor 5 and a half years later. I didn't know games go backwards. It's like I paid for a full release game then as the years go by it slowly turns into a pre-alpha game. So sad this game had such great potential.

This whole post is gold. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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If you say rating doesn't matter, you're lying to yourself and everybody else. We ALL want the new shiny rewards to show-off and brag about. That's why we play ranked. ...but the ranked elo system is trash, plain and simple. If you luck up and get decent groups in your initial games, you go up in elo and then the system groups you with people of like elo. Eventually you will more often than not get the better team every queue and your elo continues to go up. For the ones that had throwers and daily/weekly queuers their initial matches, they start with a lower elo and are thereby grouped with others of lower elo and have an almost impossible chance of ever leaving that elo "bracket."


My main started out 1-9 and after 120 games, I still cannot get out of 1100 elo and I believe I play him very well. I always get the throwers and daily/weekly queuers. My alt started at 8-2 and is now over 1300. I often get a good team with him... even though I'm really not that good on him. The throwers are almost always on my opposing team.

Edited by Hyperionjr
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Everybody here have to stop to be blinded

Yes ranked are broken you said everything that is a real matter from a long time now.


if this game had enough player to make ranked world properly it Will be good but Bioware seems to be unable to handle the situation by making the good choice ( aka cross server ranked and punishing ppl going afk, win traders ...etc)

now they bringed an other serve Merge that I doubt it Will help with all the problem ranked suffer (wait and see)


So yeah sorry for you guys but ranked can't be Take seriously anymore


Exactly. There's a reason why SWTOR ranked isn't in a league. It's too bad too because SWTOR has the best PVP mechanic that I've ever played.

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If you say rating doesn't matter, you're lying to yourself and everybody else. We ALL want the new shiny rewards to show-off and brag about. That's why we play ranked. ...but the ranked elo system is trash, plain and simple. If you luck up and get decent groups in your initial games, you go up in elo and then the system groups you with people of like elo. Eventually you will more often than not get the better team every queue and your elo continues to go up. For the ones that had throwers and daily/weekly queuers their initial matches, they start with a lower elo and are thereby grouped with others of lower elo and have an almost impossible chance of ever leaving that elo "bracket."


My main started out 1-9 and after 120 games, I still cannot get out of 1100 elo and I believe I play him very well. I always get the throwers and daily/weekly queuers. My alt started at 8-2 and is now over 1300. I often get a good team with him... even though I'm really not that good on him. The throwers are almost always on my opposing team.

This guy gets it..;)

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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So I know I am a lot of late to this talk, but what I think needs to happen is they could have a separate que of just groups, meaning group vs group and if you play solo players que up and have other random player on their team that way both teams have a chance of getting a noob/under geared player. And if you do lose instead of -14 points for a lose the losing team get 1 point, while winning team get 14 points.


Everyone wants to play and everyone wants to get better gear, some players don't want to grind all day and night for them so they take the shortest way out.


And for those who kick and bad mouth the weaker player, they can screen shot what you say and report you. Everyone has a right to enjoy this game without anyone telling them they are crap or even worse insults then that. If that is the case then I think Ranked should be taken away complete with all the negative that comes from it. No one like a bully and no one cares for bullies. There is more pressing issues in the world then what your rank is.

Edited by Jordankwells
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